// https://github.com/CedricGuillemet/ImGuizmo // v1.91.3 WIP // // The MIT License(MIT) // // Copyright(c) 2021 Cedric Guillemet // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // History : // 2019/11/03 View gizmo // 2016/09/11 Behind camera culling. Scaling Delta matrix not multiplied by source matrix scales. local/world rotation and translation fixed. Display message is incorrect (X: ... Y:...) in local mode. // 2016/09/09 Hatched negative axis. Snapping. Documentation update. // 2016/09/04 Axis switch and translation plan autohiding. Scale transform stability improved // 2016/09/01 Mogwai changed to Manipulate. Draw debug cube. Fixed inverted scale. Mixing scale and translation/rotation gives bad results. // 2016/08/31 First version // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Future (no order): // // - Multi view // - display rotation/translation/scale infos in local/world space and not only local // - finish local/world matrix application // - OPERATION as bitmask // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Example #if 0 void EditTransform(const Camera& camera, matrix_t& matrix) { static ImGuizmo::OPERATION mCurrentGizmoOperation(ImGuizmo::ROTATE); static ImGuizmo::MODE mCurrentGizmoMode(ImGuizmo::WORLD); if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(90)) mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE; if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(69)) mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::ROTATE; if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(82)) // r Key mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::SCALE; if (ImGui::RadioButton("Translate", mCurrentGizmoOperation == ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE)) mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE; ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::RadioButton("Rotate", mCurrentGizmoOperation == ImGuizmo::ROTATE)) mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::ROTATE; ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::RadioButton("Scale", mCurrentGizmoOperation == ImGuizmo::SCALE)) mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::SCALE; float matrixTranslation[3], matrixRotation[3], matrixScale[3]; ImGuizmo::DecomposeMatrixToComponents(matrix.m16, matrixTranslation, matrixRotation, matrixScale); ImGui::InputFloat3("Tr", matrixTranslation, 3); ImGui::InputFloat3("Rt", matrixRotation, 3); ImGui::InputFloat3("Sc", matrixScale, 3); ImGuizmo::RecomposeMatrixFromComponents(matrixTranslation, matrixRotation, matrixScale, matrix.m16); if (mCurrentGizmoOperation != ImGuizmo::SCALE) { if (ImGui::RadioButton("Local", mCurrentGizmoMode == ImGuizmo::LOCAL)) mCurrentGizmoMode = ImGuizmo::LOCAL; ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::RadioButton("World", mCurrentGizmoMode == ImGuizmo::WORLD)) mCurrentGizmoMode = ImGuizmo::WORLD; } static bool useSnap(false); if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(83)) useSnap = !useSnap; ImGui::Checkbox("", &useSnap); ImGui::SameLine(); vec_t snap; switch (mCurrentGizmoOperation) { case ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE: snap = config.mSnapTranslation; ImGui::InputFloat3("Snap", &snap.x); break; case ImGuizmo::ROTATE: snap = config.mSnapRotation; ImGui::InputFloat("Angle Snap", &snap.x); break; case ImGuizmo::SCALE: snap = config.mSnapScale; ImGui::InputFloat("Scale Snap", &snap.x); break; } ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); ImGuizmo::SetRect(0, 0, io.DisplaySize.x, io.DisplaySize.y); ImGuizmo::Manipulate(camera.mView.m16, camera.mProjection.m16, mCurrentGizmoOperation, mCurrentGizmoMode, matrix.m16, NULL, useSnap ? &snap.x : NULL); } #endif #pragma once #ifdef USE_IMGUI_API #include "imconfig.h" #endif #ifndef IMGUI_API #define IMGUI_API #endif #ifndef IMGUIZMO_NAMESPACE #define IMGUIZMO_NAMESPACE ImGuizmo #endif struct ImGuiWindow; namespace IMGUIZMO_NAMESPACE { // call inside your own window and before Manipulate() in order to draw gizmo to that window. // Or pass a specific ImDrawList to draw to (e.g. ImGui::GetForegroundDrawList()). IMGUI_API void SetDrawlist(ImDrawList* drawlist = nullptr); // call BeginFrame right after ImGui_XXXX_NewFrame(); IMGUI_API void BeginFrame(); // this is necessary because when imguizmo is compiled into a dll, and imgui into another // globals are not shared between them. // More details at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19373061/what-happens-to-global-and-static-variables-in-a-shared-library-when-it-is-dynam // expose method to set imgui context IMGUI_API void SetImGuiContext(ImGuiContext* ctx); // return true if mouse cursor is over any gizmo control (axis, plan or screen component) IMGUI_API bool IsOver(); // return true if mouse IsOver or if the gizmo is in moving state IMGUI_API bool IsUsing(); // return true if the view gizmo is in moving state IMGUI_API bool IsUsingViewManipulate(); // only check if your mouse is over the view manipulator - no matter whether it's active or not IMGUI_API bool IsViewManipulateHovered(); // return true if any gizmo is in moving state IMGUI_API bool IsUsingAny(); // enable/disable the gizmo. Stay in the state until next call to Enable. // gizmo is rendered with gray half transparent color when disabled IMGUI_API void Enable(bool enable); // helper functions for manualy editing translation/rotation/scale with an input float // translation, rotation and scale float points to 3 floats each // Angles are in degrees (more suitable for human editing) // example: // float matrixTranslation[3], matrixRotation[3], matrixScale[3]; // ImGuizmo::DecomposeMatrixToComponents(gizmoMatrix.m16, matrixTranslation, matrixRotation, matrixScale); // ImGui::InputFloat3("Tr", matrixTranslation, 3); // ImGui::InputFloat3("Rt", matrixRotation, 3); // ImGui::InputFloat3("Sc", matrixScale, 3); // ImGuizmo::RecomposeMatrixFromComponents(matrixTranslation, matrixRotation, matrixScale, gizmoMatrix.m16); // // These functions have some numerical stability issues for now. Use with caution. IMGUI_API void DecomposeMatrixToComponents(const float* matrix, float* translation, float* rotation, float* scale); IMGUI_API void RecomposeMatrixFromComponents(const float* translation, const float* rotation, const float* scale, float* matrix); IMGUI_API void SetRect(float x, float y, float width, float height); // default is false IMGUI_API void SetOrthographic(bool isOrthographic); // Render a cube with face color corresponding to face normal. Usefull for debug/tests IMGUI_API void DrawCubes(const float* view, const float* projection, const float* matrices, int matrixCount); IMGUI_API void DrawGrid(const float* view, const float* projection, const float* matrix, const float gridSize); // call it when you want a gizmo // Needs view and projection matrices. // matrix parameter is the source matrix (where will be gizmo be drawn) and might be transformed by the function. Return deltaMatrix is optional // translation is applied in world space enum OPERATION { TRANSLATE_X = (1u << 0), TRANSLATE_Y = (1u << 1), TRANSLATE_Z = (1u << 2), ROTATE_X = (1u << 3), ROTATE_Y = (1u << 4), ROTATE_Z = (1u << 5), ROTATE_SCREEN = (1u << 6), SCALE_X = (1u << 7), SCALE_Y = (1u << 8), SCALE_Z = (1u << 9), BOUNDS = (1u << 10), SCALE_XU = (1u << 11), SCALE_YU = (1u << 12), SCALE_ZU = (1u << 13), TRANSLATE = TRANSLATE_X | TRANSLATE_Y | TRANSLATE_Z, ROTATE = ROTATE_X | ROTATE_Y | ROTATE_Z | ROTATE_SCREEN, SCALE = SCALE_X | SCALE_Y | SCALE_Z, SCALEU = SCALE_XU | SCALE_YU | SCALE_ZU, // universal UNIVERSAL = TRANSLATE | ROTATE | SCALEU }; inline OPERATION operator|(OPERATION lhs, OPERATION rhs) { return static_cast(static_cast(lhs) | static_cast(rhs)); } enum MODE { LOCAL, WORLD }; IMGUI_API bool Manipulate(const float* view, const float* projection, OPERATION operation, MODE mode, float* matrix, float* deltaMatrix = NULL, const float* snap = NULL, const float* localBounds = NULL, const float* boundsSnap = NULL); // // Please note that this cubeview is patented by Autodesk : https://patents.google.com/patent/US7782319B2/en // It seems to be a defensive patent in the US. I don't think it will bring troubles using it as // other software are using the same mechanics. But just in case, you are now warned! // IMGUI_API void ViewManipulate(float* view, float length, ImVec2 position, ImVec2 size, ImU32 backgroundColor); // use this version if you did not call Manipulate before and you are just using ViewManipulate IMGUI_API void ViewManipulate(float* view, const float* projection, OPERATION operation, MODE mode, float* matrix, float length, ImVec2 position, ImVec2 size, ImU32 backgroundColor); IMGUI_API void SetAlternativeWindow(ImGuiWindow* window); [[deprecated("Use PushID/PopID instead.")]] IMGUI_API void SetID(int id); // ID stack/scopes // Read the FAQ (docs/FAQ.md or http://dearimgui.org/faq) for more details about how ID are handled in dear imgui. // - Those questions are answered and impacted by understanding of the ID stack system: // - "Q: Why is my widget not reacting when I click on it?" // - "Q: How can I have widgets with an empty label?" // - "Q: How can I have multiple widgets with the same label?" // - Short version: ID are hashes of the entire ID stack. If you are creating widgets in a loop you most likely // want to push a unique identifier (e.g. object pointer, loop index) to uniquely differentiate them. // - You can also use the "Label##foobar" syntax within widget label to distinguish them from each others. // - In this header file we use the "label"/"name" terminology to denote a string that will be displayed + used as an ID, // whereas "str_id" denote a string that is only used as an ID and not normally displayed. IMGUI_API void PushID(const char* str_id); // push string into the ID stack (will hash string). IMGUI_API void PushID(const char* str_id_begin, const char* str_id_end); // push string into the ID stack (will hash string). IMGUI_API void PushID(const void* ptr_id); // push pointer into the ID stack (will hash pointer). IMGUI_API void PushID(int int_id); // push integer into the ID stack (will hash integer). IMGUI_API void PopID(); // pop from the ID stack. IMGUI_API ImGuiID GetID(const char* str_id); // calculate unique ID (hash of whole ID stack + given parameter). e.g. if you want to query into ImGuiStorage yourself IMGUI_API ImGuiID GetID(const char* str_id_begin, const char* str_id_end); IMGUI_API ImGuiID GetID(const void* ptr_id); // return true if the cursor is over the operation's gizmo IMGUI_API bool IsOver(OPERATION op); IMGUI_API void SetGizmoSizeClipSpace(float value); // Allow axis to flip // When true (default), the guizmo axis flip for better visibility // When false, they always stay along the positive world/local axis IMGUI_API void AllowAxisFlip(bool value); // Configure the limit where axis are hidden IMGUI_API void SetAxisLimit(float value); // Set an axis mask to permanently hide a given axis (true -> hidden, false -> shown) IMGUI_API void SetAxisMask(bool x, bool y, bool z); // Configure the limit where planes are hiden IMGUI_API void SetPlaneLimit(float value); // from a x,y,z point in space and using Manipulation view/projection matrix, check if mouse is in pixel radius distance of that projected point IMGUI_API bool IsOver(float* position, float pixelRadius); enum COLOR { DIRECTION_X, // directionColor[0] DIRECTION_Y, // directionColor[1] DIRECTION_Z, // directionColor[2] PLANE_X, // planeColor[0] PLANE_Y, // planeColor[1] PLANE_Z, // planeColor[2] SELECTION, // selectionColor INACTIVE, // inactiveColor TRANSLATION_LINE, // translationLineColor SCALE_LINE, ROTATION_USING_BORDER, ROTATION_USING_FILL, HATCHED_AXIS_LINES, TEXT, TEXT_SHADOW, COUNT }; struct Style { IMGUI_API Style(); float TranslationLineThickness; // Thickness of lines for translation gizmo float TranslationLineArrowSize; // Size of arrow at the end of lines for translation gizmo float RotationLineThickness; // Thickness of lines for rotation gizmo float RotationOuterLineThickness; // Thickness of line surrounding the rotation gizmo float ScaleLineThickness; // Thickness of lines for scale gizmo float ScaleLineCircleSize; // Size of circle at the end of lines for scale gizmo float HatchedAxisLineThickness; // Thickness of hatched axis lines float CenterCircleSize; // Size of circle at the center of the translate/scale gizmo ImVec4 Colors[COLOR::COUNT]; }; IMGUI_API Style& GetStyle(); }