#pragma once #include #include "!GlobalTypes.hpp" /////////////////////////////////////////// // Binary: particles.dll // Class Count: 418 // Enum Count: 66 /////////////////////////////////////////// // Aligment: 4 // Size: 6 enum class ParticleControlPointAxis_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_X = 0x0, PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_Y = 0x1, PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_Z = 0x2, PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_X = 0x3, PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Y = 0x4, PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Z = 0x5, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 6 enum class ParticleImpulseType_t : uint32_t { IMPULSE_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, IMPULSE_TYPE_GENERIC = 0x1, IMPULSE_TYPE_ROPE = 0x2, IMPULSE_TYPE_EXPLOSION = 0x4, IMPULSE_TYPE_EXPLOSION_UNDERWATER = 0x8, IMPULSE_TYPE_PARTICLE_SYSTEM = 0x10, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleFalloffFunction_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_FALLOFF_CONSTANT = 0x0, PARTICLE_FALLOFF_LINEAR = 0x1, PARTICLE_FALLOFF_EXPONENTIAL = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class AnimationType_t : uint32_t { ANIMATION_TYPE_FIXED_RATE = 0x0, ANIMATION_TYPE_FIT_LIFETIME = 0x1, ANIMATION_TYPE_MANUAL_FRAMES = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ClosestPointTestType_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_BOX = 0x0, PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_CAPSULE = 0x1, PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_HYBRID = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class InheritableBoolType_t : uint32_t { INHERITABLE_BOOL_INHERIT = 0x0, INHERITABLE_BOOL_FALSE = 0x1, INHERITABLE_BOOL_TRUE = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2 enum class ParticleHitboxBiasType_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_HITBOX_BIAS_ENTITY = 0x0, PARTICLE_HITBOX_BIAS_HITBOX = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 7 enum class PFuncVisualizationType_t : uint32_t { PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_SPHERE_WIREFRAME = 0x0, PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_SPHERE_SOLID = 0x1, PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_BOX = 0x2, PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_RING = 0x3, PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_PLANE = 0x4, PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_LINE = 0x5, PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_CYLINDER = 0x6, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class PetGroundType_t : uint32_t { PET_GROUND_NONE = 0x0, PET_GROUND_GRID = 0x1, PET_GROUND_PLANE = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2 enum class SpriteCardShaderType_t : uint32_t { SPRITECARD_SHADER_BASE = 0x0, SPRITECARD_SHADER_CUSTOM = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 5 enum class ParticleTopology_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_POINTS = 0x0, PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_LINES = 0x1, PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_TRIS = 0x2, PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_QUADS = 0x3, PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_CUBES = 0x4, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 4 enum class ParticleDetailLevel_t : uint32_t { PARTICLEDETAIL_LOW = 0x0, PARTICLEDETAIL_MEDIUM = 0x1, PARTICLEDETAIL_HIGH = 0x2, PARTICLEDETAIL_ULTRA = 0x3, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleTraceSet_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_ALL = 0x0, PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_STATIC = 0x1, PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_DYNAMIC = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 5 enum class ParticleCollisionMode_t : uint32_t { COLLISION_MODE_PER_PARTICLE_TRACE = 0x3, COLLISION_MODE_USE_NEAREST_TRACE = 0x2, COLLISION_MODE_PER_FRAME_PLANESET = 0x1, COLLISION_MODE_INITIAL_TRACE_DOWN = 0x0, COLLISION_MODE_DISABLED = 0xffffffffffffffff, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 5 enum class ParticleColorBlendMode_t : uint32_t { PARTICLEBLEND_DEFAULT = 0x0, PARTICLEBLEND_OVERLAY = 0x1, PARTICLEBLEND_DARKEN = 0x2, PARTICLEBLEND_LIGHTEN = 0x3, PARTICLEBLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x4, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 7 enum class Detail2Combo_t : uint32_t { DETAIL_2_COMBO_UNINITIALIZED = 0xffffffffffffffff, DETAIL_2_COMBO_OFF = 0x0, DETAIL_2_COMBO_ADD = 0x1, DETAIL_2_COMBO_ADD_SELF_ILLUM = 0x2, DETAIL_2_COMBO_MOD2X = 0x3, DETAIL_2_COMBO_MUL = 0x4, DETAIL_2_COMBO_CROSSFADE = 0x5, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 4 enum class DetailCombo_t : uint32_t { DETAIL_COMBO_OFF = 0x0, DETAIL_COMBO_ADD = 0x1, DETAIL_COMBO_ADD_SELF_ILLUM = 0x2, DETAIL_COMBO_MOD2X = 0x3, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 9 enum class ScalarExpressionType_t : uint32_t { SCALAR_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = 0xffffffffffffffff, SCALAR_EXPRESSION_ADD = 0x0, SCALAR_EXPRESSION_SUBTRACT = 0x1, SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MUL = 0x2, SCALAR_EXPRESSION_DIVIDE = 0x3, SCALAR_EXPRESSION_INPUT_1 = 0x4, SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MIN = 0x5, SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MAX = 0x6, SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MOD = 0x7, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 9 enum class VectorExpressionType_t : uint32_t { VECTOR_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = 0xffffffffffffffff, VECTOR_EXPRESSION_ADD = 0x0, VECTOR_EXPRESSION_SUBTRACT = 0x1, VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MUL = 0x2, VECTOR_EXPRESSION_DIVIDE = 0x3, VECTOR_EXPRESSION_INPUT_1 = 0x4, VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MIN = 0x5, VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MAX = 0x6, VECTOR_EXPRESSION_CROSSPRODUCT = 0x7, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 7 enum class VectorFloatExpressionType_t : uint32_t { VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = 0xffffffffffffffff, VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DOTPRODUCT = 0x0, VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DISTANCE = 0x1, VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DISTANCESQR = 0x2, VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_LENGTH = 0x3, VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_LENGTHSQR = 0x4, VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_NOISE = 0x5, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 4 enum class MissingParentInheritBehavior_t : uint32_t { MISSING_PARENT_DO_NOTHING = 0xffffffffffffffff, MISSING_PARENT_KILL = 0x0, MISSING_PARENT_FIND_NEW = 0x1, MISSING_PARENT_SAME_INDEX = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2 enum class HitboxLerpType_t : uint32_t { HITBOX_LERP_LIFETIME = 0x0, HITBOX_LERP_CONSTANT = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleSelection_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_SELECTION_FIRST = 0x0, PARTICLE_SELECTION_LAST = 0x1, PARTICLE_SELECTION_NUMBER = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 11 enum class ParticlePinDistance_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_NONE = 0xffffffffffffffff, PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_NEIGHBOR = 0x0, PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_FARTHEST = 0x1, PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_FIRST = 0x2, PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_LAST = 0x3, PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CENTER = 0x5, PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP = 0x6, PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP_PAIR_EITHER = 0x7, PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP_PAIR_BOTH = 0x8, PARTICLE_PIN_SPEED = 0x9, PARTICLE_PIN_COLLECTION_AGE = 0xa, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 13 enum class ParticleColorBlendType_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x0, PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MULTIPLY2X = 0x1, PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_DIVIDE = 0x2, PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_SUBTRACT = 0x4, PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MOD2X = 0x5, PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_SCREEN = 0x6, PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MAX = 0x7, PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MIN = 0x8, PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_REPLACE = 0x9, PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_AVERAGE = 0xa, PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_NEGATE = 0xb, PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_LUMINANCE = 0xc, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 6 enum class ParticleSetMethod_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_SET_REPLACE_VALUE = 0x0, PARTICLE_SET_SCALE_INITIAL_VALUE = 0x1, PARTICLE_SET_ADD_TO_INITIAL_VALUE = 0x2, PARTICLE_SET_RAMP_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x3, PARTICLE_SET_SCALE_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x4, PARTICLE_SET_ADD_TO_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x5, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleDirectionNoiseType_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_PERLIN = 0x0, PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_CURL = 0x1, PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_WORLEY_BASIC = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleRotationLockType_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_NONE = 0x0, PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_ROTATIONS = 0x1, PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_NORMAL = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleEndcapMode_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ALWAYS_ON = 0xffffffffffffffff, PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ENDCAP_OFF = 0x0, PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ENDCAP_ON = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleLightingQuality_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_PARTICLE = 0x0, PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_VERTEX = 0x1, PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_PIXEL = 0xffffffffffffffff, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2 enum class StandardLightingAttenuationStyle_t : uint32_t { LIGHT_STYLE_OLD = 0x0, LIGHT_STYLE_NEW = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_NONE = 0x0, PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_KILL = 0x1, PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_TRACE_END = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2 enum class ParticleOrientationSetMode_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SET_FROM_VELOCITY = 0x0, PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SET_FROM_ROTATIONS = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2 enum class ParticleLightnintBranchBehavior_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_LIGHTNING_BRANCH_CURRENT_DIR = 0x0, PARTICLE_LIGHTNING_BRANCH_ENDPOINT_DIR = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleLightFogLightingMode_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_NONE = 0x0, PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_DYNAMIC = 0x2, PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_DYNAMIC_NOSHADOWS = 0x4, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleSequenceCropOverride_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT = 0xffffffffffffffff, PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_FORCE_OFF = 0x0, PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_FORCE_ON = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleParentSetMode_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_NO = 0x0, PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_IMMEDIATE = 0x1, PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_ROOT = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2 enum class MaterialProxyType_t : uint32_t { MATERIAL_PROXY_STATUS_EFFECT = 0x0, MATERIAL_PROXY_TINT = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 6 enum class ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREEN_ALIGNED = 0x0, PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREEN_Z_ALIGNED = 0x1, PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_WORLD_Z_ALIGNED = 0x2, PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_ALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL = 0x3, PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREENALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL = 0x4, PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_FULL_3AXIS_ROTATION = 0x5, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 7 enum class ParticleOutputBlendMode_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_ALPHA = 0x0, PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_ADD = 0x1, PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_BLEND_ADD = 0x2, PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_HALF_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_NEG_HALF_BLEND_ADD = 0x4, PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_MOD2X = 0x5, PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN = 0x6, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 4 enum class ParticleAlphaReferenceType_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_ALPHA_ALPHA = 0x0, PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_OPAQUE_ALPHA = 0x1, PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_ALPHA_OPAQUE = 0x2, PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_OPAQUE_OPAQUE = 0x3, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2 enum class BlurFilterType_t : uint32_t { BLURFILTER_GAUSSIAN = 0x0, BLURFILTER_BOX = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 4 enum class ParticleLightTypeChoiceList_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_POINT = 0x0, PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT = 0x1, PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX = 0x2, PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_CAPSULE = 0x3, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2 enum class ParticleLightUnitChoiceList_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_CANDELAS = 0x0, PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_LUMENS = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2 enum class ParticleOmni2LightTypeChoiceList_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_OMNI2_LIGHT_TYPE_POINT = 0x0, PARTICLE_OMNI2_LIGHT_TYPE_SPHERE = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleLightBehaviorChoiceList_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION = 0x0, PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE = 0x1, PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_TRAILS = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleDepthFeatheringMode_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_OFF = 0x0, PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_ON_OPTIONAL = 0x1, PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_ON_REQUIRED = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 4 enum class ParticleVRHandChoiceList_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_VRHAND_LEFT = 0x0, PARTICLE_VRHAND_RIGHT = 0x1, PARTICLE_VRHAND_CP = 0x2, PARTICLE_VRHAND_CP_OBJECT = 0x3, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2 enum class ParticleSortingChoiceList_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_SORTING_NEAREST = 0x0, PARTICLE_SORTING_CREATION_TIME = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 10 enum class SpriteCardTextureType_t : uint32_t { SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE = 0x0, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ZOOM = 0x1, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_1D_COLOR_LOOKUP = 0x2, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_UVDISTORTION = 0x3, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_UVDISTORTION_ZOOM = 0x4, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP = 0x5, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC = 0x6, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_A = 0x7, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_B = 0x8, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_C = 0x9, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 15 enum class SpriteCardTextureChannel_t : uint32_t { SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB = 0x0, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGBA = 0x1, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_A = 0x2, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_A = 0x3, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_ALPHAMASK = 0x4, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_RGBMASK = 0x5, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGBA_RGBALPHA = 0x6, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_A_RGBALPHA = 0x7, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_A_RGBALPHA = 0x8, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_R = 0x9, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_G = 0xa, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_B = 0xb, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RALPHA = 0xc, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_GALPHA = 0xd, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_BALPHA = 0xe, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 14 enum class SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t : uint32_t { SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NONE = 0x0, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PARTICLE_AGE = 0x1, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_ANIMATION_FRAME = 0x2, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_EXTRA_DATA1 = 0x3, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_EXTRA_DATA2 = 0x4, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PARTICLE_ALPHA = 0x5, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_RADIUS = 0x6, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_ROLL = 0x7, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_YAW = 0x8, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PITCH = 0x9, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_RANDOM = 0xa, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NEG_RANDOM = 0xb, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_RANDOM_TIME = 0xc, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NEG_RANDOM_TIME = 0xd, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 7 enum class ParticleTextureLayerBlendType_t : uint32_t { SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x0, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_MOD2X = 0x1, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_REPLACE = 0x2, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_SUBTRACT = 0x4, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_AVERAGE = 0x5, SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_LUMINANCE = 0x6, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 6 enum class ParticlePostProcessPriorityGroup_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_LEVEL_VOLUME = 0x0, PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_LEVEL_OVERRIDE = 0x1, PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_EFFECT = 0x2, PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_STATE_LOW = 0x3, PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_STATE_HIGH = 0x4, PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GLOBAL_UI = 0x5, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3 enum class ParticleFogType_t : uint32_t { PARTICLE_FOG_GAME_DEFAULT = 0x0, PARTICLE_FOG_ENABLED = 0x1, PARTICLE_FOG_DISABLED = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2 enum class TextureRepetitionMode_t : uint32_t { TEXTURE_REPETITION_PARTICLE = 0x0, TEXTURE_REPETITION_PATH = 0x1, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 20 enum class ParticleFloatType_t : uint32_t { PF_TYPE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PF_TYPE_LITERAL = 0x0, PF_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x1, PF_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM = 0x2, PF_TYPE_RANDOM_BIASED = 0x3, PF_TYPE_COLLECTION_AGE = 0x4, PF_TYPE_ENDCAP_AGE = 0x5, PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_COMPONENT = 0x6, PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_CHANGE_AGE = 0x7, PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_SPEED = 0x8, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_DETAIL_LEVEL = 0x9, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NOISE = 0xa, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_AGE = 0xb, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_AGE_NORMALIZED = 0xc, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_FLOAT = 0xd, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_VECTOR_COMPONENT = 0xe, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_SPEED = 0xf, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NUMBER = 0x10, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NUMBER_NORMALIZED = 0x11, PF_TYPE_COUNT = 0x12, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 5 enum class ParticleFloatBiasType_t : uint32_t { PF_BIAS_TYPE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PF_BIAS_TYPE_STANDARD = 0x0, PF_BIAS_TYPE_GAIN = 0x1, PF_BIAS_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL = 0x2, PF_BIAS_TYPE_COUNT = 0x3, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 4 enum class PFNoiseType_t : uint32_t { PF_NOISE_TYPE_PERLIN = 0x0, PF_NOISE_TYPE_SIMPLEX = 0x1, PF_NOISE_TYPE_WORLEY = 0x2, PF_NOISE_TYPE_CURL = 0x3, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 4 enum class PFNoiseModifier_t : uint32_t { PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_NONE = 0x0, PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_LINES = 0x1, PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_CLUMPS = 0x2, PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_RINGS = 0x3, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 6 enum class PFNoiseTurbulence_t : uint32_t { PF_NOISE_TURB_NONE = 0x0, PF_NOISE_TURB_HIGHLIGHT = 0x1, PF_NOISE_TURB_FEEDBACK = 0x2, PF_NOISE_TURB_LOOPY = 0x3, PF_NOISE_TURB_CONTRAST = 0x4, PF_NOISE_TURB_ALTERNATE = 0x5, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 4 enum class ParticleFloatRandomMode_t : uint32_t { PF_RANDOM_MODE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PF_RANDOM_MODE_CONSTANT = 0x0, PF_RANDOM_MODE_VARYING = 0x1, PF_RANDOM_MODE_COUNT = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 4 enum class ParticleFloatInputMode_t : uint32_t { PF_INPUT_MODE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PF_INPUT_MODE_CLAMPED = 0x0, PF_INPUT_MODE_LOOPED = 0x1, PF_INPUT_MODE_COUNT = 0x2, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 8 enum class ParticleFloatMapType_t : uint32_t { PF_MAP_TYPE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PF_MAP_TYPE_DIRECT = 0x0, PF_MAP_TYPE_MULT = 0x1, PF_MAP_TYPE_REMAP = 0x2, PF_MAP_TYPE_REMAP_BIASED = 0x3, PF_MAP_TYPE_CURVE = 0x4, PF_MAP_TYPE_NOTCHED = 0x5, PF_MAP_TYPE_COUNT = 0x6, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 5 enum class ParticleTransformType_t : uint32_t { PT_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0, PT_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x1, PT_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT = 0x2, PT_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_RANGE = 0x3, PT_TYPE_COUNT = 0x4, }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 17 enum class ParticleVecType_t : uint32_t { PVEC_TYPE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PVEC_TYPE_LITERAL = 0x0, PVEC_TYPE_LITERAL_COLOR = 0x1, PVEC_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x2, PVEC_TYPE_PARTICLE_VECTOR = 0x3, PVEC_TYPE_PARTICLE_VELOCITY = 0x4, PVEC_TYPE_CP_VALUE = 0x5, PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_POSITION = 0x6, PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_DIR = 0x7, PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_RANDOM_DIR = 0x8, PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPONENTS = 0x9, PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_CLAMPED = 0xa, PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_OPEN = 0xb, PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_GRADIENT = 0xc, PVEC_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM = 0xd, PVEC_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM_OFFSET = 0xe, PVEC_TYPE_COUNT = 0xf, }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 8 class CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distribute evenly" bool m_bDistributeEvenly; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Seed (negative values=randomize)" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bDistributeEvenly" int32_t m_nSeed; // 0x4 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 16 struct MaterialVariable_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "material variable" CUtlString m_strVariable; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVariableField; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale" float m_flScale; // 0xc }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 4 struct ParticleAttributeIndex_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 16 struct ParticlePreviewBodyGroup_t { public: CUtlString m_bodyGroupName; // 0x0 int32_t m_nValue; // 0x8 }; // Aligment: 15 // Size: 88 struct ParticlePreviewState_t { public: CUtlString m_previewModel; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nModSpecificData; // 0x8 PetGroundType_t m_groundType; // 0xc CUtlString m_sequenceName; // 0x10 int32_t m_nFireParticleOnSequenceFrame; // 0x18 CUtlString m_hitboxSetName; // 0x20 CUtlString m_materialGroupName; // 0x28 CUtlVector< ParticlePreviewBodyGroup_t > m_vecBodyGroups; // 0x30 float m_flPlaybackSpeed; // 0x48 float m_flParticleSimulationRate; // 0x4c bool m_bShouldDrawHitboxes; // 0x50 bool m_bShouldDrawAttachments; // 0x51 bool m_bShouldDrawAttachmentNames; // 0x52 bool m_bShouldDrawControlPointAxes; // 0x53 bool m_bAnimationNonLooping; // 0x54 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 48 struct ParticleControlPointDriver_t { public: int32_t m_iControlPoint; // 0x0 ParticleAttachment_t m_iAttachType; // 0x4 CUtlString m_attachmentName; // 0x8 Vector m_vecOffset; // 0x10 QAngle m_angOffset; // 0x1c CUtlString m_entityName; // 0x28 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 120 struct ParticleControlPointConfiguration_t { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 CUtlVector< ParticleControlPointDriver_t > m_drivers; // 0x8 ParticlePreviewState_t m_previewState; // 0x20 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 16 class IParticleCollection { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 8 class IControlPointEditorData { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 8 class IParticleSystemDefinition { public: // }; // Aligment: 18 // Size: 68 class CParticleVisibilityInputs { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "camera depth bias" float m_flCameraBias; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nCPin; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input proxy radius" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flProxyRadius; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input proxy visibility minimum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flInputMin; // 0xc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input proxy visibility maximum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flInputMax; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input proxy unsupported hardware fallback value" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flNoPixelVisibilityFallback; // 0x14 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input distance minimum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flDistanceInputMin; // 0x18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input distance maximum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flDistanceInputMax; // 0x1c // MPropertyFriendlyName "input dot minimum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flDotInputMin; // 0x20 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input dot maximum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flDotInputMax; // 0x24 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input dot use CP angles" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" bool m_bDotCPAngles; // 0x28 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input dot use Camera angles" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" bool m_bDotCameraAngles; // 0x29 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output alpha scale minimum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flAlphaScaleMin; // 0x2c // MPropertyFriendlyName "output alpha scale maximum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flAlphaScaleMax; // 0x30 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output radius scale minimum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flRadiusScaleMin; // 0x34 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output radius scale maximum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flRadiusScaleMax; // 0x38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output radius FOV scale base" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flRadiusScaleFOVBase; // 0x3c // MPropertyFriendlyName "vr camera right eye" // MParticleAdvancedField bool m_bRightEye; // 0x40 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 64 class CPathParameters { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start control point number" int32_t m_nStartControlPointNumber; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end control point number" int32_t m_nEndControlPointNumber; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bulge control 0=random 1=orientation of start pnt 2=orientation of end point" int32_t m_nBulgeControl; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random bulge" float m_flBulge; // 0xc // MPropertyFriendlyName "mid point position" float m_flMidPoint; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset from curve start point for path start" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vStartPointOffset; // 0x14 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset from curve midpoint for curve center" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vMidPointOffset; // 0x20 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset from control point for path end" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vEndOffset; // 0x2c }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 32 struct ParticleChildrenInfo_t { public: // MPropertySuppressField CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_ChildRef; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "delay" float m_flDelay; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end cap effect" bool m_bEndCap; // 0xc // MPropertySuppressField bool m_bDisableChild; // 0xd // MPropertyFriendlyName "disable at detail levels below" ParticleDetailLevel_t m_nDetailLevel; // 0x10 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 20 struct ControlPointReference_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Control point" int32_t m_controlPointNameString; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset from control point" Vector m_vOffsetFromControlPoint; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use local space offset" bool m_bOffsetInLocalSpace; // 0x10 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 16 struct ModelReference_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "model" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_model; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Relative probability" float m_flRelativeProbabilityOfSpawn; // 0x8 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 8 struct SequenceWeightedList_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 1 )" int32_t m_nSequence; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "weight" float m_flRelativeWeight; // 0x4 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 4 struct CollisionGroupContext_t { public: int32_t m_nCollisionGroupNumber; // 0x0 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 20 struct PointDefinition_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use local coordinates for offset" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset from control point" Vector m_vOffset; // 0x8 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 24 struct PointDefinitionWithTimeValues_t : public PointDefinition_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Duration value for path point" float m_flTimeDuration; // 0x14 }; // Aligment: 60 // Size: 928 class CParticleSystemDefinition : public IParticleSystemDefinition { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "version" // MPropertySuppressField int32_t m_nBehaviorVersion; // 0x8 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionPreEmission* > m_PreEmissionOperators; // 0x10 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionEmitter* > m_Emitters; // 0x28 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionInitializer* > m_Initializers; // 0x40 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionOperator* > m_Operators; // 0x58 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionForce* > m_ForceGenerators; // 0x70 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionConstraint* > m_Constraints; // 0x88 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionRenderer* > m_Renderers; // 0xa0 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< ParticleChildrenInfo_t > m_Children; // 0xb8 // MPropertySuppressField int32_t m_nFirstMultipleOverride_BackwardCompat; // 0x178 // MPropertyStartGroup "+Collection Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "initial particles" int32_t m_nInitialParticles; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max particles" int32_t m_nMaxParticles; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "group id" int32_t m_nGroupID; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyStartGroup "Bounding Box" // MPropertyFriendlyName "bounding box bloat min" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_BoundingBoxMin; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "bounding box bloat max" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_BoundingBoxMax; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bounding box depth sort bias" float m_flDepthSortBias; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sort override position CP" int32_t m_nSortOverridePositionCP; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "infinite bounds - don't cull" bool m_bInfiniteBounds; // 0x21c // MPropertyStartGroup "+Base Properties" // MPropertyFriendlyName "color" // MPropertyColorPlusAlpha Color m_ConstantColor; // 0x21d // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_ConstantNormal; // 0x224 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius" // MPropertyAttributeRange "biased 0 500" float m_flConstantRadius; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation" float m_flConstantRotation; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation speed" float m_flConstantRotationSpeed; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime" float m_flConstantLifespan; // 0x23c // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence number" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 1 )" int32_t m_nConstantSequenceNumber; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence number 1" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 2 )" int32_t m_nConstantSequenceNumber1; // 0x244 // MPropertyStartGroup "Snapshot Options" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint; // 0x248 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot > m_hSnapshot; // 0x250 // MPropertyStartGroup "Replacement Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull replacement definition" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_pszCullReplacementName; // 0x258 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull radius" float m_flCullRadius; // 0x260 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull cost" float m_flCullFillCost; // 0x264 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull control point" int32_t m_nCullControlPoint; // 0x268 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fallback replacement definition" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_hFallback; // 0x270 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fallback max count" int32_t m_nFallbackMaxCount; // 0x278 // MPropertyFriendlyName "low violence definition" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_hLowViolenceDef; // 0x280 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reference replacement definition" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_hReferenceReplacement; // 0x288 // MPropertyStartGroup "Simulation Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "pre-simulation time" float m_flPreSimulationTime; // 0x290 // MPropertyFriendlyName "freeze simulation after time" float m_flStopSimulationAfterTime; // 0x294 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum time step" float m_flMaximumTimeStep; // 0x298 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum sim tick rate" float m_flMaximumSimTime; // 0x29c // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum sim tick rate" float m_flMinimumSimTime; // 0x2a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum simulation time step" float m_flMinimumTimeStep; // 0x2a4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum required rendered frames" int32_t m_nMinimumFrames; // 0x2a8 // MPropertyStartGroup "Performance Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum CPU level" int32_t m_nMinCPULevel; // 0x2ac // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum GPU level" int32_t m_nMinGPULevel; // 0x2b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time to sleep when not drawn" float m_flNoDrawTimeToGoToSleep; // 0x2b4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum draw distance" float m_flMaxDrawDistance; // 0x2b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade distance" float m_flStartFadeDistance; // 0x2bc // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum creation distance" float m_flMaxCreationDistance; // 0x2c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum free particles to aggregate" int32_t m_nAggregationMinAvailableParticles; // 0x2c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "aggregation radius" float m_flAggregateRadius; // 0x2c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "batch particle systems" bool m_bShouldBatch; // 0x2cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Hitboxes fall back to render bounds" bool m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToRenderBounds; // 0x2cd // MPropertyStartGroup "Rendering Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "view model effect" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_bScreenSpaceEffect" InheritableBoolType_t m_nViewModelEffect; // 0x2d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "screen space effect" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nViewModelEffect == INHERITABLE_BOOL_TRUE" bool m_bScreenSpaceEffect; // 0x2d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "target layer ID for rendering" CUtlSymbolLarge m_pszTargetLayerID; // 0x2d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to disable rendering if it is the camera" int32_t m_nSkipRenderControlPoint; // 0x2e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to only enable rendering if it is the camera" int32_t m_nAllowRenderControlPoint; // 0x2e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sort particles (DEPRECATED - USE RENDERER OPTION)" // MParticleAdvancedField bool m_bShouldSort; // 0x2e8 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< ParticleControlPointConfiguration_t > m_controlPointConfigurations; // 0x328 }; // Aligment: 16 // Size: 496 class CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator strength" // MPropertySortPriority "-100" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOpStrength; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator end cap state" // MPropertySortPriority "-100" ParticleEndcapMode_t m_nOpEndCapState; // 0x140 // MPropertyStartGroup "Operator Fade" // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator start fadein" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpStartFadeInTime; // 0x144 // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator end fadein" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpEndFadeInTime; // 0x148 // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator start fadeout" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpStartFadeOutTime; // 0x14c // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator end fadeout" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpEndFadeOutTime; // 0x150 // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade oscillate" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpFadeOscillatePeriod; // 0x154 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize fade times to endcap" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" bool m_bNormalizeToStopTime; // 0x158 // MPropertyStartGroup "Operator Fade Time Offset" // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade time offset min" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpTimeOffsetMin; // 0x15c // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade time offset max" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpTimeOffsetMax; // 0x160 // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade time offset seed" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" int32_t m_nOpTimeOffsetSeed; // 0x164 // MPropertyStartGroup "Operator Fade Timescale Modifiers" // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade time scale seed" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" int32_t m_nOpTimeScaleSeed; // 0x168 // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade time scale min" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpTimeScaleMin; // 0x16c // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade time scale max" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpTimeScaleMax; // 0x170 // MPropertyStartGroup // MPropertySuppressField bool m_bDisableOperator; // 0x175 // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator help and notes" // MParticleHelpField // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" CUtlString m_Notes; // 0x178 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 496 class CParticleFunctionInitializer : public CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Associated emitter Index" int32_t m_nAssociatedEmitterIndex; // 0x1e8 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 496 class CParticleFunctionEmitter : public CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Emitter Index" int32_t m_nEmitterIndex; // 0x1e8 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 496 class CParticleFunctionConstraint : public CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 496 class CParticleFunctionForce : public CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 496 class CParticleFunctionOperator : public CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 512 class CParticleFunctionPreEmission : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Run Only Once" bool m_bRunOnce; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 560 class CParticleFunctionRenderer : public CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertySortPriority "-1" CParticleVisibilityInputs VisibilityInputs; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyStartGroup "Rendering filter" // MPropertyFriendlyName "I cannot be refracted through refracting objects like water" // MPropertySortPriority "-1" bool m_bCannotBeRefracted; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Skip rendering on mobile" // MPropertySortPriority "-1" bool m_bSkipRenderingOnMobile; // 0x22d }; // Aligment: 16 // Size: 2216 struct TextureControls_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "horizontal texture scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFinalTextureScaleU; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "vertical texture scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFinalTextureScaleV; // 0x138 // MPropertyFriendlyName "horizontal texture offset" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFinalTextureOffsetU; // 0x270 // MPropertyFriendlyName "vertical texture offset" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFinalTextureOffsetV; // 0x3a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture rotation / animation rate scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFinalTextureUVRotation; // 0x4e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Infinite Zoom Scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flZoomScale; // 0x618 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distortion Amount" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDistortion; // 0x750 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Randomize Initial Offset" bool m_bRandomizeOffsets; // 0x888 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Clamp UVs" bool m_bClampUVs; // 0x889 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for blend" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleBlend; // 0x88c // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for scale" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleScale; // 0x890 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for horizontal offset" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleOffsetU; // 0x894 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for vertical offset" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleOffsetV; // 0x898 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for rotation" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleRotation; // 0x89c // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for zoom" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleZoom; // 0x8a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for distortion" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleDistortion; // 0x8a4 }; // Aligment: 9 // Size: 2584 struct TextureGroup_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Enabled" bool m_bEnabled; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Author Texture As Gradient" // MPropertySuppressExpr "( m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_XYZ_A || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_NEGXYZ_E )" bool m_bReplaceTextureWithGradient; // 0x1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Texture" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_bReplaceTextureWithGradient" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hTexture; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Gradient" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bReplaceTextureWithGradient" CColorGradient m_Gradient; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Texture Type" SpriteCardTextureType_t m_nTextureType; // 0x28 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Channel Mix" // MPropertySuppressExpr "( m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_XYZ_A || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_NEGXYZ_E )" SpriteCardTextureChannel_t m_nTextureChannels; // 0x2c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Mix Blend Mode" // MPropertySuppressExpr "( m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_XYZ_A || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_NEGXYZ_E )" ParticleTextureLayerBlendType_t m_nTextureBlendMode; // 0x30 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Blend Amount" // MPropertySuppressExpr "( m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_XYZ_A || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_NEGXYZ_E )" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flTextureBlend; // 0x38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Texture Controls" // MPropertySuppressExpr "( m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_XYZ_A || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_NEGXYZ_E )" TextureControls_t m_TextureControls; // 0x170 }; // Aligment: 60 // Size: 8272 class CBaseRendererSource2 : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyStartGroup "+Renderer Modifiers" // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flAlphaScale; // 0x368 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation roll scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRollScale; // 0x4a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle alpha scale attribute" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAlpha2Field; // 0x5d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecColorScale; // 0x5e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend type" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0xba8 // MPropertyStartGroup "+Material" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Shader" // MPropertySortPriority "600" SpriteCardShaderType_t m_nShaderType; // 0xbac // MPropertyFriendlyName "Custom Shader" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nShaderType != SPRITECARD_SHADER_CUSTOM" // MPropertySortPriority "600" CUtlString m_strShaderOverride; // 0xbb0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "X offset of center point" // MPropertySortPriority "600" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flCenterXOffset; // 0xbb8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Y offset of center point" // MPropertySortPriority "600" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flCenterYOffset; // 0xcf0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bump Strength" // MPropertySortPriority "600" float m_flBumpStrength; // 0xe28 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sheet Crop Behavior" // MPropertySortPriority "600" ParticleSequenceCropOverride_t m_nCropTextureOverride; // 0xe2c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Textures" // MParticleRequireDefaultArrayEntry // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf // MPropertySortPriority "600" CUtlVector< TextureGroup_t > m_vecTexturesInput; // 0xe30 // MPropertyStartGroup "Animation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation rate" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 5" // MPropertySortPriority "500" float m_flAnimationRate; // 0xe48 // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation type" // MPropertySortPriority "500" AnimationType_t m_nAnimationType; // 0xe4c // MPropertyFriendlyName "set animation value in FPS" // MPropertySortPriority "500" bool m_bAnimateInFPS; // 0xe50 // MPropertyStartGroup "Lighting and Shadows" // MPropertyFriendlyName "self illum amount" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 2" // MPropertySortPriority "400" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flSelfIllumAmount; // 0xe58 // MPropertyFriendlyName "diffuse lighting amount" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" // MPropertySortPriority "400" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDiffuseAmount; // 0xf90 // MPropertyFriendlyName "diffuse lighting origin Control Point" // MPropertySortPriority "400" int32_t m_nLightingControlPoint; // 0x10c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "self illum per-particle" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "400" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nSelfIllumPerParticle; // 0x10cc // MPropertyStartGroup "+Color and alpha adjustments" // MPropertyFriendlyName "output blend mode" // MPropertySortPriority "300" ParticleOutputBlendMode_t m_nOutputBlendMode; // 0x10d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Gamma-correct vertex colors" // MPropertySortPriority "300" bool m_bGammaCorrectVertexColors; // 0x10d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Saturate color pre alphablend" // MPropertySortPriority "300" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod!=dota" bool m_bSaturateColorPreAlphaBlend; // 0x10d5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "add self amount over alphablend" // MPropertySortPriority "300" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flAddSelfAmount; // 0x10d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "desaturation amount" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" // MPropertySortPriority "300" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDesaturation; // 0x1210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "overbright factor" // MPropertySortPriority "300" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOverbrightFactor; // 0x1348 // MPropertyFriendlyName "HSV Shift Control Point" // MPropertySortPriority "300" int32_t m_nHSVShiftControlPoint; // 0x1480 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Apply fog to particle" // MPropertySortPriority "300" ParticleFogType_t m_nFogType; // 0x1484 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Apply fog of war to color" // MPropertySortPriority "300" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != dota" bool m_bTintByFOW; // 0x1488 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Apply global light to color" // MPropertySortPriority "300" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != dota" bool m_bTintByGlobalLight; // 0x1489 // MPropertyStartGroup "Color and alpha adjustments/Alpha Reference" // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha reference" // MPropertySortPriority "300" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleAlphaReference; // 0x148c // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha reference window size" // MPropertySortPriority "300" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleAlphaRefWindow; // 0x1490 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha reference type" // MPropertySortPriority "300" ParticleAlphaReferenceType_t m_nAlphaReferenceType; // 0x1494 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha reference softness" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" // MPropertySortPriority "300" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flAlphaReferenceSoftness; // 0x1498 // MPropertyFriendlyName "source alpha value to map to alpha of zero" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" // MPropertySortPriority "300" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flSourceAlphaValueToMapToZero; // 0x15d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "source alpha value to map to alpha of 1" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" // MPropertySortPriority "300" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flSourceAlphaValueToMapToOne; // 0x1708 // MPropertyStartGroup "Refraction" // MPropertyFriendlyName "refract background" // MPropertySortPriority "200" bool m_bRefract; // 0x1840 // MPropertyFriendlyName "refract draws opaque - alpha scales refraction" // MPropertySortPriority "200" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bRefract" bool m_bRefractSolid; // 0x1841 // MPropertyFriendlyName "refract amount" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-2 2" // MPropertySortPriority "200" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bRefract" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRefractAmount; // 0x1848 // MPropertyFriendlyName "refract blur radius" // MPropertySortPriority "200" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bRefract" int32_t m_nRefractBlurRadius; // 0x1980 // MPropertyFriendlyName "refract blur type" // MPropertySortPriority "200" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bRefract" BlurFilterType_t m_nRefractBlurType; // 0x1984 // MPropertyStartGroup // MPropertyFriendlyName "Only Render in effects bloom pass" // MPropertySortPriority "1100" bool m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsBloomPass; // 0x1988 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Only Render in effects water pass" // MPropertySortPriority "1050" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != csgo" bool m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsWaterPass; // 0x1989 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use Mixed Resolution Rendering" // MPropertySortPriority "1200" bool m_bUseMixedResolutionRendering; // 0x198a // MPropertyFriendlyName "Only Render in effects game overlay pass" // MPropertySortPriority "1210" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != csgo" bool m_bOnlyRenderInEffecsGameOverlay; // 0x198b // MPropertyStartGroup "Stencil" // MPropertyFriendlyName "stencil test ID" // MPropertySortPriority "0" char[128] m_stencilTestID; // 0x198c // MPropertyFriendlyName "only write where stencil is NOT stencil test ID" // MPropertySortPriority "0" bool m_bStencilTestExclude; // 0x1a0c // MPropertyFriendlyName "stencil write ID" // MPropertySortPriority "0" char[128] m_stencilWriteID; // 0x1a0d // MPropertyFriendlyName "write stencil on z-buffer test success" // MPropertySortPriority "0" bool m_bWriteStencilOnDepthPass; // 0x1a8d // MPropertyFriendlyName "write stencil on z-buffer test failure" // MPropertySortPriority "0" bool m_bWriteStencilOnDepthFail; // 0x1a8e // MPropertyStartGroup "Depth buffer control and effects" // MPropertyFriendlyName "reverse z-buffer test" // MPropertySortPriority "900" bool m_bReverseZBuffering; // 0x1a8f // MPropertyFriendlyName "disable z-buffer test" // MPropertySortPriority "900" bool m_bDisableZBuffering; // 0x1a90 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Depth feathering mode" // MPropertySortPriority "900" ParticleDepthFeatheringMode_t m_nFeatheringMode; // 0x1a94 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle feathering closest distance to surface" // MPropertySortPriority "900" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFeatheringMinDist; // 0x1a98 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle feathering farthest distance to surface" // MPropertySortPriority "900" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFeatheringMaxDist; // 0x1bd0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle feathering filter" // MPropertySortPriority "900" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFeatheringFilter; // 0x1d08 // MPropertyFriendlyName "depth comparison bias" // MPropertySortPriority "900" float m_flDepthBias; // 0x1e40 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sort Method" // MPropertySortPriority "900" ParticleSortingChoiceList_t m_nSortMethod; // 0x1e44 // MPropertyStartGroup "Animation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "blend sequence animation frames" // MPropertySortPriority "500" bool m_bBlendFramesSeq0; // 0x1e48 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use max-luminance blending for sequence" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bBlendFramesSeq0" bool m_bMaxLuminanceBlendingSequence0; // 0x1e49 }; // Aligment: 27 // Size: 9920 class C_OP_RenderSprites : public CBaseRendererSource2, CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Animation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence id override" // MPropertySortPriority "500" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nSequenceOverride; // 0x2050 // MPropertyStartGroup "Orientation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation type" // MPropertySortPriority "750" ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t m_nOrientationType; // 0x2188 // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation control point" // MPropertySortPriority "750" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_ALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL && m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREENALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL" int32_t m_nOrientationControlPoint; // 0x218c // MPropertyFriendlyName "enable yaw for particles aligned to normals" // MPropertySortPriority "750" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_ALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL && m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREENALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL" bool m_bUseYawWithNormalAligned; // 0x2190 // MPropertyStartGroup "Fading and culling" // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum visual screen size" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flMinSize; // 0x2194 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum visual screen size" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flMaxSize; // 0x2198 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Factor to map size adjustment to alpha" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flAlphaAdjustWithSizeAdjust; // 0x219c // MPropertyFriendlyName "screen size to start fading" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flStartFadeSize; // 0x21a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "screen size to fade away" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flEndFadeSize; // 0x22d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade dot product of normal vs view" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flStartFadeDot; // 0x2410 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade dot product of normal vs view" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flEndFadeDot; // 0x2414 // MPropertyStartGroup "Distance to alpha coding" // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance alpha" // MPropertySortPriority "0" bool m_bDistanceAlpha; // 0x2418 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use soft edges for distance alpha" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bDistanceAlpha" bool m_bSoftEdges; // 0x2419 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start value for soft edges for distance alpha" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bDistanceAlpha" float m_flEdgeSoftnessStart; // 0x241c // MPropertyFriendlyName "end value for soft edges for distance alpha" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bDistanceAlpha" float m_flEdgeSoftnessEnd; // 0x2420 // MPropertyStartGroup "Outlining" // MPropertyFriendlyName "enable particle outlining" // MPropertySortPriority "0" bool m_bOutline; // 0x2424 // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline color" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bOutline" Color m_OutlineColor; // 0x2425 // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline alpha" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 255" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bOutline" int32_t m_nOutlineAlpha; // 0x242c // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline start 0" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bOutline" float m_flOutlineStart0; // 0x2430 // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline start 1" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bOutline" float m_flOutlineStart1; // 0x2434 // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline end 0" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bOutline" float m_flOutlineEnd0; // 0x2438 // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline end 1" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bOutline" float m_flOutlineEnd1; // 0x243c // MPropertyStartGroup "Lighting and Shadows" // MPropertyFriendlyName "lighting mode" // MPropertySortPriority "400" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != hlx" ParticleLightingQuality_t m_nLightingMode; // 0x2440 // MPropertyFriendlyName "vertex lighting tessellation (0-5)" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 5" // MPropertySortPriority "400" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != hlx || m_nLightingMode != PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_VERTEX" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flLightingTessellation; // 0x2448 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lighting directionality" // MPropertySortPriority "400" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != hlx" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flLightingDirectionality; // 0x2580 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Particle Shadows" // MPropertySortPriority "400" bool m_bParticleShadows; // 0x26b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Shadow Density" // MPropertySortPriority "400" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bParticleShadows" float m_flShadowDensity; // 0x26bc }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 320 struct FloatInputMaterialVariable_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "material variable" CUtlString m_strVariable; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInput; // 0x8 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 1488 struct VecInputMaterialVariable_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "material variable" CUtlString m_strVariable; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecInput; // 0x8 }; // Aligment: 22 // Size: 4768 class C_OP_RenderCables : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Renderer Modifiers" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radius Scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flAlphaScale; // 0x368 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecColorScale; // 0x4a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend type" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0xa68 // MPropertyStartGroup CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hMaterial; // 0xa70 // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture repetition mode" TextureRepetitionMode_t m_nTextureRepetitionMode; // 0xa78 // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture repetitions" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flTextureRepeatsPerSegment; // 0xa80 // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture repetitions around cable" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flTextureRepeatsCircumference; // 0xbb8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color map offset along path" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flColorMapOffsetV; // 0xcf0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color map offset around cable" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flColorMapOffsetU; // 0xe28 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal map offset along path" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flNormalMapOffsetV; // 0xf60 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal map offset around cable" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flNormalMapOffsetU; // 0x1098 // MPropertyFriendlyName "draw caps at each end of the cable" bool m_bDrawCableCaps; // 0x11d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cable end cap shape factor" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 2" float m_flCapRoundness; // 0x11d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cable end cap offset amount" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 2" float m_flCapOffsetAmount; // 0x11d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tessellation scale factor" float m_flTessScale; // 0x11dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum steps between particles" int32_t m_nMinTesselation; // 0x11e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum steps between particles" int32_t m_nMaxTesselation; // 0x11e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "roundness factor" int32_t m_nRoundness; // 0x11e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "diffuse lighting origin" // MParticleTransformInputOptional CParticleTransformInput m_LightingTransform; // 0x11f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "material float variables" CUtlVector< FloatInputMaterialVariable_t > m_MaterialFloatVars; // 0x1240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "material vector variables" CUtlVector< VecInputMaterialVariable_t > m_MaterialVecVars; // 0x1270 }; // Aligment: 43 // Size: 312 class CParticleFloatInput { public: ParticleFloatType_t m_nType; // 0x0 ParticleFloatMapType_t m_nMapType; // 0x4 float m_flLiteralValue; // 0x8 CKV3MemberNameWithStorage m_NamedValue; // 0x10 int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x48 ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nScalarAttribute; // 0x4c ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVectorAttribute; // 0x50 int32_t m_nVectorComponent; // 0x54 float m_flRandomMin; // 0x58 float m_flRandomMax; // 0x5c bool m_bHasRandomSignFlip; // 0x60 ParticleFloatRandomMode_t m_nRandomMode; // 0x64 float m_flLOD0; // 0x6c float m_flLOD1; // 0x70 float m_flLOD2; // 0x74 float m_flLOD3; // 0x78 ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nNoiseInputVectorAttribute; // 0x7c float m_flNoiseOutputMin; // 0x80 float m_flNoiseOutputMax; // 0x84 float m_flNoiseScale; // 0x88 Vector m_vecNoiseOffsetRate; // 0x8c float m_flNoiseOffset; // 0x98 int32_t m_nNoiseOctaves; // 0x9c PFNoiseTurbulence_t m_nNoiseTurbulence; // 0xa0 PFNoiseType_t m_nNoiseType; // 0xa4 PFNoiseModifier_t m_nNoiseModifier; // 0xa8 float m_flNoiseTurbulenceScale; // 0xac float m_flNoiseTurbulenceMix; // 0xb0 float m_flNoiseImgPreviewScale; // 0xb4 bool m_bNoiseImgPreviewLive; // 0xb8 ParticleFloatInputMode_t m_nInputMode; // 0xc0 float m_flMultFactor; // 0xc4 float m_flInput0; // 0xc8 float m_flInput1; // 0xcc float m_flOutput0; // 0xd0 float m_flOutput1; // 0xd4 float m_flNotchedRangeMin; // 0xd8 float m_flNotchedRangeMax; // 0xdc float m_flNotchedOutputOutside; // 0xe0 float m_flNotchedOutputInside; // 0xe4 ParticleFloatBiasType_t m_nBiasType; // 0xe8 float m_flBiasParameter; // 0xec CPiecewiseCurve m_Curve; // 0xf0 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 312 class CPerParticleFloatInput : public CParticleFloatInput { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 312 class CParticleCollectionFloatInput : public CParticleFloatInput { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 312 class CParticleRemapFloatInput : public CParticleFloatInput { public: // }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 80 class CParticleTransformInput { public: ParticleTransformType_t m_nType; // 0x4 CKV3MemberNameWithStorage m_NamedValue; // 0x8 bool m_bFollowNamedValue; // 0x40 bool m_bSupportsDisabled; // 0x41 bool m_bUseOrientation; // 0x42 int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x44 int32_t m_nControlPointRangeMax; // 0x48 float m_flEndCPGrowthTime; // 0x4c }; // Aligment: 22 // Size: 1480 class CParticleVecInput { public: ParticleVecType_t m_nType; // 0x0 Vector m_vLiteralValue; // 0x4 Color m_LiteralColor; // 0x10 CKV3MemberNameWithStorage m_NamedValue; // 0x18 bool m_bFollowNamedValue; // 0x50 ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVectorAttribute; // 0x54 Vector m_vVectorAttributeScale; // 0x58 int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x64 Vector m_vCPValueScale; // 0x68 Vector m_vCPRelativePosition; // 0x74 Vector m_vCPRelativeDir; // 0x80 CParticleFloatInput m_FloatComponentX; // 0x90 CParticleFloatInput m_FloatComponentY; // 0x1c8 CParticleFloatInput m_FloatComponentZ; // 0x300 CParticleFloatInput m_FloatInterp; // 0x438 float m_flInterpInput0; // 0x570 float m_flInterpInput1; // 0x574 Vector m_vInterpOutput0; // 0x578 Vector m_vInterpOutput1; // 0x584 CColorGradient m_Gradient; // 0x590 Vector m_vRandomMin; // 0x5a8 Vector m_vRandomMax; // 0x5b4 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 1480 class CPerParticleVecInput : public CParticleVecInput { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 1480 class CParticleCollectionVecInput : public CParticleVecInput { public: // }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 4 class PARTICLE_EHANDLE__ { public: int32_t unused; // 0x0 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 4 class PARTICLE_WORLD_HANDLE__ { public: int32_t unused; // 0x0 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 8 class IParticleEffect { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 40 class CParticleProperty { public: // }; // Aligment: 32 // Size: 200 class CNewParticleEffect : public IParticleEffect { public: CNewParticleEffect* m_pNext; // 0x10 CNewParticleEffect* m_pPrev; // 0x18 IParticleCollection* m_pParticles; // 0x20 char* m_pDebugName; // 0x28 bitfield:1 m_bDontRemove; // 0x0 bitfield:1 m_bRemove; // 0x0 bitfield:1 m_bNeedsBBoxUpdate; // 0x0 bitfield:1 m_bIsFirstFrame; // 0x0 bitfield:1 m_bAutoUpdateBBox; // 0x0 bitfield:1 m_bAllocated; // 0x0 bitfield:1 m_bSimulate; // 0x0 bitfield:1 m_bShouldPerformCullCheck; // 0x0 bitfield:1 m_bForceNoDraw; // 0x0 bitfield:1 m_bShouldSave; // 0x0 bitfield:1 m_bDisableAggregation; // 0x0 bitfield:1 m_bShouldSimulateDuringGamePaused; // 0x0 bitfield:1 m_bShouldCheckFoW; // 0x0 Vector m_vSortOrigin; // 0x40 float m_flScale; // 0x4c PARTICLE_EHANDLE__* m_hOwner; // 0x50 CParticleProperty* m_pOwningParticleProperty; // 0x58 float m_flFreezeTransitionStart; // 0x70 float m_flFreezeTransitionDuration; // 0x74 float m_flFreezeTransitionOverride; // 0x78 bool m_bFreezeTransitionActive; // 0x7c bool m_bFreezeTargetState; // 0x7d bool m_bCanFreeze; // 0x7e Vector m_LastMin; // 0x80 Vector m_LastMax; // 0x8c CSplitScreenSlot m_nSplitScreenUser; // 0x98 Vector m_vecAggregationCenter; // 0x9c int32_t m_RefCount; // 0xc0 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 1152 class C_OP_ConstrainDistance : public CParticleFunctionConstraint, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum distance" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_fMinDistance; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_fMaxDistance; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x460 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset of center" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_CenterOffset; // 0x464 // MPropertyFriendlyName "global center point" bool m_bGlobalCenter; // 0x470 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 1120 class C_OP_CollideWithSelf : public CParticleFunctionConstraint, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle radius scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum speed for check" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flMinimumSpeed; // 0x328 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 1120 class C_OP_CollideWithParentParticles : public CParticleFunctionConstraint, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "parent particle radius scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flParentRadiusScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle radius scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x328 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 592 class C_OP_ConstrainDistanceToPath : public CParticleFunctionConstraint, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum distance" float m_fMinDistance; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" float m_flMaxDistance0; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance middle" float m_flMaxDistanceMid; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance end" float m_flMaxDistance1; // 0x1fc CPathParameters m_PathParameters; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "travel time" float m_flTravelTime; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "travel time scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldScale; // 0x244 // MPropertyFriendlyName "manual time placement field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nManualTField; // 0x248 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 544 class C_OP_ConstrainDistanceToUserSpecifiedPath : public CParticleFunctionConstraint, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum distance" float m_fMinDistance; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" float m_flMaxDistance; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Time scale" float m_flTimeScale; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Treat path as a loop" bool m_bLoopedPath; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "path points" CUtlVector< PointDefinitionWithTimeValues_t > m_pointList; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 1152 class C_OP_PlanarConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "plane point" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_PointOnPlane; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "plane normal" Vector m_PlaneNormal; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "global origin" bool m_bGlobalOrigin; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "global normal" bool m_bGlobalNormal; // 0x20d // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "falloff distance from control point" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMaximumDistanceToCP; // 0x348 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 496 class C_OP_WorldCollideConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 26 // Size: 2272 class C_OP_WorldTraceConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point for fast collision tests" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point offset for fast collisions" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCpOffset; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "collision mode" ParticleCollisionMode_t m_nCollisionMode; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum detail collision mode" ParticleCollisionMode_t m_nCollisionModeMin; // 0x204 // MPropertyStartGroup "Collision Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "collision group" char[128] m_CollisionGroupName; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "World Only" bool m_bWorldOnly; // 0x28c // MPropertyFriendlyName "brush only" bool m_bBrushOnly; // 0x28d // MPropertyFriendlyName "include water" bool m_bIncludeWater; // 0x28e // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP Entity to Ignore for Collisions" int32_t m_nIgnoreCP; // 0x290 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point movement distance tolerance" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCollisionMode == COLLISION_MODE_PER_PARTICLE_TRACE" float m_flCpMovementTolerance; // 0x294 // MPropertyFriendlyName "plane cache retest rate" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCollisionMode != COLLISION_MODE_PER_FRAME_PLANESET" float m_flRetestRate; // 0x298 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace accuracy tolerance" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCollisionMode != COLLISION_MODE_USE_NEAREST_TRACE" float m_flTraceTolerance; // 0x29c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Confirm Collision Speed Threshold" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCollisionMode == COLLISION_MODE_PER_PARTICLE_TRACE" float m_flCollisionConfirmationSpeed; // 0x2a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Confirmation Traces Per Fame" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCollisionMode == COLLISION_MODE_PER_PARTICLE_TRACE" float m_nMaxTracesPerFrame; // 0x2a4 // MPropertyStartGroup "Impact Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x2a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of bounce" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flBounceAmount; // 0x3e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of slide" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flSlideAmount; // 0x518 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random Direction scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRandomDirScale; // 0x650 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Add Decay to Bounce" bool m_bDecayBounce; // 0x788 // MPropertyFriendlyName "kill particle on collision" bool m_bKillonContact; // 0x789 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum speed to kill on collision" float m_flMinSpeed; // 0x78c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Normal" bool m_bSetNormal; // 0x790 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Stick On Collision Cache Field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nStickOnCollisionField; // 0x794 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Speed to stop when sticking" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flStopSpeed; // 0x798 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Entity Hitbox Cache Field (Requires Stick on Collision)" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nEntityStickDataField; // 0x8d0 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 528 class C_OP_BoxConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min coords" Vector m_vecMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max coords" Vector m_vecMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use local space" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0x20c }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 1760 class C_OP_RopeSpringConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "slack" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRestLength; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum segment length %" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMinDistance; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum segment length %" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMaxDistance; // 0x460 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor for spring correction" float m_flAdjustmentScale; // 0x598 // MPropertyFriendlyName "manual resting spacing" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInitialRestingLength; // 0x5a0 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 3232 class C_OP_SpringToVectorConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "slack" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRestLength; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum segment length %" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flMinDistance; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum segment length %" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flMaxDistance; // 0x460 // MPropertyFriendlyName "resting spacing" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRestingLength; // 0x598 // MPropertyFriendlyName "anchor vector" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecAnchorVector; // 0x6d0 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 512 class C_OP_ConstrainLineLength : public CParticleFunctionConstraint, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum length" float m_flMinDistance; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum length" float m_flMaxDistance; // 0x1f4 }; // Aligment: 11 // Size: 3088 class C_INIT_RingWave : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "even distribution count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flParticlesPerOrbit; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "initial radius" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInitialRadius; // 0x378 // MPropertyFriendlyName "thickness" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flThickness; // 0x4b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "min initial speed" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInitialSpeedMin; // 0x5e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max initial speed" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInitialSpeedMax; // 0x720 // MPropertyFriendlyName "roll" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRoll; // 0x858 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pitch" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flPitch; // 0x990 // MPropertyFriendlyName "yaw" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flYaw; // 0xac8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "even distribution" bool m_bEvenDistribution; // 0xc00 // MPropertyFriendlyName "XY velocity only" bool m_bXYVelocityOnly; // 0xc01 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_CreateSpiralSphere : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "override CP (X/Y/Z *= radius/density/speed)" int32_t m_nOverrideCP; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "density" int32_t m_nDensity; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "initial radius" float m_flInitialRadius; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "min initial speed" float m_flInitialSpeedMin; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max initial speed" float m_flInitialSpeedMax; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use particle count as density scale" bool m_bUseParticleCount; // 0x208 }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 1776 class C_INIT_CreateInEpitrochoid : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "first dimension 0-2 (-1 disables)" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nComponent1; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second dimension 0-2 (-1 disables)" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nComponent2; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle density" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flParticleDensity; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "point offset" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOffset; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius 1" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadius1; // 0x470 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius 2" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadius2; // 0x5a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use particle count instead of creation time" bool m_bUseCount; // 0x6e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space" bool m_bUseLocalCoords; // 0x6e1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset from existing position" bool m_bOffsetExistingPos; // 0x6e2 }; // Aligment: 14 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_CreatePhyllotaxis : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale size multiplier from CP" int32_t m_nScaleCP; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale CP component 0/1/2 X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "center core radius" float m_fRadCentCore; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius multiplier" float m_fRadPerPoint; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius max (-1 procedural growth)" float m_fRadPerPointTo; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "golden angle (is 137.508)" float m_fpointAngle; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "overall size multiplier (-1 count based distribution)" float m_fsizeOverall; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius bias" float m_fRadBias; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius min " float m_fMinRad; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distribution bias" float m_fDistBias; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space" bool m_bUseLocalCoords; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "use continuous emission" bool m_bUseWithContEmit; // 0x21d // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale radius from initial value" bool m_bUseOrigRadius; // 0x21e }; // Aligment: 12 // Size: 3936 class C_INIT_CreateOnModel : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force to be inside model" int32_t m_nForceInModel; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired hitbox" int32_t m_nDesiredHitbox; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Control Point Providing Hitbox index" int32_t m_nHitboxValueFromControlPointIndex; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecHitBoxScale; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherited velocity scale" float m_flBoneVelocity; // 0x7c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum inherited velocity" float m_flMaxBoneVelocity; // 0x7cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "direction bias" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecDirectionBias; // 0x7d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char[128] m_HitboxSetName; // 0xd98 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias in local space" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0xe18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0xe19 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox shell thickness" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flShellSize; // 0xe20 }; // Aligment: 14 // Size: 4544 class C_INIT_CreateOnModelAtHeight : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force creation height to desired height" bool m_bForceZ; // 0x1f1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "height override control point number" int32_t m_nHeightCP; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired height is relative to water" bool m_bUseWaterHeight; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "relative desired height" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDesiredHeight; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model hitbox scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecHitBoxScale; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "direction bias" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecDirectionBias; // 0x900 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias type" ParticleHitboxBiasType_t m_nBiasType; // 0xec8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias in local space" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0xecc // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias prefers moving hitboxes" bool m_bPreferMovingBoxes; // 0xecd // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char[128] m_HitboxSetName; // 0xece // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox velocity inherited scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flHitboxVelocityScale; // 0xf50 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max hitbox velocity" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMaxBoneVelocity; // 0x1088 }; // Aligment: 9 // Size: 2448 class C_INIT_SetHitboxToClosest : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired hitbox" int32_t m_nDesiredHitbox; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model hitbox scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecHitBoxScale; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char[128] m_HitboxSetName; // 0x7c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x840 // MPropertyFriendlyName "get closest point on closest hitbox" bool m_bUseClosestPointOnHitbox; // 0x841 // MPropertyFriendlyName "closest point test type" ClosestPointTestType_t m_nTestType; // 0x844 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hybrid ratio" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flHybridRatio; // 0x848 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set initial position" bool m_bUpdatePosition; // 0x980 }; // Aligment: 9 // Size: 2448 class C_INIT_SetHitboxToModel : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force to be inside model" int32_t m_nForceInModel; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired hitbox" int32_t m_nDesiredHitbox; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model hitbox scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecHitBoxScale; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "direction bias" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecDirectionBias; // 0x7c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maintain existing hitbox" bool m_bMaintainHitbox; // 0x7d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x7d5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char[128] m_HitboxSetName; // 0x7d6 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox shell thickness" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flShellSize; // 0x858 }; // Aligment: 14 // Size: 6304 class C_INIT_CreateWithinSphereTransform : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance min" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fRadiusMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance max" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fRadiusMax; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance bias" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecDistanceBias; // 0x460 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance bias absolute value" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecDistanceBiasAbs; // 0xa28 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input position transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0xa38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed min" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fSpeedMin; // 0xa88 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed max" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fSpeedMax; // 0xbc0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed random exponent" float m_fSpeedRandExp; // 0xcf8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias in local system" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0xcfc // MPropertyFriendlyName "randomly distribution growth time" float m_flEndCPGrowthTime; // 0xd00 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed in local coordinate system min" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMin; // 0xd08 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed in local coordinate system max" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMax; // 0x12d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output vector" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1898 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Velocity vector" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldVelocity; // 0x189c }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 3472 class C_INIT_CreateWithinBox : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecMax; // 0x7b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0xd80 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use local space" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0xd84 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random number generator controls" CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters m_randomnessParameters; // 0xd88 }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 2384 class C_INIT_CreateOnGrid : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "X Dimension Count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nXCount; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Y Dimension Count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nYCount; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Z Dimension Count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nZCount; // 0x460 // MPropertyFriendlyName "X Dimension Spacing" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nXSpacing; // 0x598 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Y Dimension Spacing" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nYSpacing; // 0x6d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Z Dimension Spacing" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nZSpacing; // 0x808 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x940 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use local space" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0x944 // MPropertyFriendlyName "center around control point" bool m_bCenter; // 0x945 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hollow" bool m_bHollow; // 0x946 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 3552 class C_INIT_PositionOffset : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset min" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_OffsetMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset max" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_OffsetMax; // 0x7b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0xd80 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset in local space 0/1" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0xdd0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset proportional to radius 0/1" bool m_bProportional; // 0xdd1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random number generator controls" CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters m_randomnessParameters; // 0xdd4 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_PositionOffsetToCP : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "creation control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumberStart; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumberEnd; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset in local space 0/1" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 13 // Size: 1296 class C_INIT_PositionPlaceOnGround : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOffset; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max trace length" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "collision group" char[128] m_CollisionGroupName; // 0x460 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x4e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "No Collision Behavior" ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t m_nTraceMissBehavior; // 0x4f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "include water" bool m_bIncludeWater; // 0x4f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set normal" bool m_bSetNormal; // 0x4f5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set Previous XYZ only" bool m_bSetPXYZOnly; // 0x4f6 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace along particle normal" bool m_bTraceAlongNormal; // 0x4f7 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset only if trace hit" bool m_bOffsetonColOnly; // 0x4f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset final position by this fraction of the particle radius" float m_flOffsetByRadiusFactor; // 0x4fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "preserve initial Z-offset relative to cp" int32_t m_nPreserveOffsetCP; // 0x500 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP Entity to Ignore for Collisions" int32_t m_nIgnoreCP; // 0x504 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_VelocityFromNormal : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "random speed min" float m_fSpeedMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random speed max" float m_fSpeedMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore delta time" bool m_bIgnoreDt; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 4112 class C_INIT_VelocityRandom : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random speed min" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fSpeedMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random speed max" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fSpeedMax; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed in local coordinate system min" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMin; // 0x468 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed in local coordinate system max" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMax; // 0xa30 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Ignore delta time (RenderTrails)" bool m_bIgnoreDT; // 0xff8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random number generator controls" CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters m_randomnessParameters; // 0xffc }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 5984 class C_INIT_InitialVelocityNoise : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "absolute value" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecAbsVal; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "invert abs value" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecAbsValInv; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial coordinate offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecOffsetLoc; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time coordinate offset" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOffset; // 0x7d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecOutputMin; // 0x908 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecOutputMax; // 0xed0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time noise coordinate scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flNoiseScale; // 0x1498 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial noise coordinate scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flNoiseScaleLoc; // 0x15d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input local space velocity (optional)" // MParticleTransformInputOptional CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1708 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore delta time" bool m_bIgnoreDt; // 0x1758 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 640 class C_INIT_InitialVelocityFromHitbox : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity minimum" float m_flVelocityMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity maximum" float m_flVelocityMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char[128] m_HitboxSetName; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x27c }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_VelocityRadialRandom : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random speed min" float m_fSpeedMin; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random speed max" float m_fSpeedMax; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space scale" Vector m_vecLocalCoordinateSystemSpeedScale; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore delta time" bool m_bIgnoreDelta; // 0x209 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_RandomLifeTime : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime min" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 20" float m_fLifetimeMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime max" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 20" float m_fLifetimeMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime random exponent" float m_fLifetimeRandExponent; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_RandomScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min" float m_flMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max" float m_flMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "exponent" float m_flExponent; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1fc }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_RandomVector : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vecMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vecMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random number generator controls" CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters m_randomnessParameters; // 0x20c }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_RandomVectorComponent : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min" float m_flMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max" float m_flMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "component 0/1/2 X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x1fc }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 560 class C_INIT_AddVectorToVector : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "component scale factor" Vector m_vecScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random offset min" Vector m_vOffsetMin; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random offset max" Vector m_vOffsetMax; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random number generator controls" CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters m_randomnessParameters; // 0x21c }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_RandomAlphaWindowThreshold : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min" float m_flMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max" float m_flMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "exponent" float m_flExponent; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_RandomRadius : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius min" // MPropertyAttributeRange "biased 0 500" float m_flRadiusMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius max" // MPropertyAttributeRange "biased 0 500" float m_flRadiusMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius random exponent" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-2 2" float m_flRadiusRandExponent; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_RandomAlpha : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_alpha" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha min" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 255" int32_t m_nAlphaMin; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha max" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 255" int32_t m_nAlphaMax; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha random exponent" float m_flAlphaRandExponent; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 528 class CGeneralRandomRotation : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation initial" float m_flDegrees; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset from initial min" float m_flDegreesMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset from initial max" float m_flDegreesMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset exponent" float m_flRotationRandExponent; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "randomly flip direction" bool m_bRandomlyFlipDirection; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_RandomRotation : public CGeneralRandomRotation, CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_Orient2DRelToCP : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset" float m_flRotOffset; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_RandomRotationSpeed : public CGeneralRandomRotation, CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_RandomYaw : public CGeneralRandomRotation, CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 576 class C_INIT_RandomColor : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color1" Color m_ColorMin; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "color2" Color m_ColorMax; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint clamp min" Color m_TintMin; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint clamp max" Color m_TintMax; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint perc" float m_flTintPerc; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint update movement threshold" float m_flUpdateThreshold; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint control point" int32_t m_nTintCP; // 0x224 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint blend mode" ParticleColorBlendMode_t m_nTintBlendMode; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "light amplification amount" float m_flLightAmplification; // 0x230 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 560 class C_INIT_ColorLitPerParticle : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color1" Color m_ColorMin; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color2" Color m_ColorMax; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint clamp min" Color m_TintMin; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint clamp max" Color m_TintMax; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light bias" float m_flTintPerc; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint blend mode" ParticleColorBlendMode_t m_nTintBlendMode; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "light amplification amount" float m_flLightAmplification; // 0x220 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_RandomTrailLength : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "length min" float m_flMinLength; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "length max" float m_flMaxLength; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "length random exponent" float m_flLengthRandExponent; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_RandomSequence : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence min" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 1 )" int32_t m_nSequenceMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence max" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 1 )" int32_t m_nSequenceMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "shuffle" bool m_bShuffle; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "linear" bool m_bLinear; // 0x1f9 // MPropertyFriendlyName "weighted list" CUtlVector< SequenceWeightedList_t > m_WeightedList; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_SequenceFromCP : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "kill unused" bool m_bKillUnused; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset propotional to radius" bool m_bRadiusScale; // 0x1f1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per particle spatial offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffset; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 768 class C_INIT_RandomModelSequence : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "activity" char[256] m_ActivityName; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel; // 0x2f0 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 1984 class C_INIT_ScaleVelocity : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity scale" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 3488 class C_INIT_PositionWarp : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp min" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecWarpMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp max" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecWarpMax; // 0x7b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp scale control point number" int32_t m_nScaleControlPointNumber; // 0xd80 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0xd84 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nRadiusComponent; // 0xd88 // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp transition time (treats min/max as start/end sizes)" float m_flWarpTime; // 0xd8c // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp transition start time" float m_flWarpStartTime; // 0xd90 // MPropertyFriendlyName "previous position sacale" float m_flPrevPosScale; // 0xd94 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reverse warp (0/1)" bool m_bInvertWarp; // 0xd98 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use particle count instead of time" bool m_bUseCount; // 0xd99 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 848 class C_INIT_PositionWarpScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp min" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecWarpMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp max" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecWarpMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp amount" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "previous position scale" float m_flPrevPosScale; // 0x340 // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp scale control point number" int32_t m_nScaleControlPointNumber; // 0x344 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x348 }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_CreationNoise : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "absolute value" bool m_bAbsVal; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "invert absolute value" bool m_bAbsValInv; // 0x1f5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time coordinate offset" float m_flOffset; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time noise coordinate scale" float m_flNoiseScale; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial noise coordinate scale" float m_flNoiseScaleLoc; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial coordinate offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetLoc; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "world time noise coordinate scale" float m_flWorldTimeScale; // 0x218 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 608 class C_INIT_CreateAlongPath : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" float m_fMaxDistance; // 0x1f0 CPathParameters m_PathParams; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "randomly select sequential CP pairs between start and end points" bool m_bUseRandomCPs; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset from control point for path end" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vEndOffset; // 0x244 // MPropertyFriendlyName "save offset" bool m_bSaveOffset; // 0x250 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 2064 class C_INIT_MoveBetweenPoints : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum speed" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flSpeedMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum speed" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flSpeedMax; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end spread" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flEndSpread; // 0x460 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start offset" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flStartOffset; // 0x598 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end offset" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flEndOffset; // 0x6d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end control point" int32_t m_nEndControlPointNumber; // 0x808 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias lifetime by trail length" bool m_bTrailBias; // 0x80c }; // Aligment: 11 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_RemapScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified input range" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap bias" float m_flRemapBias; // 0x218 }; // Aligment: 12 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" int32_t m_nInputMin; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" int32_t m_nInputMax; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input scale control point" int32_t m_nScaleControlPoint; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input scale control point field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nScaleControlPointField; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified input range" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "invert input from total particle count" bool m_bInvert; // 0x211 // MPropertyFriendlyName "wrap input" bool m_bWrap; // 0x212 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap bias" float m_flRemapBias; // 0x214 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 576 class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar : public C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToScalar, CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output min name" CUtlString m_outputMinName; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output max name" CUtlString m_outputMaxName; // 0x230 bool m_bModelFromRenderer; // 0x238 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 576 class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelSequenceScalar : public C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar, C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToScalar, CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 576 class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelBodyPartScalar : public C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar, C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToScalar, CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 576 class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelMeshGroupScalar : public C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar, C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToScalar, CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_InheritVelocity : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity scale" float m_flVelocityScale; // 0x1f4 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_VelocityFromCP : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "comparison control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointCompare; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointLocal; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity scale" float m_flVelocityScale; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "direction only" bool m_bDirectionOnly; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_AgeNoise : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "absolute value" bool m_bAbsVal; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "invert absolute value" bool m_bAbsValInv; // 0x1f1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time coordinate offset" float m_flOffset; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start age minimum" float m_flAgeMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start age maximum" float m_flAgeMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "time noise coordinate scale" float m_flNoiseScale; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial noise coordinate scale" float m_flNoiseScaleLoc; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial coordinate offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetLoc; // 0x208 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_SequenceLifeTime : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "frames per second" float m_flFramerate; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 12 // Size: 576 class C_INIT_RemapScalarToVector : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x224 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use local system" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap bias" float m_flRemapBias; // 0x22c }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_OffsetVectorToVector : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output offset minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output offset maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random number generator controls" CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters m_randomnessParameters; // 0x210 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 1216 class C_INIT_CreateSequentialPathV2 : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fMaxDistance; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particles to map from start to end" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flNumToAssign; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "restart behavior (0 = bounce, 1 = loop )" bool m_bLoop; // 0x460 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use sequential CP pairs between start and end point" bool m_bCPPairs; // 0x461 // MPropertyFriendlyName "save offset" bool m_bSaveOffset; // 0x462 CPathParameters m_PathParams; // 0x470 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 576 class C_INIT_CreateSequentialPath : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" float m_fMaxDistance; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particles to map from start to end" float m_flNumToAssign; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "restart behavior (0 = bounce, 1 = loop )" bool m_bLoop; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use sequential CP pairs between start and end point" bool m_bCPPairs; // 0x1f9 // MPropertyFriendlyName "save offset" bool m_bSaveOffset; // 0x1fa CPathParameters m_PathParams; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 13 // Size: 688 class C_INIT_InitialRepulsionVelocity : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "collision group" char[128] m_CollisionGroupName; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x270 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum velocity" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x274 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum velocity" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x280 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x28c // MPropertyFriendlyName "per particle world collision tests" bool m_bPerParticle; // 0x290 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset instead of accelerate" bool m_bTranslate; // 0x291 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset proportional to radius 0/1" bool m_bProportional; // 0x292 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace length" float m_flTraceLength; // 0x294 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use radius for per particle trace length" bool m_bPerParticleTR; // 0x298 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherit from parent" bool m_bInherit; // 0x299 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control points to broadcast to children (n + 1)" int32_t m_nChildCP; // 0x29c // MPropertyFriendlyName "child group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x2a0 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_RandomYawFlip : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "flip percentage" float m_flPercent; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_RandomSecondSequence : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence min" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 2 )" int32_t m_nSequenceMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence max" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 2 )" int32_t m_nSequenceMax; // 0x1f4 }; // Aligment: 11 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_RemapCPtoScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field 0-2 X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nField; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap bias" float m_flRemapBias; // 0x218 }; // Aligment: 13 // Size: 736 class C_INIT_RemapTransformToVector : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vInputMin; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vInputMax; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vOutputMin; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vOutputMax; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space transform" // MParticleTransformInputOptional CParticleTransformInput m_LocalSpaceTransform; // 0x278 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x2c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x2cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x2d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset position" bool m_bOffset; // 0x2d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "accelerate position" bool m_bAccelerate; // 0x2d5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap bias" float m_flRemapBias; // 0x2d8 }; // Aligment: 9 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_ChaoticAttractor : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "pickover A parameter" float m_flAParm; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pickover B parameter" float m_flBParm; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pickover C parameter" float m_flCParm; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pickover D parameter" float m_flDParm; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale" float m_flScale; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed min" float m_flSpeedMin; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed max" float m_flSpeedMax; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "relative control point number" int32_t m_nBaseCP; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "uniform speed" bool m_bUniformSpeed; // 0x210 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_CreateFromParentParticles : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherited velocity scale" float m_flVelocityScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" float m_flIncrement; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random parent particle distribution" bool m_bRandomDistribution; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random seed" int32_t m_nRandomSeed; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "sub frame interpolation" bool m_bSubFrame; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_InheritFromParentParticles : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale" float m_flScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherited field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" int32_t m_nIncrement; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random parent particle distribution" bool m_bRandomDistribution; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "random seed" int32_t m_nRandomSeed; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 832 class C_INIT_CreateFromCPs : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point increment amount" int32_t m_nIncrement; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "starting control point" int32_t m_nMinCP; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ending control point" // MParticleMinVersion int32_t m_nMaxCP; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "dynamic control point count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nDynamicCPCount; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 15 // Size: 2240 class C_INIT_DistanceToCPInit : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x468 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nStartCP; // 0x6d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ensure line of sight" bool m_bLOS; // 0x6dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS collision group" char[128] m_CollisionGroupName; // 0x6dd // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x760 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Maximum Trace Length" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x768 // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS Failure Scalar" float m_flLOSScale; // 0x8a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x8a4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified distance" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x8a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance component scale" Vector m_vecDistanceScale; // 0x8ac // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap bias" float m_flRemapBias; // 0x8b8 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 688 class C_INIT_LifespanFromVelocity : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias distance" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecComponentScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace offset" float m_flTraceOffset; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum trace length" float m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace recycle tolerance" float m_flTraceTolerance; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum points to cache" int32_t m_nMaxPlanes; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace collision group" char[128] m_CollisionGroupName; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x290 // MPropertyFriendlyName "collide with water" bool m_bIncludeWater; // 0x2a0 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_CreateFromPlaneCache : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "local offset min" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local offset max" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set normal" bool m_bUseNormal; // 0x209 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 640 class C_INIT_ModelCull : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use only bounding box" bool m_bBoundBox; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull outside instead of inside" bool m_bCullOutside; // 0x1f5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x1f6 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char[128] m_HitboxSetName; // 0x1f7 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 832 class C_INIT_DistanceCull : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull distance" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDistance; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull inside instead of outside" bool m_bCullInside; // 0x330 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 832 class C_INIT_PlaneCull : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point of plane" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull offset" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDistance; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "flip cull normal" bool m_bCullInside; // 0x330 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 816 class C_INIT_DistanceToNeighborCull : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull distance" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flDistance; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 672 class C_INIT_RtEnvCull : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "test direction" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecTestDir; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull normal" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecTestNormal; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "use velocity for test direction" bool m_bUseVelocity; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull on miss" bool m_bCullOnMiss; // 0x209 // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity test adjust lifespan" bool m_bLifeAdjust; // 0x20a // MPropertyFriendlyName "ray trace environment name" char[128] m_RtEnvName; // 0x20b // MPropertyFriendlyName "ray trace environment cp" int32_t m_nRTEnvCP; // 0x28c // MPropertyFriendlyName "rt env control point component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x290 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_NormalAlignToCP : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point axis" ParticleControlPointAxis_t m_nControlPointAxis; // 0x1f4 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_NormalOffset : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset min" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_OffsetMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset max" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_OffsetMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset in local space 0/1" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize output 0/1" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x20d }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_RemapSpeedToScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number (ignored if per particle)" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per particle" bool m_bPerParticle; // 0x214 }; // Aligment: 9 // Size: 848 class C_INIT_InitFromCPSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "field to read" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToRead; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "field to write" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToWrite; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point number" int32_t m_nLocalSpaceCP; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "random order" bool m_bRandom; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reverse order" bool m_bReverse; // 0x201 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Snapshot increment amount" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nSnapShotIncrement; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random seed" int32_t m_nRandomSeed; // 0x340 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space angles" bool m_bLocalSpaceAngles; // 0x344 }; // Aligment: 17 // Size: 560 class C_INIT_InitSkinnedPositionFromCPSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random order" bool m_bRandom; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random seed" int32_t m_nRandomSeed; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "prepare for rigid lock" bool m_bRigid; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set normal" bool m_bSetNormal; // 0x201 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal velocity ignore delta time" bool m_bIgnoreDt; // 0x202 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal velocity min" float m_flMinNormalVelocity; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal velocity max" float m_flMaxNormalVelocity; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" float m_flIncrement; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Full Loop Increment Amount" int32_t m_nFullLoopIncrement; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Snapshot start point" int32_t m_nSnapShotStartPoint; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherited bone velocity" float m_flBoneVelocity; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max inherited bone velocity" float m_flBoneVelocityMax; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Color" bool m_bCopyColor; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Alpha" bool m_bCopyAlpha; // 0x221 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Radius" bool m_bSetRadius; // 0x222 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 640 class C_INIT_InitFromParentKilled : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "field to init" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToCopy; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 2000 class C_INIT_InitFromVectorFieldSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point number" int32_t m_nLocalSpaceCP; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "weight update control point" int32_t m_nWeightUpdateCP; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use vertical velocity for weighting" bool m_bUseVerticalVelocity; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Component Scale" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 608 class C_INIT_RemapInitialDirectionToTransformToVector : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor" float m_flScale; // 0x244 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset rotation" float m_flOffsetRot; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset axis" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetAxis; // 0x24c // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x258 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 592 class C_INIT_RemapInitialTransformDirectionToRotation : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset rotation" float m_flOffsetRot; // 0x244 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point axis" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x248 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 576 class C_INIT_RemapQAnglesToRotation : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 592 class C_INIT_RemapTransformOrientationToRotations : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset pitch/yaw/roll" Vector m_vecRotation; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use Quaternians Internally" bool m_bUseQuat; // 0x24c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Write normal instead of rotation" bool m_bWriteNormal; // 0x24d }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_SetRigidAttachment : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "attribute to read from" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "attribute to cache to" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0x1fc }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_RemapInitialVisibilityScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "visibility minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "visibility maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_RadiusFromCPObject : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 528 class C_INIT_InitialSequenceFromModel : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "current anim time output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutputAnim; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x20c }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 512 class C_INIT_GlobalScale : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale amount" float m_flScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale control point number" int32_t m_nScaleControlPointNumber; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale radius" bool m_bScaleRadius; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale position" bool m_bScalePosition; // 0x1fd // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale velocity" bool m_bScaleVelocity; // 0x1fe }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_PointList : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "point list" CUtlVector< PointDefinition_t > m_pointList; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "space points along path" bool m_bPlaceAlongPath; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Treat path as a loop" bool m_bClosedLoop; // 0x211 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Numer of points along path" int32_t m_nNumPointsAlongPath; // 0x214 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "names" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_names; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "shuffle" bool m_bShuffle; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "linear" bool m_bLinear; // 0x211 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model from renderer" bool m_bModelFromRenderer; // 0x212 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x214 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_RandomNamedModelSequence : public C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement, CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_RandomNamedModelBodyPart : public C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement, CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 544 class C_INIT_RandomNamedModelMeshGroup : public C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement, CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 576 class C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "names" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_names; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap values for names" CUtlVector< float32 > m_values; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model from renderer" bool m_bModelFromRenderer; // 0x234 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 576 class C_INIT_RemapNamedModelSequenceToScalar : public C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar, CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 576 class C_INIT_RemapNamedModelBodyPartToScalar : public C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar, CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 576 class C_INIT_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupToScalar : public C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar, CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 18 // Size: 592 class C_INIT_StatusEffect : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "D_DETAIL_2" Detail2Combo_t m_nDetail2Combo; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$DETAIL2ROTATION" float m_flDetail2Rotation; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$DETAIL2SCALE" float m_flDetail2Scale; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$DETAIL2BLENDFACTOR" float m_flDetail2BlendFactor; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "$COLORWARPINTENSITY" float m_flColorWarpIntensity; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$DIFFUSEWARPBLENDTOFULL" float m_flDiffuseWarpBlendToFull; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$ENVMAPINTENSITY" float m_flEnvMapIntensity; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$AMBIENTSCALE" float m_flAmbientScale; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SPECULARCOLOR" Color m_specularColor; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SPECULARSCALE" float m_flSpecularScale; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SPECULAREXPONENT" float m_flSpecularExponent; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SPECULAREXPONENTBLENDTOFULL" float m_flSpecularExponentBlendToFull; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SPECULARBLENDTOFULL" float m_flSpecularBlendToFull; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" Color m_rimLightColor; // 0x224 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$RIMLIGHTSCALE" float m_flRimLightScale; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$REFLECTIONSTINTBYBASEBLENDTONONE" float m_flReflectionsTintByBaseBlendToNone; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "$METALNESSBLENDTOFULL" float m_flMetalnessBlendToFull; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SELFILLUMBLENDTOFULL" float m_flSelfIllumBlendToFull; // 0x234 }; // Aligment: 19 // Size: 576 class C_INIT_StatusEffectCitadel : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXColorWarpAmount" float m_flSFXColorWarpAmount; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXNormalAmount" float m_flSFXNormalAmount; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXMetalnessAmount" float m_flSFXMetalnessAmount; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXRoughnessAmount" float m_flSFXRoughnessAmount; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXSelfIllumAmount" float m_flSFXSelfIllumAmount; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureScale" float m_flSFXSScale; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureScrollX" float m_flSFXSScrollX; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureScrollY" float m_flSFXSScrollY; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureScrollZ" float m_flSFXSScrollZ; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureOffsetX" float m_flSFXSOffsetX; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureOffsetY" float m_flSFXSOffsetY; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureOffsetZ" float m_flSFXSOffsetZ; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "D_DETAIL" DetailCombo_t m_nDetailCombo; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXDetailAmount" float m_flSFXSDetailAmount; // 0x224 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXDetailTextureScale" float m_flSFXSDetailScale; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXDetailTextureScrollX" float m_flSFXSDetailScrollX; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXDetailTextureScrollY" float m_flSFXSDetailScrollY; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXDetailTextureScrollZ" float m_flSFXSDetailScrollZ; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXUseModelUVs" float m_flSFXSUseModelUVs; // 0x238 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 1456 class C_INIT_CreateParticleImpulse : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputRadius; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "magnitude" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputMagnitude; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force falloff function" ParticleFalloffFunction_t m_nFalloffFunction; // 0x460 // MPropertyFriendlyName "exponential falloff exponent" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputFalloffExp; // 0x468 // MPropertyFriendlyName "impulse type" ParticleImpulseType_t m_nImpulseType; // 0x5a0 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 816 class C_INIT_QuantizeFloat : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "interval to snap to" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x328 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 3584 class C_INIT_SetVectorAttributeToVectorExpression : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" VectorExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CPerParticleVecInput m_vInput1; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CPerParticleVecInput m_vInput2; // 0x7c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0xd88 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0xd8c // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize result" bool m_bNormalizedOutput; // 0xd90 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 816 class C_INIT_InitFloatCollection : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x328 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 1136 class C_INIT_InitFloat : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x32c // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle strength" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputStrength; // 0x330 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 1984 class C_INIT_InitVecCollection : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_InputValue; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x7b8 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 2000 class C_INIT_InitVec : public CParticleFunctionInitializer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CPerParticleVecInput m_InputValue; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x7b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x7bc // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize result" bool m_bNormalizedOutput; // 0x7c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set previous position" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nOutputField != PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ" bool m_bWritePreviousPosition; // 0x7c1 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 1136 class C_OP_InstantaneousEmitter : public CParticleFunctionEmitter, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "num to emit" // MPropertyAttributeRange "1 1000" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nParticlesToEmit; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission start time" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flStartTime; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission scale from killed parent particles" float m_flInitFromKilledParentParticles; // 0x460 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum emission per frame" int32_t m_nMaxEmittedPerFrame; // 0x464 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point with snapshot data" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint; // 0x468 }; // Aligment: 9 // Size: 1456 class C_OP_ContinuousEmitter : public CParticleFunctionEmitter, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission duration" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flEmissionDuration; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission start time" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flStartTime; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flEmitRate; // 0x460 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale emission to used control points" // MParticleMaxVersion float m_flEmissionScale; // 0x598 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale emission by parent particle count" float m_flScalePerParentParticle; // 0x59c // MPropertyFriendlyName "emit particles for killed parent particles" bool m_bInitFromKilledParentParticles; // 0x5a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "limit per update" int32_t m_nLimitPerUpdate; // 0x5a4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force emit on first update" bool m_bForceEmitOnFirstUpdate; // 0x5a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force emit on last update" bool m_bForceEmitOnLastUpdate; // 0x5a9 }; // Aligment: 15 // Size: 560 class C_OP_NoiseEmitter : public CParticleFunctionEmitter, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission duration" float m_flEmissionDuration; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale emission to used control points" // MParticleMaxVersion float m_flEmissionScale; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission count scale control point" int32_t m_nScaleControlPoint; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission count scale control point field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nScaleControlPointField; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "world noise scale control point" int32_t m_nWorldNoisePoint; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "absolute value" bool m_bAbsVal; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "invert absolute value" bool m_bAbsValInv; // 0x209 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time coordinate offset" float m_flOffset; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time noise coordinate scale" float m_flNoiseScale; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "world spatial noise coordinate scale" float m_flWorldNoiseScale; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial coordinate offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetLoc; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "world time noise coordinate scale" float m_flWorldTimeScale; // 0x22c }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 1152 class C_OP_MaintainEmitter : public CParticleFunctionEmitter, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "count to maintain" int32_t m_nParticlesToMaintain; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission duration" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flEmissionDuration; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission rate" float m_flEmissionRate; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point with snapshot data" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint; // 0x334 // MPropertyFriendlyName "group emission times for new particles" bool m_bEmitInstantaneously; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "perform final emit on stop" bool m_bFinalEmitOnStop; // 0x339 // MPropertyFriendlyName "total count scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flScale; // 0x340 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 528 class C_OP_RandomForce : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min force" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_MinForce; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max force" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_MaxForce; // 0x1fc }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 816 class C_OP_CPVelocityForce : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flScale; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 528 class C_OP_ParentVortices : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of force" float m_flForceScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "twist axis" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecTwistAxis; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "flip twist axis with yaw" bool m_bFlipBasedOnYaw; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 528 class C_OP_TwistAroundAxis : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of force" float m_fForceAmount; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "twist axis" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_TwistAxis; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "object local space axis 0/1" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 1232 class C_OP_AttractToControlPoint : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "component scale" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecComponentScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of force (or Max Force)" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fForceAmount; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "falloff power" float m_fFalloffPower; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input position transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x340 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Min Pullforce" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fForceAmountMin; // 0x390 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Apply Min Pullforce" bool m_bApplyMinForce; // 0x4c8 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 560 class C_OP_ForceBasedOnDistanceToPlane : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min distance from plane" float m_flMinDist; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force at min distance" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecForceAtMinDist; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max distance from plane" float m_flMaxDist; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force at max distance" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecForceAtMaxDist; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "plane normal" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecPlaneNormal; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "exponent" float m_flExponent; // 0x220 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 528 class C_OP_TimeVaryingForce : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "time to start transition" float m_flStartLerpTime; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "starting force" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_StartingForce; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time to end transition" float m_flEndLerpTime; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ending force" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_EndingForce; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 560 class C_OP_TurbulenceForce : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise scale 0" float m_flNoiseCoordScale0; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise scale 1" float m_flNoiseCoordScale1; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise scale 2" float m_flNoiseCoordScale2; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise scale 3" float m_flNoiseCoordScale3; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise amount 0" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecNoiseAmount0; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise amount 1" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecNoiseAmount1; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise amount 2" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecNoiseAmount2; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise amount 3" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecNoiseAmount3; // 0x224 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 5568 class C_OP_CurlNoiseForce : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise type" ParticleDirectionNoiseType_t m_nNoiseType; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise frequency" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecNoiseFreq; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise amplitude" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecNoiseScale; // 0x7c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset rate" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecOffsetRate; // 0xd88 // MPropertyFriendlyName "worley seed" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flWorleySeed; // 0x1350 // MPropertyFriendlyName "worley jitter" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flWorleyJitter; // 0x1488 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 2304 class C_OP_PerParticleForce : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "force scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flForceScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force to apply" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vForce; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x8f0 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 512 class C_OP_WindForce : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "force to apply" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vForce; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3472 class C_OP_ExternalWindForce : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "sample position" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecSamplePosition; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force scale" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x7b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sample wind" bool m_bSampleWind; // 0xd80 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sample water current" bool m_bSampleWater; // 0xd81 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 816 class C_OP_ExternalGameImpulseForce : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "force scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flForceScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rope shake" bool m_bRopes; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "limit rope impulses to Z" bool m_bRopesZOnly; // 0x329 // MPropertyFriendlyName "explosions" bool m_bExplosions; // 0x32a // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle systems" bool m_bParticles; // 0x32b }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 1984 class C_OP_LocalAccelerationForce : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale control point" int32_t m_nScaleCP; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space acceleration" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecAccel; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 512 class C_OP_ScreenForceFromPlayerView : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Acceleration" float m_flAccel; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 528 class C_OP_ExternalGenericForce : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "strength" float m_flStrength; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "curl strength" float m_flCurlStrength; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "linear strength" float m_flLinearStrength; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radial strength" float m_flRadialStrength; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation strength" float m_flRotationStrength; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 512 class C_OP_DensityForce : public CParticleFunctionForce, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radius scale for particle influence" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Scale of force" float m_flForceScale; // 0x1f4 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 528 class C_OP_BasicMovement : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "gravity" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_Gravity; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "drag" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-1 1" float m_fDrag; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "max constraint passes" int32_t m_nMaxConstraintPasses; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 528 class C_OP_FadeAndKill : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade in time" float m_flStartFadeInTime; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade in time" float m_flEndFadeInTime; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade out time" float m_flStartFadeOutTime; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade out time" float m_flEndFadeOutTime; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "start alpha" float m_flStartAlpha; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end alpha" float m_flEndAlpha; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force preserving particle order" bool m_bForcePreserveParticleOrder; // 0x208 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 528 class C_OP_FadeAndKillForTracers : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade in time" float m_flStartFadeInTime; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade in time" float m_flEndFadeInTime; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade out time" float m_flStartFadeOutTime; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade out time" float m_flEndFadeOutTime; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "start alpha" float m_flStartAlpha; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end alpha" float m_flEndAlpha; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 512 class C_OP_FadeIn : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade in time min" float m_flFadeInTimeMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade in time max" float m_flFadeInTimeMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade in time exponent" float m_flFadeInTimeExp; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "proportional 0/1" bool m_bProportional; // 0x1fc }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 576 class C_OP_FadeOut : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade out time min" float m_flFadeOutTimeMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade out time max" float m_flFadeOutTimeMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade out time exponent" float m_flFadeOutTimeExp; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade bias" float m_flFadeBias; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "proportional 0/1" bool m_bProportional; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ease in and out" bool m_bEaseInAndOut; // 0x231 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 512 class C_OP_FadeInSimple : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "proportional fade in time" float m_flFadeInTime; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_alpha" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 512 class C_OP_FadeOutSimple : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "proportional fade out time" float m_flFadeOutTime; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_alpha" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 1136 class C_OP_ClampScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x330 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 3472 class C_OP_ClampVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecOutputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecOutputMax; // 0x7c0 }; // Aligment: 13 // Size: 544 class C_OP_OscillateScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation rate min" float m_RateMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation rate max" float m_RateMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation frequency min" float m_FrequencyMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation frequency max" float m_FrequencyMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "proportional 0/1" bool m_bProportional; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start/end proportional" bool m_bProportionalOp; // 0x205 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time min" float m_flStartTime_min; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time max" float m_flStartTime_max; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time min" float m_flEndTime_min; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time max" float m_flEndTime_max; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation multiplier" float m_flOscMult; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation start phase" float m_flOscAdd; // 0x21c }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 560 class C_OP_OscillateScalarSimple : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation rate" float m_Rate; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation frequency" float m_Frequency; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation multiplier" float m_flOscMult; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation start phase" float m_flOscAdd; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 15 // Size: 1504 class C_OP_OscillateVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation rate min" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_RateMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation rate max" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_RateMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation frequency min" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_FrequencyMin; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation frequency max" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_FrequencyMax; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "proportional 0/1" bool m_bProportional; // 0x224 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start/end proportional" bool m_bProportionalOp; // 0x225 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset instead of accelerate position" bool m_bOffset; // 0x226 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time min" float m_flStartTime_min; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time max" float m_flStartTime_max; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time min" float m_flEndTime_min; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time max" float m_flEndTime_max; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation multiplier" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOscMult; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation start phase" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOscAdd; // 0x370 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rate scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRateScale; // 0x4a8 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 544 class C_OP_OscillateVectorSimple : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation rate" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_Rate; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation frequency" Vector m_Frequency; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation multiplier" float m_flOscMult; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation start phase" float m_flOscAdd; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset instead of accelerate position" bool m_bOffset; // 0x214 }; // Aligment: 9 // Size: 528 class C_OP_DifferencePreviousParticle : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "difference minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "difference maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified difference" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "also set ouput to previous particle" bool m_bSetPreviousParticle; // 0x20d }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 816 class C_OP_PointVectorAtNextParticle : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 528 class C_OP_RemapScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 544 class C_OP_RemapDensityToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radius scale for particle influence" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Density value to map to min value" float m_flDensityMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Density value to map to max value" float m_flDensityMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output minimum" Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output maximum" Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x20c }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 528 class C_OP_RemapScalarEndCap : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_OP_ReinitializeScalarEndCap : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 528 class C_OP_RemapScalarOnceTimed : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap time proportional" bool m_bProportional; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap time" float m_flRemapTime; // 0x20c }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 528 class C_OP_RemapParticleCountOnScalarEndCap : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" int32_t m_nInputMin; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" int32_t m_nInputMax; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "count back from last particle" bool m_bBackwards; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x208 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 1760 class C_OP_RemapParticleCountToScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nInputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nInputMax; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x468 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x6d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x6dc }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 528 class C_OP_RemapVisibilityScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "visibility minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "visibility maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x208 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 608 class C_OP_RemapTransformVisibilityToScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP visibility minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x24c // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP visibility maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x254 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x258 // MPropertyFriendlyName "visibility radius" float m_flRadius; // 0x25c }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 624 class C_OP_RemapTransformVisibilityToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP visibility minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x24c // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP visibility maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x254 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x260 // MPropertyFriendlyName "visibility radius" float m_flRadius; // 0x26c }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 832 class C_OP_LerpScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "value to lerp to" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutput; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time" float m_flEndTime; // 0x334 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_OP_LerpEndCapScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "value to lerp to" float m_flOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lerp time" float m_flLerpTime; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 528 class C_OP_LerpEndCapVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "value to lerp to" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vecOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lerp time" float m_flLerpTime; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 528 class C_OP_LerpVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "value to lerp to" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vecOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time" float m_flEndTime; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x208 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 864 class C_OP_LerpToOtherAttribute : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input attribute from" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInputFrom; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input attribute to" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x32c // MPropertyFriendlyName "output attribute" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x330 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 528 class C_OP_RemapSpeed : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore delta time" bool m_bIgnoreDelta; // 0x208 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_OP_RemapVectortoCP : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle number to read" int32_t m_nParticleNumber; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 576 class C_OP_RampScalarLinear : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate min" float m_RateMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate max" float m_RateMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time min" float m_flStartTime_min; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time max" float m_flStartTime_max; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time min" float m_flEndTime_min; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time max" float m_flEndTime_max; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start/end proportional" bool m_bProportionalOp; // 0x234 }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 576 class C_OP_RampScalarSpline : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate min" float m_RateMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate max" float m_RateMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time min" float m_flStartTime_min; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time max" float m_flStartTime_max; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time min" float m_flEndTime_min; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time max" float m_flEndTime_max; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias" float m_flBias; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start/end proportional" bool m_bProportionalOp; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ease out" bool m_bEaseOut; // 0x235 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 560 class C_OP_RampScalarLinearSimple : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate" float m_Rate; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time" float m_flEndTime; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x220 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 560 class C_OP_RampScalarSplineSimple : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate" float m_Rate; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time" float m_flEndTime; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ease out" bool m_bEaseOut; // 0x224 }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 4736 class C_OP_ChladniWave : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "wave minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "wave maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x468 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "wave length" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecWaveLength; // 0x6d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "harmonics" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecHarmonics; // 0xca0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1268 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point" int32_t m_nLocalSpaceControlPoint; // 0x126c // MPropertyFriendlyName "3D" bool m_b3D; // 0x1270 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 528 class C_OP_Noise : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise coordinate scale" float m_fl4NoiseScale; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "additive" bool m_bAdditive; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Noise animation time scale" float m_flNoiseAnimationTimeScale; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 544 class C_OP_VectorNoise : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise coordinate scale" float m_fl4NoiseScale; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "additive" bool m_bAdditive; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset instead of accelerate position" bool m_bOffset; // 0x211 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Noise animation time scale" float m_flNoiseAnimationTimeScale; // 0x214 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 512 class C_OP_Decay : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Reduce rope popping on decay" bool m_bRopeDecay; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force preserving particle order" bool m_bForcePreserveParticleOrder; // 0x1f1 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 816 class C_OP_DecayOffscreen : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offscreen Time Before Decay" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOffscreenTime; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 816 class C_OP_EndCapTimedFreeze : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "freeze time" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFreezeTime; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 512 class C_OP_EndCapTimedDecay : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "decay time" float m_flDecayTime; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 496 class C_OP_EndCapDecay : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 512 class C_OP_VelocityDecay : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum velocity" float m_flMinVelocity; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 512 class C_OP_AlphaDecay : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum alpha" float m_flMinAlpha; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 512 class C_OP_RadiusDecay : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum radius" float m_flMinRadius; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 832 class C_OP_DecayMaintainCount : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "count to maintain" int32_t m_nParticlesToMaintain; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "decay delay" float m_flDecayDelay; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point for count" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "decay on lifespan" bool m_bLifespanDecay; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "total count scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flScale; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "kill newest instead of oldest" bool m_bKillNewest; // 0x338 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 816 class C_OP_DecayClampCount : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Maximum Count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nCount; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 512 class C_OP_Cull : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull percentage" float m_flCullPerc; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull start time" float m_flCullStart; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull end time" float m_flCullEnd; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull time exponent" float m_flCullExp; // 0x1fc }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 528 class CGeneralSpin : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "spin rate degrees" int32_t m_nSpinRateDegrees; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spin rate min" int32_t m_nSpinRateMinDegrees; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spin stop time" float m_fSpinRateStopTime; // 0x1fc }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 496 class CSpinUpdateBase : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 528 class C_OP_Spin : public CGeneralSpin, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 496 class C_OP_SpinUpdate : public CSpinUpdateBase, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 528 class C_OP_SpinYaw : public CGeneralSpin, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 576 class C_OP_InterpolateRadius : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time" float m_flEndTime; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius start scale" float m_flStartScale; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius end scale" float m_flEndScale; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "ease in and out" bool m_bEaseInAndOut; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale bias" float m_flBias; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 528 class C_OP_ColorInterpolate : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color fade" Color m_ColorFade; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade start time" float m_flFadeStartTime; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade end time" float m_flFadeEndTime; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ease in and out" bool m_bEaseInOut; // 0x20c }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 560 class C_OP_ColorInterpolateRandom : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color fade min" Color m_ColorFadeMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color fade max" Color m_ColorFadeMax; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade start time" float m_flFadeStartTime; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade end time" float m_flFadeEndTime; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x224 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ease in and out" bool m_bEaseInOut; // 0x228 }; // Aligment: 15 // Size: 2432 class C_OP_PositionLock : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fadeout min" float m_flStartTime_min; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fadeout max" float m_flStartTime_max; // 0x244 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fadeout exponent" float m_flStartTime_exp; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fadeout min" float m_flEndTime_min; // 0x24c // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fadeout max" float m_flEndTime_max; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fadeout exponent" float m_flEndTime_exp; // 0x254 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance fade range" float m_flRange; // 0x258 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance fade bias" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRangeBias; // 0x260 // MPropertyFriendlyName "instant jump threshold" float m_flJumpThreshold; // 0x398 // MPropertyFriendlyName "previous position scale" float m_flPrevPosScale; // 0x39c // MPropertyFriendlyName "lock rotation" bool m_bLockRot; // 0x3a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "component scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x3a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x970 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field prev" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutputPrev; // 0x974 }; // Aligment: 33 // Size: 1856 class C_OP_ControlpointLight : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "initial color bias" float m_flScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint1; // 0x6c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint2; // 0x6c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint3; // 0x6c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint4; // 0x6cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 control point offset" Vector m_vecCPOffset1; // 0x6d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 control point offset" Vector m_vecCPOffset2; // 0x6dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 control point offset" Vector m_vecCPOffset3; // 0x6e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 control point offset" Vector m_vecCPOffset4; // 0x6f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 50% distance" float m_LightFiftyDist1; // 0x700 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 0% distance" float m_LightZeroDist1; // 0x704 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 50% distance" float m_LightFiftyDist2; // 0x708 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 0% distance" float m_LightZeroDist2; // 0x70c // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 50% distance" float m_LightFiftyDist3; // 0x710 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 0% distance" float m_LightZeroDist3; // 0x714 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 50% distance" float m_LightFiftyDist4; // 0x718 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 0% distance" float m_LightZeroDist4; // 0x71c // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 color" Color m_LightColor1; // 0x720 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 color" Color m_LightColor2; // 0x724 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 color" Color m_LightColor3; // 0x728 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 color" Color m_LightColor4; // 0x72c // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 type 0=point 1=spot" bool m_bLightType1; // 0x730 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 type 0=point 1=spot" bool m_bLightType2; // 0x731 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 type 0=point 1=spot" bool m_bLightType3; // 0x732 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 type 0=point 1=spot" bool m_bLightType4; // 0x733 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 dynamic light" bool m_bLightDynamic1; // 0x734 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 dynamic light" bool m_bLightDynamic2; // 0x735 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 dynamic light" bool m_bLightDynamic3; // 0x736 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 dynamic light" bool m_bLightDynamic4; // 0x737 // MPropertyFriendlyName "compute normals from control points" bool m_bUseNormal; // 0x738 // MPropertyFriendlyName "half-lambert normals" bool m_bUseHLambert; // 0x739 // MPropertyFriendlyName "clamp minimum light value to initial color" bool m_bClampLowerRange; // 0x73e // MPropertyFriendlyName "clamp maximum light value to initial color" bool m_bClampUpperRange; // 0x73f }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_OP_GlobalLight : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "initial color bias" float m_flScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "clamp minimum light value to initial color" bool m_bClampLowerRange; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "clamp maximum light value to initial color" bool m_bClampUpperRange; // 0x1f5 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 832 class C_OP_SetChildControlPoints : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first control point to set" int32_t m_nFirstControlPoint; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of control points to set" int32_t m_nNumControlPoints; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first particle to copy" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nFirstSourcePoint; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set orientation" bool m_bSetOrientation; // 0x338 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 528 class C_OP_SetControlPointsToParticle : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first control point to set" int32_t m_nFirstControlPoint; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of control points to set" int32_t m_nNumControlPoints; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first particle to copy" int32_t m_nFirstSourcePoint; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set orientation" bool m_bSetOrientation; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation style" ParticleOrientationSetMode_t m_nOrientationMode; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set parent" ParticleParentSetMode_t m_nSetParent; // 0x208 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 768 class C_OP_SetControlPointsToModelParticles : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char[128] m_HitboxSetName; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "attachment to follow" char[128] m_AttachmentName; // 0x270 // MPropertyFriendlyName "First control point to set" int32_t m_nFirstControlPoint; // 0x2f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of control points to set" int32_t m_nNumControlPoints; // 0x2f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first particle to copy" int32_t m_nFirstSourcePoint; // 0x2f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use skinning instead of hitboxes" bool m_bSkin; // 0x2fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "follow attachment" bool m_bAttachment; // 0x2fd }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 1152 class C_OP_SetPerChildControlPoint : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to set" int32_t m_nFirstControlPoint; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of children to set" int32_t m_nNumControlPoints; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nParticleIncrement; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first particle to copy" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nFirstSourcePoint; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set orientation from velocity" bool m_bSetOrientation; // 0x470 // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation vector" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOrientationField; // 0x474 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set number of children based on particle count" bool m_bNumBasedOnParticleCount; // 0x478 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 528 class C_OP_SetPerChildControlPointFromAttribute : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to set" int32_t m_nFirstControlPoint; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of children to set" int32_t m_nNumControlPoints; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" int32_t m_nParticleIncrement; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "first particle to copy" int32_t m_nFirstSourcePoint; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set number of children based on particle count" bool m_bNumBasedOnParticleCount; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "field to read" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToRead; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point field for scalars" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPField; // 0x20c }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 592 class C_OP_RemapTransformOrientationToYaw : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset" float m_flRotOffset; // 0x244 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spin strength" float m_flSpinStrength; // 0x248 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_OP_DampenToCP : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "falloff range" float m_flRange; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "dampen scale" float m_flScale; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 528 class C_OP_SetToCP : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset" Vector m_vecOffset; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset in local space" bool m_bOffsetLocal; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 12 // Size: 3568 class C_OP_PinParticleToCP : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecOffset; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset in local space" bool m_bOffsetLocal; // 0x7c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle to use" ParticleSelection_t m_nParticleSelection; // 0x7c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle number" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nParticleNumber; // 0x7c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pin break type" ParticlePinDistance_t m_nPinBreakType; // 0x900 // MPropertyFriendlyName "break length %" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flBreakDistance; // 0x908 // MPropertyFriendlyName "break speed" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flBreakSpeed; // 0xa40 // MPropertyFriendlyName "break age" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flAge; // 0xb78 // MPropertyFriendlyName "break comparison control point 1" int32_t m_nBreakControlPointNumber; // 0xcb0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "break comparison control point 2" int32_t m_nBreakControlPointNumber2; // 0xcb4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0xcb8 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 528 class C_OP_MovementRigidAttachToCP : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale control point number" int32_t m_nScaleControlPoint; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale control point field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nScaleCPField; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cache attribute to read from" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "attribute to write to" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space" bool m_bOffsetLocal; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 2624 class C_OP_LerpToInitialPosition : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "position cache attribute" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nCacheField; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flScale; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "component scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x470 }; // Aligment: 13 // Size: 2064 class C_OP_DistanceBetweenTransforms : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "strarting transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformStart; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformEnd; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x298 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x3d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x508 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x640 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum trace length" float m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x778 // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS Failure Scalar" float m_flLOSScale; // 0x77c // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS collision group" char[128] m_CollisionGroupName; // 0x780 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x800 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ensure line of sight" bool m_bLOS; // 0x804 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x808 }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 688 class C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransforms : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "strarting transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformStart; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformEnd; // 0x258 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x2a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within input range" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x2ac // MPropertyFriendlyName "treat distance between points as radius" bool m_bRadialCheck; // 0x2ad }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 704 class C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransformsVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "strarting transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformStart; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformEnd; // 0x268 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x2b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within input range" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x2bc // MPropertyFriendlyName "treat distance between points as radius" bool m_bRadialCheck; // 0x2bd }; // Aligment: 12 // Size: 704 class C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransformLerpCPs : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "strarting transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformStart; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformEnd; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output starting control point number" int32_t m_nOutputStartCP; // 0x2a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output starting control point field 0-2 X/Y/Z" int32_t m_nOutputStartField; // 0x2a4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output ending control point number" int32_t m_nOutputEndCP; // 0x2a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output ending control point field 0-2 X/Y/Z" int32_t m_nOutputEndField; // 0x2ac // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x2b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within input range" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x2b4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "treat distance between points as radius" bool m_bRadialCheck; // 0x2b5 }; // Aligment: 9 // Size: 4720 class C_OP_DistanceBetweenVecs : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first vector" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecPoint1; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second vector" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecPoint2; // 0x7c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0xd88 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0xec0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0xff8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x1130 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1268 // MPropertyFriendlyName "divide by deltatime (for comparing motion since last simulation)" bool m_bDeltaTime; // 0x126c }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 3472 class C_OP_DirectionBetweenVecsToVec : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first vector" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecPoint1; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second vector" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecPoint2; // 0x7c0 }; // Aligment: 15 // Size: 3472 class C_OP_DistanceToTransform : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x468 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformStart; // 0x6d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ensure line of sight" bool m_bLOS; // 0x728 // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS collision group" char[128] m_CollisionGroupName; // 0x729 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x7ac // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum trace length" float m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x7b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS Failure Scalar" float m_flLOSScale; // 0x7b4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x7b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified distance" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x7bc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output is additive" bool m_bAdditive; // 0x7bd // MPropertyFriendlyName "component scale" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecComponentScale; // 0x7c0 }; // Aligment: 11 // Size: 1920 class C_OP_CylindricalDistanceToTransform : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cylinder inner radius" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cylinder outer radius" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cylinder inner output" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x468 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cylinder outer output" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cylindrical top transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformStart; // 0x6d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cylindrical bottom transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformEnd; // 0x728 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x778 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified distance" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x77c // MPropertyFriendlyName "output is additive" bool m_bAdditive; // 0x77d // MPropertyFriendlyName "apply radius to ends (capsule)" bool m_bCapsule; // 0x77e }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 672 class C_OP_RtEnvCull : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "test direction" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecTestDir; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull normal" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecTestNormal; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull on miss" bool m_bCullOnMiss; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "stick instead of cull" bool m_bStickInsteadOfCull; // 0x209 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ray trace environment name" char[128] m_RtEnvName; // 0x20a // MPropertyFriendlyName "ray trace environment cp" int32_t m_nRTEnvCP; // 0x28c // MPropertyFriendlyName "rt env control point component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x290 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2304 class C_OP_MovementLoopInsideSphere : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance maximum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDistance; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "component scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance squared output attribute" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nDistSqrAttr; // 0x8f8 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 976 class C_OP_MoveToHitbox : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime lerp start" float m_flLifeTimeLerpStart; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime lerp end" float m_flLifeTimeLerpEnd; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "previous position scale" float m_flPrevPosScale; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char[128] m_HitboxSetName; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x284 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lerp type" HitboxLerpType_t m_nLerpType; // 0x288 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Constant Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x290 }; // Aligment: 14 // Size: 2464 class C_OP_LockToBone : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control_point_number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime fade start" float m_flLifeTimeFadeStart; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime fade end" float m_flLifeTimeFadeEnd; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "instant jump threshold" float m_flJumpThreshold; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "previous position scale" float m_flPrevPosScale; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char[128] m_HitboxSetName; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rigid lock" bool m_bRigid; // 0x284 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x285 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x288 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field prev" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutputPrev; // 0x28c // MPropertyStartGroup "Set Rotations to Bones" // MPropertyFriendlyName "lock rotations to bone orientation" ParticleRotationLockType_t m_nRotationSetType; // 0x290 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rigid set rotation from bones" bool m_bRigidRotationLock; // 0x294 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rigid rotation offset pitch/yaw/roll" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecRotation; // 0x298 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rigid rotation interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRotLerp; // 0x860 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_OP_SnapshotRigidSkinToBones : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotate normals" bool m_bTransformNormals; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale radii" bool m_bTransformRadii; // 0x1f1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f4 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 528 class C_OP_SnapshotSkinToBones : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotate normals" bool m_bTransformNormals; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale radii" bool m_bTransformRadii; // 0x1f1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime fade start" float m_flLifeTimeFadeStart; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime fade end" float m_flLifeTimeFadeEnd; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "instant jump threshold" float m_flJumpThreshold; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "previous position scale" float m_flPrevPosScale; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 11 // Size: 544 class C_OP_CPOffsetToPercentageBetweenCPs : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage bias" float m_flInputBias; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "starting control point" int32_t m_nStartCP; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "ending control point" int32_t m_nEndCP; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset control point" int32_t m_nOffsetCP; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOuputCP; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point" int32_t m_nInputCP; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "treat distance between points as radius" bool m_bRadialCheck; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "treat offset as scale of total distance" bool m_bScaleOffset; // 0x211 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset amount" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffset; // 0x214 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 528 class C_OP_PlaneCull : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point for point on plane" int32_t m_nPlaneControlPoint; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "plane normal" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecPlaneDirection; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use local space" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull plane offset" float m_flPlaneOffset; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 528 class C_OP_DistanceCull : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecPointOffset; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull distance" float m_flDistance; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull inside instead of outside" bool m_bCullInside; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 640 class C_OP_ModelCull : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use only bounding box" bool m_bBoundBox; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull outside instead of inside" bool m_bCullOutside; // 0x1f5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x1f6 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char[128] m_HitboxSetName; // 0x1f7 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 2128 class C_OP_ModelDampenMovement : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use only bounding box" bool m_bBoundBox; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "dampen outside instead of inside" bool m_bOutside; // 0x1f5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x1f6 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char[128] m_HitboxSetName; // 0x1f7 // MPropertyFriendlyName "test position offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecPosOffset; // 0x278 // MPropertyFriendlyName "drag" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-1 1" float m_fDrag; // 0x840 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 528 class C_OP_SequenceFromModel : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "current anim time output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutputAnim; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x20c }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_OP_VelocityMatchingForce : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "direction matching strength" float m_flDirScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed matching strength" float m_flSpdScale; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to broadcast speed and direction to" int32_t m_nCPBroadcast; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 528 class C_OP_MovementMaintainOffset : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffset; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space CP" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale by radius" bool m_bRadiusScale; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 17 // Size: 1008 class C_OP_MovementPlaceOnGround : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOffset; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max trace length" float m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP movement tolerance" float m_flTolerance; // 0x32c // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace offset" float m_flTraceOffset; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation rate" float m_flLerpRate; // 0x334 // MPropertyFriendlyName "collision group" char[128] m_CollisionGroupName; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x3b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reference CP 1" int32_t m_nRefCP1; // 0x3bc // MPropertyFriendlyName "reference CP 2" int32_t m_nRefCP2; // 0x3c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "interploation distance tolerance cp" int32_t m_nLerpCP; // 0x3c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "No Collision Behavior" ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t m_nTraceMissBehavior; // 0x3d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "include default contents trace hulls" bool m_bIncludeShotHull; // 0x3d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "include water" bool m_bIncludeWater; // 0x3d5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set normal" bool m_bSetNormal; // 0x3d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "treat offset as scalar of particle radius" bool m_bScaleOffset; // 0x3d9 // MPropertyFriendlyName "preserve initial Z-offset relative to cp" int32_t m_nPreserveOffsetCP; // 0x3dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP Entity to Ignore for Collisions" int32_t m_nIgnoreCP; // 0x3e0 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 512 class C_OP_InheritFromParentParticles : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale" float m_flScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherited field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" int32_t m_nIncrement; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random parent particle distribution" bool m_bRandomDistribution; // 0x1fc }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 528 class C_OP_InheritFromParentParticlesV2 : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale" float m_flScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherited field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" int32_t m_nIncrement; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random parent particle distribution" bool m_bRandomDistribution; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "behavior if parent particle dies" MissingParentInheritBehavior_t m_nMissingParentBehavior; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 1136 class C_OP_ReadFromNeighboringParticle : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "read field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "written field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" int32_t m_nIncrement; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" CPerParticleFloatInput m_DistanceCheck; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x338 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 512 class C_OP_InheritFromPeerSystem : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "read field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "written field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle neighbor increment amount" int32_t m_nIncrement; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "group id" int32_t m_nGroupID; // 0x1fc }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_OP_RemapVectorComponentToScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Input Vector" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output Scalar" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Vector Component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_OP_OrientTo2dDirection : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset" float m_flRotOffset; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spin strength" float m_flSpinStrength; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 528 class C_OP_RestartAfterDuration : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum restart time" float m_flDurationMin; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum restart time" float m_flDurationMax; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to scale duration" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point field X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPField; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "child group ID" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only restart children" bool m_bOnlyChildren; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 512 class C_OP_Orient2DRelToCP : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset" float m_flRotOffset; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spin strength" float m_flSpinStrength; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1fc }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2384 class C_OP_MovementRotateParticleAroundAxis : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation axis" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecRotAxis; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRotRate; // 0x7b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x8f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use local space" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0x940 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 848 class C_OP_RotateVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation axis min" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecRotAxisMin; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation axis max" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecRotAxisMax; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation rate min" float m_flRotRateMin; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation rate max" float m_flRotRateMax; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize output" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per particle scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flScale; // 0x218 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_OP_MaxVelocity : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum velocity" float m_flMaxVelocity; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "override max velocity from this CP" int32_t m_nOverrideCP; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "override CP field" int32_t m_nOverrideCPField; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 512 class C_OP_LagCompensation : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired velocity CP" int32_t m_nDesiredVelocityCP; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "latency CP" int32_t m_nLatencyCP; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "latency CP field" int32_t m_nLatencyCPField; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired velocity CP field override(for speed only)" int32_t m_nDesiredVelocityCPField; // 0x1fc }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 592 class C_OP_MaintainSequentialPath : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" float m_fMaxDistance; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particles to map from start to end" float m_flNumToAssign; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cohesion strength" float m_flCohesionStrength; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point movement tolerance" float m_flTolerance; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "restart behavior (0 = bounce, 1 = loop )" bool m_bLoop; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use existing particle count" bool m_bUseParticleCount; // 0x201 CPathParameters m_PathParams; // 0x210 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 576 class C_OP_LockToSavedSequentialPathV2 : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade time" float m_flFadeStart; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade time" float m_flFadeEnd; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use sequential CP pairs between start and end point" bool m_bCPPairs; // 0x1f8 CPathParameters m_PathParams; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 576 class C_OP_LockToSavedSequentialPath : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade time" float m_flFadeStart; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade time" float m_flFadeEnd; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use sequential CP pairs between start and end point" bool m_bCPPairs; // 0x1fc CPathParameters m_PathParams; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 11 // Size: 544 class C_OP_RemapDotProductToScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "first input control point" int32_t m_nInputCP1; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second input control point" int32_t m_nInputCP2; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum (-1 to 1)" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum (-1 to 1)" float m_flInputMax; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use particle velocity for first input" bool m_bUseParticleVelocity; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified input range" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use particle normal for first input" bool m_bUseParticleNormal; // 0x215 }; // Aligment: 11 // Size: 544 class C_OP_RemapCPtoScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field 0-2 X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nField; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation scale" float m_flInterpRate; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x218 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 512 class C_OP_NormalLock : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 13 // Size: 576 class C_OP_RemapCPtoVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space CP" int32_t m_nLocalSpaceCP; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vInputMin; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vInputMax; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vOutputMin; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate Vector m_vOutputMax; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation scale" float m_flInterpRate; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset position" bool m_bOffset; // 0x23c // MPropertyFriendlyName "accelerate position" bool m_bAccelerate; // 0x23d }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 512 class C_OP_SetCPtoVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 576 class C_OP_RemapTransformToVelocity : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1f0 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_OP_RemapVelocityToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor" float m_flScale; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 512 class C_OP_RemapCPVelocityToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor" float m_flScale; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x1fc }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 512 class C_OP_SetCPOrientationToDirection : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point" int32_t m_nInputControlPoint; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputControlPoint; // 0x1f4 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 544 class C_OP_RemapDirectionToCPToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor" float m_flScale; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset rotation" float m_flOffsetRot; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset axis" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetAxis; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "strength field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldStrength; // 0x210 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 3472 class C_OP_RemapCrossProductOfTwoVectorsToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input vector 1" CPerParticleVecInput m_InputVec1; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input vector 2" CPerParticleVecInput m_InputVec2; // 0x7b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0xd80 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize output" bool m_bNormalize; // 0xd84 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 512 class C_OP_NormalizeVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor" float m_flScale; // 0x1f4 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 512 class C_OP_RemapControlPointDirectionToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor" float m_flScale; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f8 }; // Aligment: 9 // Size: 672 class C_OP_SetCPOrientationToGroundNormal : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation rate" float m_flInterpRate; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max trace length" float m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP movement tolerance" float m_flTolerance; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace offset" float m_flTraceOffset; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "collision group" char[128] m_CollisionGroupName; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x280 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to trace from" int32_t m_nInputCP; // 0x284 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to set" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x288 // MPropertyFriendlyName "include water" bool m_bIncludeWater; // 0x298 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 592 class C_OP_RemapTransformOrientationToRotations : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset pitch/yaw/roll" Vector m_vecRotation; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use Quaternians Internally" bool m_bUseQuat; // 0x24c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Write normal instead of rotation" bool m_bWriteNormal; // 0x24d }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 512 class C_OP_RemapControlPointOrientationToRotation : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset rotation" float m_flOffsetRot; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point axis" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x1fc }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 544 class C_OP_LockToPointList : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "point list" CUtlVector< PointDefinition_t > m_pointList; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "space points along path" bool m_bPlaceAlongPath; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Treat path as a loop" bool m_bClosedLoop; // 0x211 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Numer of points along path" int32_t m_nNumPointsAlongPath; // 0x214 }; // Aligment: 9 // Size: 592 class C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input names" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_inNames; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output names" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_outNames; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fallback names when the input doesn't match" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_fallbackNames; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model from renderer" bool m_bModelFromRenderer; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap time proportional" bool m_bProportional; // 0x241 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x244 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap time" float m_flRemapTime; // 0x24c }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 592 class C_OP_RemapNamedModelSequenceOnceTimed : public C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 592 class C_OP_RemapNamedModelBodyPartOnceTimed : public C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 592 class C_OP_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupOnceTimed : public C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 592 class C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input names" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_inNames; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output names" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_outNames; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fallback names when the input doesn't match" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_fallbackNames; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model from renderer" bool m_bModelFromRenderer; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x244 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x248 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 592 class C_OP_RemapNamedModelSequenceEndCap : public C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 592 class C_OP_RemapNamedModelBodyPartEndCap : public C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 592 class C_OP_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupEndCap : public C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 11 // Size: 1472 class C_OP_SetFromCPSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "field to read" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToRead; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "field to write" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToWrite; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point number" int32_t m_nLocalSpaceCP; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "random order" bool m_bRandom; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reverse order" bool m_bReverse; // 0x201 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random seed" int32_t m_nRandomSeed; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Snapshot start point" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nSnapShotStartPoint; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Snapshot increment amount" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nSnapShotIncrement; // 0x340 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sub-Sample Between Input Points" bool m_bSubSample; // 0x5b0 }; // Aligment: 9 // Size: 2320 class C_OP_VectorFieldSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "extra velocity field to write" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToWrite; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point number" int32_t m_nLocalSpaceCP; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Component Scale" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Boundary Dampening" float m_flBoundaryDampening; // 0x900 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Velocity" bool m_bSetVelocity; // 0x904 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Lock to Surface" bool m_bLockToSurface; // 0x905 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Vector Field Grid Spacing Override" float m_flGridSpacing; // 0x908 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 1168 class C_OP_SetAttributeToScalarExpression : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" ScalarExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInput1; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInput2; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x468 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x46c }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 3584 class C_OP_SetVectorAttributeToVectorExpression : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" VectorExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CPerParticleVecInput m_vInput1; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CPerParticleVecInput m_vInput2; // 0x7c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0xd88 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0xd8c // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize result" bool m_bNormalizedOutput; // 0xd90 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 3792 class C_OP_SetFloatAttributeToVectorExpression : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" VectorFloatExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CPerParticleVecInput m_vInput1; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CPerParticleVecInput m_vInput2; // 0x7c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output" CParticleRemapFloatInput m_flOutputRemap; // 0xd88 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0xec0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0xec4 }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 1776 class C_OP_MovementSkinnedPositionFromCPSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random order" bool m_bRandom; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random seed" int32_t m_nRandomSeed; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set normal" bool m_bSetNormal; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set radius" bool m_bSetRadius; // 0x201 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flIncrement; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Full Loop Increment Amount" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nFullLoopIncrement; // 0x340 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Snapshot start point" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nSnapShotStartPoint; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x5b0 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 1136 class C_OP_MovementMoveAlongSkinnedCPSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set normal" bool m_bSetNormal; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set radius" bool m_bSetRadius; // 0x1f9 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Snapshot Index T Value" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flTValue; // 0x338 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 848 class C_OP_QuantizeFloat : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x328 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 1168 class C_OP_SetFloatCollection : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x32c // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_Lerp; // 0x330 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 1168 class C_OP_SetFloat : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x32c // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_Lerp; // 0x330 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 2304 class C_OP_SetVec : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CPerParticleVecInput m_InputValue; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x7b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x7bc // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_Lerp; // 0x7c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize result" bool m_bNormalizedOutput; // 0x8f8 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 512 class C_OP_RemapDensityGradientToVectorAttribute : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radius scale for particle influence" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 528 class C_OP_LockPoints : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min column/particle index to affect" int32_t m_nMinCol; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max column/particle index to affect" int32_t m_nMaxCol; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "min row/particle index to affect" int32_t m_nMinRow; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max row/particle index to affect" int32_t m_nMaxRow; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to lock to" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of current position to preserve" float m_flBlendValue; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 528 class C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point 0" int32_t m_nCP0; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point 1" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "min distance value" float m_flMinInputValue; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max distance value" float m_flMaxInputValue; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "use distance to an infinite line instead of a finite line segment" bool m_bInfiniteLine; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 544 class C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentToScalar : public C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output value at min distance" float m_flMinOutputValue; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output value at max distance" float m_flMaxOutputValue; // 0x218 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 560 class C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentToVector : public C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output value at min distance" Vector m_vMinOutputValue; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output value at max distance" Vector m_vMaxOutputValue; // 0x220 }; // Aligment: 11 // Size: 560 class C_OP_TeleportBeam : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Position Control Point" int32_t m_nCPPosition; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Velocity Control Point" int32_t m_nCPVelocity; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Misc Control Point" int32_t m_nCPMisc; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Color Control Point" int32_t m_nCPColor; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Invalid Color Control Point" int32_t m_nCPInvalidColor; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Extra Arc Data Point" int32_t m_nCPExtraArcData; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Gravity" Vector m_vGravity; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Arc Duration Maximum" float m_flArcMaxDuration; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Segment Break" float m_flSegmentBreak; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Arc Speed" float m_flArcSpeed; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Alpha" float m_flAlpha; // 0x220 }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 544 class C_OP_CycleScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "destination scalar field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nDestField; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Value at start of cycle" float m_flStartValue; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Value at end of cycle" float m_flEndValue; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Cycle time" float m_flCycleTime; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Do not repeat cycle" bool m_bDoNotRepeatCycle; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Synchronize particles" bool m_bSynchronizeParticles; // 0x201 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Scale Start/End Control Point" int32_t m_nCPScale; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start scale control point field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPFieldMin; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end scale control point field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPFieldMax; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x210 }; // Aligment: 11 // Size: 592 class C_OP_CalculateVectorAttribute : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start value" Vector m_vStartValue; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field 1" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput1; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input scale 1" float m_flInputScale1; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field 2" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput2; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input scale 2" float m_flInputScale2; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point input 1" ControlPointReference_t m_nControlPointInput1; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point scale 1" float m_flControlPointScale1; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point input 2" ControlPointReference_t m_nControlPointInput2; // 0x224 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point scale 2" float m_flControlPointScale2; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x23c // MPropertyFriendlyName "final per component scale" Vector m_vFinalOutputScale; // 0x240 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 1440 class C_OP_ColorAdjustHSL : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "hue adjust" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flHueAdjust; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "saturation adjust" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flSaturationAdjust; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lightness adjust" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flLightnessAdjust; // 0x460 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 512 class C_OP_ConnectParentParticleToNearest : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to set" int32_t m_nFirstControlPoint; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Second Control point to set" int32_t m_nSecondControlPoint; // 0x1f4 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 528 class C_OP_UpdateLightSource : public CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color tint" Color m_vColorTint; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount to multiply light brightness by" float m_flBrightnessScale; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount to multiply particle system radius by to get light radius" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum radius for created lights" float m_flMinimumLightingRadius; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum radius for created lights" float m_flMaximumLightingRadius; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of damping of changes" float m_flPositionDampingConstant; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 544 class C_OP_RemapSpeedtoCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point" int32_t m_nInControlPointNumber; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output field 0-2 X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nField; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use delta of velocity instead of constant speed" bool m_bUseDeltaV; // 0x21c }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 3392 class C_OP_RemapAverageHitboxSpeedtoCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point" int32_t m_nInControlPointNumber; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nField; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x348 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x480 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "intersection height CP" int32_t m_nHeightControlPointNumber; // 0x6f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "comparison velocity" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecComparisonVelocity; // 0x6f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char[128] m_HitboxSetName; // 0xcc0 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 1776 class C_OP_RemapDotProductToCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "first input control point" int32_t m_nInputCP1; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second input control point" int32_t m_nInputCP2; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutVectorField; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum (-1 to 1)" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum (-1 to 1)" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x348 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x480 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5b8 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 1472 class C_OP_SetControlPointFieldToScalarExpression : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" ScalarExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInput1; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInput2; // 0x340 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output" CParticleRemapFloatInput m_flOutputRemap; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x5b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutVectorField; // 0x5b4 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 3808 class C_OP_SetControlPointFieldFromVectorExpression : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" VectorFloatExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecInput1; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecInput2; // 0x7d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output" CParticleRemapFloatInput m_flOutputRemap; // 0xd98 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0xed0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutVectorField; // 0xed4 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 3488 class C_OP_SetControlPointToVectorExpression : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" VectorExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vInput1; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vInput2; // 0x7d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize result" bool m_bNormalizedOutput; // 0xd98 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 544 class C_OP_RemapModelVolumetoCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point" int32_t m_nInControlPointNumber; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output CP component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nField; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input volume minimum in cubic units" float m_flInputMin; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "input volume maximum in cubic units" float m_flInputMax; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x218 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 544 class C_OP_RemapBoundingVolumetoCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input volume minimum in cubic units" float m_flInputMin; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input volume maximum in cubic units" float m_flInputMax; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x210 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 544 class C_OP_RemapAverageScalarValuetoCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutVectorField; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scalar field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input volume minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "input volume maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x218 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 544 class C_OP_RampCPLinearRandom : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate min" Vector m_vecRateMin; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate max" Vector m_vecRateMax; // 0x210 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 544 class C_OP_SetParentControlPointsToChildCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to set" int32_t m_nChildControlPoint; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of children to set" int32_t m_nNumControlPoints; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first parent control point to set from" int32_t m_nFirstSourcePoint; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "set orientation" bool m_bSetOrientation; // 0x210 }; // Aligment: 12 // Size: 592 class C_OP_SetControlPointPositions : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set positions in world space" bool m_bUseWorldLocation; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherit CP orientation" bool m_bOrient; // 0x201 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only set position once" bool m_bSetOnce; // 0x202 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second control point number" int32_t m_nCP2; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "third control point number" int32_t m_nCP3; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "fourth control point number" int32_t m_nCP4; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first control point location" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second control point location" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP2Pos; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "third control point location" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP3Pos; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "fourth control point location" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP4Pos; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to offset positions from" int32_t m_nHeadLocation; // 0x244 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 2016 class C_OP_SetSingleControlPointPosition : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set positions in world space" bool m_bUseWorldLocation; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only set position once" bool m_bSetOnce; // 0x201 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point location" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to offset positions from" int32_t m_nHeadLocation; // 0x7d0 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 848 class C_OP_SetControlPointPositionToRandomActiveCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "min active CP" int32_t m_nHeadLocationMin; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max active CP" int32_t m_nHeadLocationMax; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reset rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flResetRate; // 0x210 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 1184 class C_OP_SetRandomControlPointPosition : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set positions in world space" bool m_bUseWorldLocation; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherit CP orientation" bool m_bOrient; // 0x201 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to offset positions from" int32_t m_nHeadLocation; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "re-randomize rate (-1 for once only)" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flReRandomRate; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point min" Vector m_vecCPMinPos; // 0x348 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point max" Vector m_vecCPMaxPos; // 0x354 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x360 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 864 class C_OP_SetControlPointOrientation : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set orientation in world space" bool m_bUseWorldLocation; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "randomize" bool m_bRandomize; // 0x202 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only set orientation once" bool m_bSetOnce; // 0x203 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to offset orientation from" int32_t m_nHeadLocation; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pitch yaw roll" QAngle m_vecRotation; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "pitch yaw roll max" QAngle m_vecRotationB; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x228 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 528 class C_OP_SetControlPointFromObjectScale : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point number" int32_t m_nCPOutput; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 15 // Size: 704 class C_OP_DistanceBetweenCPsToCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "starting control point" int32_t m_nStartCP; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ending control point" int32_t m_nEndCP; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point field" int32_t m_nOutputCPField; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "only set distance once" bool m_bSetOnce; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum trace length" float m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x224 // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS Failure Scale" float m_flLOSScale; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ensure line of sight" bool m_bLOS; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS collision group" char[128] m_CollisionGroupName; // 0x22d // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x2b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set parent" ParticleParentSetMode_t m_nSetParent; // 0x2b4 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 544 class C_OP_SetControlPointToPlayer : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use eye orientation" bool m_bOrientToEyes; // 0x210 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 544 class C_OP_SetControlPointToHand : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hand" int32_t m_nHand; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use hand orientation" bool m_bOrientToHand; // 0x214 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 544 class C_OP_SetControlPointToHMD : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use hmd orientation" bool m_bOrientToHMD; // 0x210 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 672 class C_OP_SetControlPointPositionToTimeOfDayValue : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time-of-day parameter" char[128] m_pszTimeOfDayParameter; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "default value" Vector m_vecDefaultValue; // 0x284 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 528 class C_OP_SetControlPointToCenter : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number to set" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "center offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 2016 class C_OP_SetControlPointToCPVelocity : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point input" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number to set velocity" int32_t m_nCPOutputVel; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize output" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number to set magnitude" int32_t m_nCPOutputMag; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point field for magnitude" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPField; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "comparison velocity" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecComparisonVelocity; // 0x218 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 528 class C_OP_SetControlPointOrientationToCPVelocity : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point input for velocity" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point output for orientation" int32_t m_nCPOutput; // 0x204 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 832 class C_OP_StopAfterCPDuration : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "duration at which to stop" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDuration; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "destroy all particles immediately" bool m_bDestroyImmediately; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "play end cap effect" bool m_bPlayEndCap; // 0x339 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 2320 class C_OP_SetControlPointRotation : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation axis" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecRotAxis; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRotRate; // 0x7c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x900 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point" int32_t m_nLocalCP; // 0x904 }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 560 class C_OP_RemapCPtoCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nInputControlPoint; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point number" int32_t m_nOutputControlPoint; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nInputField; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutputField; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "use the derivative" bool m_bDerivative; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation" float m_flInterpRate; // 0x224 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 544 class C_OP_HSVShiftToCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Target color control point number" int32_t m_nColorCP; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Color Gem Enable control point number" int32_t m_nColorGemEnableCP; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point number" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Default HSV Color" Color m_DefaultHSVColor; // 0x20c }; // Aligment: 11 // Size: 1008 class C_OP_SetControlPointToImpactPoint : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to set" int32_t m_nCPOut; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to trace from" int32_t m_nCPIn; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace update rate" float m_flUpdateRate; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max trace length" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flTraceLength; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset start point amount" float m_flStartOffset; // 0x348 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset end point amount" float m_flOffset; // 0x34c // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace direction override" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecTraceDir; // 0x350 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace collision group" char[128] m_CollisionGroupName; // 0x35c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x3dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set to trace endpoint if no collision" bool m_bSetToEndpoint; // 0x3e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace to closest surface along all cardinal directions" bool m_bTraceToClosestSurface; // 0x3e1 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 848 class C_OP_SetCPOrientationToPointAtCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to point towards" int32_t m_nInputCP; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to set" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "2D Orient" bool m_b2DOrientation; // 0x340 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Avoid Vertical Axis Singularity" bool m_bAvoidSingularity; // 0x341 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Point Away" bool m_bPointAway; // 0x342 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 832 class C_OP_EnableChildrenFromParentParticleCount : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first child to enable" int32_t m_nFirstChild; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max # of children to enable (-1 for max particle count)" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nNumChildrenToEnable; // 0x208 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 1456 class C_OP_SelectivelyEnableChildren : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nChildGroupID; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first child to enable" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nFirstChild; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of children to enable" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nNumChildrenToEnable; // 0x470 // MPropertyFriendlyName "play endcap when children are removed" bool m_bPlayEndcapOnStop; // 0x5a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "destroy particles immediately when child is removed" bool m_bDestroyImmediately; // 0x5a9 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 528 class C_OP_PlayEndCapWhenFinished : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "play when emission ends" bool m_bFireOnEmissionEnd; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "wait for children to finish" bool m_bIncludeChildren; // 0x201 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 528 class C_OP_ForceControlPointStub : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_ControlPoint; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 9 // Size: 576 class C_OP_DriveCPFromGlobalSoundFloat : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputControlPoint; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutputField; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sound stack name" CUtlString m_StackName; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sound operator name" CUtlString m_OperatorName; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sound field name" CUtlString m_FieldName; // 0x228 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 528 class C_OP_SetControlPointFieldToWater : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "source CP" int32_t m_nSourceCP; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "dest CP" int32_t m_nDestCP; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "dest control point component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPField; // 0x208 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 864 class C_OP_SetControlPointToWaterSurface : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "source CP" int32_t m_nSourceCP; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to set to surface" int32_t m_nDestCP; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to set to surface current flow velocity" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != hlx" int32_t m_nFlowCP; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to set component of if water" int32_t m_nActiveCP; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nActiveCPField; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "retest rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRetestRate; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "adaptive retest on moving surface" bool m_bAdaptiveThreshold; // 0x350 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 1472 class C_OP_RepeatedTriggerChildGroup : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Within-Cluster Refire Time" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flClusterRefireTime; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Within-Cluster Fire Count Before Cooldown" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flClusterSize; // 0x340 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Cluster Cooldown Time" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flClusterCooldown; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "limit active children to parent particle count" bool m_bLimitChildCount; // 0x5b0 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 832 class C_OP_ChooseRandomChildrenInGroup : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Number of Children to Use" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flNumberOfChildren; // 0x208 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 832 class C_OP_SetSimulationRate : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "simulation timescale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flSimulationScale; // 0x200 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 544 class C_OP_ControlPointToRadialScreenSpace : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "source Control Point in World" int32_t m_nCPIn; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Source Control Point offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set control point number" int32_t m_nCPOut; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output field 0-2 X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPOutField; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Ss Pos and Dot OUT CP" int32_t m_nCPSSPosOut; // 0x218 }; // Aligment: 15 // Size: 3968 class C_OP_LightningSnapshotGenerator : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nCPSnapshot; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start control point number" int32_t m_nCPStartPnt; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end control point number" int32_t m_nCPEndPnt; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Recursion Depth" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flSegments; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOffset; // 0x348 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset Decay" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOffsetDecay; // 0x480 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Recalculation Rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRecalcRate; // 0x5b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "UV Scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flUVScale; // 0x6f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "UV Offset" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flUVOffset; // 0x828 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Branch Split Rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flSplitRate; // 0x960 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Branch Twist" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flBranchTwist; // 0xa98 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Branch Behavior" ParticleLightnintBranchBehavior_t m_nBranchBehavior; // 0xbd0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Start Radius" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRadiusStart; // 0xbd8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "End Radius" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRadiusEnd; // 0xd10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dedicated Particle Pool Count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDedicatedPool; // 0xe48 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 2016 class C_OP_RemapExternalWindToCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to sample wind" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nCPOutput; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "wind scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set magnitude instead of vector" bool m_bSetMagnitude; // 0x7d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "magnitude output component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bSetMagnitude" int32_t m_nOutVectorField; // 0x7d4 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 1152 class C_OP_QuantizeCPComponent : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission, CParticleFunctionOperator, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInputValue; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nCPOutput; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutVectorField; // 0x33c // MPropertyFriendlyName "interval to snap to" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flQuantizeValue; // 0x340 }; // Aligment: 1 // Size: 576 class C_OP_RenderPoints : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hMaterial; // 0x230 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 8928 class CBaseTrailRenderer : public CBaseRendererSource2, CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Orientation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation type" // MPropertySortPriority "750" ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t m_nOrientationType; // 0x2050 // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation control point" // MPropertySortPriority "750" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_ALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL && m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREENALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL" int32_t m_nOrientationControlPoint; // 0x2054 // MPropertyStartGroup "Screenspace Fading and culling" // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum visual screen-size" // MPropertySortPriority "900" float m_flMinSize; // 0x2058 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum visual screen-size" // MPropertySortPriority "900" float m_flMaxSize; // 0x205c // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade screen-size" // MPropertySortPriority "900" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flStartFadeSize; // 0x2060 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade and cull screen-size" // MPropertySortPriority "900" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flEndFadeSize; // 0x2198 // MPropertyStartGroup "Trail UV Controls" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Clamp Non-Sheet texture V coords" // MPropertySortPriority "800" bool m_bClampV; // 0x22d0 }; // Aligment: 20 // Size: 13200 class C_OP_RenderTrails : public CBaseTrailRenderer, CBaseRendererSource2, CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Screenspace Fading and culling" // MPropertyFriendlyName "enable fading and clamping" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" bool m_bEnableFadingAndClamping; // 0x22e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade dot product of normal vs view" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flStartFadeDot; // 0x22e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade dot product of normal vs view" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flEndFadeDot; // 0x22e8 // MPropertyStartGroup "+Trail Length" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Anchor point source" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" // MPropertySortPriority "800" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nPrevPntSource; // 0x22ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "max length" // MPropertySortPriority "800" float m_flMaxLength; // 0x22f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "min length" // MPropertySortPriority "800" float m_flMinLength; // 0x22f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore delta time" // MPropertySortPriority "800" bool m_bIgnoreDT; // 0x22f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "constrain radius to no more than this times the length" // MPropertySortPriority "800" float m_flConstrainRadiusToLengthRatio; // 0x22fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount to scale trail length by" float m_flLengthScale; // 0x2300 // MPropertyFriendlyName "how long before a trail grows to its full length" float m_flLengthFadeInTime; // 0x2304 // MPropertyStartGroup "Trail Head & Tail" // MPropertyFriendlyName "head taper scale" // MPropertySortPriority "800" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadiusHeadTaper; // 0x2308 // MPropertyFriendlyName "head color scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecHeadColorScale; // 0x2440 // MPropertyFriendlyName "head alpha scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flHeadAlphaScale; // 0x2a08 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tail taper scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadiusTaper; // 0x2b40 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tail color scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecTailColorScale; // 0x2c78 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tail alpha scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flTailAlphaScale; // 0x3240 // MPropertyStartGroup "Trail UV Controls" // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture UV horizontal Scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "800" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nHorizCropField; // 0x3378 // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture UV vertical Scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVertCropField; // 0x337c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trail forward shift (fraction)" float m_flForwardShift; // 0x3380 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Flip U or V texcoords if pitch or yaw go over PI" bool m_bFlipUVBasedOnPitchYaw; // 0x3384 }; // Aligment: 30 // Size: 9312 class C_OP_RenderRopes : public CBaseRendererSource2, CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Screenspace Fading and culling" // MPropertyFriendlyName "enable fading and clamping" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" bool m_bEnableFadingAndClamping; // 0x2050 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum visual screen-size" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bEnableFadingAndClamping" float m_flMinSize; // 0x2054 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum visual screen-size" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bEnableFadingAndClamping" float m_flMaxSize; // 0x2058 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade screen-size" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bEnableFadingAndClamping" float m_flStartFadeSize; // 0x205c // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade and cull screen-size" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bEnableFadingAndClamping" float m_flEndFadeSize; // 0x2060 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade dot product of normal vs view" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flStartFadeDot; // 0x2064 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade dot product of normal vs view" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flEndFadeDot; // 0x2068 // MPropertyStartGroup "Rope Tesselation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount to taper the width of the trail end by" float m_flRadiusTaper; // 0x206c // MPropertyFriendlyName "minium number of quads per render segment" // MPropertySortPriority "850" int32_t m_nMinTesselation; // 0x2070 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum number of quads per render segment" int32_t m_nMaxTesselation; // 0x2074 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tesselation resolution scale factor" float m_flTessScale; // 0x2078 // MPropertyStartGroup "+Rope Global UV Controls" // MPropertyFriendlyName "global texture V World Size" // MPropertySortPriority "800" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flTextureVWorldSize; // 0x2080 // MPropertyFriendlyName "global texture V Scroll Rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flTextureVScrollRate; // 0x21b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "global texture V Offset" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flTextureVOffset; // 0x22f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "global texture V Params CP" int32_t m_nTextureVParamsCP; // 0x2428 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Clamp Non-Sheet texture V coords" bool m_bClampV; // 0x242c // MPropertyStartGroup "Rope Global UV Controls/CP Scaling" // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale CP start" int32_t m_nScaleCP1; // 0x2430 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale CP end" int32_t m_nScaleCP2; // 0x2434 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale V world size by CP distance" float m_flScaleVSizeByControlPointDistance; // 0x2438 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale V scroll rate by CP distance" float m_flScaleVScrollByControlPointDistance; // 0x243c // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale V offset by CP distance" float m_flScaleVOffsetByControlPointDistance; // 0x2440 // MPropertyStartGroup "Rope Global UV Controls" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use scalar attribute for texture coordinate" bool m_bUseScalarForTextureCoordinate; // 0x2445 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scalar to use for texture coordinate" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseScalarForTextureCoordinate" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nScalarFieldForTextureCoordinate; // 0x2448 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale value to map attribute to texture coordinate" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseScalarForTextureCoordinate" float m_flScalarAttributeTextureCoordScale; // 0x244c // MPropertyStartGroup "Rope Order Controls" // MPropertyFriendlyName "reverse point order" // MPropertySortPriority "800" bool m_bReverseOrder; // 0x2450 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Closed loop" bool m_bClosedLoop; // 0x2451 // MPropertyStartGroup "Orientation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation_type" // MPropertySortPriority "750" ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t m_nOrientationType; // 0x2454 // MPropertyFriendlyName "attribute to use for normal" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" // MPropertySortPriority "750" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_ALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL && m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREENALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVectorFieldForOrientation; // 0x2458 // MPropertyStartGroup "Material" // MPropertyFriendlyName "draw as opaque" bool m_bDrawAsOpaque; // 0x245c // MPropertyStartGroup "Orientation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "generate normals for cylinder" bool m_bGenerateNormals; // 0x245d }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 624 class C_OP_RenderAsModels : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "models" // MParticleRequireDefaultArrayEntry CUtlVector< ModelReference_t > m_ModelList; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor for radius" float m_flModelScale; // 0x24c // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale model to match particle size" bool m_bFitToModelSize; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "non-uniform scaling" bool m_bNonUniformScaling; // 0x251 // MPropertyFriendlyName "X axis scaling scalar field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nXAxisScalingAttribute; // 0x254 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Y axis scaling scalar field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nYAxisScalingAttribute; // 0x258 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Z axis scaling scalar field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nZAxisScalingAttribute; // 0x25c // MPropertyFriendlyName "model size cull bloat" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_size_cull_bloat" int32_t m_nSizeCullBloat; // 0x260 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 608 class C_OP_RenderLights : public C_OP_RenderPoints, CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation rate" float m_flAnimationRate; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation type" AnimationType_t m_nAnimationType; // 0x244 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set animation value in FPS" bool m_bAnimateInFPS; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum visual size" float m_flMinSize; // 0x24c // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum visual size" float m_flMaxSize; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "size at which to start fading" float m_flStartFadeSize; // 0x254 // MPropertyFriendlyName "size at which to fade away" float m_flEndFadeSize; // 0x258 }; // Aligment: 5 // Size: 1520 class C_OP_RenderBlobs : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "cube width" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_cubeWidth; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cutoff radius" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_cutoffRadius; // 0x368 // MPropertyFriendlyName "render radius" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_renderRadius; // 0x4a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale CP (cube width/cutoff/render = x/y/z)" int32_t m_nScaleCP; // 0x5d8 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hMaterial; // 0x5e0 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 576 class C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotate : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotate rate(dps)" float m_flRotateRateDegrees; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "forward angle" float m_flForwardDegrees; // 0x234 }; // Aligment: 47 // Size: 8400 class C_OP_RenderModels : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Only Render in effects bloom pass" // MPropertySortPriority "1100" bool m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsBloomPass; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Only Render in effects water pass" // MPropertySortPriority "1050" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != csgo" bool m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsWaterPass; // 0x231 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use Mixed Resolution Rendering" // MPropertySortPriority "1200" bool m_bUseMixedResolutionRendering; // 0x232 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Only Render in effects game overlay pass" // MPropertySortPriority "1210" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != csgo" bool m_bOnlyRenderInEffecsGameOverlay; // 0x233 // MPropertyFriendlyName "models" // MParticleRequireDefaultArrayEntry // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf // MPropertySortPriority "775" CUtlVector< ModelReference_t > m_ModelList; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bodygroup field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nBodyGroupField; // 0x254 // MPropertyFriendlyName "submodel field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nSubModelField; // 0x258 // MPropertyStartGroup "Orientation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore normal" // MPropertySortPriority "750" bool m_bIgnoreNormal; // 0x25c // MPropertyFriendlyName "orient model z to normal" // MPropertySortPriority "750" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_bIgnoreNormal" bool m_bOrientZ; // 0x25d // MPropertyFriendlyName "center mesh" // MPropertySortPriority "750" bool m_bCenterOffset; // 0x25e // MPropertyFriendlyName "model local offset" // MPropertySortPriority "750" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecLocalOffset; // 0x260 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model local rotation (pitch/yaw/roll)" // MPropertySortPriority "750" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecLocalRotation; // 0x828 // MPropertyStartGroup "Model Scale" // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore radius" // MPropertySortPriority "700" bool m_bIgnoreRadius; // 0xdf0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model scale CP" // MPropertySortPriority "700" int32_t m_nModelScaleCP; // 0xdf4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model component scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecComponentScale; // 0xdf8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "apply scales in local model space" // MPropertySortPriority "700" bool m_bLocalScale; // 0x13c0 // MPropertyStartGroup "Animation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "animated" // MPropertySortPriority "500" bool m_bAnimated; // 0x13c1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation rate" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bAnimated" float m_flAnimationRate; // 0x13c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale animation rate" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bAnimated" bool m_bScaleAnimationRate; // 0x13c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force looping animations" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bAnimated" bool m_bForceLoopingAnimation; // 0x13c9 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reset animation frame on stop" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bAnimated" bool m_bResetAnimOnStop; // 0x13ca // MPropertyFriendlyName "set animation frame manually" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bAnimated" bool m_bManualAnimFrame; // 0x13cb // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation rate scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bAnimated" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAnimationScaleField; // 0x13cc // MPropertyStartGroup "Animation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation sequence field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "500" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAnimationField; // 0x13d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "manual animation frame field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!(m_bAnimated && m_bManualAnimFrame)" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nManualFrameField; // 0x13d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "activity override" // MPropertySortPriority "500" char[256] m_ActivityName; // 0x13d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Enable Cloth Simulation" bool m_bEnableClothSimulation; // 0x14d8 // MPropertyStartGroup "Material" // MPropertyFriendlyName "material override" // MPropertySortPriority "600" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hOverrideMaterial; // 0x14e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "override translucent materials" // MPropertySortPriority "600" bool m_bOverrideTranslucentMaterials; // 0x14e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "skin number" // MPropertySortPriority "600" int32_t m_nSkin; // 0x14ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "skin override CP" // MPropertySortPriority "600" int32_t m_nSkinCP; // 0x14f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "material variables" // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf // MPropertySortPriority "600" CUtlVector< MaterialVariable_t > m_MaterialVars; // 0x14f8 // MPropertyStartGroup "Model Overrides" // MPropertyFriendlyName "model LOD" int32_t m_nLOD; // 0x1510 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model override CP" int32_t m_nModelCP; // 0x1514 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model override economy loadout slot type" char[256] m_EconSlotName; // 0x1518 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model override original model only (ignore shapeshift/hex/etc)" bool m_bOriginalModel; // 0x1618 // MPropertyFriendlyName "suppress tinting of the model" bool m_bSuppressTint; // 0x1619 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use raw mesh group (ignore bodygroup field and use submodel field as raw meshgroup)" bool m_bUseRawMeshGroup; // 0x161a // MPropertyFriendlyName "disable shadows" bool m_bDisableShadows; // 0x161b // MPropertyFriendlyName "forcedrawinterlevedwithsiblings" bool m_bForceDrawInterlevedWithSiblings; // 0x161c // MPropertyFriendlyName "render attribute" char[260] m_szRenderAttribute; // 0x161d // MPropertyStartGroup "+Renderer Modifiers" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radius Scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1728 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flAlphaScale; // 0x1860 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation roll scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRollScale; // 0x1998 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle alpha scale attribute" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAlpha2Field; // 0x1ad0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecColorScale; // 0x1ad8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend type" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0x20a0 }; // Aligment: 8 // Size: 2736 class C_OP_RenderMaterialProxy : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Control Point for Model" int32_t m_nMaterialControlPoint; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "proxy type" MaterialProxyType_t m_nProxyType; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "material variables" // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf CUtlVector< MaterialVariable_t > m_MaterialVars; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "material override" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hOverrideMaterial; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "material override enable" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMaterialOverrideEnabled; // 0x258 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model tint" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecColorScale; // 0x390 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model alpha" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flAlpha; // 0x958 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model tint blend type" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0xa90 }; // Aligment: 11 // Size: 640 class C_OP_RenderProjected : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "project on characters" bool m_bProjectCharacter; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "project on world" bool m_bProjectWorld; // 0x231 // MPropertyFriendlyName "project on water" bool m_bProjectWater; // 0x232 // MPropertyFriendlyName "flip horizontal" bool m_bFlipHorizontal; // 0x233 // MPropertyFriendlyName "enable projected depth controls" bool m_bEnableProjectedDepthControls; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "min projection depth" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bEnableProjectedDepthControls" float m_flMinProjectionDepth; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max projection depth" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bEnableProjectedDepthControls" float m_flMaxProjectionDepth; // 0x23c // MPropertyFriendlyName "material" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hProjectedMaterial; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sheet animation time scale" float m_flAnimationTimeScale; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "orient to normal" bool m_bOrientToNormal; // 0x24c // MPropertyFriendlyName "material variables" // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf CUtlVector< MaterialVariable_t > m_MaterialVars; // 0x250 }; // Aligment: 16 // Size: 2112 class C_OP_RenderDeferredLight : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "projected texture use alpha test window" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseTexture" bool m_bUseAlphaTestWindow; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "projected texture light" bool m_bUseTexture; // 0x231 // MPropertyStartGroup "+Renderer Modifiers" // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" float m_flAlphaScale; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle alpha scale attribute" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAlpha2Field; // 0x23c // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecColorScale; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend type" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0x808 // MPropertyStartGroup // MPropertyFriendlyName "spotlight distance" float m_flLightDistance; // 0x80c // MPropertyFriendlyName "light start falloff" float m_flStartFalloff; // 0x810 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spotlight distance falloff" float m_flDistanceFalloff; // 0x814 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spotlight FoV" float m_flSpotFoV; // 0x818 // MPropertyFriendlyName "projected texture alpha test point scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseTexture" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAlphaTestPointField; // 0x81c // MPropertyFriendlyName "projected texture alpha test range scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseTexture" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAlphaTestRangeField; // 0x820 // MPropertyFriendlyName "projected texture alpha test sharpness scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseTexture" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAlphaTestSharpnessField; // 0x824 // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseTexture" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hTexture; // 0x828 // MPropertyFriendlyName "HSV Shift Control Point" int32_t m_nHSVShiftControlPoint; // 0x830 }; // Aligment: 29 // Size: 4640 class C_OP_RenderStandardLight : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "light type" ParticleLightTypeChoiceList_t m_nLightType; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecColorScale; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend type" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0x800 // MPropertyFriendlyName "intensity" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flIntensity; // 0x808 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cast shadows" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType == PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX" bool m_bCastShadows; // 0x940 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inner cone angle" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType != PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flTheta; // 0x948 // MPropertyFriendlyName "outer cone angle" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType != PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flPhi; // 0xa80 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light radius multiplier" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRadiusMultiplier; // 0xbb8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "attenuation type" StandardLightingAttenuationStyle_t m_nAttenuationStyle; // 0xcf0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "falloff linearity" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nAttenuationStyle == LIGHT_STYLE_NEW || ( m_nAttenuationStyle == LIGHT_STYLE_OLD && m_nLightType == PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX )" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFalloffLinearity; // 0xcf8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "falloff fifty percent" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nAttenuationStyle == LIGHT_STYLE_OLD" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFiftyPercentFalloff; // 0xe30 // MPropertyFriendlyName "falloff zero percent" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nAttenuationStyle == LIGHT_STYLE_OLD" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flZeroPercentFalloff; // 0xf68 // MPropertyFriendlyName "render diffuse" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType == PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX" bool m_bRenderDiffuse; // 0x10a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "render specular" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType == PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX" bool m_bRenderSpecular; // 0x10a1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light cookie string" CUtlString m_lightCookie; // 0x10a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light priority" int32_t m_nPriority; // 0x10b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fog lighting mode" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType == PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX" ParticleLightFogLightingMode_t m_nFogLightingMode; // 0x10b4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fog contribution" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType == PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFogContribution; // 0x10b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "capsule behavior" ParticleLightBehaviorChoiceList_t m_nCapsuleLightBehavior; // 0x11f0 // MPropertyStartGroup "Capsule Light Controls" // MPropertyFriendlyName "capsule length" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_TRAILS" float m_flCapsuleLength; // 0x11f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reverse point order" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_TRAILS" bool m_bReverseOrder; // 0x11f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Closed loop" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_TRAILS" bool m_bClosedLoop; // 0x11f9 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Anchor point source" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nPrevPntSource; // 0x11fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "max length" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" float m_flMaxLength; // 0x1200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "min length" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" float m_flMinLength; // 0x1204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore delta time" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" bool m_bIgnoreDT; // 0x1208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "constrain radius to no more than this times the length" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" float m_flConstrainRadiusToLengthRatio; // 0x120c // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount to scale trail length by" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" float m_flLengthScale; // 0x1210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "how long before a trail grows to its full length" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" float m_flLengthFadeInTime; // 0x1214 }; // Aligment: 13 // Size: 4272 class C_OP_RenderOmni2Light : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Type" ParticleOmni2LightTypeChoiceList_t m_nLightType; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Color Blend" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vColorBlend; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Color Blend Type" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0x800 ParticleLightUnitChoiceList_t m_nBrightnessUnit; // 0x804 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Lumens" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nBrightnessUnit != PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_LUMENS" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flBrightnessLumens; // 0x808 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Candelas" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nBrightnessUnit != PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_CANDELAS" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flBrightnessCandelas; // 0x940 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Shadows" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod == csgo" bool m_bCastShadows; // 0xa78 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Light Radius" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bAreaLight" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flLuminaireRadius; // 0xa80 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Skirt" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flSkirt; // 0xbb8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Range" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRange; // 0xcf0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Inner Cone Angle" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInnerConeAngle; // 0xe28 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Outer Cone Angle" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOuterConeAngle; // 0xf60 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Cookie" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hLightCookie; // 0x1098 }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 560 class C_OP_RenderClothForce : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 0 // Size: 560 class C_OP_Callback : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // }; // Aligment: 9 // Size: 608 class C_OP_RenderScreenShake : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "duration scale" float m_flDurationScale; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "frequence scale" float m_flFrequencyScale; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amplitude scale" float m_flAmplitudeScale; // 0x23c // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nRadiusField; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "duration field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nDurationField; // 0x244 // MPropertyFriendlyName "frequency field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFrequencyField; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amplitude field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAmplitudeField; // 0x24c // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point of shake recipient (-1 = global)" int32_t m_nFilterCP; // 0x250 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 576 class C_OP_RenderTonemapController : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "tonemap level scale" float m_flTonemapLevel; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tonemap weight scale" float m_flTonemapWeight; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tonemap level" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nTonemapLevelField; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tonemap weight" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nTonemapWeightField; // 0x23c }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 896 class C_OP_RenderPostProcessing : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Post Processing Strength" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flPostProcessStrength; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Post Processing File" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vpost, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCPostProcessingResource > m_hPostTexture; // 0x368 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Post Processing Priority Group" ParticlePostProcessPriorityGroup_t m_nPriority; // 0x370 }; // Aligment: 12 // Size: 864 class C_OP_RenderSound : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "duration scale" float m_flDurationScale; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "decibel level scale" float m_flSndLvlScale; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pitch scale" float m_flPitchScale; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "volume scale" float m_flVolumeScale; // 0x23c // MPropertyFriendlyName "decibel level field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nSndLvlField; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "duration field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nDurationField; // 0x244 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pitch field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nPitchField; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "volume field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVolumeField; // 0x24c // MPropertyFriendlyName "sound channel" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "sound_channel" int32_t m_nChannel; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sound control point number" int32_t m_nCPReference; // 0x254 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sound" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SoundPicker()" char[256] m_pszSoundName; // 0x258 // MPropertyFriendlyName "suppress stop event" bool m_bSuppressStopSoundEvent; // 0x358 }; // Aligment: 7 // Size: 624 class C_OP_RenderStatusEffect : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color warp texture (3d)" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureColorWarp; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "detail 2 texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureDetail2; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "diffuse warp texture (3d)" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureDiffuseWarp; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fresnel color warp texture (3d)" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureFresnelColorWarp; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fresnel warp texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureFresnelWarp; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "specular warp texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureSpecularWarp; // 0x258 // MPropertyFriendlyName "environment map texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureEnvMap; // 0x260 }; // Aligment: 6 // Size: 608 class C_OP_RenderStatusEffectCitadel : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color warp texture (3d)" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureColorWarp; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureNormal; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "metalness texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureMetalness; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "roughness texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureRoughness; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "self illum texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureSelfIllum; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "detail texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureDetail; // 0x258 }; // Aligment: 3 // Size: 576 class C_OP_RenderFlattenGrass : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "flattening strength" float m_flFlattenStrength; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "strength field override" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nStrengthFieldOverride; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x238 }; // Aligment: 10 // Size: 608 class C_OP_RenderTreeShake : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "peak strength" float m_flPeakStrength; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "peak strength field override" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nPeakStrengthFieldOverride; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius" float m_flRadius; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "strength field override" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nRadiusFieldOverride; // 0x23c // MPropertyFriendlyName "shake duration after end" float m_flShakeDuration; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of time taken to smooth between different shake parameters" float m_flTransitionTime; // 0x244 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Twist amount (-1..1)" float m_flTwistAmount; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radial Amount (-1..1)" float m_flRadialAmount; // 0x24c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Control Point Orientation Amount (-1..1)" float m_flControlPointOrientationAmount; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Control Point for Orientation Amount" int32_t m_nControlPointForLinearDirection; // 0x254 }; // Aligment: 2 // Size: 576 class C_OP_RenderText : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline color" Color m_OutlineColor; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "default text" CUtlString m_DefaultText; // 0x238 }; // Aligment: 4 // Size: 896 class C_OP_RenderVRHapticEvent : public CParticleFunctionRenderer, CParticleFunction { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "haptic hand" ParticleVRHandChoiceList_t m_nHand; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hand control point number" int32_t m_nOutputHandCP; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cp field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutputField; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amplitude" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flAmplitude; // 0x240 };