import sys import pygame import pygui # Initialize Pygame and pygui pygui.init_pygui() WIDTH, HEIGHT = 640, 480 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption("Move Object with Sliders") clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Create sliders inside a window to control the x and y position slider_x = pygui.Slider((20, 50), (200, 20), min_value=0, max_value=WIDTH, start_value=WIDTH // 2) slider_y = pygui.Slider((20, 100), (200, 20), min_value=0, max_value=HEIGHT, start_value=HEIGHT // 2) label_x = pygui.Label("X: ", (20,35), 15) label_y = pygui.Label("Y: ", (20,85), 15) # Create a window to hold the sliders window = pygui.Window("Move Object", (50, 50), (250, 150)) # Object to move (a rectangle) object_pos = [WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT // 2] object_size = (50, 50) def draw_gui(): # Draw and interact with the window and sliders, [slider_x, slider_y, label_x, label_y]) # Get the values of the sliders object_pos[0] = int( # Update x position based on the x-slider object_pos[1] = int( # Update y position based on the y-slider pass while True: screen.fill((30, 30, 30)) # Clear screen with a dark gray color event_list = pygame.event.get() for event in event_list: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygui.quit_pygui() sys.exit() pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 255, 0), (*object_pos, *object_size)) draw_gui() pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(60)