67 lines
2.1 KiB
67 lines
2.1 KiB
jsr lcd_init ; Initialize the screen
ldw b, 0 ; Initialize register b (x position)
ldw c, 0 ; Initialize register c (y position)
ldw d, 1 ; Increment value
ldw f, 600 ; Screen width/height limit
; Store scaling factors in memory (safe zone past 0xC8)
ldw a, 0x0 ; Scaling factor for green (shift left by 8 bits)
str a, 0xD0 ; Store in memory at address 0xD0
ldw a, 0xFF0000 ; Scaling factor for red (shift left by 16 bits)
str a, 0xC8 ; Store in memory at address 0xC8
ldw a, 0x00FF00 ; Scaling factor for green (shift left by 8 bits)
str a, 0xCC ; Store in memory at address 0xCC
; Compute red channel
mov a, b ; Copy x position to a
ldr e, 0xC8 ; Load red scaling factor
mul a, e ; Multiply x by red scaling factor
; Compute green channel
mov e, c ; Copy y position to e
ldr a, 0xCC ; Load green scaling factor into a
mul e, a ; Multiply y by green scaling factor (result in e)
; Combine red and green channels
add a, e ; Combine red and green channels (result in a)
; Add blue channel (based on x for simplicity)
add a, b ; Blue intensity based on x position
; Draw the pixel
int 0x71 ; Set pixel color at (b, c)
int 0xF6 ; get key pressed
; Update position
ldw a, 0 ; Reset a
add b, d ; Increment x (b += 1)
bne b, f, loop ; If b < 256, continue loop
ldw b, 0 ; Reset x
add c, d ; Increment y (c += 1)
bne c, f, loop ; If c < 256, continue loop
; Halt
int 0xFF ; Stop program
push a
push b
push c
ldw a, 0x0 ; mode
ldw b, 256 ; Vertical resolution
ldw c, 256 ; Horizontal resolution
int 0x70 ; Initialize screen
pop c
pop b
pop a