#pragma once #include #include "!GlobalTypes.hpp" // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Binary: !GlobalTypes // Classes count: 1403 // Enums count: 566 // Created using source2gen - github.com/neverlosecc/source2gen // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Registered binary: schemasystem.dll (project 'schemasystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ThreeState_t : uint32_t { TRS_FALSE = 0x0, TRS_TRUE = 0x1, TRS_NONE = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: schemasystem.dll (project 'schemasystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x50 enum class fieldtype_t : uint8_t { FIELD_VOID = 0x0, FIELD_FLOAT32 = 0x1, FIELD_STRING = 0x2, FIELD_VECTOR = 0x3, FIELD_QUATERNION = 0x4, FIELD_INT32 = 0x5, FIELD_BOOLEAN = 0x6, FIELD_INT16 = 0x7, FIELD_CHARACTER = 0x8, FIELD_COLOR32 = 0x9, FIELD_EMBEDDED = 0xa, FIELD_CUSTOM = 0xb, FIELD_CLASSPTR = 0xc, FIELD_EHANDLE = 0xd, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR = 0xe, FIELD_TIME = 0xf, FIELD_TICK = 0x10, FIELD_SOUNDNAME = 0x11, FIELD_INPUT = 0x12, FIELD_FUNCTION = 0x13, FIELD_VMATRIX = 0x14, FIELD_VMATRIX_WORLDSPACE = 0x15, FIELD_MATRIX3X4_WORLDSPACE = 0x16, FIELD_INTERVAL = 0x17, FIELD_UNUSED = 0x18, FIELD_VECTOR2D = 0x19, FIELD_INT64 = 0x1a, FIELD_VECTOR4D = 0x1b, FIELD_RESOURCE = 0x1c, FIELD_TYPEUNKNOWN = 0x1d, FIELD_CSTRING = 0x1e, FIELD_HSCRIPT = 0x1f, FIELD_VARIANT = 0x20, FIELD_UINT64 = 0x21, FIELD_FLOAT64 = 0x22, FIELD_POSITIVEINTEGER_OR_NULL = 0x23, FIELD_HSCRIPT_NEW_INSTANCE = 0x24, FIELD_UINT32 = 0x25, FIELD_UTLSTRINGTOKEN = 0x26, FIELD_QANGLE = 0x27, FIELD_NETWORK_ORIGIN_CELL_QUANTIZED_VECTOR = 0x28, FIELD_HMATERIAL = 0x29, FIELD_HMODEL = 0x2a, FIELD_NETWORK_QUANTIZED_VECTOR = 0x2b, FIELD_NETWORK_QUANTIZED_FLOAT = 0x2c, FIELD_DIRECTION_VECTOR_WORLDSPACE = 0x2d, FIELD_QANGLE_WORLDSPACE = 0x2e, FIELD_QUATERNION_WORLDSPACE = 0x2f, FIELD_HSCRIPT_LIGHTBINDING = 0x30, FIELD_V8_VALUE = 0x31, FIELD_V8_OBJECT = 0x32, FIELD_V8_ARRAY = 0x33, FIELD_V8_CALLBACK_INFO = 0x34, FIELD_UTLSTRING = 0x35, FIELD_NETWORK_ORIGIN_CELL_QUANTIZED_POSITION_VECTOR = 0x36, FIELD_HRENDERTEXTURE = 0x37, FIELD_HPARTICLESYSTEMDEFINITION = 0x38, FIELD_UINT8 = 0x39, FIELD_UINT16 = 0x3a, FIELD_CTRANSFORM = 0x3b, FIELD_CTRANSFORM_WORLDSPACE = 0x3c, FIELD_HPOSTPROCESSING = 0x3d, FIELD_MATRIX3X4 = 0x3e, FIELD_SHIM = 0x3f, FIELD_CMOTIONTRANSFORM = 0x40, FIELD_CMOTIONTRANSFORM_WORLDSPACE = 0x41, FIELD_ATTACHMENT_HANDLE = 0x42, FIELD_AMMO_INDEX = 0x43, FIELD_CONDITION_ID = 0x44, FIELD_AI_SCHEDULE_BITS = 0x45, FIELD_MODIFIER_HANDLE = 0x46, FIELD_ROTATION_VECTOR = 0x47, FIELD_ROTATION_VECTOR_WORLDSPACE = 0x48, FIELD_HVDATA = 0x49, FIELD_SCALE32 = 0x4a, FIELD_STRING_AND_TOKEN = 0x4b, FIELD_ENGINE_TIME = 0x4c, FIELD_ENGINE_TICK = 0x4d, FIELD_WORLD_GROUP_ID = 0x4e, FIELD_TYPECOUNT = 0x4f, }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'mathlib_extended') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x2 enum class FuseVariableAccess_t : uint8_t { WRITABLE = 0x0, READ_ONLY = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'mathlib_extended') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x9 enum class FuseVariableType_t : uint8_t { INVALID = 0x0, BOOL = 0x1, INT8 = 0x2, INT16 = 0x3, INT32 = 0x4, UINT8 = 0x5, UINT16 = 0x6, UINT32 = 0x7, FLOAT32 = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: rendersystemdx11.dll (project 'rendersystemdx11') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class RenderSlotType_t : uint32_t { RENDER_SLOT_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, RENDER_SLOT_PER_VERTEX = 0x0, RENDER_SLOT_PER_INSTANCE = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: rendersystemdx11.dll (project 'rendersystemdx11') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class InputLayoutVariation_t : uint32_t { INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_DEFAULT = 0x0, INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_STREAM1_INSTANCEID = 0x1, INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_STREAM1_INSTANCEID_MORPH_VERT_ID = 0x2, INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_MAX = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: rendersystemdx11.dll (project 'rendersystemdx11') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class RenderMultisampleType_t : uint32_t { RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_NONE = 0x0, RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_2X = 0x1, RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_4X = 0x2, RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_6X = 0x3, RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_8X = 0x4, RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_16X = 0x5, RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_TYPE_COUNT = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: rendersystemdx11.dll (project 'rendersystemdx11') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9 enum class RenderBufferFlags_t : uint32_t { RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_BUFFER = 0x1, RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_INDEX_BUFFER = 0x2, RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_RESOURCE = 0x4, RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_UNORDERED_ACCESS = 0x8, RENDER_BUFFER_BYTEADDRESS_BUFFER = 0x10, RENDER_BUFFER_STRUCTURED_BUFFER = 0x20, RENDER_BUFFER_APPEND_CONSUME_BUFFER = 0x40, RENDER_BUFFER_UAV_COUNTER = 0x80, RENDER_BUFFER_UAV_DRAW_INDIRECT_ARGS = 0x100, }; // Registered binary: rendersystemdx11.dll (project 'rendersystemdx11') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xd enum class RenderPrimitiveType_t : uint32_t { RENDER_PRIM_POINTS = 0x0, RENDER_PRIM_LINES = 0x1, RENDER_PRIM_LINES_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x2, RENDER_PRIM_LINE_STRIP = 0x3, RENDER_PRIM_LINE_STRIP_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x4, RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES = 0x5, RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x6, RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0x7, RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x8, RENDER_PRIM_INSTANCED_QUADS = 0x9, RENDER_PRIM_HETEROGENOUS = 0xa, RENDER_PRIM_COMPUTE_SHADER = 0xb, RENDER_PRIM_TYPE_COUNT = 0xc, }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class SpawnDebugRestrictionOverrideState_t : uint32_t { SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_NONE = 0x0, SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_MANAGER_DISTANCE_REQS = 0x1, SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TEMPLATE_DISTANCE_LOS_REQS = 0x2, SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TEMPLATE_COOLDOWN_LIMITS = 0x4, SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TARGET_COOLDOWN_LIMITS = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class SpawnDebugOverrideState_t : uint32_t { SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_NONE = 0x0, SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_FORCE_ENABLED = 0x1, SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_FORCE_DISABLED = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'entity2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class EntityIOTargetType_t : uint32_t { ENTITY_IO_TARGET_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, ENTITY_IO_TARGET_ENTITYNAME = 0x2, ENTITY_IO_TARGET_EHANDLE = 0x6, ENTITY_IO_TARGET_ENTITYNAME_OR_CLASSNAME = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'entity2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EntityDormancyType_t : uint32_t { ENTITY_NOT_DORMANT = 0x0, ENTITY_DORMANT = 0x1, ENTITY_SUSPENDED = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class HorizJustification_e : uint32_t { HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_LEFT = 0x0, HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_CENTER = 0x1, HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT = 0x2, HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_NONE = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class BloomBlendMode_t : uint32_t { BLOOM_BLEND_ADD = 0x0, BLOOM_BLEND_SCREEN = 0x1, BLOOM_BLEND_BLUR = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ViewFadeMode_t : uint32_t { VIEW_FADE_CONSTANT_COLOR = 0x0, VIEW_FADE_MODULATE = 0x1, VIEW_FADE_MOD2X = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class LayoutPositionType_e : uint32_t { LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_VIEWPORT_RELATIVE = 0x0, LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_FRACTIONAL = 0x1, LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_NONE = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class VertJustification_e : uint32_t { VERT_JUSTIFICATION_TOP = 0x0, VERT_JUSTIFICATION_CENTER = 0x1, VERT_JUSTIFICATION_BOTTOM = 0x2, VERT_JUSTIFICATION_NONE = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class MoodType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Head" eMoodType_Head = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Body" eMoodType_Body = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class JumpCorrectionMethod : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Scale Animation Motion" ScaleMotion = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Add Correction Delta" AddCorrectionDelta = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class BinaryNodeChildOption : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Child 1" Child1 = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Child 2" Child2 = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class ModelConfigAttachmentType_t : uint32_t { MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_BONE_OR_ATTACHMENT = 0x0, MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_ROOT_RELATIVE = 0x1, MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_BONEMERGE = 0x2, MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_COUNT = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class BoneMaskBlendSpace : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Parent Space" BlendSpace_Parent = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Model Space" BlendSpace_Model = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Model Space, Rotation Only" BlendSpace_Model_RotationOnly = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Model Space, Translation Only" BlendSpace_Model_TranslationOnly = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class IkTargetType : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Attachment" IkTarget_Attachment = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bone" IkTarget_Bone = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Parameter (Model Space)" IkTarget_Parameter_ModelSpace = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Parameter (World Space)" IkTarget_Parameter_WorldSpace = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xd enum class AnimVectorSource : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Move Direction" MoveDirection = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Facing Direction" FacingDirection = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Look Direction" LookDirection = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Parameter" VectorParameter = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Waypoint Direction" WayPointDirection = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Acceleration" Acceleration = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Slope Normal" SlopeNormal = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Slope Normal World Space" SlopeNormal_WorldSpace = 0x7, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Look Target" LookTarget = 0x8, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Look Target World Space" LookTarget_WorldSpace = 0x9, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Waypoint Position" WayPointPosition = 0xa, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Goal Position" GoalPosition = 0xb, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Root Motion Velocity" RootMotionVelocity = 0xc, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ChoiceMethod : uint32_t { WeightedRandom = 0x0, WeightedRandomNoRepeat = 0x1, Iterate = 0x2, IterateRandom = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class FootFallTagFoot_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Left" FOOT1 = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Right" FOOT2 = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Foot 3" FOOT3 = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Foot 4" FOOT4 = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Foot 5" FOOT5 = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Foot 6" FOOT6 = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Foot 7" FOOT7 = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Foot 8" FOOT8 = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class AnimationSnapshotType_t : uint32_t { ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_SERVER_SIMULATION = 0x0, ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_SIMULATION = 0x1, ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_PREDICTION = 0x2, ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_INTERPOLATION = 0x3, ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_RENDER = 0x4, ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_FINAL_COMPOSITE = 0x5, ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_MAX = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class AimMatrixBlendMode : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "None" AimMatrixBlendMode_None = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Additive" AimMatrixBlendMode_Additive = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Model-Space Additive" AimMatrixBlendMode_ModelSpaceAdditive = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bone Mask" AimMatrixBlendMode_BoneMask = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class FacingMode : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Manual" FacingMode_Manual = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Path" FacingMode_Path = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Look Target" FacingMode_LookTarget = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x3 enum class VelocityMetricMode : uint8_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Direction Only" DirectionOnly = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Magnitude Only" MagnitudeOnly = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Direction and Magnitude" DirectionAndMagnitude = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class VPhysXJoint_t__Flags_t : uint32_t { JOINT_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, JOINT_FLAGS_BODY1_FIXED = 0x1, JOINT_FLAGS_USE_BLOCK_SOLVER = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class FieldNetworkOption : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Auto" Auto = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Enable Replication" ForceEnable = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Disable Replication" ForceDisable = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x12 enum class ParticleAttachment_t : uint32_t { PATTACH_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PATTACH_ABSORIGIN = 0x0, PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW = 0x1, PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN = 0x2, PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN_FOLLOW = 0x3, PATTACH_POINT = 0x4, PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW = 0x5, PATTACH_EYES_FOLLOW = 0x6, PATTACH_OVERHEAD_FOLLOW = 0x7, PATTACH_WORLDORIGIN = 0x8, PATTACH_ROOTBONE_FOLLOW = 0x9, PATTACH_RENDERORIGIN_FOLLOW = 0xa, PATTACH_MAIN_VIEW = 0xb, PATTACH_WATERWAKE = 0xc, PATTACH_CENTER_FOLLOW = 0xd, PATTACH_CUSTOM_GAME_STATE_1 = 0xe, PATTACH_HEALTHBAR = 0xf, MAX_PATTACH_TYPES = 0x10, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class SelectorTagBehavior_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Active While Current" SelectorTagBehavior_OnWhileCurrent = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Off When Finished" SelectorTagBehavior_OffWhenFinished = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Off Before Finished" SelectorTagBehavior_OffBeforeFinished = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xd enum class AnimParamButton_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "None" ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_NONE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dpad Up" ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_UP = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dpad Right" ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dpad Down" ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dpad Left" ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "A" ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_A = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "B" ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_B = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "X" ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_X = 0x7, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Y" ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_Y = 0x8, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Left Shoulder" ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER = 0x9, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Right Shoulder" ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER = 0xa, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Left Trigger" ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_LTRIGGER = 0xb, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Right Trigger" ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_RTRIGGER = 0xc, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class SeqPoseSetting_t : uint32_t { SEQ_POSE_SETTING_CONSTANT = 0x0, SEQ_POSE_SETTING_ROTATION = 0x1, SEQ_POSE_SETTING_POSITION = 0x2, SEQ_POSE_SETTING_VELOCITY = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x3 enum class AnimScriptType : uint16_t { ANIMSCRIPT_TYPE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, ANIMSCRIPT_FUSE_GENERAL = 0x0, ANIMSCRIPT_FUSE_STATEMACHINE = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class IkEndEffectorType : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Attachment" IkEndEffector_Attachment = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Last Bone in Chain" IkEndEffector_Bone = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class StanceOverrideMode : uint32_t { Sequence = 0x0, Node = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class JiggleBoneSimSpace : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Local Space" SimSpace_Local = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Model Space" SimSpace_Model = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "World Space" SimSpace_World = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class AnimationProcessingType_t : uint32_t { ANIMATION_PROCESSING_SERVER_SIMULATION = 0x0, ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_SIMULATION = 0x1, ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_PREDICTION = 0x2, ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_INTERPOLATION = 0x3, ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_RENDER = 0x4, ANIMATION_PROCESSING_MAX = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class DampingSpeedFunction : uint32_t { NoDamping = 0x0, Constant = 0x1, Spring = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class FootPinningTimingSource : uint32_t { FootMotion = 0x0, Tag = 0x1, Parameter = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class FootLockSubVisualization : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Reachability Analysis" FOOTLOCKSUBVISUALIZATION_ReachabilityAnalysis = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "IK Solve" FOOTLOCKSUBVISUALIZATION_IKSolve = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class FootstepLandedFootSoundType_t : uint32_t { FOOTSOUND_Left = 0x0, FOOTSOUND_Right = 0x1, FOOTSOUND_UseOverrideSound = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class IKChannelMode : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Two Bone" TwoBone = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Two Bone + Translate" TwoBone_Translate = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "One Bone" OneBone = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "One Bone + Translate" OneBone_Translate = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class ResetCycleOption : uint32_t { Beginning = 0x0, SameCycleAsSource = 0x1, InverseSourceCycle = 0x2, FixedValue = 0x3, SameTimeAsSource = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class MorphBundleType_t : uint32_t { MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_POSITION_SPEED = 0x1, MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_NORMAL_WRINKLE = 0x2, MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_COUNT = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x16 enum class ModelSkeletonData_t__BoneFlags_t : uint32_t { FLAG_NO_BONE_FLAGS = 0x0, FLAG_BONEFLEXDRIVER = 0x4, FLAG_CLOTH = 0x8, FLAG_PHYSICS = 0x10, FLAG_ATTACHMENT = 0x20, FLAG_ANIMATION = 0x40, FLAG_MESH = 0x80, FLAG_HITBOX = 0x100, FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD0 = 0x400, FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD1 = 0x800, FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD2 = 0x1000, FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD3 = 0x2000, FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD4 = 0x4000, FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD5 = 0x8000, FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD6 = 0x10000, FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD7 = 0x20000, FLAG_BONE_MERGE_READ = 0x40000, FLAG_BONE_MERGE_WRITE = 0x80000, FLAG_ALL_BONE_FLAGS = 0xfffff, BLEND_PREALIGNED = 0x100000, FLAG_RIGIDLENGTH = 0x200000, FLAG_PROCEDURAL = 0x400000, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class StateActionBehavior : uint32_t { STATETAGBEHAVIOR_ACTIVE_WHILE_CURRENT = 0x0, STATETAGBEHAVIOR_FIRE_ON_ENTER = 0x1, STATETAGBEHAVIOR_FIRE_ON_EXIT = 0x2, STATETAGBEHAVIOR_FIRE_ON_ENTER_AND_EXIT = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class BlendKeyType : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "User Defined Values" BlendKey_UserValue = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Velocity" BlendKey_Velocity = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distance" BlendKey_Distance = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Remaining Distance" BlendKey_RemainingDistance = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class VPhysXConstraintParams_t__EnumFlags0_t : uint32_t { FLAG0_SHIFT_INTERPENETRATE = 0x0, FLAG0_SHIFT_CONSTRAIN = 0x1, FLAG0_SHIFT_BREAKABLE_FORCE = 0x2, FLAG0_SHIFT_BREAKABLE_TORQUE = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ChoiceBlendMethod : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Single Blend Time" SingleBlendTime = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Per-Choice Blend Times" PerChoiceBlendTimes = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ChoiceChangeMethod : uint32_t { OnReset = 0x0, OnCycleEnd = 0x1, OnResetOrCycleEnd = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class Blend2DMode : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "General" Blend2DMode_General = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Directional" Blend2DMode_Directional = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class IKSolverType : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Perlin" IKSOLVER_Perlin = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Two Bone" IKSOLVER_TwoBone = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "FABRIK" IKSOLVER_Fabrik = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dog Leg (3 Bone)" IKSOLVER_DogLeg3Bone = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "CCD" IKSOLVER_CCD = 0x4, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator IKSOLVER_COUNT = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class RagdollPoseControl : uint32_t { Absolute = 0x0, Relative = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x25 enum class AnimValueSource : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Move Heading" MoveHeading = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Move Speed" MoveSpeed = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Forward Speed" ForwardSpeed = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Strafe Speed" StrafeSpeed = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Facing Heading" FacingHeading = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Manual Facing Heading" ManualFacingHeading = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Look Heading" LookHeading = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Look Pitch" LookPitch = 0x7, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Look Distance" LookDistance = 0x8, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Parameter" Parameter = 0x9, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Waypoint Heading" WayPointHeading = 0xa, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Waypoint Distance" WayPointDistance = 0xb, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Boundary Radius" BoundaryRadius = 0xc, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Target Move Heading" TargetMoveHeading = 0xd, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Target Move Speed" TargetMoveSpeed = 0xe, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Acceleration Heading" AccelerationHeading = 0xf, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Acceleration Speed" AccelerationSpeed = 0x10, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Slope Heading" SlopeHeading = 0x11, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Slope Angle" SlopeAngle = 0x12, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Slope Pitch" SlopePitch = 0x13, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Slope Yaw" SlopeYaw = 0x14, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Goal Distance" GoalDistance = 0x15, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Acceleration Left-Right" AccelerationLeftRight = 0x16, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Acceleration Forward-Back" AccelerationFrontBack = 0x17, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Root Motion Speed" RootMotionSpeed = 0x18, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Root Motion Turn Speed" RootMotionTurnSpeed = 0x19, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Move Heading Relative to Look Heading" MoveHeadingRelativeToLookHeading = 0x1a, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Move Speed" MaxMoveSpeed = 0x1b, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Finger Curl - Thumb" FingerCurl_Thumb = 0x1c, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Finger Curl - Index" FingerCurl_Index = 0x1d, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Finger Curl - Middle" FingerCurl_Middle = 0x1e, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Finger Curl - Ring" FingerCurl_Ring = 0x1f, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Finger Curl - Pinky" FingerCurl_Pinky = 0x20, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Finger Splay - Thumb:Index" FingerSplay_Thumb_Index = 0x21, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Finger Splay - Index:Middle" FingerSplay_Index_Middle = 0x22, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Finger Splay - Middle:Ring" FingerSplay_Middle_Ring = 0x23, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Finger Splay - Ring:Pinky" FingerSplay_Ring_Pinky = 0x24, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x3 enum class PoseType_t : uint8_t { POSETYPE_STATIC = 0x0, POSETYPE_DYNAMIC = 0x1, POSETYPE_INVALID = 0xff, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ModelBoneFlexComponent_t : uint32_t { MODEL_BONE_FLEX_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, MODEL_BONE_FLEX_TX = 0x0, MODEL_BONE_FLEX_TY = 0x1, MODEL_BONE_FLEX_TZ = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class MeshDrawPrimitiveFlags_t : uint32_t { MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_SHADOW_FAST_PATH = 0x1, MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_COMPRESSED_NORMAL_TANGENT = 0x2, MESH_DRAW_INPUT_LAYOUT_IS_NOT_MATCHED_TO_MATERIAL = 0x8, MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_COMPRESSED_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING = 0x10, MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_UNCOMPRESSED_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING = 0x20, MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_CAN_BATCH_WITH_DYNAMIC_SHADER_CONSTANTS = 0x40, MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_DRAW_LAST = 0x80, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class MorphFlexControllerRemapType_t : uint32_t { MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_PASSTHRU = 0x0, MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_2WAY = 0x1, MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_NWAY = 0x2, MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_EYELID = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class AnimParamNetworkSetting : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Auto" Auto = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Always Network" AlwaysNetwork = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Never Network" NeverNetwork = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xf enum class PermModelInfo_t__FlagEnum : uint32_t { FLAG_TRANSLUCENT = 0x1, FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_TWO_PASS = 0x2, FLAG_MODEL_IS_RUNTIME_COMBINED = 0x4, FLAG_SOURCE1_IMPORT = 0x8, FLAG_MODEL_PART_CHILD = 0x10, FLAG_NAV_GEN_NONE = 0x20, FLAG_NAV_GEN_HULL = 0x40, FLAG_NO_FORCED_FADE = 0x800, FLAG_HAS_SKINNED_MESHES = 0x400, FLAG_DO_NOT_CAST_SHADOWS = 0x20000, FLAG_FORCE_PHONEME_CROSSFADE = 0x1000, FLAG_NO_ANIM_EVENTS = 0x100000, FLAG_ANIMATION_DRIVEN_FLEXES = 0x200000, FLAG_IMPLICIT_BIND_POSE_SEQUENCE = 0x400000, FLAG_MODEL_DOC = 0x800000, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class IKTargetSource : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bone" IKTARGETSOURCE_Bone = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Animgraph Parameter" IKTARGETSOURCE_AnimgraphParameter = 0x1, IKTARGETSOURCE_COUNT = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x9 enum class AnimParamType_t : uint8_t { ANIMPARAM_UNKNOWN = 0x0, ANIMPARAM_BOOL = 0x1, ANIMPARAM_ENUM = 0x2, ANIMPARAM_INT = 0x3, ANIMPARAM_FLOAT = 0x4, ANIMPARAM_VECTOR = 0x5, ANIMPARAM_QUATERNION = 0x6, ANIMPARAM_STRINGTOKEN = 0x7, ANIMPARAM_COUNT = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class VPhysXBodyPart_t__VPhysXFlagEnum_t : uint32_t { FLAG_STATIC = 0x1, FLAG_KINEMATIC = 0x2, FLAG_JOINT = 0x4, FLAG_MASS = 0x8, FLAG_ALWAYS_DYNAMIC_ON_CLIENT = 0x10, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class AnimNodeNetworkMode : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Server Authoritative" ServerAuthoritative = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Client Simulate" ClientSimulate = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1a enum class FlexOpCode_t : uint32_t { FLEX_OP_CONST = 0x1, FLEX_OP_FETCH1 = 0x2, FLEX_OP_FETCH2 = 0x3, FLEX_OP_ADD = 0x4, FLEX_OP_SUB = 0x5, FLEX_OP_MUL = 0x6, FLEX_OP_DIV = 0x7, FLEX_OP_NEG = 0x8, FLEX_OP_EXP = 0x9, FLEX_OP_OPEN = 0xa, FLEX_OP_CLOSE = 0xb, FLEX_OP_COMMA = 0xc, FLEX_OP_MAX = 0xd, FLEX_OP_MIN = 0xe, FLEX_OP_2WAY_0 = 0xf, FLEX_OP_2WAY_1 = 0x10, FLEX_OP_NWAY = 0x11, FLEX_OP_COMBO = 0x12, FLEX_OP_DOMINATE = 0x13, FLEX_OP_DME_LOWER_EYELID = 0x14, FLEX_OP_DME_UPPER_EYELID = 0x15, FLEX_OP_SQRT = 0x16, FLEX_OP_REMAPVALCLAMPED = 0x17, FLEX_OP_SIN = 0x18, FLEX_OP_COS = 0x19, FLEX_OP_ABS = 0x1a, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class StepPhase : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "On Ground" StepPhase_OnGround = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "In the Air" StepPhase_InAir = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class EDemoBoneSelectionMode : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Capture All Bones" CaptureAllBones = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Capture Selected Bones" CaptureSelectedBones = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class AnimPoseControl : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "None" NoPoseControl = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Absolute" AbsolutePoseControl = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Relative" RelativePoseControl = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class MatterialAttributeTagType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Value" MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_VALUE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Color" MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_COLOR = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class VPhysXAggregateData_t__VPhysXFlagEnum_t : uint32_t { FLAG_IS_POLYSOUP_GEOMETRY = 0x1, FLAG_LEVEL_COLLISION = 0x10, FLAG_IGNORE_SCALE_OBSOLETE_DO_NOT_USE = 0x20, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class IKTargetCoordinateSystem : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "World Space" IKTARGETCOORDINATESYSTEM_WorldSpace = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Model Space" IKTARGETCOORDINATESYSTEM_ModelSpace = 0x1, IKTARGETCOORDINATESYSTEM_COUNT = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class SolveIKChainAnimNodeDebugSetting : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "None" SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_None = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Debug X Axis Circle" SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_X_Axis_Circle = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Debug Y Axis Circle" SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Y_Axis_Circle = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Debug Z Axis Circle" SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Z_Axis_Circle = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Debug Hold Forward" SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Forward = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Debug Hold Up" SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Up = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Debug Hold Left" SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Left = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class BinaryNodeTiming : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use Child1" UseChild1 = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use Child2" UseChild2 = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Synchronize Children" SyncChildren = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveType : uint32_t { ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Text = 0x0, ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Sphere = 0x1, ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Line = 0x2, ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Pie = 0x3, ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Axis = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class BoneTransformSpace_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Invalid" BoneTransformSpace_Invalid = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Parent Space" BoneTransformSpace_Parent = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Model Space" BoneTransformSpace_Model = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "World Space" BoneTransformSpace_World = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x11 enum class SeqCmd_t : uint32_t { SeqCmd_Nop = 0x0, SeqCmd_LinearDelta = 0x1, SeqCmd_FetchFrameRange = 0x2, SeqCmd_Slerp = 0x3, SeqCmd_Add = 0x4, SeqCmd_Subtract = 0x5, SeqCmd_Scale = 0x6, SeqCmd_Copy = 0x7, SeqCmd_Blend = 0x8, SeqCmd_Worldspace = 0x9, SeqCmd_Sequence = 0xa, SeqCmd_FetchCycle = 0xb, SeqCmd_FetchFrame = 0xc, SeqCmd_IKLockInPlace = 0xd, SeqCmd_IKRestoreAll = 0xe, SeqCmd_ReverseSequence = 0xf, SeqCmd_Transform = 0x10, }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class JointAxis_t : uint32_t { JOINT_AXIS_X = 0x0, JOINT_AXIS_Y = 0x1, JOINT_AXIS_Z = 0x2, JOINT_AXIS_COUNT = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class JointMotion_t : uint32_t { JOINT_MOTION_FREE = 0x0, JOINT_MOTION_LOCKED = 0x1, JOINT_MOTION_COUNT = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class SosGroupType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dynamic" SOS_GROUPTYPE_DYNAMIC = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Static" SOS_GROUPTYPE_STATIC = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class VMixSubgraphSwitchInterpolationType_t : uint32_t { SUBGRAPH_INTERPOLATION_TEMPORAL_CROSSFADE = 0x0, SUBGRAPH_INTERPOLATION_TEMPORAL_FADE_OUT = 0x1, SUBGRAPH_INTERPOLATION_KEEP_LAST_SUBGRAPH_RUNNING = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ActionType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "None" SOS_ACTION_NONE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Limiter" SOS_ACTION_LIMITER = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Time Limiter" SOS_ACTION_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Sound Event Parameter" SOS_ACTION_SET_SOUNDEVENT_PARAM = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x9 enum class VMixFilterSlope_t : uint8_t { FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_6dB = 0x0, FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_12dB = 0x1, FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_18dB = 0x2, FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_24dB = 0x3, FILTER_SLOPE_12dB = 0x4, FILTER_SLOPE_24dB = 0x5, FILTER_SLOPE_36dB = 0x6, FILTER_SLOPE_48dB = 0x7, FILTER_SLOPE_MAX = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class VMixChannelOperation_t : uint32_t { VMIX_CHAN_STEREO = 0x0, VMIX_CHAN_LEFT = 0x1, VMIX_CHAN_RIGHT = 0x2, VMIX_CHAN_SWAP = 0x3, VMIX_CHAN_MONO = 0x4, VMIX_CHAN_MID_SIDE = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class VMixPannerType_t : uint32_t { PANNER_TYPE_LINEAR = 0x0, PANNER_TYPE_EQUAL_POWER = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1e enum class soundlevel_t : uint32_t { SNDLVL_NONE = 0x0, SNDLVL_20dB = 0x14, SNDLVL_25dB = 0x19, SNDLVL_30dB = 0x1e, SNDLVL_35dB = 0x23, SNDLVL_40dB = 0x28, SNDLVL_45dB = 0x2d, SNDLVL_50dB = 0x32, SNDLVL_55dB = 0x37, SNDLVL_IDLE = 0x3c, SNDLVL_60dB = 0x3c, SNDLVL_65dB = 0x41, SNDLVL_STATIC = 0x42, SNDLVL_70dB = 0x46, SNDLVL_NORM = 0x4b, SNDLVL_75dB = 0x4b, SNDLVL_80dB = 0x50, SNDLVL_TALKING = 0x50, SNDLVL_85dB = 0x55, SNDLVL_90dB = 0x5a, SNDLVL_95dB = 0x5f, SNDLVL_100dB = 0x64, SNDLVL_105dB = 0x69, SNDLVL_110dB = 0x6e, SNDLVL_120dB = 0x78, SNDLVL_130dB = 0x82, SNDLVL_GUNFIRE = 0x8c, SNDLVL_140dB = 0x8c, SNDLVL_150dB = 0x96, SNDLVL_180dB = 0xb4, }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x1e enum class VMixProcessorType_t : uint16_t { VPROCESSOR_UNKNOWN = 0x0, VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_REVERB = 0x1, VPROCESSOR_RT_PITCH = 0x2, VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_HRTF = 0x3, VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS = 0x4, VPROCESSOR_PRESETDSP = 0x5, VPROCESSOR_DELAY = 0x6, VPROCESSOR_MOD_DELAY = 0x7, VPROCESSOR_DIFFUSOR = 0x8, VPROCESSOR_BOXVERB = 0x9, VPROCESSOR_FREEVERB = 0xa, VPROCESSOR_PLATEVERB = 0xb, VPROCESSOR_FULLWAVE_INTEGRATOR = 0xc, VPROCESSOR_FILTER = 0xd, VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_PATHING = 0xe, VPROCESSOR_EQ8 = 0xf, VPROCESSOR_ENVELOPE = 0x10, VPROCESSOR_VOCODER = 0x11, VPROCESSOR_CONVOLUTION = 0x12, VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS_3BAND = 0x13, VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS_COMPRESSOR = 0x14, VPROCESSOR_SHAPER = 0x15, VPROCESSOR_PANNER = 0x16, VPROCESSOR_UTILITY = 0x17, VPROCESSOR_AUTOFILTER = 0x18, VPROCESSOR_OSC = 0x19, VPROCESSOR_STEREODELAY = 0x1a, VPROCESSOR_EFFECT_CHAIN = 0x1b, VPROCESSOR_SUBGRAPH_SWITCH = 0x1c, VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_DIRECT = 0x1d, }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class SosActionSortType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Highest" SOS_SORTTYPE_HIGHEST = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Lowest" SOS_SORTTYPE_LOWEST = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class SosEditItemType_t : uint32_t { SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_SOUNDEVENTS = 0x0, SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_SOUNDEVENT = 0x1, SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_LIBRARYSTACKS = 0x2, SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_STACK = 0x3, SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_OPERATOR = 0x4, SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_FIELD = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class SosActionStopType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "None" SOS_STOPTYPE_NONE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Elapsed Time" SOS_STOPTYPE_TIME = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Opvar" SOS_STOPTYPE_OPVAR = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0xa enum class VMixFilterType_t : uint16_t { FILTER_UNKNOWN = 0xffffffffffffffff, FILTER_LOWPASS = 0x0, FILTER_HIGHPASS = 0x1, FILTER_BANDPASS = 0x2, FILTER_NOTCH = 0x3, FILTER_PEAKING_EQ = 0x4, FILTER_LOW_SHELF = 0x5, FILTER_HIGH_SHELF = 0x6, FILTER_ALLPASS = 0x7, FILTER_PASSTHROUGH = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class VMixLFOShape_t : uint32_t { LFO_SHAPE_SINE = 0x0, LFO_SHAPE_SQUARE = 0x1, LFO_SHAPE_TRI = 0x2, LFO_SHAPE_SAW = 0x3, LFO_SHAPE_NOISE = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: scenesystem.dll (project 'scenesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x4 enum class DisableShadows_t : uint8_t { kDisableShadows_None = 0x0, kDisableShadows_All = 0x1, kDisableShadows_Baked = 0x2, kDisableShadows_Realtime = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 enum class ObjectTypeFlags_t : uint32_t { OBJECT_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE_LOD = 0x1, OBJECT_TYPE_GEOMETRY_LOD = 0x2, OBJECT_TYPE_DECAL = 0x4, OBJECT_TYPE_MODEL = 0x8, OBJECT_TYPE_BLOCK_LIGHT = 0x10, OBJECT_TYPE_NO_SHADOWS = 0x20, OBJECT_TYPE_WORLDSPACE_TEXURE_BLEND = 0x40, OBJECT_TYPE_DISABLED_IN_LOW_QUALITY = 0x80, OBJECT_TYPE_NO_SUN_SHADOWS = 0x100, OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_WITH_DYNAMIC = 0x200, OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_TO_CUBEMAPS = 0x400, OBJECT_TYPE_MODEL_HAS_LODS = 0x800, OBJECT_TYPE_OVERLAY = 0x2000, OBJECT_TYPE_PRECOMPUTED_VISMEMBERS = 0x4000, OBJECT_TYPE_STATIC_CUBE_MAP = 0x8000, }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x41 enum class PulseInstructionCode_t : uint16_t { INVALID = 0x0, IMMEDIATE_HALT = 0x1, RETURN_VOID = 0x2, RETURN_VALUE = 0x3, NOP = 0x4, JUMP = 0x5, JUMP_COND = 0x6, CHUNK_LEAP = 0x7, CHUNK_LEAP_COND = 0x8, PULSE_CALL_SYNC = 0x9, PULSE_CALL_ASYNC_FIRE = 0xa, CELL_INVOKE = 0xb, LIBRARY_INVOKE = 0xc, TARGET_INVOKE = 0xd, SET_VAR = 0xe, GET_VAR = 0xf, SET_REGISTER_LIT_BOOL = 0x10, SET_REGISTER_LIT_INT = 0x11, SET_REGISTER_LIT_FLOAT = 0x12, SET_REGISTER_LIT_STR = 0x13, SET_REGISTER_LIT_INVAL_EHANDLE = 0x14, SET_REGISTER_LIT_INVAL_SNDEVT_GUID = 0x15, SET_REGISTER_LIT_VEC3 = 0x16, SET_REGISTER_DOMAIN_VALUE = 0x17, COPY = 0x18, NOT = 0x19, NEGATE = 0x1a, ADD = 0x1b, SUB = 0x1c, MUL = 0x1d, DIV = 0x1e, MOD = 0x1f, LT = 0x20, LTE = 0x21, EQ = 0x22, NE = 0x23, AND = 0x24, OR = 0x25, CONVERT_VALUE = 0x26, LAST_SERIALIZED_CODE = 0x27, NEGATE_INT = 0x28, NEGATE_FLOAT = 0x29, ADD_INT = 0x2a, ADD_FLOAT = 0x2b, ADD_STRING = 0x2c, SUB_INT = 0x2d, SUB_FLOAT = 0x2e, MUL_INT = 0x2f, MUL_FLOAT = 0x30, DIV_INT = 0x31, DIV_FLOAT = 0x32, MOD_INT = 0x33, MOD_FLOAT = 0x34, LT_INT = 0x35, LT_FLOAT = 0x36, LTE_INT = 0x37, LTE_FLOAT = 0x38, EQ_BOOL = 0x39, EQ_INT = 0x3a, EQ_FLOAT = 0x3b, EQ_STRING = 0x3c, NE_BOOL = 0x3d, NE_INT = 0x3e, NE_FLOAT = 0x3f, NE_STRING = 0x40, }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xe enum class PulseValueType_t : uint32_t { PVAL_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Boolean" PVAL_BOOL = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Integer" PVAL_INT = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Float" PVAL_FLOAT = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "String" PVAL_STRING = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Vector3" PVAL_VEC3 = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Transform" PVAL_TRANSFORM = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Entity Handle" PVAL_EHANDLE = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Resource" PVAL_RESOURCE = 0x7, // MPropertyFriendlyName "SoundEvent Handle" PVAL_SNDEVT_GUID = 0x8, PVAL_SCHEMA_PTR = 0x9, PVAL_CURSOR_FLOW = 0xa, PVAL_ANY = 0xb, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator PVAL_COUNT = 0xc, }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class PulseMethodCallMode_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Wait For Completion" // MPropertyDescription "Synchronous - wait for the method to fully complete before returning" SYNC_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Fire And Forget" // MPropertyDescription "Asynchronous - returns and continues despite the called method yielding" ASYNC_FIRE_AND_FORGET = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class TextureRepetitionMode_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Per-Particle" TEXTURE_REPETITION_PARTICLE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Entire Path" TEXTURE_REPETITION_PATH = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ParticleOrientationSetMode_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set From Velocity" PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SET_FROM_VELOCITY = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set From Rotations" PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SET_FROM_ROTATIONS = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ParticleLightTypeChoiceList_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Omni Light" PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_POINT = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Spot Light" PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "FX Light" PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Capsule Light" PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_CAPSULE = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ParticleLightFogLightingMode_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "None" PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_NONE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dynamic Fog with Shadows" PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_DYNAMIC = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dynamic Fog No Shadows" PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_DYNAMIC_NOSHADOWS = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ParticleOmni2LightTypeChoiceList_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Point" PARTICLE_OMNI2_LIGHT_TYPE_POINT = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sphere" PARTICLE_OMNI2_LIGHT_TYPE_SPHERE = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class SpriteCardShaderType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Default" SPRITECARD_SHADER_BASE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Custom" SPRITECARD_SHADER_CUSTOM = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class ParticleImpulseType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "None" IMPULSE_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Generic" IMPULSE_TYPE_GENERIC = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Rope" IMPULSE_TYPE_ROPE = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Explosion" IMPULSE_TYPE_EXPLOSION = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Underwater Explosion" IMPULSE_TYPE_EXPLOSION_UNDERWATER = 0x8, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Particle System" IMPULSE_TYPE_PARTICLE_SYSTEM = 0x10, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ClosestPointTestType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Box" PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_BOX = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Capsule" PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_CAPSULE = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Hybrid Box/Capsule" PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_HYBRID = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ParticleEndcapMode_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Always Enabled" PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ALWAYS_ON = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Disabled During Endcap" PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ENDCAP_OFF = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Only Enabled During Endcap" PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ENDCAP_ON = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ParticleSortingChoiceList_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distance - Nearest" PARTICLE_SORTING_NEAREST = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Age - Oldest" PARTICLE_SORTING_CREATION_TIME = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class ParticleCollisionMode_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Per-Particle Trace" COLLISION_MODE_PER_PARTICLE_TRACE = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Caching" COLLISION_MODE_USE_NEAREST_TRACE = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Per-Frame Planeset" COLLISION_MODE_PER_FRAME_PLANESET = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Initial Trace Down" COLLISION_MODE_INITIAL_TRACE_DOWN = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Collision Disabled" COLLISION_MODE_DISABLED = 0xffffffffffffffff, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Screen Align" PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREEN_ALIGNED = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Screen-Z Align" PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREEN_Z_ALIGNED = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "World-Z Align" PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_WORLD_Z_ALIGNED = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Particle Normal Align" PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_ALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Screen & Particle Normal Align" PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREENALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Full 3-Axis Rotation" PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_FULL_3AXIS_ROTATION = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ParticleHitboxDataSelection_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Hitbox Speed" PARTICLE_HITBOX_AVERAGE_SPEED = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Hitbox Count" PARTICLE_HITBOX_COUNT = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class ParticleTransformType_t : uint32_t { PT_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0, PT_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x1, PT_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT = 0x2, PT_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_RANGE = 0x3, PT_TYPE_COUNT = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xf enum class SpriteCardTextureChannel_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "RGB" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "RGBA" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGBA = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Alpha" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_A = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "RGB with Alpha Passthrough" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_A = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "RGB with Alpha Mask" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_ALPHAMASK = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "RGB with RGB as Alpha Mask" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_RGBMASK = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "RGBA with RGB as Alpha" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGBA_RGBALPHA = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Alpha with RGB as Alpha" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_A_RGBALPHA = 0x7, // MPropertyFriendlyName "RGB with RGB as Alpha Passthrough" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_A_RGBALPHA = 0x8, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Red Channel" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_R = 0x9, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Green Channel" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_G = 0xa, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Blue Channel" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_B = 0xb, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Red with Red as Alpha" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RALPHA = 0xc, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Green with Green as Alpha" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_GALPHA = 0xd, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Blue with Blue as Alpha" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_BALPHA = 0xe, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ParticleAlphaReferenceType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Texel Alpha & Particle Alpha & Alpha Reference" PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_ALPHA_ALPHA = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Particle Alpha & Alpha Reference" PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_OPAQUE_ALPHA = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Texel Alpha & Alpha Reference" PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_ALPHA_OPAQUE = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Alpha Reference" PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_OPAQUE_OPAQUE = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xa enum class SpriteCardTextureType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Diffuse Texture" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Diffuse Infinite Zoom" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ZOOM = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "1D Luminance to Color Lookup" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_1D_COLOR_LOOKUP = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "UV Distortion" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_UVDISTORTION = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "UV Distortion Infinite Zoom" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_UVDISTORTION_ZOOM = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Normal Map" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Animation Smoothing Motion Vector" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Spherical Harmonics A" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_A = 0x7, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Spherical Harmonics B" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_B = 0x8, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Spherical Harmonics C" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_C = 0x9, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class BBoxVolumeType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bounding Box Volume" BBOX_VOLUME = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bounding Box Dimensions" BBOX_DIMENSIONS = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bounding Box Mins/Maxs" BBOX_MINS_MAXS = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ParticleDetailLevel_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Low" PARTICLEDETAIL_LOW = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Medium" PARTICLEDETAIL_MEDIUM = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "High" PARTICLEDETAIL_HIGH = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Ultra" PARTICLEDETAIL_ULTRA = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ParticleSequenceCropOverride_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use Default Cropping Behavior" PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Force Cropping Off" PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_FORCE_OFF = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Force Cropping On" PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_FORCE_ON = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ParticleFalloffFunction_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Constant - No Falloff" PARTICLE_FALLOFF_CONSTANT = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Linear Falloff" PARTICLE_FALLOFF_LINEAR = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Exponential Falloff" PARTICLE_FALLOFF_EXPONENTIAL = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ParticleLightUnitChoiceList_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Candelas" PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_CANDELAS = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Lumens" PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_LUMENS = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x13 enum class ParticleVecType_t : uint32_t { PVEC_TYPE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PVEC_TYPE_LITERAL = 0x0, PVEC_TYPE_LITERAL_COLOR = 0x1, PVEC_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x2, PVEC_TYPE_PARTICLE_VECTOR = 0x3, PVEC_TYPE_PARTICLE_VELOCITY = 0x4, PVEC_TYPE_CP_VALUE = 0x5, PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_POSITION = 0x6, PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_DIR = 0x7, PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_RANDOM_DIR = 0x8, PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPONENTS = 0x9, PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_CLAMPED = 0xa, PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_OPEN = 0xb, PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_GRADIENT = 0xc, PVEC_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM = 0xd, PVEC_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM_OFFSET = 0xe, PVEC_TYPE_CP_DELTA = 0xf, PVEC_TYPE_CLOSEST_CAMERA_POSITION = 0x10, PVEC_TYPE_COUNT = 0x11, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class PFNoiseModifier_t : uint32_t { PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_NONE = 0x0, PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_LINES = 0x1, PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_CLUMPS = 0x2, PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_RINGS = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ParticleFloatRandomMode_t : uint32_t { PF_RANDOM_MODE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PF_RANDOM_MODE_CONSTANT = 0x0, PF_RANDOM_MODE_VARYING = 0x1, PF_RANDOM_MODE_COUNT = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ParticleDepthFeatheringMode_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Off" PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_OFF = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "On (If Possible)" PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_ON_OPTIONAL = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "On (Required)" PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_ON_REQUIRED = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class MaterialProxyType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Status Effect" MATERIAL_PROXY_STATUS_EFFECT = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Tint Only" MATERIAL_PROXY_TINT = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ParticleLightnintBranchBehavior_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Branch Towards Current Direction" PARTICLE_LIGHTNING_BRANCH_CURRENT_DIR = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Branch Towards Endpoint" PARTICLE_LIGHTNING_BRANCH_ENDPOINT_DIR = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class ParticleOutputBlendMode_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Alpha Blend" PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_ALPHA = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Additive" PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_ADD = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Blend Add (Pre-Mult Alpha)" PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_BLEND_ADD = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Half Blend Add" PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_HALF_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Negative Half Blend Add" PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_NEG_HALF_BLEND_ADD = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Mod2X" PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_MOD2X = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Lighten" PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ParticleFloatInputMode_t : uint32_t { PF_INPUT_MODE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PF_INPUT_MODE_CLAMPED = 0x0, PF_INPUT_MODE_LOOPED = 0x1, PF_INPUT_MODE_COUNT = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ParticleSelection_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "First/Oldest Particle" PARTICLE_SELECTION_FIRST = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Last/Newest Particle" PARTICLE_SELECTION_LAST = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Specified Particle Number" PARTICLE_SELECTION_NUMBER = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class ParticleTextureLayerBlendType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Multiply" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Mod2X" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_MOD2X = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Replace" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_REPLACE = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Add" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Subtract" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_SUBTRACT = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_AVERAGE = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Luminance" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_LUMINANCE = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ParticleTraceSet_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Everything" PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_ALL = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Satic World Only" PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_STATIC = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Static World and Kinematic/Keyframed Only" PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_STATIC_AND_KEYFRAMED = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dynamic Entities Only" PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_DYNAMIC = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class ParticleFloatMapType_t : uint32_t { PF_MAP_TYPE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PF_MAP_TYPE_DIRECT = 0x0, PF_MAP_TYPE_MULT = 0x1, PF_MAP_TYPE_REMAP = 0x2, PF_MAP_TYPE_REMAP_BIASED = 0x3, PF_MAP_TYPE_CURVE = 0x4, PF_MAP_TYPE_NOTCHED = 0x5, PF_MAP_TYPE_COUNT = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ParticleLightBehaviorChoiceList_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Follow Direction" PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Rope" PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trails" PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_TRAILS = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class ParticleTopology_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Points" PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_POINTS = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Line segments" PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_LINES = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Triangles" PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_TRIS = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Quadrilaterals" PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_QUADS = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Cubes" PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_CUBES = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class AnimationType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Fixed Rate" ANIMATION_TYPE_FIXED_RATE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Fit Lifetime" ANIMATION_TYPE_FIT_LIFETIME = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Frames Manually" ANIMATION_TYPE_MANUAL_FRAMES = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class HitboxLerpType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Lerp from Start/End Time" HITBOX_LERP_LIFETIME = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Constant" HITBOX_LERP_CONSTANT = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ParticleRotationLockType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Don't Set" PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_NONE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Rotations" PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_ROTATIONS = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Normal" PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_NORMAL = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9 enum class VectorExpressionType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Uninitialized" VECTOR_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Add" VECTOR_EXPRESSION_ADD = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Subtract" VECTOR_EXPRESSION_SUBTRACT = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Multiply" VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MUL = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Divide" VECTOR_EXPRESSION_DIVIDE = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Input 1" VECTOR_EXPRESSION_INPUT_1 = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Min" VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MIN = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max" VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MAX = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Cross Product" VECTOR_EXPRESSION_CROSSPRODUCT = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ParticleFogType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use Game Default" PARTICLE_FOG_GAME_DEFAULT = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Enabled" PARTICLE_FOG_ENABLED = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Disabled" PARTICLE_FOG_DISABLED = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class VectorFloatExpressionType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Uninitialized" VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dot Product" VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DOTPRODUCT = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distance Between" VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DISTANCE = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distance Between Squared" VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DISTANCESQR = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Input 1 Length" VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_LENGTH = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Input 1 Length Squared" VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_LENGTHSQR = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Input 1 Noise" VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_NOISE = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc enum class ParticlePinDistance_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Don't Break" PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_NONE = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distance to Neighboring Particle" PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_NEIGHBOR = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distance to Farthest Particle" PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_FARTHEST = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distance to First Particle" PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_FIRST = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distance to Last Particle" PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_LAST = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distance to Particle System Center" PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CENTER = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distance to Control Point" PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distance to Either of Two Control Points" PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP_PAIR_EITHER = 0x7, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distance to Both of Two Control Points" PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP_PAIR_BOTH = 0x8, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Particle Speed" PARTICLE_PIN_SPEED = 0x9, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Collection Age" PARTICLE_PIN_COLLECTION_AGE = 0xa, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Break Value of >= 1" PARTICLE_PIN_FLOAT_VALUE = 0xb, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class ParticleControlPointAxis_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "X Axis" PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_X = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Y Axis" PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_Y = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Z Axis" PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_Z = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Negative X Axis" PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_X = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Negative Y Axis" PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Y = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Negative Z Axis" PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Z = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ParticleHitboxBiasType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bias relative to Entity" PARTICLE_HITBOX_BIAS_ENTITY = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bias relative to Hitbox" PARTICLE_HITBOX_BIAS_HITBOX = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ParticleDirectionNoiseType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Perlin" PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_PERLIN = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Curl" PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_CURL = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Worley" PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_WORLEY_BASIC = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class PFNoiseType_t : uint32_t { PF_NOISE_TYPE_PERLIN = 0x0, PF_NOISE_TYPE_SIMPLEX = 0x1, PF_NOISE_TYPE_WORLEY = 0x2, PF_NOISE_TYPE_CURL = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ParticleLightingQuality_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Per-Particle Lighting" PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_PARTICLE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Per-Vertex Lighting" PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_VERTEX = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Per-Pixel Lighting" PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_PIXEL = 0xffffffffffffffff, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class ParticleModelType_t : uint32_t { PM_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0, PM_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE_MODEL = 0x1, PM_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE_EHANDLE = 0x2, PM_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT = 0x3, PM_TYPE_COUNT = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ParticleParentSetMode_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Self and Children" PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_NO = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Immediate Parent, Self, and Children" PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_IMMEDIATE = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Root of Particle System Downward" PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_ROOT = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class StandardLightingAttenuationStyle_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Quadratic/Linear Bias" LIGHT_STYLE_OLD = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Fifty Percent/Zero Percent Distance" LIGHT_STYLE_NEW = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class BlurFilterType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Gaussian" BLURFILTER_GAUSSIAN = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Box" BLURFILTER_BOX = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xe enum class SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "None" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NONE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Animation Time" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PARTICLE_AGE = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Animation Frame" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_ANIMATION_FRAME = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Shader Extra Data 1" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_EXTRA_DATA1 = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Shader Extra Data 2" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_EXTRA_DATA2 = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Alpha" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PARTICLE_ALPHA = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radius" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_RADIUS = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Roll" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_ROLL = 0x7, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Yaw" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_YAW = 0x8, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Pitch" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PITCH = 0x9, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random 0 - 1 Value" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_RANDOM = 0xa, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random -1 - 1 Value" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NEG_RANDOM = 0xb, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random 0 - 1 x Time" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_RANDOM_TIME = 0xc, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random -1 - 1 x Time" SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NEG_RANDOM_TIME = 0xd, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9 enum class ScalarExpressionType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Uninitialized" SCALAR_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Add" SCALAR_EXPRESSION_ADD = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Subtract" SCALAR_EXPRESSION_SUBTRACT = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Multiply" SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MUL = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Divide" SCALAR_EXPRESSION_DIVIDE = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Input 1" SCALAR_EXPRESSION_INPUT_1 = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Min" SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MIN = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max" SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MAX = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Mod" SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MOD = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class DetailCombo_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Off" DETAIL_COMBO_OFF = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Add" DETAIL_COMBO_ADD = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Add + Self Illum" DETAIL_COMBO_ADD_SELF_ILLUM = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Mod2X" DETAIL_COMBO_MOD2X = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xd enum class ParticleColorBlendType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Multiply" PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Multiply x2" PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MULTIPLY2X = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Divide" PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_DIVIDE = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Add" PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Subtract" PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_SUBTRACT = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Mod2X" PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MOD2X = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Screen" PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_SCREEN = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Lighten" PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MAX = 0x7, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Darken" PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MIN = 0x8, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Replace" PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_REPLACE = 0x9, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average" PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_AVERAGE = 0xa, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Negate" PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_NEGATE = 0xb, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Luminance" PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_LUMINANCE = 0xc, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class ParticleColorBlendMode_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Replace" PARTICLEBLEND_DEFAULT = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Overlay" PARTICLEBLEND_OVERLAY = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Darken" PARTICLEBLEND_DARKEN = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Lighten" PARTICLEBLEND_LIGHTEN = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Multiply" PARTICLEBLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class PFNoiseTurbulence_t : uint32_t { PF_NOISE_TURB_NONE = 0x0, PF_NOISE_TURB_HIGHLIGHT = 0x1, PF_NOISE_TURB_FEEDBACK = 0x2, PF_NOISE_TURB_LOOPY = 0x3, PF_NOISE_TURB_CONTRAST = 0x4, PF_NOISE_TURB_ALTERNATE = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class ParticlePostProcessPriorityGroup_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Level Volume" PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_LEVEL_VOLUME = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Level Override" PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_LEVEL_OVERRIDE = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Gameplay Effect" PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_EFFECT = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Gameplay State Low" PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_STATE_LOW = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Gameplay State High" PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_STATE_HIGH = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Global UI" PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GLOBAL_UI = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 enum class ParticleFloatType_t : uint32_t { PF_TYPE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PF_TYPE_LITERAL = 0x0, PF_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x1, PF_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM = 0x2, PF_TYPE_RANDOM_BIASED = 0x3, PF_TYPE_COLLECTION_AGE = 0x4, PF_TYPE_ENDCAP_AGE = 0x5, PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_COMPONENT = 0x6, PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_CHANGE_AGE = 0x7, PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_SPEED = 0x8, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_DETAIL_LEVEL = 0x9, PF_TYPE_CONCURRENT_DEF_COUNT = 0xa, PF_TYPE_CLOSEST_CAMERA_DISTANCE = 0xb, PF_TYPE_RENDERER_CAMERA_DISTANCE = 0xc, PF_TYPE_RENDERER_CAMERA_DOT_PRODUCT = 0xd, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NOISE = 0xe, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_AGE = 0xf, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_AGE_NORMALIZED = 0x10, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_FLOAT = 0x11, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_VECTOR_COMPONENT = 0x12, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_SPEED = 0x13, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NUMBER = 0x14, PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NUMBER_NORMALIZED = 0x15, PF_TYPE_COUNT = 0x16, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class InheritableBoolType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Inherit from Parent" INHERITABLE_BOOL_INHERIT = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "False" INHERITABLE_BOOL_FALSE = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "True" INHERITABLE_BOOL_TRUE = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class PetGroundType_t : uint32_t { PET_GROUND_NONE = 0x0, PET_GROUND_GRID = 0x1, PET_GROUND_PLANE = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ParticleVRHandChoiceList_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Left Hand" PARTICLE_VRHAND_LEFT = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Right Hand" PARTICLE_VRHAND_RIGHT = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Specified Via Control Point" PARTICLE_VRHAND_CP = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Detect from CP's Object" PARTICLE_VRHAND_CP_OBJECT = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class PFuncVisualizationType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Visualization Sphere Wireframe" PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_SPHERE_WIREFRAME = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Visualization Sphere Solid" PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_SPHERE_SOLID = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Visualization Box" PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_BOX = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Visualization Ring" PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_RING = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Visualization Plane" PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_PLANE = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Visualization Line" PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_LINE = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Visualization Cylinder" PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_CYLINDER = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Do Nothing" PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_NONE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Kill Particle" PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_KILL = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Place Particle at Trace End" PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_TRACE_END = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class ParticleFloatBiasType_t : uint32_t { PF_BIAS_TYPE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PF_BIAS_TYPE_STANDARD = 0x0, PF_BIAS_TYPE_GAIN = 0x1, PF_BIAS_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL = 0x2, PF_BIAS_TYPE_COUNT = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class MissingParentInheritBehavior_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Do Nothing" MISSING_PARENT_DO_NOTHING = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Kill Particle" MISSING_PARENT_KILL = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use Next Parent Particle" MISSING_PARENT_FIND_NEW = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use New Particle at Same Index if Possible" MISSING_PARENT_SAME_INDEX = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class Detail2Combo_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Uninitialized" DETAIL_2_COMBO_UNINITIALIZED = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Off" DETAIL_2_COMBO_OFF = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Add" DETAIL_2_COMBO_ADD = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Add + Self Illum" DETAIL_2_COMBO_ADD_SELF_ILLUM = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Mod2X" DETAIL_2_COMBO_MOD2X = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Multiply" DETAIL_2_COMBO_MUL = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Crossfade" DETAIL_2_COMBO_CROSSFADE = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class ParticleSetMethod_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Value" PARTICLE_SET_REPLACE_VALUE = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Scale Initial Value" PARTICLE_SET_SCALE_INITIAL_VALUE = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Add to Initial Value" PARTICLE_SET_ADD_TO_INITIAL_VALUE = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Ramp Current Value at Input Rate Per Second" PARTICLE_SET_RAMP_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Scale Current Value Raw" PARTICLE_SET_SCALE_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Add to Current Value Raw" PARTICLE_SET_ADD_TO_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0xd enum class MoveType_t : uint8_t { MOVETYPE_NONE = 0x0, MOVETYPE_OBSOLETE = 0x1, MOVETYPE_WALK = 0x2, MOVETYPE_STEP = 0x3, MOVETYPE_FLY = 0x4, MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY = 0x5, MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS = 0x6, MOVETYPE_PUSH = 0x7, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP = 0x8, MOVETYPE_OBSERVER = 0x9, MOVETYPE_CUSTOM = 0xa, MOVETYPE_LAST = 0xb, MOVETYPE_MAX_BITS = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class DOTA_ITEM_STATE : uint32_t { DOTA_ITEM_NEEDS_EQUIPPED = 0x0, DOTA_ITEM_READY = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EOverrideBlockLOS_t : uint32_t { BLOCK_LOS_DEFAULT = 0x0, BLOCK_LOS_FORCE_FALSE = 0x1, BLOCK_LOS_FORCE_TRUE = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x19 enum class DOTAChatChannelType_t : uint32_t { DOTAChannelType_Regional = 0x0, DOTAChannelType_Custom = 0x1, DOTAChannelType_Party = 0x2, DOTAChannelType_Lobby = 0x3, DOTAChannelType_Team = 0x4, DOTAChannelType_Guild = 0x5, DOTAChannelType_Fantasy = 0x6, DOTAChannelType_Whisper = 0x7, DOTAChannelType_Console = 0x8, DOTAChannelType_Tab = 0x9, DOTAChannelType_Invalid = 0xa, DOTAChannelType_GameAll = 0xb, DOTAChannelType_GameAllies = 0xc, DOTAChannelType_GameSpectator = 0xd, DOTAChannelType_GameCoaching = 0xe, DOTAChannelType_Cafe = 0xf, DOTAChannelType_CustomGame = 0x10, DOTAChannelType_Private = 0x11, DOTAChannelType_PostGame = 0x12, DOTAChannelType_BattleCup = 0x13, DOTAChannelType_HLTVSpectator = 0x14, DOTAChannelType_GameEvents = 0x15, DOTAChannelType_Trivia = 0x16, DOTAChannelType_NewPlayer = 0x17, DOTAChannelType_PrivateCoaching = 0x18, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class ELeagueRegion : uint32_t { LEAGUE_REGION_UNSET = 0x0, LEAGUE_REGION_NA = 0x1, LEAGUE_REGION_SA = 0x2, LEAGUE_REGION_WEU = 0x3, LEAGUE_REGION_EEU = 0x4, LEAGUE_REGION_CHINA = 0x5, LEAGUE_REGION_SEA = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class DOTALobbyVisibility : uint32_t { DOTALobbyVisibility_Public = 0x0, DOTALobbyVisibility_Friends = 0x1, DOTALobbyVisibility_Unlisted = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x22 enum class DotaDefaultUIElement_t : uint32_t { DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_TOP_TIMEOFDAY = 0x0, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_TOP_HEROES = 0x1, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_FLYOUT_SCOREBOARD = 0x2, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_ACTION_PANEL = 0x3, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_ACTION_MINIMAP = 0x4, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_INVENTORY_PANEL = 0x5, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_INVENTORY_SHOP = 0x6, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_INVENTORY_ITEMS = 0x7, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_INVENTORY_QUICKBUY = 0x8, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_INVENTORY_COURIER = 0x9, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_INVENTORY_PROTECT = 0xa, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_INVENTORY_GOLD = 0xb, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_SHOP_SUGGESTEDITEMS = 0xc, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_SHOP_COMMONITEMS = 0xd, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_HERO_SELECTION_TEAMS = 0xe, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_HERO_SELECTION_GAME_NAME = 0xf, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_HERO_SELECTION_CLOCK = 0x10, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_HERO_SELECTION_HEADER = 0x11, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_TOP_MENU_BUTTONS = 0x12, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_TOP_BAR_BACKGROUND = 0x13, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_TOP_BAR_RADIANT_TEAM = 0x14, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_TOP_BAR_DIRE_TEAM = 0x15, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_TOP_BAR_SCORE = 0x16, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_ENDGAME = 0x17, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_ENDGAME_CHAT = 0x18, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_QUICK_STATS = 0x19, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_PREGAME_STRATEGYUI = 0x1a, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_KILLCAM = 0x1b, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_FIGHT_RECAP = 0x1c, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_TOP_BAR = 0x1d, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_CUSTOMUI_BEHIND_HUD_ELEMENTS = 0x1e, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_AGHANIMS_STATUS = 0x1f, DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_ELEMENT_COUNT = 0x20, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class EFantasyOperationTarget : uint32_t { k_eFantasyOperationTarget_None = 0x0, k_eFantasyOperationTarget_GemType = 0x1, k_eFantasyOperationTarget_Region = 0x2, k_eFantasyOperationTarget_SpecificGem = 0x3, k_eFantasyOperationTarget_Title = 0x4, k_eFantasyOperationTarget_ExtraInput = 0x5, k_eFantasyOperationTarget_PlayerDraft = 0x6, k_eFantasyOperationTarget_TitleDraft = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class SPELL_DISPELLABLE_TYPES : uint32_t { SPELL_DISPELLABLE_NONE = 0x0, SPELL_DISPELLABLE_YES_STRONG = 0x1, SPELL_DISPELLABLE_YES = 0x2, SPELL_DISPELLABLE_NO = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x11 enum class DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY : uint32_t { DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_NONE = 0xffffffffffffffff, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_CONSUMABLES = 0x0, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTES = 0x1, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_WEAPONS_ARMOR = 0x2, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_MISC = 0x3, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_BASICS = 0x4, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_SUPPORT = 0x5, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_MAGICS = 0x6, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_WEAPONS = 0x7, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_DEFENSE = 0x8, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_ARTIFACTS = 0x9, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_SIDE_SHOP_PAGE_1 = 0xa, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_SIDE_SHOP_PAGE_2 = 0xb, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_SECRET_SHOP = 0xc, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_RECOMMENDED_ITEMS = 0xd, DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_SEARCH_RESULTS = 0xe, NUM_SHOP_CATEGORIES = 0xf, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ETeamTrackedStatImpl : uint32_t { k_eTeamTrackedStatImpl_Invalid = 0x0, k_eTeamTrackedStatImpl_Direct = 0x1, k_eTeamTrackedStatImpl_Expression = 0x2, k_eTeamTrackedStatImpl_PlayerAggregate = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class ObserverMode_t : uint32_t { OBS_MODE_NONE = 0x0, OBS_MODE_FIXED = 0x1, OBS_MODE_IN_EYE = 0x2, OBS_MODE_CHASE = 0x3, OBS_MODE_ROAMING = 0x4, OBS_MODE_DIRECTED = 0x5, NUM_OBSERVER_MODES = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class EBaseClientMessages : uint32_t { CM_CustomGameEvent = 0x118, CM_CustomGameEventBounce = 0x119, CM_ClientUIEvent = 0x11a, CM_DevPaletteVisibilityChanged = 0x11b, CM_WorldUIControllerHasPanelChanged = 0x11c, CM_RotateAnchor = 0x11d, CM_MAX_BASE = 0x12c, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x16 enum class EHeroStatType : uint32_t { k_EHeroStatType_None = 0x0, k_EHeroStatType_AxeTotalDamage = 0x7d0, k_EHeroStatType_BattleHungerDamage = 0x7d1, k_EHeroStatType_CounterHelixDamage = 0x7d2, k_EHeroStatType_CullingBladeDamage = 0x7d3, k_EHeroStatType_BerserkersCallCastCount = 0x7d4, k_EHeroStatType_BerserkersCallHeroesHitAverage = 0x7d5, k_EHeroStatType_BerserkersCallOtherUnitsHit = 0x7d6, k_EHeroStatType_BerserkersCallHeroAttacksTaken = 0x7d7, k_EHeroStatType_BerserkersCallOtherAttacksTaken = 0x7d8, k_EHeroStatType_BattleHungerCastCount = 0x7d9, k_EHeroStatType_BattleHungerPotentialDuration = 0x7da, k_EHeroStatType_BattleHungerAverageDuration = 0x7db, k_EHeroStatType_CounterHelixProcCount = 0x7dc, k_EHeroStatType_CounterHelixHeroProcCount = 0x7dd, k_EHeroStatType_CounterHelixHeroesHitAverage = 0x7de, k_EHeroStatType_CounterHelixOtherUnitsHitCount = 0x7df, k_EHeroStatType_CullingBladeCastCount = 0x7e0, k_EHeroStatType_CullingBladeKillCount = 0x7e1, k_EHeroStatType_CullingBladeAverageHealthCulled = 0x7e2, k_EHeroStatType_CullingBladeAverageDamageAvailable = 0x7e3, k_EHeroStatType_CullingBladeHeroBuffAverage = 0x7e4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class DOTA_MODIFIER_ENTRY_TYPE : uint32_t { DOTA_MODIFIER_ENTRY_TYPE_ACTIVE = 0x1, DOTA_MODIFIER_ENTRY_TYPE_REMOVED = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class MatchType : uint32_t { MATCH_TYPE_CASUAL = 0x0, MATCH_TYPE_COOP_BOTS = 0x1, MATCH_TYPE_COMPETITIVE = 0x4, MATCH_TYPE_WEEKEND_TOURNEY = 0x5, MATCH_TYPE_EVENT = 0x7, MATCH_TYPE_COACHES_CHALLENGE = 0xc, MATCH_TYPE_NEW_PLAYER_POOL = 0xe, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class CanPlaySequence_t : uint32_t { CANNOT_PLAY = 0x0, CAN_PLAY_NOW = 0x1, CAN_PLAY_ENQUEUED = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class MatchLanguages : uint32_t { MATCH_LANGUAGE_INVALID = 0x0, MATCH_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH = 0x1, MATCH_LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN = 0x2, MATCH_LANGUAGE_CHINESE = 0x3, MATCH_LANGUAGE_KOREAN = 0x4, MATCH_LANGUAGE_SPANISH = 0x5, MATCH_LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE = 0x6, MATCH_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH2 = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class GCConnectionStatus : uint32_t { GCConnectionStatus_HAVE_SESSION = 0x0, GCConnectionStatus_GC_GOING_DOWN = 0x1, GCConnectionStatus_NO_SESSION = 0x2, GCConnectionStatus_NO_SESSION_IN_LOGON_QUEUE = 0x3, GCConnectionStatus_NO_STEAM = 0x4, GCConnectionStatus_SUSPENDED = 0x5, GCConnectionStatus_STEAM_GOING_DOWN = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xa enum class Disposition_t : uint32_t { D_ER = 0x0, D_HT = 0x1, D_FR = 0x2, D_LI = 0x3, D_NU = 0x4, D_ERROR = 0x0, D_HATE = 0x1, D_FEAR = 0x2, D_LIKE = 0x3, D_NEUTRAL = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ValueRemapperHapticsType_t : uint32_t { HaticsType_Default = 0x0, HaticsType_None = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1a enum class DOTA_GameMode : uint32_t { DOTA_GAMEMODE_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_GAMEMODE_AP = 0x1, DOTA_GAMEMODE_CM = 0x2, DOTA_GAMEMODE_RD = 0x3, DOTA_GAMEMODE_SD = 0x4, DOTA_GAMEMODE_AR = 0x5, DOTA_GAMEMODE_INTRO = 0x6, DOTA_GAMEMODE_HW = 0x7, DOTA_GAMEMODE_REVERSE_CM = 0x8, DOTA_GAMEMODE_XMAS = 0x9, DOTA_GAMEMODE_TUTORIAL = 0xa, DOTA_GAMEMODE_MO = 0xb, DOTA_GAMEMODE_LP = 0xc, DOTA_GAMEMODE_POOL1 = 0xd, DOTA_GAMEMODE_FH = 0xe, DOTA_GAMEMODE_CUSTOM = 0xf, DOTA_GAMEMODE_CD = 0x10, DOTA_GAMEMODE_BD = 0x11, DOTA_GAMEMODE_ABILITY_DRAFT = 0x12, DOTA_GAMEMODE_EVENT = 0x13, DOTA_GAMEMODE_ARDM = 0x14, DOTA_GAMEMODE_1V1MID = 0x15, DOTA_GAMEMODE_ALL_DRAFT = 0x16, DOTA_GAMEMODE_TURBO = 0x17, DOTA_GAMEMODE_MUTATION = 0x18, DOTA_GAMEMODE_COACHES_CHALLENGE = 0x19, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class EMatchBehaviorScoreVariance : uint32_t { k_EMatchBehaviorScoreVariance_Invalid = 0x0, k_EMatchBehaviorScoreVariance_Low = 0x1, k_EMatchBehaviorScoreVariance_Medium = 0x2, k_EMatchBehaviorScoreVariance_High = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xb enum class DOTASpeechType_t : uint32_t { DOTA_SPEECH_USER_INVALID = 0x0, DOTA_SPEECH_USER_SINGLE = 0x1, DOTA_SPEECH_USER_TEAM = 0x2, DOTA_SPEECH_USER_TEAM_NEARBY = 0x3, DOTA_SPEECH_USER_NEARBY = 0x4, DOTA_SPEECH_USER_ALL = 0x5, DOTA_SPEECH_GOOD_TEAM = 0x6, DOTA_SPEECH_BAD_TEAM = 0x7, DOTA_SPEECH_SPECTATOR = 0x8, DOTA_SPEECH_USER_TEAM_NOSPECTATOR = 0x9, DOTA_SPEECH_RECIPIENT_TYPE_MAX = 0xa, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EReadyCheckStatus : uint32_t { k_EReadyCheckStatus_Unknown = 0x0, k_EReadyCheckStatus_NotReady = 0x1, k_EReadyCheckStatus_Ready = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class LuaModifierType : uint32_t { LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_NONE = 0x0, LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_HORIZONTAL = 0x1, LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_VERTICAL = 0x2, LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_BOTH = 0x3, LUA_MODIFIER_INVALID = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xd enum class TakeDamageFlags_t : uint32_t { DFLAG_NONE = 0x0, DFLAG_SUPPRESS_HEALTH_CHANGES = 0x1, DFLAG_SUPPRESS_PHYSICS_FORCE = 0x2, DFLAG_SUPPRESS_EFFECTS = 0x4, DFLAG_PREVENT_DEATH = 0x8, DFLAG_FORCE_DEATH = 0x10, DFLAG_ALWAYS_GIB = 0x20, DFLAG_NEVER_GIB = 0x40, DFLAG_REMOVE_NO_RAGDOLL = 0x80, DFLAG_SUPPRESS_DAMAGE_MODIFICATION = 0x100, DFLAG_ALWAYS_FIRE_DAMAGE_EVENTS = 0x200, DFLAG_RADIUS_DMG = 0x400, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator // MEnumeratorIsNotAFlag DMG_LASTDFLAG = 0x400, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x13 enum class WeaponSound_t : uint32_t { WEAPON_SOUND_EMPTY = 0x0, WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_EMPTY = 0x1, WEAPON_SOUND_SINGLE = 0x2, WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_ATTACK = 0x3, WEAPON_SOUND_RELOAD = 0x4, WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_MISS = 0x5, WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT = 0x6, WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT_WORLD = 0x7, WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT_PLAYER = 0x8, WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT_NPC = 0x9, WEAPON_SOUND_SPECIAL1 = 0xa, WEAPON_SOUND_SPECIAL2 = 0xb, WEAPON_SOUND_SPECIAL3 = 0xc, WEAPON_SOUND_NEARLYEMPTY = 0xd, WEAPON_SOUND_IMPACT = 0xe, WEAPON_SOUND_REFLECT = 0xf, WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_IMPACT = 0x10, WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_REFLECT = 0x11, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator WEAPON_SOUND_NUM_TYPES = 0x12, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ValueRemapperInputType_t : uint32_t { InputType_PlayerShootPosition = 0x0, InputType_PlayerShootPositionAroundAxis = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc enum class DOTA_RUNES : uint32_t { DOTA_RUNE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, DOTA_RUNE_DOUBLEDAMAGE = 0x0, DOTA_RUNE_HASTE = 0x1, DOTA_RUNE_ILLUSION = 0x2, DOTA_RUNE_INVISIBILITY = 0x3, DOTA_RUNE_REGENERATION = 0x4, DOTA_RUNE_BOUNTY = 0x5, DOTA_RUNE_ARCANE = 0x6, DOTA_RUNE_WATER = 0x7, DOTA_RUNE_XP = 0x8, DOTA_RUNE_SHIELD = 0x9, DOTA_RUNE_COUNT = 0xa, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9 enum class EBroadcastTimelineEvent : uint32_t { EBroadcastTimelineEvent_MatchStarted = 0x1, EBroadcastTimelineEvent_GameStateChanged = 0x2, EBroadcastTimelineEvent_TowerDeath = 0x3, EBroadcastTimelineEvent_BarracksDeath = 0x4, EBroadcastTimelineEvent_AncientDeath = 0x5, EBroadcastTimelineEvent_RoshanDeath = 0x6, EBroadcastTimelineEvent_HeroDeath = 0x7, EBroadcastTimelineEvent_TeamFight = 0x8, EBroadcastTimelineEvent_FirstBlood = 0x9, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ELeagueDivision : uint32_t { LEAGUE_DIVISION_UNSET = 0x0, LEAGUE_DIVISION_I = 0x1, LEAGUE_DIVISION_II = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ShadowType_t : uint32_t { SHADOWS_NONE = 0x0, SHADOWS_SIMPLE = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ModifyDamageReturn_t : uint32_t { CONTINUE_TO_APPLY_DAMAGE = 0x0, ABORT_DO_NOT_APPLY_DAMAGE = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ELobbyMemberCoachRequestState : uint32_t { k_eLobbyMemberCoachRequestState_None = 0x0, k_eLobbyMemberCoachRequestState_Accepted = 0x1, k_eLobbyMemberCoachRequestState_Rejected = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class GCProtoBufMsgSrc : uint32_t { GCProtoBufMsgSrc_Unspecified = 0x0, GCProtoBufMsgSrc_FromSystem = 0x1, GCProtoBufMsgSrc_FromSteamID = 0x2, GCProtoBufMsgSrc_FromGC = 0x3, GCProtoBufMsgSrc_ReplySystem = 0x4, GCProtoBufMsgSrc_SpoofedSteamID = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x19 enum class EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse : uint32_t { k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Accepted = 0x0, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Declined = 0x1, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_VAC_Banned_Initiator = 0x2, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_VAC_Banned_Target = 0x3, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Target_Already_Trading = 0x4, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Disabled = 0x5, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_NotLoggedIn = 0x6, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Cancel = 0x7, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_TooSoon = 0x8, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_TooSoonPenalty = 0x9, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Trade_Banned_Initiator = 0xa, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Trade_Banned_Target = 0xb, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Free_Account_Initiator_DEPRECATED = 0xc, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Shared_Account_Initiator = 0xd, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Service_Unavailable = 0xe, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Target_Blocked = 0xf, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_NeedVerifiedEmail = 0x10, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_NeedSteamGuard = 0x11, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_SteamGuardDuration = 0x12, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_TheyCannotTrade = 0x13, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Recent_Password_Reset = 0x14, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Using_New_Device = 0x15, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Sent_Invalid_Cookie = 0x16, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_TooRecentFriend = 0x17, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_WalledFundsNotTrusted = 0x18, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class PortraitSummonsDisplayMode_t : uint32_t { PORTRAIT_SUMMONS_DISPLAY_MODE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PORTRAIT_SUMMONS_DISPLAY_MODE_NONE = 0x0, PORTRAIT_SUMMONS_DISPLAY_MODE_ALL = 0x1, PORTRAIT_SUMMONS_DISPLAY_MODE_NON_DEFAULT = 0x2, PORTRAIT_SUMMONS_DISPLAY_MODE_TYPE_COUNT = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class BrushSolidities_e : uint32_t { BRUSHSOLID_TOGGLE = 0x0, BRUSHSOLID_NEVER = 0x1, BRUSHSOLID_ALWAYS = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class TRAIN_CODE : uint32_t { TRAIN_SAFE = 0x0, TRAIN_BLOCKING = 0x1, TRAIN_FOLLOWING = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class DOTA_ABILITY_TARGET_TYPE : uint32_t { DOTA_ABILITY_TARGET_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_ABILITY_TARGET_SELF = 0x1, DOTA_ABILITY_TARGET_ALLY_HERO = 0x2, DOTA_ABILITY_TARGET_ALLY_CREEP = 0x3, DOTA_ABILITY_TARGET_ENEMY_HERO = 0x4, DOTA_ABILITY_TARGET_ENEMY_CREEP = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class ELeagueStatus : uint32_t { LEAGUE_STATUS_UNSET = 0x0, LEAGUE_STATUS_UNSUBMITTED = 0x1, LEAGUE_STATUS_SUBMITTED = 0x2, LEAGUE_STATUS_ACCEPTED = 0x3, LEAGUE_STATUS_REJECTED = 0x4, LEAGUE_STATUS_CONCLUDED = 0x5, LEAGUE_STATUS_DELETED = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class ShakeCommand_t : uint32_t { SHAKE_START = 0x0, SHAKE_STOP = 0x1, SHAKE_AMPLITUDE = 0x2, SHAKE_FREQUENCY = 0x3, SHAKE_START_RUMBLEONLY = 0x4, SHAKE_START_NORUMBLE = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class TowerState_t : uint32_t { TOWER_STATE_ACTIVE = 0x0, TOWER_STATE_SELECTED = 0x1, TOWER_STATE_INACTIVE = 0x2, TOWER_STATE_NO_BEAM_MOVEMENT = 0x3, TOWER_STATE_ACTIVE_CHANNELED = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7c enum class EGCItemMsg : uint32_t { k_EMsgGCBase = 0x3e8, k_EMsgGCSetItemPosition = 0x3e9, k_EMsgClientToGCPackBundle = 0x3ea, k_EMsgClientToGCPackBundleResponse = 0x3eb, k_EMsgGCDelete = 0x3ec, k_EMsgGCVerifyCacheSubscription = 0x3ed, k_EMsgClientToGCNameItem = 0x3ee, k_EMsgGCPaintItem = 0x3f1, k_EMsgGCPaintItemResponse = 0x3f2, k_EMsgGCNameBaseItem = 0x3fb, k_EMsgGCNameBaseItemResponse = 0x3fc, k_EMsgGCUseItemRequest = 0x401, k_EMsgGCUseItemResponse = 0x402, k_EMsgGCGiftedItems = 0x403, k_EMsgGCUnwrapGiftRequest = 0x40d, k_EMsgGCUnwrapGiftResponse = 0x40e, k_EMsgGCSortItems = 0x411, k_EMsgGCBackpackSortFinished = 0x422, k_EMsgGCAdjustItemEquippedState = 0x423, k_EMsgGCItemAcknowledged = 0x426, k_EMsgClientToGCNameItemResponse = 0x42c, k_EMsgGCApplyStrangePart = 0x431, k_EMsgGCApplyPennantUpgrade = 0x434, k_EMsgGCSetItemPositions = 0x435, k_EMsgGCApplyEggEssence = 0x436, k_EMsgGCNameEggEssenceResponse = 0x437, k_EMsgGCExtractGems = 0x43e, k_EMsgGCAddSocket = 0x43f, k_EMsgGCAddItemToSocket = 0x440, k_EMsgGCAddItemToSocketResponse = 0x441, k_EMsgGCAddSocketResponse = 0x442, k_EMsgGCResetStrangeGemCount = 0x443, k_EMsgGCRequestCrateItems = 0x444, k_EMsgGCRequestCrateItemsResponse = 0x445, k_EMsgGCExtractGemsResponse = 0x446, k_EMsgGCResetStrangeGemCountResponse = 0x447, k_EMsgGCServerUseItemRequest = 0x44f, k_EMsgGCAddGiftItem = 0x450, k_EMsgClientToGCRemoveItemGifterAttributes = 0x455, k_EMsgClientToGCRemoveItemName = 0x456, k_EMsgClientToGCRemoveItemDescription = 0x457, k_EMsgClientToGCRemoveItemAttributeResponse = 0x458, k_EMsgGCDev_NewItemRequest = 0x7d1, k_EMsgGCDev_NewItemRequestResponse = 0x7d2, k_EMsgGCDev_UnlockAllItemStylesRequest = 0x7d3, k_EMsgGCDev_UnlockAllItemStylesResponse = 0x7d4, k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseFinalize = 0x9c8, k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseFinalizeResponse = 0x9c9, k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseCancel = 0x9ca, k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseCancelResponse = 0x9cb, k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseInit = 0x9ce, k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseInitResponse = 0x9cf, k_EMsgGCToGCBannedWordListUpdated = 0x9d3, k_EMsgGCToGCDirtySDOCache = 0x9d4, k_EMsgGCToGCUpdateSQLKeyValue = 0x9d6, k_EMsgGCToGCBroadcastConsoleCommand = 0x9d9, k_EMsgGCServerVersionUpdated = 0x9da, k_EMsgGCApplyAutograph = 0x9db, k_EMsgGCToGCWebAPIAccountChanged = 0x9dc, k_EMsgGCClientVersionUpdated = 0x9e0, k_EMsgGCToGCUpdateWelcomeMsg = 0x9e1, k_EMsgGCToGCPlayerStrangeCountAdjustments = 0x9e7, k_EMsgGCRequestStoreSalesData = 0x9e8, k_EMsgGCRequestStoreSalesDataResponse = 0x9e9, k_EMsgGCRequestStoreSalesDataUpToDateResponse = 0x9ea, k_EMsgGCToGCPingRequest = 0x9eb, k_EMsgGCToGCPingResponse = 0x9ec, k_EMsgGCToGCGetUserSessionServer = 0x9ed, k_EMsgGCToGCGetUserSessionServerResponse = 0x9ee, k_EMsgGCToGCGetUserServerMembers = 0x9ef, k_EMsgGCToGCGetUserServerMembersResponse = 0x9f0, k_EMsgGCToGCCanUseDropRateBonus = 0x9f3, k_EMsgSQLAddDropRateBonus = 0x9f4, k_EMsgGCToGCRefreshSOCache = 0x9f5, k_EMsgGCToGCGrantAccountRolledItems = 0x9fa, k_EMsgGCToGCGrantSelfMadeItemToAccount = 0x9fb, k_EMsgGCStatueCraft = 0xa01, k_EMsgGCRedeemCode = 0xa02, k_EMsgGCRedeemCodeResponse = 0xa03, k_EMsgGCToGCItemConsumptionRollback = 0xa04, k_EMsgClientToGCWrapAndDeliverGift = 0xa05, k_EMsgClientToGCWrapAndDeliverGiftResponse = 0xa06, k_EMsgClientToGCUnpackBundleResponse = 0xa07, k_EMsgGCToClientStoreTransactionCompleted = 0xa08, k_EMsgClientToGCEquipItems = 0xa09, k_EMsgClientToGCEquipItemsResponse = 0xa0a, k_EMsgClientToGCUnlockItemStyle = 0xa0b, k_EMsgClientToGCUnlockItemStyleResponse = 0xa0c, k_EMsgClientToGCSetItemInventoryCategory = 0xa0d, k_EMsgClientToGCUnlockCrate = 0xa0e, k_EMsgClientToGCUnlockCrateResponse = 0xa0f, k_EMsgClientToGCUnpackBundle = 0xa10, k_EMsgClientToGCSetItemStyle = 0xa11, k_EMsgClientToGCSetItemStyleResponse = 0xa12, k_EMsgSQLGCToGCGrantBackpackSlots = 0xa14, k_EMsgClientToGCLookupAccountName = 0xa15, k_EMsgClientToGCLookupAccountNameResponse = 0xa16, k_EMsgClientToGCCreateStaticRecipe = 0xa18, k_EMsgClientToGCCreateStaticRecipeResponse = 0xa19, k_EMsgGCToGCStoreProcessCDKeyTransaction = 0xa1a, k_EMsgGCToGCStoreProcessCDKeyTransactionResponse = 0xa1b, k_EMsgGCToGCStoreProcessSettlement = 0xa1c, k_EMsgGCToGCStoreProcessSettlementResponse = 0xa1d, k_EMsgGCToGCConsoleOutput = 0xa1e, k_EMsgGCToClientItemAges = 0xa1f, k_EMsgGCToGCInternalTestMsg = 0xa20, k_EMsgGCToGCClientServerVersionsUpdated = 0xa21, k_EMsgGCUseMultipleItemsRequest = 0xa22, k_EMsgGCGetAccountSubscriptionItem = 0xa23, k_EMsgGCGetAccountSubscriptionItemResponse = 0xa24, k_EMsgGCToGCBroadcastMessageFromSub = 0xa26, k_EMsgGCToClientCurrencyPricePoints = 0xa27, k_EMsgGCToGCAddSubscriptionTime = 0xa28, k_EMsgGCToGCFlushSteamInventoryCache = 0xa29, k_EMsgGCRequestCrateEscalationLevel = 0xa2a, k_EMsgGCRequestCrateEscalationLevelResponse = 0xa2b, k_EMsgGCToGCUpdateSubscriptionItems = 0xa2c, k_EMsgGCToGCSelfPing = 0xa2d, k_EMsgGCToGCGetInfuxIntervalStats = 0xa2e, k_EMsgGCToGCGetInfuxIntervalStatsResponse = 0xa2f, k_EMsgGCToGCPurchaseSucceeded = 0xa30, k_EMsgClientToGCGetLimitedItemPurchaseQuantity = 0xa31, k_EMsgClientToGCGetLimitedItemPurchaseQuantityResponse = 0xa32, k_EMsgGCToGCBetaDeleteItems = 0xa33, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class quest_hud_types_t : uint32_t { QUEST_HUD_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0x0, QUEST_HUD_TYPE_GOLD = 0x1, QUEST_HUD_TYPE_ATTACK = 0x2, QUEST_HUD_TYPE_DEFEND = 0x3, QUEST_NUM_HUD_TYPES = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class DOTA_PURGE_FLAGS : uint32_t { DOTA_PURGE_FLAG_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_PURGE_FLAG_REMOVE_BUFFS = 0x2, DOTA_PURGE_FLAG_REMOVE_DEBUFFS = 0x4, DOTA_PURGE_FLAG_REMOVE_STUNS = 0x8, DOTA_PURGE_FLAG_REMOVE_EXCEPTIONS = 0x10, DOTA_PURGE_FLAG_REMOVE_THIS_FRAME_ONLY = 0x20, DOTA_PURGE_FLAG_REMOVE_UNPURGABLE = 0x40, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EHapticPulseType : uint32_t { VR_HAND_HAPTIC_PULSE_LIGHT = 0x0, VR_HAND_HAPTIC_PULSE_MEDIUM = 0x1, VR_HAND_HAPTIC_PULSE_STRONG = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t : uint32_t { POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_HORIZONTAL_LEFT = 0x0, POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_HORIZONTAL_CENTER = 0x1, POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EFantasyStatType : uint32_t { k_eFantasyStatType_Player = 0x0, k_eFantasyStatType_Team = 0x1, k_eFantasyStatType_Game = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class EGCPlatform : uint32_t { k_eGCPlatform_None = 0x0, k_eGCPlatform_PC = 0x1, k_eGCPlatform_Mac = 0x2, k_eGCPlatform_Linux = 0x3, k_eGCPlatform_Android = 0x4, k_eGCPlatform_iOS = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class EEventActionScoreMode : uint32_t { k_eEventActionScoreMode_Add = 0x0, k_eEventActionScoreMode_Min = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class PingConfirmationIconType : uint32_t { PING_CONFIRMATION_STATE_ICON_TYPE_ATTACK = 0x0, PING_CONFIRMATION_STATE_ICON_TYPE_DEFEND = 0x1, PING_CONFIRMATION_STATE_ICON_TYPE_SMOKE = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class PointTemplateOwnerSpawnGroupType_t : uint32_t { INSERT_INTO_POINT_TEMPLATE_SPAWN_GROUP = 0x0, INSERT_INTO_CURRENTLY_ACTIVE_SPAWN_GROUP = 0x1, INSERT_INTO_NEWLY_CREATED_SPAWN_GROUP = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1a enum class ETEProtobufIds : uint32_t { TE_EffectDispatchId = 0x190, TE_ArmorRicochetId = 0x191, TE_BeamEntPointId = 0x192, TE_BeamEntsId = 0x193, TE_BeamPointsId = 0x194, TE_BeamRingId = 0x195, TE_BSPDecalId = 0x197, TE_BubblesId = 0x198, TE_BubbleTrailId = 0x199, TE_DecalId = 0x19a, TE_WorldDecalId = 0x19b, TE_EnergySplashId = 0x19c, TE_FizzId = 0x19d, TE_ShatterSurfaceId = 0x19e, TE_GlowSpriteId = 0x19f, TE_ImpactId = 0x1a0, TE_MuzzleFlashId = 0x1a1, TE_BloodStreamId = 0x1a2, TE_ExplosionId = 0x1a3, TE_DustId = 0x1a4, TE_LargeFunnelId = 0x1a5, TE_SparksId = 0x1a6, TE_PhysicsPropId = 0x1a7, TE_PlayerDecalId = 0x1a8, TE_ProjectedDecalId = 0x1a9, TE_SmokeId = 0x1aa, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ValueRemapperOutputType_t : uint32_t { OutputType_AnimationCycle = 0x0, OutputType_RotationX = 0x1, OutputType_RotationY = 0x2, OutputType_RotationZ = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1 enum class PrefetchType : uint32_t { PFT_SOUND = 0x0, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class IChoreoServices__ChoreoState_t : uint32_t { STATE_PRE_SCRIPT = 0x0, STATE_WAIT_FOR_SCRIPT = 0x1, STATE_WALK_TO_MARK = 0x2, STATE_SYNCHRONIZE_SCRIPT = 0x3, STATE_PLAY_SCRIPT = 0x4, STATE_PLAY_SCRIPT_POST_IDLE = 0x5, STATE_PLAY_SCRIPT_POST_IDLE_DONE = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x6 enum class MoveCollide_t : uint8_t { MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT = 0x0, MOVECOLLIDE_FLY_BOUNCE = 0x1, MOVECOLLIDE_FLY_CUSTOM = 0x2, MOVECOLLIDE_FLY_SLIDE = 0x3, MOVECOLLIDE_COUNT = 0x4, MOVECOLLIDE_MAX_BITS = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9 enum class EGCMsgResponse : uint32_t { k_EGCMsgResponseOK = 0x0, k_EGCMsgResponseDenied = 0x1, k_EGCMsgResponseServerError = 0x2, k_EGCMsgResponseTimeout = 0x3, k_EGCMsgResponseInvalid = 0x4, k_EGCMsgResponseNoMatch = 0x5, k_EGCMsgResponseUnknownError = 0x6, k_EGCMsgResponseNotLoggedOn = 0x7, k_EGCMsgFailedToCreate = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class attributeprovidertypes_t : uint32_t { PROVIDER_GENERIC = 0x0, PROVIDER_WEAPON = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t : uint32_t { POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_VERTICAL_BOTTOM = 0x0, POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_VERTICAL_CENTER = 0x1, POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_VERTICAL_TOP = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class EReadyCheckRequestResult : uint32_t { k_EReadyCheckRequestResult_Success = 0x0, k_EReadyCheckRequestResult_AlreadyInProgress = 0x1, k_EReadyCheckRequestResult_NotInParty = 0x2, k_EReadyCheckRequestResult_SendError = 0x3, k_EReadyCheckRequestResult_UnknownError = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x12 enum class DOTATeam_t : uint32_t { DOTA_TEAM_FIRST = 0x2, DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS = 0x2, DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS = 0x3, DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS = 0x4, DOTA_TEAM_NOTEAM = 0x5, DOTA_TEAM_CUSTOM_1 = 0x6, DOTA_TEAM_CUSTOM_2 = 0x7, DOTA_TEAM_CUSTOM_3 = 0x8, DOTA_TEAM_CUSTOM_4 = 0x9, DOTA_TEAM_CUSTOM_5 = 0xa, DOTA_TEAM_CUSTOM_6 = 0xb, DOTA_TEAM_CUSTOM_7 = 0xc, DOTA_TEAM_CUSTOM_8 = 0xd, DOTA_TEAM_DRAFT_POOL = 0xe, DOTA_TEAM_COUNT = 0xf, DOTA_TEAM_CUSTOM_MIN = 0x6, DOTA_TEAM_CUSTOM_MAX = 0xd, DOTA_TEAM_CUSTOM_COUNT = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2e enum class EEvent : uint32_t { EVENT_ID_NONE = 0x0, EVENT_ID_DIRETIDE = 0x1, EVENT_ID_SPRING_FESTIVAL = 0x2, EVENT_ID_FROSTIVUS_2013 = 0x3, EVENT_ID_COMPENDIUM_2014 = 0x4, EVENT_ID_NEXON_PC_BANG = 0x5, EVENT_ID_PWRD_DAC_2015 = 0x6, EVENT_ID_NEW_BLOOM_2015 = 0x7, EVENT_ID_INTERNATIONAL_2015 = 0x8, EVENT_ID_FALL_MAJOR_2015 = 0x9, EVENT_ID_ORACLE_PA = 0xa, EVENT_ID_NEW_BLOOM_2015_PREBEAST = 0xb, EVENT_ID_FROSTIVUS = 0xc, EVENT_ID_WINTER_MAJOR_2016 = 0xd, EVENT_ID_INTERNATIONAL_2016 = 0xe, EVENT_ID_FALL_MAJOR_2016 = 0xf, EVENT_ID_WINTER_MAJOR_2017 = 0x10, EVENT_ID_NEW_BLOOM_2017 = 0x11, EVENT_ID_INTERNATIONAL_2017 = 0x12, EVENT_ID_PLUS_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x13, EVENT_ID_SINGLES_DAY_2017 = 0x14, EVENT_ID_FROSTIVUS_2017 = 0x15, EVENT_ID_INTERNATIONAL_2018 = 0x16, EVENT_ID_FROSTIVUS_2018 = 0x17, EVENT_ID_NEW_BLOOM_2019 = 0x18, EVENT_ID_INTERNATIONAL_2019 = 0x19, EVENT_ID_NEW_PLAYER_EXPERIENCE = 0x1a, EVENT_ID_FROSTIVUS_2019 = 0x1b, EVENT_ID_NEW_BLOOM_2020 = 0x1c, EVENT_ID_INTERNATIONAL_2020 = 0x1d, EVENT_ID_TEAM_FANDOM = 0x1e, EVENT_ID_DIRETIDE_2020 = 0x1f, EVENT_ID_SPRING_2021 = 0x20, EVENT_ID_FALL_2021 = 0x21, EVENT_ID_TEAM_FANDOM_FALL_2021 = 0x22, EVENT_ID_TEAM_2021_2022_TOUR2 = 0x23, EVENT_ID_INTERNATIONAL_2022 = 0x24, EVENT_ID_TEAM_2021_2022_TOUR3 = 0x25, EVENT_ID_TEAM_INTERNATIONAL_2022 = 0x26, EVENT_ID_PERMANENT_GRANTS = 0x27, EVENT_ID_MUERTA_RELEASE_SPRING2023 = 0x28, EVENT_ID_TEAM_2023_TOUR1 = 0x29, EVENT_ID_TEAM_2023_TOUR2 = 0x2a, EVENT_ID_TEAM_2023_TOUR3 = 0x2b, EVENT_ID_INTERNATIONAL_2023 = 0x2d, EVENT_ID_10TH_ANNIVERSARY = 0x2e, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ELeaguePhase : uint32_t { LEAGUE_PHASE_UNSET = 0x0, LEAGUE_PHASE_REGIONAL_QUALIFIER = 0x1, LEAGUE_PHASE_GROUP_STAGE = 0x2, LEAGUE_PHASE_MAIN_EVENT = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xb // // MEnumFlagsWithOverlappingBits enum class DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TYPE : uint32_t { DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_HERO = 0x1, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_CREEP = 0x2, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_BUILDING = 0x4, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_COURIER = 0x10, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_OTHER = 0x20, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TREE = 0x40, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_CUSTOM = 0x80, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_SELF = 0x100, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_BASIC = 0x12, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_ALL = 0x37, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x16 enum class DamageTypes_t : uint32_t { DMG_GENERIC = 0x0, DMG_CRUSH = 0x1, DMG_BULLET = 0x2, DMG_SLASH = 0x4, DMG_BURN = 0x8, DMG_VEHICLE = 0x10, DMG_FALL = 0x20, DMG_BLAST = 0x40, DMG_CLUB = 0x80, DMG_SHOCK = 0x100, DMG_SONIC = 0x200, DMG_ENERGYBEAM = 0x400, DMG_DROWN = 0x4000, DMG_POISON = 0x8000, DMG_RADIATION = 0x10000, DMG_DROWNRECOVER = 0x20000, DMG_ACID = 0x40000, DMG_PHYSGUN = 0x100000, DMG_DISSOLVE = 0x200000, DMG_BLAST_SURFACE = 0x400000, DMG_BUCKSHOT = 0x1000000, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator // MEnumeratorIsNotAFlag DMG_LASTGENERICFLAG = 0x1000000, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x9 enum class SolidType_t : uint8_t { SOLID_NONE = 0x0, SOLID_BSP = 0x1, SOLID_BBOX = 0x2, SOLID_OBB = 0x3, SOLID_SPHERE = 0x4, SOLID_POINT = 0x5, SOLID_VPHYSICS = 0x6, SOLID_CAPSULE = 0x7, SOLID_LAST = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class DOTA_CM_PICK : uint32_t { DOTA_CM_RANDOM = 0x0, DOTA_CM_GOOD_GUYS = 0x1, DOTA_CM_BAD_GUYS = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xb enum class DOTAPostGameColumn_t : uint32_t { DOTA_POST_GAME_COLUMN_LEVEL = 0x0, DOTA_POST_GAME_COLUMN_ITEMS = 0x1, DOTA_POST_GAME_COLUMN_KILLS = 0x2, DOTA_POST_GAME_COLUMN_DEATHS = 0x3, DOTA_POST_GAME_COLUMN_ASSISTS = 0x4, DOTA_POST_GAME_COLUMN_NET_WORTH = 0x5, DOTA_POST_GAME_COLUMN_LAST_HITS = 0x6, DOTA_POST_GAME_COLUMN_DENIES = 0x7, DOTA_POST_GAME_COLUMN_DAMAGE = 0x8, DOTA_POST_GAME_COLUMN_HEALING = 0x9, DOTA_POST_GAME_COLUMN_MAX = 0xa, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xa enum class DOTAPortraitEnvironmentType_t : uint32_t { DOTA_PORTRAIT_ENVIRONMENT_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, DOTA_PORTRAIT_ENVIRONMENT_DEFAULT = 0x0, DOTA_PORTRAIT_ENVIRONMENT_FULL_BODY = 0x1, DOTA_PORTRAIT_ENVIRONMENT_CARD = 0x2, DOTA_PORTRAIT_ENVIRONMENT_WEBPAGE = 0x3, DOTA_PORTRAIT_ENVIRONMENT_FULL_BODY_RIGHT_SIDE = 0x4, DOTA_PORTRAIT_ENVIRONMENT_FULL_BODY_LOADOUT = 0x5, DOTA_PORTRAIT_ENVIRONMENT_ICON = 0x6, DOTA_PORTRAIT_ENVIRONMENT_SHOWCASE = 0x7, DOTA_PORTRAIT_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_COUNT = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 enum class Fantasy_Scoring : uint32_t { FANTASY_SCORING_KILLS = 0x0, FANTASY_SCORING_DEATHS = 0x1, FANTASY_SCORING_CS = 0x2, FANTASY_SCORING_GPM = 0x3, FANTASY_SCORING_TOWER_KILLS = 0x4, FANTASY_SCORING_ROSHAN_KILLS = 0x5, FANTASY_SCORING_TEAMFIGHT_PARTICIPATION = 0x6, FANTASY_SCORING_WARDS_PLANTED = 0x7, FANTASY_SCORING_CAMPS_STACKED = 0x8, FANTASY_SCORING_RUNES_GRABBED = 0x9, FANTASY_SCORING_FIRST_BLOOD = 0xa, FANTASY_SCORING_STUNS = 0xb, FANTASY_SCORING_SMOKES_USED = 0xc, FANTASY_SCORING_NEUTRAL_TOKENS_FOUND = 0xd, FANTASY_SCORING_WATCHERS_TAKEN = 0xe, FANTASY_SCORING_LOTUSES_GAINED = 0xf, FANTASY_SCORING_TORMENTOR_KILLS = 0x10, FANTASY_SCORING_COURIER_KILLS = 0x11, FANTASY_SCORING_TYPES = 0x12, FANTASY_SCORING_INVALID = 0x13, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class EPlayerTrackedStatImpl : uint32_t { k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_Invalid = 0x0, k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_Direct = 0x1, k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_KillEater = 0x2, k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_CombatQuery = 0x3, k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_Expression = 0x4, k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_HeroAdjective = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class Fantasy_Roles : uint32_t { FANTASY_ROLE_UNDEFINED = 0x0, FANTASY_ROLE_CORE = 0x1, FANTASY_ROLE_SUPPORT = 0x2, FANTASY_ROLE_OFFLANE = 0x3, FANTASY_ROLE_MID = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class DOTA_CHAT_INFORMATIONAL : uint32_t { INFO_COOP_BATTLE_POINTS_RULES = 0x1, INFO_FROSTIVUS_ABANDON_REMINDER = 0x2, INFO_RANKED_REMINDER = 0x3, INFO_COOP_LOW_PRIORITY_PASSIVE_REMINDER = 0x4, INFO_CUSTOM_GAME_PENALTY_REMINDER = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class quest_text_replace_values_t : uint32_t { QUEST_TEXT_REPLACE_VALUE_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x0, QUEST_TEXT_REPLACE_VALUE_TARGET_VALUE = 0x1, QUEST_TEXT_REPLACE_VALUE_ROUND = 0x2, QUEST_TEXT_REPLACE_VALUE_REWARD = 0x3, QUEST_NUM_TEXT_REPLACE_VALUES = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class PetLevelup_Rule_t : uint32_t { PETLEVELFROM_NOTHING = 0x0, PETLEVELFROM_KILLEATER = 0x1, PETLEVELFROM_COMPENDIUM_LEVEL = 0x2, NUM_PETLEVELUPRULES = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class Bidirectional_Messages : uint32_t { bi_RebroadcastGameEvent = 0x10, bi_RebroadcastSource = 0x11, bi_GameEvent = 0x12, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class EDPCFavoriteType : uint32_t { FAVORITE_TYPE_ALL = 0x0, FAVORITE_TYPE_PLAYER = 0x1, FAVORITE_TYPE_TEAM = 0x2, FAVORITE_TYPE_LEAGUE = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1 enum class navproperties_t : uint32_t { NAV_IGNORE = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xa enum class Fantasy_Selection_Mode : uint32_t { FANTASY_SELECTION_INVALID = 0x0, FANTASY_SELECTION_LOCKED = 0x1, FANTASY_SELECTION_SHUFFLE = 0x2, FANTASY_SELECTION_FREE_PICK = 0x3, FANTASY_SELECTION_ENDED = 0x4, FANTASY_SELECTION_PRE_SEASON = 0x5, FANTASY_SELECTION_PRE_DRAFT = 0x6, FANTASY_SELECTION_DRAFTING = 0x7, FANTASY_SELECTION_REGULAR_SEASON = 0x8, FANTASY_SELECTION_CARD_BASED = 0x9, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x16 enum class DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAGS : uint32_t { DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_RANGED_ONLY = 0x2, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_MELEE_ONLY = 0x4, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_DEAD = 0x8, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_MAGIC_IMMUNE_ENEMIES = 0x10, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_NOT_MAGIC_IMMUNE_ALLIES = 0x20, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_INVULNERABLE = 0x40, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_FOW_VISIBLE = 0x80, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_NO_INVIS = 0x100, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_NOT_ANCIENTS = 0x200, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_PLAYER_CONTROLLED = 0x400, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_NOT_DOMINATED = 0x800, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_NOT_SUMMONED = 0x1000, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_NOT_ILLUSIONS = 0x2000, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_NOT_ATTACK_IMMUNE = 0x4000, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_MANA_ONLY = 0x8000, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_CHECK_DISABLE_HELP = 0x10000, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_NOT_CREEP_HERO = 0x20000, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_OUT_OF_WORLD = 0x40000, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_NOT_NIGHTMARED = 0x80000, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_PREFER_ENEMIES = 0x100000, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_RESPECT_OBSTRUCTIONS = 0x200000, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class attackfail : uint32_t { DOTA_ATTACK_RECORD_FAIL_NO = 0x0, DOTA_ATTACK_RECORD_FAIL_TERRAIN_MISS = 0x1, DOTA_ATTACK_RECORD_FAIL_SOURCE_MISS = 0x2, DOTA_ATTACK_RECORD_FAIL_TARGET_EVADED = 0x3, DOTA_ATTACK_RECORD_FAIL_TARGET_INVULNERABLE = 0x4, DOTA_ATTACK_RECORD_FAIL_TARGET_OUT_OF_RANGE = 0x5, DOTA_ATTACK_RECORD_CANNOT_FAIL = 0x6, DOTA_ATTACK_RECORD_FAIL_BLOCKED_BY_OBSTRUCTION = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xe enum class DOTA_GameState : uint32_t { DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT = 0x0, DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_WAIT_FOR_PLAYERS_TO_LOAD = 0x1, DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_HERO_SELECTION = 0x2, DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_STRATEGY_TIME = 0x3, DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_PRE_GAME = 0x4, DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_GAME_IN_PROGRESS = 0x5, DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_POST_GAME = 0x6, DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_DISCONNECT = 0x7, DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_TEAM_SHOWCASE = 0x8, DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_CUSTOM_GAME_SETUP = 0x9, DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_WAIT_FOR_MAP_TO_LOAD = 0xa, DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_SCENARIO_SETUP = 0xb, DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_PLAYER_DRAFT = 0xc, DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_LAST = 0xd, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class ELeagueNodeType : uint32_t { INVALID_NODE_TYPE = 0x0, BEST_OF_ONE = 0x1, BEST_OF_THREE = 0x2, BEST_OF_FIVE = 0x3, BEST_OF_TWO = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class SimpleConstraintSoundProfile__SimpleConstraintsSoundProfileKeypoints_t : uint32_t { kMIN_THRESHOLD = 0x0, kMIN_FULL = 0x1, kHIGHWATER = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3f enum class DOTA_HeroPickState : uint32_t { DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_AP_SELECT = 0x1, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_SD_SELECT = 0x2, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_INTRO_SELECT_UNUSED = 0x3, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_RD_SELECT_UNUSED = 0x4, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_INTRO = 0x5, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_CAPTAINPICK = 0x6, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN1 = 0x7, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN2 = 0x8, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN3 = 0x9, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN4 = 0xa, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN5 = 0xb, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN6 = 0xc, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN7 = 0xd, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN8 = 0xe, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN9 = 0xf, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN10 = 0x10, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN11 = 0x11, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN12 = 0x12, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN13 = 0x13, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_BAN14 = 0x14, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_SELECT1 = 0x15, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_SELECT2 = 0x16, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_SELECT3 = 0x17, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_SELECT4 = 0x18, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_SELECT5 = 0x19, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_SELECT6 = 0x1a, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_SELECT7 = 0x1b, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_SELECT8 = 0x1c, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_SELECT9 = 0x1d, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_SELECT10 = 0x1e, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CM_PICK = 0x1f, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_AR_SELECT = 0x20, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_MO_SELECT = 0x21, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_FH_SELECT = 0x22, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_INTRO = 0x23, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_CAPTAINPICK = 0x24, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_BAN1 = 0x25, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_BAN2 = 0x26, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_BAN3 = 0x27, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_BAN4 = 0x28, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_BAN5 = 0x29, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_BAN6 = 0x2a, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_SELECT1 = 0x2b, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_SELECT2 = 0x2c, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_SELECT3 = 0x2d, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_SELECT4 = 0x2e, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_SELECT5 = 0x2f, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_SELECT6 = 0x30, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_SELECT7 = 0x31, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_SELECT8 = 0x32, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_SELECT9 = 0x33, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_SELECT10 = 0x34, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CD_PICK = 0x35, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_BD_SELECT = 0x36, DOTA_HERO_PICK_STATE_ABILITY_DRAFT_SELECT = 0x37, DOTA_HERO_PICK_STATE_ARDM_SELECT = 0x38, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_ALL_DRAFT_SELECT = 0x39, DOTA_HERO_PICK_STATE_CUSTOMGAME_SELECT = 0x3a, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_SELECT_PENALTY = 0x3b, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_CUSTOM_PICK_RULES = 0x3c, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_SCENARIO_PICK = 0x3d, DOTA_HEROPICK_STATE_COUNT = 0x3e, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class PlayerConnectedState : uint32_t { PlayerNeverConnected = 0xffffffffffffffff, PlayerConnected = 0x0, PlayerConnecting = 0x1, PlayerReconnecting = 0x2, PlayerDisconnecting = 0x3, PlayerDisconnected = 0x4, PlayerReserved = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ChatIgnoreType_t : uint32_t { CHAT_IGNORE_NONE = 0x0, CHAT_IGNORE_ALL = 0x1, CHAT_IGNORE_TEAM = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class DoorState_t : uint32_t { DOOR_STATE_CLOSED = 0x0, DOOR_STATE_OPENING = 0x1, DOOR_STATE_OPEN = 0x2, DOOR_STATE_CLOSING = 0x3, DOOR_STATE_AJAR = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class LatchDirtyPermission_t : uint32_t { LATCH_DIRTY_DISALLOW = 0x0, LATCH_DIRTY_SERVER_CONTROLLED = 0x1, LATCH_DIRTY_CLIENT_SIMULATED = 0x2, LATCH_DIRTY_PREDICTION = 0x3, LATCH_DIRTY_FRAMESIMULATE = 0x4, LATCH_DIRTY_PARTICLE_SIMULATE = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class subquest_text_replace_values_t : uint32_t { SUBQUEST_TEXT_REPLACE_VALUE_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x0, SUBQUEST_TEXT_REPLACE_VALUE_TARGET_VALUE = 0x1, SUBQUEST_NUM_TEXT_REPLACE_VALUES = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1b enum class RumbleEffect_t : uint32_t { RUMBLE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator RUMBLE_STOP_ALL = 0x0, RUMBLE_PISTOL = 0x1, RUMBLE_357 = 0x2, RUMBLE_SMG1 = 0x3, RUMBLE_AR2 = 0x4, RUMBLE_SHOTGUN_SINGLE = 0x5, RUMBLE_SHOTGUN_DOUBLE = 0x6, RUMBLE_AR2_ALT_FIRE = 0x7, RUMBLE_RPG_MISSILE = 0x8, RUMBLE_CROWBAR_SWING = 0x9, RUMBLE_AIRBOAT_GUN = 0xa, RUMBLE_JEEP_ENGINE_LOOP = 0xb, RUMBLE_FLAT_LEFT = 0xc, RUMBLE_FLAT_RIGHT = 0xd, RUMBLE_FLAT_BOTH = 0xe, RUMBLE_DMG_LOW = 0xf, RUMBLE_DMG_MED = 0x10, RUMBLE_DMG_HIGH = 0x11, RUMBLE_FALL_LONG = 0x12, RUMBLE_FALL_SHORT = 0x13, RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_OPEN = 0x14, RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_PUNT = 0x15, RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_LOW = 0x16, RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_MEDIUM = 0x17, RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_HIGH = 0x18, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator NUM_RUMBLE_EFFECTS = 0x19, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 enum class vote_create_failed_t : uint32_t { VOTE_FAILED_GENERIC = 0x0, VOTE_FAILED_TRANSITIONING_PLAYERS = 0x1, VOTE_FAILED_RATE_EXCEEDED = 0x2, VOTE_FAILED_YES_MUST_EXCEED_NO = 0x3, VOTE_FAILED_QUORUM_FAILURE = 0x4, VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED = 0x5, VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NOT_FOUND = 0x6, VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NAME_REQUIRED = 0x7, VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENTLY = 0x8, VOTE_FAILED_TEAM_CANT_CALL = 0x9, VOTE_FAILED_WAITINGFORPLAYERS = 0xa, VOTE_FAILED_PLAYERNOTFOUND = 0xb, VOTE_FAILED_CANNOT_KICK_ADMIN = 0xc, VOTE_FAILED_SCRAMBLE_IN_PROGRESS = 0xd, VOTE_FAILED_SPECTATOR = 0xe, VOTE_FAILED_MAX = 0xf, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x14 enum class RenderFx_t : uint8_t { kRenderFxNone = 0x0, kRenderFxPulseSlow = 0x1, kRenderFxPulseFast = 0x2, kRenderFxPulseSlowWide = 0x3, kRenderFxPulseFastWide = 0x4, kRenderFxFadeSlow = 0x5, kRenderFxFadeFast = 0x6, kRenderFxSolidSlow = 0x7, kRenderFxSolidFast = 0x8, kRenderFxStrobeSlow = 0x9, kRenderFxStrobeFast = 0xa, kRenderFxStrobeFaster = 0xb, kRenderFxFlickerSlow = 0xc, kRenderFxFlickerFast = 0xd, kRenderFxNoDissipation = 0xe, kRenderFxFadeOut = 0xf, kRenderFxFadeIn = 0x10, kRenderFxPulseFastWider = 0x11, kRenderFxGlowShell = 0x12, kRenderFxMax = 0x13, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xa enum class DOTABotDifficulty : uint32_t { BOT_DIFFICULTY_PASSIVE = 0x0, BOT_DIFFICULTY_EASY = 0x1, BOT_DIFFICULTY_MEDIUM = 0x2, BOT_DIFFICULTY_HARD = 0x3, BOT_DIFFICULTY_UNFAIR = 0x4, BOT_DIFFICULTY_INVALID = 0x5, BOT_DIFFICULTY_EXTRA1 = 0x6, BOT_DIFFICULTY_EXTRA2 = 0x7, BOT_DIFFICULTY_EXTRA3 = 0x8, BOT_DIFFICULTY_NPX = 0x9, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ECustomGameWhitelistState : uint32_t { CUSTOM_GAME_WHITELIST_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0x0, CUSTOM_GAME_WHITELIST_STATE_APPROVED = 0x1, CUSTOM_GAME_WHITELIST_STATE_REJECTED = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xb enum class ERankType : uint32_t { k_ERankType_Invalid = 0x0, k_ERankType_Casual = 0x1, k_ERankType_Ranked = 0x2, k_ERankType_CasualLegacy = 0x3, k_ERankType_RankedLegacy = 0x4, k_ERankType_CasualGlicko = 0x5, k_ERankType_RankedGlicko = 0x6, k_ERankType_RankMax = 0x7, k_ERankType_BehaviorPrivate = 0x64, k_ERankType_BehaviorPublic = 0x65, k_ERankType_Max = 0x66, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xb enum class AttributeDerivedStats : uint32_t { DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH_DAMAGE = 0x0, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH_HP = 0x1, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH_HP_REGEN = 0x2, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY_DAMAGE = 0x3, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY_ARMOR = 0x4, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY_ATTACK_SPEED = 0x5, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE_DAMAGE = 0x6, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE_MANA = 0x7, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE_MANA_REGEN = 0x8, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE_MAGIC_RESIST = 0x9, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_ALL_DAMAGE = 0xa, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2d enum class DOTA_COMBATLOG_TYPES : uint32_t { DOTA_COMBATLOG_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, DOTA_COMBATLOG_DAMAGE = 0x0, DOTA_COMBATLOG_HEAL = 0x1, DOTA_COMBATLOG_MODIFIER_ADD = 0x2, DOTA_COMBATLOG_MODIFIER_REMOVE = 0x3, DOTA_COMBATLOG_DEATH = 0x4, DOTA_COMBATLOG_ABILITY = 0x5, DOTA_COMBATLOG_ITEM = 0x6, DOTA_COMBATLOG_LOCATION = 0x7, DOTA_COMBATLOG_GOLD = 0x8, DOTA_COMBATLOG_GAME_STATE = 0x9, DOTA_COMBATLOG_XP = 0xa, DOTA_COMBATLOG_PURCHASE = 0xb, DOTA_COMBATLOG_BUYBACK = 0xc, DOTA_COMBATLOG_ABILITY_TRIGGER = 0xd, DOTA_COMBATLOG_PLAYERSTATS = 0xe, DOTA_COMBATLOG_MULTIKILL = 0xf, DOTA_COMBATLOG_KILLSTREAK = 0x10, DOTA_COMBATLOG_TEAM_BUILDING_KILL = 0x11, DOTA_COMBATLOG_FIRST_BLOOD = 0x12, DOTA_COMBATLOG_MODIFIER_STACK_EVENT = 0x13, DOTA_COMBATLOG_NEUTRAL_CAMP_STACK = 0x14, DOTA_COMBATLOG_PICKUP_RUNE = 0x15, DOTA_COMBATLOG_REVEALED_INVISIBLE = 0x16, DOTA_COMBATLOG_HERO_SAVED = 0x17, DOTA_COMBATLOG_MANA_RESTORED = 0x18, DOTA_COMBATLOG_HERO_LEVELUP = 0x19, DOTA_COMBATLOG_BOTTLE_HEAL_ALLY = 0x1a, DOTA_COMBATLOG_ENDGAME_STATS = 0x1b, DOTA_COMBATLOG_INTERRUPT_CHANNEL = 0x1c, DOTA_COMBATLOG_ALLIED_GOLD = 0x1d, DOTA_COMBATLOG_AEGIS_TAKEN = 0x1e, DOTA_COMBATLOG_MANA_DAMAGE = 0x1f, DOTA_COMBATLOG_PHYSICAL_DAMAGE_PREVENTED = 0x20, DOTA_COMBATLOG_UNIT_SUMMONED = 0x21, DOTA_COMBATLOG_ATTACK_EVADE = 0x22, DOTA_COMBATLOG_TREE_CUT = 0x23, DOTA_COMBATLOG_SUCCESSFUL_SCAN = 0x24, DOTA_COMBATLOG_END_KILLSTREAK = 0x25, DOTA_COMBATLOG_BLOODSTONE_CHARGE = 0x26, DOTA_COMBATLOG_CRITICAL_DAMAGE = 0x27, DOTA_COMBATLOG_SPELL_ABSORB = 0x28, DOTA_COMBATLOG_UNIT_TELEPORTED = 0x29, DOTA_COMBATLOG_KILL_EATER_EVENT = 0x2a, DOTA_COMBATLOG_NEUTRAL_ITEM_EARNED = 0x2b, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class CRR_Response__ResponseEnum_t : uint32_t { MAX_RESPONSE_NAME = 0xc0, MAX_RULE_NAME = 0x80, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x16 enum class EGCBaseMsg : uint32_t { k_EMsgGCInviteToParty = 0x1195, k_EMsgGCInvitationCreated = 0x1196, k_EMsgGCPartyInviteResponse = 0x1197, k_EMsgGCKickFromParty = 0x1198, k_EMsgGCLeaveParty = 0x1199, k_EMsgGCServerAvailable = 0x119a, k_EMsgGCClientConnectToServer = 0x119b, k_EMsgGCGameServerInfo = 0x119c, k_EMsgGCLANServerAvailable = 0x119f, k_EMsgGCInviteToLobby = 0x11a0, k_EMsgGCLobbyInviteResponse = 0x11a1, k_EMsgGCToClientPollFileRequest = 0x11a2, k_EMsgGCToClientPollFileResponse = 0x11a3, k_EMsgGCToGCPerformManualOp = 0x11a4, k_EMsgGCToGCPerformManualOpCompleted = 0x11a5, k_EMsgGCToGCReloadServerRegionSettings = 0x11a6, k_EMsgGCAdditionalWelcomeMsgList = 0x11a7, k_EMsgGCToClientApplyRemoteConVars = 0x11a8, k_EMsgGCToServerApplyRemoteConVars = 0x11a9, k_EMsgClientToGCIntegrityStatus = 0x11aa, k_EMsgClientToGCAggregateMetrics = 0x11ab, k_EMsgGCToClientAggregateMetricsBackoff = 0x11ac, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x121 enum class modifierfunction : uint32_t { // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPreAttack_BonusDamage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE = 0x0, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPreAttack_BonusDamage_Target" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE_TARGET = 0x1, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPreAttack_BonusDamage_Proc" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE_PROC = 0x2, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPreAttack_BonusDamagePostCrit" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE_POST_CRIT = 0x3, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierBaseAttack_BonusDamage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEATTACK_BONUSDAMAGE = 0x4, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierProcAttack_BonusDamage_Physical" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PROCATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE_PHYSICAL = 0x5, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierProcAttack_ConvertPhysicalToMagical" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PROCATTACK_CONVERT_PHYSICAL_TO_MAGICAL = 0x6, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierProcAttack_BonusDamage_Magical" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PROCATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE_MAGICAL = 0x7, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierProcAttack_BonusDamage_Pure" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PROCATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE_PURE = 0x8, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierProcAttack_BonusDamage_Magical_Target" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PROCATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE_MAGICAL_TARGET = 0x9, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierProcAttack_Feedback" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PROCATTACK_FEEDBACK = 0xa, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierOverrideAttackDamage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_OVERRIDE_ATTACK_DAMAGE = 0xb, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPreAttack" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PRE_ATTACK = 0xc, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierInvisibilityLevel" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_INVISIBILITY_LEVEL = 0xd, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierInvisibilityAttackBehaviorException" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_INVISIBILITY_ATTACK_BEHAVIOR_EXCEPTION = 0xe, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPersistentInvisibility" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PERSISTENT_INVISIBILITY = 0xf, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMoveSpeedBonus_Constant" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT = 0x10, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMoveSpeedOverride" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BASE_OVERRIDE = 0x11, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMoveSpeedBonus_Percentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE = 0x12, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMoveSpeedBonus_Percentage_Unique" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE_UNIQUE = 0x13, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMoveSpeedBonus_Special_Boots" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_UNIQUE = 0x14, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMoveSpeedBonus_Special_Boots_2" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_UNIQUE_2 = 0x15, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMoveSpeedBonus_Constant_Unique" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_UNIQUE = 0x16, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMoveSpeedBonus_Constant_Unique_2" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_UNIQUE_2 = 0x17, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMoveSpeed_Absolute" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_ABSOLUTE = 0x18, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMoveSpeed_AbsoluteMin" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_ABSOLUTE_MIN = 0x19, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMoveSpeed_AbsoluteMax" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_ABSOLUTE_MAX = 0x1a, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierIgnoreMovespeedLimit" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_IGNORE_MOVESPEED_LIMIT = 0x1b, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMoveSpeed_Limit" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_LIMIT = 0x1c, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierAttackSpeedBaseOverride" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BASE_OVERRIDE = 0x1d, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierFixedAttackRate" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_FIXED_ATTACK_RATE = 0x1e, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierAttackSpeedBonus_Constant" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT = 0x1f, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierAttackSpeed_Limit" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_IGNORE_ATTACKSPEED_LIMIT = 0x20, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierCooldownReduction_Constant" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_COOLDOWN_REDUCTION_CONSTANT = 0x21, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierManacostReduction_Constant" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MANACOST_REDUCTION_CONSTANT = 0x22, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierHealthcostReduction_Constant" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTHCOST_REDUCTION_CONSTANT = 0x23, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierBaseAttackTimeConstant" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASE_ATTACK_TIME_CONSTANT = 0x24, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierBaseAttackTimeConstant_Adjust" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASE_ATTACK_TIME_CONSTANT_ADJUST = 0x25, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierBaseAttackTimePercentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASE_ATTACK_TIME_PERCENTAGE = 0x26, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierAttackPointConstant" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACK_POINT_CONSTANT = 0x27, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierBonusDamageOutgoing_Percentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_BONUSDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE = 0x28, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierDamageOutgoing_Percentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_DAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE = 0x29, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierDamageOutgoing_Percentage_Illusion" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_DAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE_ILLUSION = 0x2a, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierDamageOutgoing_Percentage_Illusion_Amplify" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_DAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE_ILLUSION_AMPLIFY = 0x2b, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierTotalDamageOutgoing_Percentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOTALDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE = 0x2c, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierSpellAmplify_PercentageCreep" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_SPELL_AMPLIFY_PERCENTAGE_CREEP = 0x2d, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierSpellAmplify_Percentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_SPELL_AMPLIFY_PERCENTAGE = 0x2e, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierSpellAmplify_PercentageUnique" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_SPELL_AMPLIFY_PERCENTAGE_UNIQUE = 0x2f, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierHealAmplify_PercentageSource" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEAL_AMPLIFY_PERCENTAGE_SOURCE = 0x30, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierHealAmplify_PercentageTarget" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEAL_AMPLIFY_PERCENTAGE_TARGET = 0x31, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierHPRegen_CanBeNegative" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_HP_REGEN_CAN_BE_NEGATIVE = 0x32, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierHPRegenAmplify_Percentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_HP_REGEN_AMPLIFY_PERCENTAGE = 0x33, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierLifestealRegenAmplify_Percentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_LIFESTEAL_AMPLIFY_PERCENTAGE = 0x34, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierSpellLifestealRegenAmplify_Percentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_SPELL_LIFESTEAL_AMPLIFY_PERCENTAGE = 0x35, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMPRegenAmplify_Percentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MP_REGEN_AMPLIFY_PERCENTAGE = 0x36, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierManaDrainAmplify_Percentage" 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"GetModifierConstantRespawnTime" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_RESPAWNTIME = 0x77, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPercentageRespawnTime" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_RESPAWNTIME_PERCENTAGE = 0x78, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierStackingRespawnTime" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_RESPAWNTIME_STACKING = 0x79, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPercentageCooldown" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_COOLDOWN_PERCENTAGE = 0x7a, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPercentageCooldownOngoing" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_COOLDOWN_PERCENTAGE_ONGOING = 0x7b, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPercentageCasttime" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_CASTTIME_PERCENTAGE = 0x7c, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPercentageAttackAnimTime" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACK_ANIM_TIME_PERCENTAGE = 0x7d, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPercentageManacost" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MANACOST_PERCENTAGE = 0x7e, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPercentageManacostStacking" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MANACOST_PERCENTAGE_STACKING = 0x7f, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPercentageHealthcost" 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"GetModifierStrongIllusion" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_STRONG_ILLUSION = 0x9e, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierSuperIllusion" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_SUPER_ILLUSION = 0x9f, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierSuperIllusionWithUltimate" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_SUPER_ILLUSION_WITH_ULTIMATE = 0xa0, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierXPDuringDeath" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_XP_DURING_DEATH = 0xa1, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierTurnRate_Percentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_TURN_RATE_PERCENTAGE = 0xa2, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierTurnRate_Override" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_TURN_RATE_OVERRIDE = 0xa3, // MScriptDescription "GetDisableHealing" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_DISABLE_HEALING = 0xa4, // MScriptDescription "GetAlwaysAllowAttack" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_ALWAYS_ALLOW_ATTACK = 0xa5, // MScriptDescription "GetAllowEtherealAttack" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_ALWAYS_ETHEREAL_ATTACK = 0xa6, // MScriptDescription "GetOverrideAttackMagical" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_OVERRIDE_ATTACK_MAGICAL = 0xa7, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierUnitStatsNeedsRefresh" 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"OnSpellTargetReady" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_SPELL_TARGET_READY = 0xb2, // MScriptDescription "OnAttackRecord" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ATTACK_RECORD = 0xb3, // MScriptDescription "OnAttackStart" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ATTACK_START = 0xb4, // MScriptDescription "OnAttack" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ATTACK = 0xb5, // MScriptDescription "OnAttackLanded" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ATTACK_LANDED = 0xb6, // MScriptDescription "OnAttackFail" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ATTACK_FAIL = 0xb7, // MScriptDescription "OnAttackAllied" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ATTACK_ALLIED = 0xb8, // MScriptDescription "OnProjectileDodge" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_PROJECTILE_DODGE = 0xb9, // MScriptDescription "OnOrder" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ORDER = 0xba, // MScriptDescription "OnUnitMoved" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_UNIT_MOVED = 0xbb, // MScriptDescription "OnAbilityStart" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ABILITY_START = 0xbc, // MScriptDescription "OnAbilityExecuted" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ABILITY_EXECUTED = 0xbd, // MScriptDescription "OnAbilityFullyCast" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ABILITY_FULLY_CAST = 0xbe, // 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"OnBuildingKilled" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_BUILDING_KILLED = 0xd8, // MScriptDescription "OnModelChanged" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_MODEL_CHANGED = 0xd9, // MScriptDescription "OnModifierAdded" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_MODIFIER_ADDED = 0xda, // MScriptDescription "OnTooltip" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP = 0xdb, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierModelChange" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MODEL_CHANGE = 0xdc, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierModelScale" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MODEL_SCALE = 0xdd, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierModelScaleAnimateTime" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MODEL_SCALE_ANIMATE_TIME = 0xde, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierModelScaleUseInOutEase" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MODEL_SCALE_USE_IN_OUT_EASE = 0xdf, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierModelScaleConstant" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MODEL_SCALE_CONSTANT = 0xe0, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierScepter" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_IS_SCEPTER = 0xe1, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierShard" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_IS_SHARD = 0xe2, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierRadarCooldownReduction" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_RADAR_COOLDOWN_REDUCTION = 0xe3, // MScriptDescription "GetActivityTranslationModifiers" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_TRANSLATE_ACTIVITY_MODIFIERS = 0xe4, // MScriptDescription "GetAttackSound" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_TRANSLATE_ATTACK_SOUND = 0xe5, // MScriptDescription "GetUnitLifetimeFraction" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_LIFETIME_FRACTION = 0xe6, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierProvidesFOWVision" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PROVIDES_FOW_POSITION = 0xe7, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierSpellsRequireHP" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_SPELLS_REQUIRE_HP = 0xe8, // MScriptDescription "GetForceDrawOnMinimap" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_FORCE_DRAW_MINIMAP = 0xe9, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierDisableTurning" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_DISABLE_TURNING = 0xea, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierIgnoreCastAngle" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_IGNORE_CAST_ANGLE = 0xeb, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierChangeAbilityValue" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_CHANGE_ABILITY_VALUE = 0xec, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierOverrideAbilitySpecial" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_OVERRIDE_ABILITY_SPECIAL = 0xed, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierOverrideAbilitySpecialValue" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_OVERRIDE_ABILITY_SPECIAL_VALUE = 0xee, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierAbilityLayout" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_ABILITY_LAYOUT = 0xef, // MScriptDescription "OnDominated" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_DOMINATED = 0xf0, // MScriptDescription "OnKill" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_KILL = 0xf1, // MScriptDescription "OnAssist" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ASSIST = 0xf2, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierTempestDouble" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_TEMPEST_DOUBLE = 0xf3, // MScriptDescription "PreserveParticlesOnModelChanged" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PRESERVE_PARTICLES_ON_MODEL_CHANGE = 0xf4, // MScriptDescription "OnAttackFinished" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ATTACK_FINISHED = 0xf5, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierIgnoreCooldown" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_IGNORE_COOLDOWN = 0xf6, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierCanAttackTrees" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_CAN_ATTACK_TREES = 0xf7, // MScriptDescription "GetVisualZDelta" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_VISUAL_Z_DELTA = 0xf8, // MScriptDescription "GetVisualZSpeedBaseOverride" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_VISUAL_Z_SPEED_BASE_OVERRIDE = 0xf9, // MScriptDescription MODIFIER_PROPERTY_INCOMING_DAMAGE_ILLUSION = 0xfa, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierNoVisionOfAttacker" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_DONT_GIVE_VISION_OF_ATTACKER = 0xfb, // MScriptDescription "OnTooltip2" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP2 = 0xfc, // MScriptDescription "OnAttackRecordDestroy" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ATTACK_RECORD_DESTROY = 0xfd, // MScriptDescription "OnProjectileObstructionHit" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_PROJECTILE_OBSTRUCTION_HIT = 0xfe, // MScriptDescription "GetSuppressTeleport" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_SUPPRESS_TELEPORT = 0xff, // MScriptDescription "OnAttackCancelled" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ATTACK_CANCELLED = 0x100, // MScriptDescription "GetSuppressCleave" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_SUPPRESS_CLEAVE = 0x101, // MScriptDescription "BotAttackScoreBonus" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_BOT_ATTACK_SCORE_BONUS = 0x102, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierAttackSpeedReductionPercentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_REDUCTION_PERCENTAGE = 0x103, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierMoveSpeedReductionPercentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_REDUCTION_PERCENTAGE = 0x104, // MScriptDescription MODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACK_WHILE_MOVING_TARGET = 0x105, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierAttackSpeedPercentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_PERCENTAGE = 0x106, // MScriptDescription "OnAttemptProjectileDodge" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_ATTEMPT_PROJECTILE_DODGE = 0x107, // MScriptDescription "OnPreDebuffApplied" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_PREDEBUFF_APPLIED = 0x108, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPercentageCooldownStacking" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_COOLDOWN_PERCENTAGE_STACKING = 0x109, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierSpellRedirectTarget" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_SPELL_REDIRECT_TARGET = 0x10a, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierTurnRateConstant" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_TURN_RATE_CONSTANT = 0x10b, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierIsRatPack" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_RAT_PACK = 0x10c, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPhysicalDamageOutgoing_Percentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICALDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE = 0x10d, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierKnockbackAmplification_Percentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_KNOCKBACK_AMPLIFICATION_PERCENTAGE = 0x10e, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierHealthBarPips" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTHBAR_PIPS = 0x10f, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierIncomingDamageConstant" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_INCOMING_DAMAGE_CONSTANT = 0x110, // MScriptDescription "OnSpellAppliedSuccessfully" MODIFIER_EVENT_SPELL_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY = 0x111, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierAvoidDamageAfterReductions" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_AVOID_DAMAGE_AFTER_REDUCTIONS = 0x112, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPropetyFailAttack" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_FAIL_ATTACK = 0x113, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierPrereduceIncomingDamage_Mult" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREREDUCE_INCOMING_DAMAGE_MULT = 0x114, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierSuppressFullscreenDeathFX" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_SUPPRESS_FULLSCREEN_DEATH_FX = 0x115, // MScriptDescription "MODIFIER_PROPERTY_INCOMING_DAMAGE_CONSTANT_POST" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_INCOMING_DAMAGE_CONSTANT_POST = 0x116, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierDamageOutgoing_PercentageMultiplicative" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_DAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE_MULTIPLICATIVE = 0x117, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierTickGold_Multiplier" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_TICK_GOLD_MULTIPLIER = 0x118, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierSlowResistance" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_SLOW_RESISTANCE = 0x119, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierAoEBonusPercentage" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_AOE_BONUS_PERCENTAGE = 0x11a, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierProjectileSpeed" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PROJECTILE_SPEED = 0x11b, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierBecomeUniversal" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_BECOME_UNIVERSAL = 0x11c, // MScriptDescription "OnForceProcMagicStick" MODIFIER_EVENT_ON_FORCE_PROC_MAGIC_STICK = 0x11d, // MScriptDescription "GetModifierDoNotSinkAfterDeath" MODIFIER_PROPERTY_DO_NOT_SINK_AFTER_DEATH = 0x11e, MODIFIER_FUNCTION_LAST = 0x11f, MODIFIER_FUNCTION_INVALID = 0xffff, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class PartnerAccountType : uint32_t { PARTNER_NONE = 0x0, PARTNER_PERFECT_WORLD = 0x1, PARTNER_INVALID = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'navlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class NavDirType : uint32_t { NORTH = 0x0, EAST = 0x1, SOUTH = 0x2, WEST = 0x3, NUM_NAV_DIR_TYPE_DIRECTIONS = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class subquest_player_stat_types_t : uint32_t { SUBQUEST_PLAYER_STAT_GOLD = 0x0, SUBQUEST_PLAYER_STAT_LEVEL = 0x1, SUBQUEST_PLAYER_STAT_LAST_HITS = 0x2, SUBQUEST_PLAYER_STAT_DENIES = 0x3, SUBQUEST_NUM_PLAYER_STATS = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ValueRemapperRatchetType_t : uint32_t { RatchetType_Absolute = 0x0, RatchetType_EachEngage = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xf enum class DOTA_GC_TEAM : uint32_t { DOTA_GC_TEAM_GOOD_GUYS = 0x0, DOTA_GC_TEAM_BAD_GUYS = 0x1, DOTA_GC_TEAM_BROADCASTER = 0x2, DOTA_GC_TEAM_SPECTATOR = 0x3, DOTA_GC_TEAM_PLAYER_POOL = 0x4, DOTA_GC_TEAM_NOTEAM = 0x5, DOTA_GC_TEAM_CUSTOM_1 = 0x6, DOTA_GC_TEAM_CUSTOM_2 = 0x7, DOTA_GC_TEAM_CUSTOM_3 = 0x8, DOTA_GC_TEAM_CUSTOM_4 = 0x9, DOTA_GC_TEAM_CUSTOM_5 = 0xa, DOTA_GC_TEAM_CUSTOM_6 = 0xb, DOTA_GC_TEAM_CUSTOM_7 = 0xc, DOTA_GC_TEAM_CUSTOM_8 = 0xd, DOTA_GC_TEAM_NEUTRALS = 0xe, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class ObstructionRelationshipClass_t : uint32_t { DOTA_OBSTRUCTION_RELATIONSHIP_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_OBSTRUCTION_RELATIONSHIP_BUILDING = 0x1, DOTA_OBSTRUCTION_RELATIONSHIP_PLAYER_CONTROLLED = 0x2, DOTA_OBSTRUCTION_RELATIONSHIP_NPC = 0x3, DOTA_OBSTRUCTION_RELATIONSHIP_LAST = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2f enum class eEconItemOrigin : uint32_t { kEconItemOrigin_Invalid = 0xffffffffffffffff, kEconItemOrigin_Drop = 0x0, kEconItemOrigin_Achievement = 0x1, kEconItemOrigin_Purchased = 0x2, kEconItemOrigin_Traded = 0x3, kEconItemOrigin_Crafted = 0x4, kEconItemOrigin_StorePromotion = 0x5, kEconItemOrigin_Gifted = 0x6, kEconItemOrigin_SupportGranted = 0x7, kEconItemOrigin_FoundInCrate = 0x8, kEconItemOrigin_Earned = 0x9, kEconItemOrigin_ThirdPartyPromotion = 0xa, kEconItemOrigin_GiftWrapped = 0xb, kEconItemOrigin_HalloweenDrop = 0xc, kEconItemOrigin_PackageItem = 0xd, kEconItemOrigin_Foreign = 0xe, kEconItemOrigin_CDKey = 0xf, kEconItemOrigin_CollectionReward = 0x10, kEconItemOrigin_PreviewItem = 0x11, kEconItemOrigin_SteamWorkshopContribution = 0x12, kEconItemOrigin_PeriodicScoreReward = 0x13, kEconItemOrigin_Recycling = 0x14, kEconItemOrigin_TournamentDrop = 0x15, kEconItemOrigin_PassportReward = 0x16, kEconItemOrigin_TutorialDrop = 0x17, kEconItemOrigin_RecipeOutput = 0x18, kEconItemOrigin_GemExtract = 0x19, kEconItemOrigin_EventPointReward = 0x1a, kEconItemOrigin_ItemRedemption = 0x1b, kEconItemOrigin_FantasyTicketRefund = 0x1c, kEconItemOrigin_VictoryPredictionReward = 0x1d, kEconItemOrigin_AssassinEventReward = 0x1e, kEconItemOrigin_CompendiumReward = 0x1f, kEconItemOrigin_CompendiumDrop = 0x20, kEconItemOrigin_MysteryItem = 0x21, kEconItemOrigin_UnpackedFromBundle = 0x22, kEconItemOrigin_WonFromWeeklyGame = 0x23, kEconItemOrigin_SeasonalItemGrant = 0x24, kEconItemOrigin_PackOpening = 0x25, kEconItemOrigin_InitialGrant = 0x26, kEconItemOrigin_MarketPurchase = 0x27, kEconItemOrigin_MarketRefunded = 0x28, kEconItemOrigin_LimitedDraft = 0x29, kEconItemOrigin_GauntletReward = 0x2a, kEconItemOrigin_CompendiumGift = 0x2b, kEconItemOrigin_CandyShopPurchase = 0x2c, kEconItemOrigin_Max = 0x2d, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class TrackOrientationType_t : uint32_t { TrackOrientation_Fixed = 0x0, TrackOrientation_FacePath = 0x1, TrackOrientation_FacePathAngles = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class PointTemplateClientOnlyEntityBehavior_t : uint32_t { CREATE_FOR_CURRENTLY_CONNECTED_CLIENTS_ONLY = 0x0, CREATE_FOR_CLIENTS_WHO_CONNECT_LATER = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class EMatchTrackedStatImpl : uint32_t { k_eMatchTrackedStatImpl_Invalid = 0x0, k_eMatchTrackedStatImpl_Direct = 0x1, k_eMatchTrackedStatImpl_Expression = 0x2, k_eMatchTrackedStatImpl_PlayerAggregate = 0x3, k_eMatchTrackedStatImpl_TeamAggregate = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class DOTASelectionPriorityRules : uint32_t { k_DOTASelectionPriorityRules_Manual = 0x0, k_DOTASelectionPriorityRules_Automatic = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xe enum class DOTACommType_t : uint32_t { DOTA_COMM_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_COMM_TYPE_PING = 0x1, DOTA_COMM_TYPE_CHATWHEEL = 0x2, DOTA_COMM_TYPE_TIP = 0x3, DOTA_COMM_TYPE_TEXT = 0x4, DOTA_COMM_TYPE_SHOWCASE = 0x5, DOTA_COMM_TYPE_VOICE = 0x6, DOTA_COMM_TYPE_ALLY_ABILITY = 0x7, DOTA_COMM_TYPE_PAUSE = 0x8, DOTA_COMM_TYPE_COACHING = 0x9, DOTA_COMM_TYPE_NOCOOLDOWN = 0xa, DOTA_COMM_TYPE_RANKEDMATCHMAKE = 0xb, DOTA_COMM_TYPE_DROPS = 0xc, DOTA_COMM_TYPE_NEWPLAYER_EXPERT = 0xd, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EntitySubclassScope_t : uint32_t { SUBCLASS_SCOPE_NONE = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Player" // MEntitySubclassScopeFile SUBCLASS_SCOPE_PLAYER = 0x0, SUBCLASS_SCOPE_COUNT = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class ReplayEventType_t : uint32_t { REPLAY_EVENT_CANCEL = 0x0, REPLAY_EVENT_DEATH = 0x1, REPLAY_EVENT_GENERIC = 0x2, REPLAY_EVENT_STUCK_NEED_FULL_UPDATE = 0x3, REPLAY_EVENT_VICTORY = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ESourceEngine : uint32_t { k_ESE_Source1 = 0x0, k_ESE_Source2 = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1d enum class UnitFilterResult : uint32_t { UF_SUCCESS = 0x0, UF_FAIL_FRIENDLY = 0x1, UF_FAIL_ENEMY = 0x2, UF_FAIL_HERO = 0x3, UF_FAIL_CONSIDERED_HERO = 0x4, UF_FAIL_CREEP = 0x5, UF_FAIL_BUILDING = 0x6, UF_FAIL_COURIER = 0x7, UF_FAIL_OTHER = 0x8, UF_FAIL_ANCIENT = 0x9, UF_FAIL_ILLUSION = 0xa, UF_FAIL_SUMMONED = 0xb, UF_FAIL_DOMINATED = 0xc, UF_FAIL_MELEE = 0xd, UF_FAIL_RANGED = 0xe, UF_FAIL_DEAD = 0xf, UF_FAIL_MAGIC_IMMUNE_ALLY = 0x10, UF_FAIL_MAGIC_IMMUNE_ENEMY = 0x11, UF_FAIL_INVULNERABLE = 0x12, UF_FAIL_IN_FOW = 0x13, UF_FAIL_INVISIBLE = 0x14, UF_FAIL_NOT_PLAYER_CONTROLLED = 0x15, UF_FAIL_ATTACK_IMMUNE = 0x16, UF_FAIL_CUSTOM = 0x17, UF_FAIL_INVALID_LOCATION = 0x18, UF_FAIL_DISABLE_HELP = 0x19, UF_FAIL_OUT_OF_WORLD = 0x1a, UF_FAIL_NIGHTMARED = 0x1b, UF_FAIL_OBSTRUCTED = 0x1c, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class BeamType_t : uint32_t { BEAM_INVALID = 0x0, BEAM_POINTS = 0x1, BEAM_ENTPOINT = 0x2, BEAM_ENTS = 0x3, BEAM_HOSE = 0x4, BEAM_SPLINE = 0x5, BEAM_LASER = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class EOverwatchReportReason : uint32_t { k_EOverwatchReportReason_Unknown = 0x0, k_EOverwatchReportReason_Cheating = 0x1, k_EOverwatchReportReason_Feeding = 0x2, k_EOverwatchReportReason_Griefing = 0x3, k_EOverwatchReportReason_Suspicious = 0x4, k_EOverwatchReportReason_AbilityAbuse = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class HierarchyType_t : uint32_t { HIERARCHY_NONE = 0x0, HIERARCHY_BONE_MERGE = 0x1, HIERARCHY_ATTACHMENT = 0x2, HIERARCHY_ABSORIGIN = 0x3, HIERARCHY_BONE = 0x4, HIERARCHY_TYPE_COUNT = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xd enum class EBaseGameEvents : uint32_t { GE_VDebugGameSessionIDEvent = 0xc8, GE_PlaceDecalEvent = 0xc9, GE_ClearWorldDecalsEvent = 0xca, GE_ClearEntityDecalsEvent = 0xcb, GE_ClearDecalsForSkeletonInstanceEvent = 0xcc, GE_Source1LegacyGameEventList = 0xcd, GE_Source1LegacyListenEvents = 0xce, GE_Source1LegacyGameEvent = 0xcf, GE_SosStartSoundEvent = 0xd0, GE_SosStopSoundEvent = 0xd1, GE_SosSetSoundEventParams = 0xd2, GE_SosSetLibraryStackFields = 0xd3, GE_SosStopSoundEventHash = 0xd4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class AmmoFlags_t : uint32_t { AMMO_FORCE_DROP_IF_CARRIED = 0x1, AMMO_RESERVE_STAYS_WITH_WEAPON = 0x2, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator // MEnumeratorIsNotAFlag AMMO_FLAG_MAX = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class EProjectionEvent : uint32_t { ePE_FirstBlood = 0x0, ePE_Killstreak_godlike = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xe enum class EGCMsgUseItemResponse : uint32_t { k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_ItemUsed = 0x0, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_GiftNoOtherPlayers = 0x1, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_ServerError = 0x2, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_MiniGameAlreadyStarted = 0x3, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_ItemUsed_ItemsGranted = 0x4, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_DropRateBonusAlreadyGranted = 0x5, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_NotInLowPriorityPool = 0x6, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_NotHighEnoughLevel = 0x7, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_EventNotActive = 0x8, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_ItemUsed_EventPointsGranted = 0x9, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_MissingRequirement = 0xa, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_EmoticonUnlock_NoNew = 0xb, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_EmoticonUnlock_Complete = 0xc, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_ItemUsed_Compendium = 0xd, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 enum class DebugOverlayBits_t : uint64_t { OVERLAY_TEXT_BIT = 0x1, OVERLAY_NAME_BIT = 0x2, OVERLAY_BBOX_BIT = 0x4, OVERLAY_PIVOT_BIT = 0x8, OVERLAY_MESSAGE_BIT = 0x10, OVERLAY_ABSBOX_BIT = 0x20, OVERLAY_RBOX_BIT = 0x40, OVERLAY_SHOW_BLOCKSLOS = 0x80, OVERLAY_ATTACHMENTS_BIT = 0x100, OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_ATTACHMENTS_BIT = 0x200, OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_PIVOT_BIT = 0x400, OVERLAY_SKELETON_BIT = 0x800, OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_SKELETON_BIT = 0x1000, OVERLAY_TRIGGER_BOUNDS_BIT = 0x2000, OVERLAY_HITBOX_BIT = 0x4000, OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_HITBOX_BIT = 0x8000, OVERLAY_AUTOAIM_BIT = 0x10000, OVERLAY_NPC_SELECTED_BIT = 0x20000, OVERLAY_JOINT_INFO_BIT = 0x40000, OVERLAY_NPC_ROUTE_BIT = 0x80000, OVERLAY_NPC_TRIANGULATE_BIT = 0x100000, OVERLAY_NPC_ZAP_BIT = 0x200000, OVERLAY_NPC_ENEMIES_BIT = 0x400000, OVERLAY_NPC_CONDITIONS_BIT = 0x800000, OVERLAY_NPC_COMBAT_BIT = 0x1000000, OVERLAY_NPC_TASK_BIT = 0x2000000, OVERLAY_NPC_BODYLOCATIONS = 0x4000000, OVERLAY_NPC_VIEWCONE_BIT = 0x8000000, OVERLAY_NPC_KILL_BIT = 0x10000000, OVERLAY_WC_CHANGE_ENTITY = 0x20000000, OVERLAY_BUDDHA_MODE = 0x40000000, OVERLAY_NPC_STEERING_REGULATIONS = 0x80000000, OVERLAY_NPC_TASK_TEXT_BIT = 0x100000000, OVERLAY_PROP_DEBUG = 0x200000000, OVERLAY_NPC_RELATION_BIT = 0x400000000, OVERLAY_VIEWOFFSET = 0x800000000, OVERLAY_VCOLLIDE_WIREFRAME_BIT = 0x1000000000, OVERLAY_NPC_NEAREST_NODE_BIT = 0x2000000000, OVERLAY_ACTORNAME_BIT = 0x4000000000, OVERLAY_NPC_CONDITIONS_TEXT_BIT = 0x8000000000, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class EDotaEntityMessages : uint32_t { DOTA_UNIT_SPEECH = 0x0, DOTA_UNIT_SPEECH_MUTE = 0x1, DOTA_UNIT_ADD_GESTURE = 0x2, DOTA_UNIT_REMOVE_GESTURE = 0x3, DOTA_UNIT_REMOVE_ALL_GESTURES = 0x4, DOTA_UNIT_FADE_GESTURE = 0x6, DOTA_UNIT_SPEECH_CLIENTSIDE_RULES = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class PointWorldTextReorientMode_t : uint32_t { POINT_WORLD_TEXT_REORIENT_NONE = 0x0, POINT_WORLD_TEXT_REORIENT_AROUND_UP = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class DOTA_ThreatLevel : uint32_t { DOTA_THREATLEVEL_Ultra = 0x0, DOTA_THREATLEVEL_High = 0x1, DOTA_THREATLEVEL_Medium = 0x2, DOTA_THREATLEVEL_Low = 0x3, DOTA_THREATLEVEL_None = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class ScoutState_t : uint32_t { SCOUT_STATE_INIT = 0xffffffffffffffff, SCOUT_STATE_IDLE = 0x0, SCOUT_STATE_AT_BASE = 0x1, SCOUT_STATE_MOVING = 0x2, SCOUT_STATE_DEAD = 0x3, SCOUT_NUM_STATES = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 enum class EPlayerVoiceListenState : uint32_t { kPVLS_None = 0x0, kPVLS_DeniedChatBanned = 0x1, kPVLS_DeniedPartner = 0x2, kPVLS_DeniedHLTVTalkerNotSpectator = 0x3, kPVLS_DeniedHLTVNoTalkerPlayerID = 0x4, kPVLS_DeniedHLTVTalkerNotBroadcaster = 0x5, kPVLS_DeniedTeamSpectator = 0x6, kPVLS_DeniedStudent = 0x8, kPVLS_DeniedPrivateCoach = 0x9, kPVLS_Denied = 0x40, kPVLS_AllowHLTVTalkerIsBroadcaster = 0x41, kPVLS_AllowCoBroadcaster = 0x42, kPVLS_AllowAllChat = 0x43, kPVLS_AllowStudentToCoach = 0x44, kPVLS_AllowFellowStudent = 0x45, kPVLS_AllowTalkerIsCoach = 0x46, kPVLS_AllowCoachHearTeam = 0x47, kPVLS_AllowSameTeam = 0x48, kPVLS_AllowShowcase = 0x49, kPVLS_AllowPrivateCoach = 0x4a, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class EFantasyMutationOperation : uint32_t { k_eFantasyMutationOperation_RollEverything = 0x0, k_eFantasyMutationOperation_RollShape = 0x1, k_eFantasyMutationOperation_RollQuality = 0x2, k_eFantasyMutationOperation_RollStat = 0x3, k_eFantasyMutationOperation_IncreaseQuality = 0x4, k_eFantasyMutationOperation_DecreaseQuality = 0x5, k_eFantasyMutationOperation_IncreaseOneQuality = 0x6, k_eFantasyMutationOperation_IncreaseTwoQualitiesDecreaseOne = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class LobbyDotaTVDelay : uint32_t { LobbyDotaTV_10 = 0x0, LobbyDotaTV_120 = 0x1, LobbyDotaTV_300 = 0x2, LobbyDotaTV_900 = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc enum class DotaGestureSlot_t : uint32_t { GESTURE_SLOT_NONE = 0xffffffffffffffff, GESTURE_SLOT_ATTACK = 0x0, GESTURE_SLOT_ABILITY = 0x1, GESTURE_SLOT_OVERRIDE = 0x2, GESTURE_SLOT_CUSTOM = 0x3, GESTURE_SLOT_CUSTOM2 = 0x4, GESTURE_SLOT_CUSTOM3 = 0x5, GESTURE_SLOT_CONSTANT = 0x6, GESTURE_SLOT_TAUNT = 0x7, GESTURE_SLOT_ABSOLUTE = 0x8, GESTURE_SLOT_COUNT = 0x9, GESTURE_SLOT_STOLEN_ABILITY_BIT = 0x80, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xe enum class HitGroup_t : uint32_t { HITGROUP_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, HITGROUP_GENERIC = 0x0, HITGROUP_HEAD = 0x1, HITGROUP_CHEST = 0x2, HITGROUP_STOMACH = 0x3, HITGROUP_LEFTARM = 0x4, HITGROUP_RIGHTARM = 0x5, HITGROUP_LEFTLEG = 0x6, HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG = 0x7, HITGROUP_NECK = 0x8, HITGROUP_UNUSED = 0x9, HITGROUP_GEAR = 0xa, HITGROUP_SPECIAL = 0xb, HITGROUP_COUNT = 0xc, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x12 enum class InputBitMask_t : uint64_t { // MEnumeratorIsNotAFlag IN_NONE = 0x0, // MEnumeratorIsNotAFlag IN_ALL = 0xffffffffffffffff, IN_ATTACK = 0x1, IN_JUMP = 0x2, IN_DUCK = 0x4, IN_FORWARD = 0x8, IN_BACK = 0x10, IN_USE = 0x20, IN_TURNLEFT = 0x80, IN_TURNRIGHT = 0x100, IN_MOVELEFT = 0x200, IN_MOVERIGHT = 0x400, IN_ATTACK2 = 0x800, IN_RELOAD = 0x2000, IN_SPEED = 0x10000, IN_JOYAUTOSPRINT = 0x20000, // MEnumeratorIsNotAFlag IN_FIRST_MOD_SPECIFIC_BIT = 0x100000000, IN_QUERY = 0x100000000, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class DOTABehaviorLevel_t : uint32_t { DOTA_BEHAVIOR_LEVEL_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_BEHAVIOR_LEVEL_RANKED_ALLOWED = 0x1, DOTA_BEHAVIOR_LEVEL_PAUSING = 0x2, DOTA_BEHAVIOR_LEVEL_DROPS = 0x3, DOTA_BEHAVIOR_LEVEL_COACHING = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 // // MEnumFlagsWithOverlappingBits enum class DAMAGE_TYPES : uint32_t { DAMAGE_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, DAMAGE_TYPE_PHYSICAL = 0x1, DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL = 0x2, DAMAGE_TYPE_PURE = 0x4, DAMAGE_TYPE_HP_REMOVAL = 0x8, DAMAGE_TYPE_ABILITY_DEFINED = 0x16, DAMAGE_TYPE_ALL = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xa enum class ELeagueTier : uint32_t { LEAGUE_TIER_UNSET = 0x0, LEAGUE_TIER_AMATEUR = 0x1, LEAGUE_TIER_PROFESSIONAL = 0x2, LEAGUE_TIER_MINOR = 0x3, LEAGUE_TIER_MAJOR = 0x4, LEAGUE_TIER_INTERNATIONAL = 0x5, LEAGUE_TIER_DPC_QUALIFIER = 0x6, LEAGUE_TIER_DPC_LEAGUE_QUALIFIER = 0x7, LEAGUE_TIER_DPC_LEAGUE = 0x8, LEAGUE_TIER_DPC_LEAGUE_FINALS = 0x9, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class ESOMsg : uint32_t { k_ESOMsg_Create = 0x15, k_ESOMsg_Update = 0x16, k_ESOMsg_Destroy = 0x17, k_ESOMsg_CacheSubscribed = 0x18, k_ESOMsg_CacheUnsubscribed = 0x19, k_ESOMsg_UpdateMultiple = 0x1a, k_ESOMsg_CacheSubscriptionRefresh = 0x1c, k_ESOMsg_CacheSubscribedUpToDate = 0x1d, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class FowBlockerShape_t : uint32_t { FOW_BLOCKER_SHAPE_RECTANGLE = 0x0, FOW_BLOCKER_SHAPE_RECTANGLE_OUTLINE = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class Bidirectional_Messages_LowFrequency : uint32_t { bi_RelayInfo = 0x2bc, bi_RelayPacket = 0x2bd, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EMobilePaymentProvider : uint32_t { k_EMobilePaymentProvider_Invalid = 0x0, k_EMobilePaymentProvider_GooglePlay = 0x1, k_EMobilePaymentProvider_AppleAppStore = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ERoshanSpawnPhase : uint32_t { ROSHAN_SPAWN_PHASE_ALIVE = 0x0, ROSHAN_SPAWN_PHASE_BASE_TIMER = 0x1, ROSHAN_SPAWN_PHASE_VISIBLE_TIMER = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class modifierremove : uint32_t { DOTA_BUFF_REMOVE_ALL = 0x0, DOTA_BUFF_REMOVE_ENEMY = 0x1, DOTA_BUFF_REMOVE_ALLY = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class EntityDisolveType_t : uint32_t { ENTITY_DISSOLVE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, ENTITY_DISSOLVE_NORMAL = 0x0, ENTITY_DISSOLVE_ELECTRICAL = 0x1, ENTITY_DISSOLVE_ELECTRICAL_LIGHT = 0x2, ENTITY_DISSOLVE_CORE = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EStickerbookPageType : uint32_t { STICKER_PAGE_GENERIC = 0x0, STICKER_PAGE_TEAM = 0x1, STICKER_PAGE_TALENT = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xe enum class EDOTAGCSessionNeed : uint32_t { k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_Unknown = 0x0, k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_UserNoSessionNeeded = 0x64, k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_UserInOnlineGame = 0x65, k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_UserInLocalGame = 0x66, k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_UserInUIWasConnected = 0x67, k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_UserInUINeverConnected = 0x68, k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_UserTutorials = 0x69, k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_UserInUIWasConnectedIdle = 0x6a, k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_UserInUINeverConnectedIdle = 0x6b, k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_GameServerOnline = 0xc8, k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_GameServerLocal = 0xc9, k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_GameServerIdle = 0xca, k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_GameServerRelay = 0xcb, k_EDOTAGCSessionNeed_GameServerLocalUpload = 0xcc, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1 enum class EGCEconBaseMsg : uint32_t { k_EMsgGCGenericResult = 0xa13, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class AmmoPosition_t : uint32_t { AMMO_POSITION_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, AMMO_POSITION_PRIMARY = 0x0, AMMO_POSITION_SECONDARY = 0x1, AMMO_POSITION_COUNT = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class EPoorNetworkConditionsType : uint32_t { k_EPoorNetworkConditions_None = 0x0, k_EPoorNetworkConditions_Unknown = 0x1, k_EPoorNetworkConditions_MassDisconnect = 0x2, k_EPoorNetworkConditions_ExcessBadQosIntervals = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EClientUIEvent : uint32_t { EClientUIEvent_Invalid = 0x0, EClientUIEvent_DialogFinished = 0x1, EClientUIEvent_FireOutput = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x11 enum class CLC_Messages : uint32_t { clc_ClientInfo = 0x14, clc_Move = 0x15, clc_VoiceData = 0x16, clc_BaselineAck = 0x17, clc_ListenEvents = 0x18, clc_RespondCvarValue = 0x19, clc_FileCRCCheck = 0x1a, clc_LoadingProgress = 0x1b, clc_SplitPlayerConnect = 0x1c, clc_ClientMessage = 0x1d, clc_SplitPlayerDisconnect = 0x1e, clc_ServerStatus = 0x1f, clc_ServerPing = 0x20, clc_RequestPause = 0x21, clc_CmdKeyValues = 0x22, clc_RconServerDetails = 0x23, clc_HltvReplay = 0x24, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x12 enum class EBadgeType : uint32_t { k_EBadgeType_Invalid = 0x0, k_EBadgeType_TI7_Midweek = 0x1, k_EBadgeType_TI7_Finals = 0x2, k_EBadgeType_TI7_AllEvent = 0x3, k_EBadgeType_TI8_Midweek = 0x4, k_EBadgeType_TI8_Finals = 0x5, k_EBadgeType_TI8_AllEvent = 0x6, k_EBadgeType_TI10 = 0x7, k_EBadgeType_TI11_PlayoffsDay1 = 0x8, k_EBadgeType_TI11_PlayoffsDay2 = 0x9, k_EBadgeType_TI11_PlayoffsDay3 = 0xa, k_EBadgeType_TI11_PlayoffsDay4 = 0xb, k_EBadgeType_TI11_FinalsWeekend = 0xc, k_EBadgeType_TI12_PlayoffsDay1 = 0xd, k_EBadgeType_TI12_PlayoffsDay2 = 0xe, k_EBadgeType_TI12_PlayoffsDay3 = 0xf, k_EBadgeType_TI12_FinalsWeekend = 0x10, k_EBadgeType_TI12_Special = 0x11, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class CourierState_t : uint32_t { COURIER_STATE_INIT = 0xffffffffffffffff, COURIER_STATE_IDLE = 0x0, COURIER_STATE_AT_BASE = 0x1, COURIER_STATE_MOVING = 0x2, COURIER_STATE_DELIVERING_ITEMS = 0x3, COURIER_STATE_RETURNING_TO_BASE = 0x4, COURIER_STATE_DEAD = 0x5, COURIER_NUM_STATES = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class WorldTextPanelVerticalAlign_t : uint32_t { WORLDTEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP = 0x0, WORLDTEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER = 0x1, WORLDTEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class DOTAInventoryFlags_t : uint32_t { DOTA_INVENTORY_ALLOW_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_INVENTORY_ALLOW_MAIN = 0x1, DOTA_INVENTORY_ALLOW_STASH = 0x2, DOTA_INVENTORY_ALLOW_DROP_ON_GROUND = 0x4, DOTA_INVENTORY_ALLOW_DROP_AT_FOUNTAIN = 0x8, DOTA_INVENTORY_LIMIT_DROP_ON_GROUND = 0x10, DOTA_INVENTORY_ALL_ACCESS = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class DOTAConnectionState_t : uint32_t { DOTA_CONNECTION_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0x0, DOTA_CONNECTION_STATE_NOT_YET_CONNECTED = 0x1, DOTA_CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTED = 0x2, DOTA_CONNECTION_STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0x3, DOTA_CONNECTION_STATE_ABANDONED = 0x4, DOTA_CONNECTION_STATE_LOADING = 0x5, DOTA_CONNECTION_STATE_FAILED = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9c enum class EDotaUserMessages : uint32_t { DOTA_UM_AddUnitToSelection = 0x1d0, DOTA_UM_AIDebugLine = 0x1d1, DOTA_UM_ChatEvent = 0x1d2, DOTA_UM_CombatHeroPositions = 0x1d3, DOTA_UM_CombatLogData = 0x1d4, DOTA_UM_CombatLogBulkData = 0x1d6, DOTA_UM_CreateLinearProjectile = 0x1d7, DOTA_UM_DestroyLinearProjectile = 0x1d8, DOTA_UM_DodgeTrackingProjectiles = 0x1d9, DOTA_UM_GlobalLightColor = 0x1da, DOTA_UM_GlobalLightDirection = 0x1db, DOTA_UM_InvalidCommand = 0x1dc, DOTA_UM_LocationPing = 0x1dd, DOTA_UM_MapLine = 0x1de, DOTA_UM_MiniKillCamInfo = 0x1df, DOTA_UM_MinimapDebugPoint = 0x1e0, DOTA_UM_MinimapEvent = 0x1e1, DOTA_UM_NevermoreRequiem = 0x1e2, DOTA_UM_OverheadEvent = 0x1e3, DOTA_UM_SetNextAutobuyItem = 0x1e4, DOTA_UM_SharedCooldown = 0x1e5, DOTA_UM_SpectatorPlayerClick = 0x1e6, DOTA_UM_TutorialTipInfo = 0x1e7, DOTA_UM_UnitEvent = 0x1e8, DOTA_UM_ParticleManager = 0x1e9, DOTA_UM_BotChat = 0x1ea, DOTA_UM_HudError = 0x1eb, DOTA_UM_ItemPurchased = 0x1ec, DOTA_UM_Ping = 0x1ed, DOTA_UM_ItemFound = 0x1ee, DOTA_UM_CharacterSpeakConcept = 0x1ef, DOTA_UM_SwapVerify = 0x1f0, DOTA_UM_WorldLine = 0x1f1, DOTA_UM_TournamentDrop = 0x1f2, DOTA_UM_ItemAlert = 0x1f3, DOTA_UM_HalloweenDrops = 0x1f4, DOTA_UM_ChatWheel = 0x1f5, DOTA_UM_ReceivedXmasGift = 0x1f6, DOTA_UM_UpdateSharedContent = 0x1f7, DOTA_UM_TutorialRequestExp = 0x1f8, DOTA_UM_TutorialPingMinimap = 0x1f9, DOTA_UM_GamerulesStateChanged = 0x1fa, DOTA_UM_ShowSurvey = 0x1fb, DOTA_UM_TutorialFade = 0x1fc, DOTA_UM_AddQuestLogEntry = 0x1fd, DOTA_UM_SendStatPopup = 0x1fe, DOTA_UM_TutorialFinish = 0x1ff, DOTA_UM_SendRoshanPopup = 0x200, DOTA_UM_SendGenericToolTip = 0x201, DOTA_UM_SendFinalGold = 0x202, DOTA_UM_CustomMsg = 0x203, DOTA_UM_CoachHUDPing = 0x204, DOTA_UM_ClientLoadGridNav = 0x205, DOTA_UM_TE_Projectile = 0x206, DOTA_UM_TE_ProjectileLoc = 0x207, DOTA_UM_TE_DotaBloodImpact = 0x208, DOTA_UM_TE_UnitAnimation = 0x209, DOTA_UM_TE_UnitAnimationEnd = 0x20a, DOTA_UM_AbilityPing = 0x20b, DOTA_UM_ShowGenericPopup = 0x20c, DOTA_UM_VoteStart = 0x20d, DOTA_UM_VoteUpdate = 0x20e, DOTA_UM_VoteEnd = 0x20f, DOTA_UM_BoosterState = 0x210, DOTA_UM_WillPurchaseAlert = 0x211, DOTA_UM_TutorialMinimapPosition = 0x212, DOTA_UM_PlayerMMR = 0x213, DOTA_UM_AbilitySteal = 0x214, DOTA_UM_CourierKilledAlert = 0x215, DOTA_UM_EnemyItemAlert = 0x216, DOTA_UM_StatsMatchDetails = 0x217, DOTA_UM_MiniTaunt = 0x218, DOTA_UM_BuyBackStateAlert = 0x219, DOTA_UM_SpeechBubble = 0x21a, DOTA_UM_CustomHeaderMessage = 0x21b, DOTA_UM_QuickBuyAlert = 0x21c, DOTA_UM_StatsHeroDetails = 0x21d, DOTA_UM_PredictionResult = 0x21e, DOTA_UM_ModifierAlert = 0x21f, DOTA_UM_HPManaAlert = 0x220, DOTA_UM_GlyphAlert = 0x221, DOTA_UM_BeastChat = 0x222, DOTA_UM_SpectatorPlayerUnitOrders = 0x223, DOTA_UM_CustomHudElement_Create = 0x224, DOTA_UM_CustomHudElement_Modify = 0x225, DOTA_UM_CustomHudElement_Destroy = 0x226, DOTA_UM_CompendiumState = 0x227, DOTA_UM_ProjectionAbility = 0x228, DOTA_UM_ProjectionEvent = 0x229, DOTA_UM_CombatLogDataHLTV = 0x22a, DOTA_UM_XPAlert = 0x22b, DOTA_UM_UpdateQuestProgress = 0x22c, DOTA_UM_MatchMetadata = 0x22d, DOTA_UM_MatchDetails = 0x22e, DOTA_UM_QuestStatus = 0x22f, DOTA_UM_SuggestHeroPick = 0x230, DOTA_UM_SuggestHeroRole = 0x231, DOTA_UM_KillcamDamageTaken = 0x232, DOTA_UM_SelectPenaltyGold = 0x233, DOTA_UM_RollDiceResult = 0x234, DOTA_UM_FlipCoinResult = 0x235, DOTA_UM_RequestItemSuggestions = 0x236, DOTA_UM_TeamCaptainChanged = 0x237, DOTA_UM_SendRoshanSpectatorPhase = 0x238, DOTA_UM_ChatWheelCooldown = 0x239, DOTA_UM_DismissAllStatPopups = 0x23a, DOTA_UM_TE_DestroyProjectile = 0x23b, DOTA_UM_HeroRelicProgress = 0x23c, DOTA_UM_AbilityDraftRequestAbility = 0x23d, DOTA_UM_ItemSold = 0x23e, DOTA_UM_DamageReport = 0x23f, DOTA_UM_SalutePlayer = 0x240, DOTA_UM_TipAlert = 0x241, DOTA_UM_ReplaceQueryUnit = 0x242, DOTA_UM_EmptyTeleportAlert = 0x243, DOTA_UM_MarsArenaOfBloodAttack = 0x244, DOTA_UM_ESArcanaCombo = 0x245, DOTA_UM_ESArcanaComboSummary = 0x246, DOTA_UM_HighFiveLeftHanging = 0x247, DOTA_UM_HighFiveCompleted = 0x248, DOTA_UM_ShovelUnearth = 0x249, DOTA_EM_InvokerSpellCast = 0x24a, DOTA_UM_RadarAlert = 0x24b, DOTA_UM_AllStarEvent = 0x24c, DOTA_UM_TalentTreeAlert = 0x24d, DOTA_UM_QueuedOrderRemoved = 0x24e, DOTA_UM_DebugChallenge = 0x24f, DOTA_UM_OMArcanaCombo = 0x250, DOTA_UM_FoundNeutralItem = 0x251, DOTA_UM_OutpostCaptured = 0x252, DOTA_UM_OutpostGrantedXP = 0x253, DOTA_UM_MoveCameraToUnit = 0x254, DOTA_UM_PauseMinigameData = 0x255, DOTA_UM_VersusScene_PlayerBehavior = 0x256, DOTA_UM_QoP_ArcanaSummary = 0x258, DOTA_UM_HotPotato_Created = 0x259, DOTA_UM_HotPotato_Exploded = 0x25a, DOTA_UM_WK_Arcana_Progress = 0x25b, DOTA_UM_GuildChallenge_Progress = 0x25c, DOTA_UM_WRArcanaProgress = 0x25d, DOTA_UM_WRArcanaSummary = 0x25e, DOTA_UM_EmptyItemSlotAlert = 0x25f, DOTA_UM_AghsStatusAlert = 0x260, DOTA_UM_PingConfirmation = 0x261, DOTA_UM_MutedPlayers = 0x262, DOTA_UM_ContextualTip = 0x263, DOTA_UM_ChatMessage = 0x264, DOTA_UM_NeutralCampAlert = 0x265, DOTA_UM_RockPaperScissorsStarted = 0x266, DOTA_UM_RockPaperScissorsFinished = 0x267, DOTA_UM_DuelOpponentKilled = 0x268, DOTA_UM_DuelAccepted = 0x269, DOTA_UM_DuelRequested = 0x26a, DOTA_UM_MuertaReleaseEvent_AssignedTargetKilled = 0x26b, DOTA_UM_PlayerDraftSuggestPick = 0x26c, DOTA_UM_PlayerDraftPick = 0x26d, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x6 enum class WaterLevel_t : uint8_t { WL_NotInWater = 0x0, WL_Feet = 0x1, WL_Waist = 0x2, WL_Chest = 0x3, WL_FullyUnderwater = 0x4, WL_Count = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xa enum class ELeagueNodeGroupType : uint32_t { INVALID_GROUP_TYPE = 0x0, ORGANIZATIONAL = 0x1, ROUND_ROBIN = 0x2, SWISS = 0x3, BRACKET_SINGLE = 0x4, BRACKET_DOUBLE_SEED_LOSER = 0x5, BRACKET_DOUBLE_ALL_WINNER = 0x6, SHOWMATCH = 0x7, GSL = 0x8, PLACEMENT = 0x9, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ScriptedConflictResponse_t : uint32_t { SS_CONFLICT_ENQUEUE = 0x0, SS_CONFLICT_INTERRUPT = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class RequestPause_t : uint32_t { RP_PAUSE = 0x0, RP_UNPAUSE = 0x1, RP_TOGGLEPAUSE = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EChatSpecialPrivileges : uint32_t { k_EChatSpecialPrivileges_None = 0x0, k_EChatSpecialPrivileges_Moderator = 0x1, k_EChatSpecialPrivileges_SuperModerator = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class DOTA_ROSHAN_PHASE : uint32_t { k_SRSP_ROSHAN_ALIVE = 0x0, k_SRSP_ROSHAN_BASE_TIMER = 0x1, k_SRSP_ROSHAN_VISIBLE_TIMER = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EDOTAPlayerMMRType : uint32_t { k_EDOTAPlayerMMRType_Invalid = 0x0, k_EDOTAPlayerMMRType_GeneralHidden = 0x1, k_EDOTAPlayerMMRType_GeneralCompetitive = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EDOTAVersusScenePlayerBehavior : uint32_t { VS_PLAYER_BEHAVIOR_PLAY_ACTIVITY = 0x1, VS_PLAYER_BEHAVIOR_CHAT_WHEEL = 0x2, VS_PLAYER_BEHAVIOR_PLAYBACK_RATE = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class Fantasy_Gem_Type : uint32_t { FANTASY_GEM_TYPE_RUBY = 0x0, FANTASY_GEM_TYPE_SAPPHIRE = 0x1, FANTASY_GEM_TYPE_EMERALD = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x56 enum class DotaPseudoRandomType : uint32_t { DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_MAGNUS_SHARD = 0x1, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_PHANTOMASSASSIN_CRIT = 0x2, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_PHANTOMASSASSIN_DAGGER = 0x3, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_PHANTOMLANCER_JUXTAPOSE = 0x4, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_TINY_CRAGGY = 0x5, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_COLD_REBUKE = 0x6, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_WOLF_CRIT = 0x7, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_AXE_HELIX = 0x8, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_AXE_HELIX_ATTACK = 0x9, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_LEGION_MOMENT = 0xa, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_SLARDAR_BASH = 0xb, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_OD_ESSENCE = 0xc, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_DROW_MARKSMANSHIP = 0xd, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_OGRE_MAGI_FIREBLAST = 0xe, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_OGRE_ITEM_MULTICAST = 0xf, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_SPIRITBREAKER_GREATERBASH = 0x10, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_LONE_DRUID_ENTANGLE = 0x11, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_FACELESS_BASH = 0x12, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_FACELESS_EVADE_SPELL = 0x13, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_FACELESS_EVADE_ATTACK = 0x14, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_FACELESS_VOID_BACKTRACK = 0x15, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_BREWMASTER_CRIT = 0x16, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_BREWMASTER_CINDER_BREW = 0x17, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_SNIPER_HEADSHOT = 0x18, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ATOS = 0x19, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_JUGG_CRIT = 0x1a, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_DAZZLE_SCEPTER = 0x1b, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CHAOS_CRIT = 0x1c, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_LYCAN_CRIT = 0x1d, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_TUSK_CRIT = 0x1e, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CM_FREEZING_FIELD = 0x1f, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_GENERIC_BASHER = 0x20, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_SKELETONKING_CRIT = 0x21, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_SKELETONKING_CRIT_MORTAL = 0x22, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_GREATERCRIT = 0x23, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_LESSERCRIT = 0x24, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_BASHER = 0x25, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_SOLAR_CREST = 0x26, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_JAVELIN_ACCURACY = 0x27, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_TRIDENT = 0x28, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_ABYSSAL = 0x29, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_ABYSSAL_BLOCK = 0x2a, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_STOUT = 0x2b, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_VANGUARD = 0x2c, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_CRIMSON_GUARD = 0x2d, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_PMS = 0x2e, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_HALBRED_MAIM = 0x2f, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_SANGEYASHA_MAIM = 0x30, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_SANGEKAYA_MAIM = 0x31, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_SANGE_MAIM = 0x32, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_BUTTERFLY = 0x33, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_MAELSTROM = 0x34, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_MJOLLNIR = 0x35, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_MJOLLNIR_STATIC = 0x36, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_MKB = 0x37, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_SILVER_EDGE = 0x38, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ITEM_NAGINATA = 0x39, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_TROLL_BASH = 0x3a, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_RIKI_SMOKE_SCREEN = 0x3b, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CHAOS_DOUBLE_CRIT = 0x3c, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CHAOS_TRIPLE_CRIT = 0x3d, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_GENERIC_EVASION = 0x3e, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_GENERIC_HEIGHT_MISS = 0x3f, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_GENERIC_MISS = 0x40, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ARMADILLO_HEARTPIERCER = 0x41, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_MARS_SHIELD = 0x42, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_ANTIMAGE_SILENT = 0x43, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_NEUTRAL_DROP_TIER1 = 0x44, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_NEUTRAL_DROP_TIER2 = 0x45, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_NEUTRAL_DROP_TIER3 = 0x46, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_NEUTRAL_DROP_TIER4 = 0x47, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_NEUTRAL_DROP_TIER5 = 0x48, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_MARS_BULWARK = 0x49, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_MUERTA_GUNSLINGER = 0x4a, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_TROLL_FERVOR_SHARD = 0x4b, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CUSTOM_GENERIC = 0x4c, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CUSTOM_GAME_1 = 0x4d, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CUSTOM_GAME_2 = 0x4e, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CUSTOM_GAME_3 = 0x4f, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CUSTOM_GAME_4 = 0x50, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CUSTOM_GAME_5 = 0x51, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CUSTOM_GAME_6 = 0x52, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CUSTOM_GAME_7 = 0x53, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CUSTOM_GAME_8 = 0x54, DOTA_PSEUDO_RANDOM_CUSTOM_GAME_9 = 0x55, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class PetCoopStates_t : uint32_t { COOP_IGNORE = 0x0, COOPTELEPORT_START_PERFORMING = 0x1, COOPTELEPORT_PLAY_ENDANIM = 0x2, COOPTELEPORT_PLAY_EXITANIM = 0x3, COOP_WARD_OBSERVER = 0x4, COOP_WARD_SENTRY = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x6 enum class EDOTASpecialBonusOperation : uint8_t { SPECIAL_BONUS_ADD = 0x0, SPECIAL_BONUS_MULTIPLY = 0x1, SPECIAL_BONUS_SUBTRACT = 0x2, SPECIAL_BONUS_PERCENTAGE_ADD = 0x3, SPECIAL_BONUS_PERCENTAGE_SUBTRACT = 0x4, SPECIAL_BONUS_SET = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ScriptedMoveType_t : uint32_t { SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_NONE = 0x0, SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_TO_WITH_DURATION = 0x1, SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_TO_WITH_MOVESPEED = 0x2, SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_SWEEP_TO_AT_MOVEMENT_SPEED = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9 enum class DOTALeaverStatus_t : uint32_t { DOTA_LEAVER_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_LEAVER_DISCONNECTED = 0x1, DOTA_LEAVER_DISCONNECTED_TOO_LONG = 0x2, DOTA_LEAVER_ABANDONED = 0x3, DOTA_LEAVER_AFK = 0x4, DOTA_LEAVER_NEVER_CONNECTED = 0x5, DOTA_LEAVER_NEVER_CONNECTED_TOO_LONG = 0x6, DOTA_LEAVER_FAILED_TO_READY_UP = 0x7, DOTA_LEAVER_DECLINED = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class SpawnGroupFlags_t : uint32_t { SPAWN_GROUP_LOAD_ENTITIES_FROM_SAVE = 0x1, SPAWN_GROUP_DONT_SPAWN_ENTITIES = 0x2, SPAWN_GROUP_SYNCHRONOUS_SPAWN = 0x4, SPAWN_GROUP_IS_INITIAL_SPAWN_GROUP = 0x8, SPAWN_GROUP_CREATE_CLIENT_ONLY_ENTITIES = 0x10, SPAWN_GROUP_BLOCK_UNTIL_LOADED = 0x40, SPAWN_GROUP_LOAD_STREAMING_DATA = 0x80, SPAWN_GROUP_CREATE_NEW_SCENE_WORLD = 0x100, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class AbilityLearnResult_t : uint32_t { ABILITY_CAN_BE_UPGRADED = 0x0, ABILITY_CANNOT_BE_UPGRADED_NOT_UPGRADABLE = 0x1, ABILITY_CANNOT_BE_UPGRADED_AT_MAX = 0x2, ABILITY_CANNOT_BE_UPGRADED_REQUIRES_LEVEL = 0x3, ABILITY_NOT_LEARNABLE = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ScriptedOnDeath_t : uint32_t { SS_ONDEATH_NOT_APPLICABLE = 0xffffffffffffffff, SS_ONDEATH_UNDEFINED = 0x0, SS_ONDEATH_RAGDOLL = 0x1, SS_ONDEATH_ANIMATED_DEATH = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class eRollType : uint32_t { ROLL_NONE = 0xffffffffffffffff, ROLL_STATS = 0x0, ROLL_CREDITS = 0x1, ROLL_LATE_JOIN_LOGO = 0x2, ROLL_OUTTRO = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1 enum class SVC_Messages_LowFrequency : uint32_t { svc_dummy = 0x258, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class Attributes : uint32_t { DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH = 0x0, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY = 0x1, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_INTELLECT = 0x2, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_ALL = 0x3, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_MAX = 0x4, DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class EStickerbookAuditAction : uint32_t { STICKERBOOK_AUDIT_CREATE_PAGE = 0x0, STICKERBOOK_AUDIT_DELETE_PAGE = 0x1, STICKERBOOK_AUDIT_STICK_STICKERS = 0x2, STICKERBOOK_AUDIT_REPLACE_STICKERS = 0x3, STICKERBOOK_AUDIT_HERO_STICKER = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class EPlayerChallengeHistoryType : uint32_t { k_EPlayerChallengeHistoryType_Invalid = 0x0, k_EPlayerChallengeHistoryType_KillEater = 0x1, k_EPlayerChallengeHistoryType_DotaPlusRelic = 0x2, k_EPlayerChallengeHistoryType_DotaPlusHeroPlayerChallenge = 0x3, k_EPlayerChallengeHistoryType_InGameEventChallenge = 0x4, k_EPlayerChallengeHistoryType_GuildContract = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class CommandExecMode_t : uint32_t { EXEC_MANUAL = 0x0, EXEC_LEVELSTART = 0x1, EXEC_PERIODIC = 0x2, EXEC_MODES_COUNT = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class EDotaBroadcastMessages : uint32_t { DOTA_BM_LANLobbyRequest = 0x1, DOTA_BM_LANLobbyReply = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xa enum class ECustomGameInstallStatus : uint32_t { k_ECustomGameInstallStatus_Unknown = 0x0, k_ECustomGameInstallStatus_Ready = 0x1, k_ECustomGameInstallStatus_Busy = 0x2, k_ECustomGameInstallStatus_FailedGeneric = 0x65, k_ECustomGameInstallStatus_FailedInternalError = 0x66, k_ECustomGameInstallStatus_RequestedTimestampTooOld = 0x67, k_ECustomGameInstallStatus_RequestedTimestampTooNew = 0x68, k_ECustomGameInstallStatus_CRCMismatch = 0x69, k_ECustomGameInstallStatus_FailedSteam = 0x6a, k_ECustomGameInstallStatus_FailedCanceled = 0x6b, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x375 enum class EDOTAGCMsg : uint32_t { k_EMsgGCDOTABase = 0x1b58, k_EMsgGCGameMatchSignOut = 0x1b5c, k_EMsgGCGameMatchSignOutResponse = 0x1b5d, k_EMsgGCJoinChatChannel = 0x1b61, k_EMsgGCJoinChatChannelResponse = 0x1b62, k_EMsgGCOtherJoinedChannel = 0x1b65, k_EMsgGCOtherLeftChannel = 0x1b66, k_EMsgServerToGCRequestStatus = 0x1b72, k_EMsgGCStartFindingMatch = 0x1b79, k_EMsgGCConnectedPlayers = 0x1b7a, k_EMsgGCAbandonCurrentGame = 0x1b7b, k_EMsgGCStopFindingMatch = 0x1b7c, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbyCreate = 0x1b7e, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbyLeave = 0x1b80, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbyLaunch = 0x1b81, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbyList = 0x1b82, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbyListResponse = 0x1b83, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbyJoin = 0x1b84, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbySetDetails = 0x1b86, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbySetTeamSlot = 0x1b87, k_EMsgGCInitialQuestionnaireResponse = 0x1b89, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbyResponse = 0x1b8f, k_EMsgGCBroadcastNotification = 0x1b90, k_EMsgGCLiveScoreboardUpdate = 0x1b91, k_EMsgGCRequestChatChannelList = 0x1b94, k_EMsgGCRequestChatChannelListResponse = 0x1b95, k_EMsgGCReadyUp = 0x1b9e, k_EMsgGCKickedFromMatchmakingQueue = 0x1b9f, k_EMsgGCLeaverDetected = 0x1ba0, k_EMsgGCSpectateFriendGame = 0x1ba1, k_EMsgGCSpectateFriendGameResponse = 0x1ba2, k_EMsgGCReportsRemainingRequest = 0x1ba4, k_EMsgGCReportsRemainingResponse = 0x1ba5, k_EMsgGCSubmitPlayerReport = 0x1ba6, k_EMsgGCSubmitPlayerReportResponse = 0x1ba7, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbyKick = 0x1ba9, k_EMsgGCSubmitPlayerReportV2 = 0x1baa, k_EMsgGCSubmitPlayerReportResponseV2 = 0x1bab, k_EMsgGCRequestSaveGames = 0x1bac, k_EMsgGCRequestSaveGamesServer = 0x1bad, k_EMsgGCRequestSaveGamesResponse = 0x1bae, k_EMsgGCLeaverDetectedResponse = 0x1baf, k_EMsgGCPlayerFailedToConnect = 0x1bb0, k_EMsgGCGCToRelayConnect = 0x1bb1, k_EMsgGCGCToRelayConnectresponse = 0x1bb2, k_EMsgGCWatchGame = 0x1bb3, k_EMsgGCWatchGameResponse = 0x1bb4, k_EMsgGCBanStatusRequest = 0x1bb5, k_EMsgGCBanStatusResponse = 0x1bb6, k_EMsgGCMatchDetailsRequest = 0x1bb7, k_EMsgGCMatchDetailsResponse = 0x1bb8, k_EMsgGCCancelWatchGame = 0x1bb9, k_EMsgGCPopup = 0x1bbe, k_EMsgGCFriendPracticeLobbyListRequest = 0x1bc7, k_EMsgGCFriendPracticeLobbyListResponse = 0x1bc8, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbyJoinResponse = 0x1bc9, k_EMsgGCCreateTeam = 0x1bcb, k_EMsgGCCreateTeamResponse = 0x1bcc, k_EMsgGCTeamInvite_InviterToGC = 0x1bd2, k_EMsgGCTeamInvite_GCImmediateResponseToInviter = 0x1bd3, k_EMsgGCTeamInvite_GCRequestToInvitee = 0x1bd4, k_EMsgGCTeamInvite_InviteeResponseToGC = 0x1bd5, k_EMsgGCTeamInvite_GCResponseToInviter = 0x1bd6, k_EMsgGCTeamInvite_GCResponseToInvitee = 0x1bd7, k_EMsgGCKickTeamMember = 0x1bd8, k_EMsgGCKickTeamMemberResponse = 0x1bd9, k_EMsgGCLeaveTeam = 0x1bda, k_EMsgGCLeaveTeamResponse = 0x1bdb, k_EMsgGCApplyTeamToPracticeLobby = 0x1be6, k_EMsgGCTransferTeamAdmin = 0x1be8, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbyJoinBroadcastChannel = 0x1bed, k_EMsgGC_TournamentItemEvent = 0x1bee, k_EMsgGC_TournamentItemEventResponse = 0x1bef, k_EMsgTeamFanfare = 0x1bf4, k_EMsgResponseTeamFanfare = 0x1bf5, k_EMsgGC_GameServerUploadSaveGame = 0x1bf6, k_EMsgGC_GameServerSaveGameResult = 0x1bf7, k_EMsgGC_GameServerGetLoadGame = 0x1bf8, k_EMsgGC_GameServerGetLoadGameResult = 0x1bf9, k_EMsgGCEditTeamDetails = 0x1bfe, k_EMsgGCEditTeamDetailsResponse = 0x1bff, k_EMsgGCReadyUpStatus = 0x1c02, k_EMsgGCToGCMatchCompleted = 0x1c12, k_EMsgGCBalancedShuffleLobby = 0x1c14, k_EMsgGCMatchmakingStatsRequest = 0x1c1d, k_EMsgGCMatchmakingStatsResponse = 0x1c1e, k_EMsgGCBotGameCreate = 0x1c1f, k_EMsgGCSetMatchHistoryAccess = 0x1c20, k_EMsgGCSetMatchHistoryAccessResponse = 0x1c21, k_EMsgUpgradeLeagueItem = 0x1c23, k_EMsgUpgradeLeagueItemResponse = 0x1c24, k_EMsgGCWatchDownloadedReplay = 0x1c26, k_EMsgClientsRejoinChatChannels = 0x1c31, k_EMsgGCToGCGetUserChatInfo = 0x1c32, k_EMsgGCToGCGetUserChatInfoResponse = 0x1c33, k_EMsgGCToGCLeaveAllChatChannels = 0x1c34, k_EMsgGCToGCUpdateAccountChatBan = 0x1c35, k_EMsgGCToGCCanInviteUserToTeam = 0x1c42, k_EMsgGCToGCCanInviteUserToTeamResponse = 0x1c43, k_EMsgGCToGCGetUserRank = 0x1c44, k_EMsgGCToGCGetUserRankResponse = 0x1c45, k_EMsgGCToGCAdjustUserRank = 0x1c46, k_EMsgGCToGCAdjustUserRankResponse = 0x1c47, k_EMsgGCToGCUpdateTeamStats = 0x1c48, k_EMsgGCToGCValidateTeam = 0x1c49, k_EMsgGCToGCValidateTeamResponse = 0x1c4a, k_EMsgGCToGCGetLeagueAdmin = 0x1c57, k_EMsgGCToGCGetLeagueAdminResponse = 0x1c58, k_EMsgGCLeaveChatChannel = 0x1c68, k_EMsgGCChatMessage = 0x1c69, k_EMsgGCGetHeroStandings = 0x1c6a, k_EMsgGCGetHeroStandingsResponse = 0x1c6b, k_EMsgGCItemEditorReservationsRequest = 0x1c73, k_EMsgGCItemEditorReservationsResponse = 0x1c74, k_EMsgGCItemEditorReserveItemDef = 0x1c75, k_EMsgGCItemEditorReserveItemDefResponse = 0x1c76, k_EMsgGCItemEditorReleaseReservation = 0x1c77, k_EMsgGCItemEditorReleaseReservationResponse = 0x1c78, k_EMsgGCRewardTutorialPrizes = 0x1c79, k_EMsgGCFantasyLivePlayerStats = 0x1c8c, k_EMsgGCFantasyFinalPlayerStats = 0x1c8d, k_EMsgGCFlipLobbyTeams = 0x1c98, k_EMsgGCToGCEvaluateReportedPlayer = 0x1c9a, k_EMsgGCToGCEvaluateReportedPlayerResponse = 0x1c9b, k_EMsgGCToGCProcessPlayerReportForTarget = 0x1c9c, k_EMsgGCToGCProcessReportSuccess = 0x1c9d, k_EMsgGCNotifyAccountFlagsChange = 0x1c9e, k_EMsgGCSetProfilePrivacy = 0x1c9f, k_EMsgGCSetProfilePrivacyResponse = 0x1ca0, k_EMsgGCClientSuspended = 0x1cae, k_EMsgGCPartyMemberSetCoach = 0x1caf, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbySetCoach = 0x1cb2, k_EMsgGCChatModeratorBan = 0x1cbf, k_EMsgGCLobbyUpdateBroadcastChannelInfo = 0x1cc7, k_EMsgGCToGCGrantTournamentItem = 0x1ccc, k_EMsgGCToGCUpgradeTwitchViewerItems = 0x1ccf, k_EMsgGCToGCGetLiveMatchAffiliates = 0x1cd0, k_EMsgGCToGCGetLiveMatchAffiliatesResponse = 0x1cd1, k_EMsgGCToGCUpdatePlayerPennantCounts = 0x1cd2, k_EMsgGCToGCGetPlayerPennantCounts = 0x1cd3, k_EMsgGCToGCGetPlayerPennantCountsResponse = 0x1cd4, k_EMsgGCGameMatchSignOutPermissionRequest = 0x1cd5, k_EMsgGCGameMatchSignOutPermissionResponse = 0x1cd6, k_EMsgDOTAAwardEventPoints = 0x1cd8, k_EMsgDOTAGetEventPoints = 0x1cdb, k_EMsgDOTAGetEventPointsResponse = 0x1cdc, k_EMsgGCPartyLeaderWatchGamePrompt = 0x1ce5, k_EMsgGCCompendiumSetSelection = 0x1ced, k_EMsgGCCompendiumDataRequest = 0x1cee, k_EMsgGCCompendiumDataResponse = 0x1cef, k_EMsgDOTAGetPlayerMatchHistory = 0x1cf0, k_EMsgDOTAGetPlayerMatchHistoryResponse = 0x1cf1, k_EMsgGCToGCMatchmakingAddParty = 0x1cf2, k_EMsgGCToGCMatchmakingRemoveParty = 0x1cf3, k_EMsgGCToGCMatchmakingRemoveAllParties = 0x1cf4, k_EMsgGCToGCMatchmakingMatchFound = 0x1cf5, k_EMsgGCToGCUpdateMatchManagementStats = 0x1cf6, k_EMsgGCToGCUpdateMatchmakingStats = 0x1cf7, k_EMsgGCToServerPingRequest = 0x1cf8, k_EMsgGCToServerPingResponse = 0x1cf9, k_EMsgGCToServerEvaluateToxicChat = 0x1cfa, k_EMsgServerToGCEvaluateToxicChat = 0x1cfb, k_EMsgServerToGCEvaluateToxicChatResponse = 0x1cfc, k_EMsgGCToGCProcessMatchLeaver = 0x1d02, k_EMsgGCNotificationsRequest = 0x1d03, k_EMsgGCNotificationsResponse = 0x1d04, k_EMsgGCToGCModifyNotification = 0x1d05, k_EMsgGCLeagueAdminList = 0x1d0a, k_EMsgGCNotificationsMarkReadRequest = 0x1d0b, k_EMsgServerToGCRequestBatchPlayerResources = 0x1d1a, k_EMsgServerToGCRequestBatchPlayerResourcesResponse = 0x1d1b, k_EMsgGCCompendiumSetSelectionResponse = 0x1d1d, k_EMsgGCPlayerInfoSubmit = 0x1d20, k_EMsgGCPlayerInfoSubmitResponse = 0x1d21, k_EMsgGCToGCGetAccountLevel = 0x1d22, k_EMsgGCToGCGetAccountLevelResponse = 0x1d23, k_EMsgDOTAGetWeekendTourneySchedule = 0x1d28, k_EMsgDOTAWeekendTourneySchedule = 0x1d29, k_EMsgGCJoinableCustomGameModesRequest = 0x1d2a, k_EMsgGCJoinableCustomGameModesResponse = 0x1d2b, k_EMsgGCJoinableCustomLobbiesRequest = 0x1d2c, k_EMsgGCJoinableCustomLobbiesResponse = 0x1d2d, k_EMsgGCQuickJoinCustomLobby = 0x1d2e, k_EMsgGCQuickJoinCustomLobbyResponse = 0x1d2f, k_EMsgGCToGCGrantEventPointAction = 0x1d30, k_EMsgGCToGCSetCompendiumSelection = 0x1d36, k_EMsgGCHasItemQuery = 0x1d3c, k_EMsgGCHasItemResponse = 0x1d3d, k_EMsgGCToGCGrantEventPointActionMsg = 0x1d40, k_EMsgGCToGCGetCompendiumSelections = 0x1d44, k_EMsgGCToGCGetCompendiumSelectionsResponse = 0x1d45, k_EMsgServerToGCMatchConnectionStats = 0x1d46, k_EMsgGCToClientTournamentItemDrop = 0x1d47, k_EMsgSQLDelayedGrantLeagueDrop = 0x1d48, k_EMsgServerGCUpdateSpectatorCount = 0x1d49, k_EMsgGCToGCEmoticonUnlock = 0x1d4d, k_EMsgSignOutDraftInfo = 0x1d4e, k_EMsgClientToGCEmoticonDataRequest = 0x1d4f, k_EMsgGCToClientEmoticonData = 0x1d50, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbyToggleBroadcastChannelCameramanStatus = 0x1d51, k_EMsgDOTARedeemItem = 0x1d5e, k_EMsgDOTARedeemItemResponse = 0x1d5f, k_EMsgClientToGCGetAllHeroProgress = 0x1d61, k_EMsgClientToGCGetAllHeroProgressResponse = 0x1d62, k_EMsgGCToGCGetServerForClient = 0x1d63, k_EMsgGCToGCGetServerForClientResponse = 0x1d64, k_EMsgSQLProcessTournamentGameOutcome = 0x1d65, k_EMsgSQLGrantTrophyToAccount = 0x1d66, k_EMsgClientToGCGetTrophyList = 0x1d67, k_EMsgClientToGCGetTrophyListResponse = 0x1d68, k_EMsgGCToClientTrophyAwarded = 0x1d69, k_EMsgGCGameBotMatchSignOut = 0x1d6a, k_EMsgGCGameBotMatchSignOutPermissionRequest = 0x1d6b, k_EMsgSignOutBotInfo = 0x1d6c, k_EMsgGCToGCUpdateProfileCards = 0x1d6d, k_EMsgClientToGCGetProfileCard = 0x1d6e, k_EMsgClientToGCGetProfileCardResponse = 0x1d6f, k_EMsgClientToGCGetBattleReport = 0x1d70, k_EMsgClientToGCGetBattleReportResponse = 0x1d71, k_EMsgClientToGCSetProfileCardSlots = 0x1d72, k_EMsgGCToClientProfileCardUpdated = 0x1d73, k_EMsgServerToGCVictoryPredictions = 0x1d74, k_EMsgClientToGCGetBattleReportAggregateStats = 0x1d75, k_EMsgClientToGCGetBattleReportAggregateStatsResponse = 0x1d76, k_EMsgClientToGCGetBattleReportInfo = 0x1d77, k_EMsgClientToGCGetBattleReportInfoResponse = 0x1d78, k_EMsgSignOutCommunicationSummary = 0x1d79, k_EMsgServerToGCRequestStatus_Response = 0x1d7a, k_EMsgClientToGCCreateHeroStatue = 0x1d7b, k_EMsgGCToClientHeroStatueCreateResult = 0x1d7c, k_EMsgGCGCToLANServerRelayConnect = 0x1d7d, k_EMsgClientToGCAcknowledgeBattleReport = 0x1d7e, k_EMsgClientToGCAcknowledgeBattleReportResponse = 0x1d7f, k_EMsgClientToGCGetBattleReportMatchHistory = 0x1d80, k_EMsgClientToGCGetBattleReportMatchHistoryResponse = 0x1d81, k_EMsgServerToGCReportKillSummaries = 0x1d82, k_EMsgGCToGCUpdatePlayerPredictions = 0x1d89, k_EMsgGCToServerPredictionResult = 0x1d8a, k_EMsgGCToGCReplayMonitorValidateReplay = 0x1d91, k_EMsgLobbyEventPoints = 0x1d94, k_EMsgGCToGCGetCustomGameTickets = 0x1d95, k_EMsgGCToGCGetCustomGameTicketsResponse = 0x1d96, k_EMsgGCToGCCustomGamePlayed = 0x1d98, k_EMsgGCToGCGrantEventPointsToUser = 0x1d99, k_EMsgGameserverCrashReport = 0x1d9b, k_EMsgGameserverCrashReportResponse = 0x1d9c, k_EMsgGCToClientSteamDatagramTicket = 0x1d9d, k_EMsgGCToGCSendAccountsEventPoints = 0x1d9f, k_EMsgClientToGCRerollPlayerChallenge = 0x1da0, k_EMsgServerToGCRerollPlayerChallenge = 0x1da1, k_EMsgGCRerollPlayerChallengeResponse = 0x1da2, k_EMsgSignOutUpdatePlayerChallenge = 0x1da3, k_EMsgClientToGCSetPartyLeader = 0x1da4, k_EMsgClientToGCCancelPartyInvites = 0x1da5, k_EMsgSQLGrantLeagueMatchToTicketHolders = 0x1da8, k_EMsgGCToGCEmoticonUnlockNoRollback = 0x1daa, k_EMsgClientToGCApplyGemCombiner = 0x1db3, k_EMsgClientToGCGetAllHeroOrder = 0x1db6, k_EMsgClientToGCGetAllHeroOrderResponse = 0x1db7, k_EMsgSQLGCToGCGrantBadgePoints = 0x1db8, k_EMsgGCToGCCheckOwnsEntireEmoticonRange = 0x1dbb, k_EMsgGCToGCCheckOwnsEntireEmoticonRangeResponse = 0x1dbc, k_EMsgGCToClientRequestLaneSelection = 0x1dc7, k_EMsgGCToClientRequestLaneSelectionResponse = 0x1dc8, k_EMsgServerToGCCavernCrawlIsHeroActive = 0x1dc9, k_EMsgServerToGCCavernCrawlIsHeroActiveResponse = 0x1dca, k_EMsgClientToGCPlayerCardSpecificPurchaseRequest = 0x1dcb, k_EMsgClientToGCPlayerCardSpecificPurchaseResponse = 0x1dcc, k_EMsgGCtoServerTensorflowInstance = 0x1dcd, k_EMsgSQLSetIsLeagueAdmin = 0x1dce, k_EMsgGCToGCGetLiveLeagueMatches = 0x1dcf, k_EMsgGCToGCGetLiveLeagueMatchesResponse = 0x1dd0, k_EMsgDOTALeagueInfoListAdminsRequest = 0x1dd1, k_EMsgDOTALeagueInfoListAdminsReponse = 0x1dd2, k_EMsgGCToGCLeagueMatchStarted = 0x1ddd, k_EMsgGCToGCLeagueMatchCompleted = 0x1dde, k_EMsgGCToGCLeagueMatchStartedResponse = 0x1ddf, k_EMsgDOTALeagueAvailableLobbyNodesRequest = 0x1de2, k_EMsgDOTALeagueAvailableLobbyNodes = 0x1de3, k_EMsgGCToGCLeagueRequest = 0x1de4, k_EMsgGCToGCLeagueResponse = 0x1de5, k_EMsgGCToGCLeagueNodeGroupRequest = 0x1de6, k_EMsgGCToGCLeagueNodeGroupResponse = 0x1de7, k_EMsgGCToGCLeagueNodeRequest = 0x1de8, k_EMsgGCToGCLeagueNodeResponse = 0x1de9, k_EMsgGCToGCRealtimeStatsTerseRequest = 0x1dea, k_EMsgGCToGCRealtimeStatsTerseResponse = 0x1deb, k_EMsgGCToGCGetTopMatchesRequest = 0x1dec, k_EMsgGCToGCGetTopMatchesResponse = 0x1ded, k_EMsgClientToGCGetFilteredPlayers = 0x1dee, k_EMsgGCToClientGetFilteredPlayersResponse = 0x1def, k_EMsgClientToGCRemoveFilteredPlayer = 0x1df0, k_EMsgGCToClientRemoveFilteredPlayerResponse = 0x1df1, k_EMsgGCToClientPlayerBeaconState = 0x1df2, k_EMsgGCToClientPartyBeaconUpdate = 0x1df3, k_EMsgGCToClientPartySearchInvite = 0x1df4, k_EMsgClientToGCUpdatePartyBeacon = 0x1df5, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestActiveBeaconParties = 0x1df6, k_EMsgGCToClientRequestActiveBeaconPartiesResponse = 0x1df7, k_EMsgClientToGCManageFavorites = 0x1df8, k_EMsgGCToClientManageFavoritesResponse = 0x1df9, k_EMsgClientToGCJoinPartyFromBeacon = 0x1dfa, k_EMsgGCToClientJoinPartyFromBeaconResponse = 0x1dfb, k_EMsgClientToGCGetFavoritePlayers = 0x1dfc, k_EMsgGCToClientGetFavoritePlayersResponse = 0x1dfd, k_EMsgClientToGCVerifyFavoritePlayers = 0x1dfe, k_EMsgGCToClientVerifyFavoritePlayersResponse = 0x1dff, k_EMsgGCToClientPartySearchInvites = 0x1e00, k_EMsgGCToClientRequestMMInfo = 0x1e01, k_EMsgClientToGCMMInfo = 0x1e02, k_EMsgSignOutTextMuteInfo = 0x1e03, k_EMsgClientToGCPurchaseLabyrinthBlessings = 0x1e04, k_EMsgClientToGCPurchaseLabyrinthBlessingsResponse = 0x1e05, k_EMsgClientToGCPurchaseFilteredPlayerSlot = 0x1e06, k_EMsgGCToClientPurchaseFilteredPlayerSlotResponse = 0x1e07, k_EMsgClientToGCUpdateFilteredPlayerNote = 0x1e08, k_EMsgGCToClientUpdateFilteredPlayerNoteResponse = 0x1e09, k_EMsgClientToGCClaimSwag = 0x1e0a, k_EMsgGCToClientClaimSwagResponse = 0x1e0b, k_EMsgServerToGCLockCharmTrading = 0x1f44, k_EMsgClientToGCPlayerStatsRequest = 0x1f46, k_EMsgGCToClientPlayerStatsResponse = 0x1f47, k_EMsgGCClearPracticeLobbyTeam = 0x1f48, k_EMsgClientToGCFindTopSourceTVGames = 0x1f49, k_EMsgGCToClientFindTopSourceTVGamesResponse = 0x1f4a, k_EMsgGCLobbyList = 0x1f4b, k_EMsgGCLobbyListResponse = 0x1f4c, k_EMsgGCPlayerStatsMatchSignOut = 0x1f4d, k_EMsgClientToGCSocialFeedPostCommentRequest = 0x1f50, k_EMsgGCToClientSocialFeedPostCommentResponse = 0x1f51, k_EMsgClientToGCCustomGamesFriendsPlayedRequest = 0x1f52, k_EMsgGCToClientCustomGamesFriendsPlayedResponse = 0x1f53, k_EMsgClientToGCFriendsPlayedCustomGameRequest = 0x1f54, k_EMsgGCToClientFriendsPlayedCustomGameResponse = 0x1f55, k_EMsgGCTopCustomGamesList = 0x1f58, k_EMsgClientToGCSetPartyOpen = 0x1f5d, k_EMsgClientToGCMergePartyInvite = 0x1f5e, k_EMsgGCToClientMergeGroupInviteReply = 0x1f5f, k_EMsgClientToGCMergePartyResponse = 0x1f60, k_EMsgGCToClientMergePartyResponseReply = 0x1f61, k_EMsgClientToGCGetProfileCardStats = 0x1f62, k_EMsgClientToGCGetProfileCardStatsResponse = 0x1f63, k_EMsgClientToGCTopLeagueMatchesRequest = 0x1f64, k_EMsgClientToGCTopFriendMatchesRequest = 0x1f65, k_EMsgGCToClientProfileCardStatsUpdated = 0x1f68, k_EMsgServerToGCRealtimeStats = 0x1f69, k_EMsgGCToServerRealtimeStatsStartStop = 0x1f6a, k_EMsgGCToGCGetServersForClients = 0x1f6d, k_EMsgGCToGCGetServersForClientsResponse = 0x1f6e, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbyKickFromTeam = 0x1f6f, k_EMsgDOTAChatGetMemberCount = 0x1f70, k_EMsgDOTAChatGetMemberCountResponse = 0x1f71, k_EMsgClientToGCSocialFeedPostMessageRequest = 0x1f72, k_EMsgGCToClientSocialFeedPostMessageResponse = 0x1f73, k_EMsgCustomGameListenServerStartedLoading = 0x1f74, k_EMsgCustomGameClientFinishedLoading = 0x1f75, k_EMsgGCPracticeLobbyCloseBroadcastChannel = 0x1f76, k_EMsgGCStartFindingMatchResponse = 0x1f77, k_EMsgSQLGCToGCGrantAccountFlag = 0x1f79, k_EMsgGCToClientTopLeagueMatchesResponse = 0x1f7d, k_EMsgGCToClientTopFriendMatchesResponse = 0x1f7e, k_EMsgClientToGCMatchesMinimalRequest = 0x1f7f, k_EMsgClientToGCMatchesMinimalResponse = 0x1f80, k_EMsgGCToClientChatRegionsEnabled = 0x1f83, k_EMsgClientToGCPingData = 0x1f84, k_EMsgGCToGCEnsureAccountInParty = 0x1f87, k_EMsgGCToGCEnsureAccountInPartyResponse = 0x1f88, k_EMsgClientToGCGetProfileTickets = 0x1f89, k_EMsgClientToGCGetProfileTicketsResponse = 0x1f8a, k_EMsgGCToClientMatchGroupsVersion = 0x1f8b, k_EMsgClientToGCH264Unsupported = 0x1f8c, k_EMsgClientToGCGetQuestProgress = 0x1f8e, k_EMsgClientToGCGetQuestProgressResponse = 0x1f8f, k_EMsgSignOutXPCoins = 0x1f90, k_EMsgGCToClientMatchSignedOut = 0x1f91, k_EMsgGCGetHeroStatsHistory = 0x1f92, k_EMsgGCGetHeroStatsHistoryResponse = 0x1f93, k_EMsgClientToGCPrivateChatInvite = 0x1f94, k_EMsgClientToGCPrivateChatKick = 0x1f98, k_EMsgClientToGCPrivateChatPromote = 0x1f99, k_EMsgClientToGCPrivateChatDemote = 0x1f9a, k_EMsgGCToClientPrivateChatResponse = 0x1f9b, k_EMsgClientToGCLatestConductScorecardRequest = 0x1f9f, k_EMsgClientToGCLatestConductScorecard = 0x1fa0, k_EMsgClientToGCWageringRequest = 0x1fa3, k_EMsgGCToClientWageringResponse = 0x1fa4, k_EMsgClientToGCEventGoalsRequest = 0x1fa7, k_EMsgClientToGCEventGoalsResponse = 0x1fa8, k_EMsgGCToGCLeaguePredictionsUpdate = 0x1fac, k_EMsgGCToGCAddUserToPostGameChat = 0x1fae, k_EMsgClientToGCHasPlayerVotedForMVP = 0x1faf, k_EMsgClientToGCHasPlayerVotedForMVPResponse = 0x1fb0, k_EMsgClientToGCVoteForMVP = 0x1fb1, k_EMsgClientToGCVoteForMVPResponse = 0x1fb2, k_EMsgGCToGCGetEventOwnership = 0x1fb3, k_EMsgGCToGCGetEventOwnershipResponse = 0x1fb4, k_EMsgGCToClientAutomatedTournamentStateChange = 0x1fb5, k_EMsgClientToGCWeekendTourneyOpts = 0x1fb6, k_EMsgClientToGCWeekendTourneyOptsResponse = 0x1fb7, k_EMsgClientToGCWeekendTourneyLeave = 0x1fb8, k_EMsgClientToGCWeekendTourneyLeaveResponse = 0x1fb9, k_EMsgClientToGCTeammateStatsRequest = 0x1fbc, k_EMsgClientToGCTeammateStatsResponse = 0x1fbd, k_EMsgClientToGCGetGiftPermissions = 0x1fbe, k_EMsgClientToGCGetGiftPermissionsResponse = 0x1fbf, k_EMsgClientToGCVoteForArcana = 0x1fc0, k_EMsgClientToGCVoteForArcanaResponse = 0x1fc1, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestArcanaVotesRemaining = 0x1fc2, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestArcanaVotesRemainingResponse = 0x1fc3, k_EMsgGCTransferTeamAdminResponse = 0x1fc4, k_EMsgGCToClientTeamInfo = 0x1fc7, k_EMsgGCToClientTeamsInfo = 0x1fc8, k_EMsgClientToGCMyTeamInfoRequest = 0x1fc9, k_EMsgClientToGCPublishUserStat = 0x1fcc, k_EMsgGCToGCSignoutSpendWager = 0x1fcd, k_EMsgGCSubmitLobbyMVPVote = 0x1fd0, k_EMsgGCSubmitLobbyMVPVoteResponse = 0x1fd1, k_EMsgSignOutCommunityGoalProgress = 0x1fd6, k_EMsgGCToClientLobbyMVPAwarded = 0x1fd8, k_EMsgGCToClientQuestProgressUpdated = 0x1fd9, k_EMsgGCToClientWageringUpdate = 0x1fda, k_EMsgGCToClientArcanaVotesUpdate = 0x1fdb, k_EMsgClientToGCSetSpectatorLobbyDetails = 0x1fdd, k_EMsgClientToGCSetSpectatorLobbyDetailsResponse = 0x1fde, k_EMsgClientToGCCreateSpectatorLobby = 0x1fdf, k_EMsgClientToGCCreateSpectatorLobbyResponse = 0x1fe0, k_EMsgClientToGCSpectatorLobbyList = 0x1fe1, k_EMsgClientToGCSpectatorLobbyListResponse = 0x1fe2, k_EMsgSpectatorLobbyGameDetails = 0x1fe3, k_EMsgServerToGCCompendiumInGamePredictionResults = 0x1fe6, k_EMsgServerToGCCloseCompendiumInGamePredictionVoting = 0x1fe7, k_EMsgClientToGCOpenPlayerCardPack = 0x1fe8, k_EMsgClientToGCOpenPlayerCardPackResponse = 0x1fe9, k_EMsgClientToGCSelectCompendiumInGamePrediction = 0x1fea, k_EMsgClientToGCSelectCompendiumInGamePredictionResponse = 0x1feb, k_EMsgClientToGCWeekendTourneyGetPlayerStats = 0x1fec, k_EMsgClientToGCWeekendTourneyGetPlayerStatsResponse = 0x1fed, k_EMsgClientToGCRecyclePlayerCard = 0x1fee, k_EMsgClientToGCRecyclePlayerCardResponse = 0x1fef, k_EMsgClientToGCCreatePlayerCardPack = 0x1ff0, k_EMsgClientToGCCreatePlayerCardPackResponse = 0x1ff1, k_EMsgClientToGCGetPlayerCardRosterRequest = 0x1ff2, k_EMsgClientToGCGetPlayerCardRosterResponse = 0x1ff3, k_EMsgClientToGCSetPlayerCardRosterRequest = 0x1ff4, k_EMsgClientToGCSetPlayerCardRosterResponse = 0x1ff5, k_EMsgServerToGCCloseCompendiumInGamePredictionVotingResponse = 0x1ff7, k_EMsgLobbyBattleCupVictory = 0x1ffa, k_EMsgGCGetPlayerCardItemInfo = 0x1ffb, k_EMsgGCGetPlayerCardItemInfoResponse = 0x1ffc, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestSteamDatagramTicket = 0x1ffd, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestSteamDatagramTicketResponse = 0x1ffe, k_EMsgGCToClientBattlePassRollupRequest = 0x1fff, k_EMsgGCToClientBattlePassRollupResponse = 0x2000, k_EMsgClientToGCTransferSeasonalMMRRequest = 0x2001, k_EMsgClientToGCTransferSeasonalMMRResponse = 0x2002, k_EMsgGCToGCPublicChatCommunicationBan = 0x2003, k_EMsgGCToGCUpdateAccountInfo = 0x2004, k_EMsgGCChatReportPublicSpam = 0x2005, k_EMsgClientToGCSetPartyBuilderOptions = 0x2006, k_EMsgClientToGCSetPartyBuilderOptionsResponse = 0x2007, k_EMsgGCToClientPlaytestStatus = 0x2008, k_EMsgClientToGCJoinPlaytest = 0x2009, k_EMsgClientToGCJoinPlaytestResponse = 0x200a, k_EMsgLobbyPlaytestDetails = 0x200b, k_EMsgDOTASetFavoriteTeam = 0x200c, k_EMsgGCToClientBattlePassRollupListRequest = 0x200d, k_EMsgGCToClientBattlePassRollupListResponse = 0x200e, k_EMsgDOTAClaimEventAction = 0x2011, k_EMsgDOTAClaimEventActionResponse = 0x2012, k_EMsgDOTAGetPeriodicResource = 0x2013, k_EMsgDOTAGetPeriodicResourceResponse = 0x2014, k_EMsgDOTAPeriodicResourceUpdated = 0x2015, k_EMsgServerToGCSpendWager = 0x2016, k_EMsgGCToGCSignoutSpendWagerToken = 0x2017, k_EMsgSubmitTriviaQuestionAnswer = 0x2018, k_EMsgSubmitTriviaQuestionAnswerResponse = 0x2019, k_EMsgClientToGCGiveTip = 0x201a, k_EMsgClientToGCGiveTipResponse = 0x201b, k_EMsgStartTriviaSession = 0x201c, k_EMsgStartTriviaSessionResponse = 0x201d, k_EMsgAnchorPhoneNumberRequest = 0x201e, k_EMsgAnchorPhoneNumberResponse = 0x201f, k_EMsgUnanchorPhoneNumberRequest = 0x2020, k_EMsgUnanchorPhoneNumberResponse = 0x2021, k_EMsgGCToGCSignoutSpendRankWager = 0x2025, k_EMsgGCToGCGetFavoriteTeam = 0x2026, k_EMsgGCToGCGetFavoriteTeamResponse = 0x2027, k_EMsgSignOutEventGameData = 0x2028, k_EMsgClientToGCQuickStatsRequest = 0x202e, k_EMsgClientToGCQuickStatsResponse = 0x202f, k_EMsgGCToGCSubtractEventPointsFromUser = 0x2030, k_EMsgSelectionPriorityChoiceRequest = 0x2031, k_EMsgSelectionPriorityChoiceResponse = 0x2032, k_EMsgGCToGCCompendiumInGamePredictionResults = 0x2033, k_EMsgGameAutographReward = 0x2034, k_EMsgGameAutographRewardResponse = 0x2035, k_EMsgDestroyLobbyRequest = 0x2036, k_EMsgDestroyLobbyResponse = 0x2037, k_EMsgPurchaseItemWithEventPoints = 0x2038, k_EMsgPurchaseItemWithEventPointsResponse = 0x2039, k_EMsgServerToGCMatchPlayerItemPurchaseHistory = 0x203a, k_EMsgGCToGCGrantPlusHeroMatchResults = 0x203b, k_EMsgServerToGCMatchStateHistory = 0x203f, k_EMsgPurchaseHeroRandomRelic = 0x2042, k_EMsgPurchaseHeroRandomRelicResponse = 0x2043, k_EMsgClientToGCClaimEventActionUsingItem = 0x2044, k_EMsgClientToGCClaimEventActionUsingItemResponse = 0x2045, k_EMsgPartyReadyCheckRequest = 0x2046, k_EMsgPartyReadyCheckResponse = 0x2047, k_EMsgPartyReadyCheckAcknowledge = 0x2048, k_EMsgGetRecentPlayTimeFriendsRequest = 0x2049, k_EMsgGetRecentPlayTimeFriendsResponse = 0x204a, k_EMsgGCToClientCommendNotification = 0x204b, k_EMsgProfileRequest = 0x204c, k_EMsgProfileResponse = 0x204d, k_EMsgProfileUpdate = 0x204e, k_EMsgProfileUpdateResponse = 0x204f, k_EMsgHeroGlobalDataRequest = 0x2052, k_EMsgHeroGlobalDataResponse = 0x2053, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestPlusWeeklyChallengeResult = 0x2054, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestPlusWeeklyChallengeResultResponse = 0x2055, k_EMsgGCToGCGrantPlusPrepaidTime = 0x2056, k_EMsgPrivateMetadataKeyRequest = 0x2057, k_EMsgPrivateMetadataKeyResponse = 0x2058, k_EMsgGCToGCReconcilePlusStatus = 0x2059, k_EMsgGCToGCCheckPlusStatus = 0x205a, k_EMsgGCToGCCheckPlusStatusResponse = 0x205b, k_EMsgGCToGCReconcilePlusAutoGrantItems = 0x205c, k_EMsgGCToGCReconcilePlusStatusUnreliable = 0x205d, k_EMsgGCToClientCavernCrawlMapPathCompleted = 0x2060, k_EMsgClientToGCCavernCrawlClaimRoom = 0x2061, k_EMsgClientToGCCavernCrawlClaimRoomResponse = 0x2062, k_EMsgClientToGCCavernCrawlUseItemOnRoom = 0x2063, k_EMsgClientToGCCavernCrawlUseItemOnRoomResponse = 0x2064, k_EMsgClientToGCCavernCrawlUseItemOnPath = 0x2065, k_EMsgClientToGCCavernCrawlUseItemOnPathResponse = 0x2066, k_EMsgClientToGCCavernCrawlRequestMapState = 0x2067, k_EMsgClientToGCCavernCrawlRequestMapStateResponse = 0x2068, k_EMsgSignOutTips = 0x2069, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestEventPointLogV2 = 0x206a, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestEventPointLogResponseV2 = 0x206b, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestEventTipsSummary = 0x206c, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestEventTipsSummaryResponse = 0x206d, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestSocialFeed = 0x206f, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestSocialFeedResponse = 0x2070, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestSocialFeedComments = 0x2071, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestSocialFeedCommentsResponse = 0x2072, k_EMsgClientToGCCavernCrawlGetClaimedRoomCount = 0x2074, k_EMsgClientToGCCavernCrawlGetClaimedRoomCountResponse = 0x2075, k_EMsgGCToGCReconcilePlusAutoGrantItemsUnreliable = 0x2076, k_EMsgServerToGCAddBroadcastTimelineEvent = 0x2077, k_EMsgGCToServerUpdateSteamBroadcasting = 0x2078, k_EMsgClientToGCRecordContestVote = 0x2079, k_EMsgGCToClientRecordContestVoteResponse = 0x207a, k_EMsgGCToGCGrantAutograph = 0x207b, k_EMsgGCToGCGrantAutographResponse = 0x207c, k_EMsgSignOutConsumableUsage = 0x207d, k_EMsgLobbyEventGameDetails = 0x207e, k_EMsgDevGrantEventPoints = 0x207f, k_EMsgDevGrantEventPointsResponse = 0x2080, k_EMsgDevGrantEventAction = 0x2081, k_EMsgDevGrantEventActionResponse = 0x2082, k_EMsgDevResetEventState = 0x2083, k_EMsgDevResetEventStateResponse = 0x2084, k_EMsgGCToGCReconcileEventOwnership = 0x2085, k_EMsgConsumeEventSupportGrantItem = 0x2086, k_EMsgConsumeEventSupportGrantItemResponse = 0x2087, k_EMsgGCToClientClaimEventActionUsingItemCompleted = 0x2088, k_EMsgGCToClientCavernCrawlMapUpdated = 0x2089, k_EMsgServerToGCRequestPlayerRecentAccomplishments = 0x208a, k_EMsgServerToGCRequestPlayerRecentAccomplishmentsResponse = 0x208b, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestPlayerRecentAccomplishments = 0x208c, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestPlayerRecentAccomplishmentsResponse = 0x208d, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestPlayerHeroRecentAccomplishments = 0x208e, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestPlayerHeroRecentAccomplishmentsResponse = 0x208f, k_EMsgSignOutEventActionGrants = 0x2090, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestPlayerCoachMatches = 0x2091, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestPlayerCoachMatchesResponse = 0x2092, k_EMsgClientToGCSubmitCoachTeammateRating = 0x2095, k_EMsgClientToGCSubmitCoachTeammateRatingResponse = 0x2096, k_EMsgGCToClientCoachTeammateRatingsChanged = 0x2097, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestPlayerCoachMatch = 0x2099, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestPlayerCoachMatchResponse = 0x209a, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestContestVotes = 0x209b, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestContestVotesResponse = 0x209c, k_EMsgClientToGCMVPVoteTimeout = 0x209d, k_EMsgClientToGCMVPVoteTimeoutResponse = 0x209e, k_EMsgDetailedGameStats = 0x20a1, k_EMsgMatchMatchmakingStats = 0x20a8, k_EMsgClientToGCSubmitPlayerMatchSurvey = 0x20a9, k_EMsgClientToGCSubmitPlayerMatchSurveyResponse = 0x20aa, k_EMsgSQLGCToGCGrantAllHeroProgressAccount = 0x20ab, k_EMsgSQLGCToGCGrantAllHeroProgressVictory = 0x20ac, k_EMsgDevDeleteEventActions = 0x20ad, k_EMsgDevDeleteEventActionsResponse = 0x20ae, k_EMsgGCToGCGetAllHeroCurrent = 0x21bb, k_EMsgGCToGCGetAllHeroCurrentResponse = 0x21bc, k_EMsgGCSubmitPlayerAvoidRequest = 0x21bd, k_EMsgGCSubmitPlayerAvoidRequestResponse = 0x21be, k_EMsgGCToClientNotificationsUpdated = 0x21bf, k_EMsgGCtoGCAssociatedExploiterAccountInfo = 0x21c0, k_EMsgGCtoGCAssociatedExploiterAccountInfoResponse = 0x21c1, k_EMsgGCtoGCRequestRecalibrationCheck = 0x21c2, k_EMsgGCToClientVACReminder = 0x21c3, k_EMsgClientToGCUnderDraftBuy = 0x21c4, k_EMsgClientToGCUnderDraftBuyResponse = 0x21c5, k_EMsgClientToGCUnderDraftReroll = 0x21c6, k_EMsgClientToGCUnderDraftRerollResponse = 0x21c7, k_EMsgNeutralItemStats = 0x21c8, k_EMsgClientToGCCreateGuild = 0x21c9, k_EMsgClientToGCCreateGuildResponse = 0x21ca, k_EMsgClientToGCSetGuildInfo = 0x21cb, k_EMsgClientToGCSetGuildInfoResponse = 0x21cc, k_EMsgClientToGCAddGuildRole = 0x21cd, k_EMsgClientToGCAddGuildRoleResponse = 0x21ce, k_EMsgClientToGCModifyGuildRole = 0x21cf, k_EMsgClientToGCModifyGuildRoleResponse = 0x21d0, k_EMsgClientToGCRemoveGuildRole = 0x21d1, k_EMsgClientToGCRemoveGuildRoleResponse = 0x21d2, k_EMsgClientToGCJoinGuild = 0x21d3, k_EMsgClientToGCJoinGuildResponse = 0x21d4, k_EMsgClientToGCLeaveGuild = 0x21d5, k_EMsgClientToGCLeaveGuildResponse = 0x21d6, k_EMsgClientToGCInviteToGuild = 0x21d7, k_EMsgClientToGCInviteToGuildResponse = 0x21d8, k_EMsgClientToGCDeclineInviteToGuild = 0x21d9, k_EMsgClientToGCDeclineInviteToGuildResponse = 0x21da, k_EMsgClientToGCCancelInviteToGuild = 0x21db, k_EMsgClientToGCCancelInviteToGuildResponse = 0x21dc, k_EMsgClientToGCKickGuildMember = 0x21dd, k_EMsgClientToGCKickGuildMemberResponse = 0x21de, k_EMsgClientToGCSetGuildMemberRole = 0x21df, k_EMsgClientToGCSetGuildMemberRoleResponse = 0x21e0, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestGuildData = 0x21e1, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestGuildDataResponse = 0x21e2, k_EMsgGCToClientGuildDataUpdated = 0x21e3, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestGuildMembership = 0x21e4, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestGuildMembershipResponse = 0x21e5, k_EMsgGCToClientGuildMembershipUpdated = 0x21e6, k_EMsgClientToGCAcceptInviteToGuild = 0x21e9, k_EMsgClientToGCAcceptInviteToGuildResponse = 0x21ea, k_EMsgClientToGCSetGuildRoleOrder = 0x21eb, k_EMsgClientToGCSetGuildRoleOrderResponse = 0x21ec, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestGuildFeed = 0x21ed, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestGuildFeedResponse = 0x21ee, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestAccountGuildEventData = 0x21ef, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestAccountGuildEventDataResponse = 0x21f0, k_EMsgGCToClientAccountGuildEventDataUpdated = 0x21f1, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestActiveGuildContracts = 0x21f2, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestActiveGuildContractsResponse = 0x21f3, k_EMsgGCToClientActiveGuildContractsUpdated = 0x21f4, k_EMsgGCToClientGuildFeedUpdated = 0x21f5, k_EMsgClientToGCSelectGuildContract = 0x21f6, k_EMsgClientToGCSelectGuildContractResponse = 0x21f7, k_EMsgGCToGCCompleteGuildContracts = 0x21f8, k_EMsgClientToGCAddPlayerToGuildChat = 0x21fa, k_EMsgClientToGCAddPlayerToGuildChatResponse = 0x21fb, k_EMsgClientToGCUnderDraftSell = 0x21fc, k_EMsgClientToGCUnderDraftSellResponse = 0x21fd, k_EMsgClientToGCUnderDraftRequest = 0x21fe, k_EMsgClientToGCUnderDraftResponse = 0x21ff, k_EMsgClientToGCUnderDraftRedeemReward = 0x2200, k_EMsgClientToGCUnderDraftRedeemRewardResponse = 0x2201, k_EMsgGCToServerLobbyHeroBanRates = 0x2204, k_EMsgSignOutGuildContractProgress = 0x2207, k_EMsgSignOutMVPStats = 0x2208, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestActiveGuildChallenge = 0x2209, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestActiveGuildChallengeResponse = 0x220a, k_EMsgGCToClientActiveGuildChallengeUpdated = 0x220b, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestReporterUpdates = 0x220c, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestReporterUpdatesResponse = 0x220d, k_EMsgClientToGCAcknowledgeReporterUpdates = 0x220e, k_EMsgSignOutGuildChallengeProgress = 0x2210, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestGuildEventMembers = 0x2211, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestGuildEventMembersResponse = 0x2212, k_EMsgClientToGCReportGuildContent = 0x2215, k_EMsgClientToGCReportGuildContentResponse = 0x2216, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestAccountGuildPersonaInfo = 0x2217, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestAccountGuildPersonaInfoResponse = 0x2218, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestAccountGuildPersonaInfoBatch = 0x2219, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestAccountGuildPersonaInfoBatchResponse = 0x221a, k_EMsgGCToClientUnderDraftGoldUpdated = 0x221b, k_EMsgGCToServerRecordTrainingData = 0x221c, k_EMsgSignOutBounties = 0x221d, k_EMsgLobbyFeaturedGamemodeProgress = 0x221e, k_EMsgLobbyGauntletProgress = 0x221f, k_EMsgClientToGCSubmitDraftTriviaMatchAnswer = 0x2220, k_EMsgClientToGCSubmitDraftTriviaMatchAnswerResponse = 0x2221, k_EMsgGCToGCSignoutSpendBounty = 0x2222, k_EMsgClientToGCApplyGauntletTicket = 0x2223, k_EMsgClientToGCUnderDraftRollBackBench = 0x2224, k_EMsgClientToGCUnderDraftRollBackBenchResponse = 0x2225, k_EMsgGCToGCGetEventActionScore = 0x2226, k_EMsgGCToGCGetEventActionScoreResponse = 0x2227, k_EMsgServerToGCGetGuildContracts = 0x2228, k_EMsgServerToGCGetGuildContractsResponse = 0x2229, k_EMsgLobbyEventGameData = 0x222a, k_EMsgGCToClientGuildMembersDataUpdated = 0x222b, k_EMsgSignOutReportActivityMarkers = 0x222c, k_EMsgSignOutDiretideCandy = 0x222d, k_EMsgGCToClientPostGameItemAwardNotification = 0x222e, k_EMsgClientToGCGetOWMatchDetails = 0x222f, k_EMsgClientToGCGetOWMatchDetailsResponse = 0x2230, k_EMsgClientToGCSubmitOWConviction = 0x2231, k_EMsgClientToGCSubmitOWConvictionResponse = 0x2232, k_EMsgGCToGCGetAccountSteamChina = 0x2233, k_EMsgGCToGCGetAccountSteamChinaResponse = 0x2234, k_EMsgClientToGCClaimLeaderboardRewards = 0x2235, k_EMsgClientToGCClaimLeaderboardRewardsResponse = 0x2236, k_EMsgClientToGCRecalibrateMMR = 0x2237, k_EMsgClientToGCRecalibrateMMRResponse = 0x2238, k_EMsgGCToGCGrantEventPointActionList = 0x2239, k_EMsgClientToGCChinaSSAURLRequest = 0x223c, k_EMsgClientToGCChinaSSAURLResponse = 0x223d, k_EMsgClientToGCChinaSSAAcceptedRequest = 0x223e, k_EMsgClientToGCChinaSSAAcceptedResponse = 0x223f, k_EMsgSignOutOverwatchSuspicion = 0x2240, k_EMsgServerToGCGetSuspicionConfig = 0x2241, k_EMsgServerToGCGetSuspicionConfigResponse = 0x2242, k_EMsgGCToGCGrantPlusHeroChallengeMatchResults = 0x2243, k_EMsgGCToClientOverwatchCasesAvailable = 0x2244, k_EMsgServerToGCAccountCheck = 0x2245, k_EMsgClientToGCStartWatchingOverwatch = 0x2246, k_EMsgClientToGCStopWatchingOverwatch = 0x2247, k_EMsgSignOutPerfData = 0x2248, k_EMsgClientToGCGetDPCFavorites = 0x2249, k_EMsgClientToGCGetDPCFavoritesResponse = 0x224a, k_EMsgClientToGCSetDPCFavoriteState = 0x224b, k_EMsgClientToGCSetDPCFavoriteStateResponse = 0x224c, k_EMsgClientToGCOverwatchReplayError = 0x224d, k_EMsgServerToGCPlayerChallengeHistory = 0x224e, k_EMsgSignOutBanData = 0x224f, k_EMsgWebapiDPCSeasonResults = 0x2250, k_EMsgClientToGCCoachFriend = 0x2251, k_EMsgClientToGCCoachFriendResponse = 0x2252, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestPrivateCoachingSession = 0x2253, k_EMsgClientToGCRequestPrivateCoachingSessionResponse = 0x2254, k_EMsgClientToGCAcceptPrivateCoachingSession = 0x2255, k_EMsgClientToGCAcceptPrivateCoachingSessionResponse = 0x2256, k_EMsgClientToGCLeavePrivateCoachingSession = 0x2257, k_EMsgClientToGCLeavePrivateCoachingSessionResponse = 0x2258, k_EMsgClientToGCGetCurrentPrivateCoachingSession = 0x2259, k_EMsgClientToGCGetCurrentPrivateCoachingSessionResponse = 0x225a, k_EMsgGCToClientPrivateCoachingSessionUpdated = 0x225b, k_EMsgClientToGCSubmitPrivateCoachingSessionRating = 0x225c, k_EMsgClientToGCSubmitPrivateCoachingSessionRatingResponse = 0x225d, k_EMsgClientToGCGetAvailablePrivateCoachingSessions = 0x225e, k_EMsgClientToGCGetAvailablePrivateCoachingSessionsResponse = 0x225f, k_EMsgClientToGCGetAvailablePrivateCoachingSessionsSummary = 0x2260, k_EMsgClientToGCGetAvailablePrivateCoachingSessionsSummaryResponse = 0x2261, k_EMsgClientToGCJoinPrivateCoachingSessionLobby = 0x2262, k_EMsgClientToGCJoinPrivateCoachingSessionLobbyResponse = 0x2263, k_EMsgClientToGCRespondToCoachFriendRequest = 0x2264, k_EMsgClientToGCRespondToCoachFriendRequestResponse = 0x2265, k_EMsgClientToGCSetEventActiveSeasonID = 0x2266, k_EMsgClientToGCSetEventActiveSeasonIDResponse = 0x2267, k_EMsgServerToGCMatchPlayerNeutralItemEquipHistory = 0x2268, k_EMsgServerToGCCompendiumChosenInGamePredictions = 0x2269, k_EMsgClientToGCCreateTeamPlayerCardPack = 0x226a, k_EMsgClientToGCCreateTeamPlayerCardPackResponse = 0x226b, k_EMsgGCToServerSubmitCheerData = 0x226c, k_EMsgGCToServerCheerConfig = 0x226d, k_EMsgServerToGCGetCheerConfig = 0x226e, k_EMsgServerToGCGetCheerConfigResponse = 0x226f, k_EMsgGCToGCGrantAutographByID = 0x2270, k_EMsgGCToServerCheerScalesOverride = 0x2271, k_EMsgGCToServerGetCheerState = 0x2272, k_EMsgServerToGCReportCheerState = 0x2273, k_EMsgGCToServerScenarioSave = 0x2274, k_EMsgGCToServerAbilityDraftLobbyData = 0x2275, k_EMsgSignOutReportCommunications = 0x2276, k_EMsgClientToGCBatchGetPlayerCardRosterRequest = 0x2277, k_EMsgClientToGCBatchGetPlayerCardRosterResponse = 0x2278, k_EMsgClientToGCGetStickerbookRequest = 0x2279, k_EMsgClientToGCGetStickerbookResponse = 0x227a, k_EMsgClientToGCCreateStickerbookPageRequest = 0x227b, k_EMsgClientToGCCreateStickerbookPageResponse = 0x227c, k_EMsgClientToGCDeleteStickerbookPageRequest = 0x227d, k_EMsgClientToGCDeleteStickerbookPageResponse = 0x227e, k_EMsgClientToGCPlaceStickersRequest = 0x227f, k_EMsgClientToGCPlaceStickersResponse = 0x2280, k_EMsgClientToGCPlaceCollectionStickersRequest = 0x2281, k_EMsgClientToGCPlaceCollectionStickersResponse = 0x2282, k_EMsgClientToGCOrderStickerbookTeamPageRequest = 0x2283, k_EMsgClientToGCOrderStickerbookTeamPageResponse = 0x2284, k_EMsgServerToGCGetStickerHeroes = 0x2285, k_EMsgServerToGCGetStickerHeroesResponse = 0x2286, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopGetUserData = 0x2288, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopGetUserDataResponse = 0x2289, k_EMsgGCToClientCandyShopUserDataUpdated = 0x228a, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopPurchaseReward = 0x228b, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopPurchaseRewardResponse = 0x228c, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDoExchange = 0x228d, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDoExchangeResponse = 0x228e, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDoVariableExchange = 0x228f, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDoVariableExchangeResponse = 0x2290, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopRerollRewards = 0x2291, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopRerollRewardsResponse = 0x2292, k_EMsgClientToGCSetHeroSticker = 0x2293, k_EMsgClientToGCSetHeroStickerResponse = 0x2294, k_EMsgClientToGCGetHeroStickers = 0x2295, k_EMsgClientToGCGetHeroStickersResponse = 0x2296, k_EMsgClientToGCSetFavoritePage = 0x2297, k_EMsgClientToGCSetFavoritePageResponse = 0x2298, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDevGrantCandy = 0x2299, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDevGrantCandyResponse = 0x229a, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDevClearInventory = 0x229b, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDevClearInventoryResponse = 0x229c, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopOpenBags = 0x229d, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopOpenBagsResponse = 0x229e, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDevGrantCandyBags = 0x229f, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDevGrantCandyBagsResponse = 0x22a0, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDevShuffleExchange = 0x22a1, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDevShuffleExchangeResponse = 0x22a2, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDevGrantRerollCharges = 0x22a3, k_EMsgClientToGCCandyShopDevGrantRerollChargesResponse = 0x22a4, k_EMsgLobbyAdditionalAccountData = 0x22a5, k_EMsgServerToGCLobbyInitialized = 0x22a6, k_EMsgClientToGCCollectorsCacheAvailableDataRequest = 0x22a7, k_EMsgGCToClientCollectorsCacheAvailableDataResponse = 0x22a8, k_EMsgClientToGCUploadMatchClip = 0x22a9, k_EMsgGCToClientUploadMatchClipResponse = 0x22aa, k_EMsgGCToServerSetSteamLearnKeysChanged = 0x22ac, k_EMsgSignOutMuertaMinigame = 0x22ad, k_EMsgGCToServerLobbyHeroRoleStats = 0x22ae, k_EMsgClientToGCRankRequest = 0x22af, k_EMsgGCToClientRankResponse = 0x22b0, k_EMsgGCToClientRankUpdate = 0x22b1, k_EMsgSignOutMapStats = 0x22b2, k_EMsgClientToGCMapStatsRequest = 0x22b3, k_EMsgGCToClientMapStatsResponse = 0x22b4, k_EMsgGCToServerSetSteamLearnInferencing = 0x22b5, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseGetUserData = 0x22b6, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseGetUserDataResponse = 0x22b7, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseSetUserData = 0x22b8, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseSetUserDataResponse = 0x22b9, k_EMsgClientToGCFantasyCraftingGetData = 0x22ba, k_EMsgClientToGCFantasyCraftingGetDataResponse = 0x22bb, k_EMsgClientToGCFantasyCraftingPerformOperation = 0x22bc, k_EMsgClientToGCFantasyCraftingPerformOperationResponse = 0x22bd, k_EMsgGCToClientFantasyCraftingGetDataUpdated = 0x22be, k_EMsgClientToGCFantasyCraftingDevModifyTablet = 0x22bf, k_EMsgClientToGCFantasyCraftingDevModifyTabletResponse = 0x22c0, k_EMsgClientToGCRoadToTIGetQuests = 0x22c1, k_EMsgClientToGCRoadToTIGetQuestsResponse = 0x22c2, k_EMsgClientToGCRoadToTIGetActiveQuest = 0x22c3, k_EMsgClientToGCRoadToTIGetActiveQuestResponse = 0x22c4, k_EMsgClientToGCBingoGetUserData = 0x22c5, k_EMsgClientToGCBingoGetUserDataResponse = 0x22c6, k_EMsgClientToGCBingoClaimRow = 0x22c7, k_EMsgClientToGCBingoClaimRowResponse = 0x22c8, k_EMsgClientToGCBingoDevRerollCard = 0x22c9, k_EMsgClientToGCBingoDevRerollCardResponse = 0x22ca, k_EMsgClientToGCBingoGetStatsData = 0x22cb, k_EMsgClientToGCBingoGetStatsDataResponse = 0x22cc, k_EMsgGCToClientBingoUserDataUpdated = 0x22cd, k_EMsgGCToClientRoadToTIQuestDataUpdated = 0x22ce, k_EMsgClientToGCRoadToTIUseItem = 0x22cf, k_EMsgClientToGCRoadToTIUseItemResponse = 0x22d0, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseSubmitReport = 0x22d1, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseSubmitReportResponse = 0x22d2, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminGetReportsRollupList = 0x22d3, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminGetReportsRollupListResponse = 0x22d4, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminGetReportsRollup = 0x22d5, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminGetReportsRollupResponse = 0x22d6, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminGetUserDetails = 0x22d7, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminGetUserDetailsResponse = 0x22d8, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminConvict = 0x22d9, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminConvictResponse = 0x22da, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminExonerate = 0x22db, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminExonerateResponse = 0x22dc, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminReset = 0x22dd, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminResetResponse = 0x22de, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminLockAccount = 0x22df, k_EMsgClientToGCShowcaseAdminLockAccountResponse = 0x22e0, k_EMsgClientToGCFantasyCraftingSelectPlayer = 0x22e1, k_EMsgClientToGCFantasyCraftingSelectPlayerResponse = 0x22e2, k_EMsgClientToGCFantasyCraftingGenerateTablets = 0x22e3, k_EMsgClientToGCFantasyCraftingGenerateTabletsResponse = 0x22e4, k_EMsgClientToGcFantasyCraftingUpgradeTablets = 0x22e5, k_EMsgClientToGcFantasyCraftingUpgradeTabletsResponse = 0x22e6, k_EMsgClientToGCFantasyCraftingRerollOptions = 0x22e8, k_EMsgClientToGCFantasyCraftingRerollOptionsResponse = 0x22e9, k_EMsgClientToGCRoadToTIDevForceQuest = 0x22e7, k_EMsgLobbyRoadToTIMatchQuestData = 0x22eb, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1e enum class PARTICLE_MESSAGE : uint32_t { GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_CREATE = 0x0, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_UPDATE = 0x1, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_UPDATE_FORWARD = 0x2, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_UPDATE_ORIENTATION = 0x3, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_UPDATE_FALLBACK = 0x4, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_UPDATE_ENT = 0x5, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_UPDATE_OFFSET = 0x6, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_DESTROY = 0x7, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_DESTROY_INVOLVING = 0x8, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_RELEASE = 0x9, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_LATENCY = 0xa, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_SHOULD_DRAW = 0xb, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_FROZEN = 0xc, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_CHANGE_CONTROL_POINT_ATTACHMENT = 0xd, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_UPDATE_ENTITY_POSITION = 0xe, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_SET_FOW_PROPERTIES = 0xf, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_SET_TEXT = 0x10, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_SET_SHOULD_CHECK_FOW = 0x11, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_SET_CONTROL_POINT_MODEL = 0x12, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_SET_CONTROL_POINT_SNAPSHOT = 0x13, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_SET_TEXTURE_ATTRIBUTE = 0x14, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_SET_SCENE_OBJECT_GENERIC_FLAG = 0x15, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_SET_SCENE_OBJECT_TINT_AND_DESAT = 0x16, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_DESTROY_NAMED = 0x17, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_SKIP_TO_TIME = 0x18, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_CAN_FREEZE = 0x19, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_SET_NAMED_VALUE_CONTEXT = 0x1a, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_UPDATE_TRANSFORM = 0x1b, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_FREEZE_TRANSITION_OVERRIDE = 0x1c, GAME_PARTICLE_MANAGER_EVENT_FREEZE_INVOLVING = 0x1d, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class WeaponAttackType_t : uint32_t { eInvalid = 0xffffffffffffffff, ePrimary = 0x0, eSecondary = 0x1, eCount = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class BeamClipStyle_t : uint32_t { kNOCLIP = 0x0, kGEOCLIP = 0x1, kMODELCLIP = 0x2, kBEAMCLIPSTYLE_NUMBITS = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9 enum class EInButtonState : uint32_t { IN_BUTTON_UP = 0x0, IN_BUTTON_DOWN = 0x1, IN_BUTTON_DOWN_UP = 0x2, IN_BUTTON_UP_DOWN = 0x3, IN_BUTTON_UP_DOWN_UP = 0x4, IN_BUTTON_DOWN_UP_DOWN = 0x5, IN_BUTTON_DOWN_UP_DOWN_UP = 0x6, IN_BUTTON_UP_DOWN_UP_DOWN = 0x7, IN_BUTTON_STATE_COUNT = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class EBaseEntityMessages : uint32_t { EM_PlayJingle = 0x88, EM_ScreenOverlay = 0x89, EM_RemoveAllDecals = 0x8a, EM_PropagateForce = 0x8b, EM_DoSpark = 0x8c, EM_FixAngle = 0x8d, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9 enum class EHighPriorityMMState : uint32_t { k_EHighPriorityMM_Unknown = 0x0, k_EHighPriorityMM_MissingMMData = 0x1, k_EHighPriorityMM_ResourceMissing = 0x2, k_EHighPriorityMM_ManuallyDisabled = 0x3, k_EHighPriorityMM_Min_Enabled = 0x40, k_EHighPriorityMM_AllRolesSelected = 0x41, k_EHighPriorityMM_UsingResource = 0x42, k_EHighPriorityMM_FiveStack = 0x43, k_EHighPriorityMM_HighDemand = 0x44, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xd enum class NET_Messages : uint32_t { net_NOP = 0x0, net_Disconnect = 0x1, net_SplitScreenUser = 0x3, net_Tick = 0x4, net_StringCmd = 0x5, net_SetConVar = 0x6, net_SignonState = 0x7, net_SpawnGroup_Load = 0x8, net_SpawnGroup_ManifestUpdate = 0x9, net_SpawnGroup_SetCreationTick = 0xb, net_SpawnGroup_Unload = 0xc, net_SpawnGroup_LoadCompleted = 0xd, net_DebugOverlay = 0xf, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class EOverwatchConviction : uint32_t { k_EOverwatchConviction_None = 0x0, k_EOverwatchConviction_NotGuilty = 0x1, k_EOverwatchConviction_GuiltUnclear = 0x2, k_EOverwatchConviction_Guilty = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class DOTALowPriorityBanType : uint32_t { DOTA_LOW_PRIORITY_BAN_ABANDON = 0x0, DOTA_LOW_PRIORITY_BAN_REPORTS = 0x1, DOTA_LOW_PRIORITY_BAN_SECONDARY_ABANDON = 0x2, DOTA_LOW_PRIORITY_BAN_PRE_GAME_ROLE = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x13 enum class EMatchOutcome : uint32_t { k_EMatchOutcome_Unknown = 0x0, k_EMatchOutcome_RadVictory = 0x2, k_EMatchOutcome_DireVictory = 0x3, k_EMatchOutcome_NeutralVictory = 0x4, k_EMatchOutcome_NoTeamWinner = 0x5, k_EMatchOutcome_Custom1Victory = 0x6, k_EMatchOutcome_Custom2Victory = 0x7, k_EMatchOutcome_Custom3Victory = 0x8, k_EMatchOutcome_Custom4Victory = 0x9, k_EMatchOutcome_Custom5Victory = 0xa, k_EMatchOutcome_Custom6Victory = 0xb, k_EMatchOutcome_Custom7Victory = 0xc, k_EMatchOutcome_Custom8Victory = 0xd, k_EMatchOutcome_NotScored_PoorNetworkConditions = 0x40, k_EMatchOutcome_NotScored_Leaver = 0x41, k_EMatchOutcome_NotScored_ServerCrash = 0x42, k_EMatchOutcome_NotScored_NeverStarted = 0x43, k_EMatchOutcome_NotScored_Canceled = 0x44, k_EMatchOutcome_NotScored_Suspicious = 0x45, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc enum class Hull_t : uint32_t { HULL_HUMAN = 0x0, HULL_SMALL_CENTERED = 0x1, HULL_WIDE_HUMAN = 0x2, HULL_TINY = 0x3, HULL_MEDIUM = 0x4, HULL_TINY_CENTERED = 0x5, HULL_LARGE = 0x6, HULL_LARGE_CENTERED = 0x7, HULL_MEDIUM_TALL = 0x8, HULL_SMALL = 0x9, NUM_HULLS = 0xa, HULL_NONE = 0xb, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class EDOTAStatPopupTypes : uint32_t { k_EDOTA_SPT_Textline = 0x0, k_EDOTA_SPT_Basic = 0x1, k_EDOTA_SPT_Poll = 0x2, k_EDOTA_SPT_Grid = 0x3, k_EDOTA_SPT_DualImage = 0x4, k_EDOTA_SPT_Movie = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class EDOTA_ModifyXP_Reason : uint32_t { DOTA_ModifyXP_Unspecified = 0x0, DOTA_ModifyXP_HeroKill = 0x1, DOTA_ModifyXP_CreepKill = 0x2, DOTA_ModifyXP_RoshanKill = 0x3, DOTA_ModifyXP_TomeOfKnowledge = 0x4, DOTA_ModifyXP_Outpost = 0x5, DOTA_ModifyXP_MAX = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ValueRemapperMomentumType_t : uint32_t { MomentumType_None = 0x0, MomentumType_Friction = 0x1, MomentumType_SpringTowardSnapValue = 0x2, MomentumType_SpringAwayFromSnapValue = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x22 enum class DOTAHUDVisibility_t : uint32_t { DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_TOP_TIMEOFDAY = 0x0, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_TOP_HEROES = 0x1, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_TOP_SCOREBOARD = 0x2, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_ACTION_PANEL = 0x3, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_ACTION_MINIMAP = 0x4, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_INVENTORY_PANEL = 0x5, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_INVENTORY_SHOP = 0x6, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_INVENTORY_ITEMS = 0x7, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_INVENTORY_QUICKBUY = 0x8, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_INVENTORY_COURIER = 0x9, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_INVENTORY_PROTECT = 0xa, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_INVENTORY_GOLD = 0xb, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_SHOP_SUGGESTEDITEMS = 0xc, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_SHOP_COMMONITEMS = 0xd, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_HERO_SELECTION_TEAMS = 0xe, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_HERO_SELECTION_GAME_NAME = 0xf, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_HERO_SELECTION_CLOCK = 0x10, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_HERO_SELECTION_HEADER = 0x11, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_TOP_MENU_BUTTONS = 0x12, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_TOP_BAR_BACKGROUND = 0x13, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_TOP_BAR_RADIANT_TEAM = 0x14, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_TOP_BAR_DIRE_TEAM = 0x15, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_TOP_BAR_SCORE = 0x16, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_ENDGAME = 0x17, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_ENDGAME_CHAT = 0x18, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_QUICK_STATS = 0x19, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_PREGAME_STRATEGYUI = 0x1a, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_KILLCAM = 0x1b, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_FIGHT_RECAP = 0x1c, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_TOP_BAR = 0x1d, DOTA_HUD_CUSTOMUI_BEHIND_HUD_ELEMENTS = 0x1e, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_AGHANIMS_STATUS = 0x1f, DOTA_HUD_VISIBILITY_COUNT = 0x20, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x29 enum class dotaunitorder_t : uint32_t { DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_MOVE_TO_POSITION = 0x1, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_MOVE_TO_TARGET = 0x2, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_ATTACK_MOVE = 0x3, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_ATTACK_TARGET = 0x4, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_CAST_POSITION = 0x5, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_CAST_TARGET = 0x6, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_CAST_TARGET_TREE = 0x7, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_CAST_NO_TARGET = 0x8, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_CAST_TOGGLE = 0x9, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION = 0xa, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_TRAIN_ABILITY = 0xb, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_DROP_ITEM = 0xc, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_GIVE_ITEM = 0xd, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_PICKUP_ITEM = 0xe, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_PICKUP_RUNE = 0xf, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_PURCHASE_ITEM = 0x10, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_SELL_ITEM = 0x11, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_DISASSEMBLE_ITEM = 0x12, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_MOVE_ITEM = 0x13, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_CAST_TOGGLE_AUTO = 0x14, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_STOP = 0x15, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_TAUNT = 0x16, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_BUYBACK = 0x17, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_GLYPH = 0x18, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_EJECT_ITEM_FROM_STASH = 0x19, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_CAST_RUNE = 0x1a, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_PING_ABILITY = 0x1b, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_MOVE_TO_DIRECTION = 0x1c, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_PATROL = 0x1d, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_VECTOR_TARGET_POSITION = 0x1e, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_RADAR = 0x1f, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_SET_ITEM_COMBINE_LOCK = 0x20, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_CONTINUE = 0x21, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_VECTOR_TARGET_CANCELED = 0x22, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_CAST_RIVER_PAINT = 0x23, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_PREGAME_ADJUST_ITEM_ASSIGNMENT = 0x24, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_DROP_ITEM_AT_FOUNTAIN = 0x25, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_TAKE_ITEM_FROM_NEUTRAL_ITEM_STASH = 0x26, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_MOVE_RELATIVE = 0x27, DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_CAST_TOGGLE_ALT = 0x28, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EDOTAMatchPlayerTimeCustomStat : uint32_t { k_EDOTA_MatchPlayerTimeCustomStat_HPRegenUnderT1Towers = 0x1, k_EDOTA_MatchPlayerTimeCustomStat_MagicDamageReducedWithNewFormula_Absolute = 0x2, k_EDOTA_MatchPlayerTimeCustomStat_MagicDamageReducedWithNewFormula_PercentOfTotalHP = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class MoveLinearAuthoredPos_t : uint32_t { MOVELINEAR_AUTHORED_AT_START_POSITION = 0x0, MOVELINEAR_AUTHORED_AT_OPEN_POSITION = 0x1, MOVELINEAR_AUTHORED_AT_CLOSED_POSITION = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ECrowdLevel : uint32_t { CROWD_NONE = 0x0, CROWD_LOW = 0x1, CROWD_MEDIUM = 0x2, CROWD_HIGH = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'navlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x13 enum class NavAttributeEnum : uint32_t { NAV_MESH_AVOID = 0x80, NAV_MESH_STAIRS = 0x1000, NAV_MESH_NON_ZUP = 0x8000, NAV_MESH_SHORT_HEIGHT = 0x10000, NAV_MESH_CROUCH = 0x10000, NAV_MESH_JUMP = 0x2, NAV_MESH_PRECISE = 0x4, NAV_MESH_NO_JUMP = 0x8, NAV_MESH_STOP = 0x10, NAV_MESH_RUN = 0x20, NAV_MESH_WALK = 0x40, NAV_MESH_TRANSIENT = 0x100, NAV_MESH_DONT_HIDE = 0x200, NAV_MESH_STAND = 0x400, NAV_MESH_NO_HOSTAGES = 0x800, NAV_MESH_NO_MERGE = 0x2000, NAV_MESH_OBSTACLE_TOP = 0x4000, NAV_ATTR_FIRST_GAME_INDEX = 0x13, NAV_ATTR_LAST_INDEX = 0x1f, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class DOTAModifierAttribute_t : uint32_t { MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTE_NONE = 0x0, MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTE_PERMANENT = 0x1, MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTE_MULTIPLE = 0x2, MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTE_IGNORE_INVULNERABLE = 0x4, MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTE_AURA_PRIORITY = 0x8, MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTE_IGNORE_DODGE = 0x10, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class VoiceDataFormat_t : uint32_t { VOICEDATA_FORMAT_STEAM = 0x0, VOICEDATA_FORMAT_ENGINE = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class DOTAUnitAttackCapability_t : uint32_t { DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK = 0x0, DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK = 0x1, DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK = 0x2, DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK_DIRECTIONAL = 0x4, DOTA_UNIT_ATTACK_CAPABILITY_BIT_COUNT = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class TOGGLE_STATE : uint32_t { TS_AT_TOP = 0x0, TS_AT_BOTTOM = 0x1, TS_GOING_UP = 0x2, TS_GOING_DOWN = 0x3, DOOR_OPEN = 0x0, DOOR_CLOSED = 0x1, DOOR_OPENING = 0x2, DOOR_CLOSING = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class PerformanceMode_t : uint32_t { PM_NORMAL = 0x0, PM_NO_GIBS = 0x1, PM_FULL_GIBS = 0x2, PM_REDUCED_GIBS = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x6 enum class CavernCrawlChallengeType_t : uint8_t { CAVERN_CRAWL_CHALLENGE_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0, CAVERN_CRAWL_CHALLENGE_FIRST_CUSTOM_TYPE = 0xa0, CAVERN_CRAWL_CHALLENGE_FIRST_VALID_SPECIAL_TYPE = 0xf0, CAVERN_CRAWL_CHALLENGE_TYPE_LOCKED_DOOR = 0xf0, CAVERN_CRAWL_CHALLENGE_TYPE_CAVE_IN = 0xf1, CAVERN_CRAWL_CHALLENGE_LAST_VALID_TYPE_PLUS_ONE = 0xf2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class EFantasyStatMatchMode : uint32_t { k_FantasyStatMatchMode_Any = 0x0, k_FantasyStatMatchMode_All = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xe enum class DOTAMinimapEvent_t : uint32_t { DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_ANCIENT_UNDER_ATTACK = 0x2, DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_BASE_UNDER_ATTACK = 0x4, DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_BASE_GLYPHED = 0x8, DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_TEAMMATE_UNDER_ATTACK = 0x10, DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_TEAMMATE_TELEPORTING = 0x20, DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_TEAMMATE_DIED = 0x40, DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_TUTORIAL_TASK_ACTIVE = 0x80, DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_TUTORIAL_TASK_FINISHED = 0x100, DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_HINT_LOCATION = 0x200, DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_ENEMY_TELEPORTING = 0x400, DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_CANCEL_TELEPORTING = 0x800, DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_RADAR = 0x1000, DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_RADAR_TARGET = 0x2000, DOTA_MINIMAP_EVENT_MOVE_TO_TARGET = 0x4000, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ForcedCrouchState_t : uint32_t { FORCEDCROUCH_NONE = 0x0, FORCEDCROUCH_CROUCHED = 0x1, FORCEDCROUCH_UNCROUCHED = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class DOTA_MOTION_CONTROLLER_PRIORITY : uint32_t { DOTA_MOTION_CONTROLLER_PRIORITY_LOWEST = 0x0, DOTA_MOTION_CONTROLLER_PRIORITY_LOW = 0x1, DOTA_MOTION_CONTROLLER_PRIORITY_MEDIUM = 0x2, DOTA_MOTION_CONTROLLER_PRIORITY_HIGH = 0x3, DOTA_MOTION_CONTROLLER_PRIORITY_HIGHEST = 0x4, DOTA_MOTION_CONTROLLER_PRIORITY_ULTRA = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class HeroPickType : uint32_t { HERO_PICK = 0x0, HERO_BAN = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x12 enum class EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory : uint32_t { k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_AbilityIcon = 0x0, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_AbilityCooldown = 0x1, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_HeroAttributes = 0x2, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_HeroMovementSpeed = 0x3, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_TalentTree = 0x4, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_HeroStats = 0x5, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_ItemPrice = 0x6, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_AbilitySound = 0x7, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_InvokerSpells = 0x8, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_AbilityManaCost = 0x9, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_HeroAttackSound = 0xa, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_AbilityName = 0xb, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_ItemComponents = 0xc, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_ItemLore = 0xd, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_ItemPassives = 0xe, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_STATIC_QUESTIONS_END = 0xf, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_DYNAMIC_QUESTIONS_START = 0x63, k_EDOTATriviaQuestionCategory_Dynamic_ItemBuild = 0x64, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2a enum class ELeagueAuditAction : uint32_t { LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_INVALID = 0x0, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_CREATE = 0x1, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_EDIT = 0x2, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_DELETE = 0x3, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_ADMIN_ADD = 0x4, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_ADMIN_REVOKE = 0x5, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_ADMIN_PROMOTE = 0x6, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_STREAM_ADD = 0x7, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_STREAM_REMOVE = 0x8, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_IMAGE_UPDATED = 0x9, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_MESSAGE_ADDED = 0xa, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_SUBMITTED = 0xb, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_SET_PRIZE_POOL = 0xc, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_ADD_PRIZE_POOL_ITEM = 0xd, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_REMOVE_PRIZE_POOL_ITEM = 0xe, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_MATCH_START = 0xf, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_MATCH_END = 0x10, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_ADD_INVITED_TEAM = 0x11, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_REMOVE_INVITED_TEAM = 0x12, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_STATUS_CHANGED = 0x13, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_STREAM_EDIT = 0x14, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_LEAGUE_TEAM_SWAP = 0x15, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODEGROUP_CREATE = 0x64, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODEGROUP_DESTROY = 0x65, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODEGROUP_ADD_TEAM = 0x66, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODEGROUP_REMOVE_TEAM = 0x67, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODEGROUP_SET_ADVANCING = 0x68, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODEGROUP_EDIT = 0x69, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODEGROUP_POPULATE = 0x6a, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODEGROUP_COMPLETED = 0x6b, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODEGROUP_SET_SECONDARY_ADVANCING = 0x6c, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODEGROUP_SET_TERTIARY_ADVANCING = 0x6d, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODE_CREATE = 0xc8, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODE_DESTROY = 0xc9, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODE_AUTOCREATE = 0xca, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODE_SET_TEAM = 0xcb, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODE_SET_SERIES_ID = 0xcc, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODE_SET_ADVANCING = 0xcd, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODE_SET_TIME = 0xce, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODE_MATCH_COMPLETED = 0xcf, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODE_COMPLETED = 0xd0, LEAGUE_AUDIT_ACTION_NODE_EDIT = 0xd1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class DOTAPostGameLayout_t : uint32_t { DOTA_POST_GAME_LAYOUT_DOUBLE_COLUMN = 0x0, DOTA_POST_GAME_LAYOUT_SINGLE_COLUMN = 0x1, DOTA_POST_GAME_LAYOUT_MAX = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0xd enum class RenderMode_t : uint8_t { kRenderNormal = 0x0, kRenderTransColor = 0x1, kRenderTransTexture = 0x2, kRenderGlow = 0x3, kRenderTransAlpha = 0x4, kRenderTransAdd = 0x5, kRenderEnvironmental = 0x6, kRenderTransAddFrameBlend = 0x7, kRenderTransAlphaAdd = 0x8, kRenderWorldGlow = 0x9, kRenderNone = 0xa, kRenderDevVisualizer = 0xb, kRenderModeCount = 0xc, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EHeroRelicRarity : uint32_t { HERO_RELIC_RARITY_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, HERO_RELIC_RARITY_COMMON = 0x0, HERO_RELIC_RARITY_RARE = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class ETourneyQueueDeadlineState : uint32_t { k_ETourneyQueueDeadlineState_Normal = 0x0, k_ETourneyQueueDeadlineState_Missed = 0x1, k_ETourneyQueueDeadlineState_ExpiredOK = 0x2, k_ETourneyQueueDeadlineState_SeekingBye = 0x3, k_ETourneyQueueDeadlineState_EligibleForRefund = 0x4, k_ETourneyQueueDeadlineState_NA = 0xffffffffffffffff, k_ETourneyQueueDeadlineState_ExpiringSoon = 0x65, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ESplitScreenMessageType : uint32_t { MSG_SPLITSCREEN_ADDUSER = 0x0, MSG_SPLITSCREEN_REMOVEUSER = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xd enum class EGCBaseClientMsg : uint32_t { k_EMsgGCPingRequest = 0xbb9, k_EMsgGCPingResponse = 0xbba, k_EMsgGCToClientPollConvarRequest = 0xbbb, k_EMsgGCToClientPollConvarResponse = 0xbbc, k_EMsgGCCompressedMsgToClient = 0xbbd, k_EMsgGCCompressedMsgToClient_Legacy = 0x20b, k_EMsgGCToClientRequestDropped = 0xbbe, k_EMsgGCClientWelcome = 0xfa4, k_EMsgGCServerWelcome = 0xfa5, k_EMsgGCClientHello = 0xfa6, k_EMsgGCServerHello = 0xfa7, k_EMsgGCClientConnectionStatus = 0xfa9, k_EMsgGCServerConnectionStatus = 0xfaa, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class DamageCategory_t : uint32_t { DOTA_DAMAGE_CATEGORY_SPELL = 0x0, DOTA_DAMAGE_CATEGORY_ATTACK = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class DOTAAbilitySpeakTrigger_t : uint32_t { DOTA_ABILITY_SPEAK_START_ACTION_PHASE = 0x0, DOTA_ABILITY_SPEAK_CAST = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class DOTASelectionPriorityChoice : uint32_t { k_DOTASelectionPriorityChoice_Invalid = 0x0, k_DOTASelectionPriorityChoice_FirstPick = 0x1, k_DOTASelectionPriorityChoice_SecondPick = 0x2, k_DOTASelectionPriorityChoice_Radiant = 0x3, k_DOTASelectionPriorityChoice_Dire = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EntFinderMethod_t : uint32_t { ENT_FIND_METHOD_NEAREST = 0x0, ENT_FIND_METHOD_FARTHEST = 0x1, ENT_FIND_METHOD_RANDOM = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 enum class DOTA_POSITION_CATEGORY : uint32_t { DOTA_POSITION_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_POSITION_BOTTOM_LANE = 0x1, DOTA_POSITION_MID_LANE = 0x2, DOTA_POSITION_TOP_LANE = 0x3, DOTA_POSITION_RADIANT_JUNGLE = 0x4, DOTA_POSITION_DIRE_JUNGLE = 0x5, DOTA_POSITION_RADIANT_ANCIENTS = 0x6, DOTA_POSITION_DIRE_ANCIENTS = 0x7, DOTA_POSITION_RADIANT_SECRET_SHOP = 0x8, DOTA_POSITION_DIRE_SECRET_SHOP = 0x9, DOTA_POSITION_RIVER = 0xa, DOTA_POSITION_ROSHAN_PIT = 0xb, DOTA_POSITION_RADIANT_BASE = 0xc, DOTA_POSITION_DIRE_BASE = 0xd, DOTA_POSITION_FOUNTAIN = 0xe, DOTA_POSITION_OTHER = 0xf, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class SignonState_t : uint32_t { SIGNONSTATE_NONE = 0x0, SIGNONSTATE_CHALLENGE = 0x1, SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED = 0x2, SIGNONSTATE_NEW = 0x3, SIGNONSTATE_PRESPAWN = 0x4, SIGNONSTATE_SPAWN = 0x5, SIGNONSTATE_FULL = 0x6, SIGNONSTATE_CHANGELEVEL = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class TrainVelocityType_t : uint32_t { TrainVelocity_Instantaneous = 0x0, TrainVelocity_LinearBlend = 0x1, TrainVelocity_EaseInEaseOut = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xd enum class CLICK_BEHAVIORS : uint32_t { DOTA_CLICK_BEHAVIOR_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_CLICK_BEHAVIOR_MOVE = 0x1, DOTA_CLICK_BEHAVIOR_ATTACK = 0x2, DOTA_CLICK_BEHAVIOR_CAST = 0x3, DOTA_CLICK_BEHAVIOR_DROP_ITEM = 0x4, DOTA_CLICK_BEHAVIOR_DROP_SHOP_ITEM = 0x5, DOTA_CLICK_BEHAVIOR_DRAG = 0x6, DOTA_CLICK_BEHAVIOR_LEARN_ABILITY = 0x7, DOTA_CLICK_BEHAVIOR_PATROL = 0x8, DOTA_CLICK_BEHAVIOR_VECTOR_CAST = 0x9, DOTA_CLICK_BEHAVIOR_UNUSED = 0xa, DOTA_CLICK_BEHAVIOR_RADAR = 0xb, DOTA_CLICK_BEHAVIOR_LAST = 0xc, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class DOTA_HOLDOUT_TOWER_TYPE : uint32_t { DOTA_HOLDOUT_TOWER_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_HOLDOUT_TOWER_LIGHTFAST = 0x1, DOTA_HOLDOUT_TOWER_HEAVYSLOW = 0x2, DOTA_HOLDOUT_TOWER_REDUCESPEED = 0x3, DOTA_HOLDOUT_TOWER_COUNT = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x2a enum class DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR : uint64_t { DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_HIDDEN = 0x1, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_PASSIVE = 0x2, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_NO_TARGET = 0x4, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_UNIT_TARGET = 0x8, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_POINT = 0x10, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_AOE = 0x20, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_NOT_LEARNABLE = 0x40, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_CHANNELLED = 0x80, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_ITEM = 0x100, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_TOGGLE = 0x200, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_DIRECTIONAL = 0x400, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_IMMEDIATE = 0x800, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_AUTOCAST = 0x1000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_OPTIONAL_UNIT_TARGET = 0x2000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_OPTIONAL_POINT = 0x4000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_OPTIONAL_NO_TARGET = 0x8000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_AURA = 0x10000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_ATTACK = 0x20000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_DONT_RESUME_MOVEMENT = 0x40000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_ROOT_DISABLES = 0x80000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_UNRESTRICTED = 0x100000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_IGNORE_PSEUDO_QUEUE = 0x200000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_IGNORE_CHANNEL = 0x400000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_DONT_CANCEL_MOVEMENT = 0x800000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_DONT_ALERT_TARGET = 0x1000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_DONT_RESUME_ATTACK = 0x2000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_NORMAL_WHEN_STOLEN = 0x4000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_IGNORE_BACKSWING = 0x8000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_RUNE_TARGET = 0x10000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_DONT_CANCEL_CHANNEL = 0x20000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_VECTOR_TARGETING = 0x40000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_LAST_RESORT_POINT = 0x80000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_CAN_SELF_CAST = 0x100000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_SHOW_IN_GUIDES = 0x200000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_UNLOCKED_BY_EFFECT_INDEX = 0x400000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_SUPPRESS_ASSOCIATED_CONSUMABLE = 0x800000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_FREE_DRAW_TARGETING = 0x1000000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_IGNORE_SILENCE = 0x2000000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_OVERSHOOT = 0x4000000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_IGNORE_MUTED = 0x8000000000, DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_ALT_CASTABLE = 0x10000000000, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class LobbyDotaPauseSetting : uint32_t { LobbyDotaPauseSetting_Unlimited = 0x0, LobbyDotaPauseSetting_Limited = 0x1, LobbyDotaPauseSetting_Disabled = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class Touch_t : uint32_t { touch_none = 0x0, touch_player_only = 0x1, touch_npc_only = 0x2, touch_player_or_npc = 0x3, touch_player_or_npc_or_physicsprop = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class EProfileCardSlotType : uint32_t { k_EProfileCardSlotType_Empty = 0x0, k_EProfileCardSlotType_Stat = 0x1, k_EProfileCardSlotType_Trophy = 0x2, k_EProfileCardSlotType_Item = 0x3, k_EProfileCardSlotType_Hero = 0x4, k_EProfileCardSlotType_Emoticon = 0x5, k_EProfileCardSlotType_Team = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class CommandEntitySpecType_t : uint32_t { SPEC_SEARCH = 0x0, SPEC_TYPES_COUNT = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ESpecialPingValue : uint32_t { k_ESpecialPingValue_NoData = 0x3ffe, k_ESpecialPingValue_Failed = 0x3fff, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class IChoreoServices__ScriptState_t : uint32_t { SCRIPT_PLAYING = 0x0, SCRIPT_WAIT = 0x1, SCRIPT_POST_IDLE = 0x2, SCRIPT_CLEANUP = 0x3, SCRIPT_WALK_TO_MARK = 0x4, SCRIPT_RUN_TO_MARK = 0x5, SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE_TO_MARK = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ABILITY_TYPES : uint32_t { ABILITY_TYPE_BASIC = 0x0, ABILITY_TYPE_ULTIMATE = 0x1, ABILITY_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES = 0x2, ABILITY_TYPE_HIDDEN = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6e enum class DOTA_CHAT_MESSAGE : uint32_t { CHAT_MESSAGE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, CHAT_MESSAGE_HERO_KILL = 0x0, CHAT_MESSAGE_HERO_DENY = 0x1, CHAT_MESSAGE_BARRACKS_KILL = 0x2, CHAT_MESSAGE_TOWER_KILL = 0x3, CHAT_MESSAGE_TOWER_DENY = 0x4, CHAT_MESSAGE_FIRSTBLOOD = 0x5, CHAT_MESSAGE_STREAK_KILL = 0x6, CHAT_MESSAGE_BUYBACK = 0x7, CHAT_MESSAGE_AEGIS = 0x8, CHAT_MESSAGE_ROSHAN_KILL = 0x9, CHAT_MESSAGE_COURIER_LOST = 0xa, CHAT_MESSAGE_COURIER_RESPAWNED = 0xb, CHAT_MESSAGE_GLYPH_USED = 0xc, CHAT_MESSAGE_ITEM_PURCHASE = 0xd, CHAT_MESSAGE_CONNECT = 0xe, CHAT_MESSAGE_DISCONNECT = 0xf, CHAT_MESSAGE_DISCONNECT_WAIT_FOR_RECONNECT = 0x10, CHAT_MESSAGE_DISCONNECT_TIME_REMAINING = 0x11, CHAT_MESSAGE_DISCONNECT_TIME_REMAINING_PLURAL = 0x12, CHAT_MESSAGE_RECONNECT = 0x13, CHAT_MESSAGE_PLAYER_LEFT = 0x14, CHAT_MESSAGE_SAFE_TO_LEAVE = 0x15, CHAT_MESSAGE_RUNE_PICKUP = 0x16, CHAT_MESSAGE_RUNE_BOTTLE = 0x17, CHAT_MESSAGE_RUNE_DENY = 0x72, CHAT_MESSAGE_INTHEBAG = 0x18, CHAT_MESSAGE_SECRETSHOP = 0x19, CHAT_MESSAGE_ITEM_AUTOPURCHASED = 0x1a, CHAT_MESSAGE_ITEMS_COMBINED = 0x1b, CHAT_MESSAGE_SUPER_CREEPS = 0x1c, CHAT_MESSAGE_CANT_USE_ACTION_ITEM = 0x1d, CHAT_MESSAGE_CANTPAUSE = 0x1f, CHAT_MESSAGE_NOPAUSESLEFT = 0x20, CHAT_MESSAGE_CANTPAUSEYET = 0x21, CHAT_MESSAGE_PAUSED = 0x22, CHAT_MESSAGE_UNPAUSE_COUNTDOWN = 0x23, CHAT_MESSAGE_UNPAUSED = 0x24, CHAT_MESSAGE_AUTO_UNPAUSED = 0x25, CHAT_MESSAGE_YOUPAUSED = 0x26, CHAT_MESSAGE_CANTUNPAUSETEAM = 0x27, CHAT_MESSAGE_VOICE_TEXT_BANNED = 0x29, CHAT_MESSAGE_SPECTATORS_WATCHING_THIS_GAME = 0x2a, CHAT_MESSAGE_REPORT_REMINDER = 0x2b, CHAT_MESSAGE_ECON_ITEM = 0x2c, CHAT_MESSAGE_TAUNT = 0x2d, CHAT_MESSAGE_RANDOM = 0x2e, CHAT_MESSAGE_RD_TURN = 0x2f, CHAT_MESSAGE_DROP_RATE_BONUS = 0x31, CHAT_MESSAGE_NO_BATTLE_POINTS = 0x32, CHAT_MESSAGE_DENIED_AEGIS = 0x33, CHAT_MESSAGE_INFORMATIONAL = 0x34, CHAT_MESSAGE_AEGIS_STOLEN = 0x35, CHAT_MESSAGE_ROSHAN_CANDY = 0x36, CHAT_MESSAGE_ITEM_GIFTED = 0x37, CHAT_MESSAGE_HERO_KILL_WITH_GREEVIL = 0x38, CHAT_MESSAGE_HOLDOUT_TOWER_DESTROYED = 0x39, CHAT_MESSAGE_HOLDOUT_WALL_DESTROYED = 0x3a, CHAT_MESSAGE_HOLDOUT_WALL_FINISHED = 0x3b, CHAT_MESSAGE_PLAYER_LEFT_LIMITED_HERO = 0x3e, CHAT_MESSAGE_ABANDON_LIMITED_HERO_EXPLANATION = 0x3f, CHAT_MESSAGE_DISCONNECT_LIMITED_HERO = 0x40, CHAT_MESSAGE_LOW_PRIORITY_COMPLETED_EXPLANATION = 0x41, CHAT_MESSAGE_RECRUITMENT_DROP_RATE_BONUS = 0x42, CHAT_MESSAGE_FROSTIVUS_SHINING_BOOSTER_ACTIVE = 0x43, CHAT_MESSAGE_PLAYER_LEFT_AFK = 0x49, CHAT_MESSAGE_PLAYER_LEFT_DISCONNECTED_TOO_LONG = 0x4a, CHAT_MESSAGE_PLAYER_ABANDONED = 0x4b, CHAT_MESSAGE_PLAYER_ABANDONED_AFK = 0x4c, CHAT_MESSAGE_PLAYER_ABANDONED_DISCONNECTED_TOO_LONG = 0x4d, CHAT_MESSAGE_WILL_NOT_BE_SCORED = 0x4e, CHAT_MESSAGE_WILL_NOT_BE_SCORED_RANKED = 0x4f, CHAT_MESSAGE_WILL_NOT_BE_SCORED_NETWORK = 0x50, CHAT_MESSAGE_WILL_NOT_BE_SCORED_NETWORK_RANKED = 0x51, CHAT_MESSAGE_CAN_QUIT_WITHOUT_ABANDON = 0x52, CHAT_MESSAGE_RANKED_GAME_STILL_SCORED_LEAVERS_GET_LOSS = 0x53, CHAT_MESSAGE_ABANDON_RANKED_BEFORE_FIRST_BLOOD_PARTY = 0x54, CHAT_MESSAGE_COMPENDIUM_LEVEL = 0x55, CHAT_MESSAGE_VICTORY_PREDICTION_STREAK = 0x56, CHAT_MESSAGE_ASSASSIN_ANNOUNCE = 0x57, CHAT_MESSAGE_ASSASSIN_SUCCESS = 0x58, CHAT_MESSAGE_ASSASSIN_DENIED = 0x59, CHAT_MESSAGE_VICTORY_PREDICTION_SINGLE_USER_CONFIRM = 0x5a, CHAT_MESSAGE_EFFIGY_KILL = 0x5b, CHAT_MESSAGE_VOICE_TEXT_BANNED_OVERFLOW = 0x5c, CHAT_MESSAGE_YEAR_BEAST_KILLED = 0x5d, CHAT_MESSAGE_PAUSE_COUNTDOWN = 0x5e, CHAT_MESSAGE_COINS_WAGERED = 0x5f, CHAT_MESSAGE_HERO_NOMINATED_BAN = 0x60, CHAT_MESSAGE_HERO_BANNED = 0x61, CHAT_MESSAGE_HERO_BAN_COUNT = 0x62, CHAT_MESSAGE_RIVER_PAINTED = 0x63, CHAT_MESSAGE_SCAN_USED = 0x64, CHAT_MESSAGE_SHRINE_KILLED = 0x65, CHAT_MESSAGE_WAGER_TOKEN_SPENT = 0x66, CHAT_MESSAGE_RANK_WAGER = 0x67, CHAT_MESSAGE_NEW_PLAYER_REMINDER = 0x68, CHAT_MESSAGE_OBSERVER_WARD_KILLED = 0x69, CHAT_MESSAGE_SENTRY_WARD_KILLED = 0x6a, CHAT_MESSAGE_ITEM_PLACED_IN_NEUTRAL_STASH = 0x6b, CHAT_MESSAGE_HERO_CHOICE_INVALID = 0x6c, CHAT_MESSAGE_BOUNTY = 0x6d, CHAT_MESSAGE_ABILITY_DRAFT_START = 0x6e, CHAT_MESSAGE_HERO_FOUND_CANDY = 0x6f, CHAT_MESSAGE_ABILITY_DRAFT_RANDOMED = 0x70, CHAT_MESSAGE_PRIVATE_COACH_CONNECTED = 0x71, CHAT_MESSAGE_CANT_PAUSE_TOO_EARLY = 0x73, CHAT_MESSAGE_HERO_KILL_WITH_PENGUIN = 0x74, CHAT_MESSAGE_MINIBOSS_KILL = 0x75, CHAT_MESSAGE_PLAYER_IN_GAME_BAN_TEXT = 0x76, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class modifierpriority : uint32_t { MODIFIER_PRIORITY_LOW = 0x0, MODIFIER_PRIORITY_NORMAL = 0x1, MODIFIER_PRIORITY_HIGH = 0x2, MODIFIER_PRIORITY_ULTRA = 0x3, MODIFIER_PRIORITY_SUPER_ULTRA = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class EQueryCvarValueStatus : uint32_t { eQueryCvarValueStatus_ValueIntact = 0x0, eQueryCvarValueStatus_CvarNotFound = 0x1, eQueryCvarValueStatus_NotACvar = 0x2, eQueryCvarValueStatus_CvarProtected = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class SPELL_IMMUNITY_TYPES : uint32_t { SPELL_IMMUNITY_NONE = 0x0, SPELL_IMMUNITY_ALLIES_YES = 0x1, SPELL_IMMUNITY_ALLIES_NO = 0x2, SPELL_IMMUNITY_ENEMIES_YES = 0x3, SPELL_IMMUNITY_ENEMIES_NO = 0x4, SPELL_IMMUNITY_ALLIES_YES_ENEMIES_NO = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2e enum class GameAnimEventIndex_t : uint32_t { AE_EMPTY = 0x0, AE_CL_PLAYSOUND = 0x1, AE_CL_PLAYSOUND_ATTACHMENT = 0x2, AE_CL_PLAYSOUND_POSITION = 0x3, AE_SV_PLAYSOUND = 0x4, AE_CL_STOPSOUND = 0x5, AE_CL_PLAYSOUND_LOOPING = 0x6, AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0x7, AE_CL_STOP_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0x8, AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT_CFG = 0x9, AE_SV_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT_CFG = 0xa, AE_SV_STOP_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0xb, AE_FOOTSTEP = 0xc, AE_RAGDOLL = 0xd, AE_CL_STOP_RAGDOLL_CONTROL = 0xe, AE_CL_ENABLE_BODYGROUP = 0xf, AE_CL_DISABLE_BODYGROUP = 0x10, AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE = 0x11, AE_SV_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE = 0x12, AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE_CMODEL_WPN = 0x13, AE_WPN_PRIMARYATTACK = 0x14, AE_WPN_SECONDARYATTACK = 0x15, AE_FIRE_INPUT = 0x16, AE_CL_CLOTH_ATTR = 0x17, AE_CL_CLOTH_GROUND_OFFSET = 0x18, AE_CL_CLOTH_STIFFEN = 0x19, AE_CL_CLOTH_EFFECT = 0x1a, AE_CL_CREATE_ANIM_SCOPE_PROP = 0x1b, AE_CL_SUPPRESS_EVENTS_WITH_TAG = 0x1c, AE_CL_HIDE_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0x1d, AE_CL_SHOW_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0x1e, AE_CL_ADD_PARTICLE_EFFECT_CP = 0x1f, AE_CL_SPEECH = 0x20, AE_CL_PANORAMA_EVENT = 0x21, AE_CL_DOTA_PLAY_STATUS_EFFECT = 0x22, AE_CL_DOTA_STOP_STATUS_EFFECT = 0x23, AE_CL_DOTA_NPC_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0x24, AE_CL_DOTA_RUBICK_ARCANA_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0x25, AE_DOTA_PET_ITEM_PICKUP = 0x26, AE_DOTA_PET_ITEM_DROP = 0x27, AE_DOTA_SUPPRESS_CONSTANT_LAYER = 0x28, AE_DOTA_PLAY_SOUND_ATTACK_SPECIAL = 0x29, AE_DOTA_CREATE_CLINKZ_ATTACK = 0x2a, AE_DOTA_PLAY_SOUND_ATTACK_BACKSTAB = 0x2b, AE_DOTA_DIE_PHANTOM_DEATH_PARTICLES = 0x2c, AE_DOTA_SWITCH_ATTACK_COMBO = 0x2d, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x11 enum class BaseExplosionTypes_t : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Default" EXPLOSION_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Grenade" EXPLOSION_TYPE_GRENADE = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Molotov" EXPLOSION_TYPE_MOLOTOV = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Fireworks" EXPLOSION_TYPE_FIREWORKS = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Gascan" EXPLOSION_TYPE_GASCAN = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Gas Cylinder" EXPLOSION_TYPE_GASCYLINDER = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Explosive Barrel" EXPLOSION_TYPE_EXPLOSIVEBARREL = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Electrical" EXPLOSION_TYPE_ELECTRICAL = 0x7, // MPropertyFriendlyName "EMP" EXPLOSION_TYPE_EMP = 0x8, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Shrapnel" EXPLOSION_TYPE_SHRAPNEL = 0x9, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Smoke Grenade" EXPLOSION_TYPE_SMOKEGRENADE = 0xa, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Flashbang" EXPLOSION_TYPE_FLASHBANG = 0xb, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Tripmine" EXPLOSION_TYPE_TRIPMINE = 0xc, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Ice" EXPLOSION_TYPE_ICE = 0xd, // MPropertyFriendlyName "None" EXPLOSION_TYPE_NONE = 0xe, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Custom" EXPLOSION_TYPE_CUSTOM = 0xf, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator EXPLOSION_TYPE_COUNT = 0x10, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xf enum class DOTAJoinLobbyResult : uint32_t { DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0x0, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_ALREADY_IN_GAME = 0x1, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_INVALID_LOBBY = 0x2, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_INCORRECT_PASSWORD = 0x3, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_ACCESS_DENIED = 0x4, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_GENERIC_ERROR = 0x5, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_INCORRECT_VERSION = 0x6, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_IN_TEAM_PARTY = 0x7, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_NO_LOBBY_FOUND = 0x8, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_LOBBY_FULL = 0x9, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_CUSTOM_GAME_INCORRECT_VERSION = 0xa, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_TIMEOUT = 0xb, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_CUSTOM_GAME_COOLDOWN = 0xc, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_BUSY = 0xd, DOTA_JOIN_RESULT_NO_PLAYTIME = 0xe, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class DOTA_NO_BATTLE_POINTS_REASONS : uint32_t { NO_BATTLE_POINTS_WRONG_LOBBY_TYPE = 0x1, NO_BATTLE_POINTS_PRACTICE_BOTS = 0x2, NO_BATTLE_POINTS_CHEATS_ENABLED = 0x3, NO_BATTLE_POINTS_LOW_PRIORITY = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 // // MEnumFlagsWithOverlappingBits enum class DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM : uint32_t { DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_FRIENDLY = 0x1, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_ENEMY = 0x2, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_CUSTOM = 0x4, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_BOTH = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc enum class DOTA_TournamentEvents : uint32_t { TE_FIRST_BLOOD = 0x0, TE_GAME_END = 0x1, TE_MULTI_KILL = 0x2, TE_HERO_DENY = 0x3, TE_AEGIS_DENY = 0x4, TE_AEGIS_STOLEN = 0x5, TE_GODLIKE = 0x6, TE_COURIER_KILL = 0x7, TE_ECHOSLAM = 0x8, TE_RAPIER = 0x9, TE_EARLY_ROSHAN = 0xa, TE_BLACK_HOLE = 0xb, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class DOTACustomHeroPickRulesPhase_t : uint32_t { PHASE_Ban = 0x0, PHASE_Pick = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class filter_t : uint32_t { FILTER_AND = 0x0, FILTER_OR = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class DOTA_REPLAY_STATE_EVENT : uint32_t { DOTA_REPLAY_STATE_EVENT_GAME_START = 0x1, DOTA_REPLAY_STATE_EVENT_STARTING_HORN = 0x2, DOTA_REPLAY_STATE_EVENT_FIRST_BLOOD = 0x3, DOTA_REPLAY_STATE_EVENT_SHOWCASE = 0x4, DOTA_REPLAY_STATE_EVENT_POST_GAME = 0x5, DOTA_REPLAY_STATE_EVENT_WAIT_FOR_MAP = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class Class_T : uint32_t { CLASS_NONE = 0x0, CLASS_PLAYER = 0x1, CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY = 0x2, NUM_CLASSIFY_CLASSES = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x31 enum class EBaseUserMessages : uint32_t { UM_AchievementEvent = 0x65, UM_CloseCaption = 0x66, UM_CloseCaptionDirect = 0x67, UM_CurrentTimescale = 0x68, UM_DesiredTimescale = 0x69, UM_Fade = 0x6a, UM_GameTitle = 0x6b, UM_HudMsg = 0x6e, UM_HudText = 0x6f, UM_ColoredText = 0x71, UM_RequestState = 0x72, UM_ResetHUD = 0x73, UM_Rumble = 0x74, UM_SayText = 0x75, UM_SayText2 = 0x76, UM_SayTextChannel = 0x77, UM_Shake = 0x78, UM_ShakeDir = 0x79, UM_TextMsg = 0x7c, UM_ScreenTilt = 0x7d, UM_VoiceMask = 0x80, UM_SendAudio = 0x82, UM_ItemPickup = 0x83, UM_AmmoDenied = 0x84, UM_ShowMenu = 0x86, UM_CreditsMsg = 0x87, UM_CloseCaptionPlaceholder = 0x8e, UM_CameraTransition = 0x8f, UM_AudioParameter = 0x90, UM_ParticleManager = 0x91, UM_HudError = 0x92, UM_CustomGameEvent = 0x94, UM_AnimGraphUpdate = 0x95, UM_HapticsManagerPulse = 0x96, UM_HapticsManagerEffect = 0x97, UM_CommandQueueState = 0x98, UM_UpdateCssClasses = 0x99, UM_ServerFrameTime = 0x9a, UM_LagCompensationError = 0x9b, UM_RequestDllStatus = 0x9c, UM_RequestUtilAction = 0x9d, UM_UtilActionResponse = 0x9e, UM_DllStatusResponse = 0x9f, UM_RequestInventory = 0xa0, UM_InventoryResponse = 0xa1, UM_RequestDiagnostic = 0xa2, UM_DiagnosticResponse = 0xa3, UM_ExtraUserData = 0xa4, UM_MAX_BASE = 0xc8, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x17 enum class SoundFlags_t : uint32_t { // MPropertySuppressEnumerator // MEnumeratorIsNotAFlag SOUND_NONE = 0x0, SOUND_COMBAT = 0x1, SOUND_WORLD = 0x2, SOUND_PLAYER = 0x4, SOUND_DANGER = 0x8, SOUND_BULLET_IMPACT = 0x10, SOUND_THUMPER = 0x20, SOUND_PHYSICS_DANGER = 0x40, SOUND_MOVE_AWAY = 0x80, SOUND_PLAYER_VEHICLE = 0x100, SOUND_GLASS_BREAK = 0x200, SOUND_PHYSICS_OBJECT = 0x400, SOUND_CONTEXT_GUNFIRE = 0x100000, SOUND_CONTEXT_COMBINE_ONLY = 0x200000, SOUND_CONTEXT_REACT_TO_SOURCE = 0x400000, SOUND_CONTEXT_EXPLOSION = 0x800000, SOUND_CONTEXT_EXCLUDE_COMBINE = 0x1000000, SOUND_CONTEXT_DANGER_APPROACH = 0x2000000, SOUND_CONTEXT_ALLIES_ONLY = 0x4000000, SOUND_CONTEXT_PANIC_NPCS = 0x8000000, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator // MEnumeratorIsNotAFlag ALL_CONTEXTS = 0xfffffffffff00000, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator // MEnumeratorIsNotAFlag ALL_SCENTS = 0x0, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator // MEnumeratorIsNotAFlag ALL_SOUNDS = 0xfffff, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class AnimLoopMode_t : uint32_t { // MPropertySuppressEnumerator ANIM_LOOP_MODE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, ANIM_LOOP_MODE_NOT_LOOPING = 0x0, ANIM_LOOP_MODE_LOOPING = 0x1, ANIM_LOOP_MODE_USE_SEQUENCE_SETTINGS = 0x2, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator ANIM_LOOP_MODE_COUNT = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 enum class DOTA_ABILITY_PING_TYPE : uint32_t { ABILITY_PING_READY = 0x1, ABILITY_PING_MANA = 0x2, ABILITY_PING_COOLDOWN = 0x3, ABILITY_PING_ENEMY = 0x4, ABILITY_PING_UNLEARNED = 0x5, ABILITY_PING_INBACKPACK = 0x6, ABILITY_PING_INSTASH = 0x7, ABILITY_PING_ONCOURIER = 0x8, ABILITY_PING_ALLY = 0x9, ABILITY_PING_LEARN_READY = 0xa, ABILITY_PING_WILL_LEARN = 0xb, ABILITY_PING_FUTURE_LEARN = 0xc, ABILITY_PING_NEUTRAL_OFFER = 0xd, ABILITY_PING_NEUTRAL_REQUEST = 0xe, ABILITY_PING_NEUTRAL_EQUIP = 0xf, ABILITY_PING_INCOURIERBACKPACK = 0x10, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EDOTAMMRBoostType : uint32_t { k_EDOTAMMRBoostType_None = 0x0, k_EDOTAMMRBoostType_Leader = 0x1, k_EDOTAMMRBoostType_Follower = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class ScriptedMoveTo_t : uint32_t { CINE_MOVETO_WAIT = 0x0, CINE_MOVETO_WALK = 0x1, CINE_MOVETO_RUN = 0x2, CINE_MOVETO_CUSTOM = 0x3, CINE_MOVETO_TELEPORT = 0x4, CINE_MOVETO_WAIT_FACING = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class EPartyMatchmakingFlags : uint32_t { k_EPartyMatchmakingFlags_None = 0x0, k_EPartyMatchmakingFlags_LargeRankSpread = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class AbilityBarType_t : uint32_t { ABILITY_BAR_TYPE_MAIN = 0x0, ABILITY_BAR_TYPE_SECONDARY = 0x1, ABILITY_BAR_TYPE_TERTIARY = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc enum class Materials : uint32_t { matGlass = 0x0, matWood = 0x1, matMetal = 0x2, matFlesh = 0x3, matCinderBlock = 0x4, matCeilingTile = 0x5, matComputer = 0x6, matUnbreakableGlass = 0x7, matRocks = 0x8, matWeb = 0x9, matNone = 0xa, matLastMaterial = 0xb, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class DOTAMusicStatus_t : uint32_t { DOTA_MUSIC_STATUS_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_MUSIC_STATUS_EXPLORATION = 0x1, DOTA_MUSIC_STATUS_BATTLE = 0x2, DOTA_MUSIC_STATUS_PRE_GAME_EXPLORATION = 0x3, DOTA_MUSIC_STATUS_DEAD = 0x4, DOTA_MUSIC_STATUS_LAST = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0xe enum class EFantasyMutationTarget : uint16_t { k_eFantasyMutationTarget_None = 0x0, k_eFantasyMutationTarget_Prefix = 0x1, k_eFantasyMutationTarget_Player = 0x2, k_eFantasyMutationTarget_Suffix = 0x4, k_eFantasyMutationTarget_Rubies = 0x8, k_eFantasyMutationTarget_Sapphires = 0x10, k_eFantasyMutationTarget_Emeralds = 0x20, k_eFantasyMutationTarget_Adjacent = 0x40, k_eFantasyMutationTarget_OperationChoice = 0x80, k_eFantasyMutationTarget_AllColor = 0x100, k_eFantasyMutationTarget_OneColor = 0x200, k_eFantasyMutationTarget_FirstColor = 0x400, k_eFantasyMutationTarget_LastColor = 0x800, k_eFantasyMutationTarget_All = 0x1000, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class MLBot_MessageId : uint32_t { mlbot_MatchMetadata = 0x1, mlbot_TickBoundary = 0x2, mlbot_TeamState_Radiant = 0x3, mlbot_TeamState_Radiant_Delta = 0x4, mlbot_TeamState_Dire = 0x5, mlbot_TeamState_Dire_Delta = 0x6, mlbot_PlayerCommand = 0x7, mlbot_PlayerOrder = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ShopItemViewMode_t : uint32_t { SHOP_VIEW_MODE_LIST = 0x0, SHOP_VIEW_MODE_GRID = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class ELaneSelection : uint32_t { k_ELaneSelection_SAFELANE = 0x0, k_ELaneSelection_OFFLANE = 0x1, k_ELaneSelection_MIDLANE = 0x2, k_ELaneSelection_SUPPORT = 0x3, k_ELaneSelection_HARDSUPPORT = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class DOTAProjectileAttachment_t : uint32_t { DOTA_PROJECTILE_ATTACHMENT_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_PROJECTILE_ATTACHMENT_ATTACK_1 = 0x1, DOTA_PROJECTILE_ATTACHMENT_ATTACK_2 = 0x2, DOTA_PROJECTILE_ATTACHMENT_HITLOCATION = 0x3, DOTA_PROJECTILE_ATTACHMENT_ATTACK_3 = 0x4, DOTA_PROJECTILE_ATTACHMENT_ATTACK_4 = 0x5, DOTA_PROJECTILE_ATTACHMENT_LAST = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xf enum class DOTAScriptInventorySlot_t : uint32_t { DOTA_ITEM_SLOT_1 = 0x0, DOTA_ITEM_SLOT_2 = 0x1, DOTA_ITEM_SLOT_3 = 0x2, DOTA_ITEM_SLOT_4 = 0x3, DOTA_ITEM_SLOT_5 = 0x4, DOTA_ITEM_SLOT_6 = 0x5, DOTA_ITEM_SLOT_7 = 0x6, DOTA_ITEM_SLOT_8 = 0x7, DOTA_ITEM_SLOT_9 = 0x8, DOTA_STASH_SLOT_1 = 0x9, DOTA_STASH_SLOT_2 = 0xa, DOTA_STASH_SLOT_3 = 0xb, DOTA_STASH_SLOT_4 = 0xc, DOTA_STASH_SLOT_5 = 0xd, DOTA_STASH_SLOT_6 = 0xe, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x3 enum class DamageOptions_t : uint8_t { DAMAGE_NO = 0x0, DAMAGE_EVENTS_ONLY = 0x1, DAMAGE_YES = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x19 enum class DOTA_OVERHEAD_ALERT : uint32_t { OVERHEAD_ALERT_GOLD = 0x0, OVERHEAD_ALERT_DENY = 0x1, OVERHEAD_ALERT_CRITICAL = 0x2, OVERHEAD_ALERT_XP = 0x3, OVERHEAD_ALERT_BONUS_SPELL_DAMAGE = 0x4, OVERHEAD_ALERT_MISS = 0x5, OVERHEAD_ALERT_DAMAGE = 0x6, OVERHEAD_ALERT_EVADE = 0x7, OVERHEAD_ALERT_BLOCK = 0x8, OVERHEAD_ALERT_BONUS_POISON_DAMAGE = 0x9, OVERHEAD_ALERT_HEAL = 0xa, OVERHEAD_ALERT_MANA_ADD = 0xb, OVERHEAD_ALERT_MANA_LOSS = 0xc, OVERHEAD_ALERT_LAST_HIT_EARLY = 0xd, OVERHEAD_ALERT_LAST_HIT_CLOSE = 0xe, OVERHEAD_ALERT_LAST_HIT_MISS = 0xf, OVERHEAD_ALERT_MAGICAL_BLOCK = 0x10, OVERHEAD_ALERT_INCOMING_DAMAGE = 0x11, OVERHEAD_ALERT_OUTGOING_DAMAGE = 0x12, OVERHEAD_ALERT_DISABLE_RESIST = 0x13, OVERHEAD_ALERT_DEATH = 0x14, OVERHEAD_ALERT_BLOCKED = 0x15, OVERHEAD_ALERT_ITEM_RECEIVED = 0x16, OVERHEAD_ALERT_SHARD = 0x17, OVERHEAD_ALERT_DEADLY_BLOW = 0x18, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class DOTA_LANE : uint32_t { DOTA_LANE_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_LANE_TOP = 0x1, DOTA_LANE_MIDDLE = 0x2, DOTA_LANE_BOTTOM = 0x3, DOTA_LANE_MAX = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xb enum class EDPCPushNotification : uint32_t { DPC_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_MATCH_STARTING = 0x1, DPC_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_PLAYER_LEFT_TEAM = 0xa, DPC_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_PLAYER_JOINED_TEAM = 0xb, DPC_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_PLAYER_JOINED_TEAM_AS_COACH = 0xc, DPC_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_PLAYER_LEFT_TEAM_AS_COACH = 0xd, DPC_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_LEAGUE_RESULT = 0x14, DPC_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_PREDICTION_MATCHES_AVAILABLE = 0x1e, DPC_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_PREDICTION_RESULT = 0x1f, DPC_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_FANTASY_PLAYER_CLEARED = 0x28, DPC_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_FANTASY_DAILY_SUMMARY = 0x29, DPC_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_FANTASY_FINAL_RESULTS = 0x2a, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x64 enum class EDotaClientMessages : uint32_t { DOTA_CM_MapLine = 0x12d, DOTA_CM_AspectRatio = 0x12e, DOTA_CM_MapPing = 0x12f, DOTA_CM_UnitsAutoAttack = 0x130, DOTA_CM_SearchString = 0x133, DOTA_CM_Pause = 0x134, DOTA_CM_ShopViewMode = 0x135, DOTA_CM_SetUnitShareFlag = 0x136, DOTA_CM_SwapRequest = 0x137, DOTA_CM_SwapAccept = 0x138, DOTA_CM_WorldLine = 0x139, DOTA_CM_RequestGraphUpdate = 0x13a, DOTA_CM_ItemAlert = 0x13b, DOTA_CM_ChatWheel = 0x13c, DOTA_CM_SendStatPopup = 0x13d, DOTA_CM_BeginLastHitChallenge = 0x13e, DOTA_CM_UpdateQuickBuy = 0x13f, DOTA_CM_UpdateCoachListen = 0x140, DOTA_CM_CoachHUDPing = 0x141, DOTA_CM_RecordVote = 0x142, DOTA_CM_UnitsAutoAttackAfterSpell = 0x143, DOTA_CM_WillPurchaseAlert = 0x144, DOTA_CM_PlayerShowCase = 0x145, DOTA_CM_TeleportRequiresHalt = 0x146, DOTA_CM_CameraZoomAmount = 0x147, DOTA_CM_BroadcasterUsingCamerman = 0x148, DOTA_CM_BroadcasterUsingAssistedCameraOperator = 0x149, DOTA_CM_EnemyItemAlert = 0x14a, DOTA_CM_FreeInventory = 0x14b, DOTA_CM_BuyBackStateAlert = 0x14c, DOTA_CM_QuickBuyAlert = 0x14d, DOTA_CM_HeroStatueLike = 0x14e, DOTA_CM_ModifierAlert = 0x14f, DOTA_CM_TeamShowcaseEditor = 0x150, DOTA_CM_HPManaAlert = 0x151, DOTA_CM_GlyphAlert = 0x152, DOTA_CM_TeamShowcaseClientData = 0x153, DOTA_CM_PlayTeamShowcase = 0x154, DOTA_CM_EventCNY2015Cmd = 0x155, DOTA_CM_FillEmptySlotsWithBots = 0x156, DOTA_CM_DemoHero = 0x157, DOTA_CM_AbilityLearnModeToggled = 0x158, DOTA_CM_AbilityStartUse = 0x159, DOTA_CM_ChallengeSelect = 0x15a, DOTA_CM_ChallengeReroll = 0x15b, DOTA_CM_ClickedBuff = 0x15c, DOTA_CM_CoinWager = 0x15d, DOTA_CM_ExecuteOrders = 0x15e, DOTA_CM_XPAlert = 0x15f, DOTA_CM_EventPointsTip = 0x161, DOTA_CM_KillMyHero = 0x163, DOTA_CM_QuestStatus = 0x164, DOTA_CM_ToggleAutoattack = 0x165, DOTA_CM_SpecialAbility = 0x166, DOTA_CM_KillcamDamageTaken = 0x167, DOTA_CM_SetEnemyStartingPosition = 0x168, DOTA_CM_SetDesiredWardPlacement = 0x169, DOTA_CM_RollDice = 0x16a, DOTA_CM_FlipCoin = 0x16b, DOTA_CM_RequestItemSuggestions = 0x16c, DOTA_CM_MakeTeamCaptain = 0x16d, DOTA_CM_CoinWagerToken = 0x16e, DOTA_CM_RankWager = 0x16f, DOTA_CM_DismissAllStatPopups = 0x170, DOTA_CM_HelpTipSystemStateChanged = 0x171, DOTA_CM_ChannelRequiresHalt = 0x172, DOTA_CM_RequestBulkCombatLog = 0x173, DOTA_CM_AbilityDraftRequestAbility = 0x174, DOTA_CM_GuideSelectOption = 0x175, DOTA_CM_GuideSelected = 0x176, DOTA_CM_DamageReport = 0x177, DOTA_CM_SalutePlayer = 0x178, DOTA_CM_SprayWheel = 0x179, DOTA_CM_TipAlert = 0x17a, DOTA_CM_EmptyTeleportAlert = 0x17b, DOTA_CM_RadarAlert = 0x17c, DOTA_CM_TalentTreeAlert = 0x17d, DOTA_CM_SetCavernMapVariant = 0x17e, DOTA_CM_PauseGameOrder = 0x17f, DOTA_CM_VersusScene_PlayerBehavior = 0x180, DOTA_CM_PlayerBounty = 0x181, DOTA_CM_PlayerBountyCancel = 0x182, DOTA_CM_EmptyItemSlotAlert = 0x184, DOTA_CM_AddOverwatchReportMarker = 0x185, DOTA_CM_AghsStatusAlert = 0x186, DOTA_CM_PerfReport = 0x187, DOTA_CM_ContextualTips_Subscribe = 0x189, DOTA_CM_ChatMessage = 0x18a, DOTA_CM_AddCommunicationsReportMarker = 0x18b, DOTA_CM_AddCommunicationsBlockMarker = 0x18c, DOTA_CM_NeutralCampAlert = 0x18d, DOTA_CM_DuelAccepted = 0x18e, DOTA_CM_ChooseNeutralItem = 0x18f, DOTA_CM_PlayerDraftPick = 0x320, DOTA_CM_PlayerDraftSuggest = 0x321, DOTA_CM_PlayerDraftPreferRole = 0x322, DOTA_CM_PlayerDraftPreferTeam = 0x323, DOTA_CM_ChatWheelAlert = 0x324, DOTA_CM_AbilityAlert = 0x325, DOTA_CM_AllyAbilityAlert = 0x326, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class ItemQuality_t : uint32_t { DOTA_ITEM_QUALITY_CONSUMABLE = 0x0, DOTA_ITEM_QUALITY_PLAIN = 0x1, DOTA_ITEM_QUALITY_COMMON = 0x2, DOTA_ITEM_QUALITY_RARE = 0x3, DOTA_ITEM_QUALITY_EPIC = 0x4, DOTA_ITEM_QUALITY_ARTIFACT = 0x5, DOTA_ITEM_QUALITY_SECRET_SHOP = 0x6, NUM_ITEM_QUALITY_LEVELS = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class PortraitSoundMode_t : uint32_t { PORTRAIT_SOUND_MODE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PORTRAIT_SOUND_MODE_NO_SOUNDS = 0x0, PORTRAIT_SOUND_MODE_ONLY_TAUNT_SOUNDS = 0x1, PORTRAIT_SOUND_MODE_ALL_SOUNDS = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9 enum class ELaneSelectionFlags : uint32_t { k_ELaneSelectionFlags_SAFELANE = 0x1, k_ELaneSelectionFlags_OFFLANE = 0x2, k_ELaneSelectionFlags_MIDLANE = 0x4, k_ELaneSelectionFlags_SUPPORT = 0x8, k_ELaneSelectionFlags_HARDSUPPORT = 0x10, k_ELaneSelectionFlagGroup_None = 0x0, k_ELaneSelectionFlagGroup_CORE = 0x7, k_ELaneSelectionFlagGroup_SUPPORT = 0x18, k_ELaneSelectionFlagGroup_ALL = 0x1f, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x68 enum class DOTASlotType_t : uint32_t { DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_WEAPON = 0x0, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_OFFHAND_WEAPON = 0x1, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_WEAPON2 = 0x2, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_OFFHAND_WEAPON2 = 0x3, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_HEAD = 0x4, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_SHOULDER = 0x5, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ARMS = 0x6, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ARMOR = 0x7, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_BELT = 0x8, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_NECK = 0x9, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_BACK = 0xa, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_GLOVES = 0xb, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_LEGS = 0xc, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_TAIL = 0xd, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_MISC = 0xe, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_COSTUME = 0xf, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_BODY_HEAD = 0x10, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_MOUNT = 0x11, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_SUMMON = 0x12, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_SHAPESHIFT = 0x13, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_TAUNT = 0x14, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_AMBIENT_EFFECTS = 0x15, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY_ATTACK = 0x16, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY1 = 0x17, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY2 = 0x18, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY3 = 0x19, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY4 = 0x1a, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY_ULTIMATE = 0x1b, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY_EFFECTS_1 = 0x1c, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY_EFFECTS_2 = 0x1d, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY_EFFECTS_3 = 0x1e, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY_EFFECTS_4 = 0x1f, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY_EFFECTS_5 = 0x20, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY_EFFECTS_6 = 0x21, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY_EFFECTS_7 = 0x22, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY_EFFECTS_8 = 0x23, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY_EFFECTS_9 = 0x24, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_VOICE = 0x25, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_WEAPON_PERSONA_1 = 0x26, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_OFFHAND_WEAPON_PERSONA_1 = 0x27, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_WEAPON2_PERSONA_1 = 0x28, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_OFFHAND_WEAPON2_PERSONA_1 = 0x29, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_HEAD_PERSONA_1 = 0x2a, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_SHOULDER_PERSONA_1 = 0x2b, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ARMS_PERSONA_1 = 0x2c, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ARMOR_PERSONA_1 = 0x2d, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_BELT_PERSONA_1 = 0x2e, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_NECK_PERSONA_1 = 0x2f, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_BACK_PERSONA_1 = 0x30, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_LEGS_PERSONA_1 = 0x31, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_GLOVES_PERSONA_1 = 0x32, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_TAIL_PERSONA_1 = 0x33, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_MISC_PERSONA_1 = 0x34, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_BODY_HEAD_PERSONA_1 = 0x35, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_MOUNT_PERSONA_1 = 0x36, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_SUMMON_PERSONA_1 = 0x37, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_SHAPESHIFT_PERSONA_1 = 0x38, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_TAUNT_PERSONA_1 = 0x39, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_AMBIENT_EFFECTS_PERSONA_1 = 0x3a, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY_ATTACK_PERSONA_1 = 0x3b, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY1_PERSONA_1 = 0x3c, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY2_PERSONA_1 = 0x3d, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY3_PERSONA_1 = 0x3e, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY4_PERSONA_1 = 0x3f, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ABILITY_ULTIMATE_PERSONA_1 = 0x40, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_VOICE_PERSONA_1 = 0x41, DOTA_LOADOUT_PERSONA_1_START = 0x26, DOTA_LOADOUT_PERSONA_1_END = 0x41, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_PERSONA_SELECTOR = 0x42, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_COURIER = 0x43, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ANNOUNCER = 0x44, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_MEGA_KILLS = 0x45, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_MUSIC = 0x46, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_WARD = 0x47, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_HUD_SKIN = 0x48, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_LOADING_SCREEN = 0x49, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_WEATHER = 0x4a, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_HEROIC_STATUE = 0x4b, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_MULTIKILL_BANNER = 0x4c, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_CURSOR_PACK = 0x4d, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_TELEPORT_EFFECT = 0x4e, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_BLINK_EFFECT = 0x4f, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_EMBLEM = 0x50, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_TERRAIN = 0x51, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_RADIANT_CREEPS = 0x52, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_DIRE_CREEPS = 0x53, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_RADIANT_TOWER = 0x54, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_DIRE_TOWER = 0x55, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_VERSUS_SCREEN = 0x56, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_STREAK_EFFECT = 0x57, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_KILL_EFFECT = 0x58, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_DEATH_EFFECT = 0x59, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_HEAD_EFFECT = 0x5a, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_MAP_EFFECT = 0x5b, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_COURIER_EFFECT = 0x5c, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_RADIANT_SIEGE_CREEPS = 0x5d, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_DIRE_SIEGE_CREEPS = 0x5e, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_ROSHAN = 0x5f, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_TORMENTOR = 0x60, DOTA_PLAYER_LOADOUT_START = 0x43, DOTA_PLAYER_LOADOUT_END = 0x60, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_NONE = 0x61, DOTA_LOADOUT_TYPE_COUNT = 0x62, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x400 enum class BaseActivity_t : uint32_t { ACT_RESET = 0x0, ACT_IDLE = 0x1, ACT_TRANSITION = 0x2, ACT_COVER = 0x3, ACT_COVER_MED = 0x4, ACT_COVER_LOW = 0x5, ACT_WALK = 0x6, ACT_WALK_AIM = 0x7, ACT_WALK_CROUCH = 0x8, ACT_WALK_CROUCH_AIM = 0x9, ACT_RUN = 0xa, ACT_RUN_AIM = 0xb, ACT_RUN_CROUCH = 0xc, ACT_RUN_CROUCH_AIM = 0xd, ACT_RUN_PROTECTED = 0xe, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE = 0xf, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1 = 0x10, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK2 = 0x11, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1_LOW = 0x12, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK2_LOW = 0x13, ACT_DIESIMPLE = 0x14, ACT_DIEBACKWARD = 0x15, ACT_DIEFORWARD = 0x16, ACT_DIEVIOLENT = 0x17, ACT_DIERAGDOLL = 0x18, ACT_FLY = 0x19, ACT_HOVER = 0x1a, ACT_GLIDE = 0x1b, ACT_SWIM = 0x1c, ACT_JUMP = 0x1d, ACT_HOP = 0x1e, ACT_LEAP = 0x1f, ACT_LAND = 0x20, ACT_CLIMB_UP = 0x21, ACT_CLIMB_DOWN = 0x22, ACT_CLIMB_DISMOUNT = 0x23, ACT_SHIPLADDER_UP = 0x24, ACT_SHIPLADDER_DOWN = 0x25, ACT_STRAFE_LEFT = 0x26, ACT_STRAFE_RIGHT = 0x27, ACT_ROLL_LEFT = 0x28, ACT_ROLL_RIGHT = 0x29, ACT_TURN_LEFT = 0x2a, ACT_TURN_RIGHT = 0x2b, ACT_CROUCH = 0x2c, ACT_CROUCHIDLE = 0x2d, ACT_STAND = 0x2e, ACT_USE = 0x2f, ACT_ALIEN_BURROW_IDLE = 0x30, ACT_ALIEN_BURROW_OUT = 0x31, ACT_SIGNAL1 = 0x32, ACT_SIGNAL2 = 0x33, ACT_SIGNAL3 = 0x34, ACT_SIGNAL_ADVANCE = 0x35, ACT_SIGNAL_FORWARD = 0x36, ACT_SIGNAL_GROUP = 0x37, ACT_SIGNAL_HALT = 0x38, ACT_SIGNAL_LEFT = 0x39, ACT_SIGNAL_RIGHT = 0x3a, ACT_SIGNAL_TAKECOVER = 0x3b, ACT_LOOKBACK_RIGHT = 0x3c, ACT_LOOKBACK_LEFT = 0x3d, ACT_COWER = 0x3e, ACT_SMALL_FLINCH = 0x3f, ACT_BIG_FLINCH = 0x40, ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1 = 0x41, ACT_MELEE_ATTACK2 = 0x42, ACT_RELOAD = 0x43, ACT_RELOAD_START = 0x44, ACT_RELOAD_FINISH = 0x45, ACT_RELOAD_LOW = 0x46, ACT_ARM = 0x47, ACT_DISARM = 0x48, ACT_DROP_WEAPON = 0x49, ACT_DROP_WEAPON_SHOTGUN = 0x4a, ACT_PICKUP_GROUND = 0x4b, ACT_PICKUP_RACK = 0x4c, ACT_IDLE_ANGRY = 0x4d, ACT_IDLE_RELAXED = 0x4e, ACT_IDLE_STIMULATED = 0x4f, ACT_IDLE_AGITATED = 0x50, ACT_IDLE_STEALTH = 0x51, ACT_IDLE_HURT = 0x52, ACT_WALK_RELAXED = 0x53, ACT_WALK_STIMULATED = 0x54, ACT_WALK_AGITATED = 0x55, ACT_WALK_STEALTH = 0x56, ACT_RUN_RELAXED = 0x57, ACT_RUN_STIMULATED = 0x58, ACT_RUN_AGITATED = 0x59, ACT_RUN_STEALTH = 0x5a, ACT_IDLE_AIM_RELAXED = 0x5b, ACT_IDLE_AIM_STIMULATED = 0x5c, ACT_IDLE_AIM_AGITATED = 0x5d, ACT_IDLE_AIM_STEALTH = 0x5e, ACT_WALK_AIM_RELAXED = 0x5f, ACT_WALK_AIM_STIMULATED = 0x60, ACT_WALK_AIM_AGITATED = 0x61, ACT_WALK_AIM_STEALTH = 0x62, ACT_RUN_AIM_RELAXED = 0x63, ACT_RUN_AIM_STIMULATED = 0x64, ACT_RUN_AIM_AGITATED = 0x65, ACT_RUN_AIM_STEALTH = 0x66, ACT_CROUCHIDLE_STIMULATED = 0x67, ACT_CROUCHIDLE_AIM_STIMULATED = 0x68, ACT_CROUCHIDLE_AGITATED = 0x69, ACT_WALK_HURT = 0x6a, ACT_RUN_HURT = 0x6b, ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK1 = 0x6c, ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK2 = 0x6d, ACT_COMBAT_IDLE = 0x6e, ACT_WALK_SCARED = 0x6f, ACT_RUN_SCARED = 0x70, ACT_VICTORY_DANCE = 0x71, ACT_DIE_HEADSHOT = 0x72, ACT_DIE_CHESTSHOT = 0x73, ACT_DIE_GUTSHOT = 0x74, ACT_DIE_BACKSHOT = 0x75, ACT_FLINCH_HEAD = 0x76, ACT_FLINCH_CHEST = 0x77, ACT_FLINCH_STOMACH = 0x78, ACT_FLINCH_LEFTARM = 0x79, ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTARM = 0x7a, ACT_FLINCH_LEFTLEG = 0x7b, ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTLEG = 0x7c, ACT_FLINCH_PHYSICS = 0x7d, ACT_FLINCH_HEAD_BACK = 0x7e, ACT_FLINCH_CHEST_BACK = 0x7f, ACT_FLINCH_STOMACH_BACK = 0x80, ACT_FLINCH_CROUCH_FRONT = 0x81, ACT_FLINCH_CROUCH_BACK = 0x82, ACT_FLINCH_CROUCH_LEFT = 0x83, ACT_FLINCH_CROUCH_RIGHT = 0x84, ACT_IDLE_ON_FIRE = 0x85, ACT_WALK_ON_FIRE = 0x86, ACT_RUN_ON_FIRE = 0x87, ACT_180_LEFT = 0x89, ACT_180_RIGHT = 0x8a, ACT_90_LEFT = 0x8b, ACT_90_RIGHT = 0x8c, ACT_STEP_LEFT = 0x8d, ACT_STEP_RIGHT = 0x8e, ACT_STEP_BACK = 0x8f, ACT_STEP_FORE = 0x90, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK1 = 0x91, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK2 = 0x92, ACT_GESTURE_MELEE_ATTACK1 = 0x93, ACT_GESTURE_MELEE_ATTACK2 = 0x94, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK1_LOW = 0x95, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK2_LOW = 0x96, ACT_MELEE_ATTACK_SWING_GESTURE = 0x97, ACT_GESTURE_SMALL_FLINCH = 0x98, ACT_GESTURE_BIG_FLINCH = 0x99, ACT_GESTURE_FLINCH_BLAST = 0x9a, ACT_GESTURE_FLINCH_BLAST_SHOTGUN = 0x9b, ACT_GESTURE_FLINCH_BLAST_DAMAGED = 0x9c, ACT_GESTURE_FLINCH_BLAST_DAMAGED_SHOTGUN = 0x9d, ACT_GESTURE_FLINCH_HEAD = 0x9e, ACT_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST = 0x9f, ACT_GESTURE_FLINCH_STOMACH = 0xa0, ACT_GESTURE_FLINCH_LEFTARM = 0xa1, ACT_GESTURE_FLINCH_RIGHTARM = 0xa2, ACT_GESTURE_FLINCH_LEFTLEG = 0xa3, ACT_GESTURE_FLINCH_RIGHTLEG = 0xa4, ACT_GESTURE_TURN_LEFT = 0xa5, ACT_GESTURE_TURN_RIGHT = 0xa6, ACT_GESTURE_TURN_LEFT45 = 0xa7, ACT_GESTURE_TURN_RIGHT45 = 0xa8, ACT_GESTURE_TURN_LEFT90 = 0xa9, ACT_GESTURE_TURN_RIGHT90 = 0xaa, ACT_GESTURE_TURN_LEFT45_FLAT = 0xab, ACT_GESTURE_TURN_RIGHT45_FLAT = 0xac, ACT_GESTURE_TURN_LEFT90_FLAT = 0xad, ACT_GESTURE_TURN_RIGHT90_FLAT = 0xae, ACT_BARNACLE_HIT = 0xaf, ACT_BARNACLE_PULL = 0xb0, ACT_BARNACLE_CHOMP = 0xb1, ACT_BARNACLE_CHEW = 0xb2, ACT_DO_NOT_DISTURB = 0xb3, ACT_SPECIFIC_SEQUENCE = 0xb4, ACT_VM_DEPLOY = 0xb5, ACT_VM_RELOAD_EMPTY = 0xb6, ACT_VM_DRAW = 0xb7, ACT_VM_HOLSTER = 0xb8, ACT_VM_IDLE = 0xb9, ACT_VM_FIDGET = 0xba, ACT_VM_PULLBACK = 0xbb, ACT_VM_PULLBACK_HIGH = 0xbc, ACT_VM_PULLBACK_LOW = 0xbd, ACT_VM_THROW = 0xbe, ACT_VM_DROP = 0xbf, ACT_VM_PULLPIN = 0xc0, ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK = 0xc1, ACT_VM_SECONDARYATTACK = 0xc2, ACT_VM_RELOAD = 0xc3, ACT_VM_DRYFIRE = 0xc4, ACT_VM_HITLEFT = 0xc5, ACT_VM_HITLEFT2 = 0xc6, ACT_VM_HITRIGHT = 0xc7, ACT_VM_HITRIGHT2 = 0xc8, ACT_VM_HITCENTER = 0xc9, ACT_VM_HITCENTER2 = 0xca, ACT_VM_MISSLEFT = 0xcb, ACT_VM_MISSLEFT2 = 0xcc, ACT_VM_MISSRIGHT = 0xcd, ACT_VM_MISSRIGHT2 = 0xce, ACT_VM_MISSCENTER = 0xcf, ACT_VM_MISSCENTER2 = 0xd0, ACT_VM_HAULBACK = 0xd1, ACT_VM_SWINGHARD = 0xd2, ACT_VM_SWINGMISS = 0xd3, ACT_VM_SWINGHIT = 0xd4, ACT_VM_IDLE_TO_LOWERED = 0xd5, ACT_VM_IDLE_LOWERED = 0xd6, ACT_VM_LOWERED_TO_IDLE = 0xd7, ACT_VM_RECOIL1 = 0xd8, ACT_VM_RECOIL2 = 0xd9, ACT_VM_RECOIL3 = 0xda, ACT_VM_PICKUP = 0xdb, ACT_VM_RELEASE = 0xdc, ACT_VM_MAUL_LOOP = 0xdd, ACT_VM_ATTACH_SILENCER = 0xde, ACT_VM_DETACH_SILENCER = 0xdf, ACT_SLAM_STICKWALL_IDLE = 0xe0, ACT_SLAM_STICKWALL_ND_IDLE = 0xe1, ACT_SLAM_STICKWALL_ATTACH = 0xe2, ACT_SLAM_STICKWALL_ATTACH2 = 0xe3, ACT_SLAM_STICKWALL_ND_ATTACH = 0xe4, ACT_SLAM_STICKWALL_ND_ATTACH2 = 0xe5, ACT_SLAM_STICKWALL_DETONATE = 0xe6, ACT_SLAM_STICKWALL_DETONATOR_HOLSTER = 0xe7, ACT_SLAM_STICKWALL_DRAW = 0xe8, ACT_SLAM_STICKWALL_ND_DRAW = 0xe9, ACT_SLAM_STICKWALL_TO_THROW = 0xea, ACT_SLAM_STICKWALL_TO_THROW_ND = 0xeb, ACT_SLAM_STICKWALL_TO_TRIPMINE_ND = 0xec, ACT_SLAM_THROW_IDLE = 0xed, ACT_SLAM_THROW_ND_IDLE = 0xee, ACT_SLAM_THROW_THROW = 0xef, ACT_SLAM_THROW_THROW2 = 0xf0, ACT_SLAM_THROW_THROW_ND = 0xf1, ACT_SLAM_THROW_THROW_ND2 = 0xf2, ACT_SLAM_THROW_DRAW = 0xf3, ACT_SLAM_THROW_ND_DRAW = 0xf4, ACT_SLAM_THROW_TO_STICKWALL = 0xf5, ACT_SLAM_THROW_TO_STICKWALL_ND = 0xf6, ACT_SLAM_THROW_DETONATE = 0xf7, ACT_SLAM_THROW_DETONATOR_HOLSTER = 0xf8, ACT_SLAM_THROW_TO_TRIPMINE_ND = 0xf9, ACT_SLAM_TRIPMINE_IDLE = 0xfa, ACT_SLAM_TRIPMINE_DRAW = 0xfb, ACT_SLAM_TRIPMINE_ATTACH = 0xfc, ACT_SLAM_TRIPMINE_ATTACH2 = 0xfd, ACT_SLAM_TRIPMINE_TO_STICKWALL_ND = 0xfe, ACT_SLAM_TRIPMINE_TO_THROW_ND = 0xff, ACT_SLAM_DETONATOR_IDLE = 0x100, ACT_SLAM_DETONATOR_DRAW = 0x101, ACT_SLAM_DETONATOR_DETONATE = 0x102, ACT_SLAM_DETONATOR_HOLSTER = 0x103, ACT_SLAM_DETONATOR_STICKWALL_DRAW = 0x104, ACT_SLAM_DETONATOR_THROW_DRAW = 0x105, ACT_SHOTGUN_RELOAD_START = 0x106, ACT_SHOTGUN_RELOAD_FINISH = 0x107, ACT_SHOTGUN_PUMP = 0x108, ACT_SMG2_IDLE2 = 0x109, ACT_SMG2_FIRE2 = 0x10a, ACT_SMG2_DRAW2 = 0x10b, ACT_SMG2_RELOAD2 = 0x10c, ACT_SMG2_DRYFIRE2 = 0x10d, ACT_SMG2_TOAUTO = 0x10e, ACT_SMG2_TOBURST = 0x10f, ACT_PHYSCANNON_UPGRADE = 0x110, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_AR1 = 0x111, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_AR2 = 0x112, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_AR2_LOW = 0x113, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_AR2_GRENADE = 0x114, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_HMG1 = 0x115, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_ML = 0x116, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_SMG1 = 0x117, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_SMG1_LOW = 0x118, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_SMG2 = 0x119, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_SHOTGUN = 0x11a, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_SHOTGUN_LOW = 0x11b, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_PISTOL = 0x11c, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_PISTOL_LOW = 0x11d, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_SLAM = 0x11e, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_TRIPWIRE = 0x11f, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_THROW = 0x120, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_SNIPER_RIFLE = 0x121, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_RPG = 0x122, ACT_MELEE_ATTACK_SWING = 0x123, ACT_RANGE_AIM_LOW = 0x124, ACT_RANGE_AIM_SMG1_LOW = 0x125, ACT_RANGE_AIM_PISTOL_LOW = 0x126, ACT_RANGE_AIM_AR2_LOW = 0x127, ACT_COVER_PISTOL_LOW = 0x128, ACT_COVER_SMG1_LOW = 0x129, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_AR1 = 0x12a, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_AR2 = 0x12b, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_AR2_GRENADE = 0x12c, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_HMG1 = 0x12d, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_ML = 0x12e, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_SMG1 = 0x12f, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_SMG1_LOW = 0x130, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_SMG2 = 0x131, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_SHOTGUN = 0x132, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_PISTOL = 0x133, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_PISTOL_LOW = 0x134, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_SLAM = 0x135, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_TRIPWIRE = 0x136, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_THROW = 0x137, ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_SNIPER_RIFLE = 0x138, ACT_GESTURE_MELEE_ATTACK_SWING = 0x139, ACT_IDLE_RIFLE = 0x13a, ACT_IDLE_SMG1 = 0x13b, ACT_IDLE_ANGRY_SMG1 = 0x13c, ACT_IDLE_PISTOL = 0x13d, ACT_IDLE_ANGRY_PISTOL = 0x13e, ACT_IDLE_ANGRY_SHOTGUN = 0x13f, ACT_IDLE_STEALTH_PISTOL = 0x140, ACT_IDLE_PACKAGE = 0x141, ACT_WALK_PACKAGE = 0x142, ACT_IDLE_SUITCASE = 0x143, ACT_WALK_SUITCASE = 0x144, ACT_IDLE_SMG1_RELAXED = 0x145, ACT_IDLE_SMG1_STIMULATED = 0x146, ACT_WALK_RIFLE_RELAXED = 0x147, ACT_RUN_RIFLE_RELAXED = 0x148, ACT_WALK_RIFLE_STIMULATED = 0x149, ACT_RUN_RIFLE_STIMULATED = 0x14a, ACT_IDLE_AIM_RIFLE_STIMULATED = 0x14b, ACT_WALK_AIM_RIFLE_STIMULATED = 0x14c, ACT_RUN_AIM_RIFLE_STIMULATED = 0x14d, ACT_IDLE_SHOTGUN_RELAXED = 0x14e, ACT_IDLE_SHOTGUN_STIMULATED = 0x14f, ACT_IDLE_SHOTGUN_AGITATED = 0x150, ACT_WALK_ANGRY = 0x151, ACT_POLICE_HARASS1 = 0x152, ACT_POLICE_HARASS2 = 0x153, ACT_IDLE_MANNEDGUN = 0x154, ACT_IDLE_MELEE = 0x155, ACT_IDLE_ANGRY_MELEE = 0x156, ACT_IDLE_RPG_RELAXED = 0x157, ACT_IDLE_RPG = 0x158, ACT_IDLE_ANGRY_RPG = 0x159, ACT_COVER_LOW_RPG = 0x15a, ACT_WALK_RPG = 0x15b, ACT_RUN_RPG = 0x15c, ACT_WALK_CROUCH_RPG = 0x15d, ACT_RUN_CROUCH_RPG = 0x15e, ACT_WALK_RPG_RELAXED = 0x15f, ACT_RUN_RPG_RELAXED = 0x160, ACT_WALK_RIFLE = 0x161, ACT_WALK_AIM_RIFLE = 0x162, ACT_WALK_CROUCH_RIFLE = 0x163, ACT_WALK_CROUCH_AIM_RIFLE = 0x164, ACT_RUN_RIFLE = 0x165, ACT_RUN_AIM_RIFLE = 0x166, ACT_RUN_CROUCH_RIFLE = 0x167, ACT_RUN_CROUCH_AIM_RIFLE = 0x168, ACT_RUN_STEALTH_PISTOL = 0x169, ACT_WALK_AIM_SHOTGUN = 0x16a, ACT_RUN_AIM_SHOTGUN = 0x16b, ACT_WALK_PISTOL = 0x16c, ACT_RUN_PISTOL = 0x16d, ACT_WALK_AIM_PISTOL = 0x16e, ACT_RUN_AIM_PISTOL = 0x16f, ACT_WALK_STEALTH_PISTOL = 0x170, ACT_WALK_AIM_STEALTH_PISTOL = 0x171, ACT_RUN_AIM_STEALTH_PISTOL = 0x172, ACT_RELOAD_PISTOL = 0x173, ACT_RELOAD_PISTOL_LOW = 0x174, ACT_RELOAD_SMG1 = 0x175, ACT_RELOAD_SMG1_LOW = 0x176, ACT_RELOAD_SHOTGUN = 0x177, ACT_RELOAD_SHOTGUN_LOW = 0x178, ACT_GESTURE_RELOAD = 0x179, ACT_GESTURE_RELOAD_PISTOL = 0x17a, ACT_GESTURE_RELOAD_SMG1 = 0x17b, ACT_GESTURE_RELOAD_SHOTGUN = 0x17c, ACT_BUSY_LEAN_LEFT = 0x17d, ACT_BUSY_LEAN_LEFT_ENTRY = 0x17e, ACT_BUSY_LEAN_LEFT_EXIT = 0x17f, ACT_BUSY_LEAN_BACK = 0x180, ACT_BUSY_LEAN_BACK_ENTRY = 0x181, ACT_BUSY_LEAN_BACK_EXIT = 0x182, ACT_BUSY_SIT_GROUND = 0x183, ACT_BUSY_SIT_GROUND_ENTRY = 0x184, ACT_BUSY_SIT_GROUND_EXIT = 0x185, ACT_BUSY_SIT_CHAIR = 0x186, ACT_BUSY_SIT_CHAIR_ENTRY = 0x187, ACT_BUSY_SIT_CHAIR_EXIT = 0x188, ACT_BUSY_STAND = 0x189, ACT_BUSY_QUEUE = 0x18a, ACT_DUCK_DODGE = 0x18b, ACT_DIE_BARNACLE_SWALLOW = 0x18c, ACT_GESTURE_BARNACLE_STRANGLE = 0x18d, ACT_DIE_FRONTSIDE = 0x192, ACT_DIE_RIGHTSIDE = 0x193, ACT_DIE_BACKSIDE = 0x194, ACT_DIE_LEFTSIDE = 0x195, ACT_DIE_CROUCH_FRONTSIDE = 0x196, ACT_DIE_CROUCH_RIGHTSIDE = 0x197, ACT_DIE_CROUCH_BACKSIDE = 0x198, ACT_DIE_CROUCH_LEFTSIDE = 0x199, ACT_DIE_INCAP = 0x19a, ACT_DIE_STANDING = 0x19b, ACT_OPEN_DOOR = 0x19c, ACT_DI_ALYX_ZOMBIE_MELEE = 0x19d, ACT_DI_ALYX_ZOMBIE_TORSO_MELEE = 0x19e, ACT_DI_ALYX_HEADCRAB_MELEE = 0x19f, ACT_DI_ALYX_ANTLION = 0x1a0, ACT_DI_ALYX_ZOMBIE_SHOTGUN64 = 0x1a1, ACT_DI_ALYX_ZOMBIE_SHOTGUN26 = 0x1a2, ACT_READINESS_RELAXED_TO_STIMULATED = 0x1a3, ACT_READINESS_RELAXED_TO_STIMULATED_WALK = 0x1a4, ACT_READINESS_AGITATED_TO_STIMULATED = 0x1a5, ACT_READINESS_STIMULATED_TO_RELAXED = 0x1a6, ACT_READINESS_PISTOL_RELAXED_TO_STIMULATED = 0x1a7, ACT_READINESS_PISTOL_RELAXED_TO_STIMULATED_WALK = 0x1a8, ACT_READINESS_PISTOL_AGITATED_TO_STIMULATED = 0x1a9, ACT_READINESS_PISTOL_STIMULATED_TO_RELAXED = 0x1aa, ACT_IDLE_CARRY = 0x1ab, ACT_WALK_CARRY = 0x1ac, ACT_STARTDYING = 0x1ad, ACT_DYINGLOOP = 0x1ae, ACT_DYINGTODEAD = 0x1af, ACT_RIDE_MANNED_GUN = 0x1b0, ACT_VM_SPRINT_ENTER = 0x1b1, ACT_VM_SPRINT_IDLE = 0x1b2, ACT_VM_SPRINT_LEAVE = 0x1b3, ACT_FIRE_START = 0x1b4, ACT_FIRE_LOOP = 0x1b5, ACT_FIRE_END = 0x1b6, ACT_CROUCHING_GRENADEIDLE = 0x1b7, ACT_CROUCHING_GRENADEREADY = 0x1b8, ACT_CROUCHING_PRIMARYATTACK = 0x1b9, ACT_OVERLAY_GRENADEIDLE = 0x1ba, ACT_OVERLAY_GRENADEREADY = 0x1bb, ACT_OVERLAY_PRIMARYATTACK = 0x1bc, ACT_OVERLAY_SHIELD_UP = 0x1bd, ACT_OVERLAY_SHIELD_DOWN = 0x1be, ACT_OVERLAY_SHIELD_UP_IDLE = 0x1bf, ACT_OVERLAY_SHIELD_ATTACK = 0x1c0, ACT_OVERLAY_SHIELD_KNOCKBACK = 0x1c1, ACT_SHIELD_UP = 0x1c2, ACT_SHIELD_DOWN = 0x1c3, ACT_SHIELD_UP_IDLE = 0x1c4, ACT_SHIELD_ATTACK = 0x1c5, ACT_SHIELD_KNOCKBACK = 0x1c6, ACT_CROUCHING_SHIELD_UP = 0x1c7, ACT_CROUCHING_SHIELD_DOWN = 0x1c8, ACT_CROUCHING_SHIELD_UP_IDLE = 0x1c9, ACT_CROUCHING_SHIELD_ATTACK = 0x1ca, ACT_CROUCHING_SHIELD_KNOCKBACK = 0x1cb, ACT_TURNRIGHT45 = 0x1cc, ACT_TURNLEFT45 = 0x1cd, ACT_TURN = 0x1ce, ACT_OBJ_ASSEMBLING = 0x1cf, ACT_OBJ_DISMANTLING = 0x1d0, ACT_OBJ_STARTUP = 0x1d1, ACT_OBJ_RUNNING = 0x1d2, ACT_OBJ_IDLE = 0x1d3, ACT_OBJ_PLACING = 0x1d4, ACT_OBJ_DETERIORATING = 0x1d5, ACT_OBJ_UPGRADING = 0x1d6, ACT_DEPLOY = 0x1d7, ACT_DEPLOY_IDLE = 0x1d8, ACT_UNDEPLOY = 0x1d9, ACT_CROSSBOW_DRAW_UNLOADED = 0x1da, ACT_GAUSS_SPINUP = 0x1db, ACT_GAUSS_SPINCYCLE = 0x1dc, ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK_SILENCED = 0x1dd, ACT_VM_RELOAD_SILENCED = 0x1de, ACT_VM_DRYFIRE_SILENCED = 0x1df, ACT_VM_IDLE_SILENCED = 0x1e0, ACT_VM_DRAW_SILENCED = 0x1e1, ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY_LEFT = 0x1e2, ACT_VM_DRYFIRE_LEFT = 0x1e3, ACT_VM_IS_DRAW = 0x1e4, ACT_VM_IS_HOLSTER = 0x1e5, ACT_VM_IS_IDLE = 0x1e6, ACT_VM_IS_PRIMARYATTACK = 0x1e7, ACT_PLAYER_IDLE_FIRE = 0x1e8, ACT_PLAYER_CROUCH_FIRE = 0x1e9, ACT_PLAYER_CROUCH_WALK_FIRE = 0x1ea, ACT_PLAYER_WALK_FIRE = 0x1eb, ACT_PLAYER_RUN_FIRE = 0x1ec, ACT_IDLETORUN = 0x1ed, ACT_RUNTOIDLE = 0x1ee, ACT_VM_DRAW_DEPLOYED = 0x1ef, ACT_HL2MP_IDLE_MELEE = 0x1f0, ACT_HL2MP_RUN_MELEE = 0x1f1, ACT_HL2MP_IDLE_CROUCH_MELEE = 0x1f2, ACT_HL2MP_WALK_CROUCH_MELEE = 0x1f3, ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_MELEE = 0x1f4, ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RELOAD_MELEE = 0x1f5, ACT_HL2MP_JUMP_MELEE = 0x1f6, ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE = 0x1f7, ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE = 0x1f8, ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE = 0x1f9, ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED = 0x1fa, ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_IDLE = 0x1fb, ACT_MP_RUN = 0x1fc, ACT_MP_WALK = 0x1fd, ACT_MP_AIRWALK = 0x1fe, ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK = 0x1ff, ACT_MP_SPRINT = 0x200, ACT_MP_JUMP = 0x201, ACT_MP_JUMP_START = 0x202, ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT = 0x203, ACT_MP_JUMP_LAND = 0x204, ACT_MP_DOUBLEJUMP = 0x205, ACT_MP_SWIM = 0x206, ACT_MP_DEPLOYED = 0x207, ACT_MP_SWIM_DEPLOYED = 0x208, ACT_MP_VCD = 0x209, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARYFIRE = 0x20a, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARYFIRE_DEPLOYED = 0x20b, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE = 0x20c, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE = 0x20d, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARYFIRE = 0x20e, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARYFIRE_DEPLOYED = 0x20f, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE = 0x210, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_GRENADE = 0x211, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARYFIRE = 0x212, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE = 0x213, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_GRENADE = 0x214, ACT_MP_ATTACK_AIRWALK_PRIMARYFIRE = 0x215, ACT_MP_ATTACK_AIRWALK_SECONDARYFIRE = 0x216, ACT_MP_ATTACK_AIRWALK_GRENADE = 0x217, ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND = 0x218, ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_LOOP = 0x219, ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_END = 0x21a, ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH = 0x21b, ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_LOOP = 0x21c, ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_END = 0x21d, ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM = 0x21e, ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_LOOP = 0x21f, ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_END = 0x220, ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK = 0x221, ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_LOOP = 0x222, ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_END = 0x223, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PREFIRE = 0x224, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_POSTFIRE = 0x225, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_STARTFIRE = 0x226, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PREFIRE = 0x227, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_POSTFIRE = 0x228, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PREFIRE = 0x229, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_POSTFIRE = 0x22a, ACT_MP_STAND_PRIMARY = 0x22b, ACT_MP_CROUCH_PRIMARY = 0x22c, ACT_MP_RUN_PRIMARY = 0x22d, ACT_MP_WALK_PRIMARY = 0x22e, ACT_MP_AIRWALK_PRIMARY = 0x22f, ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_PRIMARY = 0x230, ACT_MP_JUMP_PRIMARY = 0x231, ACT_MP_JUMP_START_PRIMARY = 0x232, ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_PRIMARY = 0x233, ACT_MP_JUMP_LAND_PRIMARY = 0x234, ACT_MP_SWIM_PRIMARY = 0x235, ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY = 0x236, ACT_MP_SWIM_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY = 0x237, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY = 0x238, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED = 0x239, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY = 0x23a, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED = 0x23b, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY = 0x23c, ACT_MP_ATTACK_AIRWALK_PRIMARY = 0x23d, ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY = 0x23e, ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_LOOP = 0x23f, ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_END = 0x240, ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY = 0x241, ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_LOOP = 0x242, ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_END = 0x243, ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY = 0x244, ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_LOOP = 0x245, ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_END = 0x246, ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY = 0x247, ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_LOOP = 0x248, ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_END = 0x249, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE_PRIMARY = 0x24a, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_GRENADE_PRIMARY = 0x24b, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_GRENADE_PRIMARY = 0x24c, ACT_MP_ATTACK_AIRWALK_GRENADE_PRIMARY = 0x24d, ACT_MP_STAND_SECONDARY = 0x24e, ACT_MP_CROUCH_SECONDARY = 0x24f, ACT_MP_RUN_SECONDARY = 0x250, ACT_MP_WALK_SECONDARY = 0x251, ACT_MP_AIRWALK_SECONDARY = 0x252, ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_SECONDARY = 0x253, ACT_MP_JUMP_SECONDARY = 0x254, ACT_MP_JUMP_START_SECONDARY = 0x255, ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_SECONDARY = 0x256, ACT_MP_JUMP_LAND_SECONDARY = 0x257, ACT_MP_SWIM_SECONDARY = 0x258, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY = 0x259, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY = 0x25a, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY = 0x25b, ACT_MP_ATTACK_AIRWALK_SECONDARY = 0x25c, ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_SECONDARY = 0x25d, ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_SECONDARY_LOOP = 0x25e, ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_SECONDARY_END = 0x25f, ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_SECONDARY = 0x260, ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_SECONDARY_LOOP = 0x261, ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_SECONDARY_END = 0x262, ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_SECONDARY = 0x263, ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_SECONDARY_LOOP = 0x264, ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_SECONDARY_END = 0x265, ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_SECONDARY = 0x266, ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_SECONDARY_LOOP = 0x267, ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_SECONDARY_END = 0x268, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE_SECONDARY = 0x269, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_GRENADE_SECONDARY = 0x26a, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_GRENADE_SECONDARY = 0x26b, ACT_MP_ATTACK_AIRWALK_GRENADE_SECONDARY = 0x26c, ACT_MP_STAND_MELEE = 0x26d, ACT_MP_CROUCH_MELEE = 0x26e, ACT_MP_RUN_MELEE = 0x26f, ACT_MP_WALK_MELEE = 0x270, ACT_MP_AIRWALK_MELEE = 0x271, ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_MELEE = 0x272, ACT_MP_JUMP_MELEE = 0x273, ACT_MP_JUMP_START_MELEE = 0x274, ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_MELEE = 0x275, ACT_MP_JUMP_LAND_MELEE = 0x276, ACT_MP_SWIM_MELEE = 0x277, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE = 0x278, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY = 0x279, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE = 0x27a, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY = 0x27b, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE = 0x27c, ACT_MP_ATTACK_AIRWALK_MELEE = 0x27d, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE_MELEE = 0x27e, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_GRENADE_MELEE = 0x27f, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_GRENADE_MELEE = 0x280, ACT_MP_ATTACK_AIRWALK_GRENADE_MELEE = 0x281, ACT_MP_STAND_ITEM1 = 0x282, ACT_MP_CROUCH_ITEM1 = 0x283, ACT_MP_RUN_ITEM1 = 0x284, ACT_MP_WALK_ITEM1 = 0x285, ACT_MP_AIRWALK_ITEM1 = 0x286, ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_ITEM1 = 0x287, ACT_MP_JUMP_ITEM1 = 0x288, ACT_MP_JUMP_START_ITEM1 = 0x289, ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_ITEM1 = 0x28a, ACT_MP_JUMP_LAND_ITEM1 = 0x28b, ACT_MP_SWIM_ITEM1 = 0x28c, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_ITEM1 = 0x28d, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_ITEM1_SECONDARY = 0x28e, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_ITEM1 = 0x28f, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_ITEM1_SECONDARY = 0x290, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_ITEM1 = 0x291, ACT_MP_ATTACK_AIRWALK_ITEM1 = 0x292, ACT_MP_STAND_ITEM2 = 0x293, ACT_MP_CROUCH_ITEM2 = 0x294, ACT_MP_RUN_ITEM2 = 0x295, ACT_MP_WALK_ITEM2 = 0x296, ACT_MP_AIRWALK_ITEM2 = 0x297, ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_ITEM2 = 0x298, ACT_MP_JUMP_ITEM2 = 0x299, ACT_MP_JUMP_START_ITEM2 = 0x29a, ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_ITEM2 = 0x29b, ACT_MP_JUMP_LAND_ITEM2 = 0x29c, ACT_MP_SWIM_ITEM2 = 0x29d, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_ITEM2 = 0x29e, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_ITEM2_SECONDARY = 0x29f, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_ITEM2 = 0x2a0, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_ITEM2_SECONDARY = 0x2a1, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_ITEM2 = 0x2a2, ACT_MP_ATTACK_AIRWALK_ITEM2 = 0x2a3, ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH = 0x2a4, ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_PRIMARY = 0x2a5, ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_SECONDARY = 0x2a6, ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_MELEE = 0x2a7, ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_ITEM1 = 0x2a8, ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_ITEM2 = 0x2a9, ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_HEAD = 0x2aa, ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST = 0x2ab, ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_STOMACH = 0x2ac, ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_LEFTARM = 0x2ad, ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_RIGHTARM = 0x2ae, ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_LEFTLEG = 0x2af, ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_RIGHTLEG = 0x2b0, ACT_MP_GRENADE1_DRAW = 0x2b1, ACT_MP_GRENADE1_IDLE = 0x2b2, ACT_MP_GRENADE1_ATTACK = 0x2b3, ACT_MP_GRENADE2_DRAW = 0x2b4, ACT_MP_GRENADE2_IDLE = 0x2b5, ACT_MP_GRENADE2_ATTACK = 0x2b6, ACT_MP_PRIMARY_GRENADE1_DRAW = 0x2b7, ACT_MP_PRIMARY_GRENADE1_IDLE = 0x2b8, ACT_MP_PRIMARY_GRENADE1_ATTACK = 0x2b9, ACT_MP_PRIMARY_GRENADE2_DRAW = 0x2ba, ACT_MP_PRIMARY_GRENADE2_IDLE = 0x2bb, ACT_MP_PRIMARY_GRENADE2_ATTACK = 0x2bc, ACT_MP_SECONDARY_GRENADE1_DRAW = 0x2bd, ACT_MP_SECONDARY_GRENADE1_IDLE = 0x2be, ACT_MP_SECONDARY_GRENADE1_ATTACK = 0x2bf, ACT_MP_SECONDARY_GRENADE2_DRAW = 0x2c0, ACT_MP_SECONDARY_GRENADE2_IDLE = 0x2c1, ACT_MP_SECONDARY_GRENADE2_ATTACK = 0x2c2, ACT_MP_MELEE_GRENADE1_DRAW = 0x2c3, ACT_MP_MELEE_GRENADE1_IDLE = 0x2c4, ACT_MP_MELEE_GRENADE1_ATTACK = 0x2c5, ACT_MP_MELEE_GRENADE2_DRAW = 0x2c6, ACT_MP_MELEE_GRENADE2_IDLE = 0x2c7, ACT_MP_MELEE_GRENADE2_ATTACK = 0x2c8, ACT_MP_ITEM1_GRENADE1_DRAW = 0x2c9, ACT_MP_ITEM1_GRENADE1_IDLE = 0x2ca, ACT_MP_ITEM1_GRENADE1_ATTACK = 0x2cb, ACT_MP_ITEM1_GRENADE2_DRAW = 0x2cc, ACT_MP_ITEM1_GRENADE2_IDLE = 0x2cd, ACT_MP_ITEM1_GRENADE2_ATTACK = 0x2ce, ACT_MP_ITEM2_GRENADE1_DRAW = 0x2cf, ACT_MP_ITEM2_GRENADE1_IDLE = 0x2d0, ACT_MP_ITEM2_GRENADE1_ATTACK = 0x2d1, ACT_MP_ITEM2_GRENADE2_DRAW = 0x2d2, ACT_MP_ITEM2_GRENADE2_IDLE = 0x2d3, ACT_MP_ITEM2_GRENADE2_ATTACK = 0x2d4, ACT_MP_STAND_BUILDING = 0x2d5, ACT_MP_CROUCH_BUILDING = 0x2d6, ACT_MP_RUN_BUILDING = 0x2d7, ACT_MP_WALK_BUILDING = 0x2d8, ACT_MP_AIRWALK_BUILDING = 0x2d9, ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_BUILDING = 0x2da, ACT_MP_JUMP_BUILDING = 0x2db, ACT_MP_JUMP_START_BUILDING = 0x2dc, ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_BUILDING = 0x2dd, ACT_MP_JUMP_LAND_BUILDING = 0x2de, ACT_MP_SWIM_BUILDING = 0x2df, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_BUILDING = 0x2e0, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_BUILDING = 0x2e1, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_BUILDING = 0x2e2, ACT_MP_ATTACK_AIRWALK_BUILDING = 0x2e3, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE_BUILDING = 0x2e4, ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_GRENADE_BUILDING = 0x2e5, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_GRENADE_BUILDING = 0x2e6, ACT_MP_ATTACK_AIRWALK_GRENADE_BUILDING = 0x2e7, ACT_MP_STAND_PDA = 0x2e8, ACT_MP_CROUCH_PDA = 0x2e9, ACT_MP_RUN_PDA = 0x2ea, ACT_MP_WALK_PDA = 0x2eb, ACT_MP_AIRWALK_PDA = 0x2ec, ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_PDA = 0x2ed, ACT_MP_JUMP_PDA = 0x2ee, ACT_MP_JUMP_START_PDA = 0x2ef, ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_PDA = 0x2f0, ACT_MP_JUMP_LAND_PDA = 0x2f1, ACT_MP_SWIM_PDA = 0x2f2, ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PDA = 0x2f3, ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PDA = 0x2f4, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_HANDMOUTH = 0x2f5, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT = 0x2f6, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP = 0x2f7, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_THUMBSUP = 0x2f8, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODYES = 0x2f9, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODNO = 0x2fa, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_HANDMOUTH_PRIMARY = 0x2fb, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_PRIMARY = 0x2fc, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_PRIMARY = 0x2fd, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_THUMBSUP_PRIMARY = 0x2fe, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODYES_PRIMARY = 0x2ff, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODNO_PRIMARY = 0x300, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_HANDMOUTH_SECONDARY = 0x301, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_SECONDARY = 0x302, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_SECONDARY = 0x303, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_THUMBSUP_SECONDARY = 0x304, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODYES_SECONDARY = 0x305, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODNO_SECONDARY = 0x306, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_HANDMOUTH_MELEE = 0x307, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE = 0x308, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_MELEE = 0x309, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_THUMBSUP_MELEE = 0x30a, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODYES_MELEE = 0x30b, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODNO_MELEE = 0x30c, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_HANDMOUTH_ITEM1 = 0x30d, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_ITEM1 = 0x30e, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_ITEM1 = 0x30f, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_THUMBSUP_ITEM1 = 0x310, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODYES_ITEM1 = 0x311, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODNO_ITEM1 = 0x312, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_HANDMOUTH_ITEM2 = 0x313, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_ITEM2 = 0x314, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_ITEM2 = 0x315, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_THUMBSUP_ITEM2 = 0x316, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODYES_ITEM2 = 0x317, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODNO_ITEM2 = 0x318, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_HANDMOUTH_BUILDING = 0x319, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_BUILDING = 0x31a, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_BUILDING = 0x31b, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_THUMBSUP_BUILDING = 0x31c, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODYES_BUILDING = 0x31d, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODNO_BUILDING = 0x31e, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_HANDMOUTH_PDA = 0x31f, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_PDA = 0x320, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_PDA = 0x321, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_THUMBSUP_PDA = 0x322, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODYES_PDA = 0x323, ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_NODNO_PDA = 0x324, ACT_VM_UNUSABLE = 0x325, ACT_VM_UNUSABLE_TO_USABLE = 0x326, ACT_VM_USABLE_TO_UNUSABLE = 0x327, ACT_PRIMARY_VM_DRAW = 0x328, ACT_PRIMARY_VM_HOLSTER = 0x329, ACT_PRIMARY_VM_IDLE = 0x32a, ACT_PRIMARY_VM_PULLBACK = 0x32b, ACT_PRIMARY_VM_PRIMARYATTACK = 0x32c, ACT_PRIMARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK = 0x32d, ACT_PRIMARY_VM_RELOAD = 0x32e, ACT_PRIMARY_VM_DRYFIRE = 0x32f, ACT_PRIMARY_VM_IDLE_TO_LOWERED = 0x330, ACT_PRIMARY_VM_IDLE_LOWERED = 0x331, ACT_PRIMARY_VM_LOWERED_TO_IDLE = 0x332, ACT_SECONDARY_VM_DRAW = 0x333, ACT_SECONDARY_VM_HOLSTER = 0x334, ACT_SECONDARY_VM_IDLE = 0x335, ACT_SECONDARY_VM_PULLBACK = 0x336, ACT_SECONDARY_VM_PRIMARYATTACK = 0x337, ACT_SECONDARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK = 0x338, ACT_SECONDARY_VM_RELOAD = 0x339, ACT_SECONDARY_VM_DRYFIRE = 0x33a, ACT_SECONDARY_VM_IDLE_TO_LOWERED = 0x33b, ACT_SECONDARY_VM_IDLE_LOWERED = 0x33c, ACT_SECONDARY_VM_LOWERED_TO_IDLE = 0x33d, ACT_MELEE_VM_DRAW = 0x33e, ACT_MELEE_VM_HOLSTER = 0x33f, ACT_MELEE_VM_IDLE = 0x340, ACT_MELEE_VM_PULLBACK = 0x341, ACT_MELEE_VM_PRIMARYATTACK = 0x342, ACT_MELEE_VM_SECONDARYATTACK = 0x343, ACT_MELEE_VM_RELOAD = 0x344, ACT_MELEE_VM_DRYFIRE = 0x345, ACT_MELEE_VM_IDLE_TO_LOWERED = 0x346, ACT_MELEE_VM_IDLE_LOWERED = 0x347, ACT_MELEE_VM_LOWERED_TO_IDLE = 0x348, ACT_PDA_VM_DRAW = 0x349, ACT_PDA_VM_HOLSTER = 0x34a, ACT_PDA_VM_IDLE = 0x34b, ACT_PDA_VM_PULLBACK = 0x34c, ACT_PDA_VM_PRIMARYATTACK = 0x34d, ACT_PDA_VM_SECONDARYATTACK = 0x34e, ACT_PDA_VM_RELOAD = 0x34f, ACT_PDA_VM_DRYFIRE = 0x350, ACT_PDA_VM_IDLE_TO_LOWERED = 0x351, ACT_PDA_VM_IDLE_LOWERED = 0x352, ACT_PDA_VM_LOWERED_TO_IDLE = 0x353, ACT_ITEM1_VM_DRAW = 0x354, ACT_ITEM1_VM_HOLSTER = 0x355, ACT_ITEM1_VM_IDLE = 0x356, ACT_ITEM1_VM_PULLBACK = 0x357, ACT_ITEM1_VM_PRIMARYATTACK = 0x358, ACT_ITEM1_VM_SECONDARYATTACK = 0x359, ACT_ITEM1_VM_RELOAD = 0x35a, ACT_ITEM1_VM_DRYFIRE = 0x35b, ACT_ITEM1_VM_IDLE_TO_LOWERED = 0x35c, ACT_ITEM1_VM_IDLE_LOWERED = 0x35d, ACT_ITEM1_VM_LOWERED_TO_IDLE = 0x35e, ACT_ITEM2_VM_DRAW = 0x35f, ACT_ITEM2_VM_HOLSTER = 0x360, ACT_ITEM2_VM_IDLE = 0x361, ACT_ITEM2_VM_PULLBACK = 0x362, ACT_ITEM2_VM_PRIMARYATTACK = 0x363, ACT_ITEM2_VM_SECONDARYATTACK = 0x364, ACT_ITEM2_VM_RELOAD = 0x365, ACT_ITEM2_VM_DRYFIRE = 0x366, ACT_ITEM2_VM_IDLE_TO_LOWERED = 0x367, ACT_ITEM2_VM_IDLE_LOWERED = 0x368, ACT_ITEM2_VM_LOWERED_TO_IDLE = 0x369, ACT_RELOAD_SUCCEED = 0x36a, ACT_RELOAD_FAIL = 0x36b, ACT_WALK_AIM_AUTOGUN = 0x36c, ACT_RUN_AIM_AUTOGUN = 0x36d, ACT_IDLE_AUTOGUN = 0x36e, ACT_IDLE_AIM_AUTOGUN = 0x36f, ACT_RELOAD_AUTOGUN = 0x370, ACT_CROUCH_IDLE_AUTOGUN = 0x371, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_AUTOGUN = 0x372, ACT_JUMP_AUTOGUN = 0x373, ACT_IDLE_AIM_PISTOL = 0x374, ACT_WALK_AIM_DUAL = 0x375, ACT_RUN_AIM_DUAL = 0x376, ACT_IDLE_DUAL = 0x377, ACT_IDLE_AIM_DUAL = 0x378, ACT_RELOAD_DUAL = 0x379, ACT_CROUCH_IDLE_DUAL = 0x37a, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_DUAL = 0x37b, ACT_JUMP_DUAL = 0x37c, ACT_IDLE_AIM_SHOTGUN = 0x37d, ACT_CROUCH_IDLE_SHOTGUN = 0x37e, ACT_IDLE_AIM_RIFLE = 0x37f, ACT_CROUCH_IDLE_RIFLE = 0x380, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_RIFLE = 0x381, ACT_SLEEP = 0x382, ACT_WAKE = 0x383, ACT_FLICK_LEFT = 0x384, ACT_FLICK_LEFT_MIDDLE = 0x385, ACT_FLICK_RIGHT_MIDDLE = 0x386, ACT_FLICK_RIGHT = 0x387, ACT_SPINAROUND = 0x388, ACT_PREP_TO_FIRE = 0x389, ACT_FIRE = 0x38a, ACT_FIRE_RECOVER = 0x38b, ACT_SPRAY = 0x38c, ACT_PREP_EXPLODE = 0x38d, ACT_EXPLODE = 0x38e, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_0 = 0x38f, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_1 = 0x390, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_2 = 0x391, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_3 = 0x392, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_4 = 0x393, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_5 = 0x394, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_6 = 0x395, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_7 = 0x396, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_8 = 0x397, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_9 = 0x398, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_10 = 0x399, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_11 = 0x39a, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_12 = 0x39b, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_13 = 0x39c, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_14 = 0x39d, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_15 = 0x39e, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_16 = 0x39f, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_17 = 0x3a0, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_18 = 0x3a1, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_19 = 0x3a2, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_20 = 0x3a3, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_21 = 0x3a4, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_22 = 0x3a5, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_23 = 0x3a6, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_24 = 0x3a7, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_25 = 0x3a8, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_26 = 0x3a9, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_27 = 0x3aa, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_28 = 0x3ab, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_29 = 0x3ac, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_30 = 0x3ad, ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_31 = 0x3ae, ACT_VR_PISTOL_LAST_SHOT = 0x3af, ACT_VR_PISTOL_SLIDE_RELEASE = 0x3b0, ACT_VR_PISTOL_CLIP_OUT_CHAMBERED = 0x3b1, ACT_VR_PISTOL_CLIP_OUT_SLIDE_BACK = 0x3b2, ACT_VR_PISTOL_CLIP_IN_CHAMBERED = 0x3b3, ACT_VR_PISTOL_CLIP_IN_SLIDE_BACK = 0x3b4, ACT_VR_PISTOL_IDLE_SLIDE_BACK = 0x3b5, ACT_VR_PISTOL_IDLE_SLIDE_BACK_CLIP_READY = 0x3b6, ACT_RAGDOLL_RECOVERY_FRONT = 0x3b7, ACT_RAGDOLL_RECOVERY_BACK = 0x3b8, ACT_RAGDOLL_RECOVERY_LEFT = 0x3b9, ACT_RAGDOLL_RECOVERY_RIGHT = 0x3ba, ACT_GRABBITYGLOVES_GRAB = 0x3bb, ACT_GRABBITYGLOVES_RELEASE = 0x3bc, ACT_GRABBITYGLOVES_GRAB_IDLE = 0x3bd, ACT_GRABBITYGLOVES_ACTIVE = 0x3be, ACT_GRABBITYGLOVES_ACTIVE_IDLE = 0x3bf, ACT_GRABBITYGLOVES_DEACTIVATE = 0x3c0, ACT_GRABBITYGLOVES_PULL = 0x3c1, ACT_HEADCRAB_SMOKE_BOMB = 0x3c2, ACT_HEADCRAB_SPIT = 0x3c3, ACT_ZOMBIE_TRIP = 0x3c4, ACT_ZOMBIE_LUNGE = 0x3c5, ACT_NEUTRAL_REF_POSE = 0x3c6, ACT_ANTLION_SCUTTLE_FORWARD = 0x3c7, ACT_ANTLION_SCUTTLE_BACK = 0x3c8, ACT_ANTLION_SCUTTLE_LEFT = 0x3c9, ACT_ANTLION_SCUTTLE_RIGHT = 0x3ca, ACT_VR_PISTOL_EMPTY_CLIP_IN_SLIDE_BACK = 0x3cb, ACT_VR_SHOTGUN_IDLE = 0x3cc, ACT_VR_SHOTGUN_OPEN_CHAMBER = 0x3cd, ACT_VR_SHOTGUN_RELOAD_1 = 0x3ce, ACT_VR_SHOTGUN_RELOAD_2 = 0x3cf, ACT_VR_SHOTGUN_RELOAD_3 = 0x3d0, ACT_VR_SHOTGUN_CLOSE_CHAMBER = 0x3d1, ACT_VR_SHOTGUN_TRIGGER_SQUEEZE = 0x3d2, ACT_VR_SHOTGUN_SHOOT = 0x3d3, ACT_VR_SHOTGUN_SLIDE_BACK = 0x3d4, ACT_VR_SHOTGUN_SLIDE_FORWARD = 0x3d5, ACT_VR_PISTOL_LONG_CLIP_IN_CHAMBERED = 0x3d6, ACT_VR_PISTOL_LONG_CLIP_IN_SLIDE_BACK = 0x3d7, ACT_VR_PISTOL_BURST_TOGGLE = 0x3d8, ACT_VR_PISTOL_LOW_KICK = 0x3d9, ACT_VR_PISTOL_BURST_ATTACK = 0x3da, ACT_VR_SHOTGUN_GRENADE_TWIST = 0x3db, ACT_DIE_STAND = 0x3dc, ACT_DIE_STAND_HEADSHOT = 0x3dd, ACT_DIE_CROUCH = 0x3de, ACT_DIE_CROUCH_HEADSHOT = 0x3df, ACT_CSGO_NULL = 0x3e0, ACT_CSGO_DEFUSE = 0x3e1, ACT_CSGO_DEFUSE_WITH_KIT = 0x3e2, ACT_CSGO_FLASHBANG_REACTION = 0x3e3, ACT_CSGO_FIRE_PRIMARY = 0x3e4, ACT_CSGO_FIRE_PRIMARY_OPT_1 = 0x3e5, ACT_CSGO_FIRE_PRIMARY_OPT_2 = 0x3e6, ACT_CSGO_FIRE_SECONDARY = 0x3e7, ACT_CSGO_FIRE_SECONDARY_OPT_1 = 0x3e8, ACT_CSGO_FIRE_SECONDARY_OPT_2 = 0x3e9, ACT_CSGO_RELOAD = 0x3ea, ACT_CSGO_RELOAD_START = 0x3eb, ACT_CSGO_RELOAD_LOOP = 0x3ec, ACT_CSGO_RELOAD_END = 0x3ed, ACT_CSGO_OPERATE = 0x3ee, ACT_CSGO_DEPLOY = 0x3ef, ACT_CSGO_CATCH = 0x3f0, ACT_CSGO_SILENCER_DETACH = 0x3f1, ACT_CSGO_SILENCER_ATTACH = 0x3f2, ACT_CSGO_TWITCH = 0x3f3, ACT_CSGO_TWITCH_BUYZONE = 0x3f4, ACT_CSGO_PLANT_BOMB = 0x3f5, ACT_CSGO_IDLE_TURN_BALANCEADJUST = 0x3f6, ACT_CSGO_IDLE_ADJUST_STOPPEDMOVING = 0x3f7, ACT_CSGO_ALIVE_LOOP = 0x3f8, ACT_CSGO_FLINCH = 0x3f9, ACT_CSGO_FLINCH_HEAD = 0x3fa, ACT_CSGO_FLINCH_MOLOTOV = 0x3fb, ACT_CSGO_JUMP = 0x3fc, ACT_CSGO_FALL = 0x3fd, ACT_CSGO_CLIMB_LADDER = 0x3fe, ACT_CSGO_LAND_LIGHT = 0x3ff, ACT_CSGO_LAND_HEAVY = 0x400, ACT_CSGO_EXIT_LADDER_TOP = 0x401, ACT_CSGO_EXIT_LADDER_BOTTOM = 0x402, ACT_CSGO_PARACHUTE = 0x403, ACT_CSGO_TAUNT = 0x404, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1e enum class SVC_Messages : uint32_t { svc_ServerInfo = 0x28, svc_FlattenedSerializer = 0x29, svc_ClassInfo = 0x2a, svc_SetPause = 0x2b, svc_CreateStringTable = 0x2c, svc_UpdateStringTable = 0x2d, svc_VoiceInit = 0x2e, svc_VoiceData = 0x2f, svc_Print = 0x30, svc_Sounds = 0x31, svc_SetView = 0x32, svc_ClearAllStringTables = 0x33, svc_CmdKeyValues = 0x34, svc_BSPDecal = 0x35, svc_SplitScreen = 0x36, svc_PacketEntities = 0x37, svc_Prefetch = 0x38, svc_Menu = 0x39, svc_GetCvarValue = 0x3a, svc_StopSound = 0x3b, svc_PeerList = 0x3c, svc_PacketReliable = 0x3d, svc_HLTVStatus = 0x3e, svc_ServerSteamID = 0x3f, svc_FullFrameSplit = 0x46, svc_RconServerDetails = 0x47, svc_UserMessage = 0x48, svc_HltvReplay = 0x49, svc_Broadcast_Command = 0x4a, svc_HltvFixupOperatorStatus = 0x4b, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class IBody__PostureType : uint32_t { STAND = 0x0, CROUCH = 0x1, SIT = 0x2, CRAWL = 0x3, LIE = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class CHeadLookParams__HeadLookPriority_t : uint32_t { BORING = 0x0, INTERESTING = 0x1, IMPORTANT = 0x2, CRITICAL = 0x3, MANDATORY = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class CreatureAbilityType : uint32_t { CREATURE_ABILITY_OFFENSIVE = 0x0, CREATURE_ABILITY_DEFENSIVE = 0x1, CREATURE_ABILITY_ESCAPE = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class DOTALobbyReadyState : uint32_t { DOTALobbyReadyState_UNDECLARED = 0x0, DOTALobbyReadyState_ACCEPTED = 0x1, DOTALobbyReadyState_DECLINED = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class DOTACommLevel_t : uint32_t { DOTA_COMM_LEVEL_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_COMM_LEVEL_COOLDOWN = 0x1, DOTA_COMM_LEVEL_PINGS = 0x2, DOTA_COMM_LEVEL_CHAT = 0x3, DOTA_COMM_LEVEL_TIPPING = 0x4, DOTA_COMM_LEVEL_VOICE = 0x5, DOTA_COMM_LEVEL_ALLIED_ABILITY = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class LifeState_t : uint32_t { LIFE_ALIVE = 0x0, LIFE_DYING = 0x1, LIFE_DEAD = 0x2, LIFE_RESPAWNABLE = 0x3, LIFE_RESPAWNING = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x9 enum class SurroundingBoundsType_t : uint8_t { USE_OBB_COLLISION_BOUNDS = 0x0, USE_BEST_COLLISION_BOUNDS = 0x1, USE_HITBOXES = 0x2, USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS = 0x3, USE_GAME_CODE = 0x4, USE_ROTATION_EXPANDED_BOUNDS = 0x5, USE_COLLISION_BOUNDS_NEVER_VPHYSICS = 0x6, USE_ROTATION_EXPANDED_SEQUENCE_BOUNDS = 0x7, SURROUNDING_TYPE_BIT_COUNT = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class DOTAUnitMoveCapability_t : uint32_t { DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND = 0x1, DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x16 enum class EDOTA_ModifyGold_Reason : uint32_t { DOTA_ModifyGold_Unspecified = 0x0, DOTA_ModifyGold_Death = 0x1, DOTA_ModifyGold_Buyback = 0x2, DOTA_ModifyGold_PurchaseConsumable = 0x3, DOTA_ModifyGold_PurchaseItem = 0x4, DOTA_ModifyGold_AbandonedRedistribute = 0x5, DOTA_ModifyGold_SellItem = 0x6, DOTA_ModifyGold_AbilityCost = 0x7, DOTA_ModifyGold_CheatCommand = 0x8, DOTA_ModifyGold_SelectionPenalty = 0x9, DOTA_ModifyGold_GameTick = 0xa, DOTA_ModifyGold_Building = 0xb, DOTA_ModifyGold_HeroKill = 0xc, DOTA_ModifyGold_CreepKill = 0xd, DOTA_ModifyGold_NeutralKill = 0xe, DOTA_ModifyGold_RoshanKill = 0xf, DOTA_ModifyGold_CourierKill = 0x10, DOTA_ModifyGold_BountyRune = 0x11, DOTA_ModifyGold_SharedGold = 0x12, DOTA_ModifyGold_AbilityGold = 0x13, DOTA_ModifyGold_WardKill = 0x14, DOTA_ModifyGold_CourierKilledByThisPlayer = 0x15, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class Fantasy_Team_Slots : uint32_t { FANTASY_SLOT_NONE = 0x0, FANTASY_SLOT_CORE = 0x1, FANTASY_SLOT_SUPPORT = 0x2, FANTASY_SLOT_ANY = 0x3, FANTASY_SLOT_BENCH = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x9 enum class ItemFlagTypes_t : uint8_t { ITEM_FLAG_NONE = 0x0, ITEM_FLAG_CAN_SELECT_WITHOUT_AMMO = 0x1, ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTORELOAD = 0x2, ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTOSWITCHEMPTY = 0x4, ITEM_FLAG_LIMITINWORLD = 0x8, ITEM_FLAG_EXHAUSTIBLE = 0x10, ITEM_FLAG_DOHITLOCATIONDMG = 0x20, ITEM_FLAG_NOAMMOPICKUPS = 0x40, ITEM_FLAG_NOITEMPICKUP = 0x80, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9 enum class DOTA_SHOP_TYPE : uint32_t { DOTA_SHOP_HOME = 0x0, DOTA_SHOP_SIDE = 0x1, DOTA_SHOP_SECRET = 0x2, DOTA_SHOP_GROUND = 0x3, DOTA_SHOP_SIDE2 = 0x4, DOTA_SHOP_SECRET2 = 0x5, DOTA_SHOP_CUSTOM = 0x6, DOTA_SHOP_NEUTRALS = 0x7, DOTA_SHOP_NONE = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3d enum class modifierstate : uint32_t { MODIFIER_STATE_ROOTED = 0x0, MODIFIER_STATE_DISARMED = 0x1, MODIFIER_STATE_ATTACK_IMMUNE = 0x2, MODIFIER_STATE_SILENCED = 0x3, MODIFIER_STATE_MUTED = 0x4, MODIFIER_STATE_STUNNED = 0x5, MODIFIER_STATE_HEXED = 0x6, MODIFIER_STATE_INVISIBLE = 0x7, MODIFIER_STATE_INVULNERABLE = 0x8, MODIFIER_STATE_MAGIC_IMMUNE = 0x9, MODIFIER_STATE_PROVIDES_VISION = 0xa, MODIFIER_STATE_NIGHTMARED = 0xb, MODIFIER_STATE_BLOCK_DISABLED = 0xc, MODIFIER_STATE_EVADE_DISABLED = 0xd, MODIFIER_STATE_UNSELECTABLE = 0xe, MODIFIER_STATE_CANNOT_TARGET_ENEMIES = 0xf, MODIFIER_STATE_CANNOT_TARGET_BUILDINGS = 0x10, MODIFIER_STATE_CANNOT_MISS = 0x11, MODIFIER_STATE_SPECIALLY_DENIABLE = 0x12, MODIFIER_STATE_FROZEN = 0x13, MODIFIER_STATE_COMMAND_RESTRICTED = 0x14, MODIFIER_STATE_NOT_ON_MINIMAP = 0x15, MODIFIER_STATE_LOW_ATTACK_PRIORITY = 0x16, MODIFIER_STATE_NO_HEALTH_BAR = 0x17, MODIFIER_STATE_NO_HEALTH_BAR_FOR_ENEMIES = 0x18, MODIFIER_STATE_NO_HEALTH_BAR_FOR_OTHER_PLAYERS = 0x19, MODIFIER_STATE_FLYING = 0x1a, MODIFIER_STATE_NO_UNIT_COLLISION = 0x1b, MODIFIER_STATE_NO_TEAM_MOVE_TO = 0x1c, MODIFIER_STATE_NO_TEAM_SELECT = 0x1d, MODIFIER_STATE_PASSIVES_DISABLED = 0x1e, MODIFIER_STATE_DOMINATED = 0x1f, MODIFIER_STATE_BLIND = 0x20, MODIFIER_STATE_OUT_OF_GAME = 0x21, MODIFIER_STATE_FAKE_ALLY = 0x22, MODIFIER_STATE_FLYING_FOR_PATHING_PURPOSES_ONLY = 0x23, MODIFIER_STATE_TRUESIGHT_IMMUNE = 0x24, MODIFIER_STATE_UNTARGETABLE = 0x25, MODIFIER_STATE_UNTARGETABLE_ALLIED = 0x26, MODIFIER_STATE_UNTARGETABLE_ENEMY = 0x27, MODIFIER_STATE_UNTARGETABLE_SELF = 0x28, MODIFIER_STATE_IGNORING_MOVE_AND_ATTACK_ORDERS = 0x29, MODIFIER_STATE_ALLOW_PATHING_THROUGH_TREES = 0x2a, MODIFIER_STATE_NOT_ON_MINIMAP_FOR_ENEMIES = 0x2b, MODIFIER_STATE_UNSLOWABLE = 0x2c, MODIFIER_STATE_TETHERED = 0x2d, MODIFIER_STATE_IGNORING_STOP_ORDERS = 0x2e, MODIFIER_STATE_FEARED = 0x2f, MODIFIER_STATE_TAUNTED = 0x30, MODIFIER_STATE_CANNOT_BE_MOTION_CONTROLLED = 0x31, MODIFIER_STATE_FORCED_FLYING_VISION = 0x32, MODIFIER_STATE_ATTACK_ALLIES = 0x33, MODIFIER_STATE_ALLOW_PATHING_THROUGH_CLIFFS = 0x34, MODIFIER_STATE_ALLOW_PATHING_THROUGH_FISSURE = 0x35, MODIFIER_STATE_SPECIALLY_UNDENIABLE = 0x36, MODIFIER_STATE_ALLOW_PATHING_THROUGH_OBSTRUCTIONS = 0x37, MODIFIER_STATE_DEBUFF_IMMUNE = 0x38, MODIFIER_STATE_NO_INVISIBILITY_VISUALS = 0x39, MODIFIER_STATE_ALLOW_PATHING_THROUGH_BASE_BLOCKER = 0x3a, MODIFIER_STATE_IGNORING_MOVE_ORDERS = 0x3b, MODIFIER_STATE_LAST = 0x3c, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x3 enum class BeginDeathLifeStateTransition_t : uint8_t { NO_CHANGE_IN_LIFESTATE = 0x0, TRANSITION_TO_LIFESTATE_DYING = 0x1, TRANSITION_TO_LIFESTATE_DEAD = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class ETrackedStatAggregate : uint32_t { k_eTrackedStatAggregate_Invalid = 0x0, k_eTrackedStatAggregate_Sum = 0x1, k_eTrackedStatAggregate_Max = 0x2, k_eTrackedStatAggregate_Min = 0x3, k_eTrackedStatAggregate_Or = 0x4, k_eTrackedStatAggregate_And = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class TrainOrientationType_t : uint32_t { TrainOrientation_Fixed = 0x0, TrainOrientation_AtPathTracks = 0x1, TrainOrientation_LinearBlend = 0x2, TrainOrientation_EaseInEaseOut = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class EPingSource : uint32_t { k_ePingSource_Default = 0x0, k_ePingSource_Warning = 0x1, k_ePingSource_Wheel = 0x2, k_ePingSource_System = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class DOTALimits_t : uint32_t { // MScriptDescription "Max number of players connected to the server including spectators." DOTA_MAX_PLAYERS = 0x40, // MScriptDescription "Max number of players per team." DOTA_MAX_TEAM = 0x18, // MScriptDescription "Max number of player teams supported." DOTA_MAX_PLAYER_TEAMS = 0xa, // MScriptDescription "Max number of non-spectator players supported." DOTA_MAX_TEAM_PLAYERS = 0x18, // MScriptDescription "How many spectators can watch." DOTA_MAX_SPECTATOR_TEAM_SIZE = 0x28, // MScriptDescription "Max number of viewers in a spectator lobby." DOTA_MAX_SPECTATOR_LOBBY_SIZE = 0xf, // MScriptDescription "Default number of players per team." DOTA_DEFAULT_MAX_TEAM = 0x5, // MScriptDescription "Default number of non-spectator players supported." DOTA_DEFAULT_MAX_TEAM_PLAYERS = 0xa, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x13 enum class DOTADamageFlag_t : uint32_t { DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_IGNORES_MAGIC_ARMOR = 0x1, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_IGNORES_PHYSICAL_ARMOR = 0x2, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_BYPASSES_INVULNERABILITY = 0x4, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_BYPASSES_BLOCK = 0x8, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_REFLECTION = 0x10, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_HPLOSS = 0x20, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_NO_DIRECTOR_EVENT = 0x40, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_NON_LETHAL = 0x80, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_NO_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIERS = 0x200, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_NO_SPELL_AMPLIFICATION = 0x400, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_DONT_DISPLAY_DAMAGE_IF_SOURCE_HIDDEN = 0x800, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_NO_SPELL_LIFESTEAL = 0x1000, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_PROPERTY_FIRE = 0x2000, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_IGNORES_BASE_PHYSICAL_ARMOR = 0x4000, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_SECONDARY_PROJECTILE_ATTACK = 0x8000, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_FORCE_SPELL_AMPLIFICATION = 0x10000, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_MAGIC_AUTO_ATTACK = 0x20000, DOTA_DAMAGE_FLAG_ATTACK_MODIFIER = 0x40000, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 enum class EDemoCommands : uint32_t { DEM_Error = 0xffffffffffffffff, DEM_Stop = 0x0, DEM_FileHeader = 0x1, DEM_FileInfo = 0x2, DEM_SyncTick = 0x3, DEM_SendTables = 0x4, DEM_ClassInfo = 0x5, DEM_StringTables = 0x6, DEM_Packet = 0x7, DEM_SignonPacket = 0x8, DEM_ConsoleCmd = 0x9, DEM_CustomData = 0xa, DEM_CustomDataCallbacks = 0xb, DEM_UserCmd = 0xc, DEM_FullPacket = 0xd, DEM_SaveGame = 0xe, DEM_SpawnGroups = 0xf, DEM_AnimationData = 0x10, DEM_Max = 0x11, DEM_IsCompressed = 0x40, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class ELeagueBroadcastProvider : uint32_t { LEAGUE_BROADCAST_UNKNOWN = 0x0, LEAGUE_BROADCAST_STEAM = 0x1, LEAGUE_BROADCAST_TWITCH = 0x2, LEAGUE_BROADCAST_YOUTUBE = 0x3, LEAGUE_BROADCAST_OTHER = 0x64, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0xb enum class CavernCrawlItemType_t : uint8_t { CAVERN_CRAWL_ITEM_TYPE_INVALID = 0xff, CAVERN_CRAWL_ITEM_TYPE_KEY = 0x0, CAVERN_CRAWL_ITEM_TYPE_FLARE = 0x1, CAVERN_CRAWL_ITEM_TYPE_SWAP = 0x2, CAVERN_CRAWL_ITEM_TYPE_CULLING_BLADE = 0x3, CAVERN_CRAWL_ITEM_TYPE_SHOVEL = 0x4, CAVERN_CRAWL_ITEM_TYPE_COUNT = 0x5, CAVERN_CRAWL_ITEM_TYPE_FIRST_FAKE = 0x80, CAVERN_CRAWL_ITEM_TYPE_TREASURE_MAP = 0x80, CAVERN_CRAWL_ITEM_TYPE_AFTER_FAKES = 0x81, CAVERN_CRAWL_ITEM_TYPE_FAKE_COUNT = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class DOTAMatchVote : uint32_t { DOTAMatchVote_INVALID = 0x0, DOTAMatchVote_POSITIVE = 0x1, DOTAMatchVote_NEGATIVE = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1b enum class DOTA_BOT_MODE : uint32_t { DOTA_BOT_MODE_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_BOT_MODE_LANING = 0x1, DOTA_BOT_MODE_ATTACK = 0x2, DOTA_BOT_MODE_ROAM = 0x3, DOTA_BOT_MODE_RETREAT = 0x4, DOTA_BOT_MODE_SECRET_SHOP = 0x5, DOTA_BOT_MODE_SIDE_SHOP = 0x6, DOTA_BOT_MODE_RUNE = 0x7, DOTA_BOT_MODE_PUSH_TOWER_TOP = 0x8, DOTA_BOT_MODE_PUSH_TOWER_MID = 0x9, DOTA_BOT_MODE_PUSH_TOWER_BOT = 0xa, DOTA_BOT_MODE_DEFEND_TOWER_TOP = 0xb, DOTA_BOT_MODE_DEFEND_TOWER_MID = 0xc, DOTA_BOT_MODE_DEFEND_TOWER_BOT = 0xd, DOTA_BOT_MODE_ASSEMBLE = 0xe, DOTA_BOT_MODE_ASSEMBLE_WITH_HUMANS = 0xf, DOTA_BOT_MODE_TEAM_ROAM = 0x10, DOTA_BOT_MODE_FARM = 0x11, DOTA_BOT_MODE_DEFEND_ALLY = 0x12, DOTA_BOT_MODE_EVASIVE_MANEUVERS = 0x13, DOTA_BOT_MODE_ROSHAN = 0x14, DOTA_BOT_MODE_ITEM = 0x15, DOTA_BOT_MODE_WARD = 0x16, DOTA_BOT_MODE_COMPANION = 0x17, DOTA_BOT_MODE_TUTORIAL_BOSS = 0x18, DOTA_BOT_MODE_MINION = 0x19, DOTA_BOT_MODE_OUTPOST = 0x1a, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x109 enum class GameActivity_t : uint32_t { ACT_DOTA_IDLE = 0x5dc, ACT_DOTA_IDLE_RARE = 0x5dd, ACT_DOTA_RUN = 0x5de, ACT_DOTA_ATTACK = 0x5df, ACT_DOTA_ATTACK2 = 0x5e0, ACT_DOTA_ATTACK_EVENT = 0x5e1, ACT_DOTA_DIE = 0x5e2, ACT_DOTA_FLINCH = 0x5e3, ACT_DOTA_FLAIL = 0x5e4, ACT_DOTA_DISABLED = 0x5e5, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_1 = 0x5e6, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_2 = 0x5e7, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_3 = 0x5e8, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_4 = 0x5e9, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_5 = 0x5ea, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_6 = 0x5eb, ACT_DOTA_OVERRIDE_ABILITY_1 = 0x5ec, ACT_DOTA_OVERRIDE_ABILITY_2 = 0x5ed, ACT_DOTA_OVERRIDE_ABILITY_3 = 0x5ee, ACT_DOTA_OVERRIDE_ABILITY_4 = 0x5ef, ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_ABILITY_1 = 0x5f0, ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_ABILITY_2 = 0x5f1, ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_ABILITY_3 = 0x5f2, ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_ABILITY_4 = 0x5f3, ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_ABILITY_5 = 0x5f4, ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_ABILITY_6 = 0x5f5, ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_END_ABILITY_1 = 0x5f6, ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_END_ABILITY_2 = 0x5f7, ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_END_ABILITY_3 = 0x5f8, ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_END_ABILITY_4 = 0x5f9, ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_END_ABILITY_5 = 0x5fa, ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_END_ABILITY_6 = 0x5fb, ACT_DOTA_CONSTANT_LAYER = 0x5fc, ACT_DOTA_CAPTURE = 0x5fd, ACT_DOTA_SPAWN = 0x5fe, ACT_DOTA_KILLTAUNT = 0x5ff, ACT_DOTA_TAUNT = 0x600, ACT_DOTA_THIRST = 0x601, ACT_DOTA_CAST_DRAGONBREATH = 0x602, ACT_DOTA_ECHO_SLAM = 0x603, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_1_END = 0x604, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_2_END = 0x605, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_3_END = 0x606, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_4_END = 0x607, ACT_MIRANA_LEAP_END = 0x608, ACT_WAVEFORM_START = 0x609, ACT_WAVEFORM_END = 0x60a, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_ROT = 0x60b, ACT_DOTA_DIE_SPECIAL = 0x60c, ACT_DOTA_RATTLETRAP_BATTERYASSAULT = 0x60d, ACT_DOTA_RATTLETRAP_POWERCOGS = 0x60e, ACT_DOTA_RATTLETRAP_HOOKSHOT_START = 0x60f, ACT_DOTA_RATTLETRAP_HOOKSHOT_LOOP = 0x610, ACT_DOTA_RATTLETRAP_HOOKSHOT_END = 0x611, ACT_STORM_SPIRIT_OVERLOAD_RUN_OVERRIDE = 0x612, ACT_DOTA_TINKER_REARM1 = 0x613, ACT_DOTA_TINKER_REARM2 = 0x614, ACT_DOTA_TINKER_REARM3 = 0x615, ACT_TINY_AVALANCHE = 0x616, ACT_TINY_TOSS = 0x617, ACT_TINY_GROWL = 0x618, ACT_DOTA_WEAVERBUG_ATTACH = 0x619, ACT_DOTA_CAST_WILD_AXES_END = 0x61a, ACT_DOTA_CAST_LIFE_BREAK_START = 0x61b, ACT_DOTA_CAST_LIFE_BREAK_END = 0x61c, ACT_DOTA_NIGHTSTALKER_TRANSITION = 0x61d, ACT_DOTA_LIFESTEALER_RAGE = 0x61e, ACT_DOTA_LIFESTEALER_OPEN_WOUNDS = 0x61f, ACT_DOTA_SAND_KING_BURROW_IN = 0x620, ACT_DOTA_SAND_KING_BURROW_OUT = 0x621, ACT_DOTA_EARTHSHAKER_TOTEM_ATTACK = 0x622, ACT_DOTA_WHEEL_LAYER = 0x623, ACT_DOTA_ALCHEMIST_CHEMICAL_RAGE_START = 0x624, ACT_DOTA_ALCHEMIST_CONCOCTION = 0x625, ACT_DOTA_JAKIRO_LIQUIDFIRE_START = 0x626, ACT_DOTA_JAKIRO_LIQUIDFIRE_LOOP = 0x627, ACT_DOTA_LIFESTEALER_INFEST = 0x628, ACT_DOTA_LIFESTEALER_INFEST_END = 0x629, ACT_DOTA_LASSO_LOOP = 0x62a, ACT_DOTA_ALCHEMIST_CONCOCTION_THROW = 0x62b, ACT_DOTA_ALCHEMIST_CHEMICAL_RAGE_END = 0x62c, ACT_DOTA_CAST_COLD_SNAP = 0x62d, ACT_DOTA_CAST_GHOST_WALK = 0x62e, ACT_DOTA_CAST_TORNADO = 0x62f, ACT_DOTA_CAST_EMP = 0x630, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ALACRITY = 0x631, ACT_DOTA_CAST_CHAOS_METEOR = 0x632, ACT_DOTA_CAST_SUN_STRIKE = 0x633, ACT_DOTA_CAST_FORGE_SPIRIT = 0x634, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ICE_WALL = 0x635, ACT_DOTA_CAST_DEAFENING_BLAST = 0x636, ACT_DOTA_VICTORY = 0x637, ACT_DOTA_DEFEAT = 0x638, ACT_DOTA_SPIRIT_BREAKER_CHARGE_POSE = 0x639, ACT_DOTA_SPIRIT_BREAKER_CHARGE_END = 0x63a, ACT_DOTA_TELEPORT = 0x63b, ACT_DOTA_TELEPORT_END = 0x63c, ACT_DOTA_CAST_REFRACTION = 0x63d, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_7 = 0x63e, ACT_DOTA_CANCEL_SIREN_SONG = 0x63f, ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_ABILITY_7 = 0x640, ACT_DOTA_LOADOUT = 0x641, ACT_DOTA_FORCESTAFF_END = 0x642, ACT_DOTA_POOF_END = 0x643, ACT_DOTA_SLARK_POUNCE = 0x644, ACT_DOTA_MAGNUS_SKEWER_START = 0x645, ACT_DOTA_MAGNUS_SKEWER_END = 0x646, ACT_DOTA_MEDUSA_STONE_GAZE = 0x647, ACT_DOTA_RELAX_START = 0x648, ACT_DOTA_RELAX_LOOP = 0x649, ACT_DOTA_RELAX_END = 0x64a, ACT_DOTA_CENTAUR_STAMPEDE = 0x64b, ACT_DOTA_BELLYACHE_START = 0x64c, ACT_DOTA_BELLYACHE_LOOP = 0x64d, ACT_DOTA_BELLYACHE_END = 0x64e, ACT_DOTA_ROQUELAIRE_LAND = 0x64f, ACT_DOTA_ROQUELAIRE_LAND_IDLE = 0x650, ACT_DOTA_GREEVIL_CAST = 0x651, ACT_DOTA_GREEVIL_OVERRIDE_ABILITY = 0x652, ACT_DOTA_GREEVIL_HOOK_START = 0x653, ACT_DOTA_GREEVIL_HOOK_END = 0x654, ACT_DOTA_GREEVIL_BLINK_BONE = 0x655, ACT_DOTA_IDLE_SLEEPING = 0x656, ACT_DOTA_INTRO = 0x657, ACT_DOTA_GESTURE_POINT = 0x658, ACT_DOTA_GESTURE_ACCENT = 0x659, ACT_DOTA_SLEEPING_END = 0x65a, ACT_DOTA_AMBUSH = 0x65b, ACT_DOTA_ITEM_LOOK = 0x65c, ACT_DOTA_STARTLE = 0x65d, ACT_DOTA_FRUSTRATION = 0x65e, ACT_DOTA_TELEPORT_REACT = 0x65f, ACT_DOTA_TELEPORT_END_REACT = 0x660, ACT_DOTA_SHRUG = 0x661, ACT_DOTA_RELAX_LOOP_END = 0x662, ACT_DOTA_PRESENT_ITEM = 0x663, ACT_DOTA_IDLE_IMPATIENT = 0x664, ACT_DOTA_SHARPEN_WEAPON = 0x665, ACT_DOTA_SHARPEN_WEAPON_OUT = 0x666, ACT_DOTA_IDLE_SLEEPING_END = 0x667, ACT_DOTA_BRIDGE_DESTROY = 0x668, ACT_DOTA_TAUNT_SNIPER = 0x669, ACT_DOTA_DEATH_BY_SNIPER = 0x66a, ACT_DOTA_LOOK_AROUND = 0x66b, ACT_DOTA_CAGED_CREEP_RAGE = 0x66c, ACT_DOTA_CAGED_CREEP_RAGE_OUT = 0x66d, ACT_DOTA_CAGED_CREEP_SMASH = 0x66e, ACT_DOTA_CAGED_CREEP_SMASH_OUT = 0x66f, ACT_DOTA_IDLE_IMPATIENT_SWORD_TAP = 0x670, ACT_DOTA_INTRO_LOOP = 0x671, ACT_DOTA_BRIDGE_THREAT = 0x672, ACT_DOTA_DAGON = 0x673, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_2_ES_ROLL_START = 0x674, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_2_ES_ROLL = 0x675, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_2_ES_ROLL_END = 0x676, ACT_DOTA_NIAN_PIN_START = 0x677, ACT_DOTA_NIAN_PIN_LOOP = 0x678, ACT_DOTA_NIAN_PIN_END = 0x679, ACT_DOTA_LEAP_STUN = 0x67a, ACT_DOTA_LEAP_SWIPE = 0x67b, ACT_DOTA_NIAN_INTRO_LEAP = 0x67c, ACT_DOTA_AREA_DENY = 0x67d, ACT_DOTA_NIAN_PIN_TO_STUN = 0x67e, ACT_DOTA_RAZE_1 = 0x67f, ACT_DOTA_RAZE_2 = 0x680, ACT_DOTA_RAZE_3 = 0x681, ACT_DOTA_UNDYING_DECAY = 0x682, ACT_DOTA_UNDYING_SOUL_RIP = 0x683, ACT_DOTA_UNDYING_TOMBSTONE = 0x684, ACT_DOTA_WHIRLING_AXES_RANGED = 0x685, ACT_DOTA_SHALLOW_GRAVE = 0x686, ACT_DOTA_COLD_FEET = 0x687, ACT_DOTA_ICE_VORTEX = 0x688, ACT_DOTA_CHILLING_TOUCH = 0x689, ACT_DOTA_ENFEEBLE = 0x68a, ACT_DOTA_FATAL_BONDS = 0x68b, ACT_DOTA_MIDNIGHT_PULSE = 0x68c, ACT_DOTA_ANCESTRAL_SPIRIT = 0x68d, ACT_DOTA_THUNDER_STRIKE = 0x68e, ACT_DOTA_KINETIC_FIELD = 0x68f, ACT_DOTA_STATIC_STORM = 0x690, ACT_DOTA_MINI_TAUNT = 0x691, ACT_DOTA_ARCTIC_BURN_END = 0x692, ACT_DOTA_LOADOUT_RARE = 0x693, ACT_DOTA_SWIM = 0x694, ACT_DOTA_FLEE = 0x695, ACT_DOTA_TROT = 0x696, ACT_DOTA_SHAKE = 0x697, ACT_DOTA_SWIM_IDLE = 0x698, ACT_DOTA_WAIT_IDLE = 0x699, ACT_DOTA_GREET = 0x69a, ACT_DOTA_TELEPORT_COOP_START = 0x69b, ACT_DOTA_TELEPORT_COOP_WAIT = 0x69c, ACT_DOTA_TELEPORT_COOP_END = 0x69d, ACT_DOTA_TELEPORT_COOP_EXIT = 0x69e, ACT_DOTA_SHOPKEEPER_PET_INTERACT = 0x69f, ACT_DOTA_ITEM_PICKUP = 0x6a0, ACT_DOTA_ITEM_DROP = 0x6a1, ACT_DOTA_CAPTURE_PET = 0x6a2, ACT_DOTA_PET_WARD_OBSERVER = 0x6a3, ACT_DOTA_PET_WARD_SENTRY = 0x6a4, ACT_DOTA_PET_LEVEL = 0x6a5, ACT_DOTA_CAST_BURROW_END = 0x6a6, ACT_DOTA_LIFESTEALER_ASSIMILATE = 0x6a7, ACT_DOTA_LIFESTEALER_EJECT = 0x6a8, ACT_DOTA_ATTACK_EVENT_BASH = 0x6a9, ACT_DOTA_CAPTURE_RARE = 0x6aa, ACT_DOTA_AW_MAGNETIC_FIELD = 0x6ab, ACT_DOTA_CAST_GHOST_SHIP = 0x6ac, ACT_DOTA_FXANIM = 0x6ad, ACT_DOTA_VICTORY_START = 0x6ae, ACT_DOTA_DEFEAT_START = 0x6af, ACT_DOTA_DP_SPIRIT_SIPHON = 0x6b0, ACT_DOTA_TRICKS_END = 0x6b1, ACT_DOTA_ES_STONE_CALLER = 0x6b2, ACT_DOTA_MK_STRIKE = 0x6b3, ACT_DOTA_VERSUS = 0x6b4, ACT_DOTA_CAPTURE_CARD = 0x6b5, ACT_DOTA_MK_SPRING_SOAR = 0x6b6, ACT_DOTA_MK_SPRING_END = 0x6b7, ACT_DOTA_MK_TREE_SOAR = 0x6b8, ACT_DOTA_MK_TREE_END = 0x6b9, ACT_DOTA_MK_FUR_ARMY = 0x6ba, ACT_DOTA_MK_SPRING_CAST = 0x6bb, ACT_DOTA_NECRO_GHOST_SHROUD = 0x6bc, ACT_DOTA_OVERRIDE_ARCANA = 0x6bd, ACT_DOTA_SLIDE = 0x6be, ACT_DOTA_SLIDE_LOOP = 0x6bf, ACT_DOTA_GENERIC_CHANNEL_1 = 0x6c0, ACT_DOTA_GS_SOUL_CHAIN = 0x6c1, ACT_DOTA_GS_INK_CREATURE = 0x6c2, ACT_DOTA_TRANSITION = 0x6c3, ACT_DOTA_BLINK_DAGGER = 0x6c4, ACT_DOTA_BLINK_DAGGER_END = 0x6c5, ACT_DOTA_CUSTOM_TOWER_ATTACK = 0x6c6, ACT_DOTA_CUSTOM_TOWER_IDLE = 0x6c7, ACT_DOTA_CUSTOM_TOWER_DIE = 0x6c8, ACT_DOTA_CAST_COLD_SNAP_ORB = 0x6c9, ACT_DOTA_CAST_GHOST_WALK_ORB = 0x6ca, ACT_DOTA_CAST_TORNADO_ORB = 0x6cb, ACT_DOTA_CAST_EMP_ORB = 0x6cc, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ALACRITY_ORB = 0x6cd, ACT_DOTA_CAST_CHAOS_METEOR_ORB = 0x6ce, ACT_DOTA_CAST_SUN_STRIKE_ORB = 0x6cf, ACT_DOTA_CAST_FORGE_SPIRIT_ORB = 0x6d0, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ICE_WALL_ORB = 0x6d1, ACT_DOTA_CAST_DEAFENING_BLAST_ORB = 0x6d2, ACT_DOTA_NOTICE = 0x6d3, ACT_DOTA_CAST_ABILITY_2_ALLY = 0x6d4, ACT_DOTA_SHUFFLE_L = 0x6d5, ACT_DOTA_SHUFFLE_R = 0x6d6, ACT_DOTA_OVERRIDE_LOADOUT = 0x6d7, ACT_DOTA_TAUNT_SPECIAL = 0x6d8, ACT_DOTA_TELEPORT_START = 0x6d9, ACT_DOTA_GENERIC_CHANNEL_1_START = 0x6da, ACT_DOTA_CUSTOM_TOWER_IDLE_RARE = 0x6db, ACT_DOTA_CUSTOM_TOWER_TAUNT = 0x6dc, ACT_DOTA_CUSTOM_TOWER_HIGH_FIVE = 0x6dd, ACT_DOTA_ATTACK_SPECIAL = 0x6de, ACT_DOTA_TRANSITION_IDLE = 0x6df, ACT_DOTA_PIERCE_THE_VEIL = 0x6e0, ACT_DOTA_RUN_RARE = 0x6e1, ACT_DOTA_VIPER_DIVE = 0x6e2, ACT_DOTA_VIPER_DIVE_END = 0x6e3, ACT_DOTA_MK_STRIKE_END = 0x6e4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EShareAbility : uint32_t { ITEM_FULLY_SHAREABLE = 0x0, ITEM_PARTIALLY_SHAREABLE = 0x1, ITEM_NOT_SHAREABLE = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class DOTA_PlayerDraftState : uint32_t { DOTA_PLAYERDRAFT_STATE_INACTIVE = 0x0, DOTA_PLAYERDRAFT_STATE_INTRO = 0x1, DOTA_PLAYERDRAFT_STATE_DRAFT = 0x2, DOTA_PLAYERDRAFT_STATE_OUTRO = 0x3, DOTA_PLAYERDRAFT_STATE_COUNT = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class WorldTextPanelHorizontalAlign_t : uint32_t { WORLDTEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT = 0x0, WORLDTEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER = 0x1, WORLDTEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EMatchGroupServerStatus : uint32_t { k_EMatchGroupServerStatus_OK = 0x0, k_EMatchGroupServerStatus_LimitedAvailability = 0x1, k_EMatchGroupServerStatus_Offline = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class ELaneType : uint32_t { LANE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x0, LANE_TYPE_SAFE = 0x1, LANE_TYPE_OFF = 0x2, LANE_TYPE_MID = 0x3, LANE_TYPE_JUNGLE = 0x4, LANE_TYPE_ROAM = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class DIALOG_TYPE : uint32_t { DIALOG_MSG = 0x0, DIALOG_MENU = 0x1, DIALOG_TEXT = 0x2, DIALOG_ENTRY = 0x3, DIALOG_ASKCONNECT = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class WorldTextPanelOrientation_t : uint32_t { WORLDTEXT_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT = 0x0, WORLDTEXT_ORIENTATION_FACEUSER = 0x1, WORLDTEXT_ORIENTATION_FACEUSER_UPRIGHT = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x76 enum class ENetworkDisconnectionReason : uint32_t { NETWORK_DISCONNECT_INVALID = 0x0, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SHUTDOWN = 0x1, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DISCONNECT_BY_USER = 0x2, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DISCONNECT_BY_SERVER = 0x3, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOST = 0x4, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_OVERFLOW = 0x5, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_BANNED = 0x6, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_INUSE = 0x7, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_TICKET = 0x8, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_LOGON = 0x9, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_AUTHCANCELLED = 0xa, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_AUTHALREADYUSED = 0xb, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_AUTHINVALID = 0xc, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_VACBANSTATE = 0xd, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_LOGGED_IN_ELSEWHERE = 0xe, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_VAC_CHECK_TIMEDOUT = 0xf, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_DROPPED = 0x10, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_OWNERSHIP = 0x11, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SERVERINFO_OVERFLOW = 0x12, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_TICKMSG_OVERFLOW = 0x13, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STRINGTABLEMSG_OVERFLOW = 0x14, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DELTAENTMSG_OVERFLOW = 0x15, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_TEMPENTMSG_OVERFLOW = 0x16, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SOUNDSMSG_OVERFLOW = 0x17, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SNAPSHOTOVERFLOW = 0x18, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SNAPSHOTERROR = 0x19, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_RELIABLEOVERFLOW = 0x1a, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_BADDELTATICK = 0x1b, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_NOMORESPLITS = 0x1c, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_TIMEDOUT = 0x1d, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DISCONNECTED = 0x1e, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LEAVINGSPLIT = 0x1f, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DIFFERENTCLASSTABLES = 0x20, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_BADRELAYPASSWORD = 0x21, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_BADSPECTATORPASSWORD = 0x22, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_HLTVRESTRICTED = 0x23, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_NOSPECTATORS = 0x24, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_HLTVUNAVAILABLE = 0x25, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_HLTVSTOP = 0x26, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED = 0x27, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_BANADDED = 0x28, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKBANADDED = 0x29, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_HLTVDIRECT = 0x2a, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_PURESERVER_CLIENTEXTRA = 0x2b, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_PURESERVER_MISMATCH = 0x2c, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_USERCMD = 0x2d, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECTED_BY_GAME = 0x2e, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR = 0x2f, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_INVALID_MESSAGE_ERROR = 0x30, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_BAD_SERVER_PASSWORD = 0x31, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DIRECT_CONNECT_RESERVATION = 0x32, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_FAILURE = 0x33, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_NO_PEER_GROUP_HANDLERS = 0x34, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_RECONNECTION = 0x35, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPSHUTDOWN = 0x36, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE = 0x37, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_HOST_ENDGAME = 0x38, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOP_LEVELLOAD_ACTIVATE = 0x39, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_CREATE_SERVER_FAILED = 0x3a, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_EXITING = 0x3b, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REQUEST_HOSTSTATE_IDLE = 0x3c, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REQUEST_HOSTSTATE_HLTVRELAY = 0x3d, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_CLIENT_CONSISTENCY_FAIL = 0x3e, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_CLIENT_UNABLE_TO_CRC_MAP = 0x3f, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_CLIENT_NO_MAP = 0x40, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_CLIENT_DIFFERENT_MAP = 0x41, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SERVER_REQUIRES_STEAM = 0x42, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_DENY_MISC = 0x43, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_DENY_BAD_ANTI_CHEAT = 0x44, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SERVER_SHUTDOWN = 0x45, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REPLAY_INCOMPATIBLE = 0x47, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_CONNECT_REQUEST_TIMEDOUT = 0x48, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SERVER_INCOMPATIBLE = 0x49, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOCALPROBLEM_MANYRELAYS = 0x4a, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOCALPROBLEM_HOSTEDSERVERPRIMARYRELAY = 0x4b, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOCALPROBLEM_NETWORKCONFIG = 0x4c, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOCALPROBLEM_OTHER = 0x4d, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REMOTE_TIMEOUT = 0x4f, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REMOTE_TIMEOUT_CONNECTING = 0x50, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REMOTE_OTHER = 0x51, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REMOTE_BADCRYPT = 0x52, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REMOTE_CERTNOTTRUSTED = 0x53, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_UNUSUAL = 0x54, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_INTERNAL_ERROR = 0x55, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_BADCHALLENGE = 0x80, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_NOLOBBY = 0x81, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_BACKGROUND_MAP = 0x82, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_SINGLE_PLAYER = 0x83, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_HIDDEN_GAME = 0x84, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_LANRESTRICT = 0x85, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_BADPASSWORD = 0x86, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_SERVERFULL = 0x87, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_INVALIDRESERVATION = 0x88, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_FAILEDCHANNEL = 0x89, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_CONNECT_FROM_LOBBY = 0x8a, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_RESERVED_FOR_LOBBY = 0x8b, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_INVALIDKEYLENGTH = 0x8c, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_OLDPROTOCOL = 0x8d, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_NEWPROTOCOL = 0x8e, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_INVALIDCONNECTION = 0x8f, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_INVALIDCERTLEN = 0x90, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_INVALIDSTEAMCERTLEN = 0x91, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_STEAM = 0x92, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_SERVERAUTHDISABLED = 0x93, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_SERVERCDKEYAUTHINVALID = 0x94, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECT_BANNED = 0x95, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED_TEAMKILLING = 0x96, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED_TK_START = 0x97, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED_UNTRUSTEDACCOUNT = 0x98, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED_CONVICTEDACCOUNT = 0x99, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED_COMPETITIVECOOLDOWN = 0x9a, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED_TEAMHURTING = 0x9b, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED_HOSTAGEKILLING = 0x9c, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED_VOTEDOFF = 0x9d, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED_IDLE = 0x9e, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED_SUICIDE = 0x9f, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED_NOSTEAMLOGIN = 0xa0, NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED_NOSTEAMTICKET = 0xa1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ObserverInterpState_t : uint32_t { OBSERVER_INTERP_NONE = 0x0, OBSERVER_INTERP_TRAVELING = 0x1, OBSERVER_INTERP_SETTLING = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EconEntityParticleDisableMode_t : uint32_t { ECON_ENTITY_PARTICLES_ENABLED = 0x0, ECON_ENTITY_PARTICLES_DISABLED = 0x1, ECON_ENTITY_PARTICLES_DISABLED_BUT_PLAY_ENDCAPS_TO_STOP = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class Explosions : uint32_t { expRandom = 0x0, expDirected = 0x1, expUsePrecise = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class StanceType_t : uint32_t { // MPropertySuppressEnumerator STANCE_CURRENT = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Default" STANCE_DEFAULT = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Crouching" STANCE_CROUCHING = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Prone" STANCE_PRONE = 0x2, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator NUM_STANCES = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class SubclassVDataChangeType_t : uint32_t { SUBCLASS_VDATA_CREATED = 0x0, SUBCLASS_VDATA_SUBCLASS_CHANGED = 0x1, SUBCLASS_VDATA_RELOADED = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class TimelineCompression_t : uint32_t { TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_SUM = 0x0, TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_COUNT_PER_INTERVAL = 0x1, TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_AVERAGE = 0x2, TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_AVERAGE_BLEND = 0x3, TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_TOTAL = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class LessonPanelLayoutFileTypes_t : uint32_t { LAYOUT_HAND_DEFAULT = 0x0, LAYOUT_WORLD_DEFAULT = 0x1, LAYOUT_CUSTOM = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class SceneOnPlayerDeath_t : uint32_t { SCENE_ONPLAYERDEATH_DO_NOTHING = 0x0, SCENE_ONPLAYERDEATH_CANCEL = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x79 enum class DOTA_INVALID_ORDERS : uint32_t { DOTA_ORDER_SUCCESS = 0xffffffffffffffff, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_NOT_CONTROLLABLE_BY_PLAYER = 0x0, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_UNIT_IS_NOT_NPC = 0x1, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_BAD_ABILITY_ENTITY = 0x2, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_UNRECOGNIZED_ORDER = 0x3, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_REQUIRED = 0x4, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_NPC_TARGET_REQUIRED = 0x5, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_TARGET_TREE_INDEX_NOT_A_TREE = 0x6, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_TARGET_ENTITY_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE = 0x7, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_NOT_AN_ITEM = 0x8, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_PHYSICAL_ITEM_TARGET_REQUIRED = 0x9, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_RUNE_TARGET_REQUIRED = 0xa, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_NOT_OWNED_BY_UNIT = 0xb, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_CANT_BE_UPGRADED = 0xc, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_NO_POINTS_FOR_ABILITY_UPGRADE = 0xd, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_NOT_ENOUGH_MANA = 0xe, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_IN_COOLDOWN = 0xf, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_NOT_LEARNED = 0x10, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_PASSIVE_ABILITY = 0x11, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_PHANTOM_TARGET = 0x12, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_DEAD_TARGET = 0x13, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_UNIT_IS_DEAD = 0x14, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_TARGET_MAGIC_IMMUNE_ENEMY = 0x15, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_TARGET_INVULNERABLE = 0x16, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_TARGET_ATTACK_IMMUNE = 0x17, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_UNIT_SILENCED = 0x18, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_CANT_BE_TOGGLED = 0x19, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_TARGET_CANT_BE_SEEN = 0x1a, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_TARGET_INVISIBLE = 0x1b, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_HERO_CANT_BE_DENIED = 0x1c, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_ON_TEAMMATE = 0x1d, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_ON_ENEMY = 0x1e, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_UNIT_CANT_MOVE = 0x1f, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_ON_ATTACK_IMMUNE = 0x20, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_PURCHASE_INVALID_ITEM = 0x21, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ITEM_NOT_IN_INVENTORY = 0x22, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ITEM_NOT_IN_UNIT_INVENTORY = 0x23, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_TARGET_UNSELECTABLE = 0x24, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ITEM_NOT_IN_ACTIVE_INVENTORY = 0x25, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_UNIT_CANT_PICK_UP_RUNES = 0x26, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_UNIT_CANT_MANIPULATE_ITEMS = 0x27, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_UNIT_IS_ILLUSION = 0x28, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_UNIT_CANT_ATTACK = 0x29, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ITEM_CANT_BE_DROPPED = 0x2a, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_TARGET_TREE_NOT_ACTIVE = 0x2b, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_CANT_AUTO_CAST = 0x2c, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_TARGET_POSITION_OFF_MAP = 0x2d, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_UNIT_CANT_MOVE_TARGET_OUT_OF_RANGE = 0x2e, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_ON_HERO = 0x2f, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_ON_OTHER = 0x30, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_ON_BUILDING = 0x31, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_ON_ANCIENT = 0x32, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ITEM_CANT_BE_MOVED_TO_STASH = 0x33, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ITEM_CANT_BE_MOVED_TO_SLOT = 0x34, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_ON_MECHANICAL = 0x35, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_ACCEPT_ATTACK_TARGET = 0x36, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_NO_CHARGES = 0x37, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_ON_CREEP = 0x38, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_TARGET_CANT_TAKE_ITEMS = 0x39, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_GIVE_ITEM_TO_ENEMY = 0x3a, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_ON_COURIER = 0x3b, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_IS_HIDDEN = 0x3c, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ITEM_IN_COOLDOWN = 0x3d, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_SECRET_SHOP_NOT_IN_RANGE = 0x3e, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD = 0x3f, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_PURCHASE_AUTOCOMBINE_RECIPE = 0x40, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_DENY_HEALTH_TOO_HIGH = 0x41, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_SIDE_SHOP_NOT_IN_RANGE = 0x42, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_HOME_SHOP_NOT_IN_RANGE = 0x43, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_PICK_UP_ITEM = 0x44, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_SELL_NO_SHOP_IN_RANGE = 0x45, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_SELL_ITEM = 0x46, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_SELL_ITEM_WHILE_DEAD = 0x47, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_TARGET_CANT_BE_DENIED = 0x48, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_DISABLED_BY_ROOT = 0x49, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_UNIT_COMMAND_RESTRICTED = 0x4a, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_UNIT_MUTED = 0x4b, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_ON_SUMMONED = 0x4c, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_TARGET_MAGIC_IMMUNE_ALLY = 0x4d, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_PURCHASE_DISALLOWED_ITEM = 0x4e, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_ON_DOMINATED = 0x4f, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CAST_CUSTOM = 0x50, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ITEM_NOT_DISASSEMBLABLE = 0x51, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ITEM_OUT_OF_STOCK = 0x52, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_CANT_BE_UPGRADED_AT_MAX = 0x53, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_INACTIVE = 0x54, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ITEM_NOT_IN_MAIN_INVENTORY = 0x55, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_GLYPH = 0x56, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_DRAG_CHANNELING_ITEM = 0x57, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_BUYBACK_UNIT_NOT_A_HERO = 0x58, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_BUYBACK_UNIT_NOT_DEAD = 0x59, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_BUYBACK_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD = 0x5a, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_BUYBACK_IN_COOLDOWN = 0x5b, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_DISASSEMBLE_STASH_OUT_OF_RANGE = 0x5c, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_EJECT_ITEM_NOT_IN_STASH = 0x5d, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_GAME_IS_PAUSED = 0x5e, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_ON_CONSIDERED_HERO = 0x5f, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_SHOP_AUTO_BUY_ENABLED = 0x60, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ONLY_DELIBERATE_CHANNELING_CANCEL = 0x61, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_BUYBACK_REAPERS_SCYTHE = 0x62, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_BUYBACK_DISABLED_BY_GAME_MODE = 0x63, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_ABILITY_PING_BAD_TEAM = 0x64, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_NOT_POSITIONED = 0x65, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_NOT_TARGETTED = 0x66, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_REQUIRES_TARGET = 0x67, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_RADAR = 0x68, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_NO_COURIER = 0x69, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CUSTOM_SHOP_NOT_IN_RANGE = 0x6a, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_RIVER_PAINT = 0x6b, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_UNIT_OBSTRUCTED = 0x6c, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_CAST_DRAG_REQUIRED = 0x6d, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_DISABLED_BY_TETHER = 0x6e, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_NOT_UNLOCKED = 0x6f, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_FOUNTAIN_DROP_UNIT_NOT_DEAD = 0x70, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ITEM_NOT_IN_NEUTRAL_ITEM_STASH = 0x71, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ITEM_ALREADY_PURCHASED = 0x72, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_BEYOND_PHYSICAL_ITEM_LIMIT = 0x73, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_PING_DEAD_ALLY = 0x74, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_CANT_LOCKCOMBINE_NEUTRAL_ITEMS = 0x75, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_ABILITY_CANT_ALT_CAST = 0x76, DOTA_INVALID_ORDER_COUNT = 0x77, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ELeagueTierCategory : uint32_t { LEAGUE_TIER_CATEGORY_AMATEUR = 0x1, LEAGUE_TIER_CATEGORY_PROFESSIONAL = 0x2, LEAGUE_TIER_CATEGORY_DPC = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class EFantasyShapeBehavior : uint32_t { // MPropertySuppressEnumerator k_eFantasyShapeBehavior_Invalid = 0x0, k_eFantasyShapeBehavior_MinQuality = 0x1, k_eFantasyShapeBehavior_AdjBonus = 0x2, k_eFantasyShapeBehavior_StealBonus = 0x3, k_eFantasyShapeBehavior_OnlyOne = 0x4, k_eFantasyShapeBehavior_NeedMultiples = 0x5, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator k_eFantasyShapeBehavior_COUNT = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xa enum class DotaCustomUIType_t : uint32_t { DOTA_CUSTOM_UI_TYPE_HUD = 0x0, DOTA_CUSTOM_UI_TYPE_HERO_SELECTION = 0x1, DOTA_CUSTOM_UI_TYPE_PREGAME_STRATEGY = 0x2, DOTA_CUSTOM_UI_TYPE_GAME_INFO = 0x3, DOTA_CUSTOM_UI_TYPE_GAME_SETUP = 0x4, DOTA_CUSTOM_UI_TYPE_FLYOUT_SCOREBOARD = 0x5, DOTA_CUSTOM_UI_TYPE_HUD_TOP_BAR = 0x6, DOTA_CUSTOM_UI_TYPE_END_SCREEN = 0x7, DOTA_CUSTOM_UI_TYPE_COUNT = 0x8, DOTA_CUSTOM_UI_TYPE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class P2P_Messages : uint32_t { p2p_TextMessage = 0x100, p2p_Voice = 0x101, p2p_Ping = 0x102, p2p_VRAvatarPosition = 0x103, p2p_WatchSynchronization = 0x104, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ETeamFanContentStatus : uint32_t { TEAM_FAN_CONTENT_STATUS_INVALID = 0x0, TEAM_FAN_CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING = 0x1, TEAM_FAN_CONTENT_STATUS_EVALUATED = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class PlayerUltimateStateOrTime_t : uint32_t { PLAYER_ULTIMATE_STATE_READY = 0x0, PLAYER_ULTIMATE_STATE_NO_MANA = 0xffffffffffffffff, PLAYER_ULTIMATE_STATE_NOT_LEVELED = 0xfffffffffffffffe, PLAYER_ULTIMATE_STATE_HIDDEN = 0xfffffffffffffffd, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc enum class ETournamentState : uint32_t { k_ETournamentState_Unknown = 0x0, k_ETournamentState_CanceledByAdmin = 0x1, k_ETournamentState_Completed = 0x2, k_ETournamentState_Merged = 0x3, k_ETournamentState_ServerFailure = 0x4, k_ETournamentState_TeamAbandoned = 0x5, k_ETournamentState_TeamTimeoutForfeit = 0x6, k_ETournamentState_TeamTimeoutRefund = 0x7, k_ETournamentState_ServerFailureGrantedVictory = 0x8, k_ETournamentState_TeamTimeoutGrantedVictory = 0x9, k_ETournamentState_InProgress = 0x64, k_ETournamentState_WaitingToMerge = 0x65, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class CMsgBattleReport_EOutcome : uint32_t { k_eWin = 0x0, k_eLoss = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class EShowcaseItemFlag : uint32_t { k_eShowcaseItemFlag_None = 0x0, k_eShowcaseItemFlag_FlipHorizontally = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class NeutralCampStackPullAlarmType_t : uint32_t { DOTA_NEUTRAL_CAMP_STACK_PULL_ALARM_TYPE_STACK = 0x1, DOTA_NEUTRAL_CAMP_STACK_PULL_ALARM_TYPE_PULL = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class EPlayerCoachMatchFlag : uint32_t { k_EPlayerCoachMatchFlag_EligibleForRewards = 0x1, k_EPlayerCoachMatchFlag_PrivateCoach = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class EDOTADraftTriviaAnswerResult : uint32_t { k_EDOTADraftTriviaAnswerResult_Success = 0x0, k_EDOTADraftTriviaAnswerResult_InvalidMatchID = 0x1, k_EDOTADraftTriviaAnswerResult_AlreadyAnswered = 0x2, k_EDOTADraftTriviaAnswerResult_InternalError = 0x3, k_EDOTADraftTriviaAnswerResult_TriviaDisabled = 0x4, k_EDOTADraftTriviaAnswerResult_GCDown = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class OrderQueueBehavior_t : uint32_t { DOTA_ORDER_QUEUE_DEFAULT = 0x0, DOTA_ORDER_QUEUE_NEVER = 0x1, DOTA_ORDER_QUEUE_ALWAYS = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ERoadToTIQuestType : uint32_t { k_RoadToTIQuestType_Match = 0x0, k_RoadToTIQuestType_Player = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EPrivateCoachingSessionMemberFlag : uint32_t { k_EPrivateCoachingSessionMemberFlag_Requester = 0x1, k_EPrivateCoachingSessionMemberFlag_Coach = 0x2, k_EPrivateCoachingSessionMemberFlag_LeftSession = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class CMsgBattleReport_HighlightCategory : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "General" k_eHighlightGeneral = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Hero" k_eHighlightHero = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Role" k_eHighlightRole = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class EPurchaseHeroRelicResult : uint32_t { k_EPurchaseHeroRelicResult_Success = 0x0, k_EPurchaseHeroRelicResult_FailedToSend = 0x1, k_EPurchaseHeroRelicResult_NotEnoughPoints = 0x2, k_EPurchaseHeroRelicResult_InternalServerError = 0x3, k_EPurchaseHeroRelicResult_PurchaseNotAllowed = 0x4, k_EPurchaseHeroRelicResult_InvalidRelic = 0x5, k_EPurchaseHeroRelicResult_AlreadyOwned = 0x6, k_EPurchaseHeroRelicResult_InvalidRarity = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class CMsgBattleReport_CompareContext : uint32_t { // MPropertySuppressEnumerator k_eCompareContextInvalid = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Overall Value" k_eAbsoluteValue = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Vs Rank Population" k_ePlayersOfSimilarRank = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Vs All Players" k_eAllPlayers = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Vs Personal History" k_ePlayersPersonalHistory = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class ETeamFanContentAssetStatus : uint32_t { k_eFanContentAssetStatus_None = 0x0, k_eFanContentAssetStatus_Approved = 0x1, k_eFanContentAssetStatus_Rejected = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class PortraitDisplayMode_t : uint32_t { PORTRAIT_DISPLAY_MODE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PORTRAIT_DISPLAY_MODE_LOADOUT = 0x0, PORTRAIT_DISPLAY_MODE_LOADOUT_DIRE = 0x1, PORTRAIT_DISPLAY_MODE_LOADOUT_SMALL = 0x2, PORTRAIT_DISPLAY_MODE_TREASURE_SMALL = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EShowcaseItemFlag_Hero : uint32_t { k_eShowcaseItemFlag_Hero_None = 0x0, k_eShowcaseItemFlag_Hero_ShowPedestal = 0x1, k_eShowcaseItemFlag_Hero_UseCurrentLoadout = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class PlayerOrderIssuer_t : uint32_t { DOTA_ORDER_ISSUER_SELECTED_UNITS = 0x0, DOTA_ORDER_ISSUER_CURRENT_UNIT_ONLY = 0x1, DOTA_ORDER_ISSUER_HERO_ONLY = 0x2, DOTA_ORDER_ISSUER_PASSED_UNIT_ONLY = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xe enum class ETeamInviteResult : uint32_t { TEAM_INVITE_SUCCESS = 0x0, TEAM_INVITE_FAILURE_INVITE_REJECTED = 0x1, TEAM_INVITE_FAILURE_INVITE_TIMEOUT = 0x2, TEAM_INVITE_ERROR_TEAM_AT_MEMBER_LIMIT = 0x3, TEAM_INVITE_ERROR_TEAM_LOCKED = 0x4, TEAM_INVITE_ERROR_INVITEE_NOT_AVAILABLE = 0x5, TEAM_INVITE_ERROR_INVITEE_BUSY = 0x6, TEAM_INVITE_ERROR_INVITEE_ALREADY_MEMBER = 0x7, TEAM_INVITE_ERROR_INVITEE_AT_TEAM_LIMIT = 0x8, TEAM_INVITE_ERROR_INVITEE_INSUFFICIENT_PLAY_TIME = 0x9, TEAM_INVITE_ERROR_INVITER_INVALID_ACCOUNT_TYPE = 0xa, TEAM_INVITE_ERROR_INVITER_NOT_ADMIN = 0xb, TEAM_INVITE_ERROR_INCORRECT_USER_RESPONDED = 0xc, TEAM_INVITE_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED = 0xd, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class EPrivateCoachingSessionState : uint32_t { k_ePrivateCoachingSessionState_Invalid = 0x0, k_ePrivateCoachingSessionState_SearchingForCoach = 0x1, k_ePrivateCoachingSessionState_CoachAssigned = 0x2, k_ePrivateCoachingSessionState_Finished = 0x3, k_ePrivateCoachingSessionState_Expired = 0x4, k_ePrivateCoachingSessionState_Abandoned = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9 enum class EGuildEventAuditAction : uint32_t { k_EGuildEventAuditAction_Invalid = 0x0, k_EGuildEventAuditAction_DevGrant = 0x1, k_EGuildEventAuditAction_CompleteContract = 0x2, k_EGuildEventAuditAction_CompleteChallenge = 0x3, k_EGuildEventAuditAction_CompleteMatch_Winner = 0x4, k_EGuildEventAuditAction_ChallengeProgress = 0x5, k_EGuildEventAuditAction_CompleteMatch_Loser = 0x6, k_EGuildEventAuditAction_WeeklyLeaderboard = 0x7, k_EGuildEventAuditAction_ManualGrant = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class SteamUniverse : uint32_t { Invalid = 0x0, Internal = 0x3, Dev = 0x4, Beta = 0x2, Public = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xa enum class ETournamentGameState : uint32_t { k_ETournamentGameState_Unknown = 0x0, k_ETournamentGameState_Canceled = 0x1, k_ETournamentGameState_Scheduled = 0x2, k_ETournamentGameState_Active = 0x3, k_ETournamentGameState_RadVictory = 0x14, k_ETournamentGameState_DireVictory = 0x15, k_ETournamentGameState_RadVictoryByForfeit = 0x16, k_ETournamentGameState_DireVictoryByForfeit = 0x17, k_ETournamentGameState_ServerFailure = 0x28, k_ETournamentGameState_NotNeeded = 0x29, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ECandyShopRewardType : uint32_t { k_eCandyShopRewardType_None = 0x0, k_eCandyShopRewardType_Item = 0x1, k_eCandyShopRewardType_EventAction = 0x2, k_eCandyShopRewardType_EventPoints = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class EHighlightNumberFormat : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Float" k_eFloat = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Integer" k_eInteger = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Percentage" k_ePercentage = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Time" k_eTime = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 enum class DOTAKeybindTemplate_t : uint32_t { DOTA_KEYBIND_TEMPLATE_ARROW = 0x0, DOTA_KEYBIND_TEMPLATE_WASD = 0x1, DOTA_KEYBIND_TEMPLATE_LEGACY = 0x2, DOTA_KEYBIND_TEMPLATE_MMO = 0x3, DOTA_KEYBIND_TEMPLATE_LOL = 0x4, DOTA_KEYBIND_TEMPLATE_HON = 0x5, DOTA_KEYBIND_TEMPLATE_SMITE = 0x6, DOTA_KEYBIND_TEMPLATE_COUNT = 0x7, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc enum class EUnderDraftResponse : uint32_t { k_eInternalError = 0x0, k_eSuccess = 0x1, k_eNoGold = 0x2, k_eInvalidSlot = 0x3, k_eNoBenchSpace = 0x4, k_eNoTickets = 0x5, k_eEventNotOwned = 0x6, k_eInvalidReward = 0x7, k_eHasBigReward = 0x8, k_eNoGCConnection = 0x9, k_eTooBusy = 0xa, k_eCantRollBack = 0xb, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xe enum class ETournamentNodeState : uint32_t { k_ETournamentNodeState_Unknown = 0x0, k_ETournamentNodeState_Canceled = 0x1, k_ETournamentNodeState_TeamsNotYetAssigned = 0x2, k_ETournamentNodeState_InBetweenGames = 0x3, k_ETournamentNodeState_GameInProgress = 0x4, k_ETournamentNodeState_A_Won = 0x5, k_ETournamentNodeState_B_Won = 0x6, k_ETournamentNodeState_A_WonByForfeit = 0x7, k_ETournamentNodeState_B_WonByForfeit = 0x8, k_ETournamentNodeState_A_Bye = 0x9, k_ETournamentNodeState_A_Abandoned = 0xa, k_ETournamentNodeState_ServerFailure = 0xb, k_ETournamentNodeState_A_TimeoutForfeit = 0xc, k_ETournamentNodeState_A_TimeoutRefund = 0xd, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class EDOTATriviaAnswerResult : uint32_t { k_EDOTATriviaAnswerResult_Success = 0x0, k_EDOTATriviaAnswerResult_InvalidQuestion = 0x1, k_EDOTATriviaAnswerResult_InvalidAnswer = 0x2, k_EDOTATriviaAnswerResult_QuestionLocked = 0x3, k_EDOTATriviaAnswerResult_AlreadyAnswered = 0x4, k_EDOTATriviaAnswerResult_TriviaDisabled = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x27 enum class EStartFindingMatchResult : uint32_t { k_EStartFindingMatchResult_Invalid = 0x0, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_OK = 0x1, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_AlreadySearching = 0x2, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_FailGeneric = 0x64, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_FailedIgnore = 0x65, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_MatchmakingDisabled = 0x66, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_RegionOffline = 0x67, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_MatchmakingCooldown = 0x68, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_ClientOutOfDate = 0x69, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_CompetitiveNoLowPriority = 0x6a, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_CompetitiveNotUnlocked = 0x6b, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_GameModeNotUnlocked = 0x6c, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_CompetitiveNotEnoughPlayTime = 0x6d, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_MissingInitialSkill = 0x6e, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_CompetitiveRankSpreadTooLarge = 0x6f, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_MemberAlreadyInLobby = 0x70, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_MemberNotVACVerified = 0x71, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_WeekendTourneyBadPartySize = 0x72, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_WeekendTourneyTeamBuyInTooSmall = 0x73, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_WeekendTourneyIndividualBuyInTooLarge = 0x74, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_WeekendTourneyTeamBuyInTooLarge = 0x75, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_MemberMissingEventOwnership = 0x76, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_WeekendTourneyNotUnlocked = 0x77, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_WeekendTourneyRecentParticipation = 0x78, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_MemberMissingAnchoredPhoneNumber = 0x79, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_NotMemberOfClan = 0x7a, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_CoachesChallengeBadPartySize = 0x7b, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_CoachesChallengeRequirementsNotMet = 0x7c, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_InvalidRoleSelections = 0x7d, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_PhoneNumberDiscrepancy = 0x7e, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_NoQueuePoints = 0x7f, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_MemberMissingGauntletFlag = 0x80, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_MemberGauntletTooRecent = 0x81, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_DifficultyNotUnlocked = 0x82, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_CoachesNotAllowedInParty = 0x83, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_MatchmakingBusy = 0x84, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_SteamChinaBanned = 0x85, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_SteamChinaInvalidMixedParty = 0x86, k_EStartFindingMatchResult_RestrictedFromRanked = 0x87, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class CMsgBattleReport_HighlightTier : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Tier Low" k_eHighlightTierLow = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertySuppressEnumerator k_eHighlightTierNone = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Tier 1" k_eHighlightTier1 = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Tier 2" k_eHighlightTier2 = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Tier 3" k_eHighlightTier3 = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Custom" k_eHighlightTierCustom = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xe enum class SteamUGCMatchingUGCType : uint32_t { Items = 0x0, Items_Mtx = 0x1, Items_ReadyToUse = 0x2, Collections = 0x3, Artwork = 0x4, Videos = 0x5, Screenshots = 0x6, AllGuides = 0x7, WebGuides = 0x8, IntegratedGuides = 0x9, UsableInGame = 0xa, ControllerBindings = 0xb, GameManagedItems = 0xc, All = 0xffffffffffffffff, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x60 enum class DOTA_2013PassportSelectionIndices : uint32_t { PP13_SEL_ALLSTAR_PLAYER_0 = 0x0, PP13_SEL_ALLSTAR_PLAYER_1 = 0x1, PP13_SEL_ALLSTAR_PLAYER_2 = 0x2, PP13_SEL_ALLSTAR_PLAYER_3 = 0x3, PP13_SEL_ALLSTAR_PLAYER_4 = 0x4, PP13_SEL_ALLSTAR_PLAYER_5 = 0x5, PP13_SEL_ALLSTAR_PLAYER_6 = 0x6, PP13_SEL_ALLSTAR_PLAYER_7 = 0x7, PP13_SEL_ALLSTAR_PLAYER_8 = 0x8, PP13_SEL_ALLSTAR_PLAYER_9 = 0x9, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_0 = 0xa, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_1 = 0xb, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_2 = 0xc, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_3 = 0xd, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_4 = 0xe, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_5 = 0xf, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_6 = 0x10, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_7 = 0x11, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_8 = 0x12, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_9 = 0x13, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_10 = 0x14, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_11 = 0x15, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_12 = 0x16, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_13 = 0x17, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_WEST_14 = 0x18, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_0 = 0x19, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_1 = 0x1a, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_2 = 0x1b, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_3 = 0x1c, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_4 = 0x1d, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_5 = 0x1e, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_6 = 0x1f, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_7 = 0x20, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_8 = 0x21, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_9 = 0x22, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_10 = 0x23, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_11 = 0x24, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_12 = 0x25, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_13 = 0x26, PP13_SEL_QUALPRED_EAST_14 = 0x27, PP13_SEL_TEAMCUP_TEAM = 0x28, PP13_SEL_TEAMCUP_PLAYER = 0x29, PP13_SEL_TEAMCUP_TEAM_LOCK = 0x2a, PP13_SEL_TEAMCUP_PLAYER_LOCK = 0x2b, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_0 = 0x2c, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_1 = 0x2d, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_2 = 0x2e, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_3 = 0x2f, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_4 = 0x30, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_5 = 0x31, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_6 = 0x32, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_7 = 0x33, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_8 = 0x34, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_9 = 0x35, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_10 = 0x36, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_11 = 0x37, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_12 = 0x38, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_13 = 0x39, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_14 = 0x3a, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_15 = 0x3b, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_16 = 0x3c, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_17 = 0x3d, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_18 = 0x3e, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_19 = 0x3f, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_20 = 0x40, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_21 = 0x41, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_22 = 0x42, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_23 = 0x43, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_24 = 0x44, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_25 = 0x45, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_26 = 0x46, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_27 = 0x47, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_28 = 0x48, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_29 = 0x49, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_30 = 0x4a, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_31 = 0x4b, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_32 = 0x4c, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_33 = 0x4d, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_34 = 0x4e, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_35 = 0x4f, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_36 = 0x50, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_37 = 0x51, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_38 = 0x52, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_39 = 0x53, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_40 = 0x54, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_41 = 0x55, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_42 = 0x56, PP13_SEL_EVENTPRED_43 = 0x57, PP13_SEL_SOLO_0 = 0x58, PP13_SEL_SOLO_1 = 0x59, PP13_SEL_SOLO_2 = 0x5a, PP13_SEL_SOLO_3 = 0x5b, PP13_SEL_SOLO_4 = 0x5c, PP13_SEL_SOLO_5 = 0x5d, PP13_SEL_SOLO_6 = 0x5e, PP13_SEL_SOLO_7 = 0x5f, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class PortraitUnitDirection_t : uint32_t { PORTRAIT_UNIT_DIRECTION_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PORTRAIT_UNIT_DIRECTION_FORWARD = 0x0, PORTRAIT_UNIT_DIRECTION_BACKWARD = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9 enum class ECandyShopAuditAction : uint32_t { k_ECandyShopAuditAction_Invalid = 0x0, k_ECandyShopAuditAction_SupportModify = 0x1, k_ECandyShopAuditAction_PurchaseReward = 0x2, k_ECandyShopAuditAction_OpenBags = 0x3, k_ECandyShopAuditAction_RerollRewards = 0x4, k_ECandyShopAuditAction_DoVariableExchange = 0x5, k_ECandyShopAuditAction_DoExchange = 0x6, k_ECandyShopAuditAction_EventActionGrantInventorySizeIncrease = 0x7, k_ECandyShopAuditAction_EventActionGrantRerollChargesIncrease = 0x8, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ECoachTeammateRating : uint32_t { k_ECoachTeammateRating_None = 0x0, k_ECoachTeammateRating_Positive = 0x1, k_ECoachTeammateRating_Negative = 0x2, k_ECoachTeammateRating_Abusive = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class EWeekendTourneyRichPresenceEvent : uint32_t { k_EWeekendTourneyRichPresenceEvent_None = 0x0, k_EWeekendTourneyRichPresenceEvent_StartedMatch = 0x1, k_EWeekendTourneyRichPresenceEvent_WonMatch = 0x2, k_EWeekendTourneyRichPresenceEvent_Eliminated = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1a enum class EGuildAuditAction : uint32_t { k_EGuildAuditAction_Invalid = 0x0, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildCreated = 0x1, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildLanguageChanged = 0x2, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildFlagsChanged = 0x3, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildMemberJoined = 0x5, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildMemberLeft = 0x6, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildMemberKicked = 0x7, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildMemberRoleChanged = 0x8, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildLogoChanged = 0x9, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildRegionChanged = 0xa, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildDescriptionChanged = 0xb, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildPrimaryColorChanged = 0xc, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildSecondaryColorChanged = 0xd, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildPatternChanged = 0xe, k_EGuildAuditAction_AdminClearedLogo = 0xf, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildRequiredRankChanged = 0x10, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildMotDChanged = 0x12, k_EGuildAuditAction_AdminResetName = 0x13, k_EGuildAuditAction_AdminResetTag = 0x14, k_EGuildAuditAction_AdminLock = 0x15, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildNameChanged = 0x16, k_EGuildAuditAction_GuildTagChanged = 0x17, k_EGuildAuditAction_AdminPermitted = 0x18, k_EGuildAuditAction_AdminBlocked = 0x19, k_EGuildAuditAction_AdminBannedUser = 0x1a, k_EGuildAuditAction_AdminExonerated = 0x1b, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xf0 enum class DOTAKeybindCommand_t : uint32_t { DOTA_KEYBIND_NONE = 0x0, DOTA_KEYBIND_FIRST = 0x1, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_UP = 0x1, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_DOWN = 0x2, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_LEFT = 0x3, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_RIGHT = 0x4, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_GRIP = 0x5, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_YAW_GRIP = 0x6, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_1 = 0x7, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_2 = 0x8, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_3 = 0x9, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_4 = 0xa, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_5 = 0xb, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_6 = 0xc, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_7 = 0xd, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_8 = 0xe, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_9 = 0xf, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_10 = 0x10, DOTA_KEYBIND_HERO_ATTACK = 0x11, DOTA_KEYBIND_HERO_MOVE = 0x12, DOTA_KEYBIND_HERO_MOVE_DIRECTION = 0x13, DOTA_KEYBIND_PATROL = 0x14, DOTA_KEYBIND_HERO_STOP = 0x15, DOTA_KEYBIND_HERO_HOLD = 0x16, DOTA_KEYBIND_HERO_SELECT = 0x17, DOTA_KEYBIND_COURIER_SELECT = 0x18, DOTA_KEYBIND_COURIER_DELIVER = 0x19, DOTA_KEYBIND_COURIER_BURST = 0x1a, DOTA_KEYBIND_COURIER_SHIELD = 0x1b, DOTA_KEYBIND_PAUSE = 0x1c, DOTA_SELECT_ALL = 0x1d, DOTA_SELECT_ALL_OTHERS = 0x1e, DOTA_RECENT_EVENT = 0x1f, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_TEAM = 0x20, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_GLOBAL = 0x21, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_TEAM2 = 0x22, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_GLOBAL2 = 0x23, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_VOICE_PARTY = 0x24, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_VOICE_TEAM = 0x25, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_WHEEL = 0x26, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_WHEEL2 = 0x27, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_WHEEL_CARE = 0x28, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_WHEEL_BACK = 0x29, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_WHEEL_NEED_WARDS = 0x2a, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_WHEEL_STUN = 0x2b, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_WHEEL_HELP = 0x2c, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_WHEEL_GET_PUSH = 0x2d, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_WHEEL_GOOD_JOB = 0x2e, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_WHEEL_MISSING = 0x2f, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_WHEEL_MISSING_TOP = 0x30, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_WHEEL_MISSING_MIDDLE = 0x31, DOTA_KEYBIND_CHAT_WHEEL_MISSING_BOTTOM = 0x32, DOTA_KEYBIND_HERO_CHAT_WHEEL = 0x33, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPRAY_WHEEL = 0x34, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY1 = 0x35, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY2 = 0x36, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY3 = 0x37, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_SECONDARY1 = 0x38, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_SECONDARY2 = 0x39, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_ULTIMATE = 0x3a, DOTA_KEYBIND_TALENT_UPGRADE_LEFT = 0x3b, DOTA_KEYBIND_TALENT_UPGRADE_RIGHT = 0x3c, DOTA_KEYBIND_TALENT_UPGRADE_ATTRIBUTE = 0x3d, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY1_QUICKCAST = 0x3e, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY2_QUICKCAST = 0x3f, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY3_QUICKCAST = 0x40, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_SECONDARY1_QUICKCAST = 0x41, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_SECONDARY2_QUICKCAST = 0x42, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_ULTIMATE_QUICKCAST = 0x43, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY1_EXPLICIT_AUTOCAST = 0x44, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY2_EXPLICIT_AUTOCAST = 0x45, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY3_EXPLICIT_AUTOCAST = 0x46, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_SECONDARY1_EXPLICIT_AUTOCAST = 0x47, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_SECONDARY2_EXPLICIT_AUTOCAST = 0x48, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_ULTIMATE_EXPLICIT_AUTOCAST = 0x49, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY1_QUICKCAST_AUTOCAST = 0x4a, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY2_QUICKCAST_AUTOCAST = 0x4b, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY3_QUICKCAST_AUTOCAST = 0x4c, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_SECONDARY1_QUICKCAST_AUTOCAST = 0x4d, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_SECONDARY2_QUICKCAST_AUTOCAST = 0x4e, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_ULTIMATE_QUICKCAST_AUTOCAST = 0x4f, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY1_AUTOMATIC_AUTOCAST = 0x50, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY2_AUTOMATIC_AUTOCAST = 0x51, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_PRIMARY3_AUTOMATIC_AUTOCAST = 0x52, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_SECONDARY1_AUTOMATIC_AUTOCAST = 0x53, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_SECONDARY2_AUTOMATIC_AUTOCAST = 0x54, DOTA_KEYBIND_ABILITY_ULTIMATE_AUTOMATIC_AUTOCAST = 0x55, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY1 = 0x56, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY2 = 0x57, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY3 = 0x58, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY4 = 0x59, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY5 = 0x5a, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY6 = 0x5b, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORYTP = 0x5c, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORYNEUTRAL = 0x5d, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY1_QUICKCAST = 0x5e, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY2_QUICKCAST = 0x5f, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY3_QUICKCAST = 0x60, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY4_QUICKCAST = 0x61, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY5_QUICKCAST = 0x62, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY6_QUICKCAST = 0x63, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORYTP_QUICKCAST = 0x64, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORYNEUTRAL_QUICKCAST = 0x65, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY1_AUTOCAST = 0x66, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY2_AUTOCAST = 0x67, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY3_AUTOCAST = 0x68, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY4_AUTOCAST = 0x69, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY5_AUTOCAST = 0x6a, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY6_AUTOCAST = 0x6b, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORYTP_AUTOCAST = 0x6c, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORYNEUTRAL_AUTOCAST = 0x6d, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY1_QUICKAUTOCAST = 0x6e, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY2_QUICKAUTOCAST = 0x6f, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY3_QUICKAUTOCAST = 0x70, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY4_QUICKAUTOCAST = 0x71, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY5_QUICKAUTOCAST = 0x72, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORY6_QUICKAUTOCAST = 0x73, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORYTP_QUICKAUTOCAST = 0x74, DOTA_KEYBIND_INVENTORYNEUTRAL_QUICKAUTOCAST = 0x75, DOTA_KEYBIND_CONTROL_GROUP1 = 0x76, DOTA_KEYBIND_CONTROL_GROUP2 = 0x77, DOTA_KEYBIND_CONTROL_GROUP3 = 0x78, DOTA_KEYBIND_CONTROL_GROUP4 = 0x79, DOTA_KEYBIND_CONTROL_GROUP5 = 0x7a, DOTA_KEYBIND_CONTROL_GROUP6 = 0x7b, DOTA_KEYBIND_CONTROL_GROUP7 = 0x7c, DOTA_KEYBIND_CONTROL_GROUP8 = 0x7d, DOTA_KEYBIND_CONTROL_GROUP9 = 0x7e, DOTA_KEYBIND_CONTROL_GROUP10 = 0x7f, DOTA_KEYBIND_CONTROL_GROUPCYCLE = 0x80, DOTA_KEYBIND_SELECT_ALLY1 = 0x81, DOTA_KEYBIND_SELECT_ALLY2 = 0x82, DOTA_KEYBIND_SELECT_ALLY3 = 0x83, DOTA_KEYBIND_SELECT_ALLY4 = 0x84, DOTA_KEYBIND_SELECT_ALLY5 = 0x85, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_TOGGLE = 0x86, DOTA_KEYBIND_SCOREBOARD_TOGGLE = 0x87, DOTA_KEYBIND_COMBATLOG_TOGGLE = 0x88, DOTA_KEYBIND_SCREENSHOT = 0x89, DOTA_KEYBIND_ESCAPE = 0x8a, DOTA_KEYBIND_CONSOLE = 0x8b, DOTA_KEYBIND_DEATH_SUMMARY = 0x8c, DOTA_KEYBIND_LEARN_ABILITIES = 0x8d, DOTA_KEYBIND_LEARN_STATS = 0x8e, DOTA_KEYBIND_ACTIVATE_GLYPH = 0x8f, DOTA_KEYBIND_ACTIVATE_RADAR = 0x90, DOTA_KEYBIND_PURCHASE_QUICKBUY = 0x91, DOTA_KEYBIND_PURCHASE_STICKY = 0x92, DOTA_KEYBIND_GRAB_STASH_ITEMS = 0x93, DOTA_KEYBIND_TOGGLE_AUTOATTACK = 0x94, DOTA_KEYBIND_TAUNT = 0x95, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_CONSUMABLES = 0x96, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_ATTRIBUTES = 0x97, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_ARMAMENTS = 0x98, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_ARCANE = 0x99, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_BASICS = 0x9a, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SUPPORT = 0x9b, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_CASTER = 0x9c, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_WEAPONS = 0x9d, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_ARMOR = 0x9e, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_ARTIFACTS = 0x9f, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SIDE_PAGE_1 = 0xa0, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SIDE_PAGE_2 = 0xa1, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SECRET = 0xa2, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SEARCHBOX = 0xa3, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_1 = 0xa4, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_2 = 0xa5, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_3 = 0xa6, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_4 = 0xa7, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_5 = 0xa8, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_6 = 0xa9, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_7 = 0xaa, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_8 = 0xab, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_9 = 0xac, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_10 = 0xad, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_11 = 0xae, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_12 = 0xaf, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_13 = 0xb0, DOTA_KEYBIND_SHOP_SLOT_14 = 0xb1, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_UP = 0xb2, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_DOWN = 0xb3, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_LEFT = 0xb4, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_RIGHT = 0xb5, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_GRIP = 0xb6, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_1 = 0xb7, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_2 = 0xb8, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_3 = 0xb9, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_4 = 0xba, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_5 = 0xbb, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_6 = 0xbc, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_7 = 0xbd, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_8 = 0xbe, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_9 = 0xbf, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CAMERA_SAVED_POSITION_10 = 0xc0, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_UNIT_SELECT = 0xc1, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_HERO_SELECT = 0xc2, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_PAUSE = 0xc3, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_CHAT = 0xc4, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_SCOREBOARD = 0xc5, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_INCREASE_REPLAY_SPEED = 0xc6, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_DECREASE_REPLAY_SPEED = 0xc7, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_STATS_ITEM = 0xc8, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_STATS_GOLD = 0xc9, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_STATS_XP = 0xca, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_STATS_FANTASY = 0xcb, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_STATS_WINCHANCE = 0xcc, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_FOW_TOGGLEBOTH = 0xcd, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_FOW_TOGGLERADIENT = 0xce, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_FOW_TOGGLEDIRE = 0xcf, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_OPEN_BROADCASTER_MENU = 0xd0, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_DROPDOWN_KDA = 0xd1, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_DROPDOWN_LASTHITS_DENIES = 0xd2, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_DROPDOWN_LEVEL = 0xd3, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_DROPDOWN_XP_PER_MIN = 0xd4, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_DROPDOWN_GOLD = 0xd5, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_DROPDOWN_TOTALGOLD = 0xd6, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_DROPDOWN_GOLD_PER_MIN = 0xd7, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_DROPDOWN_BUYBACK = 0xd8, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_DROPDOWN_NETWORTH = 0xd9, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_DROPDOWN_FANTASY = 0xda, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_DROPDOWN_SORT = 0xdb, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_DROPDOWN_CLOSE = 0xdc, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_FOCUS_PLAYER_1 = 0xdd, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_FOCUS_PLAYER_2 = 0xde, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_FOCUS_PLAYER_3 = 0xdf, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_FOCUS_PLAYER_4 = 0xe0, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_FOCUS_PLAYER_5 = 0xe1, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_FOCUS_PLAYER_6 = 0xe2, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_FOCUS_PLAYER_7 = 0xe3, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_FOCUS_PLAYER_8 = 0xe4, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_FOCUS_PLAYER_9 = 0xe5, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_FOCUS_PLAYER_10 = 0xe6, DOTA_KEYBIND_SPEC_COACH_VIEWTOGGLE = 0xe7, DOTA_KEYBIND_INSPECTHEROINWORLD = 0xe8, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_ZOOM_IN = 0xe9, DOTA_KEYBIND_CAMERA_ZOOM_OUT = 0xea, DOTA_KEYBIND_CONTROL_GROUPCYCLEPREV = 0xeb, DOTA_KEYBIND_DOTA_ALT = 0xec, DOTA_KEYBIND_DOTA_ALTERNATIVE_CAST_SWITCH = 0xed, DOTA_KEYBIND_COUNT = 0xee, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x13 enum class SteamUGCQuery : uint32_t { RankedByVote = 0x0, RankedByPublicationDate = 0x1, AcceptedForGameRankedByAcceptanceDate = 0x2, RankedByTrend = 0x3, FavoritedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate = 0x4, CreatedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate = 0x5, RankedByNumTimesReported = 0x6, CreatedByFollowedUsersRankedByPublicationDate = 0x7, NotYetRated = 0x8, RankedByTotalVotesAsc = 0x9, RankedByVotesUp = 0xa, RankedByTextSearch = 0xb, RankedByTotalUniqueSubscriptions = 0xc, RankedByPlaytimeTrend = 0xd, RankedByTotalPlaytime = 0xe, RankedByAveragePlaytimeTrend = 0xf, RankedByLifetimeAveragePlaytime = 0x10, RankedByPlaytimeSessionsTrend = 0x11, RankedByLifetimePlaytimeSessions = 0x12, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x15 enum class ETournamentTeamState : uint32_t { k_ETournamentTeamState_Unknown = 0x0, k_ETournamentTeamState_Node1 = 0x1, k_ETournamentTeamState_NodeMax = 0x400, k_ETournamentTeamState_Eliminated = 0x36b3, k_ETournamentTeamState_Forfeited = 0x36b4, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished1st = 0x3a99, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished2nd = 0x3a9a, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished3rd = 0x3a9b, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished4th = 0x3a9c, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished5th = 0x3a9d, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished6th = 0x3a9e, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished7th = 0x3a9f, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished8th = 0x3aa0, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished9th = 0x3aa1, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished10th = 0x3aa2, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished11th = 0x3aa3, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished12th = 0x3aa4, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished13th = 0x3aa5, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished14th = 0x3aa6, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished15th = 0x3aa7, k_ETournamentTeamState_Finished16th = 0x3aa8, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class ECandyShopRewardOptionType : uint32_t { k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_SingleItem = 0x0, k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_LootList = 0x1, k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_SingleEventAction = 0x2, k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_EventPoints = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class CMsgBattleReport_Role : uint32_t { // MPropertySuppressEnumerator k_eUnknownRole = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Safe Lane" k_eSafelane = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Mid Lane" k_eMidlane = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Off Lane" k_eOfflane = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Support" k_eSupport = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Hard Support" k_eHardSupport = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EGuildChatType : uint32_t { k_EGuildChatType_Unspecified = 0x0, k_EGuildChatType_SteamChatGroup = 0x1, k_EGuildChatType_GC = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x7 enum class EDevEventRequestResult : uint32_t { k_EDevEventRequestResult_Success = 0x0, k_EDevEventRequestResult_NotAllowed = 0x1, k_EDevEventRequestResult_InvalidEvent = 0x2, k_EDevEventRequestResult_SqlFailure = 0x3, k_EDevEventRequestResult_Timeout = 0x4, k_EDevEventRequestResult_LockFailure = 0x5, k_EDevEventRequestResult_SDOLoadFailure = 0x6, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x43 enum class CMsgBattleReport_HighlightType : uint32_t { // MPropertySuppressEnumerator k_eHighlightTypeInvalid = 0xffffffffffffffff, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Game Winrate" k_eGameWinrate = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Lane Winrate" k_eLaneWinrate = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Ranked MMR Delta" k_eMMRDelta = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Number of Heroes Played" k_eNumHeroesPlayed = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Number of Games Played" k_eNumGamesPlayed = 0x4, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Power Runes Taken" k_eAveragePowerRunesTaken = 0x5, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Bounty Runes Taken" k_eAverageBountyRunesTaken = 0x6, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Total Enemy T1 Destroyed First" k_eTotalKillEnemyT1First = 0x7, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Total Roshan Kills" k_eTotalRoshanKills = 0x8, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Total Dewards" k_eTotalDewards = 0x9, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Total Camps Stacked" k_eTotalCampsStacked = 0xa, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Win Streak" k_eMaxWinstreak = 0xb, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Dewards" k_eAverageDewards = 0xc, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Kills" k_eAverageKills = 0xd, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Kills" k_eMaxKills = 0xe, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Assists" k_eAverageAssists = 0xf, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Assists" k_eMaxAssists = 0x10, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Deaths" k_eAverageDeaths = 0x11, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Min Deaths" k_eMinDeaths = 0x12, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Camps Stacked" k_eAverageCampsStacked = 0x13, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Total Last Hits" k_eTotalLastHits = 0x14, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Last Hits" k_eAverageLastHits = 0x15, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Total Denies" k_eTotalDenies = 0x16, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Denies" k_eAverageDenies = 0x17, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Total Games With Roshan Advantage (Player team killed Roshan more times)" k_eTotalGamesWithRoshanAdvantage = 0x18, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Pct Games With Roshan Advantage (Player team killed Roshan more times)" k_ePercentGamesWithRoshanAdvantage = 0x19, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Stun Duration" k_eAverageStunDuration = 0x1a, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Total Stun Duration" k_eTotalStunDuration = 0x1b, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Teleports Used" k_eAverageTeleportsUsed = 0x1c, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Total Teleports Used" k_eTotalTeleportsUsed = 0x1d, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Hero Damage" k_eAverageHeroDamage = 0x1e, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Total Hero Damage" k_eTotalHeroDamage = 0x1f, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Hero Healing" k_eAverageHeroHealing = 0x20, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Total Hero Healing" k_eTotalHeroHealing = 0x21, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Tower Damage" k_eAverageTowerDamage = 0x22, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Total Tower Damage" k_eTotalTowerDamage = 0x23, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Loss Streak" k_eMaxLossStreak = 0x24, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Game Duration" k_eAverageGameDuration = 0x25, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Game Duration" k_eMaxGameDuration = 0x26, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Min Game Duration" k_eMinGameDuration = 0x27, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Win Duration" k_eAverageWinDuration = 0x28, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Win Duration" k_eMaxWinDuration = 0x29, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Min Win Duration" k_eMinWinDuration = 0x2a, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average Loss Duration" k_eAverageLossDuration = 0x2b, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Loss Duration" k_eMaxLossDuration = 0x2c, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Min Loss Duration" k_eMinLossDuration = 0x2d, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Pct Games With Enemy Lane T1 Taken First" k_ePctGamesEnemyT1TakenFirst = 0x2e, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Camps Stacked" k_eMaxCampsStacked = 0x2f, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Dewards" k_eMaxDewards = 0x30, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Roshan Kills" k_eMaxRoshanKills = 0x31, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Bounty Runes Taken" k_eMaxBountyRunesTaken = 0x32, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Power Runes Taken" k_eMaxPowerRunesTaken = 0x33, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Deaths" k_eMaxDeaths = 0x34, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Last Hits" k_eMaxLastHits = 0x35, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Denies" k_eMaxDenies = 0x36, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radiant Winrate" k_eRadiantWinRate = 0x37, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dire Winrate" k_eDireWinRate = 0x38, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radiant Game Count" k_eRadiantGameCount = 0x39, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dire Game Count" k_eDireGameCount = 0x3a, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Hero Damage" k_eMaxDamage = 0x3b, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Healing" k_eMaxHealing = 0x3c, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Tower Damage" k_eMaxTowerDamage = 0x3d, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average GPM" k_eAverageGPM = 0x3e, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max GPM" k_eMaxGPM = 0x3f, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Average XPM" k_eAverageXPM = 0x40, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max XPM" k_eMaxXPM = 0x41, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class ETournamentTemplate : uint32_t { k_ETournamentTemplate_None = 0x0, k_ETournamentTemplate_AutomatedWin3 = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class CMsgBattleReport_HighlightRarity : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Common" k_eHighlightCommon = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Uncommon" k_eHighlightUncommon = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Rare" k_eHighlightRare = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xe enum class ESupportEventRequestResult : uint32_t { k_ESupportEventRequestResult_Success = 0x0, k_ESupportEventRequestResult_Timeout = 0x1, k_ESupportEventRequestResult_CantLockSOCache = 0x2, k_ESupportEventRequestResult_ItemNotInInventory = 0x3, k_ESupportEventRequestResult_InvalidItemDef = 0x4, k_ESupportEventRequestResult_InvalidEvent = 0x5, k_ESupportEventRequestResult_EventExpired = 0x6, k_ESupportEventRequestResult_InvalidSupportAccount = 0x7, k_ESupportEventRequestResult_InvalidSupportMessage = 0x8, k_ESupportEventRequestResult_InvalidEventPoints = 0x9, k_ESupportEventRequestResult_InvalidPremiumPoints = 0xa, k_ESupportEventRequestResult_InvalidActionID = 0xb, k_ESupportEventRequestResult_InvalidActionScore = 0xc, k_ESupportEventRequestResult_TransactionFailed = 0xd, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class EShowcaseItemState : uint32_t { k_eShowcaseItemState_Ok = 0x0, k_eShowcaseItemState_MinorModifications = 0x1, k_eShowcaseItemState_ValidityUnknown = 0x2, k_eShowcaseItemState_PartiallyInvalid = 0x3, k_eShowcaseItemState_Invalid = 0x4, k_eShowcaseItemState_Failure = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x19 enum class EHeroSelectionText : uint32_t { k_EHeroSelectionText_Invalid = 0xffffffffffffffff, k_EHeroSelectionText_None = 0x0, k_EHeroSelectionText_ChooseHero = 0x1, k_EHeroSelectionText_AllDraft_Planning_YouFirst = 0x2, k_EHeroSelectionText_AllDraft_Planning_TheyFirst = 0x3, k_EHeroSelectionText_AllDraft_Banning = 0x4, k_EHeroSelectionText_AllDraft_Ban_Waiting = 0x5, k_EHeroSelectionText_AllDraft_PickTwo = 0x6, k_EHeroSelectionText_AllDraft_PickOneMore = 0x7, k_EHeroSelectionText_AllDraft_PickOne = 0x8, k_EHeroSelectionText_AllDraft_WaitingRadiant = 0x9, k_EHeroSelectionText_AllDraft_WaitingDire = 0xa, k_EHeroSelectionText_AllDraft_TeammateRandomed = 0xb, k_EHeroSelectionText_AllDraft_YouPicking_LosingGold = 0xc, k_EHeroSelectionText_AllDraft_TheyPicking_LosingGold = 0xd, k_EHeroSelectionText_CaptainsMode_ChooseCaptain = 0xe, k_EHeroSelectionText_CaptainsMode_WaitingForChooseCaptain = 0xf, k_EHeroSelectionText_CaptainsMode_YouSelect = 0x10, k_EHeroSelectionText_CaptainsMode_TheySelect = 0x11, k_EHeroSelectionText_CaptainsMode_YouBan = 0x12, k_EHeroSelectionText_CaptainsMode_TheyBan = 0x13, k_EHeroSelectionText_RandomDraft_HeroReview = 0x14, k_EHeroSelectionText_RandomDraft_RoundDisplay = 0x15, k_EHeroSelectionText_RandomDraft_Waiting = 0x16, k_EHeroSelectionText_EventGame_BanPhase = 0x17, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class EItemEditorReservationResult : uint32_t { k_EItemEditorReservationResult_OK = 0x1, k_EItemEditorReservationResult_AlreadyExists = 0x2, k_EItemEditorReservationResult_Reserved = 0x3, k_EItemEditorReservationResult_TimedOut = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class EShowcaseAuditAction : uint32_t { k_eShowcaseAuditAction_Invalid = 0x0, k_eShowcaseAuditAction_ShowcaseChanged = 0x1, k_eShowcaseAuditAction_AdminShowcaseReset = 0x2, k_eShowcaseAuditAction_AdminShowcaseAccountLocked = 0x3, k_eShowcaseAuditAction_AdminShowcaseExonerated = 0x4, k_eShowcaseAuditAction_AdminShowcaseConvicted = 0x5, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class EPartyBeaconType : uint32_t { k_EPartyBeaconType_Available = 0x0, k_EPartyBeaconType_Joinable = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xa enum class EDOTAGroupMergeResult : uint32_t { k_EDOTAGroupMergeResult_OK = 0x0, k_EDOTAGroupMergeResult_FAILED_GENERIC = 0x1, k_EDOTAGroupMergeResult_NOT_LEADER = 0x2, k_EDOTAGroupMergeResult_TOO_MANY_PLAYERS = 0x3, k_EDOTAGroupMergeResult_TOO_MANY_COACHES = 0x4, k_EDOTAGroupMergeResult_ENGINE_MISMATCH = 0x5, k_EDOTAGroupMergeResult_NO_SUCH_GROUP = 0x6, k_EDOTAGroupMergeResult_OTHER_GROUP_NOT_OPEN = 0x7, k_EDOTAGroupMergeResult_ALREADY_INVITED = 0x8, k_EDOTAGroupMergeResult_NOT_INVITED = 0x9, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x6 enum class PortraitScale_t : uint32_t { PORTRAIT_SCALE_INVALID = 0xffffffffffffffff, PORTRAIT_SCALE_LOADOUT = 0x0, PORTRAIT_SCALE_ALTERNATE_LOADOUT = 0x1, PORTRAIT_SCALE_WORLD = 0x2, PORTRAIT_SCALE_SPECTATOR_LOADOUT = 0x3, PORTRAIT_SCALE_VERSUS_LOADOUT = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc enum class ETournamentEvent : uint32_t { k_ETournamentEvent_None = 0x0, k_ETournamentEvent_TournamentCreated = 0x1, k_ETournamentEvent_TournamentsMerged = 0x2, k_ETournamentEvent_GameOutcome = 0x3, k_ETournamentEvent_TeamGivenBye = 0x4, k_ETournamentEvent_TournamentCanceledByAdmin = 0x5, k_ETournamentEvent_TeamAbandoned = 0x6, k_ETournamentEvent_ScheduledGameStarted = 0x7, k_ETournamentEvent_Canceled = 0x8, k_ETournamentEvent_TeamParticipationTimedOut_EntryFeeRefund = 0x9, k_ETournamentEvent_TeamParticipationTimedOut_EntryFeeForfeit = 0xa, k_ETournamentEvent_TeamParticipationTimedOut_GrantedVictory = 0xb, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class DOTA_WatchReplayType : uint32_t { DOTA_WATCH_REPLAY_NORMAL = 0x0, DOTA_WATCH_REPLAY_HIGHLIGHTS = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3 enum class EShowcaseType : uint32_t { k_eShowcaseType_Invalid = 0x0, k_eShowcaseType_Profile = 0x1, k_eShowcaseType_MiniProfile = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x5 enum class EHighlightScoreComparison : uint32_t { // MPropertyFriendlyName "Less Than" k_eScoreLessThan = 0x0, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Less Than Or Equal" k_eScoreLessThanOrEqual = 0x1, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Equal" k_eScoreEqual = 0x2, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Greater Than Or Equal" k_eScoreGreaterThanOrEqual = 0x3, // MPropertyFriendlyName "Greater Than" k_eScoreGreaterThan = 0x4, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class CMsgBattleReport_ELaneOutcome : uint32_t { k_eUnknownLaneOutcome = 0xffffffffffffffff, k_eWonLane = 0x0, k_eLostLane = 0x1, k_eEvenLane = 0x2, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9 enum class ETeamFanContentAssetType : uint32_t { k_eFanContentAssetType_LogoPNG = 0x1, k_eFanContentAssetType_LogoSVG = 0x2, k_eFanContentAssetType_Logo3D = 0x3, k_eFanContentAssetType_Players = 0x4, k_eFanContentAssetType_Sprays = 0x5, k_eFanContentAssetType_Wallpapers = 0x6, k_eFanContentAssetType_Emoticons = 0x7, k_eFanContentAssetType_VoiceLines = 0x8, k_eFanContentAssetType_Localization = 0x9, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2 enum class StartupBehavior_t : uint32_t { UNIT_STARTUP_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT = 0x0, UNIT_STARTUP_BEHAVIOR_TAUNT = 0x1, }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 enum class CMsgDOTARequestMatches_SkillLevel : uint32_t { CMsgDOTARequestMatches_SkillLevel_Any = 0x0, CMsgDOTARequestMatches_SkillLevel_Normal = 0x1, CMsgDOTARequestMatches_SkillLevel_High = 0x2, CMsgDOTARequestMatches_SkillLevel_VeryHigh = 0x3, }; // Registered binary: panorama.dll (project 'panorama_content') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xf enum class EStyleNodeType : uint32_t { ROOT = 0x0, EXPRESSION = 0x1, PROPERTY = 0x2, DEFINE = 0x3, IMPORT = 0x4, KEYFRAMES = 0x5, KEYFRAME_SELECTOR = 0x6, STYLE_SELECTOR = 0x7, WHITESPACE = 0x8, EXPRESSION_TEXT = 0x9, EXPRESSION_URL = 0xa, EXPRESSION_CONCAT = 0xb, REFERENCE_CONTENT = 0xc, REFERENCE_COMPILED = 0xd, REFERENCE_PASSTHROUGH = 0xe, }; // Registered binary: panorama.dll (project 'panorama_content') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xd enum class ELayoutNodeType : uint32_t { ROOT = 0x0, STYLES = 0x1, SCRIPT_BODY = 0x2, SCRIPTS = 0x3, SNIPPETS = 0x4, INCLUDE = 0x5, SNIPPET = 0x6, PANEL = 0x7, PANEL_ATTRIBUTE = 0x8, PANEL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 0x9, REFERENCE_CONTENT = 0xa, REFERENCE_COMPILED = 0xb, REFERENCE_PASSTHROUGH = 0xc, }; struct FuseFunctionIndex_t; struct FuseVariableIndex_t; struct EngineLoopState_t; struct CEntityComponentHelper; struct ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t; struct EntComponentInfo_t; struct PostProcessingTonemapParameters_t; struct PostProcessingBloomParameters_t; struct PostProcessingVignetteParameters_t; struct PostProcessingLocalContrastParameters_t; struct CMotionSearchDB; struct AnimScriptHandle; struct CAnimUpdateNodeRef; struct CSeqAutoLayerFlag; struct CAnimAttachment; struct CAnimInputDamping; struct CAnimParamHandle; struct VPhysics2ShapeDef_t; struct TwoBoneIKSettings_t; struct CMotionSearchNode; struct CProductQuantizer; struct IKBoneNameAndIndex_t; struct AnimParamID; struct AnimNodeID; struct CAnimGraphSettingsManager; struct CAnimNodePath; struct CSeqSeqDescFlag; struct CSeqTransition; struct SolveIKChainPoseOpFixedSettings_t; struct AnimStateID; struct CAnimDesc_Flag; struct CAnimEncodedFrames; struct CAnimSequenceParams; struct HSequence; struct SkeletonBoneBounds_t; struct CRenderSkeleton; struct CSeqMultiFetch; struct CMotionDataSet; struct CBlendCurve; struct AnimComponentID; struct CAnimKeyData; struct CSeqMultiFetchFlag; struct PackedAABB_t; struct CDrawCullingData; struct CAnimCycle; struct CFootCycle; struct IKSolverSettings_t; struct IKTargetSettings_t; struct CFootCycleDefinition; struct CFootTrajectories; struct CAnimDemoCaptureSettings; struct FollowAttachmentSettings_t; struct CRangeFloat; struct LookAtOpFixedSettings_t; struct HitReactFixedSettings_t; struct AimMatrixOpFixedSettings_t; struct CAnimStateMachineUpdater; struct PermModelInfo_t; struct ModelSkeletonData_t; struct CModelConfigList; struct JiggleBoneSettingsList_t; struct FootLockPoseOpFixedSettings; struct CPhysSurfacePropertiesPhysics; struct CPhysSurfacePropertiesSoundNames; struct CPhysSurfacePropertiesAudio; struct AnimationDecodeDebugDumpElement_t; struct CParamSpanUpdater; struct VPhysXConstraintParams_t; struct CRenderBufferBinding; struct CPoseHandle; struct PhysFeModelDesc_t; struct TraceSettings_t; struct VPhysXRange_t; struct FootPinningPoseOpFixedData_t; struct AnimTagID; struct CVectorQuantizer; struct MotionIndex; struct CAnimEncodeDifference; struct FourVectors2D; struct AABB_t; struct CRegionSVM; struct RnPlane_t; struct RnHull_t; struct FourQuaternions; struct CFeJiggleBone; struct constraint_axislimit_t; struct constraint_breakableparams_t; struct RnMesh_t; struct RnSphere_t; struct RnCapsule_t; struct VMixFilterDesc_t; struct CSosGroupMatchPattern; struct CSosGroupBranchPattern; struct SceneViewId_t; struct VoxelVisBlockOffset_t; struct WorldBuilderParams_t; struct BakedLightingInfo_t; struct CPulse_OutflowConnection; struct PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t; struct PulseRegisterMap_t; struct PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t; struct PulseDocNodeID_t; struct PulseRuntimeCellIndex_t; struct PulseRuntimeVarIndex_t; struct PulseRuntimeInvokeIndex_t; struct PulseRuntimeCallInfoIndex_t; struct PulseTestEHandle_t; struct CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain; struct CPulse_ResumePoint; struct PulseRuntimeOutputIndex_t; struct ParticleAttributeIndex_t; struct CParticleCollectionVecInput; struct CPerParticleFloatInput; struct CParticleCollectionFloatInput; struct CParticleTransformInput; struct CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput; struct CPerParticleVecInput; struct CParticleModelInput; struct ParticlePreviewState_t; struct TextureControls_t; struct CParticleVariableRef; struct CPathParameters; struct CParticleRemapFloatInput; struct CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters; struct ControlPointReference_t; struct CParticleVisibilityInputs; struct ParticleNamedValueConfiguration_t; struct CNewParticleEffect; struct IParticleCollection; struct PARTICLE_EHANDLE__; struct CParticleProperty; struct CParticleFloatInput; struct CParticleCollectionRendererVecInput; struct CDOTA_BaseNPC; struct ParticleIndex_t; struct CavernCrawlRoomID_t; struct TrackedStatID_t; struct TrackedStatExpressionData_t; struct TrackedStatAggregateData_t; struct CResponseCriteriaSet; struct CRR_Response; struct GameTick_t; struct PingWheelMessageID_t; struct CDOTA_Orb; struct FantasyTabletID_t; struct ResponseFollowup; struct CavernCrawlRewardType_t; struct style_index_t; struct FantasyCraftDataID_t; struct CNetworkVarChainer; struct AmmoIndex_t; struct ResponseParams; struct CTakeDamageInfo; struct CTakeDamageResult; struct FantasyGemShape_t; struct GameTime_t; struct CDOTABaseAbility; struct CavernCrawlPathID_t; struct AbilityID_t; struct item_definition_index_t; struct DOTASpecialAbility_t; struct CSoundEnvelope; struct CCopyRecipientFilter; struct CModifierParams; struct DOTALevelingAbilityBonus_t; struct FantasyGemQuality_t; struct BlessingID_t; struct FantasyTitle_t; struct PlayerID_t; struct CRangeInt; struct FantasyLeagueID_t; struct FantasyPeriod_t; struct INextBotReply; struct BlessingTypeID_t; struct VelocitySampler; struct SimpleConstraintSoundProfile; struct TrackedStatKillEaterData_t; struct TrackedStatCombatQueryData_t; struct TrackedStatHeroAdjectiveData_t; struct CBaseFlex; struct CSkeletonInstance; struct CDOTA_Buff; struct CSkillFloat; struct FantasyOperationID_t; struct FantasyGemSlot_t; struct CandyShopRewardOptionID_t; struct CandyShopID_t; struct RoadToTIQuestID_t; struct MatchID_t; struct itemid_t; struct CDecalInfo; struct CandyShopCandyTypeID_t; // Registered binary: schemasystem.dll (project 'resourcefile') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CExampleSchemaVData_Monomorphic { public: int32_t m_nExample1; // 0x0 int32_t m_nExample2; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: schemasystem.dll (project 'resourcefile') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct ResourceId_t { public: uint64_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("ResourceId_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: schemasystem.dll (project 'resourcefile') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: int32_t m_nBase; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: schemasystem.dll (project 'resourcefile') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicDerivedB : public CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase { public: int32_t m_nDerivedB; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: schemasystem.dll (project 'resourcefile') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicDerivedA : public CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase { public: int32_t m_nDerivedA; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: schemasystem.dll (project 'schemasystem') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x180 class CSchemaSystemInternalRegistration { public: Vector2D m_Vector2D; // 0x0 Vector m_Vector; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0014[0xc]; // 0x14 public: VectorAligned m_VectorAligned; // 0x20 Quaternion m_Quaternion; // 0x30 QAngle m_QAngle; // 0x40 RotationVector m_RotationVector; // 0x4c RadianEuler m_RadianEuler; // 0x58 DegreeEuler m_DegreeEuler; // 0x64 QuaternionStorage m_QuaternionStorage; // 0x70 matrix3x4_t m_matrix3x4_t; // 0x80 matrix3x4a_t m_matrix3x4a_t; // 0xb0 Color m_Color; // 0xe0 Vector4D m_Vector4D; // 0xe4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00f4[0xc]; // 0xf4 public: CTransform m_CTransform; // 0x100 KeyValues* m_pKeyValues; // 0x120 CUtlBinaryBlock m_CUtlBinaryBlock; // 0x128 CUtlString m_CUtlString; // 0x140 CUtlSymbol m_CUtlSymbol; // 0x148 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad014a[0x2]; // 0x14a public: CUtlStringToken m_stringToken; // 0x14c CUtlStringTokenWithStorage m_stringTokenWithStorage; // 0x150 CResourceArray< CResourcePointer< CResourceString > > m_ResourceTypes; // 0x168 KeyValues3 m_KV3; // 0x170 }; // Registered binary: schemasystem.dll (project 'resourcefile') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vrman" class InfoForResourceTypeCResourceManifestInternal { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vdpn" class InfoForResourceTypeCDOTAPatchNotesList { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vents" class InfoForResourceTypeCEntityLump { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ManifestTestResource_t { public: // MKV3TransferName "name" CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 // MKV3TransferName "child" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeManifestTestResource_t > m_child; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vseq" class InfoForResourceTypeCSequenceGroupData { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vpcf" class InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'mathlib_extended') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x2 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct FuseVariableIndex_t { public: uint16_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("FuseVariableIndex_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vtex" class InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vdvn" class InfoForResourceTypeCDOTANovelsList { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vmdl" class InfoForResourceTypeCModel { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vdata" class InfoForResourceTypeCVDataResource { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'mathlib_extended') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x2 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct FuseFunctionIndex_t { public: uint16_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("FuseFunctionIndex_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vpulse" class InfoForResourceTypeIPulseGraphDef { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vpdi" class InfoForResourceTypeCPanoramaDynamicImages { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vsvg" class InfoForResourceTypeIVectorGraphic { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vmat" class InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vanim" class InfoForResourceTypeCAnimData { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vmix" class InfoForResourceTypeCVMixListResource { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vcompmat@܈û" class InfoForResourceTypeCCompositeMaterialKit { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'mathlib_extended') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFuseProgram { public: CUtlVector< uint8 > m_programBuffer; // 0x0 CUtlVector< FuseVariableIndex_t > m_variablesRead; // 0x18 CUtlVector< FuseVariableIndex_t > m_variablesWritten; // 0x30 int32_t m_nMaxTempVarsUsed; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vsmart" class InfoForResourceTypeCSmartProp { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "econitemvents" class InfoForResourceTypeCCSGOEconItem { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vwnod" class InfoForResourceTypeCWorldNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vcss" class InfoForResourceTypeCPanoramaStyle { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vdacdefsvsvg" class InfoForResourceTypeCDACGameDefsData { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vsndevts" class InfoForResourceTypeCVSoundEventScriptList { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vagrp" class InfoForResourceTypeCAnimationGroup { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vsnd" struct InfoForResourceTypeVSound_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vtest" struct InfoForResourceTypeTestResource_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vskel" class InfoForResourceTypeCNmSkeleton { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vts" class InfoForResourceTypeCTypeScriptResource { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vxml" class InfoForResourceTypeCPanoramaLayout { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'mathlib_extended') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor class FourQuaternions { public: fltx4 x; // 0x0 fltx4 y; // 0x10 fltx4 z; // 0x20 fltx4 w; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vsnap" class InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'mathlib_extended') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VariableInfo_t { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 CUtlStringToken m_nameToken; // 0x8 FuseVariableIndex_t m_nIndex; // 0xc uint8_t m_nNumComponents; // 0xe FuseVariableType_t m_eVarType; // 0xf FuseVariableAccess_t m_eAccess; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vpost" class InfoForResourceTypeCPostProcessingResource { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'mathlib_extended') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct AABB_t { public: Vector m_vMinBounds; // 0x0 Vector m_vMaxBounds; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vptest" struct InfoForResourceTypeProceduralTestResource_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vwrld" struct InfoForResourceTypeWorld_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vclip" class InfoForResourceTypeCNmClip { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vphys" class InfoForResourceTypeCPhysAggregateData { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct TestResource_t { public: // MKV3TransferName "name" CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vvis" class InfoForResourceTypeCVoxelVisibility { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vmesh" class InfoForResourceTypeCRenderMesh { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'mathlib_extended') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xb0 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFuseSymbolTable { public: CUtlVector< ConstantInfo_t > m_constants; // 0x0 CUtlVector< VariableInfo_t > m_variables; // 0x18 CUtlVector< FunctionInfo_t > m_functions; // 0x30 CUtlHashtable< CUtlStringToken, int32 > m_constantMap; // 0x48 CUtlHashtable< CUtlStringToken, int32 > m_variableMap; // 0x68 CUtlHashtable< CUtlStringToken, int32 > m_functionMap; // 0x88 }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vjs" class InfoForResourceTypeCJavaScriptResource { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vanmgrpheconitemvents" class InfoForResourceTypeIAnimGraphModelBinding { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'mathlib_extended') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FunctionInfo_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x8 CUtlStringToken m_nameToken; // 0x10 int32_t m_nParamCount; // 0x14 FuseFunctionIndex_t m_nIndex; // 0x18 bool m_bIsPure; // 0x1a }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'mathlib_extended') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ConstantInfo_t { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 CUtlStringToken m_nameToken; // 0x8 float m_flValue; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vmtst" struct InfoForResourceTypeManifestTestResource_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vsurf" class InfoForResourceTypeCVPhysXSurfacePropertiesList { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'mathlib_extended') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct PackedAABB_t { public: uint32_t m_nPackedMin; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nPackedMax; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vsndstckvseq" class InfoForResourceTypeCVSoundStackScriptList { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vcdlist" class InfoForResourceTypeCChoreoSceneFileData { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vmorf" class InfoForResourceTypeCMorphSetData { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "item" class InfoForResourceTypeCDotaItemDefinitionResource { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: resourcesystem.dll (project 'resourcesystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vrr" class InfoForResourceTypeCResponseRulesList { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: rendersystemdx11.dll (project 'rendersystemdx11') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x38 // Has Trivial Destructor struct RenderInputLayoutField_t { public: uint8_t m_pSemanticName[32]; // 0x0 int32_t m_nSemanticIndex; // 0x20 uint32_t m_Format; // 0x24 int32_t m_nOffset; // 0x28 int32_t m_nSlot; // 0x2c RenderSlotType_t m_nSlotType; // 0x30 int32_t m_nInstanceStepRate; // 0x34 }; // Registered binary: rendersystemdx11.dll (project 'rendersystemdx11') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 struct VsInputSignature_t { public: CUtlVector< VsInputSignatureElement_t > m_elems; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: rendersystemdx11.dll (project 'rendersystemdx11') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc4 // Has Trivial Destructor struct VsInputSignatureElement_t { public: char m_pName[64]; // 0x0 char m_pSemantic[64]; // 0x40 char m_pD3DSemanticName[64]; // 0x80 int32_t m_nD3DSemanticIndex; // 0xc0 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct EngineLoopState_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: int32_t m_nPlatWindowWidth; // 0x18 int32_t m_nPlatWindowHeight; // 0x1c int32_t m_nRenderWidth; // 0x20 int32_t m_nRenderHeight; // 0x24 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventSimulate_t { public: EngineLoopState_t m_LoopState; // 0x0 bool m_bFirstTick; // 0x28 bool m_bLastTick; // 0x29 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientPollNetworking_t { public: int32_t m_nTickCount; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientProcessInput_t { public: EngineLoopState_t m_LoopState; // 0x0 float m_flRealTime; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'entity2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EntComponentInfo_t { public: char* m_pName; // 0x0 char* m_pCPPClassname; // 0x8 char* m_pNetworkDataReferencedDescription; // 0x10 char* m_pNetworkDataReferencedPtrPropDescription; // 0x18 int32_t m_nRuntimeIndex; // 0x20 uint32_t m_nFlags; // 0x24 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0028[0x38]; // 0x28 public: CEntityComponentHelper* m_pBaseClassComponentHelper; // 0x60 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'entity2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor class CEmptyEntityInstance { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventServerProcessNetworking_t : public EventSimulate_t { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventServerPollNetworking_t : public EventSimulate_t { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'entity2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EntOutput_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventSetTime_t { public: EngineLoopState_t m_LoopState; // 0x0 int32_t m_nClientOutputFrames; // 0x28 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad002c[0x4]; // 0x2c public: double m_flRealTime; // 0x30 double m_flRenderTime; // 0x38 double m_flRenderFrameTime; // 0x40 double m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded; // 0x48 double m_flRenderFrameTimeUnscaled; // 0x50 double m_flTickRemainder; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventAdvanceTick_t : public EventSimulate_t { public: int32_t m_nCurrentTick; // 0x30 int32_t m_nCurrentTickThisFrame; // 0x34 int32_t m_nTotalTicksThisFrame; // 0x38 int32_t m_nTotalTicks; // 0x3c }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientSendInput_t { public: bool m_bFinalClientCommandTick; // 0x0 int32_t m_nAdditionalClientCommandsToCreate; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientFrameSimulate_t { public: EngineLoopState_t m_LoopState; // 0x0 float m_flRealTime; // 0x28 float m_flFrameTime; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientPreOutput_t { public: EngineLoopState_t m_LoopState; // 0x0 double m_flRenderTime; // 0x28 double m_flRenderFrameTime; // 0x30 double m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded; // 0x38 float m_flRealTime; // 0x40 bool m_bRenderOnly; // 0x44 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventModInitialized_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'entity2') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor class CVariantDefaultAllocator { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventPostAdvanceTick_t : public EventSimulate_t { public: int32_t m_nCurrentTick; // 0x30 int32_t m_nCurrentTickThisFrame; // 0x34 int32_t m_nTotalTicksThisFrame; // 0x38 int32_t m_nTotalTicks; // 0x3c }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventSplitScreenStateChanged_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventServerAdvanceTick_t : public EventAdvanceTick_t { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientProcessNetworking_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientPauseSimulate_t : public EventSimulate_t { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientPreSimulate_t : public EventSimulate_t { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventPostDataUpdate_t { public: int32_t m_nCount; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventProfileStorageAvailable_t { public: CSplitScreenSlot m_nSplitScreenSlot; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventServerPostAdvanceTick_t : public EventPostAdvanceTick_t { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventServerSimulate_t : public EventSimulate_t { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventAppShutdown_t { public: int32_t m_nDummy0; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventFrameBoundary_t { public: float m_flFrameTime; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientProcessGameInput_t { public: EngineLoopState_t m_LoopState; // 0x0 float m_flRealTime; // 0x28 float m_flFrameTime; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientPredictionPostNetupdate_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventPreDataUpdate_t { public: int32_t m_nCount; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientPollInput_t { public: EngineLoopState_t m_LoopState; // 0x0 float m_flRealTime; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientPostOutput_t { public: EngineLoopState_t m_LoopState; // 0x0 double m_flRenderTime; // 0x28 float m_flRenderFrameTime; // 0x30 float m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded; // 0x34 bool m_bRenderOnly; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientSimulate_t : public EventSimulate_t { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: networksystem.dll (project 'networksystem') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x2 // Has Trivial Destructor struct ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t { public: int16_t m_Value; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'entity2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EntInput_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x30]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientAdvanceTick_t : public EventAdvanceTick_t { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'entity2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // Has Trivial Destructor class CEntityComponentHelper { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: uint32_t m_flags; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: EntComponentInfo_t* m_pInfo; // 0x10 int32_t m_nPriority; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001c[0x4]; // 0x1c public: CEntityComponentHelper* m_pNext; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventServerPostSimulate_t : public EventSimulate_t { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientOutput_t { public: EngineLoopState_t m_LoopState; // 0x0 float m_flRenderTime; // 0x28 float m_flRealTime; // 0x2c float m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded; // 0x30 bool m_bRenderOnly; // 0x34 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientSceneSystemThreadStateChange_t { public: bool m_bThreadsActive; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'entity2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable class CEntityIOOutput { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: CVariantBase< CVariantDefaultAllocator > m_Value; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientPostAdvanceTick_t : public EventPostAdvanceTick_t { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventSimpleLoopFrameUpdate_t { public: EngineLoopState_t m_LoopState; // 0x0 float m_flRealTime; // 0x28 float m_flFrameTime; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'engine2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor struct EventClientPostSimulate_t : public EventSimulate_t { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct MaterialParam_t { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct MaterialParamFloat_t : public MaterialParam_t { public: float m_flValue; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x70 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PostProcessingBloomParameters_t { public: BloomBlendMode_t m_blendMode; // 0x0 float m_flBloomStrength; // 0x4 float m_flScreenBloomStrength; // 0x8 float m_flBlurBloomStrength; // 0xc float m_flBloomThreshold; // 0x10 float m_flBloomThresholdWidth; // 0x14 float m_flSkyboxBloomStrength; // 0x18 float m_flBloomStartValue; // 0x1c float m_flBlurWeight[5]; // 0x20 Vector m_vBlurTint[5]; // 0x34 }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x130 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct MaterialResourceData_t { public: CUtlString m_materialName; // 0x0 CUtlString m_shaderName; // 0x8 CUtlVector< MaterialParamInt_t > m_intParams; // 0x10 CUtlVector< MaterialParamFloat_t > m_floatParams; // 0x28 CUtlVector< MaterialParamVector_t > m_vectorParams; // 0x40 CUtlVector< MaterialParamTexture_t > m_textureParams; // 0x58 CUtlVector< MaterialParamBuffer_t > m_dynamicParams; // 0x70 CUtlVector< MaterialParamBuffer_t > m_dynamicTextureParams; // 0x88 CUtlVector< MaterialParamInt_t > m_intAttributes; // 0xa0 CUtlVector< MaterialParamFloat_t > m_floatAttributes; // 0xb8 CUtlVector< MaterialParamVector_t > m_vectorAttributes; // 0xd0 CUtlVector< MaterialParamTexture_t > m_textureAttributes; // 0xe8 CUtlVector< MaterialParamString_t > m_stringAttributes; // 0x100 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_renderAttributesUsed; // 0x118 }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct MaterialParamBuffer_t : public MaterialParam_t { public: CUtlBinaryBlock m_value; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3c // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PostProcessingTonemapParameters_t { public: float m_flExposureBias; // 0x0 float m_flShoulderStrength; // 0x4 float m_flLinearStrength; // 0x8 float m_flLinearAngle; // 0xc float m_flToeStrength; // 0x10 float m_flToeNum; // 0x14 float m_flToeDenom; // 0x18 float m_flWhitePoint; // 0x1c float m_flLuminanceSource; // 0x20 float m_flExposureBiasShadows; // 0x24 float m_flExposureBiasHighlights; // 0x28 float m_flMinShadowLum; // 0x2c float m_flMaxShadowLum; // 0x30 float m_flMinHighlightLum; // 0x34 float m_flMaxHighlightLum; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PostProcessingLocalContrastParameters_t { public: float m_flLocalContrastStrength; // 0x0 float m_flLocalContrastEdgeStrength; // 0x4 float m_flLocalContrastVignetteStart; // 0x8 float m_flLocalContrastVignetteEnd; // 0xc float m_flLocalContrastVignetteBlur; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x24 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PostProcessingVignetteParameters_t { public: float m_flVignetteStrength; // 0x0 Vector2D m_vCenter; // 0x4 float m_flRadius; // 0xc float m_flRoundness; // 0x10 float m_flFeather; // 0x14 Vector m_vColorTint; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct MaterialParamInt_t : public MaterialParam_t { public: int32_t m_nValue; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x118 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PostProcessingResource_t { public: bool m_bHasTonemapParams; // 0x0 PostProcessingTonemapParameters_t m_toneMapParams; // 0x4 bool m_bHasBloomParams; // 0x40 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0041[0x3]; // 0x41 public: PostProcessingBloomParameters_t m_bloomParams; // 0x44 bool m_bHasVignetteParams; // 0xb4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00b5[0x3]; // 0xb5 public: PostProcessingVignetteParameters_t m_vignetteParams; // 0xb8 bool m_bHasLocalContrastParams; // 0xdc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00dd[0x3]; // 0xdd public: PostProcessingLocalContrastParameters_t m_localConstrastParams; // 0xe0 int32_t m_nColorCorrectionVolumeDim; // 0xf4 CUtlBinaryBlock m_colorCorrectionVolumeData; // 0xf8 bool m_bHasColorCorrection; // 0x110 }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct MaterialParamString_t : public MaterialParam_t { public: CUtlString m_value; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct MaterialParamVector_t : public MaterialParam_t { public: Vector4D m_value; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: materialsystem2.dll (project 'materialsystem2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct MaterialParamTexture_t : public MaterialParam_t { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pValue; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: engine2.dll (project 'entity2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 class CNetworkVarChainer { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x20]; // 0x0 public: // MNetworkDisable // MNetworkChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t m_PathIndex; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimTagManagerUpdater { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< CSmartPtr< CAnimTagBase > > m_tags; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CModelConfigElement { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlString m_ElementName; // 0x8 CUtlVector< CModelConfigElement* > m_NestedElements; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x100 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot // MVDataOverlayType class CMoodVData { public: // MPropertyDescription "Model to get the animation list from" // MPropertyAutoRebuildOnChange CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > > m_sModelName; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Type of mood" MoodType_t m_nMoodType; // 0xe0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00e4[0x4]; // 0xe4 public: // MPropertyDescription "Layers for this mood" CUtlVector< MoodAnimationLayer_t > m_animationLayers; // 0xe8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimNodePath { public: AnimNodeID m_path[11]; // 0x0 int32_t m_nCount; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimUpdateNodeRef { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: int32_t m_nodeIndex; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CProductQuantizer { public: CUtlVector< CVectorQuantizer > m_subQuantizers; // 0x0 int32_t m_nDimensions; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x50 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FootFixedData_t { public: VectorAligned m_vToeOffset; // 0x0 VectorAligned m_vHeelOffset; // 0x10 int32_t m_nTargetBoneIndex; // 0x20 int32_t m_nAnkleBoneIndex; // 0x24 int32_t m_nIKAnchorBoneIndex; // 0x28 int32_t m_ikChainIndex; // 0x2c float m_flMaxIKLength; // 0x30 int32_t m_nFootIndex; // 0x34 int32_t m_nTagIndex; // 0x38 float m_flMaxRotationLeft; // 0x3c float m_flMaxRotationRight; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimMorphDifference { public: CBufferString m_name; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct AttachmentHandle_t { public: uint8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("AttachmentHandle_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x78 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimKeyData { public: CBufferString m_name; // 0x0 CUtlVector< CAnimBone > m_boneArray; // 0x10 CUtlVector< CAnimUser > m_userArray; // 0x28 CUtlVector< CBufferString > m_morphArray; // 0x40 int32_t m_nChannelElements; // 0x58 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad005c[0x4]; // 0x5c public: CUtlVector< CAnimDataChannelDesc > m_dataChannelArray; // 0x60 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimUpdateNodeBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: CAnimNodePath m_nodePath; // 0x18 AnimNodeNetworkMode m_networkMode; // 0x48 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad004c[0x4]; // 0x4c public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor struct IKSolverSettings_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Solver Type" // MPropertyAttrChangeCallback IKSolverType m_SolverType; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Num Iterations " // MPropertyAttrStateCallback int32_t m_nNumIterations; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimData { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: CBufferString m_name; // 0x10 CUtlVector< CAnimDesc > m_animArray; // 0x20 CUtlVector< CAnimDecoder > m_decoderArray; // 0x38 int32_t m_nMaxUniqueFrameIndex; // 0x50 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0054[0x4]; // 0x54 public: CUtlVector< CAnimFrameSegment > m_segmentArray; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyEditClassAsString class AnimComponentID { public: uint32_t m_id; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimSequenceParams { public: float m_flFadeInTime; // 0x0 float m_flFadeOutTime; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x90 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PhysSoftbodyDesc_t { public: CUtlVector< uint32 > m_ParticleBoneHash; // 0x0 CUtlVector< RnSoftbodyParticle_t > m_Particles; // 0x18 CUtlVector< RnSoftbodySpring_t > m_Springs; // 0x30 CUtlVector< RnSoftbodyCapsule_t > m_Capsules; // 0x48 CUtlVector< CTransform > m_InitPose; // 0x60 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_ParticleBoneName; // 0x78 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqAutoLayerFlag { public: bool m_bPost; // 0x0 bool m_bSpline; // 0x1 bool m_bXFade; // 0x2 bool m_bNoBlend; // 0x3 bool m_bLocal; // 0x4 bool m_bPose; // 0x5 bool m_bFetchFrame; // 0x6 bool m_bSubtract; // 0x7 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPhysSurfacePropertiesAudio { public: // MKV3TransferName "audioreflectivity" float m_reflectivity; // 0x0 // MKV3TransferName "audiohardnessfactor" float m_hardnessFactor; // 0x4 // MKV3TransferName "audioroughnessfactor" float m_roughnessFactor; // 0x8 // MKV3TransferName "scrapeRoughThreshold" float m_roughThreshold; // 0xc // MKV3TransferName "impactHardThreshold" float m_hardThreshold; // 0x10 // MKV3TransferName "audioHardMinVelocity" float m_hardVelocityThreshold; // 0x14 // MKV3TransferName "staticImpactVolume" float m_flStaticImpactVolume; // 0x18 // MKV3TransferName "occlusionFactor" float m_flOcclusionFactor; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyEditClassAsString class AnimTagID { public: uint32_t m_id; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimMotorUpdaterBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x10 bool m_bDefault; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBoneConstraintBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x28]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CUnaryUpdateNode : public CAnimUpdateNodeBase { public: CAnimUpdateNodeRef m_pChildNode; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyEditClassAsString class AnimScriptHandle { public: uint32_t m_id; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x80 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimAttachment { public: Quaternion m_influenceRotations[3]; // 0x0 VectorAligned m_influenceOffsets[3]; // 0x30 int32_t m_influenceIndices[3]; // 0x60 float m_influenceWeights[3]; // 0x6c uint8_t m_numInfluences; // 0x78 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Damping" class CAnimInputDamping { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Speed Function" DampingSpeedFunction m_speedFunction; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Speed Scale" float m_fSpeedScale; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x78 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VPhysics2ShapeDef_t { public: CUtlVector< RnSphereDesc_t > m_spheres; // 0x0 CUtlVector< RnCapsuleDesc_t > m_capsules; // 0x18 CUtlVector< RnHullDesc_t > m_hulls; // 0x30 CUtlVector< RnMeshDesc_t > m_meshes; // 0x48 CUtlVector< uint16 > m_CollisionAttributeIndices; // 0x60 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x2 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimParamHandle { public: AnimParamType_t m_type; // 0x0 uint8_t m_index; // 0x1 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct SkeletonBoneBounds_t { public: Vector m_vecCenter; // 0x0 Vector m_vecSize; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyEditClassAsString class AnimNodeID { public: uint32_t m_id; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CVectorQuantizer { public: CUtlVector< float32 > m_centroidVectors; // 0x0 int32_t m_nCentroids; // 0x18 int32_t m_nDimensions; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CModelConfigElement_SetRenderColor : public CModelConfigElement { public: Color m_Color; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyEditClassAsString class AnimParamID { public: uint32_t m_id; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x88 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFootStepTriggerUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: CUtlVector< FootStepTrigger > m_triggers; // 0x68 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0080[0x4]; // 0x80 public: float m_flTolerance; // 0x84 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ParamSpan_t { public: CUtlVector< ParamSpanSample_t > m_samples; // 0x0 CAnimParamHandle m_hParam; // 0x18 AnimParamType_t m_eParamType; // 0x1a private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001b[0x1]; // 0x1b public: float m_flStartCycle; // 0x1c float m_flEndCycle; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSetFacingUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: FacingMode m_facingMode; // 0x68 bool m_bResetChild; // 0x6c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqScaleSet { public: CBufferString m_sName; // 0x0 bool m_bRootOffset; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0011[0x3]; // 0x11 public: Vector m_vRootOffset; // 0x14 CUtlVector< int16 > m_nLocalBoneArray; // 0x20 CUtlVector< float32 > m_flBoneScaleArray; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct AnimationDecodeDebugDump_t { public: AnimationProcessingType_t m_processingType; // 0x0 CUtlVector< AnimationDecodeDebugDumpElement_t > m_elems; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 struct IKBoneNameAndIndex_t { public: // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "Bone" CUtlString m_Name; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimTagBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Name" // MPropertySortPriority "100" CGlobalSymbol m_name; // 0x18 // MPropertyHideField CGlobalSymbol m_group; // 0x20 // MPropertyHideField AnimTagID m_tagID; // 0x28 // MPropertyHideField bool m_bIsReferenced; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMotionNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x18 AnimNodeID m_id; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Ragdoll Tag" class CRagdollAnimTag : public CAnimTagBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0030[0x8]; // 0x30 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Pose Control" AnimPoseControl m_nPoseControl; // 0x38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Frequency" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 30" float m_flFrequency; // 0x3c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Damping Ratio" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 2" float m_flDampingRatio; // 0x40 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Decay Duration" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-1 1000" float m_flDecayDuration; // 0x44 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Decay Bias" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" float m_flDecayBias; // 0x48 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Destroy" bool m_bDestroy; // 0x4c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimParameterBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Name" // MPropertySortPriority "100" CGlobalSymbol m_name; // 0x18 // MPropertyHideField CUtlString m_group; // 0x20 // MPropertyHideField AnimParamID m_id; // 0x28 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad002c[0x14]; // 0x2c public: // MPropertyHideField // MPropertyAttrChangeCallback CUtlString m_componentName; // 0x40 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0048[0x4]; // 0x48 public: // MPropertyHideField bool m_bNetworkingRequested; // 0x4c // MPropertyHideField bool m_bIsReferenced; // 0x4d }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Internal Tag" class CStringAnimTag : public CAnimTagBase { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CParamSpanUpdater { public: CUtlVector< ParamSpan_t > m_spans; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFootTrajectories { public: CUtlVector< CFootTrajectory > m_trajectories; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xd0 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct AimMatrixOpFixedSettings_t { public: CAnimAttachment m_attachment; // 0x0 CAnimInputDamping m_damping; // 0x80 CPoseHandle m_poseCacheHandles[10]; // 0x90 AimMatrixBlendMode m_eBlendMode; // 0xb8 float m_fAngleIncrement; // 0xbc int32_t m_nSequenceMaxFrame; // 0xc0 int32_t m_nBoneMaskIndex; // 0xc4 bool m_bTargetIsPosition; // 0xc8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimGraphSettingsManager { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< CSmartPtr< CAnimGraphSettingsGroup > > m_settingsGroups; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x160 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct TwoBoneIKSettings_t { public: IkEndEffectorType m_endEffectorType; // 0x0 CAnimAttachment m_endEffectorAttachment; // 0x10 IkTargetType m_targetType; // 0x90 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0094[0xc]; // 0x94 public: CAnimAttachment m_targetAttachment; // 0xa0 int32_t m_targetBoneIndex; // 0x120 CAnimParamHandle m_hPositionParam; // 0x124 CAnimParamHandle m_hRotationParam; // 0x126 bool m_bAlwaysUseFallbackHinge; // 0x128 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0129[0x7]; // 0x129 public: VectorAligned m_vLsFallbackHingeAxis; // 0x130 int32_t m_nFixedBoneIndex; // 0x140 int32_t m_nMiddleBoneIndex; // 0x144 int32_t m_nEndBoneIndex; // 0x148 bool m_bMatchTargetOrientation; // 0x14c bool m_bConstrainTwist; // 0x14d private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad014e[0x2]; // 0x14e public: float m_flMaxTwist; // 0x150 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct SolveIKChainPoseOpFixedSettings_t { public: CUtlVector< ChainToSolveData_t > m_ChainsToSolveData; // 0x0 bool m_bMatchTargetOrientation; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CLeafUpdateNode : public CAnimUpdateNodeBase { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CRagdollUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: int32_t m_nWeightListIndex; // 0x68 RagdollPoseControl m_poseControlMethod; // 0x6c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqTransition { public: float m_flFadeInTime; // 0x0 float m_flFadeOutTime; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSolveIKChainUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: CUtlVector< CSolveIKTargetHandle_t > m_targetHandles; // 0x68 SolveIKChainPoseOpFixedSettings_t m_opFixedData; // 0x80 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPoseHandle { public: uint16_t m_nIndex; // 0x0 PoseType_t m_eType; // 0x2 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x88 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBinaryUpdateNode : public CAnimUpdateNodeBase { public: CAnimUpdateNodeRef m_pChild1; // 0x58 CAnimUpdateNodeRef m_pChild2; // 0x68 BinaryNodeTiming m_timingBehavior; // 0x78 float m_flTimingBlend; // 0x7c bool m_bResetChild1; // 0x80 bool m_bResetChild2; // 0x81 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct JiggleBoneSettingsList_t { public: CUtlVector< JiggleBoneSettings_t > m_boneSettings; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPathAnimMotorUpdaterBase : public CAnimMotorUpdaterBase { public: bool m_bLockToPath; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMoverUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0068[0x8]; // 0x68 public: CAnimInputDamping m_damping; // 0x70 AnimValueSource m_facingTarget; // 0x80 CAnimParamHandle m_hMoveVecParam; // 0x84 CAnimParamHandle m_hMoveHeadingParam; // 0x86 CAnimParamHandle m_hTurnToFaceParam; // 0x88 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad008a[0x2]; // 0x8a public: float m_flTurnToFaceOffset; // 0x8c float m_flTurnToFaceLimit; // 0x90 bool m_bAdditive; // 0x94 bool m_bApplyMovement; // 0x95 bool m_bOrientMovement; // 0x96 bool m_bApplyRotation; // 0x97 bool m_bLimitOnly; // 0x98 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBaseConstraint : public CBoneConstraintBase { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x28 Vector m_vUpVector; // 0x30 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad003c[0x4]; // 0x3c public: CUtlVector< CConstraintSlave > m_slaves; // 0x40 CUtlVector< CConstraintTarget > m_targets; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyEditClassAsString class AnimStateID { public: uint32_t m_id; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xf8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VPhysXConstraintParams_t { public: int8_t m_nType; // 0x0 int8_t m_nTranslateMotion; // 0x1 int8_t m_nRotateMotion; // 0x2 int8_t m_nFlags; // 0x3 Vector m_anchor[2]; // 0x4 QuaternionStorage m_axes[2]; // 0x1c float m_maxForce; // 0x3c float m_maxTorque; // 0x40 float m_linearLimitValue; // 0x44 float m_linearLimitRestitution; // 0x48 float m_linearLimitSpring; // 0x4c float m_linearLimitDamping; // 0x50 float m_twistLowLimitValue; // 0x54 float m_twistLowLimitRestitution; // 0x58 float m_twistLowLimitSpring; // 0x5c float m_twistLowLimitDamping; // 0x60 float m_twistHighLimitValue; // 0x64 float m_twistHighLimitRestitution; // 0x68 float m_twistHighLimitSpring; // 0x6c float m_twistHighLimitDamping; // 0x70 float m_swing1LimitValue; // 0x74 float m_swing1LimitRestitution; // 0x78 float m_swing1LimitSpring; // 0x7c float m_swing1LimitDamping; // 0x80 float m_swing2LimitValue; // 0x84 float m_swing2LimitRestitution; // 0x88 float m_swing2LimitSpring; // 0x8c float m_swing2LimitDamping; // 0x90 Vector m_goalPosition; // 0x94 QuaternionStorage m_goalOrientation; // 0xa0 Vector m_goalAngularVelocity; // 0xb0 float m_driveSpringX; // 0xbc float m_driveSpringY; // 0xc0 float m_driveSpringZ; // 0xc4 float m_driveDampingX; // 0xc8 float m_driveDampingY; // 0xcc float m_driveDampingZ; // 0xd0 float m_driveSpringTwist; // 0xd4 float m_driveSpringSwing; // 0xd8 float m_driveSpringSlerp; // 0xdc float m_driveDampingTwist; // 0xe0 float m_driveDampingSwing; // 0xe4 float m_driveDampingSlerp; // 0xe8 int32_t m_solverIterationCount; // 0xec float m_projectionLinearTolerance; // 0xf0 float m_projectionAngularTolerance; // 0xf4 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ParamSpanSample_t { public: CAnimVariant m_value; // 0x0 float m_flCycle; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct TraceSettings_t { public: float m_flTraceHeight; // 0x0 float m_flTraceRadius; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMotionMetricEvaluator { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< float32 > m_means; // 0x18 CUtlVector< float32 > m_standardDeviations; // 0x30 float m_flWeight; // 0x48 int32_t m_nDimensionStartIndex; // 0x4c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPointConstraint : public CBaseConstraint { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBoneConstraintDotToMorph : public CBoneConstraintBase { public: CUtlString m_sBoneName; // 0x28 CUtlString m_sTargetBoneName; // 0x30 CUtlString m_sMorphChannelName; // 0x38 float m_flRemap[4]; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveType m_Type; // 0x8 AnimNodeID m_OwningAnimNodePaths[11]; // 0xc int32_t m_nOwningAnimNodePathCount; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1c // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPhysSurfacePropertiesPhysics { public: // MKV3TransferName "friction" float m_friction; // 0x0 // MKV3TransferName "elasticity" float m_elasticity; // 0x4 // MKV3TransferName "density" float m_density; // 0x8 // MKV3TransferName "thickness" float m_thickness; // 0xc // MKV3TransferName "softcontactfrequency" float m_softContactFrequency; // 0x10 // MKV3TransferName "softcontactdampingratio" float m_softContactDampingRatio; // 0x14 // MKV3TransferName "wheeldrag" float m_wheelDrag; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimDesc_Flag { public: bool m_bLooping; // 0x0 bool m_bAllZeros; // 0x1 bool m_bHidden; // 0x2 bool m_bDelta; // 0x3 bool m_bLegacyWorldspace; // 0x4 bool m_bModelDoc; // 0x5 bool m_bImplicitSeqIgnoreDelta; // 0x6 bool m_bAnimGraphAdditive; // 0x7 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimParamHandleMap { public: CUtlHashtable< uint16, int16 > m_list; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqIKLock { public: float m_flPosWeight; // 0x0 float m_flAngleWeight; // 0x4 int16_t m_nLocalBone; // 0x8 bool m_bBonesOrientedAlongPositiveX; // 0xa }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CRenderSkeleton { public: CUtlVector< RenderSkeletonBone_t > m_bones; // 0x0 CUtlVector< int32 > m_boneParents; // 0x30 int32_t m_nBoneWeightCount; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPlayerInputAnimMotorUpdater : public CAnimMotorUpdaterBase { public: CUtlVector< float32 > m_sampleTimes; // 0x20 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0038[0x4]; // 0x38 public: float m_flSpringConstant; // 0x3c float m_flAnticipationDistance; // 0x40 CAnimParamHandle m_hAnticipationPosParam; // 0x44 CAnimParamHandle m_hAnticipationHeadingParam; // 0x46 bool m_bUseAcceleration; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CStateActionUpdater { public: CSmartPtr< CAnimActionUpdater > m_pAction; // 0x0 StateActionBehavior m_eBehavior; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CConcreteAnimParameter : public CAnimParameterBase { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Preview Button" AnimParamButton_t m_previewButton; // 0x50 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Network" AnimParamNetworkSetting m_eNetworkSetting; // 0x54 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Force Latest Value" bool m_bUseMostRecentValue; // 0x58 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Auto Reset" bool m_bAutoReset; // 0x59 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Game Writable" // MPropertyGroupName "+Permissions" // MPropertyAttrStateCallback bool m_bGameWritable; // 0x5a // MPropertyFriendlyName "Graph Writable" // MPropertyGroupName "+Permissions" // MPropertyAttrStateCallback bool m_bGraphWritable; // 0x5b }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceMorph : public CBoneConstraintBase { public: CUtlString m_sBoneName; // 0x28 CUtlString m_sAttachmentName; // 0x30 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_outputMorph; // 0x38 CUtlVector< CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceMorph::Input_t > m_inputList; // 0x50 bool m_bClamp; // 0x68 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class MotionBlendItem { public: CSmartPtr< CMotionNode > m_pChild; // 0x0 float m_flKeyValue; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x98 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceBone : public CBaseConstraint { public: CUtlVector< CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceBone::Input_t > m_inputList; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimGraphModelBinding { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlString m_modelName; // 0x8 CSmartPtr< CAnimUpdateSharedData > m_pSharedData; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x100 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimUpdateSharedData { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< CSmartPtr< CAnimUpdateNodeBase > > m_nodes; // 0x10 CUtlHashtable< CAnimNodePath, int32 > m_nodeIndexMap; // 0x28 CUtlVector< CSmartPtr< CAnimComponentUpdater > > m_components; // 0x48 CSmartPtr< CAnimParameterManagerUpdater > m_pParamListUpdater; // 0x60 CSmartPtr< CAnimTagManagerUpdater > m_pTagManagerUpdater; // 0x68 CSmartPtr< CAnimScriptManager > m_scriptManager; // 0x70 CAnimGraphSettingsManager m_settings; // 0x78 CSmartPtr< CStaticPoseCacheBuilder > m_pStaticPoseCache; // 0xa8 CSmartPtr< CAnimSkeleton > m_pSkeleton; // 0xb0 CAnimNodePath m_rootNodePath; // 0xb8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xc0 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct LookAtOpFixedSettings_t { public: CAnimAttachment m_attachment; // 0x0 CAnimInputDamping m_damping; // 0x80 CUtlVector< LookAtBone_t > m_bones; // 0x90 float m_flYawLimit; // 0xa8 float m_flPitchLimit; // 0xac float m_flHysteresisInnerAngle; // 0xb0 float m_flHysteresisOuterAngle; // 0xb4 bool m_bRotateYawForward; // 0xb8 bool m_bMaintainUpDirection; // 0xb9 bool m_bTargetIsPosition; // 0xba bool m_bUseHysteresis; // 0xbb }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CStaticPoseCache { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< CCachedPose > m_poses; // 0x10 int32_t m_nBoneCount; // 0x28 int32_t m_nMorphCount; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType class HSequence { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("HSequence")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CVPhysXSurfacePropertiesList { public: // MKV3TransferName "SurfacePropertiesList" CUtlVector< CPhysSurfaceProperties* > m_surfacePropertiesList; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xa0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CTiltTwistConstraint : public CBaseConstraint { public: int32_t m_nTargetAxis; // 0x70 int32_t m_nSlaveAxis; // 0x74 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ScriptInfo_t { public: CUtlString m_code; // 0x0 CUtlVector< CAnimParamHandle > m_paramsModified; // 0x8 CUtlVector< int32 > m_proxyReadParams; // 0x20 CUtlVector< int32 > m_proxyWriteParams; // 0x38 AnimScriptType m_eScriptType; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFlexRule { public: int32_t m_nFlex; // 0x0 CUtlVector< CFlexOp > m_FlexOps; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x88 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CDirectPlaybackUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0068[0x4]; // 0x68 public: bool m_bFinishEarly; // 0x6c bool m_bResetOnFinish; // 0x6d private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad006e[0x2]; // 0x6e public: CUtlVector< CDirectPlaybackTagData > m_allTags; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CDistanceRemainingMetricEvaluator : public CMotionMetricEvaluator { public: float m_flMaxDistance; // 0x50 float m_flMinDistance; // 0x54 float m_flStartGoalFilterDistance; // 0x58 float m_flMaxGoalOvershootScale; // 0x5c bool m_bFilterFixedMinDistance; // 0x60 bool m_bFilterGoalDistance; // 0x61 bool m_bFilterGoalOvershoot; // 0x62 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RenderSkeletonBone_t { public: CUtlString m_boneName; // 0x0 CUtlString m_parentName; // 0x8 matrix3x4_t m_invBindPose; // 0x10 SkeletonBoneBounds_t m_bbox; // 0x40 float m_flSphereRadius; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FootPinningPoseOpFixedData_t { public: CUtlVector< FootFixedData_t > m_footInfo; // 0x0 float m_flBlendTime; // 0x18 float m_flLockBreakDistance; // 0x1c float m_flMaxLegTwist; // 0x20 int32_t m_nHipBoneIndex; // 0x24 bool m_bApplyLegTwistLimits; // 0x28 bool m_bApplyFootRotationLimits; // 0x29 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqCmdLayer { public: int16_t m_cmd; // 0x0 int16_t m_nLocalReference; // 0x2 int16_t m_nLocalBonemask; // 0x4 int16_t m_nDstResult; // 0x6 int16_t m_nSrcResult; // 0x8 bool m_bSpline; // 0xa private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000b[0x1]; // 0xb public: float m_flVar1; // 0xc float m_flVar2; // 0x10 int16_t m_nLineNumber; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ModelBoneFlexDriverControl_t { public: ModelBoneFlexComponent_t m_nBoneComponent; // 0x0 CUtlString m_flexController; // 0x8 uint32_t m_flexControllerToken; // 0x10 float m_flMin; // 0x14 float m_flMax; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xa0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CTwistConstraint : public CBaseConstraint { public: bool m_bInverse; // 0x70 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0071[0xf]; // 0x71 public: Quaternion m_qParentBindRotation; // 0x80 Quaternion m_qChildBindRotation; // 0x90 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimationGraphVisualizerAxis : public CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase { public: CTransform m_xWsTransform; // 0x40 float m_flAxisSize; // 0x60 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa0 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VPhysXBodyPart_t { public: uint32_t m_nFlags; // 0x0 float m_flMass; // 0x4 VPhysics2ShapeDef_t m_rnShape; // 0x8 uint16_t m_nCollisionAttributeIndex; // 0x80 uint16_t m_nReserved; // 0x82 float m_flInertiaScale; // 0x84 float m_flLinearDamping; // 0x88 float m_flAngularDamping; // 0x8c bool m_bOverrideMassCenter; // 0x90 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0091[0x3]; // 0x91 public: Vector m_vMassCenterOverride; // 0x94 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xd0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimSkeleton { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< CTransform > m_localSpaceTransforms; // 0x10 CUtlVector< CTransform > m_modelSpaceTransforms; // 0x28 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_boneNames; // 0x40 CUtlVector< CUtlVector< int32 > > m_children; // 0x58 CUtlVector< int32 > m_parents; // 0x70 CUtlVector< CAnimFoot > m_feet; // 0x88 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_morphNames; // 0xa0 CUtlVector< int32 > m_lodBoneCounts; // 0xb8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CRenderMesh { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVectorFixedGrowable< CSceneObjectData > m_sceneObjects; // 0x10 CUtlVector< CBaseConstraint* > m_constraints; // 0xa0 CRenderSkeleton m_skeleton; // 0xb8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFlexDesc { public: CUtlString m_szFacs; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMotionNodeSequence : public CMotionNode { public: CUtlVector< TagSpan_t > m_tags; // 0x28 HSequence m_hSequence; // 0x40 float m_flPlaybackSpeed; // 0x44 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFlexController { public: CUtlString m_szName; // 0x0 CUtlString m_szType; // 0x8 float min; // 0x10 float max; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x6 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqMultiFetchFlag { public: bool m_bRealtime; // 0x0 bool m_bCylepose; // 0x1 bool m_b0D; // 0x2 bool m_b1D; // 0x3 bool m_b2D; // 0x4 bool m_b2D_TRI; // 0x5 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBlendCurve { public: float m_flControlPoint1; // 0x0 float m_flControlPoint2; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFootTrajectory { public: Vector m_vOffset; // 0x0 float m_flRotationOffset; // 0xc float m_flProgression; // 0x10 // Static fields: static CFootTrajectory &Get_Identity(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CFootTrajectory")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimationGraphVisualizerText : public CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase { public: VectorAligned m_vWsPosition; // 0x40 Color m_Color; // 0x50 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0054[0x4]; // 0x54 public: CUtlString m_Text; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBindPoseUpdateNode : public CLeafUpdateNode { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x80 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimationGraphVisualizerPie : public CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase { public: VectorAligned m_vWsCenter; // 0x40 VectorAligned m_vWsStart; // 0x50 VectorAligned m_vWsEnd; // 0x60 Color m_Color; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimActionUpdater { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x130 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimationGroup { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: uint32_t m_nFlags; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0014[0x4]; // 0x14 public: CBufferString m_name; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0028[0x38]; // 0x28 public: // MKV3TransferName "m_localHAnimArray" CUtlVector< CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCAnimData > > m_localHAnimArray_Handle; // 0x60 // MKV3TransferName "m_includedGroupArray" CUtlVector< CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCAnimationGroup > > m_includedGroupArray_Handle; // 0x78 // MKV3TransferName "m_directHSeqGroup" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCSequenceGroupData > m_directHSeqGroup_Handle; // 0x90 CAnimKeyData m_decodeKey; // 0x98 CUtlVector< CBufferString > m_szScripts; // 0x110 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x88 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CTurnHelperUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0068[0x4]; // 0x68 public: AnimValueSource m_facingTarget; // 0x6c float m_turnStartTimeOffset; // 0x70 float m_turnDuration; // 0x74 bool m_bMatchChildDuration; // 0x78 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0079[0x3]; // 0x79 public: float m_manualTurnOffset; // 0x7c bool m_bUseManualTurnOffset; // 0x80 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Audio Tag" class CAudioAnimTag : public CAnimTagBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0030[0x8]; // 0x30 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sound Event" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SoundPicker()" CUtlString m_clipName; // 0x38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Attachment" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "Attachment" CUtlString m_attachmentName; // 0x40 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Volume" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" float m_flVolume; // 0x48 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Stop on Tag End" bool m_bStopWhenTagEnds; // 0x4c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Stop When Graph Destroyed" bool m_bStopWhenGraphEnds; // 0x4d // MPropertyFriendlyName "Play on Server" bool m_bPlayOnServer; // 0x4e // MPropertyFriendlyName "Play on Client" bool m_bPlayOnClient; // 0x4f }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPhysSurfacePropertiesSoundNames { public: // MKV3TransferName "impactsoft" CUtlString m_impactSoft; // 0x0 // MKV3TransferName "impacthard" CUtlString m_impactHard; // 0x8 // MKV3TransferName "scrapesmooth" CUtlString m_scrapeSmooth; // 0x10 // MKV3TransferName "scraperough" CUtlString m_scrapeRough; // 0x18 // MKV3TransferName "bulletimpact" CUtlString m_bulletImpact; // 0x20 // MKV3TransferName "rolling" CUtlString m_rolling; // 0x28 // MKV3TransferName "break" CUtlString m_break; // 0x30 // MKV3TransferName "strain" CUtlString m_strain; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqMultiFetch { public: CSeqMultiFetchFlag m_flags; // 0x0 CUtlVector< int16 > m_localReferenceArray; // 0x8 int32_t m_nGroupSize[2]; // 0x20 int32_t m_nLocalPose[2]; // 0x28 CUtlVector< float32 > m_poseKeyArray0; // 0x30 CUtlVector< float32 > m_poseKeyArray1; // 0x48 int32_t m_nLocalCyclePoseParameter; // 0x60 bool m_bCalculatePoseParameters; // 0x64 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 struct CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceBone__Input_t { public: Vector m_inputValue; // 0x0 CUtlVector< CTransform > m_outputTransformList; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x3 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CTransitionUpdateData { public: uint8_t m_srcStateIndex; // 0x0 uint8_t m_destStateIndex; // 0x1 struct { uint8_t m_bDisabled: 1; uint8_t __pad0: 1; }; // 2 bits }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimUserDifference { public: CBufferString m_name; // 0x0 int32_t m_nType; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimationGraphVisualizerSphere : public CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase { public: VectorAligned m_vWsPosition; // 0x40 float m_flRadius; // 0x50 Color m_Color; // 0x54 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMotionDataSet { public: CUtlVector< CMotionGraphGroup > m_groups; // 0x0 int32_t m_nDimensionCount; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimEncodeDifference { public: CUtlVector< CAnimBoneDifference > m_boneArray; // 0x0 CUtlVector< CAnimMorphDifference > m_morphArray; // 0x18 CUtlVector< CAnimUserDifference > m_userArray; // 0x30 CUtlVector< uint8 > m_bHasRotationBitArray; // 0x48 CUtlVector< uint8 > m_bHasMovementBitArray; // 0x60 CUtlVector< uint8 > m_bHasMorphBitArray; // 0x78 CUtlVector< uint8 > m_bHasUserBitArray; // 0x90 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Cloth Settings Tag" class CClothSettingsAnimTag : public CAnimTagBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0030[0x8]; // 0x30 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Stiffness" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" float m_flStiffness; // 0x38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "EaseIn" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" float m_flEaseIn; // 0x3c // MPropertyFriendlyName "EaseOut" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" float m_flEaseOut; // 0x40 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0044[0x4]; // 0x44 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "VertexSet" CUtlString m_nVertexSet; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x90 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMorphConstraint : public CBaseConstraint { public: CUtlString m_sTargetMorph; // 0x70 int32_t m_nSlaveChannel; // 0x78 float m_flMin; // 0x7c float m_flMax; // 0x80 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x98 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMorphSetData { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: int32_t m_nWidth; // 0x10 int32_t m_nHeight; // 0x14 CUtlVector< MorphBundleType_t > m_bundleTypes; // 0x18 CUtlVector< CMorphData > m_morphDatas; // 0x30 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureAtlas; // 0x48 CUtlVector< CFlexDesc > m_FlexDesc; // 0x50 CUtlVector< CFlexController > m_FlexControllers; // 0x68 CUtlVector< CFlexRule > m_FlexRules; // 0x80 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CDrawCullingData { public: Vector m_vConeApex; // 0x0 int8_t m_ConeAxis[3]; // 0xc int8_t m_ConeCutoff; // 0xf }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CRenderBufferBinding { public: uint64_t m_hBuffer; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nBindOffsetBytes; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBonePositionMetricEvaluator : public CMotionMetricEvaluator { public: int32_t m_nBoneIndex; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSetParameterActionUpdater : public CAnimActionUpdater { public: CAnimParamHandle m_hParam; // 0x18 CAnimVariant m_value; // 0x1a }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBoneMaskUpdateNode : public CBinaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0088[0x4]; // 0x88 public: int32_t m_nWeightListIndex; // 0x8c float m_flRootMotionBlend; // 0x90 BoneMaskBlendSpace m_blendSpace; // 0x94 BinaryNodeChildOption m_footMotionTiming; // 0x98 bool m_bUseBlendScale; // 0x9c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad009d[0x3]; // 0x9d public: AnimValueSource m_blendValueSource; // 0xa0 CAnimParamHandle m_hBlendParameter; // 0xa4 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFutureVelocityMetricEvaluator : public CMotionMetricEvaluator { public: float m_flDistance; // 0x50 float m_flStoppingDistance; // 0x54 float m_flTargetSpeed; // 0x58 VelocityMetricMode m_eMode; // 0x5c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Movement Mode" // MPropertyElementNameFn class CMovementMode { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Name" CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Top Speed" float m_flSpeed; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CCurrentRotationVelocityMetricEvaluator : public CMotionMetricEvaluator { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CVirtualAnimParameter : public CAnimParameterBase { public: CUtlString m_expressionString; // 0x50 AnimParamType_t m_eParamType; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CCycleBase { public: float m_flCycle; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x60 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CConstraintSlave { public: Quaternion m_qBaseOrientation; // 0x0 Vector m_vBasePosition; // 0x10 uint32_t m_nBoneHash; // 0x1c float m_flWeight; // 0x20 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0024[0x4]; // 0x24 public: CUtlString m_sName; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 struct IKTargetSettings_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Target Source" // MPropertyAttrChangeCallback IKTargetSource m_TargetSource; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bone" // MPropertyAttrStateCallback IKBoneNameAndIndex_t m_Bone; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Animgraph Position Parameter" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "VectorParameter" // MPropertyAttrStateCallback AnimParamID m_AnimgraphParameterNamePosition; // 0x18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Animgraph Orientation Parameter" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "QuaternionParameter" // MPropertyAttrStateCallback AnimParamID m_AnimgraphParameterNameOrientation; // 0x1c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Target Coords" // MPropertyAttrStateCallback IKTargetCoordinateSystem m_TargetCoordSystem; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CHitBoxSet { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nNameHash; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: CUtlVector< CHitBox > m_HitBoxes; // 0x10 CUtlString m_SourceFilename; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFollowPathUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0068[0x4]; // 0x68 public: float m_flBlendOutTime; // 0x6c bool m_bBlockNonPathMovement; // 0x70 bool m_bStopFeetAtGoal; // 0x71 bool m_bScaleSpeed; // 0x72 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0073[0x1]; // 0x73 public: float m_flScale; // 0x74 float m_flMinAngle; // 0x78 float m_flMaxAngle; // 0x7c float m_flSpeedScaleBlending; // 0x80 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0084[0x4]; // 0x84 public: CAnimInputDamping m_turnDamping; // 0x88 AnimValueSource m_facingTarget; // 0x98 CAnimParamHandle m_hParam; // 0x9c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad009e[0x2]; // 0x9e public: float m_flTurnToFaceOffset; // 0xa0 bool m_bTurnToFace; // 0xa4 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimComponentUpdater { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x18 AnimComponentID m_id; // 0x20 AnimNodeNetworkMode m_networkMode; // 0x24 bool m_bStartEnabled; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimFrameSegment { public: int32_t m_nUniqueFrameIndex; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nLocalElementMasks; // 0x4 int32_t m_nLocalChannel; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: CUtlBinaryBlock m_container; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Body Group Tag" class CBodyGroupAnimTag : public CAnimTagBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0030[0x8]; // 0x30 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Priority" int32_t m_nPriority; // 0x38 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad003c[0x4]; // 0x3c public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Body Group Settings" CUtlVector< CBodyGroupSetting > m_bodyGroupSettings; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xb8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Enum Parameter" class CEnumAnimParameter : public CConcreteAnimParameter { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0060[0x8]; // 0x60 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Default Value" uint8_t m_defaultValue; // 0x68 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0069[0x7]; // 0x69 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Values" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_enumOptions; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "FootstepLanded Tag" class CFootstepLandedAnimTag : public CAnimTagBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0030[0x8]; // 0x30 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Footstep Type" FootstepLandedFootSoundType_t m_FootstepType; // 0x38 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad003c[0x4]; // 0x3c public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Override Sound" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "Sound" CUtlString m_OverrideSoundName; // 0x40 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Debug Name" CUtlString m_DebugAnimSourceString; // 0x48 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bone Name" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "Bone" CUtlString m_BoneName; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CStateNodeStateData { public: CAnimUpdateNodeRef m_pChild; // 0x0 struct { uint8_t m_bExclusiveRootMotion: 1; uint8_t __pad1: 1; }; // 2 bits }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFootCycle : public CCycleBase { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimDecoder { public: CBufferString m_szName; // 0x0 int32_t m_nVersion; // 0x10 int32_t m_nType; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x78 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimDemoCaptureSettings { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bone Chain Length Error Scaling Range" // MPropertyGroupName "+Spline Settings" Vector2D m_rangeBoneChainLength; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Rotation Error (Mapped Against Bone Chain Length)" // MPropertyGroupName "+Spline Settings" Vector2D m_rangeMaxSplineErrorRotation; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Translation Error" // MPropertyGroupName "+Spline Settings" float m_flMaxSplineErrorTranslation; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Scale Error" // MPropertyGroupName "+Spline Settings" float m_flMaxSplineErrorScale; // 0x14 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max IK Rotation Error" // MPropertyGroupName "+Spline Settings" float m_flIkRotation_MaxSplineError; // 0x18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max IK Translation Error" // MPropertyGroupName "+Spline Settings" float m_flIkTranslation_MaxSplineError; // 0x1c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Rotation Error" // MPropertyGroupName "+Quantization Settings" float m_flMaxQuantizationErrorRotation; // 0x20 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Translation Error" // MPropertyGroupName "+Quantization Settings" float m_flMaxQuantizationErrorTranslation; // 0x24 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Scale Error" // MPropertyGroupName "+Quantization Settings" float m_flMaxQuantizationErrorScale; // 0x28 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max IK Rotation Error" // MPropertyGroupName "+Quantization Settings" float m_flIkRotation_MaxQuantizationError; // 0x2c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max IK Translation Error" // MPropertyGroupName "+Quantization Settings" float m_flIkTranslation_MaxQuantizationError; // 0x30 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0034[0x4]; // 0x34 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Base Sequence" // MPropertyGroupName "+Base Pose" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "Sequence" CUtlString m_baseSequence; // 0x38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Base Sequence Frame" // MPropertyGroupName "+Base Pose" int32_t m_nBaseSequenceFrame; // 0x40 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bone Selection Mode" // MPropertyGroupName "+Bones" // MPropertyAttrChangeCallback EDemoBoneSelectionMode m_boneSelectionMode; // 0x44 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bones" // MPropertyGroupName "+Bones" // MPropertyAttrStateCallback CUtlVector< BoneDemoCaptureSettings_t > m_bones; // 0x48 // MPropertyFriendlyName "IK Chains" CUtlVector< IKDemoCaptureSettings_t > m_ikChains; // 0x60 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MPropertyEditClassAsString class CAnimEnum { public: uint8_t m_value; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x98 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAddUpdateNode : public CBinaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0088[0x4]; // 0x88 public: BinaryNodeChildOption m_footMotionTiming; // 0x8c bool m_bApplyToFootMotion; // 0x90 bool m_bApplyChannelsSeparately; // 0x91 bool m_bUseModelSpace; // 0x92 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFutureFacingMetricEvaluator : public CMotionMetricEvaluator { public: float m_flDistance; // 0x50 float m_flTime; // 0x54 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CModelConfigElement_SetMaterialGroup : public CModelConfigElement { public: CUtlString m_MaterialGroupName; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xc0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMovementComponentUpdater : public CAnimComponentUpdater { public: CUtlVector< CMovementMode > m_movementModes; // 0x30 CUtlVector< CSmartPtr< CAnimMotorUpdaterBase > > m_motors; // 0x48 CAnimInputDamping m_facingDamping; // 0x60 FacingMode m_eDefaultFacingMode; // 0x70 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0074[0x8]; // 0x74 public: int32_t m_nDefaultMotorIndex; // 0x7c bool m_bMoveVarsDisabled; // 0x80 bool m_bNetworkPath; // 0x81 bool m_bNetworkFacing; // 0x82 CAnimParamHandle m_paramHandles[30]; // 0x83 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x90 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FollowAttachmentSettings_t { public: CAnimAttachment m_attachment; // 0x0 int32_t m_boneIndex; // 0x80 bool m_bMatchTranslation; // 0x84 bool m_bMatchRotation; // 0x85 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPathAnimMotorUpdater : public CPathAnimMotorUpdaterBase { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x90 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimReplayFrame { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< CUtlBinaryBlock > m_inputDataBlocks; // 0x10 CUtlBinaryBlock m_instanceData; // 0x28 CTransform m_startingLocalToWorldTransform; // 0x40 CTransform m_localToWorldTransform; // 0x60 float m_timeStamp; // 0x80 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CCurrentVelocityMetricEvaluator : public CMotionMetricEvaluator { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CModelConfigElement_SetBodygroupOnAttachedModels : public CModelConfigElement { public: CUtlString m_GroupName; // 0x48 int32_t m_nChoice; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSpeedScaleUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: CAnimParamHandle m_paramIndex; // 0x68 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'tier2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MPropertyCustomEditor class CRangeFloat { public: float m_pValue[2]; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 struct CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceMorph__Input_t { public: Vector m_inputValue; // 0x0 CUtlVector< float32 > m_outputWeightList; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct BoneDemoCaptureSettings_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bone" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "Bone" CUtlString m_boneName; // 0x0 // MPropertySuppressField float m_flChainLength; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x100 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimParameterManagerUpdater { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< CSmartPtr< CAnimParameterBase > > m_parameters; // 0x18 CUtlHashtable< AnimParamID, int32 > m_idToIndexMap; // 0x30 CUtlHashtable< CUtlString, int32 > m_nameToIndexMap; // 0x50 CUtlVector< CAnimParamHandle > m_indexToHandle; // 0x70 CUtlVector< CUtlPair< CAnimParamHandle, CAnimVariant > > m_autoResetParams; // 0x88 CUtlHashtable< CAnimParamHandle, int16 > m_autoResetMap; // 0xa0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimBone { public: CBufferString m_name; // 0x0 int32_t m_parent; // 0x10 Vector m_pos; // 0x14 QuaternionStorage m_quat; // 0x20 float m_scale; // 0x30 QuaternionStorage m_qAlignment; // 0x34 int32_t m_flags; // 0x44 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x150 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CLookAtUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0068[0x8]; // 0x68 public: LookAtOpFixedSettings_t m_opFixedSettings; // 0x70 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0130[0x8]; // 0x130 public: AnimVectorSource m_target; // 0x138 CAnimParamHandle m_paramIndex; // 0x13c CAnimParamHandle m_weightParamIndex; // 0x13e bool m_bResetChild; // 0x140 bool m_bLockWhenWaning; // 0x141 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x44 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct HitReactFixedSettings_t { public: int32_t m_nWeightListIndex; // 0x0 int32_t m_nEffectedBoneCount; // 0x4 float m_flMaxImpactForce; // 0x8 float m_flMinImpactForce; // 0xc float m_flWhipImpactScale; // 0x10 float m_flCounterRotationScale; // 0x14 float m_flDistanceFadeScale; // 0x18 float m_flPropagationScale; // 0x1c float m_flWhipDelay; // 0x20 float m_flSpringStrength; // 0x24 float m_flWhipSpringStrength; // 0x28 float m_flMaxAngleRadians; // 0x2c int32_t m_nHipBoneIndex; // 0x30 float m_flHipBoneTranslationScale; // 0x34 float m_flHipDipSpringStrength; // 0x38 float m_flHipDipImpactScale; // 0x3c float m_flHipDipDelay; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFlexOp { public: FlexOpCode_t m_OpCode; // 0x0 int32_t m_Data; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimScriptComponentUpdater : public CAnimComponentUpdater { public: AnimScriptHandle m_hScript; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimEventDefinition { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: int32_t m_nFrame; // 0x8 float m_flCycle; // 0xc KeyValues3 m_EventData; // 0x10 // MKV3TransferName "m_sOptions" CBufferString m_sLegacyOptions; // 0x20 CGlobalSymbol m_sEventName; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CModelConfigElement_Command : public CModelConfigElement { public: CUtlString m_Command; // 0x48 KeyValues3 m_Args; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x160 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAimMatrixUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0068[0x8]; // 0x68 public: AimMatrixOpFixedSettings_t m_opFixedSettings; // 0x70 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0140[0x8]; // 0x140 public: AnimVectorSource m_target; // 0x148 CAnimParamHandle m_paramIndex; // 0x14c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad014e[0x2]; // 0x14e public: HSequence m_hSequence; // 0x150 bool m_bResetChild; // 0x154 bool m_bLockWhenWaning; // 0x155 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimStateMachineUpdater { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< CStateUpdateData > m_states; // 0x8 CUtlVector< CTransitionUpdateData > m_transitions; // 0x20 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0038[0x18]; // 0x38 public: int32_t m_startStateIndex; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x138 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSequenceGroupData { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: CBufferString m_sName; // 0x10 uint32_t m_nFlags; // 0x20 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0024[0x4]; // 0x24 public: CUtlVector< CBufferString > m_localSequenceNameArray; // 0x28 CUtlVector< CSeqS1SeqDesc > m_localS1SeqDescArray; // 0x40 CUtlVector< CSeqS1SeqDesc > m_localMultiSeqDescArray; // 0x58 CUtlVector< CSeqSynthAnimDesc > m_localSynthAnimDescArray; // 0x70 CUtlVector< CSeqCmdSeqDesc > m_localCmdSeqDescArray; // 0x88 CUtlVector< CSeqBoneMaskList > m_localBoneMaskArray; // 0xa0 CUtlVector< CSeqScaleSet > m_localScaleSetArray; // 0xb8 CUtlVector< CBufferString > m_localBoneNameArray; // 0xd0 CBufferString m_localNodeName; // 0xe8 CUtlVector< CSeqPoseParamDesc > m_localPoseParamArray; // 0xf8 KeyValues3 m_keyValues; // 0x110 CUtlVector< CSeqIKLock > m_localIKAutoplayLockArray; // 0x120 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CStaticPoseCacheBuilder : public CStaticPoseCache { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ModelSkeletonData_t { public: CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_boneName; // 0x0 CUtlVector< int16 > m_nParent; // 0x18 CUtlVector< float32 > m_boneSphere; // 0x30 CUtlVector< uint32 > m_nFlag; // 0x48 CUtlVector< Vector > m_bonePosParent; // 0x60 CUtlVector< QuaternionStorage > m_boneRotParent; // 0x78 CUtlVector< float32 > m_boneScaleParent; // 0x90 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x80 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Quaternion Parameter" class CQuaternionAnimParameter : public CConcreteAnimParameter { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Default Value" Quaternion m_defaultValue; // 0x60 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolate" bool m_bInterpolate; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xd0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBlendUpdateNode : public CAnimUpdateNodeBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0058[0x8]; // 0x58 public: CUtlVector< CAnimUpdateNodeRef > m_children; // 0x60 CUtlVector< uint8 > m_sortedOrder; // 0x78 CUtlVector< float32 > m_targetValues; // 0x90 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00a8[0x4]; // 0xa8 public: AnimValueSource m_blendValueSource; // 0xac CAnimParamHandle m_paramIndex; // 0xb0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00b2[0x6]; // 0xb2 public: CAnimInputDamping m_damping; // 0xb8 BlendKeyType m_blendKeyType; // 0xc8 bool m_bLockBlendOnReset; // 0xcc bool m_bSyncCycles; // 0xcd bool m_bLoop; // 0xce bool m_bLockWhenWaning; // 0xcf }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimLocalHierarchy { public: CBufferString m_sBone; // 0x0 CBufferString m_sNewParent; // 0x10 int32_t m_nStartFrame; // 0x20 int32_t m_nPeakFrame; // 0x24 int32_t m_nTailFrame; // 0x28 int32_t m_nEndFrame; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CDampedValueUpdateItem { public: CAnimInputDamping m_damping; // 0x0 CAnimParamHandle m_hParamIn; // 0x18 CAnimParamHandle m_hParamOut; // 0x1a }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x90 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CCycleControlClipUpdateNode : public CLeafUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0058[0x8]; // 0x58 public: CUtlVector< TagSpan_t > m_tags; // 0x60 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0078[0x4]; // 0x78 public: HSequence m_hSequence; // 0x7c float m_duration; // 0x80 AnimValueSource m_valueSource; // 0x84 CAnimParamHandle m_paramIndex; // 0x88 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFootPositionMetricEvaluator : public CMotionMetricEvaluator { public: CUtlVector< int32 > m_footIndices; // 0x50 bool m_bIgnoreSlope; // 0x68 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CParentConstraint : public CBaseConstraint { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimFoot { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 Vector m_vBallOffset; // 0x8 Vector m_vHeelOffset; // 0x14 int32_t m_ankleBoneIndex; // 0x20 int32_t m_toeBoneIndex; // 0x24 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMorphRectData { public: int16_t m_nXLeftDst; // 0x0 int16_t m_nYTopDst; // 0x2 float m_flUWidthSrc; // 0x4 float m_flVHeightSrc; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: CUtlVector< CMorphBundleData > m_bundleDatas; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x90 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimDataChannelDesc { public: CBufferString m_szChannelClass; // 0x0 CBufferString m_szVariableName; // 0x10 int32_t m_nFlags; // 0x20 int32_t m_nType; // 0x24 CBufferString m_szGrouping; // 0x28 CBufferString m_szDescription; // 0x38 CUtlVector< CBufferString > m_szElementNameArray; // 0x48 CUtlVector< int32 > m_nElementIndexArray; // 0x60 CUtlVector< uint32 > m_nElementMaskArray; // 0x78 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CLODComponentUpdater : public CAnimComponentUpdater { public: int32_t m_nServerLOD; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyArrayElementNameKey "m_sName" struct MoodAnimation_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "Name of the animation" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "VDataModelAnim( m_sModelName; include_deltas )" CUtlString m_sName; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Weight of the animation, higher numbers get picked more" float m_flWeight; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x88 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CJiggleBoneUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: JiggleBoneSettingsList_t m_opFixedData; // 0x68 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFootMotion { public: CUtlVector< CFootStride > m_strides; // 0x0 CUtlString m_name; // 0x18 bool m_bAdditive; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CModelConfigElement_RandomColor : public CModelConfigElement { public: CColorGradient m_Gradient; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBoneVelocityMetricEvaluator : public CMotionMetricEvaluator { public: int32_t m_nBoneIndex; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class FootLockPoseOpFixedSettings { public: CUtlVector< FootFixedData_t > m_footInfo; // 0x0 CAnimInputDamping m_hipDampingSettings; // 0x18 int32_t m_nHipBoneIndex; // 0x28 IKSolverType m_ikSolverType; // 0x2c bool m_bApplyTilt; // 0x30 bool m_bApplyHipDrop; // 0x31 bool m_bAlwaysUseFallbackHinge; // 0x32 bool m_bApplyFootRotationLimits; // 0x33 bool m_bApplyLegTwistLimits; // 0x34 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0035[0x3]; // 0x35 public: float m_flMaxFootHeight; // 0x38 float m_flExtensionScale; // 0x3c float m_flMaxLegTwist; // 0x40 bool m_bEnableLockBreaking; // 0x44 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0045[0x3]; // 0x45 public: float m_flLockBreakTolerance; // 0x48 float m_flLockBlendTime; // 0x4c bool m_bEnableStretching; // 0x50 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0051[0x3]; // 0x51 public: float m_flMaxStretchAmount; // 0x54 float m_flStretchExtensionScale; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSequenceUpdateNode : public CLeafUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0058[0x8]; // 0x58 public: CParamSpanUpdater m_paramSpans; // 0x60 CUtlVector< TagSpan_t > m_tags; // 0x78 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0090[0x4]; // 0x90 public: HSequence m_hSequence; // 0x94 float m_playbackSpeed; // 0x98 float m_duration; // 0x9c bool m_bLoop; // 0xa0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2c // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct JiggleBoneSettings_t { public: int32_t m_nBoneIndex; // 0x0 float m_flSpringStrength; // 0x4 float m_flMaxTimeStep; // 0x8 float m_flDamping; // 0xc Vector m_vBoundsMaxLS; // 0x10 Vector m_vBoundsMinLS; // 0x1c JiggleBoneSimSpace m_eSimSpace; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x138 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFootLockUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: FootLockPoseOpFixedSettings m_opFixedSettings; // 0x68 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00c8[0x8]; // 0xc8 public: CUtlVector< FootFixedSettings > m_footSettings; // 0xd0 CAnimInputDamping m_hipShiftDamping; // 0xe8 CAnimInputDamping m_rootHeightDamping; // 0xf8 float m_flStrideCurveScale; // 0x108 float m_flStrideCurveLimitScale; // 0x10c float m_flStepHeightIncreaseScale; // 0x110 float m_flStepHeightDecreaseScale; // 0x114 float m_flHipShiftScale; // 0x118 float m_flBlendTime; // 0x11c float m_flMaxRootHeightOffset; // 0x120 float m_flMinRootHeightOffset; // 0x124 float m_flTiltPlanePitchSpringStrength; // 0x128 float m_flTiltPlaneRollSpringStrength; // 0x12c bool m_bApplyFootRotationLimits; // 0x130 bool m_bApplyHipShift; // 0x131 bool m_bModulateStepHeight; // 0x132 bool m_bResetChild; // 0x133 bool m_bEnableVerticalCurvedPaths; // 0x134 bool m_bEnableRootHeightDamping; // 0x135 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x78 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPathMetricEvaluator : public CMotionMetricEvaluator { public: CUtlVector< float32 > m_pathTimeSamples; // 0x50 float m_flDistance; // 0x68 bool m_bExtrapolateMovement; // 0x6c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad006d[0x3]; // 0x6d public: float m_flMinExtrapolationSpeed; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class FootStepTrigger { public: CUtlVector< int32 > m_tags; // 0x0 int32_t m_nFootIndex; // 0x18 StepPhase m_triggerPhase; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2c // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimMovement { public: int32_t endframe; // 0x0 int32_t motionflags; // 0x4 float v0; // 0x8 float v1; // 0xc float angle; // 0x10 Vector vector; // 0x14 Vector position; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CModelConfigElement_SetBodygroup : public CModelConfigElement { public: CUtlString m_GroupName; // 0x48 int32_t m_nChoice; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqPoseParamDesc { public: CBufferString m_sName; // 0x0 float m_flStart; // 0x10 float m_flEnd; // 0x14 float m_flLoop; // 0x18 bool m_bLooping; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPhysSurfaceProperties { public: // MKV3TransferName "surfacePropertyName" CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nameHash; // 0x8 uint32_t m_baseNameHash; // 0xc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0010[0x8]; // 0x10 public: // MKV3TransferName "hidden" bool m_bHidden; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0019[0x7]; // 0x19 public: // MKV3TransferName "description" CUtlString m_description; // 0x20 // MKV3TransferName "physics" CPhysSurfacePropertiesPhysics m_physics; // 0x28 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0044[0x4]; // 0x44 public: // MKV3TransferName "audiosounds" CPhysSurfacePropertiesSoundNames m_audioSounds; // 0x48 // MKV3TransferName "audioparams" CPhysSurfacePropertiesAudio m_audioParams; // 0x88 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x98 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSubtractUpdateNode : public CBinaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0088[0x4]; // 0x88 public: BinaryNodeChildOption m_footMotionTiming; // 0x8c bool m_bApplyToFootMotion; // 0x90 bool m_bApplyChannelsSeparately; // 0x91 bool m_bUseModelSpace; // 0x92 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x88 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CStateMachineComponentUpdater : public CAnimComponentUpdater { public: CAnimStateMachineUpdater m_stateMachine; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSelectorUpdateNode : public CAnimUpdateNodeBase { public: CUtlVector< CAnimUpdateNodeRef > m_children; // 0x58 CUtlVector< int8 > m_tags; // 0x70 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0088[0x4]; // 0x88 public: CBlendCurve m_blendCurve; // 0x8c CAnimValue< float32 > m_flBlendTime; // 0x94 CAnimParamHandle m_hParameter; // 0x9c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad009e[0x2]; // 0x9e public: SelectorTagBehavior_t m_eTagBehavior; // 0xa0 bool m_bResetOnChange; // 0xa4 bool m_bSyncCyclesOnChange; // 0xa5 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1a0 class CCompressorGroup { public: int32_t m_nTotalElementCount; // 0x0 CUtlVector< char* > m_szChannelClass; // 0x8 CUtlVector< char* > m_szVariableName; // 0x20 CUtlVector< fieldtype_t > m_nType; // 0x38 CUtlVector< int32 > m_nFlags; // 0x50 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_szGrouping; // 0x68 CUtlVector< int32 > m_nCompressorIndex; // 0x80 CUtlVector< CUtlVector< char* > > m_szElementNames; // 0x98 CUtlVector< CUtlVector< int32 > > m_nElementUniqueID; // 0xb0 CUtlVector< uint32 > m_nElementMask; // 0xc8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00e0[0x18]; // 0xe0 public: CUtlVector< CCompressor< Vector >* > m_vectorCompressor; // 0xf8 CUtlVector< CCompressor< QuaternionStorage >* > m_quaternionCompressor; // 0x110 CUtlVector< CCompressor< int32 >* > m_intCompressor; // 0x128 CUtlVector< CCompressor< bool >* > m_boolCompressor; // 0x140 CUtlVector< CCompressor< Color >* > m_colorCompressor; // 0x158 CUtlVector< CCompressor< Vector2D >* > m_vector2DCompressor; // 0x170 CUtlVector< CCompressor< Vector4D >* > m_vector4DCompressor; // 0x188 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x78 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CWayPointHelperUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0068[0x4]; // 0x68 public: float m_flStartCycle; // 0x6c float m_flEndCycle; // 0x70 bool m_bOnlyGoals; // 0x74 bool m_bPreventOvershoot; // 0x75 bool m_bPreventUndershoot; // 0x76 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xf8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CStateMachineUpdateNode : public CAnimUpdateNodeBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0058[0x10]; // 0x58 public: CAnimStateMachineUpdater m_stateMachine; // 0x68 CUtlVector< CStateNodeStateData > m_stateData; // 0xc0 CUtlVector< CStateNodeTransitionData > m_transitionData; // 0xd8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00f0[0x4]; // 0xf0 public: bool m_bBlockWaningTags; // 0xf4 bool m_bLockStateWhenWaning; // 0xf5 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CEmitTagActionUpdater : public CAnimActionUpdater { public: int32_t m_nTagIndex; // 0x18 bool m_bIsZeroDuration; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct AnimationDecodeDebugDumpElement_t { public: int32_t m_nEntityIndex; // 0x0 CUtlString m_modelName; // 0x8 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_poseParams; // 0x10 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_decodeOps; // 0x28 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_internalOps; // 0x40 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_decodedAnims; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimCycle : public CCycleBase { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x78 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Particle Tag" class CParticleAnimTag : public CAnimTagBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0030[0x8]; // 0x30 public: // MPropertySuppressField CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_hParticleSystem; // 0x38 // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vpcf )" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Particle System" CUtlString m_particleSystemName; // 0x40 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Configuration" CUtlString m_configName; // 0x48 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Detach From Owner" bool m_bDetachFromOwner; // 0x50 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Stop on Tag End" // MPropertyGroupName "Ending" bool m_bStopWhenTagEnds; // 0x51 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Tag End Stop is Instant" // MPropertyGroupName "Ending" bool m_bTagEndStopIsInstant; // 0x52 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0053[0x5]; // 0x53 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Attachment" // MPropertyGroupName "Attachments" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "Attachment" CUtlString m_attachmentName; // 0x58 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Attachment Type" // MPropertyGroupName "Attachments" ParticleAttachment_t m_attachmentType; // 0x60 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0064[0x4]; // 0x64 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Attachment (Control Point 1)" // MPropertyGroupName "Attachments" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "Attachment" CUtlString m_attachmentCP1Name; // 0x68 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Attachment Type (Control Point 1)" // MPropertyGroupName "Attachments" ParticleAttachment_t m_attachmentCP1Type; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CToggleComponentActionUpdater : public CAnimActionUpdater { public: AnimComponentID m_componentID; // 0x18 bool m_bSetEnabled; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMotionGraph { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: CParamSpanUpdater m_paramSpans; // 0x10 CUtlVector< TagSpan_t > m_tags; // 0x28 CSmartPtr< CMotionNode > m_pRootNode; // 0x40 int32_t m_nParameterCount; // 0x48 int32_t m_nConfigStartIndex; // 0x4c int32_t m_nConfigCount; // 0x50 bool m_bLoop; // 0x54 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CDirectPlaybackTagData { public: CUtlString m_sequenceName; // 0x0 CUtlVector< TagSpan_t > m_tags; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class MotionDBIndex { public: uint32_t m_nIndex; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CHitBoxSetList { public: CUtlVector< CHitBoxSet > m_HitBoxSets; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xe8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CLeanMatrixUpdateNode : public CLeafUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0058[0x4]; // 0x58 public: int32_t m_frameCorners[3][3]; // 0x5c CPoseHandle m_poses[9]; // 0x80 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00a4[0x4]; // 0xa4 public: CAnimInputDamping m_damping; // 0xa8 AnimVectorSource m_blendSource; // 0xb8 CAnimParamHandle m_paramIndex; // 0xbc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00be[0x2]; // 0xbe public: Vector m_verticalAxis; // 0xc0 Vector m_horizontalAxis; // 0xcc HSequence m_hSequence; // 0xd8 float m_flMaxValue; // 0xdc int32_t m_nSequenceMaxFrame; // 0xe0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x40 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PermModelExtPart_t { public: CTransform m_Transform; // 0x0 CUtlString m_Name; // 0x20 int32_t m_nParent; // 0x28 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad002c[0x4]; // 0x2c public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_refModel; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xf0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBlend2DUpdateNode : public CAnimUpdateNodeBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0058[0x8]; // 0x58 public: CUtlVector< BlendItem_t > m_items; // 0x60 CUtlVector< TagSpan_t > m_tags; // 0x78 CParamSpanUpdater m_paramSpans; // 0x90 CUtlVector< int32 > m_nodeItemIndices; // 0xa8 CAnimInputDamping m_damping; // 0xc0 AnimValueSource m_blendSourceX; // 0xd0 CAnimParamHandle m_paramX; // 0xd4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00d6[0x2]; // 0xd6 public: AnimValueSource m_blendSourceY; // 0xd8 CAnimParamHandle m_paramY; // 0xdc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00de[0x2]; // 0xde public: Blend2DMode m_eBlendMode; // 0xe0 float m_playbackSpeed; // 0xe4 bool m_bLoop; // 0xe8 bool m_bLockBlendOnReset; // 0xe9 bool m_bLockWhenWaning; // 0xea bool m_bAnimEventsAndTagsOnMostWeightedOnly; // 0xeb }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CCPPScriptComponentUpdater : public CAnimComponentUpdater { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Scripts" CUtlVector< CGlobalSymbol > m_scriptsToRun; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0xb // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqSeqDescFlag { public: bool m_bLooping; // 0x0 bool m_bSnap; // 0x1 bool m_bAutoplay; // 0x2 bool m_bPost; // 0x3 bool m_bHidden; // 0x4 bool m_bMulti; // 0x5 bool m_bLegacyDelta; // 0x6 bool m_bLegacyWorldspace; // 0x7 bool m_bLegacyCyclepose; // 0x8 bool m_bLegacyRealtime; // 0x9 bool m_bModelDoc; // 0xa }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFootDefinition { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 CUtlString m_ankleBoneName; // 0x8 CUtlString m_toeBoneName; // 0x10 Vector m_vBallOffset; // 0x18 Vector m_vHeelOffset; // 0x24 float m_flFootLength; // 0x30 float m_flBindPoseDirectionMS; // 0x34 float m_flTraceHeight; // 0x38 float m_flTraceRadius; // 0x3c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CRagdollComponentUpdater : public CAnimComponentUpdater { public: CUtlVector< CAnimNodePath > m_ragdollNodePaths; // 0x30 CUtlVector< int32 > m_boneIndices; // 0x48 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_boneNames; // 0x60 CUtlVector< WeightList > m_weightLists; // 0x78 float m_flSpringFrequencyMin; // 0x90 float m_flSpringFrequencyMax; // 0x94 float m_flMaxStretch; // 0x98 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimUser { public: CBufferString m_name; // 0x0 int32_t m_nType; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x60 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CConstraintTarget { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x20]; // 0x0 public: Quaternion m_qOffset; // 0x20 Vector m_vOffset; // 0x30 uint32_t m_nBoneHash; // 0x3c CUtlString m_sName; // 0x40 float m_flWeight; // 0x48 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad004c[0xd]; // 0x4c public: bool m_bIsAttachment; // 0x59 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x100 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VPhysXConstraint2_t { public: uint32_t m_nFlags; // 0x0 uint16_t m_nParent; // 0x4 uint16_t m_nChild; // 0x6 VPhysXConstraintParams_t m_params; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x80 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CModelConfigElement_RandomPick : public CModelConfigElement { public: CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_Choices; // 0x48 CUtlVector< float32 > m_ChoiceWeights; // 0x60 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bool Parameter" class CBoolAnimParameter : public CConcreteAnimParameter { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Default Value" bool m_bDefaultValue; // 0x60 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct BlendItem_t { public: CUtlVector< TagSpan_t > m_tags; // 0x0 CAnimUpdateNodeRef m_pChild; // 0x18 HSequence m_hSequence; // 0x28 Vector2D m_vPos; // 0x2c float m_flDuration; // 0x34 bool m_bUseCustomDuration; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class COrientConstraint : public CBaseConstraint { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CDampedValueComponentUpdater : public CAnimComponentUpdater { public: CUtlVector< CDampedValueUpdateItem > m_items; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CCycleControlUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: AnimValueSource m_valueSource; // 0x68 CAnimParamHandle m_paramIndex; // 0x6c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimationGraphVisualizerLine : public CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase { public: VectorAligned m_vWsPositionStart; // 0x40 VectorAligned m_vWsPositionEnd; // 0x50 Color m_Color; // 0x60 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CExpressionActionUpdater : public CAnimActionUpdater { public: CAnimParamHandle m_hParam; // 0x18 AnimParamType_t m_eParamType; // 0x1a private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001b[0x1]; // 0x1b public: AnimScriptHandle m_hScript; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xb8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CChoiceUpdateNode : public CAnimUpdateNodeBase { public: CUtlVector< CAnimUpdateNodeRef > m_children; // 0x58 CUtlVector< float32 > m_weights; // 0x70 CUtlVector< float32 > m_blendTimes; // 0x88 ChoiceMethod m_choiceMethod; // 0xa0 ChoiceChangeMethod m_choiceChangeMethod; // 0xa4 ChoiceBlendMethod m_blendMethod; // 0xa8 float m_blendTime; // 0xac bool m_bCrossFade; // 0xb0 bool m_bResetChosen; // 0xb1 bool m_bDontResetSameSelection; // 0xb2 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x80 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMotionSearchNode { public: CUtlVector< CMotionSearchNode* > m_children; // 0x0 CVectorQuantizer m_quantizer; // 0x18 CUtlVector< CUtlVector< SampleCode > > m_sampleCodes; // 0x38 CUtlVector< CUtlVector< int32 > > m_sampleIndices; // 0x50 CUtlVector< int32 > m_selectableSamples; // 0x68 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x140 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMotionMatchingUpdateNode : public CLeafUpdateNode { public: CMotionDataSet m_dataSet; // 0x58 CUtlVector< CSmartPtr< CMotionMetricEvaluator > > m_metrics; // 0x78 CUtlVector< float32 > m_weights; // 0x90 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00a8[0x38]; // 0xa8 public: bool m_bSearchEveryTick; // 0xe0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00e1[0x3]; // 0xe1 public: float m_flSearchInterval; // 0xe4 bool m_bSearchWhenClipEnds; // 0xe8 bool m_bSearchWhenGoalChanges; // 0xe9 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00ea[0x2]; // 0xea public: CBlendCurve m_blendCurve; // 0xec float m_flSampleRate; // 0xf4 float m_flBlendTime; // 0xf8 bool m_bLockClipWhenWaning; // 0xfc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00fd[0x3]; // 0xfd public: float m_flSelectionThreshold; // 0x100 float m_flReselectionTimeWindow; // 0x104 bool m_bEnableRotationCorrection; // 0x108 bool m_bGoalAssist; // 0x109 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad010a[0x2]; // 0x10a public: float m_flGoalAssistDistance; // 0x10c float m_flGoalAssistTolerance; // 0x110 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0114[0x4]; // 0x114 public: CAnimInputDamping m_distanceScale_Damping; // 0x118 float m_flDistanceScale_OuterRadius; // 0x128 float m_flDistanceScale_InnerRadius; // 0x12c float m_flDistanceScale_MaxScale; // 0x130 float m_flDistanceScale_MinScale; // 0x134 bool m_bEnableDistanceScaling; // 0x138 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PermModelDataAnimatedMaterialAttribute_t { public: CUtlString m_AttributeName; // 0x0 int32_t m_nNumChannels; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct TagSpan_t { public: int32_t m_tagIndex; // 0x0 float m_startCycle; // 0x4 float m_endCycle; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PermModelInfo_t { public: uint32_t m_nFlags; // 0x0 Vector m_vHullMin; // 0x4 Vector m_vHullMax; // 0x10 Vector m_vViewMin; // 0x1c Vector m_vViewMax; // 0x28 float m_flMass; // 0x34 Vector m_vEyePosition; // 0x38 float m_flMaxEyeDeflection; // 0x44 CUtlString m_sSurfaceProperty; // 0x48 CUtlString m_keyValueText; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x70 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CHitBox { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 CUtlString m_sSurfaceProperty; // 0x8 CUtlString m_sBoneName; // 0x10 Vector m_vMinBounds; // 0x18 Vector m_vMaxBounds; // 0x24 float m_flShapeRadius; // 0x30 uint32_t m_nBoneNameHash; // 0x34 int32_t m_nGroupId; // 0x38 uint8_t m_nShapeType; // 0x3c bool m_bTranslationOnly; // 0x3d private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad003e[0x2]; // 0x3e public: uint32_t m_CRC; // 0x40 Color m_cRenderColor; // 0x44 uint16_t m_nHitBoxIndex; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFootCycleMetricEvaluator : public CMotionMetricEvaluator { public: CUtlVector< int32 > m_footIndices; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xb8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMotionSearchDB { public: CMotionSearchNode m_rootNode; // 0x0 CProductQuantizer m_residualQuantizer; // 0x80 CUtlVector< MotionDBIndex > m_codeIndices; // 0xa0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Body Group Setting" // MPropertyElementNameFn class CBodyGroupSetting { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "BodyGroup" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "BodyGroup" // MPropertyAutoRebuildOnChange CUtlString m_BodyGroupName; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "BodyGroup Option" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "BodyGroupOption" // MPropertyAttrExtraInfoFn int32_t m_nBodyGroupOption; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CStepsRemainingMetricEvaluator : public CMotionMetricEvaluator { public: CUtlVector< int32 > m_footIndices; // 0x50 float m_flMinStepsRemaining; // 0x68 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xe8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMaterialDrawDescriptor { public: RenderPrimitiveType_t m_nPrimitiveType; // 0x0 int32_t m_nBaseVertex; // 0x4 int32_t m_nVertexCount; // 0x8 int32_t m_nStartIndex; // 0xc int32_t m_nIndexCount; // 0x10 float m_flUvDensity; // 0x14 Vector m_vTintColor; // 0x18 float m_flAlpha; // 0x24 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0028[0x4]; // 0x28 public: uint32_t m_nFirstMeshlet; // 0x2c uint16_t m_nNumMeshlets; // 0x30 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0032[0x86]; // 0x32 public: CRenderBufferBinding m_indexBuffer; // 0xb8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00d0[0x10]; // 0xd0 public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_material; // 0xe0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "FootFall Tag" class CFootFallAnimTag : public CAnimTagBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0030[0x8]; // 0x30 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Foot" FootFallTagFoot_t m_foot; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x90 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAimConstraint : public CBaseConstraint { public: Quaternion m_qAimOffset; // 0x70 uint32_t m_nUpType; // 0x80 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CChoreoUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFootAdjustmentUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0068[0x8]; // 0x68 public: CUtlVector< HSequence > m_clips; // 0x70 CPoseHandle m_hBasePoseCacheHandle; // 0x88 CAnimParamHandle m_facingTarget; // 0x8c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad008e[0x2]; // 0x8e public: float m_flTurnTimeMin; // 0x90 float m_flTurnTimeMax; // 0x94 float m_flStepHeightMax; // 0x98 float m_flStepHeightMaxAngle; // 0x9c bool m_bResetChild; // 0xa0 bool m_bAnimationDriven; // 0xa1 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct CSolveIKTargetHandle_t { public: CAnimParamHandle m_positionHandle; // 0x0 CAnimParamHandle m_orientationHandle; // 0x2 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CModelConfigElement_UserPick : public CModelConfigElement { public: CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_Choices; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMorphBundleData { public: float m_flULeftSrc; // 0x0 float m_flVTopSrc; // 0x4 CUtlVector< float32 > m_offsets; // 0x8 CUtlVector< float32 > m_ranges; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct MaterialGroup_t { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 CUtlVector< CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > > m_materials; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPathHelperUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: float m_flStoppingRadius; // 0x68 float m_flStoppingSpeedScale; // 0x6c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CModelConfigElement_SetMaterialGroupOnAttachedModels : public CModelConfigElement { public: CUtlString m_MaterialGroupName; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CDampedPathAnimMotorUpdater : public CPathAnimMotorUpdaterBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0028[0x4]; // 0x28 public: float m_flAnticipationTime; // 0x2c float m_flMinSpeedScale; // 0x30 CAnimParamHandle m_hAnticipationPosParam; // 0x34 CAnimParamHandle m_hAnticipationHeadingParam; // 0x36 float m_flSpringConstant; // 0x38 float m_flMinSpringTension; // 0x3c float m_flMaxSpringTension; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CActionComponentUpdater : public CAnimComponentUpdater { public: CUtlVector< CSmartPtr< CAnimActionUpdater > > m_actions; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x3c // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFootCycleDefinition { public: Vector m_vStancePositionMS; // 0x0 Vector m_vMidpointPositionMS; // 0xc float m_flStanceDirectionMS; // 0x18 Vector m_vToStrideStartPos; // 0x1c CAnimCycle m_stanceCycle; // 0x28 CFootCycle m_footLiftCycle; // 0x2c CFootCycle m_footOffCycle; // 0x30 CFootCycle m_footStrikeCycle; // 0x34 CFootCycle m_footLandCycle; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimBoneDifference { public: CBufferString m_name; // 0x0 CBufferString m_parent; // 0x10 Vector m_posError; // 0x20 bool m_bHasRotation; // 0x2c bool m_bHasMovement; // 0x2d }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x90 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CStopAtGoalUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0068[0x4]; // 0x68 public: float m_flOuterRadius; // 0x6c float m_flInnerRadius; // 0x70 float m_flMaxScale; // 0x74 float m_flMinScale; // 0x78 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad007c[0x4]; // 0x7c public: CAnimInputDamping m_damping; // 0x80 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VPhysXRange_t { public: float m_flMin; // 0x0 float m_flMax; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x118 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqS1SeqDesc { public: CBufferString m_sName; // 0x0 CSeqSeqDescFlag m_flags; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001b[0x5]; // 0x1b public: CSeqMultiFetch m_fetch; // 0x20 int32_t m_nLocalWeightlist; // 0x88 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad008c[0x4]; // 0x8c public: CUtlVector< CSeqAutoLayer > m_autoLayerArray; // 0x90 CUtlVector< CSeqIKLock > m_IKLockArray; // 0xa8 CSeqTransition m_transition; // 0xc0 KeyValues3 m_SequenceKeys; // 0xc8 // MKV3TransferName "m_keyValueText" CBufferString m_LegacyKeyValueText; // 0xd8 CUtlVector< CAnimActivity > m_activityArray; // 0xe8 CUtlVector< CFootMotion > m_footMotion; // 0x100 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct IKDemoCaptureSettings_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Target Parent" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "Bone" CUtlString m_parentBoneName; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Solver Mode" // MPropertyAttrChangeCallback IKChannelMode m_eMode; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "IK Chain" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "IKChain" // MPropertyAttrStateCallback CUtlString m_ikChainName; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Start Bone" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "Bone" // MPropertyAttrStateCallback CUtlString m_oneBoneStart; // 0x18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "End Bone" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "Bone" // MPropertyAttrStateCallback CUtlString m_oneBoneEnd; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CDemoSettingsComponentUpdater : public CAnimComponentUpdater { public: CAnimDemoCaptureSettings m_settings; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x138 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VPhysXAggregateData_t { public: uint16_t m_nFlags; // 0x0 uint16_t m_nRefCounter; // 0x2 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0004[0x4]; // 0x4 public: CUtlVector< uint32 > m_bonesHash; // 0x8 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_boneNames; // 0x20 CUtlVector< uint16 > m_indexNames; // 0x38 CUtlVector< uint16 > m_indexHash; // 0x50 CUtlVector< matrix3x4a_t > m_bindPose; // 0x68 CUtlVector< VPhysXBodyPart_t > m_parts; // 0x80 CUtlVector< VPhysXConstraint2_t > m_constraints2; // 0x98 CUtlVector< VPhysXJoint_t > m_joints; // 0xb0 PhysFeModelDesc_t* m_pFeModel; // 0xc8 CUtlVector< uint16 > m_boneParents; // 0xd0 CUtlVector< uint32 > m_surfacePropertyHashes; // 0xe8 CUtlVector< VPhysXCollisionAttributes_t > m_collisionAttributes; // 0x100 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_debugPartNames; // 0x118 CUtlString m_embeddedKeyvalues; // 0x130 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSlopeComponentUpdater : public CAnimComponentUpdater { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0030[0x4]; // 0x30 public: float m_flTraceDistance; // 0x34 CAnimParamHandle m_hSlopeAngle; // 0x38 CAnimParamHandle m_hSlopeAngleFront; // 0x3a CAnimParamHandle m_hSlopeAngleSide; // 0x3c CAnimParamHandle m_hSlopeHeading; // 0x3e CAnimParamHandle m_hSlopeNormal; // 0x40 CAnimParamHandle m_hSlopeNormal_WorldSpace; // 0x42 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CModelConfig { public: CUtlString m_ConfigName; // 0x0 CUtlVector< CModelConfigElement* > m_Elements; // 0x8 bool m_bTopLevel; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class FootFixedSettings { public: TraceSettings_t m_traceSettings; // 0x0 VectorAligned m_vFootBaseBindPosePositionMS; // 0x10 float m_flFootBaseLength; // 0x20 float m_flMaxRotationLeft; // 0x24 float m_flMaxRotationRight; // 0x28 int32_t m_footstepLandedTagIndex; // 0x2c bool m_bEnableTracing; // 0x30 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0031[0x3]; // 0x31 public: float m_flTraceAngleBlend; // 0x34 int32_t m_nDisableTagIndex; // 0x38 int32_t m_nFootIndex; // 0x3c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xe8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CModelConfigElement_AttachedModel : public CModelConfigElement { public: CUtlString m_InstanceName; // 0x48 CUtlString m_EntityClass; // 0x50 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel; // 0x58 Vector m_vOffset; // 0x60 QAngle m_aAngOffset; // 0x6c CUtlString m_AttachmentName; // 0x78 CUtlString m_LocalAttachmentOffsetName; // 0x80 ModelConfigAttachmentType_t m_AttachmentType; // 0x88 bool m_bBoneMergeFlex; // 0x8c bool m_bUserSpecifiedColor; // 0x8d bool m_bUserSpecifiedMaterialGroup; // 0x8e bool m_bAcceptParentMaterialDrivenDecals; // 0x8f CUtlString m_BodygroupOnOtherModels; // 0x90 CUtlString m_MaterialGroupOnOtherModels; // 0x98 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CTimeRemainingMetricEvaluator : public CMotionMetricEvaluator { public: bool m_bMatchByTimeRemaining; // 0x50 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0051[0x3]; // 0x51 public: float m_flMaxTimeRemaining; // 0x54 bool m_bFilterByTimeRemaining; // 0x58 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0059[0x3]; // 0x59 public: float m_flMinTimeRemaining; // 0x5c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1c // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CStateNodeTransitionData { public: CBlendCurve m_curve; // 0x0 CAnimValue< float32 > m_blendDuration; // 0x8 CAnimValue< float32 > m_resetCycleValue; // 0x10 struct { uint8_t m_bReset: 1; uint8_t m_resetCycleOption: 3; uint8_t __pad2: 4; }; // 8 bits }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xb0 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VPhysXJoint_t { public: uint16_t m_nType; // 0x0 uint16_t m_nBody1; // 0x2 uint16_t m_nBody2; // 0x4 uint16_t m_nFlags; // 0x6 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0008[0x8]; // 0x8 public: CTransform m_Frame1; // 0x10 CTransform m_Frame2; // 0x30 bool m_bEnableCollision; // 0x50 bool m_bEnableLinearLimit; // 0x51 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0052[0x2]; // 0x52 public: VPhysXRange_t m_LinearLimit; // 0x54 bool m_bEnableLinearMotor; // 0x5c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad005d[0x3]; // 0x5d public: Vector m_vLinearTargetVelocity; // 0x60 float m_flMaxForce; // 0x6c bool m_bEnableSwingLimit; // 0x70 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0071[0x3]; // 0x71 public: VPhysXRange_t m_SwingLimit; // 0x74 bool m_bEnableTwistLimit; // 0x7c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad007d[0x3]; // 0x7d public: VPhysXRange_t m_TwistLimit; // 0x80 bool m_bEnableAngularMotor; // 0x88 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0089[0x3]; // 0x89 public: Vector m_vAngularTargetVelocity; // 0x8c float m_flMaxTorque; // 0x98 float m_flLinearFrequency; // 0x9c float m_flLinearDampingRatio; // 0xa0 float m_flAngularFrequency; // 0xa4 float m_flAngularDampingRatio; // 0xa8 float m_flFriction; // 0xac }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMeshletDescriptor { public: PackedAABB_t m_PackedAABB; // 0x0 CDrawCullingData m_CullingData; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x90 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAttachment { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 CUtlString m_influenceNames[3]; // 0x8 Quaternion m_vInfluenceRotations[3]; // 0x20 Vector m_vInfluenceOffsets[3]; // 0x50 float m_influenceWeights[3]; // 0x74 bool m_bInfluenceRootTransform[3]; // 0x80 uint8_t m_nInfluences; // 0x83 bool m_bIgnoreRotation; // 0x84 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqPoseSetting { public: CBufferString m_sPoseParameter; // 0x0 CBufferString m_sAttachment; // 0x10 CBufferString m_sReferenceSequence; // 0x20 float m_flValue; // 0x30 bool m_bX; // 0x34 bool m_bY; // 0x35 bool m_bZ; // 0x36 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0037[0x1]; // 0x37 public: int32_t m_eType; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xc8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFootPinningUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0068[0x8]; // 0x68 public: FootPinningPoseOpFixedData_t m_poseOpFixedData; // 0x70 FootPinningTimingSource m_eTimingSource; // 0xa0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00a4[0x4]; // 0xa4 public: CUtlVector< CAnimParamHandle > m_params; // 0xa8 bool m_bResetChild; // 0xc0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMorphData { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 CUtlVector< CMorphRectData > m_morphRectDatas; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ModelBoneFlexDriver_t { public: CUtlString m_boneName; // 0x0 uint32_t m_boneNameToken; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: CUtlVector< ModelBoneFlexDriverControl_t > m_controls; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CStateUpdateData { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 AnimScriptHandle m_hScript; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: CUtlVector< int32 > m_transitionIndices; // 0x10 CUtlVector< CStateActionUpdater > m_actions; // 0x28 AnimStateID m_stateID; // 0x40 struct { uint8_t m_bIsStartState: 1; uint8_t m_bIsEndState: 1; uint8_t m_bIsPassthrough: 1; uint8_t __pad3: 3; }; // 6 bits }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1c // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqAutoLayer { public: int16_t m_nLocalReference; // 0x0 int16_t m_nLocalPose; // 0x2 CSeqAutoLayerFlag m_flags; // 0x4 float m_start; // 0xc float m_peak; // 0x10 float m_tail; // 0x14 float m_end; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CModelConfigList { public: bool m_bHideMaterialGroupInTools; // 0x0 bool m_bHideRenderColorInTools; // 0x1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0002[0x6]; // 0x2 public: CUtlVector< CModelConfig* > m_Configs; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBlockSelectionMetricEvaluator : public CMotionMetricEvaluator { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x80 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSingleFrameUpdateNode : public CLeafUpdateNode { public: CUtlVector< CSmartPtr< CAnimActionUpdater > > m_actions; // 0x58 CPoseHandle m_hPoseCacheHandle; // 0x70 HSequence m_hSequence; // 0x74 float m_flCycle; // 0x78 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimGraphSettingsGroup { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x20]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CLookComponentUpdater : public CAnimComponentUpdater { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0030[0x4]; // 0x30 public: CAnimParamHandle m_hLookHeading; // 0x34 CAnimParamHandle m_hLookHeadingVelocity; // 0x36 CAnimParamHandle m_hLookPitch; // 0x38 CAnimParamHandle m_hLookDistance; // 0x3a CAnimParamHandle m_hLookDirection; // 0x3c CAnimParamHandle m_hLookTarget; // 0x3e CAnimParamHandle m_hLookTargetWorldSpace; // 0x40 bool m_bNetworkLookTarget; // 0x42 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMotionNodeBlend1D : public CMotionNode { public: CUtlVector< MotionBlendItem > m_blendItems; // 0x28 int32_t m_nParamIndex; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x110 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFollowAttachmentUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0068[0x8]; // 0x68 public: FollowAttachmentSettings_t m_opFixedData; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class MotionIndex { public: uint16_t m_nGroup; // 0x0 uint16_t m_nMotion; // 0x2 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class WeightList { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 CUtlVector< float32 > m_weights; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CTwoBoneIKUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0068[0x8]; // 0x68 public: TwoBoneIKSettings_t m_opFixedData; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMotionGraphUpdateNode : public CLeafUpdateNode { public: CSmartPtr< CMotionGraph > m_pMotionGraph; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CRootUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xd8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimEncodedFrames { public: CBufferString m_fileName; // 0x0 int32_t m_nFrames; // 0x10 int32_t m_nFramesPerBlock; // 0x14 CUtlVector< CAnimFrameBlockAnim > m_frameblockArray; // 0x18 CAnimEncodeDifference m_usageDifferences; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct LookAtBone_t { public: int32_t m_index; // 0x0 float m_weight; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x98 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CStanceOverrideUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: CUtlVector< StanceInfo_t > m_footStanceInfo; // 0x68 CAnimUpdateNodeRef m_pStanceSourceNode; // 0x80 CAnimParamHandle m_hParameter; // 0x90 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0092[0x2]; // 0x92 public: StanceOverrideMode m_eMode; // 0x94 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Vector Parameter" class CVectorAnimParameter : public CConcreteAnimParameter { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Default Value" Vector m_defaultValue; // 0x60 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolate" bool m_bInterpolate; // 0x6c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimGraphDebugReplay { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x40]; // 0x0 public: CUtlString m_animGraphFileName; // 0x40 CUtlVector< CSmartPtr< CAnimReplayFrame > > m_frameList; // 0x48 int32_t m_startIndex; // 0x60 int32_t m_writeIndex; // 0x64 int32_t m_frameCount; // 0x68 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Networking" class CAnimGraphNetworkSettings : public CAnimGraphSettingsGroup { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Enable Networking" bool m_bNetworkingEnabled; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x90 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqCmdSeqDesc { public: CBufferString m_sName; // 0x0 CSeqSeqDescFlag m_flags; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001b[0x1]; // 0x1b public: CSeqTransition m_transition; // 0x1c int16_t m_nFrameRangeSequence; // 0x24 int16_t m_nFrameCount; // 0x26 float m_flFPS; // 0x28 int16_t m_nSubCycles; // 0x2c int16_t m_numLocalResults; // 0x2e CUtlVector< CSeqCmdLayer > m_cmdLayerArray; // 0x30 CUtlVector< CAnimEventDefinition > m_eventArray; // 0x48 CUtlVector< CAnimActivity > m_activityArray; // 0x60 CUtlVector< CSeqPoseSetting > m_poseSettingArray; // 0x78 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x110 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct AnimationSnapshotBase_t { public: float m_flRealTime; // 0x0 matrix3x4a_t m_rootToWorld; // 0x10 bool m_bBonesInWorldSpace; // 0x40 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0041[0x7]; // 0x41 public: CUtlVector< uint32 > m_boneSetupMask; // 0x48 CUtlVector< matrix3x4a_t > m_boneTransforms; // 0x60 CUtlVector< float32 > m_flexControllers; // 0x78 AnimationSnapshotType_t m_SnapshotType; // 0x90 bool m_bHasDecodeDump; // 0x94 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0095[0x3]; // 0x95 public: AnimationDecodeDebugDumpElement_t m_DecodeDump; // 0x98 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CEditableMotionGraph : public CMotionGraph { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Material Attribute Tag" class CMaterialAttributeAnimTag : public CAnimTagBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0030[0x8]; // 0x30 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Attribute Name" CUtlString m_AttributeName; // 0x38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Attribute Type" // MPropertyAttrChangeCallback MatterialAttributeTagType_t m_AttributeType; // 0x40 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Value" // MPropertyAttrStateCallback float m_flValue; // 0x44 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Color" // MPropertyAttrStateCallback Color m_Color; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xc8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CHitReactUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: HitReactFixedSettings_t m_opFixedSettings; // 0x68 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00ac[0x8]; // 0xac public: CAnimParamHandle m_triggerParam; // 0xb4 CAnimParamHandle m_hitBoneParam; // 0xb6 CAnimParamHandle m_hitOffsetParam; // 0xb8 CAnimParamHandle m_hitDirectionParam; // 0xba CAnimParamHandle m_hitStrengthParam; // 0xbc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00be[0x2]; // 0xbe public: float m_flMinDelayBetweenHits; // 0xc0 bool m_bResetChild; // 0xc4 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CStanceScaleUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: CAnimParamHandle m_hParam; // 0x68 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x50 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ChainToSolveData_t { public: int32_t m_nChainIndex; // 0x0 IKSolverSettings_t m_SolverSettings; // 0x4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: IKTargetSettings_t m_TargetSettings; // 0x10 SolveIKChainAnimNodeDebugSetting m_DebugSetting; // 0x38 float m_flDebugNormalizedValue; // 0x3c VectorAligned m_vDebugOffset; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct StanceInfo_t { public: Vector m_vPosition; // 0x0 float m_flDirection; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x2c8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PermModelData_t { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 PermModelInfo_t m_modelInfo; // 0x8 CUtlVector< PermModelExtPart_t > m_ExtParts; // 0x60 CUtlVector< CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCRenderMesh > > m_refMeshes; // 0x78 CUtlVector< uint64 > m_refMeshGroupMasks; // 0x90 CUtlVector< uint64 > m_refPhysGroupMasks; // 0xa8 CUtlVector< uint8 > m_refLODGroupMasks; // 0xc0 CUtlVector< float32 > m_lodGroupSwitchDistances; // 0xd8 CUtlVector< CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCPhysAggregateData > > m_refPhysicsData; // 0xf0 CUtlVector< CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCPhysAggregateData > > m_refPhysicsHitboxData; // 0x108 CUtlVector< CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCAnimationGroup > > m_refAnimGroups; // 0x120 CUtlVector< CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCSequenceGroupData > > m_refSequenceGroups; // 0x138 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_meshGroups; // 0x150 CUtlVector< MaterialGroup_t > m_materialGroups; // 0x168 uint64_t m_nDefaultMeshGroupMask; // 0x180 ModelSkeletonData_t m_modelSkeleton; // 0x188 CUtlVector< int16 > m_remappingTable; // 0x230 CUtlVector< uint16 > m_remappingTableStarts; // 0x248 CUtlVector< ModelBoneFlexDriver_t > m_boneFlexDrivers; // 0x260 CModelConfigList* m_pModelConfigList; // 0x278 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_BodyGroupsHiddenInTools; // 0x280 CUtlVector< CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > > m_refAnimIncludeModels; // 0x298 CUtlVector< PermModelDataAnimatedMaterialAttribute_t > m_AnimatedMaterialAttributes; // 0x2b0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqSynthAnimDesc { public: CBufferString m_sName; // 0x0 CSeqSeqDescFlag m_flags; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001b[0x1]; // 0x1b public: CSeqTransition m_transition; // 0x1c int16_t m_nLocalBaseReference; // 0x24 int16_t m_nLocalBoneMask; // 0x26 CUtlVector< CAnimActivity > m_activityArray; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xd0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CJumpHelperUpdateNode : public CSequenceUpdateNode { public: CAnimParamHandle m_hTargetParam; // 0xa8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00aa[0x2]; // 0xaa public: Vector m_flOriginalJumpMovement; // 0xac float m_flOriginalJumpDuration; // 0xb8 float m_flJumpStartCycle; // 0xbc float m_flJumpEndCycle; // 0xc0 JumpCorrectionMethod m_eCorrectionMethod; // 0xc4 bool m_bTranslationAxis[3]; // 0xc8 bool m_bScaleSpeed; // 0xcb }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa0 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VPhysXCollisionAttributes_t { public: uint32_t m_CollisionGroup; // 0x0 CUtlVector< uint32 > m_InteractAs; // 0x8 CUtlVector< uint32 > m_InteractWith; // 0x20 CUtlVector< uint32 > m_InteractExclude; // 0x38 CUtlString m_CollisionGroupString; // 0x50 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_InteractAsStrings; // 0x58 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_InteractWithStrings; // 0x70 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_InteractExcludeStrings; // 0x88 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class ConfigIndex { public: uint16_t m_nGroup; // 0x0 uint16_t m_nConfig; // 0x2 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x120 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct AnimationSnapshot_t : public AnimationSnapshotBase_t { public: int32_t m_nEntIndex; // 0x110 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0114[0x4]; // 0x114 public: CUtlString m_modelName; // 0x118 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1a0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimScriptManager { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< ScriptInfo_t > m_scriptInfo; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimActivity { public: CBufferString m_name; // 0x0 int32_t m_nActivity; // 0x10 int32_t m_nFlags; // 0x14 int32_t m_nWeight; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x108 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMotionGraphGroup { public: CMotionSearchDB m_searchDB; // 0x0 CUtlVector< CSmartPtr< CMotionGraph > > m_motionGraphs; // 0xb8 CUtlVector< CMotionGraphConfig > m_motionGraphConfigs; // 0xd0 CUtlVector< int32 > m_sampleToConfig; // 0xe8 AnimScriptHandle m_hIsActiveScript; // 0x100 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CMotionGraphConfig { public: float m_paramValues[4]; // 0x0 float m_flDuration; // 0x10 MotionIndex m_nMotionIndex; // 0x14 int32_t m_nSampleStart; // 0x18 int32_t m_nSampleCount; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Status Tag" class CTaskStatusAnimTag : public CAnimTagBase { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CCachedPose { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< CTransform > m_transforms; // 0x8 CUtlVector< float32 > m_morphWeights; // 0x20 HSequence m_hSequence; // 0x38 float m_flCycle; // 0x3c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class SampleCode { public: uint8_t m_subCode[8]; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1b0 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimDesc { public: CBufferString m_name; // 0x0 CAnimDesc_Flag m_flags; // 0x10 float fps; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001c[0x4]; // 0x1c public: // MKV3TransferName "m_pData" CAnimEncodedFrames m_Data; // 0x20 CUtlVector< CAnimMovement > m_movementArray; // 0xf8 CUtlVector< CAnimEventDefinition > m_eventArray; // 0x110 CUtlVector< CAnimActivity > m_activityArray; // 0x128 CUtlVector< CAnimLocalHierarchy > m_hierarchyArray; // 0x140 float framestalltime; // 0x158 Vector m_vecRootMin; // 0x15c Vector m_vecRootMax; // 0x168 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0174[0x4]; // 0x174 public: CUtlVector< Vector > m_vecBoneWorldMin; // 0x178 CUtlVector< Vector > m_vecBoneWorldMax; // 0x190 CAnimSequenceParams m_sequenceParams; // 0x1a8 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSeqBoneMaskList { public: CBufferString m_sName; // 0x0 CUtlVector< int16 > m_nLocalBoneArray; // 0x10 CUtlVector< float32 > m_flBoneWeightArray; // 0x28 float m_flDefaultMorphCtrlWeight; // 0x40 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0044[0x4]; // 0x44 public: CUtlVector< CUtlPair< CBufferString, float32 > > m_morphCtrlWeightArray; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyEditClassAsString class AnimNodeOutputID { public: uint32_t m_id; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CDirectionalBlendUpdateNode : public CLeafUpdateNode { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0058[0x4]; // 0x58 public: HSequence m_hSequences[8]; // 0x5c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad007c[0x4]; // 0x7c public: CAnimInputDamping m_damping; // 0x80 AnimValueSource m_blendValueSource; // 0x90 CAnimParamHandle m_paramIndex; // 0x94 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0096[0x2]; // 0x96 public: float m_playbackSpeed; // 0x98 float m_duration; // 0x9c bool m_bLoop; // 0xa0 bool m_bLockBlendOnReset; // 0xa1 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Int Parameter" class CIntAnimParameter : public CConcreteAnimParameter { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Default Value" int32_t m_defaultValue; // 0x60 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Min Value" int32_t m_minValue; // 0x64 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Value" int32_t m_maxValue; // 0x68 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CInputStreamUpdateNode : public CLeafUpdateNode { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFootStride { public: CFootCycleDefinition m_definition; // 0x0 CFootTrajectories m_trajectories; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'modellib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x78 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSceneObjectData { public: Vector m_vMinBounds; // 0x0 Vector m_vMaxBounds; // 0xc CUtlVector< CMaterialDrawDescriptor > m_drawCalls; // 0x18 CUtlVector< AABB_t > m_drawBounds; // 0x30 CUtlVector< CMeshletDescriptor > m_meshlets; // 0x48 Vector4D m_vTintColor; // 0x60 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sequence Finished Tag" class CSequenceFinishedAnimTag : public CAnimTagBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0030[0x8]; // 0x30 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sequence" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "Sequence" CUtlString m_sequenceName; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyFriendlyName "Float Parameter" class CFloatAnimParameter : public CConcreteAnimParameter { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Default Value" float m_fDefaultValue; // 0x60 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Min Value" float m_fMinValue; // 0x64 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Value" float m_fMaxValue; // 0x68 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolate" bool m_bInterpolate; // 0x6c }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSlowDownOnSlopesUpdateNode : public CUnaryUpdateNode { public: float m_flSlowDownStrength; // 0x68 }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animgraphlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CZeroPoseUpdateNode : public CLeafUpdateNode { public: }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CAnimFrameBlockAnim { public: int32_t m_nStartFrame; // 0x0 int32_t m_nEndFrame; // 0x4 CUtlVector< int32 > m_segmentIndexArray; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeFitInfluence_t { public: uint32_t nVertexNode; // 0x0 float flWeight; // 0x4 uint32_t nMatrixNode; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor struct VertexPositionColor_t { public: Vector m_vPosition; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class FourVectors2D { public: fltx4 x; // 0x0 fltx4 y; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnHalfEdge_t { public: uint8_t m_nNext; // 0x0 uint8_t m_nTwin; // 0x1 uint8_t m_nOrigin; // 0x2 uint8_t m_nFace; // 0x3 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeFitWeight_t { public: float flWeight; // 0x0 uint16_t nNode; // 0x4 uint16_t nDummy; // 0x6 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeRodConstraint_t { public: uint16_t nNode[2]; // 0x0 float flMaxDist; // 0x4 float flMinDist; // 0x8 float flWeight0; // 0xc float flRelaxationFactor; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeTreeChildren_t { public: uint16_t nChild[2]; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnShapeDesc_t { public: uint32_t m_nCollisionAttributeIndex; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nSurfacePropertyIndex; // 0x4 CUtlString m_UserFriendlyName; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeSoftParent_t { public: int32_t nParent; // 0x0 float flAlpha; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeTaperedCapsuleRigid_t { public: fltx4 vSphere[2]; // 0x0 uint16_t nNode; // 0x20 uint16_t nCollisionMask; // 0x22 uint16_t nVertexMapIndex; // 0x24 uint16_t nFlags; // 0x26 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeSphereRigid_t { public: fltx4 vSphere; // 0x0 uint16_t nNode; // 0x10 uint16_t nCollisionMask; // 0x12 uint16_t nVertexMapIndex; // 0x14 uint16_t nFlags; // 0x16 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'vphysics2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct constraint_breakableparams_t { public: float strength; // 0x0 float forceLimit; // 0x4 float torqueLimit; // 0x8 float bodyMassScale[2]; // 0xc bool isActive; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x60 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class FourCovMatrices3 { public: FourVectors m_vDiag; // 0x0 fltx4 m_flXY; // 0x30 fltx4 m_flXZ; // 0x40 fltx4 m_flYZ; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x28 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeAxialEdgeBend_t { public: float te; // 0x0 float tv; // 0x4 float flDist; // 0x8 float flWeight[4]; // 0xc uint16_t nNode[6]; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeNodeWindBase_t { public: uint16_t nNodeX0; // 0x0 uint16_t nNodeX1; // 0x2 uint16_t nNodeY0; // 0x4 uint16_t nNodeY1; // 0x6 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeTwistConstraint_t { public: uint16_t nNodeOrient; // 0x0 uint16_t nNodeEnd; // 0x2 float flTwistRelax; // 0x4 float flSwingRelax; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeSourceEdge_t { public: uint16_t nNode[2]; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeCtrlOsOffset_t { public: uint16_t nCtrlParent; // 0x0 uint16_t nCtrlChild; // 0x2 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnFace_t { public: uint8_t m_nEdge; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x68 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct Dop26_t { public: float m_flSupport[26]; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CovMatrix3 { public: Vector m_vDiag; // 0x0 float m_flXY; // 0xc float m_flXZ; // 0x10 float m_flYZ; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xd8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnHull_t { public: Vector m_vCentroid; // 0x0 float m_flMaxAngularRadius; // 0xc AABB_t m_Bounds; // 0x10 Vector m_vOrthographicAreas; // 0x28 matrix3x4_t m_MassProperties; // 0x34 float m_flVolume; // 0x64 CUtlVector< Vector > m_Vertices; // 0x68 CUtlVector< RnHalfEdge_t > m_Edges; // 0x80 CUtlVector< RnFace_t > m_Faces; // 0x98 CUtlVector< RnPlane_t > m_Planes; // 0xb0 uint32_t m_nFlags; // 0xc8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00cc[0x4]; // 0xcc public: CRegionSVM* m_pRegionSVM; // 0xd0 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1c // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeTri_t { public: uint16_t nNode[3]; // 0x0 float w1; // 0x8 float w2; // 0xc float v1x; // 0x10 Vector2D v2; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFeVertexMapBuildArray { public: CUtlVector< FeVertexMapBuild_t* > m_Array; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeVertexMapBuild_t { public: CUtlString m_VertexMapName; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nNameHash; // 0x8 Color m_Color; // 0xc float m_flVolumetricSolveStrength; // 0x10 int32_t m_nScaleSourceNode; // 0x14 CUtlVector< float32 > m_Weights; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeNodeBase_t { public: uint16_t nNode; // 0x0 uint16_t nDummy[3]; // 0x2 uint16_t nNodeX0; // 0x8 uint16_t nNodeX1; // 0xa uint16_t nNodeY0; // 0xc uint16_t nNodeY1; // 0xe QuaternionStorage qAdjust; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'vphysics2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class IPhysicsPlayerController { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeCtrlOffset_t { public: Vector vOffset; // 0x0 uint16_t nCtrlParent; // 0xc uint16_t nCtrlChild; // 0xe }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x90 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeMorphLayerDepr_t { public: CUtlString m_Name; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nNameHash; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: CUtlVector< uint16 > m_Nodes; // 0x10 CUtlVector< Vector > m_InitPos; // 0x28 CUtlVector< float32 > m_Gravity; // 0x40 CUtlVector< float32 > m_GoalStrength; // 0x58 CUtlVector< float32 > m_GoalDamping; // 0x70 uint32_t m_nFlags; // 0x88 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeBoxRigid_t { public: CTransform tmFrame2; // 0x0 uint16_t nNode; // 0x20 uint16_t nCollisionMask; // 0x22 Vector vSize; // 0x24 uint16_t nVertexMapIndex; // 0x30 uint16_t nFlags; // 0x32 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1c // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeStiffHingeBuild_t { public: float flMaxAngle; // 0x0 float flStrength; // 0x4 float flMotionBias[3]; // 0x8 uint16_t nNode[3]; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnPlane_t { public: Vector m_vNormal; // 0x0 float m_flOffset; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeRigidColliderIndices_t { public: uint16_t m_nTaperedCapsuleRigidIndex; // 0x0 uint16_t m_nSphereRigidIndex; // 0x2 uint16_t m_nBoxRigidIndex; // 0x4 uint16_t m_nCollisionPlaneIndex; // 0x6 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct CastSphereSATParams_t { public: Vector m_vRayStart; // 0x0 Vector m_vRayDelta; // 0xc float m_flRadius; // 0x18 float m_flMaxFraction; // 0x1c float m_flScale; // 0x20 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0024[0x4]; // 0x24 public: RnHull_t* m_pHull; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeKelagerBend2_t { public: float flWeight[3]; // 0x0 float flHeight0; // 0xc uint16_t nNode[3]; // 0x10 uint16_t nReserved; // 0x16 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x80 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeSimdTri_t { public: uint32_t nNode[3][4]; // 0x0 fltx4 w1; // 0x30 fltx4 w2; // 0x40 fltx4 v1x; // 0x50 FourVectors2D v2; // 0x60 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeSpringIntegrator_t { public: uint16_t nNode[2]; // 0x0 float flSpringRestLength; // 0x4 float flSpringConstant; // 0x8 float flSpringDamping; // 0xc float flNodeWeight0; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeEffectDesc_t { public: CUtlString sName; // 0x0 uint32_t nNameHash; // 0x8 int32_t nType; // 0xc KeyValues3 m_Params; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeWeightedNode_t { public: uint16_t nNode; // 0x0 uint16_t nWeight; // 0x2 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnWing_t { public: int32_t m_nIndex[3]; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4c // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeQuad_t { public: uint16_t nNode[4]; // 0x0 float flSlack; // 0x8 Vector4D vShape[4]; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x70 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeSimdNodeBase_t { public: uint16_t nNode[4]; // 0x0 uint16_t nNodeX0[4]; // 0x8 uint16_t nNodeX1[4]; // 0x10 uint16_t nNodeY0[4]; // 0x18 uint16_t nNodeY1[4]; // 0x20 uint16_t nDummy[4]; // 0x28 FourQuaternions qAdjust; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x50 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeSimdSpringIntegrator_t { public: uint16_t nNode[2][4]; // 0x0 fltx4 flSpringRestLength; // 0x10 fltx4 flSpringConstant; // 0x20 fltx4 flSpringDamping; // 0x30 fltx4 flNodeWeight0; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x130 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeSimdQuad_t { public: uint16_t nNode[4][4]; // 0x0 fltx4 f4Slack; // 0x20 FourVectors vShape[4]; // 0x30 fltx4 f4Weights[4]; // 0xf0 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeFitMatrix_t { public: CTransform bone; // 0x0 Vector vCenter; // 0x20 uint16_t nEnd; // 0x2c uint16_t nNode; // 0x2e uint16_t nBeginDynamic; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnNode_t { public: Vector m_vMin; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nChildren; // 0xc Vector m_vMax; // 0x10 uint32_t m_nTriangleOffset; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeWorldCollisionParams_t { public: float flWorldFriction; // 0x0 float flGroundFriction; // 0x4 uint16_t nListBegin; // 0x8 uint16_t nListEnd; // 0xa }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CRegionSVM { public: CUtlVector< RnPlane_t > m_Planes; // 0x0 CUtlVector< uint32 > m_Nodes; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x9c // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFeJiggleBone { public: uint32_t m_nFlags; // 0x0 float m_flLength; // 0x4 float m_flTipMass; // 0x8 float m_flYawStiffness; // 0xc float m_flYawDamping; // 0x10 float m_flPitchStiffness; // 0x14 float m_flPitchDamping; // 0x18 float m_flAlongStiffness; // 0x1c float m_flAlongDamping; // 0x20 float m_flAngleLimit; // 0x24 float m_flMinYaw; // 0x28 float m_flMaxYaw; // 0x2c float m_flYawFriction; // 0x30 float m_flYawBounce; // 0x34 float m_flMinPitch; // 0x38 float m_flMaxPitch; // 0x3c float m_flPitchFriction; // 0x40 float m_flPitchBounce; // 0x44 float m_flBaseMass; // 0x48 float m_flBaseStiffness; // 0x4c float m_flBaseDamping; // 0x50 float m_flBaseMinLeft; // 0x54 float m_flBaseMaxLeft; // 0x58 float m_flBaseLeftFriction; // 0x5c float m_flBaseMinUp; // 0x60 float m_flBaseMaxUp; // 0x64 float m_flBaseUpFriction; // 0x68 float m_flBaseMinForward; // 0x6c float m_flBaseMaxForward; // 0x70 float m_flBaseForwardFriction; // 0x74 float m_flRadius0; // 0x78 float m_flRadius1; // 0x7c Vector m_vPoint0; // 0x80 Vector m_vPoint1; // 0x8c uint16_t m_nCollisionMask; // 0x98 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeCollisionPlane_t { public: uint16_t nCtrlParent; // 0x0 uint16_t nChildNode; // 0x2 RnPlane_t m_Plane; // 0x4 float flStrength; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeNodeReverseOffset_t { public: Vector vOffset; // 0x0 uint16_t nBoneCtrl; // 0xc uint16_t nTargetNode; // 0xe }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeEdgeDesc_t { public: uint16_t nEdge[2]; // 0x0 uint16_t nSide[2][2]; // 0x4 uint16_t nVirtElem[2]; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeAnimStrayRadius_t { public: uint16_t nNode[2]; // 0x0 float flMaxDist; // 0x4 float flRelaxationFactor; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeBuildTaperedCapsuleRigid_t : public FeTaperedCapsuleRigid_t { public: int32_t m_nPriority; // 0x30 uint32_t m_nVertexMapHash; // 0x34 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeVertexMapDesc_t { public: CUtlString sName; // 0x0 uint32_t nNameHash; // 0x8 uint32_t nColor; // 0xc uint32_t nFlags; // 0x10 uint16_t nVertexBase; // 0x14 uint16_t nVertexCount; // 0x16 uint32_t nMapOffset; // 0x18 uint32_t nNodeListOffset; // 0x1c Vector vCenterOfMass; // 0x20 float flVolumetricSolveStrength; // 0x2c int16_t nScaleSourceNode; // 0x30 uint16_t nNodeListCount; // 0x32 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeCtrlSoftOffset_t { public: uint16_t nCtrlParent; // 0x0 uint16_t nCtrlChild; // 0x2 Vector vOffset; // 0x4 float flAlpha; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x88 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFeMorphLayer { public: CUtlString m_Name; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nNameHash; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: CUtlVector< uint16 > m_Nodes; // 0x10 CUtlVector< Vector > m_InitPos; // 0x28 CUtlVector< float32 > m_Gravity; // 0x40 CUtlVector< float32 > m_GoalStrength; // 0x58 CUtlVector< float32 > m_GoalDamping; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnBlendVertex_t { public: uint16_t m_nWeight0; // 0x0 uint16_t m_nIndex0; // 0x2 uint16_t m_nWeight1; // 0x4 uint16_t m_nIndex1; // 0x6 uint16_t m_nWeight2; // 0x8 uint16_t m_nIndex2; // 0xa uint16_t m_nFlags; // 0xc uint16_t m_nTargetIndex; // 0xe }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct VertexPositionNormal_t { public: Vector m_vPosition; // 0x0 Vector m_vNormal; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnMesh_t { public: Vector m_vMin; // 0x0 Vector m_vMax; // 0xc CUtlVector< RnNode_t > m_Nodes; // 0x18 CUtlVectorSIMDPaddedVector m_Vertices; // 0x30 CUtlVector< RnTriangle_t > m_Triangles; // 0x48 CUtlVector< RnWing_t > m_Wings; // 0x60 CUtlVector< uint8 > m_Materials; // 0x78 Vector m_vOrthographicAreas; // 0x90 uint32_t m_nFlags; // 0x9c uint32_t m_nDebugFlags; // 0xa0 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeFollowNode_t { public: uint16_t nParentNode; // 0x0 uint16_t nChildNode; // 0x2 float flWeight; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x48 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct OldFeEdge_t { public: float m_flK[3]; // 0x0 float invA; // 0xc float t; // 0x10 float flThetaRelaxed; // 0x14 float flThetaFactor; // 0x18 float c01; // 0x1c float c02; // 0x20 float c03; // 0x24 float c04; // 0x28 float flAxialModelDist; // 0x2c float flAxialModelWeights[4]; // 0x30 uint16_t m_nNode[4]; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xd0 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnBodyDesc_t { public: CUtlString m_sDebugName; // 0x0 Vector m_vPosition; // 0x8 QuaternionStorage m_qOrientation; // 0x14 Vector m_vLinearVelocity; // 0x24 Vector m_vAngularVelocity; // 0x30 Vector m_vLocalMassCenter; // 0x3c Vector m_LocalInertiaInv[3]; // 0x48 float m_flMassInv; // 0x6c float m_flGameMass; // 0x70 float m_flInertiaScaleInv; // 0x74 float m_flLinearDamping; // 0x78 float m_flAngularDamping; // 0x7c float m_flLinearDrag; // 0x80 float m_flAngularDrag; // 0x84 float m_flLinearBuoyancyDrag; // 0x88 float m_flAngularBuoyancyDrag; // 0x8c Vector m_vLastAwakeForceAccum; // 0x90 Vector m_vLastAwakeTorqueAccum; // 0x9c float m_flBuoyancyFactor; // 0xa8 float m_flGravityScale; // 0xac float m_flTimeScale; // 0xb0 int32_t m_nBodyType; // 0xb4 uint32_t m_nGameIndex; // 0xb8 uint32_t m_nGameFlags; // 0xbc int8_t m_nMinVelocityIterations; // 0xc0 int8_t m_nMinPositionIterations; // 0xc1 int8_t m_nMassPriority; // 0xc2 bool m_bEnabled; // 0xc3 bool m_bSleeping; // 0xc4 bool m_bIsContinuousEnabled; // 0xc5 bool m_bDragEnabled; // 0xc6 bool m_bBuoyancyDragEnabled; // 0xc7 bool m_bGravityDisabled; // 0xc8 bool m_bSpeculativeEnabled; // 0xc9 bool m_bHasShadowController; // 0xca }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xd0 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFeNamedJiggleBone { public: CUtlString m_strParentBone; // 0x0 CTransform m_transform; // 0x10 uint32_t m_nJiggleParent; // 0x30 CFeJiggleBone m_jiggleBone; // 0x34 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1c // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnCapsule_t { public: Vector m_vCenter[2]; // 0x0 float m_flRadius; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeNodeIntegrator_t { public: float flPointDamping; // 0x0 float flAnimationForceAttraction; // 0x4 float flAnimationVertexAttraction; // 0x8 float flGravity; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeProxyVertexMap_t { public: CUtlString m_Name; // 0x0 float m_flWeight; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnTriangle_t { public: int32_t m_nIndex[3]; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeSimdAnimStrayRadius_t { public: uint16_t nNode[2][4]; // 0x0 fltx4 flMaxDist; // 0x10 fltx4 flRelaxationFactor; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeBuildSphereRigid_t : public FeSphereRigid_t { public: int32_t m_nPriority; // 0x20 uint32_t m_nVertexMapHash; // 0x24 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnSphere_t { public: Vector m_vCenter; // 0x0 float m_flRadius; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'vphysics2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct constraint_axislimit_t { public: float flMinRotation; // 0x0 float flMaxRotation; // 0x4 float flMotorTargetAngSpeed; // 0x8 float flMotorMaxTorque; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x50 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeSimdRodConstraint_t { public: uint16_t nNode[2][4]; // 0x0 fltx4 f4MaxDist; // 0x10 fltx4 f4MinDist; // 0x20 fltx4 f4Weight0; // 0x30 fltx4 f4RelaxationFactor; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'vphysics2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct constraint_hingeparams_t { public: Vector worldPosition; // 0x0 Vector worldAxisDirection; // 0xc constraint_axislimit_t hingeAxis; // 0x18 constraint_breakableparams_t constraint; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeTaperedCapsuleStretch_t { public: uint16_t nNode[2]; // 0x0 uint16_t nCollisionMask; // 0x4 // MPropertySuppressField uint16_t nDummy; // 0x6 float flRadius[2]; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeBandBendLimit_t { public: float flDistMin; // 0x0 float flDistMax; // 0x4 uint16_t nNode[6]; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xa4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CFeIndexedJiggleBone { public: uint32_t m_nNode; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nJiggleParent; // 0x4 CFeJiggleBone m_jiggleBone; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x50 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FeBuildBoxRigid_t : public FeBoxRigid_t { public: int32_t m_nPriority; // 0x40 uint32_t m_nVertexMapHash; // 0x44 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'vphysics2') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xd8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct vphysics_save_cphysicsbody_t : public RnBodyDesc_t { public: uint64_t m_nOldPointer; // 0xd0 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x5e8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PhysFeModelDesc_t { public: CUtlVector< uint32 > m_CtrlHash; // 0x0 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_CtrlName; // 0x18 uint32_t m_nStaticNodeFlags; // 0x30 uint32_t m_nDynamicNodeFlags; // 0x34 float m_flLocalForce; // 0x38 float m_flLocalRotation; // 0x3c uint16_t m_nNodeCount; // 0x40 uint16_t m_nStaticNodes; // 0x42 uint16_t m_nRotLockStaticNodes; // 0x44 uint16_t m_nFirstPositionDrivenNode; // 0x46 uint16_t m_nSimdTriCount1; // 0x48 uint16_t m_nSimdTriCount2; // 0x4a uint16_t m_nSimdQuadCount1; // 0x4c uint16_t m_nSimdQuadCount2; // 0x4e uint16_t m_nQuadCount1; // 0x50 uint16_t m_nQuadCount2; // 0x52 uint16_t m_nTreeDepth; // 0x54 uint16_t m_nNodeBaseJiggleboneDependsCount; // 0x56 uint16_t m_nRopeCount; // 0x58 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad005a[0x6]; // 0x5a public: CUtlVector< uint16 > m_Ropes; // 0x60 CUtlVector< FeNodeBase_t > m_NodeBases; // 0x78 CUtlVector< FeSimdNodeBase_t > m_SimdNodeBases; // 0x90 CUtlVector< FeQuad_t > m_Quads; // 0xa8 CUtlVector< FeSimdQuad_t > m_SimdQuads; // 0xc0 CUtlVector< FeSimdTri_t > m_SimdTris; // 0xd8 CUtlVector< FeSimdRodConstraint_t > m_SimdRods; // 0xf0 CUtlVector< CTransform > m_InitPose; // 0x108 CUtlVector< FeRodConstraint_t > m_Rods; // 0x120 CUtlVector< FeTwistConstraint_t > m_Twists; // 0x138 CUtlVector< FeAxialEdgeBend_t > m_AxialEdges; // 0x150 CUtlVector< float32 > m_NodeInvMasses; // 0x168 CUtlVector< FeCtrlOffset_t > m_CtrlOffsets; // 0x180 CUtlVector< FeCtrlOsOffset_t > m_CtrlOsOffsets; // 0x198 CUtlVector< FeFollowNode_t > m_FollowNodes; // 0x1b0 CUtlVector< FeCollisionPlane_t > m_CollisionPlanes; // 0x1c8 CUtlVector< FeNodeIntegrator_t > m_NodeIntegrator; // 0x1e0 CUtlVector< FeSpringIntegrator_t > m_SpringIntegrator; // 0x1f8 CUtlVector< FeSimdSpringIntegrator_t > m_SimdSpringIntegrator; // 0x210 CUtlVector< FeWorldCollisionParams_t > m_WorldCollisionParams; // 0x228 CUtlVector< float32 > m_LegacyStretchForce; // 0x240 CUtlVector< float32 > m_NodeCollisionRadii; // 0x258 CUtlVector< float32 > m_DynNodeFriction; // 0x270 CUtlVector< float32 > m_LocalRotation; // 0x288 CUtlVector< float32 > m_LocalForce; // 0x2a0 CUtlVector< FeTaperedCapsuleStretch_t > m_TaperedCapsuleStretches; // 0x2b8 CUtlVector< FeTaperedCapsuleRigid_t > m_TaperedCapsuleRigids; // 0x2d0 CUtlVector< FeSphereRigid_t > m_SphereRigids; // 0x2e8 CUtlVector< uint16 > m_WorldCollisionNodes; // 0x300 CUtlVector< uint16 > m_TreeParents; // 0x318 CUtlVector< uint16 > m_TreeCollisionMasks; // 0x330 CUtlVector< FeTreeChildren_t > m_TreeChildren; // 0x348 CUtlVector< uint16 > m_FreeNodes; // 0x360 CUtlVector< FeFitMatrix_t > m_FitMatrices; // 0x378 CUtlVector< FeFitWeight_t > m_FitWeights; // 0x390 CUtlVector< FeNodeReverseOffset_t > m_ReverseOffsets; // 0x3a8 CUtlVector< FeAnimStrayRadius_t > m_AnimStrayRadii; // 0x3c0 CUtlVector< FeSimdAnimStrayRadius_t > m_SimdAnimStrayRadii; // 0x3d8 CUtlVector< FeKelagerBend2_t > m_KelagerBends; // 0x3f0 CUtlVector< FeCtrlSoftOffset_t > m_CtrlSoftOffsets; // 0x408 CUtlVector< CFeIndexedJiggleBone > m_JiggleBones; // 0x420 CUtlVector< uint16 > m_SourceElems; // 0x438 CUtlVector< uint32 > m_GoalDampedSpringIntegrators; // 0x450 CUtlVector< FeTri_t > m_Tris; // 0x468 uint16_t m_nTriCount1; // 0x480 uint16_t m_nTriCount2; // 0x482 uint8_t m_nReservedUint8; // 0x484 uint8_t m_nExtraPressureIterations; // 0x485 uint8_t m_nExtraGoalIterations; // 0x486 uint8_t m_nExtraIterations; // 0x487 CUtlVector< FeBoxRigid_t > m_BoxRigids; // 0x488 CUtlVector< uint8 > m_DynNodeVertexSet; // 0x4a0 CUtlVector< uint32 > m_VertexSetNames; // 0x4b8 CUtlVector< FeRigidColliderIndices_t > m_RigidColliderPriorities; // 0x4d0 CUtlVector< FeMorphLayerDepr_t > m_MorphLayers; // 0x4e8 CUtlVector< uint8 > m_MorphSetData; // 0x500 CUtlVector< FeVertexMapDesc_t > m_VertexMaps; // 0x518 CUtlVector< uint8 > m_VertexMapValues; // 0x530 CUtlVector< FeEffectDesc_t > m_Effects; // 0x548 CUtlVector< FeCtrlOffset_t > m_LockToParent; // 0x560 CUtlVector< uint16 > m_LockToGoal; // 0x578 CUtlVector< FeNodeWindBase_t > m_DynNodeWindBases; // 0x590 float m_flInternalPressure; // 0x5a8 float m_flDefaultTimeDilation; // 0x5ac float m_flWindage; // 0x5b0 float m_flWindDrag; // 0x5b4 float m_flDefaultSurfaceStretch; // 0x5b8 float m_flDefaultThreadStretch; // 0x5bc float m_flDefaultGravityScale; // 0x5c0 float m_flDefaultVelAirDrag; // 0x5c4 float m_flDefaultExpAirDrag; // 0x5c8 float m_flDefaultVelQuadAirDrag; // 0x5cc float m_flDefaultExpQuadAirDrag; // 0x5d0 float m_flRodVelocitySmoothRate; // 0x5d4 float m_flQuadVelocitySmoothRate; // 0x5d8 float m_flAddWorldCollisionRadius; // 0x5dc float m_flDefaultVolumetricSolveAmount; // 0x5e0 uint16_t m_nRodVelocitySmoothIterations; // 0x5e4 uint16_t m_nQuadVelocitySmoothIterations; // 0x5e6 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xb8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnMeshDesc_t : public RnShapeDesc_t { public: RnMesh_t m_Mesh; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnSphereDesc_t : public RnShapeDesc_t { public: RnSphere_t m_Sphere; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnCapsuleDesc_t : public RnShapeDesc_t { public: RnCapsule_t m_Capsule; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnSoftbodyCapsule_t { public: Vector m_vCenter[2]; // 0x0 float m_flRadius; // 0x18 uint16_t m_nParticle[2]; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xe8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnHullDesc_t : public RnShapeDesc_t { public: RnHull_t m_Hull; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnSoftbodyParticle_t { public: float m_flMassInv; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: vphysics2.dll (project 'physicslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct RnSoftbodySpring_t { public: uint16_t m_nParticle[2]; // 0x0 float m_flLength; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixDynamicsDesc_t { public: float m_fldbGain; // 0x0 float m_fldbNoiseGateThreshold; // 0x4 float m_fldbCompressionThreshold; // 0x8 float m_fldbLimiterThreshold; // 0xc float m_fldbKneeWidth; // 0x10 float m_flRatio; // 0x14 float m_flLimiterRatio; // 0x18 float m_flAttackTimeMS; // 0x1c float m_flReleaseTimeMS; // 0x20 float m_flRMSTimeMS; // 0x24 float m_flWetMix; // 0x28 bool m_bPeakMode; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixOscDesc_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Type" VMixLFOShape_t oscType; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Frequency (Hz)" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0.1 16000" float m_freq; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Phase (degrees)" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 360" float m_flPhase; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixFilterDesc_t { public: VMixFilterType_t m_nFilterType; // 0x0 VMixFilterSlope_t m_nFilterSlope; // 0x2 bool m_bEnabled; // 0x3 float m_fldbGain; // 0x4 float m_flCutoffFreq; // 0x8 float m_flQ; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixUtilityDesc_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Channels" VMixChannelOperation_t m_nOp; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Input Pan" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-1 1" float m_flInputPan; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output Balance" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-1 1" float m_flOutputBalance; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output Gain (dB)" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-36 0" float m_fldbOutputGain; // 0xc bool m_bBassMono; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0011[0x3]; // 0x11 public: float m_flBassFreq; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x28 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixVocoderDesc_t { public: int32_t m_nBandCount; // 0x0 float m_flBandwidth; // 0x4 float m_fldBModGain; // 0x8 float m_flFreqRangeStart; // 0xc float m_flFreqRangeEnd; // 0x10 float m_fldBUnvoicedGain; // 0x14 float m_flAttackTimeMS; // 0x18 float m_flReleaseTimeMS; // 0x1c int32_t m_nDebugBand; // 0x20 bool m_bPeakMode; // 0x24 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyElementNameFn class CSosGroupActionSchema { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Name" CUtlString m_name; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Action Type" ActionType_t m_actionType; // 0x10 // MPropertySuppressField ActionType_t m_actionInstanceType; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixEffectChainDesc_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Crossfade Time (s)" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0.1 10" float m_flCrossfadeTime; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x24 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixDynamicsBand_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Input Gain (dB)" float m_fldbGainInput; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output Gain (dB)" float m_fldbGainOutput; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Below Threshold(dB)" float m_fldbThresholdBelow; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Above Threshold(dB)" float m_fldbThresholdAbove; // 0xc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Upward Ratio" float m_flRatioBelow; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Downward Ratio" float m_flRatioAbove; // 0x14 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Attack time (ms)" float m_flAttackTimeMS; // 0x18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Release time (ms)" float m_flReleaseTimeMS; // 0x1c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Enabled" bool m_bEnable; // 0x20 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Solo" bool m_bSolo; // 0x21 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2c // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixAutoFilterDesc_t { public: float m_flEnvelopeAmount; // 0x0 float m_flAttackTimeMS; // 0x4 float m_flReleaseTimeMS; // 0x8 VMixFilterDesc_t m_filter; // 0xc float m_flLFOAmount; // 0x1c float m_flLFORate; // 0x20 float m_flPhase; // 0x24 VMixLFOShape_t m_nLFOShape; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSosGroupActionLimitSchema : public CSosGroupActionSchema { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Count" int32_t m_nMaxCount; // 0x18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Stop Type" SosActionStopType_t m_nStopType; // 0x1c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sort Type" SosActionSortType_t m_nSortType; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixEnvelopeDesc_t { public: float m_flAttackTimeMS; // 0x0 float m_flHoldTimeMS; // 0x4 float m_flReleaseTimeMS; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixShaperDesc_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Shape" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 14" int32_t m_nShape; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Drive (dB)" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 36" float m_fldbDrive; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output Gain (dB)" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-36 0" float m_fldbOutputGain; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dry/Wet" float m_flWetMix; // 0xc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Oversampling" int32_t m_nOversampleFactor; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x24 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixDynamicsCompressorDesc_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output Gain (dB)" float m_fldbOutputGain; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Threshold (dB)" float m_fldbCompressionThreshold; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Knee Width (dB)" float m_fldbKneeWidth; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Compression Ratio" float m_flCompressionRatio; // 0xc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Attack time (ms)" float m_flAttackTimeMS; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Release time (ms)" float m_flReleaseTimeMS; // 0x14 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Threshold detection time (ms)" float m_flRMSTimeMS; // 0x18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dry/Wet" float m_flWetMix; // 0x1c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Peak mode" bool m_bPeakMode; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixDiffusorDesc_t { public: float m_flSize; // 0x0 float m_flComplexity; // 0x4 float m_flFeedback; // 0x8 float m_flOutputGain; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1c // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixPlateverbDesc_t { public: float m_flPrefilter; // 0x0 float m_flInputDiffusion1; // 0x4 float m_flInputDiffusion2; // 0x8 float m_flDecay; // 0xc float m_flDamp; // 0x10 float m_flFeedbackDiffusion1; // 0x14 float m_flFeedbackDiffusion2; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct SosEditItemInfo_t { public: SosEditItemType_t itemType; // 0x0 CUtlString itemName; // 0x8 CUtlString itemTypeName; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0018[0x8]; // 0x18 public: CUtlString itemKVString; // 0x20 Vector2D itemPos; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSosGroupBranchPattern { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Event Name" bool m_bMatchEventName; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sub-String" bool m_bMatchEventSubString; // 0x9 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Source Entity Index" bool m_bMatchEntIndex; // 0xa // MPropertyFriendlyName "Operator Variable" bool m_bMatchOpvar; // 0xb }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSosSoundEventGroupListSchema { public: // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf // MPropertyFriendlyName "Groups" CUtlVector< CSosSoundEventGroupSchema > m_groupList; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixConvolutionDesc_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "gain of wet signal (dB)" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-36 3" float m_fldbGain; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Pre-delay (ms)" float m_flPreDelayMS; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dry/Wet" float m_flWetMix; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Low EQ gain (dB)" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-24 24" float m_fldbLow; // 0xc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Mid EQ gain (dB)" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-24 24" float m_fldbMid; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "High EQ gain (dB)" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-24 24" float m_fldbHigh; // 0x14 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Low Cutoff Freq (Hz)" float m_flLowCutoffFreq; // 0x18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "High Cutoff Freq (Hz)" float m_flHighCutoffFreq; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixPitchShiftDesc_t { public: int32_t m_nGrainSampleCount; // 0x0 float m_flPitchShift; // 0x4 int32_t m_nQuality; // 0x8 int32_t m_nProcType; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSoundEventMetaData { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCVMixListResource > m_soundEventVMix; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x80 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixEQ8Desc_t { public: VMixFilterDesc_t m_stages[8]; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x28 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixDelayDesc_t { public: VMixFilterDesc_t m_feedbackFilter; // 0x0 bool m_bEnableFilter; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0011[0x3]; // 0x11 public: float m_flDelay; // 0x14 float m_flDirectGain; // 0x18 float m_flDelayGain; // 0x1c float m_flFeedbackGain; // 0x20 float m_flWidth; // 0x24 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CDspPresetModifierList { public: // MPropertyDescription "Name of the DSP effect / subgraph used." // MPropertyFriendlyName "DSP Effect Name" CUtlString m_dspName; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Set of modifiers for individual mix groups" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Mixgroup Modifiers" CUtlVector< CDSPMixgroupModifier > m_modifiers; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CDSPMixgroupModifier { public: // MPropertyDescription "Name of the mixgroup. TODO: needs to be autopopulated with mixgroups." // MPropertyFriendlyName "Mixgroup Name" CUtlString m_mixgroup; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "The amount to multiply the volume of the non-spatialized reverb/dsp by when at the max reverb blend distance. 1.0 leaves the volume unchanged." // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max reverb gain amount for listener DSP." float m_flModifier; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "The amount to multiply the volume of the non-spatialized reverb/dsp by when at the min reverb blend distance. 1.0 leaves the volume unchanged." // MPropertyFriendlyName "Min reverb gain amount amount for listener DSP." float m_flModifierMin; // 0xc // MPropertyDescription "If set to >= 0, we will use this mix modifier for source-specific DSP effects. Otherwise we will use the listener DSP value." // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max reverb gain amount for source-specific DSP." float m_flSourceModifier; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "If set to >= 0, we will use this mix modifier for source-specific DSP effects. Otherwise we will use the listener DSP value." // MPropertyFriendlyName "Min reverb gain amount for source-specific DSP." float m_flSourceModifierMin; // 0x14 // MPropertyDescription "When a source has source-specific DSP, this can be used as an additional mix stage for the listener reverb amount." // MPropertyFriendlyName "Modification amount for listener DSP when source DSP is used." float m_flListenerReverbModifierWhenSourceReverbIsActive; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x90 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixDynamics3BandDesc_t { public: float m_fldbGainOutput; // 0x0 float m_flRMSTimeMS; // 0x4 float m_fldbKneeWidth; // 0x8 float m_flDepth; // 0xc float m_flWetMix; // 0x10 float m_flTimeScale; // 0x14 float m_flLowCutoffFreq; // 0x18 float m_flHighCutoffFreq; // 0x1c bool m_bPeakMode; // 0x20 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0021[0x3]; // 0x21 public: VMixDynamicsBand_t m_bandDesc[3]; // 0x24 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSosGroupMatchPattern : public CSosGroupBranchPattern { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Event Name" CUtlString m_matchSoundEventName; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sub-String" CUtlString m_matchSoundEventSubString; // 0x18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Entity Index" float m_flEntIndex; // 0x20 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Operator Variable Value" float m_flOpvar; // 0x24 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xd0 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyElementNameFn class CSosSoundEventGroupSchema { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Group Name" CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Group Type" SosGroupType_t m_nType; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Blocks Events" bool m_bIsBlocking; // 0xc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000d[0x3]; // 0xd public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Block Max Count" int32_t m_nBlockMaxCount; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Invert Match" bool m_bInvertMatch; // 0x14 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0015[0x3]; // 0x15 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Match Rules" CSosGroupMatchPattern m_matchPattern; // 0x18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Branch Rules" CSosGroupBranchPattern m_branchPattern; // 0x40 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0050[0x60]; // 0x50 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Actions" CSosGroupActionSchema* m_vActions[4]; // 0xb0 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSosGroupActionTimeLimitSchema : public CSosGroupActionSchema { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Time" float m_flMaxDuration; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x50 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixBoxverbDesc_t { public: float m_flSizeMax; // 0x0 float m_flSizeMin; // 0x4 float m_flComplexity; // 0x8 float m_flDiffusion; // 0xc float m_flModDepth; // 0x10 float m_flModRate; // 0x14 bool m_bParallel; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0019[0x3]; // 0x19 public: VMixFilterDesc_t m_filterType; // 0x1c float m_flWidth; // 0x2c float m_flHeight; // 0x30 float m_flDepth; // 0x34 float m_flFeedbackScale; // 0x38 float m_flFeedbackWidth; // 0x3c float m_flFeedbackHeight; // 0x40 float m_flFeedbackDepth; // 0x44 float m_flOutputGain; // 0x48 float m_flTaps; // 0x4c }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixModDelayDesc_t { public: VMixFilterDesc_t m_feedbackFilter; // 0x0 bool m_bPhaseInvert; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0011[0x3]; // 0x11 public: float m_flGlideTime; // 0x14 float m_flDelay; // 0x18 float m_flOutputGain; // 0x1c float m_flFeedbackGain; // 0x20 float m_flModRate; // 0x24 float m_flModDepth; // 0x28 bool m_bApplyAntialiasing; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct SelectedEditItemInfo_t { public: CUtlVector< SosEditItemInfo_t > m_EditItems; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixPannerDesc_t { public: VMixPannerType_t m_type; // 0x0 float m_flStrength; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixSubgraphSwitchDesc_t { public: VMixSubgraphSwitchInterpolationType_t m_interpolationMode; // 0x0 bool m_bOnlyTailsOnFadeOut; // 0x4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0005[0x3]; // 0x5 public: float m_flInterpolationTime; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSosGroupActionSetSoundeventParameterSchema : public CSosGroupActionSchema { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Count" int32_t m_nMaxCount; // 0x18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Minimum Value" float m_flMinValue; // 0x1c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Maximum Value" float m_flMaxValue; // 0x20 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0024[0x4]; // 0x24 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Parameter Name" CUtlString m_opvarName; // 0x28 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sort Type" SosActionSortType_t m_nSortType; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot // MVDataNodeType class CDSPPresetMixgroupModifierTable { public: // MPropertyDescription "Table of mixgroup modifiers for effect names." // MPropertyFriendlyName "Modifier Table" CUtlVector< CDspPresetModifierList > m_table; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: soundsystem.dll (project 'soundsystem_lowlevel') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VMixFreeverbDesc_t { public: float m_flRoomSize; // 0x0 float m_flDamp; // 0x4 float m_flWidth; // 0x8 float m_flLateReflections; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: scenesystem.dll (project 'scenesystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSSDSMsg_EndFrame { public: CUtlVector< CSSDSEndFrameViewInfo > m_Views; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: scenesystem.dll (project 'scenesystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct SceneViewId_t { public: uint64_t m_nViewId; // 0x0 uint64_t m_nFrameCount; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: scenesystem.dll (project 'scenesystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSSDSMsg_ViewTargetList { public: SceneViewId_t m_viewId; // 0x0 CUtlString m_ViewName; // 0x10 CUtlVector< CSSDSMsg_ViewTarget > m_Targets; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: scenesystem.dll (project 'scenesystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSSDSMsg_LayerBase { public: SceneViewId_t m_viewId; // 0x0 CUtlString m_ViewName; // 0x10 int32_t m_nLayerIndex; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001c[0x4]; // 0x1c public: uint64_t m_nLayerId; // 0x20 CUtlString m_LayerName; // 0x28 CUtlString m_displayText; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: scenesystem.dll (project 'scenesystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSSDSMsg_PreLayer : public CSSDSMsg_LayerBase { public: }; // Registered binary: scenesystem.dll (project 'scenesystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSSDSMsg_PostLayer : public CSSDSMsg_LayerBase { public: }; // Registered binary: scenesystem.dll (project 'scenesystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSSDSEndFrameViewInfo { public: uint64_t m_nViewId; // 0x0 CUtlString m_ViewName; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: scenesystem.dll (project 'scenesystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSSDSMsg_ViewRender { public: SceneViewId_t m_viewId; // 0x0 CUtlString m_ViewName; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: scenesystem.dll (project 'scenesystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSSDSMsg_ViewTarget { public: CUtlString m_Name; // 0x0 uint64_t m_TextureId; // 0x8 int32_t m_nWidth; // 0x10 int32_t m_nHeight; // 0x14 int32_t m_nRequestedWidth; // 0x18 int32_t m_nRequestedHeight; // 0x1c int32_t m_nNumMipLevels; // 0x20 int32_t m_nDepth; // 0x24 int32_t m_nMultisampleNumSamples; // 0x28 int32_t m_nFormat; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VoxelVisBlockOffset_t { public: uint32_t m_nOffset; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nElementCount; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct EntityKeyValueData_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< EntityIOConnectionData_t > m_connections; // 0x8 CUtlBinaryBlock m_keyValuesData; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct BaseSceneObjectOverride_t { public: uint32_t m_nSceneObjectIndex; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct InfoOverlayData_t { public: matrix3x4_t m_transform; // 0x0 float m_flWidth; // 0x30 float m_flHeight; // 0x34 float m_flDepth; // 0x38 Vector2D m_vUVStart; // 0x3c Vector2D m_vUVEnd; // 0x44 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad004c[0x4]; // 0x4c public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_pMaterial; // 0x50 int32_t m_nRenderOrder; // 0x58 Vector4D m_vTintColor; // 0x5c int32_t m_nSequenceOverride; // 0x6c }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct BakedLightingInfo_t { public: uint32_t m_nLightmapVersionNumber; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nLightmapGameVersionNumber; // 0x4 Vector2D m_vLightmapUvScale; // 0x8 bool m_bHasLightmaps; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0011[0x7]; // 0x11 public: CUtlVector< CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > > m_lightMaps; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct AggregateMeshInfo_t { public: uint32_t m_nVisClusterMemberOffset; // 0x0 uint8_t m_nVisClusterMemberCount; // 0x4 bool m_bHasTransform; // 0x5 int16_t m_nDrawCallIndex; // 0x6 int16_t m_nLODSetupIndex; // 0x8 uint8_t m_nLODGroupMask; // 0xa Color m_vTintColor; // 0xb private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000f[0x1]; // 0xf public: ObjectTypeFlags_t m_objectFlags; // 0x10 int32_t m_nLightProbeVolumePrecomputedHandshake; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct WorldNodeOnDiskBufferData_t { public: int32_t m_nElementCount; // 0x0 int32_t m_nElementSizeInBytes; // 0x4 CUtlVector< RenderInputLayoutField_t > m_inputLayoutFields; // 0x8 CUtlVector< uint8 > m_pData; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MResourceTypeForInfoType "vmap" struct InfoForResourceTypeVMapResourceData_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa0 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CVoxelVisibility { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x40]; // 0x0 public: uint32_t m_nBaseClusterCount; // 0x40 uint32_t m_nPVSBytesPerCluster; // 0x44 Vector m_vMinBounds; // 0x48 Vector m_vMaxBounds; // 0x54 float m_flGridSize; // 0x60 uint32_t m_nSkyVisibilityCluster; // 0x64 uint32_t m_nSunVisibilityCluster; // 0x68 VoxelVisBlockOffset_t m_NodeBlock; // 0x6c VoxelVisBlockOffset_t m_RegionBlock; // 0x74 VoxelVisBlockOffset_t m_EnclosedClusterListBlock; // 0x7c VoxelVisBlockOffset_t m_EnclosedClustersBlock; // 0x84 VoxelVisBlockOffset_t m_MasksBlock; // 0x8c VoxelVisBlockOffset_t m_nVisBlocks; // 0x94 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct WorldBuilderParams_t { public: float m_flMinDrawVolumeSize; // 0x0 bool m_bBuildBakedLighting; // 0x4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0005[0x3]; // 0x5 public: Vector2D m_vLightmapUvScale; // 0x8 uint64_t m_nCompileTimestamp; // 0x10 uint64_t m_nCompileFingerprint; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct EntityIOConnectionData_t { public: CUtlString m_outputName; // 0x0 uint32_t m_targetType; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: CUtlString m_targetName; // 0x10 CUtlString m_inputName; // 0x18 CUtlString m_overrideParam; // 0x20 float m_flDelay; // 0x28 int32_t m_nTimesToFire; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct MaterialOverride_t : public BaseSceneObjectOverride_t { public: uint32_t m_nSubSceneObject; // 0x4 uint32_t m_nDrawCallIndex; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_pMaterial; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x140 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct WorldNode_t { public: CUtlVector< SceneObject_t > m_sceneObjects; // 0x0 CUtlVector< InfoOverlayData_t > m_infoOverlays; // 0x18 CUtlVector< uint16 > m_visClusterMembership; // 0x30 CUtlVector< AggregateSceneObject_t > m_aggregateSceneObjects; // 0x48 CUtlVector< ClutterSceneObject_t > m_clutterSceneObjects; // 0x60 CUtlVector< ExtraVertexStreamOverride_t > m_extraVertexStreamOverrides; // 0x78 CUtlVector< MaterialOverride_t > m_materialOverrides; // 0x90 CUtlVector< WorldNodeOnDiskBufferData_t > m_extraVertexStreams; // 0xa8 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_layerNames; // 0xc0 CUtlVector< uint8 > m_sceneObjectLayerIndices; // 0xd8 CUtlVector< uint8 > m_overlayLayerIndices; // 0xf0 CUtlString m_grassFileName; // 0x108 BakedLightingInfo_t m_nodeLightingInfo; // 0x110 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PermEntityLumpData_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x8 CUtlString m_hammerUniqueId; // 0x10 CUtlVector< CStrongHandleCopyable< InfoForResourceTypeCEntityLump > > m_childLumps; // 0x18 CUtlLeanVector< EntityKeyValueData_t > m_entityKeyValues; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x80 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct World_t { public: WorldBuilderParams_t m_builderParams; // 0x0 CUtlVector< NodeData_t > m_worldNodes; // 0x20 BakedLightingInfo_t m_worldLightingInfo; // 0x38 CUtlVector< CStrongHandleCopyable< InfoForResourceTypeCEntityLump > > m_entityLumps; // 0x68 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa0 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ClutterSceneObject_t { public: AABB_t m_Bounds; // 0x0 ObjectTypeFlags_t m_flags; // 0x18 int16_t m_nLayer; // 0x1c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001e[0x2]; // 0x1e public: CUtlVector< Vector > m_instancePositions; // 0x20 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0038[0x18]; // 0x38 public: CUtlVector< float32 > m_instanceScales; // 0x50 CUtlVector< Color > m_instanceTintSrgb; // 0x68 CUtlVector< ClutterTile_t > m_tiles; // 0x80 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_renderableModel; // 0x98 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct VMapResourceData_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct NodeData_t { public: int32_t m_nParent; // 0x0 Vector m_vOrigin; // 0x4 Vector m_vMinBounds; // 0x10 Vector m_vMaxBounds; // 0x1c float m_flMinimumDistance; // 0x28 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad002c[0x4]; // 0x2c public: CUtlVector< int32 > m_ChildNodeIndices; // 0x30 CUtlString m_worldNodePrefix; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x78 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct AggregateSceneObject_t { public: ObjectTypeFlags_t m_allFlags; // 0x0 ObjectTypeFlags_t m_anyFlags; // 0x4 int16_t m_nLayer; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000a[0x6]; // 0xa public: CUtlVector< AggregateMeshInfo_t > m_aggregateMeshes; // 0x10 CUtlVector< AggregateLODSetup_t > m_lodSetups; // 0x28 CUtlVector< uint16 > m_visClusterMembership; // 0x40 CUtlVector< matrix3x4_t > m_fragmentTransforms; // 0x58 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_renderableModel; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ClutterTile_t { public: uint32_t m_nFirstInstance; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nLastInstance; // 0x4 AABB_t m_BoundsWs; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ExtraVertexStreamOverride_t : public BaseSceneObjectOverride_t { public: uint32_t m_nSubSceneObject; // 0x4 uint32_t m_nDrawCallIndex; // 0x8 MeshDrawPrimitiveFlags_t m_nAdditionalMeshDrawPrimitiveFlags; // 0xc CRenderBufferBinding m_extraBufferBinding; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct AggregateLODSetup_t { public: Vector m_vLODOrigin; // 0x0 float m_fMaxObjectScale; // 0xc CUtlVectorFixedGrowable< float32 > m_fSwitchDistances; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: worldrenderer.dll (project 'worldrenderer') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x90 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct SceneObject_t { public: uint32_t m_nObjectID; // 0x0 Vector4D m_vTransform[3]; // 0x4 float m_flFadeStartDistance; // 0x34 float m_flFadeEndDistance; // 0x38 Vector4D m_vTintColor; // 0x3c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad004c[0x4]; // 0x4c public: CUtlString m_skin; // 0x50 ObjectTypeFlags_t m_nObjectTypeFlags; // 0x58 Vector m_vLightingOrigin; // 0x5c uint32_t m_nLightGroup; // 0x68 int16_t m_nOverlayRenderOrder; // 0x6c int16_t m_nLODOverride; // 0x6e int32_t m_nCubeMapPrecomputedHandshake; // 0x70 int32_t m_nLightProbeVolumePrecomputedHandshake; // 0x74 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0078[0x8]; // 0x78 public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_renderableModel; // 0x80 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCRenderMesh > m_renderable; // 0x88 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x188 // Has VTable // // MPulseInternal_IsCursor class CPulseExecCursor { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x188]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PulseDocNodeID_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PulseDocNodeID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulseCell_Base { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MFgdFromSchemaCompletelySkipField PulseDocNodeID_t m_nEditorNodeID; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x2 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PulseRuntimeStateOffset_t { public: uint16_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PulseRuntimeStateOffset_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulseRuntimeMethodArg { public: CKV3MemberNameWithStorage m_Name; // 0x0 CUtlString m_Description; // 0x38 CPulseValueFullType m_Type; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulseCell_BaseFlow : public CPulseCell_Base { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Step_DebugLog : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulse_OutflowConnection { public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_SourceOutflowName; // 0x0 PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t m_nDestChunk; // 0x8 int32_t m_nInstruction; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPropertyFriendlyName "[Test] Explicit Yes/No Outflow" // MPropertyDescription "Test node that picks between two outflows as specified in the test domain." class CPulseCell_Outflow_TestExplicitYesNo : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Yes" CPulse_OutflowConnection m_Yes; // 0x48 // MPropertyFriendlyName "No" CPulse_OutflowConnection m_No; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PulseRuntimeCallInfoIndex_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PulseRuntimeCallInfoIndex_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PulseRegisterMap_t { public: KeyValues3 m_Inparams; // 0x0 KeyValues3 m_Outparams; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings class CPulseCell_Test_MultiInflow_NoDefault : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xf8 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulseGraphDef { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_DomainIdentifier; // 0x8 CUtlSymbolLarge m_ParentMapName; // 0x10 CUtlVector< CPulse_Chunk* > m_Chunks; // 0x18 CUtlVector< CPulseCell_Base* > m_Cells; // 0x30 CUtlVector< CPulse_Variable > m_Vars; // 0x48 CUtlVector< CPulse_PublicOutput > m_PublicOutputs; // 0x60 CUtlVector< CPulse_InvokeBinding* > m_InvokeBindings; // 0x78 CUtlVector< CPulse_CallInfo* > m_CallInfos; // 0x90 CUtlVector< CPulse_OutputConnection* > m_OutputConnections; // 0xa8 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Outflow_IntSwitch : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: CPulse_OutflowConnection m_DefaultCaseOutflow; // 0x48 CUtlVector< CPulse_OutflowConnection > m_CaseOutflows; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1a0 // Has VTable // // MPulseLibraryBindings // MPulseInternal_IsCursor class CPulseTurtleGraphicsCursor : public CPulseExecCursor { public: Color m_Color; // 0x188 Vector2D m_vPos; // 0x18c float m_flHeadingDeg; // 0x194 bool m_bPenUp; // 0x198 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PulseRuntimeCellIndex_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PulseRuntimeCellIndex_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x2 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t { public: int16_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulseCell_BaseValue : public CPulseCell_Base { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPropertyFriendlyName "Get Fake Entity Name" class CPulseCell_Val_TestDomainGetEntityName : public CPulseCell_BaseValue { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulse_CallInfo { public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_PortName; // 0x0 PulseDocNodeID_t m_nEditorNodeID; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: PulseRegisterMap_t m_RegisterMap; // 0x10 PulseDocNodeID_t m_CallMethodID; // 0x30 PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t m_nSrcChunk; // 0x34 int32_t m_nSrcInstruction; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPropertyFriendlyName "Tracepoint" class CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainTracepoint : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t m_EntryChunk; // 0x48 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad004c[0x4]; // 0x4c public: PulseRegisterMap_t m_RegisterMap; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xd0 // Has VTable // // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo // MPulseDomainHiddenInTool class CBasePulseGraphInstance { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0xd0]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MPulseLibraryBindings // MPropertyDescription "Basic math support." class CPulseMathlib { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPropertyFriendlyName "Fake Ent-Fire" // MPulseEditorHeaderText class CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainEntFire : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: CUtlString m_Input; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPropertyFriendlyName "Spawn Fake Entity" class CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainCreateFakeEntity : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PulseRuntimeOutputIndex_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PulseRuntimeOutputIndex_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleShuffled : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: CUtlVector< CPulse_OutflowConnection > m_Outputs; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xf8 // Has VTable // // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo // MPulseLibraryBindings // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag class CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain : public CBasePulseGraphInstance { public: bool m_bIsRunningUnitTests; // 0xd0 bool m_bExplicitTimeStepping; // 0xd1 bool m_bExpectingToDestroyWithYieldedCursors; // 0xd2 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00d3[0x1]; // 0xd3 public: int32_t m_nNextValidateIndex; // 0xd4 CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_Tracepoints; // 0xd8 bool m_bTestYesOrNoPath; // 0xf0 // Static fields: static double &Get_s_flExplicitCurTime(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xb0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Inflow_Method : public CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint { public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_MethodName; // 0x70 CUtlString m_Description; // 0x78 bool m_bIsPublic; // 0x80 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0081[0x7]; // 0x81 public: CPulseValueFullType m_ReturnType; // 0x88 CUtlVector< CPulseRuntimeMethodArg > m_Args; // 0x98 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulse_Variable { public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_Name; // 0x0 CUtlString m_Description; // 0x8 CPulseValueFullType m_Type; // 0x10 KeyValues3 m_DefaultValue; // 0x20 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0030[0x2]; // 0x30 public: bool m_bIsPublic; // 0x32 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulse_InvokeBinding { public: PulseRegisterMap_t m_RegisterMap; // 0x0 CUtlSymbolLarge m_FuncName; // 0x20 PulseRuntimeCellIndex_t m_nCellIndex; // 0x28 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad002c[0x4]; // 0x2c public: CPulseValueFullType m_InstanceType; // 0x30 PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t m_nSrcChunk; // 0x40 int32_t m_nSrcInstruction; // 0x44 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PulseRuntimeInvokeIndex_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PulseRuntimeInvokeIndex_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PulseTestEHandle_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PulseTestEHandle_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Outflow_SimultaneousParallel : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: CUtlVector< CPulse_OutflowConnection > m_Outputs; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xf0 // Has VTable // // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo // MPulseLibraryBindings class CPulseGraphInstance_TurtleGraphics : public CBasePulseGraphInstance { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Step_CallExternalMethod : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_MethodName; // 0x48 CUtlVector< CPulseRuntimeMethodArg > m_ExpectedArgs; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulse_OutputConnection { public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_SourceOutput; // 0x0 CUtlSymbolLarge m_TargetEntity; // 0x8 CUtlSymbolLarge m_TargetInput; // 0x10 CUtlSymbolLarge m_Param; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulse_PublicOutput { public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_Name; // 0x0 CUtlString m_Description; // 0x8 CPulseValueFullType m_ParamType; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x78 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Inflow_EventHandler : public CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint { public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_EventName; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleRandom : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: CUtlVector< CPulse_OutflowConnection > m_Outputs; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulse_ResumePoint : public CPulse_OutflowConnection { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random Integer" // MPropertyDescription "Generate a random integer between min and max (inclusive)" // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon class CPulseCell_Value_RandomInt : public CPulseCell_BaseValue { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleShuffled__InstanceState_t { public: CUtlVectorFixedGrowable< uint8 > m_Shuffle; // 0x0 int32_t m_nNextShuffle; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MPulseRegisterTypeInfo // MPulseBindableTarget // MPulseLibraryBindings // MPulseProvideFeatureTag struct FakeEntity_t { public: PulseTestEHandle_t m_nHandle; // 0x0 CUtlString m_Name; // 0x8 CUtlString m_Class; // 0x10 bool m_bDestroyed; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0019[0x7]; // 0x19 public: CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain* m_pAssociatedGraphInstance; // 0x20 bool m_bFuncWasCalled; // 0x28 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0029[0x3]; // 0x29 public: float m_fValue; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings class CPulseCell_Test_NoInflow : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Outflow_StringSwitch : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: CPulse_OutflowConnection m_DefaultCaseOutflow; // 0x48 CUtlVector< CPulse_OutflowConnection > m_CaseOutflows; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings class CPulseCell_Test_MultiInflow_WithDefault : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPropertyFriendlyName "[Test] Int Value 50" // MPropertyDescription "Test node that just generates the integer 50. Nothing to see here!" class CPulseCell_Value_TestValue50 : public CPulseCell_BaseValue { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x98 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Inflow_EntOutputHandler : public CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint { public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_SourceEntity; // 0x70 CUtlSymbolLarge m_SourceOutput; // 0x78 CUtlSymbolLarge m_TargetInput; // 0x80 CPulseValueFullType m_ExpectedParamType; // 0x88 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x190 // Has VTable // // MPulseLibraryBindings // MPulseInternal_IsCursor class CTestDomainDerived_Cursor : public CPulseExecCursor { public: int32_t m_nCursorValueA; // 0x188 int32_t m_nCursorValueB; // 0x18c }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPropertyFriendlyName "Wait" // MPropertyDescription "Causes each execution cursor to pause at this node for a fixed period of time. Each cursor will wake up and resume execution when the time expires, unless aborted or early-woken." // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon class CPulseCell_Inflow_Wait : public CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow { public: CPulse_ResumePoint m_WakeResume; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x78 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Inflow_GraphHook : public CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint { public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_HookName; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Inflow_Yield : public CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow { public: CPulse_ResumePoint m_UnyieldResume; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MPulseLibraryBindings // MPropertyDescription "Test functions for the derived test domain." class CPulseTestFuncs_DerivedDomain { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleOrdered : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: CUtlVector< CPulse_OutflowConnection > m_Outputs; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x100 // Has VTable // // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo // MPulseLibraryBindings // MPulseDomainHiddenInTool class CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain_Derived : public CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain { public: int32_t m_nInstanceValueX; // 0xf8 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPropertyFriendlyName "[Test] Random Yes/No Outflow" // MPropertyDescription "Test node that randomly picks between two outflows." class CPulseCell_Outflow_TestRandomYesNo : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Yes" // MPropertyDescription "Randomly taken half of the time" CPulse_OutflowConnection m_Yes; // 0x48 // MPropertyFriendlyName "No" // MPropertyDescription "Randomly taken half of the time" CPulse_OutflowConnection m_No; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulse_RegisterInfo { public: PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t m_nReg; // 0x0 CPulseValueFullType m_Type; // 0x8 CKV3MemberNameWithStorage m_OriginName; // 0x18 int32_t m_nWrittenByInstruction; // 0x50 int32_t m_nLastReadByInstruction; // 0x54 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MPulseLibraryBindings // MPropertyDescription "Testing script helpers." class CPulseTestScriptLib { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleOrdered__InstanceState_t { public: int32_t m_nNextIndex; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PulseRuntimeVarIndex_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PulseRuntimeVarIndex_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPulse_Chunk { public: CUtlLeanVector< PGDInstruction_t > m_Instructions; // 0x0 CUtlLeanVector< CPulse_RegisterInfo > m_Registers; // 0x10 CUtlLeanVector< PulseDocNodeID_t > m_InstructionEditorIDs; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PulseRuntimeEntrypointIndex_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PulseRuntimeEntrypointIndex_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PGDInstruction_t { public: PulseInstructionCode_t m_nCode; // 0x0 PulseRuntimeVarIndex_t m_nVar; // 0x4 PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t m_nReg0; // 0x8 PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t m_nReg1; // 0xa PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t m_nReg2; // 0xc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000e[0x2]; // 0xe public: PulseRuntimeInvokeIndex_t m_nInvokeBindingIndex; // 0x10 PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t m_nChunk; // 0x14 int32_t m_nDestInstruction; // 0x18 PulseRuntimeCallInfoIndex_t m_nCallInfoIndex; // 0x1c CUtlSymbolLarge m_Arg0Name; // 0x20 CUtlSymbolLarge m_Arg1Name; // 0x28 bool m_bLiteralBool; // 0x30 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0031[0x3]; // 0x31 public: int32_t m_nLiteralInt; // 0x34 float m_flLiteralFloat; // 0x38 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad003c[0x4]; // 0x3c public: CBufferString m_LiteralString; // 0x40 Vector m_vLiteralVec3; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPropertyFriendlyName "Destroy Fake Entity" class CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainDestroyFakeEntity : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_system') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MPulseLibraryBindings // MPropertyDescription "Library for interacting with a few global test values." class CPulseTestFuncs_LibraryA { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x1]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPropertyFriendlyName "Find Fake Entity" class CPulseCell_Val_TestDomainFindEntityByName : public CPulseCell_BaseValue { public: }; // Registered binary: pulse_system.dll (project 'pulse_runtime_lib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MCellForDomain // MPulseCellMethodBindings // MPulseCellWithCustomDocNode class CPulseCell_Step_PublicOutput : public CPulseCell_BaseFlow { public: PulseRuntimeOutputIndex_t m_OutputIndex; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 class CParticleProperty { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x28]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct ParticleAttributeIndex_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("ParticleAttributeIndex_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CParticleInput { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x158 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MClassIsParticleFloat // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue class CParticleFloatInput : public CParticleInput { public: ParticleFloatType_t m_nType; // 0x10 ParticleFloatMapType_t m_nMapType; // 0x14 float m_flLiteralValue; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001c[0x4]; // 0x1c public: CParticleNamedValueRef m_NamedValue; // 0x20 int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x60 ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nScalarAttribute; // 0x64 ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVectorAttribute; // 0x68 int32_t m_nVectorComponent; // 0x6c float m_flRandomMin; // 0x70 float m_flRandomMax; // 0x74 bool m_bHasRandomSignFlip; // 0x78 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0079[0x3]; // 0x79 public: int32_t m_nRandomSeed; // 0x7c ParticleFloatRandomMode_t m_nRandomMode; // 0x80 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0084[0x4]; // 0x84 public: float m_flLOD0; // 0x88 float m_flLOD1; // 0x8c float m_flLOD2; // 0x90 float m_flLOD3; // 0x94 ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nNoiseInputVectorAttribute; // 0x98 float m_flNoiseOutputMin; // 0x9c float m_flNoiseOutputMax; // 0xa0 float m_flNoiseScale; // 0xa4 Vector m_vecNoiseOffsetRate; // 0xa8 float m_flNoiseOffset; // 0xb4 int32_t m_nNoiseOctaves; // 0xb8 PFNoiseTurbulence_t m_nNoiseTurbulence; // 0xbc PFNoiseType_t m_nNoiseType; // 0xc0 PFNoiseModifier_t m_nNoiseModifier; // 0xc4 float m_flNoiseTurbulenceScale; // 0xc8 float m_flNoiseTurbulenceMix; // 0xcc float m_flNoiseImgPreviewScale; // 0xd0 bool m_bNoiseImgPreviewLive; // 0xd4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00d5[0xb]; // 0xd5 public: float m_flNoCameraFallback; // 0xe0 bool m_bUseBoundsCenter; // 0xe4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00e5[0x3]; // 0xe5 public: ParticleFloatInputMode_t m_nInputMode; // 0xe8 float m_flMultFactor; // 0xec float m_flInput0; // 0xf0 float m_flInput1; // 0xf4 float m_flOutput0; // 0xf8 float m_flOutput1; // 0xfc float m_flNotchedRangeMin; // 0x100 float m_flNotchedRangeMax; // 0x104 float m_flNotchedOutputOutside; // 0x108 float m_flNotchedOutputInside; // 0x10c ParticleFloatBiasType_t m_nBiasType; // 0x110 float m_flBiasParameter; // 0x114 CPiecewiseCurve m_Curve; // 0x118 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x158 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyCustomEditor class CParticleCollectionFloatInput : public CParticleFloatInput { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1c0 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CParticleFunction { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator strength" // MPropertySortPriority "-100" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOpStrength; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator end cap state" // MPropertySortPriority "-100" ParticleEndcapMode_t m_nOpEndCapState; // 0x160 // MPropertyStartGroup "Operator Fade" // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator start fadein" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpStartFadeInTime; // 0x164 // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator end fadein" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpEndFadeInTime; // 0x168 // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator start fadeout" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpStartFadeOutTime; // 0x16c // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator end fadeout" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpEndFadeOutTime; // 0x170 // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade oscillate" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpFadeOscillatePeriod; // 0x174 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize fade times to endcap" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" bool m_bNormalizeToStopTime; // 0x178 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0179[0x3]; // 0x179 public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Operator Fade Time Offset" // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade time offset min" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpTimeOffsetMin; // 0x17c // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade time offset max" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpTimeOffsetMax; // 0x180 // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade time offset seed" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" int32_t m_nOpTimeOffsetSeed; // 0x184 // MPropertyStartGroup "Operator Fade Timescale Modifiers" // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade time scale seed" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" int32_t m_nOpTimeScaleSeed; // 0x188 // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade time scale min" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpTimeScaleMin; // 0x18c // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator fade time scale max" // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" float m_flOpTimeScaleMax; // 0x190 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0194[0x2]; // 0x194 public: // MPropertyStartGroup // MPropertySuppressField bool m_bDisableOperator; // 0x196 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0197[0x1]; // 0x197 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "operator help and notes" // MParticleHelpField // MParticleAdvancedField // MPropertySortPriority "-100" CUtlString m_Notes; // 0x198 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1c0 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CParticleFunctionInitializer : public CParticleFunction { // Collision detected(0x1b8->0x1c0), output may be wrong. public: // Skipped field "m_nAssociatedEmitterIndex" @ 0x1b8 because of the struct collision }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" int32_t m_nInputMin; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" int32_t m_nInputMax; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input scale control point" int32_t m_nScaleControlPoint; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input scale control point field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nScaleControlPointField; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified input range" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "invert input from total particle count" bool m_bInvert; // 0x1e1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "wrap input" bool m_bWrap; // 0x1e2 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e3[0x1]; // 0x1e3 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap bias" float m_flRemapBias; // 0x1e4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x658 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MClassIsParticleVec // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue class CParticleVecInput : public CParticleInput { public: ParticleVecType_t m_nType; // 0x10 Vector m_vLiteralValue; // 0x14 Color m_LiteralColor; // 0x20 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0024[0x4]; // 0x24 public: CParticleNamedValueRef m_NamedValue; // 0x28 bool m_bFollowNamedValue; // 0x68 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0069[0x3]; // 0x69 public: ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVectorAttribute; // 0x6c Vector m_vVectorAttributeScale; // 0x70 int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x7c int32_t m_nDeltaControlPoint; // 0x80 Vector m_vCPValueScale; // 0x84 Vector m_vCPRelativePosition; // 0x90 Vector m_vCPRelativeDir; // 0x9c CParticleFloatInput m_FloatComponentX; // 0xa8 CParticleFloatInput m_FloatComponentY; // 0x200 CParticleFloatInput m_FloatComponentZ; // 0x358 CParticleFloatInput m_FloatInterp; // 0x4b0 float m_flInterpInput0; // 0x608 float m_flInterpInput1; // 0x60c Vector m_vInterpOutput0; // 0x610 Vector m_vInterpOutput1; // 0x61c CColorGradient m_Gradient; // 0x628 Vector m_vRandomMin; // 0x640 Vector m_vRandomMax; // 0x64c }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1c0 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CParticleFunctionOperator : public CParticleFunction { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x44 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CParticleVisibilityInputs { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "camera depth bias" float m_flCameraBias; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nCPin; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input proxy radius" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flProxyRadius; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input proxy visibility minimum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flInputMin; // 0xc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input proxy visibility maximum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flInputMax; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input proxy unsupported hardware fallback value" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flNoPixelVisibilityFallback; // 0x14 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input distance minimum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flDistanceInputMin; // 0x18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input distance maximum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flDistanceInputMax; // 0x1c // MPropertyFriendlyName "input dot minimum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flDotInputMin; // 0x20 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input dot maximum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flDotInputMax; // 0x24 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input dot use CP angles" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" bool m_bDotCPAngles; // 0x28 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input dot use Camera angles" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" bool m_bDotCameraAngles; // 0x29 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad002a[0x2]; // 0x2a public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output alpha scale minimum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flAlphaScaleMin; // 0x2c // MPropertyFriendlyName "output alpha scale maximum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flAlphaScaleMax; // 0x30 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output radius scale minimum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flRadiusScaleMin; // 0x34 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output radius scale maximum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flRadiusScaleMax; // 0x38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output radius FOV scale base" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCPin == -1" float m_flRadiusScaleFOVBase; // 0x3c // MPropertyFriendlyName "vr camera right eye" // MParticleAdvancedField bool m_bRightEye; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_CycleScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "destination scalar field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nDestField; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Value at start of cycle" float m_flStartValue; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Value at end of cycle" float m_flEndValue; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Cycle time" float m_flCycleTime; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Do not repeat cycle" bool m_bDoNotRepeatCycle; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Synchronize particles" bool m_bSynchronizeParticles; // 0x1d1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d2[0x2]; // 0x1d2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Scale Start/End Control Point" int32_t m_nCPScale; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start scale control point field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPFieldMin; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end scale control point field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPFieldMax; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x158 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyCustomEditor class CPerParticleFloatInput : public CParticleFloatInput { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1c0 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CParticleFunctionConstraint : public CParticleFunction { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CParticleFunctionRenderer : public CParticleFunction { // Collision detected(0x1b8->0x1c0), output may be wrong. public: // Skipped field "VisibilityInputs" @ 0x1b8 because of the struct collision // MPropertyStartGroup "Rendering filter" // MPropertyFriendlyName "I cannot be refracted through refracting objects like water" // MPropertySortPriority "-1" bool m_bCannotBeRefracted; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Skip rendering on mobile" // MPropertySortPriority "-1" bool m_bSkipRenderingOnMobile; // 0x1fd }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x490 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetPerChildControlPoint : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to set" int32_t m_nFirstControlPoint; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of children to set" int32_t m_nNumControlPoints; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cc[0x4]; // 0x1cc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nParticleIncrement; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first particle to copy" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nFirstSourcePoint; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set orientation from velocity" bool m_bSetOrientation; // 0x480 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0481[0x3]; // 0x481 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation vector" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOrientationField; // 0x484 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set number of children based on particle count" bool m_bNumBasedOnParticleCount; // 0x488 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyCustomEditor // MClassIsParticleTransform // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue class CParticleTransformInput : public CParticleInput { public: ParticleTransformType_t m_nType; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0014[0x4]; // 0x14 public: CParticleNamedValueRef m_NamedValue; // 0x18 bool m_bFollowNamedValue; // 0x58 bool m_bSupportsDisabled; // 0x59 bool m_bUseOrientation; // 0x5a private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad005b[0x1]; // 0x5b public: int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x5c int32_t m_nControlPointRangeMax; // 0x60 float m_flEndCPGrowthTime; // 0x64 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x158 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyCustomEditor class CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput : public CParticleCollectionFloatInput { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x250 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_ModelCull : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use only bounding box" bool m_bBoundBox; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull outside instead of inside" bool m_bCullOutside; // 0x1c5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x1c6 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char m_HitboxSetName[128]; // 0x1c7 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CParticleFunctionForce : public CParticleFunction { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PointDefinition_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use local coordinates for offset" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0x4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0005[0x3]; // 0x5 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset from control point" Vector m_vOffset; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CGeneralSpin : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "spin rate degrees" int32_t m_nSpinRateDegrees; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spin rate min" int32_t m_nSpinRateMinDegrees; // 0x1c4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c8[0x4]; // 0x1c8 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "spin stop time" float m_fSpinRateStopTime; // 0x1cc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x658 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyCustomEditor class CParticleCollectionVecInput : public CParticleVecInput { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ParentVortices : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of force" float m_flForceScale; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "twist axis" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecTwistAxis; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "flip twist axis with yaw" bool m_bFlipBasedOnYaw; // 0x1e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ParticleControlPointDriver_t { public: int32_t m_iControlPoint; // 0x0 ParticleAttachment_t m_iAttachType; // 0x4 CUtlString m_attachmentName; // 0x8 Vector m_vecOffset; // 0x10 QAngle m_angOffset; // 0x1c CUtlString m_entityName; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetToCP : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset" Vector m_vecOffset; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset in local space" bool m_bOffsetLocal; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CParticleFunctionPreEmission : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Run Only Once" bool m_bRunOnce; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x320 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_QuantizeFloat : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "interval to snap to" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x318 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x730 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapParticleCountToScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nInputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nInputMax; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x728 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0729[0x3]; // 0x729 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x72c }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class IParticleCollection { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_VectorNoise : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise coordinate scale" float m_fl4NoiseScale; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "additive" bool m_bAdditive; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset instead of accelerate position" bool m_bOffset; // 0x1e1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e2[0x2]; // 0x1e2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Noise animation time scale" float m_flNoiseAnimationTimeScale; // 0x1e4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ForceControlPointStub : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_ControlPoint; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x340 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_PositionWarpScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp min" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecWarpMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp max" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecWarpMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp amount" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "previous position scale" float m_flPrevPosScale; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp scale control point number" int32_t m_nScaleControlPointNumber; // 0x334 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x338 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x730 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RopeSpringConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "slack" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRestLength; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum segment length %" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMinDistance; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum segment length %" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMaxDistance; // 0x470 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor for spring correction" float m_flAdjustmentScale; // 0x5c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad05cc[0x4]; // 0x5cc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "manual resting spacing" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInitialRestingLength; // 0x5d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointOrientationToCPVelocity : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point input for velocity" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point output for orientation" int32_t m_nCPOutput; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "names" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_names; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap values for names" CUtlVector< float32 > m_values; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model from renderer" bool m_bModelFromRenderer; // 0x204 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1c0 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CParticleFunctionEmitter : public CParticleFunction { // Collision detected(0x1b8->0x1c0), output may be wrong. public: // Skipped field "m_nEmitterIndex" @ 0x1b8 because of the struct collision }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x658 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyCustomEditor class CPerParticleVecInput : public CParticleVecInput { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapSpeed : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore delta time" bool m_bIgnoreDelta; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1c0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_WorldCollideConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct MaterialVariable_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "material variable" CUtlString m_strVariable; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVariableField; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale" float m_flScale; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_SetRigidAttachment : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "attribute to read from" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "attribute to cache to" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0x1cc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ParticlePreviewState_t { public: CUtlString m_previewModel; // 0x0 uint32_t m_nModSpecificData; // 0x8 PetGroundType_t m_groundType; // 0xc CUtlString m_sequenceName; // 0x10 int32_t m_nFireParticleOnSequenceFrame; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001c[0x4]; // 0x1c public: CUtlString m_hitboxSetName; // 0x20 CUtlString m_materialGroupName; // 0x28 CUtlVector< ParticlePreviewBodyGroup_t > m_vecBodyGroups; // 0x30 float m_flPlaybackSpeed; // 0x48 float m_flParticleSimulationRate; // 0x4c bool m_bShouldDrawHitboxes; // 0x50 bool m_bShouldDrawAttachments; // 0x51 bool m_bShouldDrawAttachmentNames; // 0x52 bool m_bShouldDrawControlPointAxes; // 0x53 bool m_bAnimationNonLooping; // 0x54 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0055[0x3]; // 0x55 public: Vector m_vecPreviewGravity; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapDensityToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radius scale for particle influence" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Density value to map to min value" float m_flDensityMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Density value to map to max value" float m_flDensityMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output minimum" Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output maximum" Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use parent density instead of ours" bool m_bUseParentDensity; // 0x1e8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e9[0x3]; // 0x1e9 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Resolution to use for creating a voxel grid" int32_t m_nVoxelGridResolution; // 0x1ec }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ForceBasedOnDistanceToPlane : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min distance from plane" float m_flMinDist; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force at min distance" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecForceAtMinDist; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max distance from plane" float m_flMaxDist; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force at max distance" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecForceAtMaxDist; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "plane normal" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecPlaneNormal; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "exponent" float m_flExponent; // 0x200 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1c0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_EndCapDecay : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x930 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_DistanceToCPInit : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nStartCP; // 0x728 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ensure line of sight" bool m_bLOS; // 0x72c // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS collision group" char m_CollisionGroupName[128]; // 0x72d private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad07ad[0x3]; // 0x7ad public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x7b0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad07b4[0x4]; // 0x7b4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Maximum Trace Length" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x7b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS Failure Scalar" float m_flLOSScale; // 0x910 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x914 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified distance" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x918 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0919[0x3]; // 0x919 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance component scale" Vector m_vecDistanceScale; // 0x91c // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap bias" float m_flRemapBias; // 0x928 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x340 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_EnableChildrenFromParentParticleCount : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first child to enable" int32_t m_nFirstChild; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max # of children to enable (-1 for max particle count)" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nNumChildrenToEnable; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remove children when particle count lowers" bool m_bDisableChildren; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "play endcap when children are removed" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bDisableChildren" bool m_bPlayEndcapOnStop; // 0x331 // MPropertyFriendlyName "destroy particles immediately when child is removed" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bDisableChildren" bool m_bDestroyImmediately; // 0x332 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xdd0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderLightBeam : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Color Blend" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vColorBlend; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Color Blend Type" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0x858 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad085c[0x4]; // 0x85c public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Lumens Per Meter" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flBrightnessLumensPerMeter; // 0x860 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Shadows" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod == csgo" bool m_bCastShadows; // 0x9b8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad09b9[0x7]; // 0x9b9 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Skirt" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flSkirt; // 0x9c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Range" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRange; // 0xb18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Thickness" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flThickness; // 0xc70 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderFlattenGrass : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "flattening strength" float m_flFlattenStrength; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "strength field override" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nStrengthFieldOverride; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x208 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_MovementRigidAttachToCP : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale control point number" int32_t m_nScaleControlPoint; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale control point field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nScaleCPField; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cache attribute to read from" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "attribute to write to" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space" bool m_bOffsetLocal; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_ChaoticAttractor : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "pickover A parameter" float m_flAParm; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pickover B parameter" float m_flBParm; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pickover C parameter" float m_flCParm; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pickover D parameter" float m_flDParm; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale" float m_flScale; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed min" float m_flSpeedMin; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed max" float m_flSpeedMax; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "relative control point number" int32_t m_nBaseCP; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "uniform speed" bool m_bUniformSpeed; // 0x1e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RampScalarLinearSimple : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate" float m_Rate; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time" float m_flEndTime; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cc[0x24]; // 0x1cc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x1f0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InheritFromParentParticles : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale" float m_flScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherited field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" int32_t m_nIncrement; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random parent particle distribution" bool m_bRandomDistribution; // 0x1cc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cd[0x3]; // 0x1cd public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "random seed" int32_t m_nRandomSeed; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar : public C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToScalar { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output min name" CUtlString m_outputMinName; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output max name" CUtlString m_outputMaxName; // 0x200 bool m_bModelFromRenderer; // 0x208 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x340 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetGravityToCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to sample gravity" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nCPOutput; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "gravity scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flScale; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set orientation" bool m_bSetOrientation; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set gravity orientation to Z Down (instead of X)" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bSetOrientation" bool m_bSetZDown; // 0x331 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomColor : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c0[0x1c]; // 0x1c0 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color1" Color m_ColorMin; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "color2" Color m_ColorMax; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint clamp min" Color m_TintMin; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint clamp max" Color m_TintMax; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint perc" float m_flTintPerc; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint update movement threshold" float m_flUpdateThreshold; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint control point" int32_t m_nTintCP; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint blend mode" ParticleColorBlendMode_t m_nTintBlendMode; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "light amplification amount" float m_flLightAmplification; // 0x200 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x350 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LerpToOtherAttribute : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input attribute from" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInputFrom; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input attribute to" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x31c // MPropertyFriendlyName "output attribute" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x320 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_PointList : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "point list" CUtlVector< PointDefinition_t > m_pointList; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "space points along path" bool m_bPlaceAlongPath; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Treat path as a loop" bool m_bClosedLoop; // 0x1e1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e2[0x2]; // 0x1e2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Numer of points along path" int32_t m_nNumPointsAlongPath; // 0x1e4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x4a0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetAttributeToScalarExpression : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" ScalarExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInput1; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInput2; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x47c }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyCustomEditor // MClassIsParticleModel // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue class CParticleModelInput : public CParticleInput { public: ParticleModelType_t m_nType; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0014[0x4]; // 0x14 public: CParticleNamedValueRef m_NamedValue; // 0x18 int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x820 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_ScaleVelocity : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity scale" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x220 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input names" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_inNames; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output names" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_outNames; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fallback names when the input doesn't match" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_fallbackNames; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model from renderer" bool m_bModelFromRenderer; // 0x210 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0211[0x3]; // 0x211 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x218 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x330 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_CPVelocityForce : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d4[0x4]; // 0x1d4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flScale; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateSpiralSphere : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "override CP (X/Y/Z *= radius/density/speed)" int32_t m_nOverrideCP; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "density" int32_t m_nDensity; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "initial radius" float m_flInitialRadius; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "min initial speed" float m_flInitialSpeedMin; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max initial speed" float m_flInitialSpeedMax; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use particle count as density scale" bool m_bUseParticleCount; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LockPoints : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min column/particle index to affect" int32_t m_nMinCol; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max column/particle index to affect" int32_t m_nMaxCol; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "min row/particle index to affect" int32_t m_nMinRow; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max row/particle index to affect" int32_t m_nMaxRow; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to lock to" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of current position to preserve" float m_flBlendValue; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x330 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateFromCPs : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point increment amount" int32_t m_nIncrement; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "starting control point" int32_t m_nMinCP; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ending control point" // MParticleMinVersion "2" int32_t m_nMaxCP; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cc[0x4]; // 0x1cc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "dynamic control point count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nDynamicCPCount; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x490 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_PlanarConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "plane point" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_PointOnPlane; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "plane normal" Vector m_PlaneNormal; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "global origin" bool m_bGlobalOrigin; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "global normal" bool m_bGlobalNormal; // 0x1dd private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01de[0x2]; // 0x1de public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "falloff distance from control point" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMaximumDistanceToCP; // 0x338 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ModelReference_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "model" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_model; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Relative probability" float m_flRelativeProbabilityOfSpawn; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x5e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SelectivelyEnableChildren : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first child to enable" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nFirstChild; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of children to enable" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nNumChildrenToEnable; // 0x480 // MPropertyFriendlyName "play endcap when children are removed" bool m_bPlayEndcapOnStop; // 0x5d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "destroy particles immediately when child is removed" bool m_bDestroyImmediately; // 0x5d9 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_SequenceFromCP : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "kill unused" bool m_bKillUnused; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset propotional to radius" bool m_bRadiusScale; // 0x1c1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c2[0x2]; // 0x1c2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per particle spatial offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffset; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_NoiseEmitter : public CParticleFunctionEmitter { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission duration" float m_flEmissionDuration; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale emission to used control points" // MParticleMaxVersion "1" float m_flEmissionScale; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission count scale control point" int32_t m_nScaleControlPoint; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission count scale control point field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nScaleControlPointField; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "world noise scale control point" int32_t m_nWorldNoisePoint; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "absolute value" bool m_bAbsVal; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "invert absolute value" bool m_bAbsValInv; // 0x1d9 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01da[0x2]; // 0x1da public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "time coordinate offset" float m_flOffset; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time noise coordinate scale" float m_flNoiseScale; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "world spatial noise coordinate scale" float m_flWorldNoiseScale; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial coordinate offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetLoc; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "world time noise coordinate scale" float m_flWorldTimeScale; // 0x1fc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InitialSequenceFromModel : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "current anim time output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutputAnim; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1dc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapScalarToVector : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use local system" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0x1f8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01f9[0x3]; // 0x1f9 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap bias" float m_flRemapBias; // 0x1fc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapNamedModelBodyPartToScalar : public C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RadiusDecay : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum radius" float m_flMinRadius; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1ac0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateWithinSphereTransform : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance min" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fRadiusMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance max" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fRadiusMax; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance bias" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecDistanceBias; // 0x470 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance bias absolute value" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecDistanceBiasAbs; // 0xac8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0ad4[0x4]; // 0xad4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input position transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0xad8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed min" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fSpeedMin; // 0xb40 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed max" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fSpeedMax; // 0xc98 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed random exponent" float m_fSpeedRandExp; // 0xdf0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias in local system" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0xdf4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0df5[0x3]; // 0xdf5 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "randomly distribution growth time" float m_flEndCPGrowthTime; // 0xdf8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0dfc[0x4]; // 0xdfc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed in local coordinate system min" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMin; // 0xe00 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed in local coordinate system max" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMax; // 0x1458 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output vector" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1ab0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Velocity vector" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldVelocity; // 0x1ab4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SnapshotSkinToBones : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotate normals" bool m_bTransformNormals; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale radii" bool m_bTransformRadii; // 0x1c1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c2[0x2]; // 0x1c2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime fade start" float m_flLifeTimeFadeStart; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime fade end" float m_flLifeTimeFadeEnd; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "instant jump threshold" float m_flJumpThreshold; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "previous position scale" float m_flPrevPosScale; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x270 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetCPOrientationToGroundNormal : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation rate" float m_flInterpRate; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max trace length" float m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP movement tolerance" float m_flTolerance; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace offset" float m_flTraceOffset; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "collision group" char m_CollisionGroupName[128]; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to trace from" int32_t m_nInputCP; // 0x254 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to set" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x258 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad025c[0xc]; // 0x25c public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "include water" bool m_bIncludeWater; // 0x268 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_TimeVaryingForce : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "time to start transition" float m_flStartLerpTime; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "starting force" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_StartingForce; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time to end transition" float m_flEndLerpTime; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ending force" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_EndingForce; // 0x1e4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x988 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct TextureControls_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "horizontal texture scale" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flFinalTextureScaleU; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "vertical texture scale" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flFinalTextureScaleV; // 0x158 // MPropertyFriendlyName "horizontal texture offset" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flFinalTextureOffsetU; // 0x2b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "vertical texture offset" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flFinalTextureOffsetV; // 0x408 // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture rotation / animation rate scale" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flFinalTextureUVRotation; // 0x560 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Infinite Zoom Scale" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flZoomScale; // 0x6b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distortion Amount" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flDistortion; // 0x810 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Randomize Initial Offset" bool m_bRandomizeOffsets; // 0x968 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Clamp UVs" bool m_bClampUVs; // 0x969 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad096a[0x2]; // 0x96a public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for blend" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleBlend; // 0x96c // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for scale" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleScale; // 0x970 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for horizontal offset" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleOffsetU; // 0x974 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for vertical offset" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleOffsetV; // 0x978 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for rotation" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleRotation; // 0x97c // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for zoom" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleZoom; // 0x980 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle scalar for distortion" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleDistortion; // 0x984 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointFieldToWater : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "source CP" int32_t m_nSourceCP; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "dest CP" int32_t m_nDestCP; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "dest control point component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPField; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LerpVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "value to lerp to" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vecOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time" float m_flEndTime; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x250 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InitialVelocityFromHitbox : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity minimum" float m_flVelocityMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity maximum" float m_flVelocityMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char m_HitboxSetName[128]; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x24c }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RadiusFromCPObject : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_GlobalScale : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale amount" float m_flScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale control point number" int32_t m_nScaleControlPointNumber; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale radius" bool m_bScaleRadius; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale position" bool m_bScalePosition; // 0x1cd // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale velocity" bool m_bScaleVelocity; // 0x1ce }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_HSVShiftToCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Target color control point number" int32_t m_nColorCP; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Color Gem Enable control point number" int32_t m_nColorGemEnableCP; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point number" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Default HSV Color" Color m_DefaultHSVColor; // 0x1dc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapBoundingVolumetoCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input volume minimum in cubic units" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input volume maximum in cubic units" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x230 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderScreenShake : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "duration scale" float m_flDurationScale; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "frequence scale" float m_flFrequencyScale; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amplitude scale" float m_flAmplitudeScale; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nRadiusField; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "duration field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nDurationField; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "frequency field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFrequencyField; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amplitude field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAmplitudeField; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point of shake recipient (-1 = global)" int32_t m_nFilterCP; // 0x220 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_FadeIn : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade in time min" float m_flFadeInTimeMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade in time max" float m_flFadeInTimeMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade in time exponent" float m_flFadeInTimeExp; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "proportional 0/1" bool m_bProportional; // 0x1cc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x330 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetSimulationRate : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "simulation timescale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flSimulationScale; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_Orient2DRelToCP : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset" float m_flRotOffset; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1df0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_CurlNoiseForce : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise type" ParticleDirectionNoiseType_t m_nNoiseType; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d4[0x4]; // 0x1d4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise frequency" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecNoiseFreq; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise amplitude" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecNoiseScale; // 0x830 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecOffset; // 0xe88 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset rate" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecOffsetRate; // 0x14e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "worley seed" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flWorleySeed; // 0x1b38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "worley jitter" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flWorleyJitter; // 0x1c90 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class IControlPointEditorData { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x990 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointRotation : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation axis" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecRotAxis; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRotRate; // 0x828 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x980 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point" int32_t m_nLocalCP; // 0x984 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapCPtoCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nInputControlPoint; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point number" int32_t m_nOutputControlPoint; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nInputField; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutputField; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "use the derivative" bool m_bDerivative; // 0x1f0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01f1[0x3]; // 0x1f1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation" float m_flInterpRate; // 0x1f4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapDotProductToScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "first input control point" int32_t m_nInputCP1; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second input control point" int32_t m_nInputCP2; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum (-1 to 1)" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum (-1 to 1)" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use particle velocity for first input" bool m_bUseParticleVelocity; // 0x1dc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01dd[0x3]; // 0x1dd public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified input range" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use particle normal for first input" bool m_bUseParticleNormal; // 0x1e5 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapAverageScalarValuetoCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutVectorField; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scalar field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input volume minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input volume maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1e8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointToCenter : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number to set" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "center offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set parent" ParticleParentSetMode_t m_nSetParent; // 0x1e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapControlPointOrientationToRotation : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset rotation" float m_flOffsetRot; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point axis" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x1cc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xe80 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DistanceToTransform : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformStart; // 0x728 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ensure line of sight" bool m_bLOS; // 0x790 // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS collision group" char m_CollisionGroupName[128]; // 0x791 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0811[0x3]; // 0x811 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x814 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum trace length" float m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x818 // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS Failure Scalar" float m_flLOSScale; // 0x81c // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x820 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified distance" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x824 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output is additive" bool m_bAdditive; // 0x825 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0826[0x2]; // 0x826 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "component scale" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecComponentScale; // 0x828 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1380 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderStandardLight : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "light type" ParticleLightTypeChoiceList_t m_nLightType; // 0x200 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0204[0x4]; // 0x204 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecColorScale; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend type" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0x860 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0864[0x4]; // 0x864 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "intensity" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flIntensity; // 0x868 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cast shadows" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType == PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX" bool m_bCastShadows; // 0x9c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad09c1[0x7]; // 0x9c1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "inner cone angle" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType != PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flTheta; // 0x9c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "outer cone angle" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType != PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flPhi; // 0xb20 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light radius multiplier" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRadiusMultiplier; // 0xc78 // MPropertyFriendlyName "attenuation type" StandardLightingAttenuationStyle_t m_nAttenuationStyle; // 0xdd0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0dd4[0x4]; // 0xdd4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "falloff linearity" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nAttenuationStyle == LIGHT_STYLE_NEW || ( m_nAttenuationStyle == LIGHT_STYLE_OLD && m_nLightType == PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX )" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFalloffLinearity; // 0xdd8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "falloff fifty percent" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nAttenuationStyle == LIGHT_STYLE_OLD" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFiftyPercentFalloff; // 0xf30 // MPropertyFriendlyName "falloff zero percent" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nAttenuationStyle == LIGHT_STYLE_OLD" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flZeroPercentFalloff; // 0x1088 // MPropertyFriendlyName "render diffuse" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType == PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX" bool m_bRenderDiffuse; // 0x11e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "render specular" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType == PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX" bool m_bRenderSpecular; // 0x11e1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad11e2[0x6]; // 0x11e2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "light cookie string" CUtlString m_lightCookie; // 0x11e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light priority" int32_t m_nPriority; // 0x11f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fog lighting mode" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType == PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX" ParticleLightFogLightingMode_t m_nFogLightingMode; // 0x11f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fog contribution" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nLightType == PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flFogContribution; // 0x11f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "capsule behavior" ParticleLightBehaviorChoiceList_t m_nCapsuleLightBehavior; // 0x1350 // MPropertyStartGroup "Capsule Light Controls" // MPropertyFriendlyName "capsule length" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_TRAILS" float m_flCapsuleLength; // 0x1354 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reverse point order" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_TRAILS" bool m_bReverseOrder; // 0x1358 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Closed loop" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_TRAILS" bool m_bClosedLoop; // 0x1359 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad135a[0x2]; // 0x135a public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Anchor point source" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nPrevPntSource; // 0x135c // MPropertyFriendlyName "max length" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" float m_flMaxLength; // 0x1360 // MPropertyFriendlyName "min length" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" float m_flMinLength; // 0x1364 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore delta time" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" bool m_bIgnoreDT; // 0x1368 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad1369[0x3]; // 0x1369 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "constrain radius to no more than this times the length" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" float m_flConstrainRadiusToLengthRatio; // 0x136c // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount to scale trail length by" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" float m_flLengthScale; // 0x1370 // MPropertyFriendlyName "how long before a trail grows to its full length" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION || m_nCapsuleLightBehavior == PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE" float m_flLengthFadeInTime; // 0x1374 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyCustomEditor class CParticleVariableRef { public: CKV3MemberNameWithStorage m_variableName; // 0x0 PulseValueType_t m_variableType; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_WindForce : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "force to apply" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vForce; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x160 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct FloatInputMaterialVariable_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "material variable" CUtlString m_strVariable; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInput; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class IParticleSystemDefinition { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapCPtoScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field 0-2 X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nField; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap bias" float m_flRemapBias; // 0x1e8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x230 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderStatusEffectCitadel : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color warp texture (3d)" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureColorWarp; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureNormal; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "metalness texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureMetalness; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "roughness texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureRoughness; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "self illum texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureSelfIllum; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "detail texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureDetail; // 0x228 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xe80 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ClampVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecOutputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecOutputMax; // 0x820 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupToScalar : public C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CPathParameters { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start control point number" int32_t m_nStartControlPointNumber; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end control point number" int32_t m_nEndControlPointNumber; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bulge control 0=random 1=orientation of start pnt 2=orientation of end point" int32_t m_nBulgeControl; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random bulge" float m_flBulge; // 0xc // MPropertyFriendlyName "mid point position" float m_flMidPoint; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset from curve start point for path start" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vStartPointOffset; // 0x14 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset from curve midpoint for curve center" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vMidPointOffset; // 0x20 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset from control point for path end" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vEndOffset; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SpinYaw : public CGeneralSpin { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x330 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_StopAfterCPDuration : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "duration at which to stop" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDuration; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "destroy all particles immediately" bool m_bDestroyImmediately; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "play end cap effect" bool m_bPlayEndCap; // 0x329 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x220 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapNamedModelBodyPartEndCap : public C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x220 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_MaintainSequentialPath : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" float m_fMaxDistance; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particles to map from start to end" float m_flNumToAssign; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cohesion strength" float m_flCohesionStrength; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point movement tolerance" float m_flTolerance; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "restart behavior (0 = bounce, 1 = loop )" bool m_bLoop; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use existing particle count" bool m_bUseParticleCount; // 0x1d1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d2[0xe]; // 0x1d2 public: CPathParameters m_PathParams; // 0x1e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointFromObjectScale : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point number" int32_t m_nCPOutput; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x220 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input names" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_inNames; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output names" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_outNames; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fallback names when the input doesn't match" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_fallbackNames; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model from renderer" bool m_bModelFromRenderer; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap time proportional" bool m_bProportional; // 0x211 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0212[0x2]; // 0x212 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap time" float m_flRemapTime; // 0x21c }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RampScalarSpline : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate min" float m_RateMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate max" float m_RateMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time min" float m_flStartTime_min; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time max" float m_flStartTime_max; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time min" float m_flEndTime_min; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time max" float m_flEndTime_max; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias" float m_flBias; // 0x1d8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01dc[0x24]; // 0x1dc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start/end proportional" bool m_bProportionalOp; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ease out" bool m_bEaseOut; // 0x205 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ColorInterpolate : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color fade" Color m_ColorFade; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0xc]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade start time" float m_flFadeStartTime; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade end time" float m_flFadeEndTime; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ease in and out" bool m_bEaseInOut; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "use new code" bool m_bUseNewCode; // 0x1dd }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor class PARTICLE_WORLD_HANDLE__ { public: int32_t unused; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_FadeAndKill : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade in time" float m_flStartFadeInTime; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade in time" float m_flEndFadeInTime; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade out time" float m_flStartFadeOutTime; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade out time" float m_flEndFadeOutTime; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "start alpha" float m_flStartAlpha; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end alpha" float m_flEndAlpha; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force preserving particle order" bool m_bForcePreserveParticleOrder; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x240 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapInitialTransformDirectionToRotation : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset rotation" float m_flOffsetRot; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point axis" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x230 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_PositionOffsetToCP : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "creation control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumberStart; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumberEnd; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset in local space 0/1" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x5e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_MaintainEmitter : public CParticleFunctionEmitter { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "count to maintain" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nParticlesToMaintain; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x318 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad031c[0x4]; // 0x31c public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission duration" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flEmissionDuration; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission rate" float m_flEmissionRate; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point with snapshot data" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint; // 0x47c // MPropertyFriendlyName "group emission times for new particles" bool m_bEmitInstantaneously; // 0x480 // MPropertyFriendlyName "perform final emit on stop" bool m_bFinalEmitOnStop; // 0x481 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0482[0x6]; // 0x482 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "total count scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flScale; // 0x488 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_VelocityFromNormal : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "random speed min" float m_fSpeedMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random speed max" float m_fSpeedMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore delta time" bool m_bIgnoreDt; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_MaxVelocity : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum velocity" float m_flMaxVelocity; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum velocity" float m_flMinVelocity; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "override max velocity from this CP" int32_t m_nOverrideCP; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "override CP field" int32_t m_nOverrideCPField; // 0x1cc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x250 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderProjected : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "project on characters" bool m_bProjectCharacter; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "project on world" bool m_bProjectWorld; // 0x201 // MPropertyFriendlyName "project on water" bool m_bProjectWater; // 0x202 // MPropertyFriendlyName "flip horizontal" bool m_bFlipHorizontal; // 0x203 // MPropertyFriendlyName "enable projected depth controls" bool m_bEnableProjectedDepthControls; // 0x204 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0205[0x3]; // 0x205 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min projection depth" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bEnableProjectedDepthControls" float m_flMinProjectionDepth; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max projection depth" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bEnableProjectedDepthControls" float m_flMaxProjectionDepth; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "material" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hProjectedMaterial; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sheet animation time scale" float m_flAnimationTimeScale; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "orient to normal" bool m_bOrientToNormal; // 0x21c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad021d[0x3]; // 0x21d public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "material variables" // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf CUtlVector< MaterialVariable_t > m_MaterialVars; // 0x220 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "names" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_names; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "shuffle" bool m_bShuffle; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "linear" bool m_bLinear; // 0x1e1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model from renderer" bool m_bModelFromRenderer; // 0x1e2 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e3[0x1]; // 0x1e3 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1e4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x990 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_PerParticleForce : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "force scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flForceScale; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force to apply" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vForce; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x980 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_InheritFromPeerSystem : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "read field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "written field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle neighbor increment amount" int32_t m_nIncrement; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "group id" int32_t m_nGroupID; // 0x1cc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1130 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateOnModel : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input model" CParticleModelInput m_modelInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input transform for transforming local space bias vector" // MParticleInputOptional CParticleTransformInput m_transformInput; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force to be inside model" int32_t m_nForceInModel; // 0x288 // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired hitbox" int32_t m_nDesiredHitbox; // 0x28c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Control Point Providing Hitbox index" int32_t m_nHitboxValueFromControlPointIndex; // 0x290 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0294[0x4]; // 0x294 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecHitBoxScale; // 0x298 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherited velocity scale" float m_flBoneVelocity; // 0x8f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum inherited velocity" float m_flMaxBoneVelocity; // 0x8f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "direction bias" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecDirectionBias; // 0x8f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char m_HitboxSetName[128]; // 0xf50 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias in local space" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0xfd0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0xfd1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0fd2[0x6]; // 0xfd2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox shell thickness" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flShellSize; // 0xfd8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x480 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InitFloat : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x31c // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle strength" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputStrength; // 0x320 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x9e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_MovementRotateParticleAroundAxis : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation axis" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecRotAxis; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRotRate; // 0x818 // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x970 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use local space" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0x9d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x158 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyCustomEditor class CParticleRemapFloatInput : public CParticleFloatInput { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x220 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointPositions : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set positions in world space" bool m_bUseWorldLocation; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherit CP orientation" bool m_bOrient; // 0x1d1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only set position once" bool m_bSetOnce; // 0x1d2 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d3[0x1]; // 0x1d3 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "first control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second control point number" int32_t m_nCP2; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "third control point number" int32_t m_nCP3; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "fourth control point number" int32_t m_nCP4; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first control point location" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second control point location" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP2Pos; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "third control point location" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP3Pos; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "fourth control point location" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP4Pos; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to offset positions from" int32_t m_nHeadLocation; // 0x214 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ConstrainDistanceToUserSpecifiedPath : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum distance" float m_fMinDistance; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" float m_flMaxDistance; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Time scale" float m_flTimeScale; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Treat path as a loop" bool m_bLoopedPath; // 0x1cc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cd[0x3]; // 0x1cd public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "path points" CUtlVector< PointDefinitionWithTimeValues_t > m_pointList; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x7a0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateInEpitrochoid : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "first dimension 0-2 (-1 disables)" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nComponent1; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second dimension 0-2 (-1 disables)" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nComponent2; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle density" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flParticleDensity; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "point offset" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOffset; // 0x388 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius 1" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadius1; // 0x4e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius 2" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadius2; // 0x638 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use particle count instead of creation time" bool m_bUseCount; // 0x790 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space" bool m_bUseLocalCoords; // 0x791 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset from existing position" bool m_bOffsetExistingPos; // 0x792 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DensityForce : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radius scale for particle influence" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Scale of force" float m_flForceScale; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Target density" float m_flTargetDensity; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x5e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateParticleImpulse : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputRadius; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "magnitude" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputMagnitude; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force falloff function" ParticleFalloffFunction_t m_nFalloffFunction; // 0x470 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0474[0x4]; // 0x474 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "exponential falloff exponent" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputFalloffExp; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "impulse type" ParticleImpulseType_t m_nImpulseType; // 0x5d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapCPtoVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space CP" int32_t m_nLocalSpaceCP; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vInputMin; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vInputMax; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vOutputMin; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vOutputMax; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation scale" float m_flInterpRate; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset position" bool m_bOffset; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "accelerate position" bool m_bAccelerate; // 0x20d }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1050 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_PinParticleToCP : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecOffset; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset in local space" bool m_bOffsetLocal; // 0x820 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0821[0x3]; // 0x821 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle to use" ParticleSelection_t m_nParticleSelection; // 0x824 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle number/offset" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nParticleNumber; // 0x828 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pin break type" ParticlePinDistance_t m_nPinBreakType; // 0x980 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0984[0x4]; // 0x984 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "break length %" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flBreakDistance; // 0x988 // MPropertyFriendlyName "break speed" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flBreakSpeed; // 0xae0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "break age" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flAge; // 0xc38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "break comparison control point 1" int32_t m_nBreakControlPointNumber; // 0xd90 // MPropertyFriendlyName "break comparison control point 2" int32_t m_nBreakControlPointNumber2; // 0xd94 // MPropertyFriendlyName "break value" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flBreakValue; // 0xd98 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0xef0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x270 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RtEnvCull : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "test direction" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecTestDir; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull normal" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecTestNormal; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull on miss" bool m_bCullOnMiss; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "stick instead of cull" bool m_bStickInsteadOfCull; // 0x1d9 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ray trace environment name" char m_RtEnvName[128]; // 0x1da private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad025a[0x2]; // 0x25a public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ray trace environment cp" int32_t m_nRTEnvCP; // 0x25c // MPropertyFriendlyName "rt env control point component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x260 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DriveCPFromGlobalSoundFloat : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputControlPoint; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutputField; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sound stack name" CUtlString m_StackName; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sound operator name" CUtlString m_OperatorName; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sound field name" CUtlString m_FieldName; // 0x1f8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapDirectionToCPToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor" float m_flScale; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset rotation" float m_flOffsetRot; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset axis" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetAxis; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x1dc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01dd[0x3]; // 0x1dd public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "strength field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldStrength; // 0x1e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x13f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ChladniWave : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "wave minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "wave maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "wave length" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecWaveLength; // 0x728 // MPropertyFriendlyName "harmonics" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecHarmonics; // 0xd80 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x13d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point" int32_t m_nLocalSpaceControlPoint; // 0x13dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "3D" bool m_b3D; // 0x13e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x330 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetChildControlPoints : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first control point to set" int32_t m_nFirstControlPoint; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of control points to set" int32_t m_nNumControlPoints; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cc[0x4]; // 0x1cc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "first particle to copy" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nFirstSourcePoint; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start as last particle" bool m_bReverse; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set orientation" bool m_bSetOrientation; // 0x329 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ShapeMatchingConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "shape restoration time" float m_flShapeRestorationTime; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x230 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_NormalAlignToCP : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input" CParticleTransformInput m_transformInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point axis" ParticleControlPointAxis_t m_nControlPointAxis; // 0x228 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Distribute evenly" bool m_bDistributeEvenly; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Seed (negative values=randomize)" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bDistributeEvenly" int32_t m_nSeed; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x350 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointToWaterSurface : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "source CP" int32_t m_nSourceCP; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to set to surface" int32_t m_nDestCP; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to set to surface current flow velocity" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != hlx" int32_t m_nFlowCP; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to set component of if water" int32_t m_nActiveCP; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nActiveCPField; // 0x1e0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e4[0x4]; // 0x1e4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "retest rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRetestRate; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "adaptive retest on moving surface" bool m_bAdaptiveThreshold; // 0x340 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InheritVelocity : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity scale" float m_flVelocityScale; // 0x1c4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1420 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderCables : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Renderer Modifiers" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radius Scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flAlphaScale; // 0x358 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecColorScale; // 0x4b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend type" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0xb08 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0b0c[0x4]; // 0xb0c public: // MPropertyStartGroup CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hMaterial; // 0xb10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture repetition mode" TextureRepetitionMode_t m_nTextureRepetitionMode; // 0xb18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0b1c[0x4]; // 0xb1c public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture repetitions" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flTextureRepeatsPerSegment; // 0xb20 // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture repetitions around cable" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flTextureRepeatsCircumference; // 0xc78 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color map offset along path" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flColorMapOffsetV; // 0xdd0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color map offset around cable" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flColorMapOffsetU; // 0xf28 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal map offset along path" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flNormalMapOffsetV; // 0x1080 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal map offset around cable" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flNormalMapOffsetU; // 0x11d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "draw caps at each end of the cable" bool m_bDrawCableCaps; // 0x1330 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad1331[0x3]; // 0x1331 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "cable end cap shape factor" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 2" float m_flCapRoundness; // 0x1334 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cable end cap offset amount" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 2" float m_flCapOffsetAmount; // 0x1338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tessellation scale factor" float m_flTessScale; // 0x133c // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum steps between particles" int32_t m_nMinTesselation; // 0x1340 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum steps between particles" int32_t m_nMaxTesselation; // 0x1344 // MPropertyFriendlyName "roundness factor" int32_t m_nRoundness; // 0x1348 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad134c[0x4]; // 0x134c public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "diffuse lighting origin" // MParticleInputOptional CParticleTransformInput m_LightingTransform; // 0x1350 // MPropertyFriendlyName "material float variables" CUtlVector< FloatInputMaterialVariable_t > m_MaterialFloatVars; // 0x13b8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad13d0[0x18]; // 0x13d0 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "material vector variables" CUtlVector< VecInputMaterialVariable_t > m_MaterialVecVars; // 0x13e8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x490 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InitFromCPSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "field to read" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToRead; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "field to write" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToWrite; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point number" int32_t m_nLocalSpaceCP; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "random order" bool m_bRandom; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reverse order" bool m_bReverse; // 0x1d1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d2[0x6]; // 0x1d2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Snapshot increment amount" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nSnapShotIncrement; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Manual Snapshot Index" CPerParticleFloatInput m_nManualSnapshotIndex; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random seed" int32_t m_nRandomSeed; // 0x488 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space angles" bool m_bLocalSpaceAngles; // 0x48c }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x658 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyCustomEditor class CParticleCollectionRendererVecInput : public CParticleCollectionVecInput { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x220 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapNamedModelSequenceEndCap : public C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x330 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_PlaneCull : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point of plane" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull offset" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDistance; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "flip cull normal" bool m_bCullInside; // 0x320 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x2b0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransforms : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d4[0x4]; // 0x1d4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "strarting transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformStart; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformEnd; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x2a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within input range" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x2ac // MPropertyFriendlyName "treat distance between points as radius" bool m_bRadialCheck; // 0x2ad }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xff0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointFieldFromVectorExpression : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" VectorFloatExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d4[0x4]; // 0x1d4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecInput1; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecInput2; // 0x830 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output" CParticleRemapFloatInput m_flOutputRemap; // 0xe88 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0xfe0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutVectorField; // 0xfe4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DifferencePreviousParticle : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "difference minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "difference maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified difference" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "also set ouput to previous particle" bool m_bSetPreviousParticle; // 0x1dd }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointToHMD : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use hmd orientation" bool m_bOrientToHMD; // 0x1e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x480 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ClampScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x320 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x280 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InitialRepulsionVelocity : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "collision group" char m_CollisionGroupName[128]; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum velocity" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x244 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum velocity" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x25c // MPropertyFriendlyName "per particle world collision tests" bool m_bPerParticle; // 0x260 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset instead of accelerate" bool m_bTranslate; // 0x261 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset proportional to radius 0/1" bool m_bProportional; // 0x262 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0263[0x1]; // 0x263 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace length" float m_flTraceLength; // 0x264 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use radius for per particle trace length" bool m_bPerParticleTR; // 0x268 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherit from parent" bool m_bInherit; // 0x269 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad026a[0x2]; // 0x26a public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control points to broadcast to children (n + 1)" int32_t m_nChildCP; // 0x26c // MPropertyFriendlyName "child group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x270 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x330 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LerpScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value to lerp to" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutput; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time" float m_flEndTime; // 0x324 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x480 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_MovementMoveAlongSkinnedCPSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set normal" bool m_bSetNormal; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set radius" bool m_bSetRadius; // 0x1c9 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01ca[0x6]; // 0x1ca public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Snapshot Index T Value" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flTValue; // 0x328 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xa10 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_SetHitboxToModel : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force to be inside model" int32_t m_nForceInModel; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired hitbox" int32_t m_nDesiredHitbox; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cc[0x4]; // 0x1cc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "model hitbox scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecHitBoxScale; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "direction bias" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecDirectionBias; // 0x828 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maintain existing hitbox" bool m_bMaintainHitbox; // 0x834 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x835 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char m_HitboxSetName[128]; // 0x836 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad08b6[0x2]; // 0x8b6 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox shell thickness" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flShellSize; // 0x8b8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x830 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InitVec : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CPerParticleVecInput m_InputValue; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x818 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x81c // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize result" bool m_bNormalizedOutput; // 0x820 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set previous position" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nOutputField != PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ" bool m_bWritePreviousPosition; // 0x821 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapDensityGradientToVectorAttribute : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radius scale for particle influence" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_AlphaDecay : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum alpha" float m_flMinAlpha; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SequenceFromModel : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "current anim time output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutputAnim; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1dc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x5d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ColorAdjustHSL : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "hue adjust" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flHueAdjust; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "saturation adjust" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flSaturationAdjust; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lightness adjust" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flLightnessAdjust; // 0x470 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_FadeAndKillForTracers : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade in time" float m_flStartFadeInTime; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade in time" float m_flEndFadeInTime; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade out time" float m_flStartFadeOutTime; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade out time" float m_flEndFadeOutTime; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "start alpha" float m_flStartAlpha; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end alpha" float m_flEndAlpha; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_Noise : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise coordinate scale" float m_fl4NoiseScale; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "additive" bool m_bAdditive; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d1[0x3]; // 0x1d1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Noise animation time scale" float m_flNoiseAnimationTimeScale; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x470 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_CollideWithSelf : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle radius scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum speed for check" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flMinimumSpeed; // 0x318 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LagCompensation : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired velocity CP" int32_t m_nDesiredVelocityCP; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "latency CP" int32_t m_nLatencyCP; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "latency CP field" int32_t m_nLatencyCPField; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired velocity CP field override(for speed only)" int32_t m_nDesiredVelocityCPField; // 0x1cc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InitSkinnedPositionFromCPSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random order" bool m_bRandom; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c9[0x3]; // 0x1c9 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "random seed" int32_t m_nRandomSeed; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "prepare for rigid lock" bool m_bRigid; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set normal" bool m_bSetNormal; // 0x1d1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal velocity ignore delta time" bool m_bIgnoreDt; // 0x1d2 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d3[0x1]; // 0x1d3 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal velocity min" float m_flMinNormalVelocity; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal velocity max" float m_flMaxNormalVelocity; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" float m_flIncrement; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Full Loop Increment Amount" int32_t m_nFullLoopIncrement; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Snapshot start point" int32_t m_nSnapShotStartPoint; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherited bone velocity" float m_flBoneVelocity; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max inherited bone velocity" float m_flBoneVelocityMax; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Color" bool m_bCopyColor; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Alpha" bool m_bCopyAlpha; // 0x1f1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Radius" bool m_bSetRadius; // 0x1f2 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelBodyPartScalar : public C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x340 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RotateVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation axis min" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecRotAxisMin; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation axis max" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecRotAxisMax; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation rate min" float m_flRotRateMin; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation rate max" float m_flRotRateMax; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize output" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x1e4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e5[0x3]; // 0x1e5 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "per particle scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flScale; // 0x1e8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ConnectParentParticleToNearest : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to set" int32_t m_nFirstControlPoint; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Second Control point to set" int32_t m_nSecondControlPoint; // 0x1c4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x11f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderOmni2Light : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Type" ParticleOmni2LightTypeChoiceList_t m_nLightType; // 0x200 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0204[0x4]; // 0x204 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Color Blend" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vColorBlend; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Color Blend Type" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0x860 ParticleLightUnitChoiceList_t m_nBrightnessUnit; // 0x864 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Lumens" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nBrightnessUnit != PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_LUMENS" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flBrightnessLumens; // 0x868 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Candelas" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nBrightnessUnit != PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_CANDELAS" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flBrightnessCandelas; // 0x9c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Shadows" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod == csgo" bool m_bCastShadows; // 0xb18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0b19[0x7]; // 0xb19 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Light Radius" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flLuminaireRadius; // 0xb20 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Skirt" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flSkirt; // 0xc78 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Range" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRange; // 0xdd0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Inner Cone Angle" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInnerConeAngle; // 0xf28 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Outer Cone Angle" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOuterConeAngle; // 0x1080 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Cookie" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hLightCookie; // 0x11d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Cookie is Spherically Mapped" bool m_bSphericalCookie; // 0x11e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor class PARTICLE_EHANDLE__ { public: int32_t unused; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomNamedModelBodyPart : public C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class IParticleEffect { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateFromParentParticles : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherited velocity scale" float m_flVelocityScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" float m_flIncrement; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random parent particle distribution" bool m_bRandomDistribution; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c9[0x3]; // 0x1c9 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "random seed" int32_t m_nRandomSeed; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "sub frame interpolation" bool m_bSubFrame; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x980 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetVec : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CPerParticleVecInput m_InputValue; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x818 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x81c // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_Lerp; // 0x820 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize result" bool m_bNormalizedOutput; // 0x978 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_MovementMaintainOffset : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffset; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space CP" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale by radius" bool m_bRadiusScale; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x220 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapNamedModelBodyPartOnceTimed : public C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xae0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LockToBone : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "model input" CParticleModelInput m_modelInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_transformInput; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime fade start" float m_flLifeTimeFadeStart; // 0x288 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime fade end" float m_flLifeTimeFadeEnd; // 0x28c // MPropertyFriendlyName "instant jump threshold" float m_flJumpThreshold; // 0x290 // MPropertyFriendlyName "previous position scale" float m_flPrevPosScale; // 0x294 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char m_HitboxSetName[128]; // 0x298 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rigid lock" bool m_bRigid; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x319 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad031a[0x2]; // 0x31a public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x31c // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field prev" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutputPrev; // 0x320 // MPropertyStartGroup "Set Rotations to Bones" // MPropertyFriendlyName "lock rotations to bone orientation" ParticleRotationLockType_t m_nRotationSetType; // 0x324 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rigid set rotation from bones" bool m_bRigidRotationLock; // 0x328 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0329[0x7]; // 0x329 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rigid rotation offset pitch/yaw/roll" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecRotation; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rigid rotation interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRotLerp; // 0x988 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x2c0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransformLerpCPs : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cc[0x4]; // 0x1cc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "strarting transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformStart; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformEnd; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output starting control point number" int32_t m_nOutputStartCP; // 0x2a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output starting control point field 0-2 X/Y/Z" int32_t m_nOutputStartField; // 0x2a4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output ending control point number" int32_t m_nOutputEndCP; // 0x2a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output ending control point field 0-2 X/Y/Z" int32_t m_nOutputEndField; // 0x2ac // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x2b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within input range" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x2b4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "treat distance between points as radius" bool m_bRadialCheck; // 0x2b5 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ControlPointReference_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Control point" int32_t m_controlPointNameString; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset from control point" Vector m_vOffsetFromControlPoint; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use local space offset" bool m_bOffsetInLocalSpace; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DampenToCP : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "falloff range" float m_flRange; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "dampen scale" float m_flScale; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x13e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DistanceBetweenVecs : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "first vector" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecPoint1; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second vector" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecPoint2; // 0x820 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0xe78 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0xfd0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x1128 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x1280 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x13d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "divide by deltatime (for comparing motion since last simulation)" bool m_bDeltaTime; // 0x13dc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CGeneralRandomRotation : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation initial" float m_flDegrees; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset from initial min" float m_flDegreesMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset from initial max" float m_flDegreesMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset exponent" float m_flRotationRandExponent; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "randomly flip direction" bool m_bRandomlyFlipDirection; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapVectorComponentToScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Input Vector" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output Scalar" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Vector Component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_AgeNoise : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "absolute value" bool m_bAbsVal; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "invert absolute value" bool m_bAbsValInv; // 0x1c1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c2[0x2]; // 0x1c2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "time coordinate offset" float m_flOffset; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start age minimum" float m_flAgeMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start age maximum" float m_flAgeMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "time noise coordinate scale" float m_flNoiseScale; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial noise coordinate scale" float m_flNoiseScaleLoc; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial coordinate offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetLoc; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_Diffusion : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radius scale for particle influence" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Resolution to use for creating a voxel grid" int32_t m_nVoxelGridResolution; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x340 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointPositionToRandomActiveCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "min active CP" int32_t m_nHeadLocationMin; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max active CP" int32_t m_nHeadLocationMax; // 0x1d8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01dc[0x4]; // 0x1dc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "reset rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flResetRate; // 0x1e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PointDefinitionWithTimeValues_t : public PointDefinition_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Duration value for path point" float m_flTimeDuration; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x4a0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetFloatCollection : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x31c // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_Lerp; // 0x320 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomSecondSequence : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence min" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 2 )" int32_t m_nSequenceMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence max" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 2 )" int32_t m_nSequenceMax; // 0x1c4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MParticleMinVersion // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_InheritFromParentParticlesV2 : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale" float m_flScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherited field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" int32_t m_nIncrement; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random parent particle distribution" bool m_bRandomDistribution; // 0x1cc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cd[0x3]; // 0x1cd public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "behavior if parent particle dies" MissingParentInheritBehavior_t m_nMissingParentBehavior; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomRotationSpeed : public CGeneralRandomRotation { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x240 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapTransformOrientationToRotations : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset pitch/yaw/roll" Vector m_vecRotation; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use Quaternians Internally" bool m_bUseQuat; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Write normal instead of rotation" bool m_bWriteNormal; // 0x235 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xe80 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapCrossProductOfTwoVectorsToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input vector 1" CPerParticleVecInput m_InputVec1; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input vector 2" CPerParticleVecInput m_InputVec2; // 0x818 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0xe70 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize output" bool m_bNormalize; // 0xe74 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetCPOrientationToDirection : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point" int32_t m_nInputControlPoint; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputControlPoint; // 0x1c4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x3e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_MovementPlaceOnGround : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOffset; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max trace length" float m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP movement tolerance" float m_flTolerance; // 0x31c // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace offset" float m_flTraceOffset; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation rate" float m_flLerpRate; // 0x324 // MPropertyFriendlyName "collision group" char m_CollisionGroupName[128]; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x3a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reference CP 1" int32_t m_nRefCP1; // 0x3ac // MPropertyFriendlyName "reference CP 2" int32_t m_nRefCP2; // 0x3b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "interploation distance tolerance cp" int32_t m_nLerpCP; // 0x3b4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad03b8[0x8]; // 0x3b8 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "No Collision Behavior" ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t m_nTraceMissBehavior; // 0x3c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "include default contents trace hulls" bool m_bIncludeShotHull; // 0x3c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "include water" bool m_bIncludeWater; // 0x3c5 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad03c6[0x2]; // 0x3c6 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set normal" bool m_bSetNormal; // 0x3c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "treat offset as scalar of particle radius" bool m_bScaleOffset; // 0x3c9 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad03ca[0x2]; // 0x3ca public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "preserve initial Z-offset relative to cp" int32_t m_nPreserveOffsetCP; // 0x3cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP Entity to Ignore for Collisions" int32_t m_nIgnoreCP; // 0x3d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LockToPointList : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "point list" CUtlVector< PointDefinition_t > m_pointList; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "space points along path" bool m_bPlaceAlongPath; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Treat path as a loop" bool m_bClosedLoop; // 0x1e1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e2[0x2]; // 0x1e2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Numer of points along path" int32_t m_nNumPointsAlongPath; // 0x1e4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x340 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetCPOrientationToPointAtCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to point towards" int32_t m_nInputCP; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP to set" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "2D Orient" bool m_b2DOrientation; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Avoid Vertical Axis Singularity" bool m_bAvoidSingularity; // 0x331 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Point Away" bool m_bPointAway; // 0x332 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_VelocityDecay : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum velocity" float m_flMinVelocity; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LerpEndCapVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "value to lerp to" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vecOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lerp time" float m_flLerpTime; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomRotation : public CGeneralRandomRotation { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xae0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LerpToInitialPosition : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "position cache attribute" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nCacheField; // 0x320 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0324[0x4]; // 0x324 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flScale; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "component scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x480 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderText : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline color" Color m_OutlineColor; // 0x200 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0204[0x4]; // 0x204 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "default text" CUtlString m_DefaultText; // 0x208 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x480 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ReadFromNeighboringParticle : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "read field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "written field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" int32_t m_nIncrement; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cc[0x4]; // 0x1cc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" CPerParticleFloatInput m_DistanceCheck; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x328 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct SequenceWeightedList_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 1 )" int32_t m_nSequence; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "weight" float m_flRelativeWeight; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapSDFGradientToVectorAttribute : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomYawFlip : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "flip percentage" float m_flPercent; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_Cull : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull percentage" float m_flCullPerc; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull start time" float m_flCullStart; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull end time" float m_flCullEnd; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull time exponent" float m_flCullExp; // 0x1cc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x240 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapTransformOrientationToRotations : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset pitch/yaw/roll" Vector m_vecRotation; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use Quaternians Internally" bool m_bUseQuat; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Write normal instead of rotation" bool m_bWriteNormal; // 0x235 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_NormalLock : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MParticleMinVersion // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LockToSavedSequentialPathV2 : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade time" float m_flFadeStart; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade time" float m_flFadeEnd; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use sequential CP pairs between start and end point" bool m_bCPPairs; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c9[0x7]; // 0x1c9 public: CPathParameters m_PathParams; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x250 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapInitialDirectionToTransformToVector : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor" float m_flScale; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset rotation" float m_flOffsetRot; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset axis" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetAxis; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x240 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x660 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct VecInputMaterialVariable_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "material variable" CUtlString m_strVariable; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecInput; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x4d0 // Has VTable // // MParticleMinVersion // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateSequentialPathV2 : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fMaxDistance; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particles to map from start to end" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flNumToAssign; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "restart behavior (0 = bounce, 1 = loop )" bool m_bLoop; // 0x470 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use sequential CP pairs between start and end point" bool m_bCPPairs; // 0x471 // MPropertyFriendlyName "save offset" bool m_bSaveOffset; // 0x472 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0473[0xd]; // 0x473 public: CPathParameters m_PathParams; // 0x480 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapVisibilityScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "visibility minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "visibility maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MObsoleteParticleFunction // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderClothForce : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RestartAfterDuration : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum restart time" float m_flDurationMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum restart time" float m_flDurationMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to scale duration" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point field X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPField; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "child group ID" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only restart children" bool m_bOnlyChildren; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xa40 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetVariable : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Variable" CParticleVariableRef m_variableReference; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Value" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_variableReference.m_variableType != PVAL_TRANSFORM" CParticleTransformInput m_transformInput; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Position Offset" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_variableReference.m_variableType != PVAL_TRANSFORM" Vector m_positionOffset; // 0x278 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Rotation Offset" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_variableReference.m_variableType != PVAL_TRANSFORM" QAngle m_rotationOffset; // 0x284 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Value" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_variableReference.m_variableType != PVAL_VEC3" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecInput; // 0x290 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Value" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_variableReference.m_variableType != PVAL_FLOAT" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_floatInput; // 0x8e8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1310 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateOnModelAtHeight : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force creation height to desired height" bool m_bForceZ; // 0x1c1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c2[0x2]; // 0x1c2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "height override control point number" int32_t m_nHeightCP; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired height is relative to water" bool m_bUseWaterHeight; // 0x1cc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cd[0x3]; // 0x1cd public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "relative desired height" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDesiredHeight; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model hitbox scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecHitBoxScale; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "direction bias" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecDirectionBias; // 0x980 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias type" ParticleHitboxBiasType_t m_nBiasType; // 0xfd8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias in local space" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0xfdc // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias prefers moving hitboxes" bool m_bPreferMovingBoxes; // 0xfdd // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char m_HitboxSetName[128]; // 0xfde private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad105e[0x2]; // 0x105e public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox velocity inherited scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flHitboxVelocityScale; // 0x1060 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max hitbox velocity" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMaxBoneVelocity; // 0x11b8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomAlphaWindowThreshold : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min" float m_flMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max" float m_flMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "exponent" float m_flExponent; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_VelocityMatchingForce : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "direction matching strength" float m_flDirScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed matching strength" float m_flSpdScale; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to broadcast speed and direction to" int32_t m_nCPBroadcast; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RampCPLinearRandom : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate min" Vector m_vecRateMin; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate max" Vector m_vecRateMax; // 0x1e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x9e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateOnGrid : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "X Dimension Count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nXCount; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Y Dimension Count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nYCount; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Z Dimension Count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nZCount; // 0x470 // MPropertyFriendlyName "X Dimension Spacing" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nXSpacing; // 0x5c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Y Dimension Spacing" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nYSpacing; // 0x720 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Z Dimension Spacing" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nZSpacing; // 0x878 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x9d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use local space" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0x9d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "center around control point" bool m_bCenter; // 0x9d5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hollow" bool m_bHollow; // 0x9d6 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MObsoleteParticleFunction // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderPoints : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hMaterial; // 0x200 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_ColorLitPerParticle : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c0[0x18]; // 0x1c0 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color1" Color m_ColorMin; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color2" Color m_ColorMax; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint clamp min" Color m_TintMin; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint clamp max" Color m_TintMax; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light bias" float m_flTintPerc; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tint blend mode" ParticleColorBlendMode_t m_nTintBlendMode; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "light amplification amount" float m_flLightAmplification; // 0x1f0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xef0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_PositionOffset : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset min" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_OffsetMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset max" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_OffsetMax; // 0x818 // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0xe70 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset in local space 0/1" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0xed8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset proportional to radius 0/1" bool m_bProportional; // 0xed9 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0eda[0x2]; // 0xeda public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random number generator controls" CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters m_randomnessParameters; // 0xedc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x320 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DecayClampCount : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Maximum Count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nCount; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x230 // Has VTable // // MObsoleteParticleFunction // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderLights : public C_OP_RenderPoints { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation rate" float m_flAnimationRate; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation type" AnimationType_t m_nAnimationType; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set animation value in FPS" bool m_bAnimateInFPS; // 0x218 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0219[0x3]; // 0x219 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum visual size" float m_flMinSize; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum visual size" float m_flMaxSize; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "size at which to start fading" float m_flStartFadeSize; // 0x224 // MPropertyFriendlyName "size at which to fade away" float m_flEndFadeSize; // 0x228 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapNamedModelSequenceToScalar : public C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ColorInterpolateRandom : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color fade min" Color m_ColorFadeMin; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x18]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color fade max" Color m_ColorFadeMax; // 0x1dc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e0[0xc]; // 0x1e0 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade start time" float m_flFadeStartTime; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade end time" float m_flFadeEndTime; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ease in and out" bool m_bEaseInOut; // 0x1f8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x2d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointsToModelParticles : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char m_HitboxSetName[128]; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "attachment to follow" char m_AttachmentName[128]; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "First control point to set" int32_t m_nFirstControlPoint; // 0x2c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of control points to set" int32_t m_nNumControlPoints; // 0x2c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first particle to copy" int32_t m_nFirstSourcePoint; // 0x2c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use skinning instead of hitboxes" bool m_bSkin; // 0x2cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "follow attachment" bool m_bAttachment; // 0x2cd }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x230 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateAlongPath : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" float m_fMaxDistance; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0xc]; // 0x1c4 public: CPathParameters m_PathParams; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "randomly select sequential CP pairs between start and end points" bool m_bUseRandomCPs; // 0x210 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0211[0x3]; // 0x211 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset from control point for path end" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vEndOffset; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "save offset" bool m_bSaveOffset; // 0x220 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x9e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapSDFDistanceToScalarAttribute : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVectorFieldInput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Minimum distance" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMinDistance; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Maximum distance" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMaxDistance; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Value for distmax" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flValueAboveMax; // 0x880 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DistanceCull : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecPointOffset; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull distance" float m_flDistance; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull inside instead of outside" bool m_bCullInside; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x220 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ConstrainDistanceToPath : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum distance" float m_fMinDistance; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" float m_flMaxDistance0; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance middle" float m_flMaxDistanceMid; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance end" float m_flMaxDistance1; // 0x1cc CPathParameters m_PathParameters; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "travel time" float m_flTravelTime; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "travel time scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldScale; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "manual time placement field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nManualTField; // 0x218 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointToHand : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hand" int32_t m_nHand; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use hand orientation" bool m_bOrientToHand; // 0x1e4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x290 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DistanceBetweenCPsToCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "starting control point" int32_t m_nStartCP; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ending control point" int32_t m_nEndCP; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point field" int32_t m_nOutputCPField; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "only set distance once" bool m_bSetOnce; // 0x1e0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e1[0x3]; // 0x1e1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum trace length" float m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS Failure Scale" float m_flLOSScale; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ensure line of sight" bool m_bLOS; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS collision group" char m_CollisionGroupName[128]; // 0x1fd private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad027d[0x3]; // 0x27d public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x280 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set parent" ParticleParentSetMode_t m_nSetParent; // 0x284 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x5f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetFromCPSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "field to read" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToRead; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "field to write" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToWrite; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point number" int32_t m_nLocalSpaceCP; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "random order" bool m_bRandom; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reverse order" bool m_bReverse; // 0x1d1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d2[0x2]; // 0x1d2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "random seed" int32_t m_nRandomSeed; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Snapshot start point" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nSnapShotStartPoint; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Snapshot increment amount" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nSnapShotIncrement; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x488 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sub-Sample Between Input Points" bool m_bSubSample; // 0x5e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapVectortoCP : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle number to read" int32_t m_nParticleNumber; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xfe0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetFloatAttributeToVectorExpression : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" VectorFloatExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CPerParticleVecInput m_vInput1; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CPerParticleVecInput m_vInput2; // 0x820 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output" CParticleRemapFloatInput m_flOutputRemap; // 0xe78 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0xfd0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0xfd4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point 0" int32_t m_nCP0; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point 1" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "min distance value" float m_flMinInputValue; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max distance value" float m_flMaxInputValue; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "use distance to an infinite line instead of a finite line segment" bool m_bInfiniteLine; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SDFLighting : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Lighting dir" Vector m_vLightingDir; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "shadow color" Vector m_vTint_0; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "lit color" Vector m_vTint_1; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x2e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapTransformToVector : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vInputMin; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vInputMax; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vOutputMin; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vOutputMax; // 0x1e8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01f4[0x4]; // 0x1f4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space transform" // MParticleInputOptional CParticleTransformInput m_LocalSpaceTransform; // 0x260 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x2c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x2cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x2d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset position" bool m_bOffset; // 0x2d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "accelerate position" bool m_bAccelerate; // 0x2d5 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad02d6[0x2]; // 0x2d6 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap bias" float m_flRemapBias; // 0x2d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x4a0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetFloat : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x31c // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_Lerp; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use new code" bool m_bUseNewCode; // 0x478 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x250 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ModelCull : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use only bounding box" bool m_bBoundBox; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull outside instead of inside" bool m_bCullOutside; // 0x1c5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x1c6 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char m_HitboxSetName[128]; // 0x1c7 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x830 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LocalAccelerationForce : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale control point" int32_t m_nScaleCP; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space acceleration" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecAccel; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x88 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ParticleControlPointConfiguration_t { public: CUtlString m_name; // 0x0 CUtlVector< ParticleControlPointDriver_t > m_drivers; // 0x8 ParticlePreviewState_t m_previewState; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapParticleCountOnScalarEndCap : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" int32_t m_nInputMin; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" int32_t m_nInputMax; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "count back from last particle" bool m_bBackwards; // 0x1d4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d5[0x3]; // 0x1d5 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RandomForce : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min force" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_MinForce; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max force" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_MaxForce; // 0x1dc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x240 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderStatusEffect : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color warp texture (3d)" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureColorWarp; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "detail 2 texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureDetail2; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "diffuse warp texture (3d)" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureDiffuseWarp; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fresnel color warp texture (3d)" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureFresnelColorWarp; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fresnel warp texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureFresnelWarp; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "specular warp texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureSpecularWarp; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "environment map texture" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_pTextureEnvMap; // 0x230 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x240 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapTransformOrientationToYaw : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset" float m_flRotOffset; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "spin strength" float m_flSpinStrength; // 0x230 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapInitialVisibilityScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c0[0x4]; // 0x1c0 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "visibility minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "visibility maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_AddVectorToVector : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "component scale factor" Vector m_vecScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random offset min" Vector m_vOffsetMin; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random offset max" Vector m_vOffsetMax; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random number generator controls" CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters m_randomnessParameters; // 0x1ec }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x980 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ParticlePhysics : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "gravity" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_Gravity; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "drag" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-1 1" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_fDrag; // 0x818 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max constraint passes" int32_t m_nMaxConstraintPasses; // 0x970 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xef0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetVectorAttributeToVectorExpression : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" VectorExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CPerParticleVecInput m_vInput1; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CPerParticleVecInput m_vInput2; // 0x820 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0xe78 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0xe7c // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize result" bool m_bNormalizedOutput; // 0xe80 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x830 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InitFromVectorFieldSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point number" int32_t m_nLocalSpaceCP; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "weight update control point" int32_t m_nWeightUpdateCP; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use vertical velocity for weighting" bool m_bUseVerticalVelocity; // 0x1cc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cd[0x3]; // 0x1cd public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Component Scale" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x470 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_CollideWithParentParticles : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "parent particle radius scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flParentRadiusScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle radius scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x318 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x330 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_DistanceCull : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull distance" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDistance; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull inside instead of outside" bool m_bCullInside; // 0x320 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RampScalarSplineSimple : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate" float m_Rate; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time" float m_flEndTime; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cc[0x24]; // 0x1cc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ease out" bool m_bEaseOut; // 0x1f4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomSequence : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence min" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 1 )" int32_t m_nSequenceMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence max" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 1 )" int32_t m_nSequenceMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "shuffle" bool m_bShuffle; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "linear" bool m_bLinear; // 0x1c9 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01ca[0x6]; // 0x1ca public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "weighted list" CUtlVector< SequenceWeightedList_t > m_WeightedList; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_FadeOut : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade out time min" float m_flFadeOutTimeMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade out time max" float m_flFadeOutTimeMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade out time exponent" float m_flFadeOutTimeExp; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fade bias" float m_flFadeBias; // 0x1cc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d0[0x30]; // 0x1d0 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "proportional 0/1" bool m_bProportional; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ease in and out" bool m_bEaseInAndOut; // 0x201 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_OscillateScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation rate min" float m_RateMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation rate max" float m_RateMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation frequency min" float m_FrequencyMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation frequency max" float m_FrequencyMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "proportional 0/1" bool m_bProportional; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start/end proportional" bool m_bProportionalOp; // 0x1d5 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d6[0x2]; // 0x1d6 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time min" float m_flStartTime_min; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time max" float m_flStartTime_max; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time min" float m_flEndTime_min; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time max" float m_flEndTime_max; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation multiplier" float m_flOscMult; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation start phase" float m_flOscAdd; // 0x1ec }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x650 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderBlobs : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "cube width" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_cubeWidth; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cutoff radius" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_cutoffRadius; // 0x358 // MPropertyFriendlyName "render radius" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_renderRadius; // 0x4b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale CP (cube width/cutoff/render = x/y/z)" int32_t m_nScaleCP; // 0x608 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad060c[0x4]; // 0x60c public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "material variables" // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf // MPropertySortPriority "600" CUtlVector< MaterialVariable_t > m_MaterialVars; // 0x610 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0628[0x18]; // 0x628 public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hMaterial; // 0x640 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x820 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InitVecCollection : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_InputValue; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x818 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x950 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_WorldTraceConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point for fast collision tests" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point offset for fast collisions" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCpOffset; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "collision mode" ParticleCollisionMode_t m_nCollisionMode; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum detail collision mode" ParticleCollisionMode_t m_nCollisionModeMin; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyStartGroup "Collision Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "collision group" char m_CollisionGroupName[128]; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "World Only" bool m_bWorldOnly; // 0x25c // MPropertyFriendlyName "brush only" bool m_bBrushOnly; // 0x25d // MPropertyFriendlyName "include water" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nTraceSet == PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_STATIC" bool m_bIncludeWater; // 0x25e private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad025f[0x1]; // 0x25f public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP Entity to Ignore for Collisions" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nTraceSet == PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_STATIC" int32_t m_nIgnoreCP; // 0x260 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point movement distance tolerance" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCollisionMode == COLLISION_MODE_PER_PARTICLE_TRACE" float m_flCpMovementTolerance; // 0x264 // MPropertyFriendlyName "plane cache retest rate" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCollisionMode != COLLISION_MODE_PER_FRAME_PLANESET" float m_flRetestRate; // 0x268 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace accuracy tolerance" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCollisionMode != COLLISION_MODE_USE_NEAREST_TRACE" float m_flTraceTolerance; // 0x26c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Confirm Collision Speed Threshold" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCollisionMode == COLLISION_MODE_PER_PARTICLE_TRACE" float m_flCollisionConfirmationSpeed; // 0x270 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Confirmation Traces Per Fame" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nCollisionMode == COLLISION_MODE_PER_PARTICLE_TRACE" float m_nMaxTracesPerFrame; // 0x274 // MPropertyStartGroup "Impact Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x278 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of bounce" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flBounceAmount; // 0x3d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of slide" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flSlideAmount; // 0x528 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random Direction scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRandomDirScale; // 0x680 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Add Decay to Bounce" bool m_bDecayBounce; // 0x7d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "kill particle on collision" bool m_bKillonContact; // 0x7d9 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad07da[0x2]; // 0x7da public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum speed to kill on collision" float m_flMinSpeed; // 0x7dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Normal" bool m_bSetNormal; // 0x7e0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad07e1[0x3]; // 0x7e1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Stick On Collision Cache Field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nStickOnCollisionField; // 0x7e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Speed to stop when sticking" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flStopSpeed; // 0x7e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Entity Hitbox Cache Field (Requires Stick on Collision)" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nEntityStickDataField; // 0x940 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Entity Normal Cache Field (Requires Stick on Collision)" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nEntityStickNormalField; // 0x944 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x370 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderPostProcessing : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Post Processing Strength" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flPostProcessStrength; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Post Processing File" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vpost, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCPostProcessingResource > m_hPostTexture; // 0x358 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Post Processing Priority Group" ParticlePostProcessPriorityGroup_t m_nPriority; // 0x360 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min" float m_flMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max" float m_flMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "exponent" float m_flExponent; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1cc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x520 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_PositionPlaceOnGround : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOffset; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max trace length" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "collision group" char m_CollisionGroupName[128]; // 0x470 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x4f0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad04f4[0xc]; // 0x4f4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "No Collision Behavior" ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t m_nTraceMissBehavior; // 0x500 // MPropertyFriendlyName "include water" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nTraceSet == PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_STATIC" bool m_bIncludeWater; // 0x504 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set normal" bool m_bSetNormal; // 0x505 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set Previous XYZ only" bool m_bSetPXYZOnly; // 0x506 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace along particle normal" bool m_bTraceAlongNormal; // 0x507 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset only if trace hit" bool m_bOffsetonColOnly; // 0x508 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0509[0x3]; // 0x509 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset final position by this fraction of the particle radius" float m_flOffsetByRadiusFactor; // 0x50c // MPropertyFriendlyName "preserve initial Z-offset relative to cp" int32_t m_nPreserveOffsetCP; // 0x510 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP Entity to Ignore for Collisions" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nTraceSet == PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_STATIC" int32_t m_nIgnoreCP; // 0x514 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x800 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_CylindricalDistanceToTransform : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "cylinder inner radius" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cylinder outer radius" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cylinder inner output" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cylinder outer output" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cylindrical top transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformStart; // 0x728 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cylindrical bottom transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformEnd; // 0x790 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x7f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified distance" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x7fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output is additive" bool m_bAdditive; // 0x7fd // MPropertyFriendlyName "apply radius to ends (capsule)" bool m_bCapsule; // 0x7fe }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x990 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_VectorFieldSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "extra velocity field to write" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToWrite; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space control point number" int32_t m_nLocalSpaceCP; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cc[0x4]; // 0x1cc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Component Scale" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Boundary Dampening" float m_flBoundaryDampening; // 0x980 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set Velocity" bool m_bSetVelocity; // 0x984 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Lock to Surface" bool m_bLockToSurface; // 0x985 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0986[0x2]; // 0x986 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Vector Field Grid Spacing Override" float m_flGridSpacing; // 0x988 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x710 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ControlpointLight : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "initial color bias" float m_flScale; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4cc]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint1; // 0x690 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint2; // 0x694 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint3; // 0x698 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint4; // 0x69c // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 control point offset" Vector m_vecCPOffset1; // 0x6a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 control point offset" Vector m_vecCPOffset2; // 0x6ac // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 control point offset" Vector m_vecCPOffset3; // 0x6b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 control point offset" Vector m_vecCPOffset4; // 0x6c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 50% distance" float m_LightFiftyDist1; // 0x6d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 0% distance" float m_LightZeroDist1; // 0x6d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 50% distance" float m_LightFiftyDist2; // 0x6d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 0% distance" float m_LightZeroDist2; // 0x6dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 50% distance" float m_LightFiftyDist3; // 0x6e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 0% distance" float m_LightZeroDist3; // 0x6e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 50% distance" float m_LightFiftyDist4; // 0x6e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 0% distance" float m_LightZeroDist4; // 0x6ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 color" Color m_LightColor1; // 0x6f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 color" Color m_LightColor2; // 0x6f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 color" Color m_LightColor3; // 0x6f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 color" Color m_LightColor4; // 0x6fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 type 0=point 1=spot" bool m_bLightType1; // 0x700 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 type 0=point 1=spot" bool m_bLightType2; // 0x701 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 type 0=point 1=spot" bool m_bLightType3; // 0x702 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 type 0=point 1=spot" bool m_bLightType4; // 0x703 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 1 dynamic light" bool m_bLightDynamic1; // 0x704 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 2 dynamic light" bool m_bLightDynamic2; // 0x705 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 3 dynamic light" bool m_bLightDynamic3; // 0x706 // MPropertyFriendlyName "light 4 dynamic light" bool m_bLightDynamic4; // 0x707 // MPropertyFriendlyName "compute normals from control points" bool m_bUseNormal; // 0x708 // MPropertyFriendlyName "half-lambert normals" bool m_bUseHLambert; // 0x709 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad070a[0x4]; // 0x70a public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "clamp minimum light value to initial color" bool m_bClampLowerRange; // 0x70e // MPropertyFriendlyName "clamp maximum light value to initial color" bool m_bClampUpperRange; // 0x70f }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x330 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ChooseRandomChildrenInGroup : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d4[0x4]; // 0x1d4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Number of Children to Use" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flNumberOfChildren; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xe80 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateWithinBox : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecMax; // 0x818 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0xe70 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use local space" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0xe74 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0e75[0x3]; // 0xe75 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random number generator controls" CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters m_randomnessParameters; // 0xe78 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_UpdateLightSource : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color tint" Color m_vColorTint; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount to multiply light brightness by" float m_flBrightnessScale; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount to multiply particle system radius by to get light radius" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum radius for created lights" float m_flMinimumLightingRadius; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum radius for created lights" float m_flMaximumLightingRadius; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of damping of changes" float m_flPositionDampingConstant; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MObsoleteParticleFunction // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotate : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotate rate(dps)" float m_flRotateRateDegrees; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "forward angle" float m_flForwardDegrees; // 0x204 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x2c0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransformsVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x1d8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e4[0x4]; // 0x1e4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "strarting transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformStart; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformEnd; // 0x250 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x2b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within input range" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x2bc // MPropertyFriendlyName "treat distance between points as radius" bool m_bRadialCheck; // 0x2bd }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x220 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupEndCap : public C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x3e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CParticleSystemDefinition : public IParticleSystemDefinition { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "version" // MPropertySuppressField int32_t m_nBehaviorVersion; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionPreEmission* > m_PreEmissionOperators; // 0x10 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionEmitter* > m_Emitters; // 0x28 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionInitializer* > m_Initializers; // 0x40 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionOperator* > m_Operators; // 0x58 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionForce* > m_ForceGenerators; // 0x70 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionConstraint* > m_Constraints; // 0x88 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< CParticleFunctionRenderer* > m_Renderers; // 0xa0 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< ParticleChildrenInfo_t > m_Children; // 0xb8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00d0[0xa8]; // 0xd0 public: // MPropertySuppressField int32_t m_nFirstMultipleOverride_BackwardCompat; // 0x178 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad017c[0x94]; // 0x17c public: // MPropertyStartGroup "+Collection Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "initial particles" int32_t m_nInitialParticles; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max particles" int32_t m_nMaxParticles; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "group id" int32_t m_nGroupID; // 0x218 // MPropertyStartGroup "Bounding Box" // MPropertyFriendlyName "bounding box bloat min" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_BoundingBoxMin; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "bounding box bloat max" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_BoundingBoxMax; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bounding box depth sort bias" float m_flDepthSortBias; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sort override position CP" int32_t m_nSortOverridePositionCP; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "infinite bounds - don't cull" bool m_bInfiniteBounds; // 0x23c // MPropertyStartGroup "Named Values" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Enable Named Values (EXPERIMENTAL)" bool m_bEnableNamedValues; // 0x23d private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad023e[0x2]; // 0x23e public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Domain Class" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_domain" // MPropertyAutoRebuildOnChange // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bEnableNamedValues" CUtlString m_NamedValueDomain; // 0x240 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< ParticleNamedValueSource_t* > m_NamedValueLocals; // 0x248 // MPropertyStartGroup "+Base Properties" // MPropertyFriendlyName "color" // MPropertyColorPlusAlpha Color m_ConstantColor; // 0x260 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normal" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_ConstantNormal; // 0x264 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius" // MPropertyAttributeRange "biased 0 500" float m_flConstantRadius; // 0x270 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation" float m_flConstantRotation; // 0x274 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation speed" float m_flConstantRotationSpeed; // 0x278 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime" float m_flConstantLifespan; // 0x27c // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence number" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 1 )" int32_t m_nConstantSequenceNumber; // 0x280 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence number 1" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SequencePicker( 2 )" int32_t m_nConstantSequenceNumber1; // 0x284 // MPropertyStartGroup "Snapshot Options" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint; // 0x288 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad028c[0x4]; // 0x28c public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot > m_hSnapshot; // 0x290 // MPropertyStartGroup "Replacement Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull replacement definition" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_pszCullReplacementName; // 0x298 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull radius" float m_flCullRadius; // 0x2a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull cost" float m_flCullFillCost; // 0x2a4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull control point" int32_t m_nCullControlPoint; // 0x2a8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad02ac[0x4]; // 0x2ac public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "fallback replacement definition" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_hFallback; // 0x2b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "fallback max count" int32_t m_nFallbackMaxCount; // 0x2b8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad02bc[0x4]; // 0x2bc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "low violence definition" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_hLowViolenceDef; // 0x2c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reference replacement definition" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_hReferenceReplacement; // 0x2c8 // MPropertyStartGroup "Simulation Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "pre-simulation time" float m_flPreSimulationTime; // 0x2d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "freeze simulation after time" float m_flStopSimulationAfterTime; // 0x2d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum time step" float m_flMaximumTimeStep; // 0x2d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum sim tick rate" float m_flMaximumSimTime; // 0x2dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum sim tick rate" float m_flMinimumSimTime; // 0x2e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum simulation time step" float m_flMinimumTimeStep; // 0x2e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum required rendered frames" int32_t m_nMinimumFrames; // 0x2e8 // MPropertyStartGroup "Performance Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum CPU level" int32_t m_nMinCPULevel; // 0x2ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum GPU level" int32_t m_nMinGPULevel; // 0x2f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time to sleep when not drawn" float m_flNoDrawTimeToGoToSleep; // 0x2f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum draw distance" float m_flMaxDrawDistance; // 0x2f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade distance" float m_flStartFadeDistance; // 0x2fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum creation distance" float m_flMaxCreationDistance; // 0x300 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum free particles to aggregate" int32_t m_nAggregationMinAvailableParticles; // 0x304 // MPropertyFriendlyName "aggregation radius" float m_flAggregateRadius; // 0x308 // MPropertyFriendlyName "batch particle systems" bool m_bShouldBatch; // 0x30c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Hitboxes fall back to render bounds" bool m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToRenderBounds; // 0x30d // MPropertyFriendlyName "Hitboxes fall back to snapshot" bool m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToSnapshot; // 0x30e private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad030f[0x1]; // 0x30f public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Rendering Options" // MPropertyFriendlyName "view model effect" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_bScreenSpaceEffect" InheritableBoolType_t m_nViewModelEffect; // 0x310 // MPropertyFriendlyName "screen space effect" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nViewModelEffect == INHERITABLE_BOOL_TRUE" bool m_bScreenSpaceEffect; // 0x314 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0315[0x3]; // 0x315 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "target layer ID for rendering" CUtlSymbolLarge m_pszTargetLayerID; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to disable rendering if it is the camera" int32_t m_nSkipRenderControlPoint; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to only enable rendering if it is the camera" int32_t m_nAllowRenderControlPoint; // 0x324 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sort particles (DEPRECATED - USE RENDERER OPTION)" // MParticleAdvancedField bool m_bShouldSort; // 0x328 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0329[0x47]; // 0x329 public: // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< ParticleControlPointConfiguration_t > m_controlPointConfigurations; // 0x370 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xb50 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderMaterialProxy : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Control Point for Model" int32_t m_nMaterialControlPoint; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "proxy type" MaterialProxyType_t m_nProxyType; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "material variables" // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf CUtlVector< MaterialVariable_t > m_MaterialVars; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "material override" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hOverrideMaterial; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "material override enable" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMaterialOverrideEnabled; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model tint" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecColorScale; // 0x380 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model alpha" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flAlpha; // 0x9d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model tint blend type" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0xb30 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapCPtoScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field 0-2 X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nField; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation scale" float m_flInterpRate; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1e8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x320 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_DistanceToNeighborCull : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull distance" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flDistance; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x8a0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetSingleControlPointPosition : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "only set position once" bool m_bSetOnce; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d1[0x3]; // 0x1d1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point location" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform to offset positions from" // MParticleInputOptional CParticleTransformInput m_transformInput; // 0x830 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SnapshotRigidSkinToBones : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotate normals" bool m_bTransformNormals; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale radii" bool m_bTransformRadii; // 0x1c1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c2[0x2]; // 0x1c2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomYaw : public CGeneralRandomRotation { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ParticleNamedValueConfiguration_t { public: CUtlString m_ConfigName; // 0x0 KeyValues3 m_ConfigValue; // 0x8 ParticleAttachment_t m_iAttachType; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001c[0x4]; // 0x1c public: CUtlString m_BoundEntityPath; // 0x20 CUtlString m_strEntityScope; // 0x28 CUtlString m_strAttachmentName; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetCPtoVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point number" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xae0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DragRelativeToPlane : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "dampening" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDragAtPlane; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "falloff" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFalloff; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "dampen on only one side of plane" bool m_bDirectional; // 0x470 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0471[0x7]; // 0x471 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "plane normal" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecPlaneNormal; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0xad0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LerpEndCapScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "value to lerp to" float m_flOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lerp time" float m_flLerpTime; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapControlPointDirectionToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor" float m_flScale; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x250 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapTransformVisibilityToScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP visibility minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP visibility maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x23c // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x240 // MPropertyFriendlyName "visibility radius" float m_flRadius; // 0x244 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x4b0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetRandomControlPointPosition : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set positions in world space" bool m_bUseWorldLocation; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherit CP orientation" bool m_bOrient; // 0x1d1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d2[0x2]; // 0x1d2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to offset positions from" int32_t m_nHeadLocation; // 0x1d8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01dc[0x4]; // 0x1dc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "re-randomize rate (-1 for once only)" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flReRandomRate; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point min" Vector m_vecCPMinPos; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point max" Vector m_vecCPMaxPos; // 0x344 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x350 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xc8 // Has VTable class CNewParticleEffect : public IParticleEffect { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0008[0x8]; // 0x8 public: CNewParticleEffect* m_pNext; // 0x10 CNewParticleEffect* m_pPrev; // 0x18 IParticleCollection* m_pParticles; // 0x20 char* m_pDebugName; // 0x28 struct { uint8_t m_bDontRemove: 1; uint8_t m_bRemove: 1; uint8_t m_bNeedsBBoxUpdate: 1; uint8_t m_bIsFirstFrame: 1; uint8_t m_bAutoUpdateBBox: 1; uint8_t m_bAllocated: 1; uint8_t m_bSimulate: 1; uint8_t m_bShouldPerformCullCheck: 1; uint8_t m_bForceNoDraw: 1; uint8_t m_bShouldSave: 1; uint8_t m_bDisableAggregation: 1; uint8_t m_bShouldSimulateDuringGamePaused: 1; uint8_t m_bShouldCheckFoW: 1; uint256_t __pad4: 179; }; // 192 bits Vector m_vSortOrigin; // 0x40 float m_flScale; // 0x4c PARTICLE_EHANDLE__* m_hOwner; // 0x50 CParticleProperty* m_pOwningParticleProperty; // 0x58 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0060[0x10]; // 0x60 public: float m_flFreezeTransitionStart; // 0x70 float m_flFreezeTransitionDuration; // 0x74 float m_flFreezeTransitionOverride; // 0x78 bool m_bFreezeTransitionActive; // 0x7c bool m_bFreezeTargetState; // 0x7d bool m_bCanFreeze; // 0x7e private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad007f[0x1]; // 0x7f public: Vector m_LastMin; // 0x80 Vector m_LastMax; // 0x8c CSplitScreenSlot m_nSplitScreenUser; // 0x98 Vector m_vecAggregationCenter; // 0x9c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00a8[0x18]; // 0xa8 public: int32_t m_RefCount; // 0xc0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x620 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderGpuImplicit : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertySortPriority "-1" // MPropertyDescription "Honors the per-particle radius (multiplied by radius scale) but is more expensive to render. Some particles with large radii can make things much costlier" bool m_bUsePerParticleRadius; // 0x200 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0201[0x7]; // 0x201 public: CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_fGridSize; // 0x208 CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_fRadiusScale; // 0x360 // MPropertyAttributeRange ".1 .95" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_fIsosurfaceThreshold; // 0x4b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale CP (grid size/particle radius/threshold = x/y/z)" int32_t m_nScaleCP; // 0x610 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0614[0x4]; // 0x614 public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hMaterial; // 0x618 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x320 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_EndCapTimedFreeze : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "freeze time" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flFreezeTime; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointToPlayer : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP1; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use eye orientation" bool m_bOrientToEyes; // 0x1e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x220 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapNamedModelSequenceOnceTimed : public C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_TurbulenceForce : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise scale 0" float m_flNoiseCoordScale0; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise scale 1" float m_flNoiseCoordScale1; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise scale 2" float m_flNoiseCoordScale2; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise scale 3" float m_flNoiseCoordScale3; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise amount 0" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecNoiseAmount0; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise amount 1" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecNoiseAmount1; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise amount 2" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecNoiseAmount2; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "noise amount 3" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecNoiseAmount3; // 0x204 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ReinitializeScalarEndCap : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RampScalarLinear : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate min" float m_RateMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp rate max" float m_RateMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time min" float m_flStartTime_min; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time max" float m_flStartTime_max; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time min" float m_flEndTime_min; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time max" float m_flEndTime_max; // 0x1d4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d8[0x28]; // 0x1d8 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ramp field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start/end proportional" bool m_bProportionalOp; // 0x204 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_InterpolateRadius : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time" float m_flEndTime; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius start scale" float m_flStartScale; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius end scale" float m_flEndScale; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "ease in and out" bool m_bEaseInAndOut; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d1[0x3]; // 0x1d1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale bias" float m_flBias; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x3e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointToImpactPoint : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to set" int32_t m_nCPOut; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to trace from" int32_t m_nCPIn; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace update rate" float m_flUpdateRate; // 0x1d8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01dc[0x4]; // 0x1dc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "max trace length" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flTraceLength; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset start point amount" float m_flStartOffset; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset end point amount" float m_flOffset; // 0x33c // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace direction override" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecTraceDir; // 0x340 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace collision group" char m_CollisionGroupName[128]; // 0x34c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x3cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set to trace endpoint if no collision" bool m_bSetToEndpoint; // 0x3d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace to closest surface along all cardinal directions" bool m_bTraceToClosestSurface; // 0x3d1 // MPropertyFriendlyName "include water" bool m_bIncludeWater; // 0x3d2 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x370 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderVRHapticEvent : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "haptic hand" ParticleVRHandChoiceList_t m_nHand; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hand control point number" int32_t m_nOutputHandCP; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cp field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutputField; // 0x208 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad020c[0x4]; // 0x20c public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "amplitude" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flAmplitude; // 0x210 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xa10 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_PositionLock : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fadeout min" float m_flStartTime_min; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fadeout max" float m_flStartTime_max; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fadeout exponent" float m_flStartTime_exp; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fadeout min" float m_flEndTime_min; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fadeout max" float m_flEndTime_max; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fadeout exponent" float m_flEndTime_exp; // 0x23c // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance fade range" float m_flRange; // 0x240 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0244[0x4]; // 0x244 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance fade bias" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRangeBias; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "instant jump threshold" float m_flJumpThreshold; // 0x3a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "previous position scale" float m_flPrevPosScale; // 0x3a4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lock rotation" bool m_bLockRot; // 0x3a8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad03a9[0x7]; // 0x3a9 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "component scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x3b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0xa08 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field prev" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutputPrev; // 0xa0c }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x610 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_OscillateVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation rate min" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nField" Vector m_RateMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation rate max" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nField" Vector m_RateMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation frequency min" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nField" Vector m_FrequencyMin; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation frequency max" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nField" Vector m_FrequencyMax; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "proportional 0/1" bool m_bProportional; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start/end proportional" bool m_bProportionalOp; // 0x1f5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset instead of accelerate position" bool m_bOffset; // 0x1f6 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01f7[0x1]; // 0x1f7 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time min" float m_flStartTime_min; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start time max" float m_flStartTime_max; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time min" float m_flEndTime_min; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end time max" float m_flEndTime_max; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation multiplier" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOscMult; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation start phase" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOscAdd; // 0x360 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rate scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRateScale; // 0x4b8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x740 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_MovementSkinnedPositionFromCPSnapshot : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random order" bool m_bRandom; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c9[0x3]; // 0x1c9 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "random seed" int32_t m_nRandomSeed; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set normal" bool m_bSetNormal; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set radius" bool m_bSetRadius; // 0x1d1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d2[0x6]; // 0x1d2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flIncrement; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Full Loop Increment Amount" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nFullLoopIncrement; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Snapshot start point" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nSnapShotStartPoint; // 0x488 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x5e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x350 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointOrientation : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set orientation in world space" bool m_bUseWorldLocation; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d1[0x1]; // 0x1d1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "randomize" bool m_bRandomize; // 0x1d2 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only set orientation once" bool m_bSetOnce; // 0x1d3 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to offset orientation from" int32_t m_nHeadLocation; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pitch yaw roll" QAngle m_vecRotation; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "pitch yaw roll max" QAngle m_vecRotationB; // 0x1e8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01f4[0x4]; // 0x1f4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "interpolation" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x1f8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x890 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_VelocityFromCP : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_velocityInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space" // MParticleInputOptional CParticleTransformInput m_transformInput; // 0x818 // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity scale" float m_flVelocityScale; // 0x880 // MPropertyFriendlyName "direction only" bool m_bDirectionOnly; // 0x884 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x2470 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBaseRendererSource2 : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyStartGroup "+Renderer Modifiers" // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flAlphaScale; // 0x358 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation roll scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flRollScale; // 0x4b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle alpha scale attribute" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAlpha2Field; // 0x608 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad060c[0x4]; // 0x60c public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionRendererVecInput m_vecColorScale; // 0x610 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend type" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0xc68 // MPropertyStartGroup "+Material" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Shader" // MPropertySortPriority "600" SpriteCardShaderType_t m_nShaderType; // 0xc6c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Custom Shader" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nShaderType != SPRITECARD_SHADER_CUSTOM" // MPropertySortPriority "600" CUtlString m_strShaderOverride; // 0xc70 // MPropertyFriendlyName "X offset of center point" // MPropertySortPriority "600" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flCenterXOffset; // 0xc78 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Y offset of center point" // MPropertySortPriority "600" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flCenterYOffset; // 0xdd0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Bump Strength" // MPropertySortPriority "600" float m_flBumpStrength; // 0xf28 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sheet Crop Behavior" // MPropertySortPriority "600" ParticleSequenceCropOverride_t m_nCropTextureOverride; // 0xf2c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Textures" // MParticleRequireDefaultArrayEntry // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf // MPropertySortPriority "600" CUtlVector< TextureGroup_t > m_vecTexturesInput; // 0xf30 // MPropertyStartGroup "Animation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation rate" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 5" // MPropertySortPriority "500" float m_flAnimationRate; // 0xf48 // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation type" // MPropertySortPriority "500" AnimationType_t m_nAnimationType; // 0xf4c // MPropertyFriendlyName "set animation value in FPS" // MPropertySortPriority "500" bool m_bAnimateInFPS; // 0xf50 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0f51[0x7]; // 0xf51 public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Lighting and Shadows" // MPropertyFriendlyName "self illum amount" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 2" // MPropertySortPriority "400" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flSelfIllumAmount; // 0xf58 // MPropertyFriendlyName "diffuse lighting amount" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" // MPropertySortPriority "400" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flDiffuseAmount; // 0x10b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "diffuse lighting origin Control Point" // MPropertySortPriority "400" int32_t m_nLightingControlPoint; // 0x1208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "self illum per-particle" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "400" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nSelfIllumPerParticle; // 0x120c // MPropertyStartGroup "+Color and alpha adjustments" // MPropertyFriendlyName "output blend mode" // MPropertySortPriority "300" ParticleOutputBlendMode_t m_nOutputBlendMode; // 0x1210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Gamma-correct vertex colors" // MPropertySortPriority "300" bool m_bGammaCorrectVertexColors; // 0x1214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Saturate color pre alphablend" // MPropertySortPriority "300" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod!=dota" bool m_bSaturateColorPreAlphaBlend; // 0x1215 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad1216[0x2]; // 0x1216 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "add self amount over alphablend" // MPropertySortPriority "300" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flAddSelfAmount; // 0x1218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "desaturation amount" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" // MPropertySortPriority "300" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flDesaturation; // 0x1370 // MPropertyFriendlyName "overbright factor" // MPropertySortPriority "300" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flOverbrightFactor; // 0x14c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "HSV Shift Control Point" // MPropertySortPriority "300" int32_t m_nHSVShiftControlPoint; // 0x1620 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Apply fog to particle" // MPropertySortPriority "300" ParticleFogType_t m_nFogType; // 0x1624 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Fog Scale" // MPropertySortPriority "300" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != hlx" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flFogAmount; // 0x1628 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Apply fog of war to color" // MPropertySortPriority "300" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != dota" bool m_bTintByFOW; // 0x1780 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Apply global light to color" // MPropertySortPriority "300" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != dota" bool m_bTintByGlobalLight; // 0x1781 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad1782[0x2]; // 0x1782 public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Color and alpha adjustments/Alpha Reference" // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha reference" // MPropertySortPriority "300" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleAlphaReference; // 0x1784 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha reference window size" // MPropertySortPriority "300" SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t m_nPerParticleAlphaRefWindow; // 0x1788 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha reference type" // MPropertySortPriority "300" ParticleAlphaReferenceType_t m_nAlphaReferenceType; // 0x178c // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha reference softness" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" // MPropertySortPriority "300" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flAlphaReferenceSoftness; // 0x1790 // MPropertyFriendlyName "source alpha value to map to alpha of zero" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" // MPropertySortPriority "300" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flSourceAlphaValueToMapToZero; // 0x18e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "source alpha value to map to alpha of 1" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" // MPropertySortPriority "300" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flSourceAlphaValueToMapToOne; // 0x1a40 // MPropertyStartGroup "Refraction" // MPropertyFriendlyName "refract background" // MPropertySortPriority "200" bool m_bRefract; // 0x1b98 // MPropertyFriendlyName "refract draws opaque - alpha scales refraction" // MPropertySortPriority "200" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bRefract" bool m_bRefractSolid; // 0x1b99 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad1b9a[0x6]; // 0x1b9a public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "refract amount" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-2 2" // MPropertySortPriority "200" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bRefract" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flRefractAmount; // 0x1ba0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "refract blur radius" // MPropertySortPriority "200" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bRefract" int32_t m_nRefractBlurRadius; // 0x1cf8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "refract blur type" // MPropertySortPriority "200" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bRefract" BlurFilterType_t m_nRefractBlurType; // 0x1cfc // MPropertyStartGroup // MPropertyFriendlyName "Only Render in effects bloom pass" // MPropertySortPriority "1100" bool m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsBloomPass; // 0x1d00 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Only Render in effects water pass" // MPropertySortPriority "1050" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != csgo" bool m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsWaterPass; // 0x1d01 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use Mixed Resolution Rendering" // MPropertySortPriority "1200" bool m_bUseMixedResolutionRendering; // 0x1d02 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Only Render in effects game overlay pass" // MPropertySortPriority "1210" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != csgo" bool m_bOnlyRenderInEffecsGameOverlay; // 0x1d03 // MPropertyStartGroup "Stencil" // MPropertyFriendlyName "stencil test ID" // MPropertySortPriority "0" char m_stencilTestID[128]; // 0x1d04 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only write where stencil is NOT stencil test ID" // MPropertySortPriority "0" bool m_bStencilTestExclude; // 0x1d84 // MPropertyFriendlyName "stencil write ID" // MPropertySortPriority "0" char m_stencilWriteID[128]; // 0x1d85 // MPropertyFriendlyName "write stencil on z-buffer test success" // MPropertySortPriority "0" bool m_bWriteStencilOnDepthPass; // 0x1e05 // MPropertyFriendlyName "write stencil on z-buffer test failure" // MPropertySortPriority "0" bool m_bWriteStencilOnDepthFail; // 0x1e06 // MPropertyStartGroup "Depth buffer control and effects" // MPropertyFriendlyName "reverse z-buffer test" // MPropertySortPriority "900" bool m_bReverseZBuffering; // 0x1e07 // MPropertyFriendlyName "disable z-buffer test" // MPropertySortPriority "900" bool m_bDisableZBuffering; // 0x1e08 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad1e09[0x3]; // 0x1e09 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Depth feathering mode" // MPropertySortPriority "900" ParticleDepthFeatheringMode_t m_nFeatheringMode; // 0x1e0c // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle feathering closest distance to surface" // MPropertySortPriority "900" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flFeatheringMinDist; // 0x1e10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle feathering farthest distance to surface" // MPropertySortPriority "900" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flFeatheringMaxDist; // 0x1f68 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle feathering filter" // MPropertySortPriority "900" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flFeatheringFilter; // 0x20c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "depth comparison bias" // MPropertySortPriority "900" float m_flDepthBias; // 0x2218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Sort Method" // MPropertySortPriority "900" ParticleSortingChoiceList_t m_nSortMethod; // 0x221c // MPropertyStartGroup "Animation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "blend sequence animation frames" // MPropertySortPriority "500" bool m_bBlendFramesSeq0; // 0x2220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use max-luminance blending for sequence" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bBlendFramesSeq0" bool m_bMaxLuminanceBlendingSequence0; // 0x2221 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x280 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_LifespanFromVelocity : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias distance" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecComponentScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace offset" float m_flTraceOffset; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum trace length" float m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace recycle tolerance" float m_flTraceTolerance; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum points to cache" int32_t m_nMaxPlanes; // 0x1d8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01dc[0x4]; // 0x1dc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "trace collision group" char m_CollisionGroupName[128]; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x260 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0264[0xc]; // 0x264 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "collide with water" bool m_bIncludeWater; // 0x270 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ConstrainLineLength : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum length" float m_flMinDistance; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum length" float m_flMaxDistance; // 0x1c4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x5e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_InstantaneousEmitter : public CParticleFunctionEmitter { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "num to emit" // MPropertyAttributeRange "1 1000" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_nParticlesToEmit; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission start time" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flStartTime; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission scale from killed parent particles" float m_flInitFromKilledParentParticles; // 0x470 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0474[0x4]; // 0x474 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission scale from parent particle count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flParentParticleScale; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum emission per frame" int32_t m_nMaxEmittedPerFrame; // 0x5d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point with snapshot data" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint; // 0x5d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x2740 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CBaseTrailRenderer : public CBaseRendererSource2 { public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Orientation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation type" // MPropertySortPriority "750" ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t m_nOrientationType; // 0x2470 // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation control point" // MPropertySortPriority "750" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_ALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL && m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREENALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL" int32_t m_nOrientationControlPoint; // 0x2474 // MPropertyStartGroup "Screenspace Fading and culling" // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum visual screen-size" // MPropertySortPriority "900" float m_flMinSize; // 0x2478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum visual screen-size" // MPropertySortPriority "900" float m_flMaxSize; // 0x247c // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade screen-size" // MPropertySortPriority "900" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flStartFadeSize; // 0x2480 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade and cull screen-size" // MPropertySortPriority "900" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flEndFadeSize; // 0x25d8 // MPropertyStartGroup "Trail UV Controls" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Clamp Non-Sheet texture V coords" // MPropertySortPriority "800" bool m_bClampV; // 0x2730 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ParticleNamedValueSource_t { public: CUtlString m_Name; // 0x0 bool m_IsPublic; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0009[0x3]; // 0x9 public: // MPropertySuppressField PulseValueType_t m_ValueType; // 0xc // MPropertySuppressField ParticleNamedValueConfiguration_t m_DefaultConfig; // 0x10 // MPropertySuppressField CUtlVector< ParticleNamedValueConfiguration_t > m_NamedConfigs; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_Spin : public CGeneralSpin { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreationNoise : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "absolute value" bool m_bAbsVal; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "invert absolute value" bool m_bAbsValInv; // 0x1c5 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c6[0x2]; // 0x1c6 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "time coordinate offset" float m_flOffset; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time noise coordinate scale" float m_flNoiseScale; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial noise coordinate scale" float m_flNoiseScaleLoc; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial coordinate offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetLoc; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "world time noise coordinate scale" float m_flWorldTimeScale; // 0x1e8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x240 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderAsModels : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "models" // MParticleRequireDefaultArrayEntry CUtlVector< ModelReference_t > m_ModelList; // 0x200 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0218[0x4]; // 0x218 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor for radius" float m_flModelScale; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale model to match particle size" bool m_bFitToModelSize; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "non-uniform scaling" bool m_bNonUniformScaling; // 0x221 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0222[0x2]; // 0x222 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "X axis scaling scalar field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nXAxisScalingAttribute; // 0x224 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Y axis scaling scalar field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nYAxisScalingAttribute; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Z axis scaling scalar field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nZAxisScalingAttribute; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "model size cull bloat" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_size_cull_bloat" int32_t m_nSizeCullBloat; // 0x230 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentToVector : public C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output value at min distance" Vector m_vMinOutputValue; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output value at max distance" Vector m_vMaxOutputValue; // 0x1f0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_NormalOffset : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset min" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_OffsetMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset max" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_OffsetMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset in local space 0/1" bool m_bLocalCoords; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize output 0/1" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x1dd }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1c0 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSpinUpdateBase : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ControlPointToRadialScreenSpace : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "source Control Point in World" int32_t m_nCPIn; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Source Control Point offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecCP1Pos; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Set control point number" int32_t m_nCPOut; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output field 0-2 X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPOutField; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Ss Pos and Dot OUT CP" int32_t m_nCPSSPosOut; // 0x1e8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateFromPlaneCache : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "local offset min" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local offset max" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffsetMax; // 0x1cc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d8[0x1]; // 0x1d8 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set normal" bool m_bUseNormal; // 0x1d9 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapScalarEndCap : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MParticleMaxVersion // MParticleReplacementOp // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LockToSavedSequentialPath : public CParticleFunctionOperator { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c0[0x4]; // 0x1c0 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade time" float m_flFadeStart; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade time" float m_flFadeEnd; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use sequential CP pairs between start and end point" bool m_bCPPairs; // 0x1cc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cd[0x3]; // 0x1cd public: CPathParameters m_PathParams; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x320 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InitFloatCollection : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x318 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_PlayEndCapWhenFinished : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "play when emission ends" bool m_bFireOnEmissionEnd; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "wait for children to finish" bool m_bIncludeChildren; // 0x1d1 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x490 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_QuantizeCPComponent : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInputValue; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nCPOutput; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutVectorField; // 0x32c // MPropertyFriendlyName "interval to snap to" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flQuantizeValue; // 0x330 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x980 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_MovementLoopInsideSphere : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance maximum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDistance; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "component scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance squared output attribute" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nDistSqrAttr; // 0x978 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xe80 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DirectionBetweenVecsToVec : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "first vector" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecPoint1; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second vector" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecPoint2; // 0x820 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x260 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapTransformVisibilityToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP visibility minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x234 // MPropertyFriendlyName "CP visibility maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x238 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x23c // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "visibility radius" float m_flRadius; // 0x254 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xef0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_SetVectorAttributeToVectorExpression : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" VectorExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CPerParticleVecInput m_vInput1; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CPerParticleVecInput m_vInput2; // 0x820 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0xe78 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0xe7c // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize result" bool m_bNormalizedOutput; // 0xe80 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MParticleMaxVersion // MParticleReplacementOp // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_InheritFromParentParticles : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale" float m_flScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "inherited field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" int32_t m_nIncrement; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random parent particle distribution" bool m_bRandomDistribution; // 0x1cc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomVectorComponent : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min" float m_flMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max" float m_flMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "component 0/1/2 X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x1cc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1df0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ExternalWindForce : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "sample position" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecSamplePosition; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force scale" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x828 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sample wind" bool m_bSampleWind; // 0xe80 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sample water current" bool m_bSampleWater; // 0xe81 // MPropertyFriendlyName "dampen gravity/buoyancy near water plane" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bSampleWater" bool m_bDampenNearWaterPlane; // 0xe82 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sample local gravity" bool m_bSampleGravity; // 0xe83 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0e84[0x4]; // 0xe84 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "gravity force" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_bSampleGravity" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecGravityForce; // 0xe88 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use Movement Basic for Local Gravity & Buoyancy Scale" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bSampleGravity" bool m_bUseBasicMovementGravity; // 0x14e0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad14e1[0x7]; // 0x14e1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "local gravity scale" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bSampleGravity" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flLocalGravityScale; // 0x14e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local gravity buoyancy scale" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bSampleGravity" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flLocalBuoyancyScale; // 0x1640 // MPropertyFriendlyName "buoyancy force" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bSampleWater || m_bSampleGravity" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecBuoyancyForce; // 0x1798 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x5f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointFieldToScalarExpression : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" ScalarExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d4[0x4]; // 0x1d4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInput1; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInput2; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output" CParticleRemapFloatInput m_flOutputRemap; // 0x488 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x5e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutVectorField; // 0x5e4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x480 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SDFConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min dist to sdf" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMinDist; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max dist to sdf" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMaxDist; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max # of iterations" int32_t m_nMaxIterations; // 0x470 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xe90 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_PositionWarp : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp min" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecWarpMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp max" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecWarpMax; // 0x818 // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp scale control point number" int32_t m_nScaleControlPointNumber; // 0xe70 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0xe74 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nRadiusComponent; // 0xe78 // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp transition time (treats min/max as start/end sizes)" float m_flWarpTime; // 0xe7c // MPropertyFriendlyName "warp transition start time" float m_flWarpStartTime; // 0xe80 // MPropertyFriendlyName "previous position sacale" float m_flPrevPosScale; // 0xe84 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reverse warp (0/1)" bool m_bInvertWarp; // 0xe88 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use particle count instead of time" bool m_bUseCount; // 0xe89 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x230 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapQAnglesToRotation : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapSpeedToScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number (ignored if per particle)" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per particle" bool m_bPerParticle; // 0x1e4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x840 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointToCPVelocity : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point input" int32_t m_nCPInput; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number to set velocity" int32_t m_nCPOutputVel; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize output" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x1d8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d9[0x3]; // 0x1d9 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number to set magnitude" int32_t m_nCPOutputMag; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point field for magnitude" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPField; // 0x1e0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e4[0x4]; // 0x1e4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "comparison velocity" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecComparisonVelocity; // 0x1e8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x220 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupOnceTimed : public C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x10b0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_LightningSnapshotGenerator : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point number" int32_t m_nCPSnapshot; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start control point number" int32_t m_nCPStartPnt; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end control point number" int32_t m_nCPEndPnt; // 0x1d8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01dc[0x4]; // 0x1dc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Recursion Depth" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flSegments; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOffset; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offset Decay" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOffsetDecay; // 0x490 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Recalculation Rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRecalcRate; // 0x5e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "UV Scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flUVScale; // 0x740 // MPropertyFriendlyName "UV Offset" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flUVOffset; // 0x898 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Branch Split Rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flSplitRate; // 0x9f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Branch Twist" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flBranchTwist; // 0xb48 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Branch Behavior" ParticleLightnintBranchBehavior_t m_nBranchBehavior; // 0xca0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0ca4[0x4]; // 0xca4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Start Radius" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRadiusStart; // 0xca8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "End Radius" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRadiusEnd; // 0xe00 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Dedicated Particle Pool Count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flDedicatedPool; // 0xf58 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xe90 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointToVectorExpression : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "expression" VectorExpressionType_t m_nExpression; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 1" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vInput1; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input 2" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vInput2; // 0x830 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize result" bool m_bNormalizedOutput; // 0xe88 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x220 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_CalculateVectorAttribute : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start value" Vector m_vStartValue; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field 1" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput1; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input scale 1" float m_flInputScale1; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field 2" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput2; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input scale 2" float m_flInputScale2; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point input 1" ControlPointReference_t m_nControlPointInput1; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point scale 1" float m_flControlPointScale1; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point input 2" ControlPointReference_t m_nControlPointInput2; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point scale 2" float m_flControlPointScale2; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "final per component scale" Vector m_vFinalOutputScale; // 0x210 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xb18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct TextureGroup_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Enabled" bool m_bEnabled; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Author Texture As Gradient" // MPropertySuppressExpr "( m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_XYZ_A || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_NEGXYZ_E )" bool m_bReplaceTextureWithGradient; // 0x1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0002[0x6]; // 0x2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Texture" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_bReplaceTextureWithGradient" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "AssetBrowse( vtex, *showassetpreview )" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hTexture; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Gradient" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bReplaceTextureWithGradient" CColorGradient m_Gradient; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Texture Type" SpriteCardTextureType_t m_nTextureType; // 0x28 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Channel Mix" // MPropertySuppressExpr "( m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_XYZ_A || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_NEGXYZ_E )" SpriteCardTextureChannel_t m_nTextureChannels; // 0x2c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Mix Blend Mode" // MPropertySuppressExpr "( m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_XYZ_A || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_NEGXYZ_E )" ParticleTextureLayerBlendType_t m_nTextureBlendMode; // 0x30 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0034[0x4]; // 0x34 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Blend Amount" // MPropertySuppressExpr "( m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_XYZ_A || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_NEGXYZ_E )" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flTextureBlend; // 0x38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Texture Controls" // MPropertySuppressExpr "( m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_XYZ_A || m_nTextureType == SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_6POINT_NEGXYZ_E )" TextureControls_t m_TextureControls; // 0x190 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_Orient2DRelToCP : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset" float m_flRotOffset; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spin strength" float m_flSpinStrength; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1cc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomRadius : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius min" // MPropertyAttributeRange "biased 0 500" float m_flRadiusMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius max" // MPropertyAttributeRange "biased 0 500" float m_flRadiusMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius random exponent" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-2 2" float m_flRadiusRandExponent; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_VelocityRadialRandom : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random speed min" float m_fSpeedMin; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random speed max" float m_fSpeedMax; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space scale" Vector m_vecLocalCoordinateSystemSpeedScale; // 0x1cc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d8[0x1]; // 0x1d8 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore delta time" bool m_bIgnoreDelta; // 0x1d9 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelSequenceScalar : public C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomLifeTime : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime min" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 20" float m_fLifetimeMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime max" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 20" float m_fLifetimeMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime random exponent" float m_fLifetimeRandExponent; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x510 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_AttractToControlPoint : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "component scale" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecComponentScale; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01dc[0x4]; // 0x1dc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of force (or Max Force)" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fForceAmount; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "falloff power" float m_fFalloffPower; // 0x338 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad033c[0x4]; // 0x33c public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input position transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x340 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Min Pullforce" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fForceAmountMin; // 0x3a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Apply Min Pullforce" bool m_bApplyMinForce; // 0x500 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreatePhyllotaxis : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale size multiplier from CP" int32_t m_nScaleCP; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale CP component 0/1/2 X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "center core radius" float m_fRadCentCore; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius multiplier" float m_fRadPerPoint; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius max (-1 procedural growth)" float m_fRadPerPointTo; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "golden angle (is 137.508)" float m_fpointAngle; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "overall size multiplier (-1 count based distribution)" float m_fsizeOverall; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius bias" float m_fRadBias; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius min " float m_fMinRad; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distribution bias" float m_fDistBias; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "local space" bool m_bUseLocalCoords; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "use continuous emission" bool m_bUseWithContEmit; // 0x1ed // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale radius from initial value" bool m_bUseOrigRadius; // 0x1ee }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xe80 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_BoxConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min coords" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max coords" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecMax; // 0x818 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nCP; // 0xe70 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use local space" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0xe74 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Take radius into account" bool m_bAccountForRadius; // 0xe75 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SDFForce : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "force scale" float m_flForceScale; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetParentControlPointsToChildCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to set" int32_t m_nChildControlPoint; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of children to set" int32_t m_nNumControlPoints; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first parent control point to set from" int32_t m_nFirstSourcePoint; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set orientation" bool m_bSetOrientation; // 0x1e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetPerChildControlPointFromAttribute : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to set" int32_t m_nFirstControlPoint; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of children to set" int32_t m_nNumControlPoints; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle increment amount" int32_t m_nParticleIncrement; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "first particle to copy" int32_t m_nFirstSourcePoint; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set number of children based on particle count" bool m_bNumBasedOnParticleCount; // 0x1d4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d5[0x3]; // 0x1d5 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "field to read" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToRead; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point field for scalars" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nCPField; // 0x1dc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_OffsetVectorToVector : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output offset minimum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vecOutputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output offset maximum" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vecOutputMax; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random number generator controls" CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters m_randomnessParameters; // 0x1e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_GlobalLight : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "initial color bias" float m_flScale; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "clamp minimum light value to initial color" bool m_bClampLowerRange; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "clamp maximum light value to initial color" bool m_bClampUpperRange; // 0x1c5 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_CPOffsetToPercentageBetweenCPs : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "percentage bias" float m_flInputBias; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "starting control point" int32_t m_nStartCP; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "ending control point" int32_t m_nEndCP; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset control point" int32_t m_nOffsetCP; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOuputCP; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point" int32_t m_nInputCP; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "treat distance between points as radius" bool m_bRadialCheck; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "treat offset as scale of total distance" bool m_bScaleOffset; // 0x1e1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e2[0x2]; // 0x1e2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset amount" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecOffset; // 0x1e4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_Callback : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x250 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InitFromParentKilled : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "field to init" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAttributeToCopy; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomNamedModelMeshGroup : public C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x980 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_BasicMovement : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "gravity" // MVectorIsCoordinate CParticleCollectionVecInput m_Gravity; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "drag" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-1 1" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_fDrag; // 0x818 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max constraint passes" int32_t m_nMaxConstraintPasses; // 0x970 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particleslib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x110 // Has VTable // // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo // MPulseLibraryBindings // MPulseDomainHiddenInTool // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag class CParticleCollectionBindingInstance : public CBasePulseGraphInstance { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x340 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_QuantizeFloat : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "value" CPerParticleFloatInput m_InputValue; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nOutputField; // 0x318 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapScalar : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime start time (seconds)" float m_flStartTime; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emitter lifetime end time (seconds)" float m_flEndTime; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "only active within specified input range" bool m_bActiveRange; // 0x1e4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e5[0x3]; // 0x1e5 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap bias" float m_flRemapBias; // 0x1e8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x880 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_MoveBetweenPoints : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum speed" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flSpeedMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum speed" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flSpeedMax; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end spread" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flEndSpread; // 0x470 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start offset" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flStartOffset; // 0x5c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end offset" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flEndOffset; // 0x720 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end control point" int32_t m_nEndControlPointNumber; // 0x878 // MPropertyFriendlyName "bias lifetime by trail length" bool m_bTrailBias; // 0x87c }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_SequenceLifeTime : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "frames per second" float m_flFramerate; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_OscillateVectorSimple : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation rate" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nField" Vector m_Rate; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation frequency" Vector m_Frequency; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation multiplier" float m_flOscMult; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation start phase" float m_flOscAdd; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset instead of accelerate position" bool m_bOffset; // 0x1e4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x5f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ContinuousEmitter : public CParticleFunctionEmitter { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission duration" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flEmissionDuration; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission start time" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flStartTime; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "emission rate" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flEmitRate; // 0x470 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale emission to used control points" // MParticleMaxVersion "1" float m_flEmissionScale; // 0x5c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale emission by parent particle count" float m_flScalePerParentParticle; // 0x5cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "emit particles for killed parent particles" bool m_bInitFromKilledParentParticles; // 0x5d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad05d1[0x3]; // 0x5d1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point with snapshot data" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint; // 0x5d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "limit per update" int32_t m_nLimitPerUpdate; // 0x5d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force emit on first update" bool m_bForceEmitOnFirstUpdate; // 0x5dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "force emit on last update" bool m_bForceEmitOnLastUpdate; // 0x5dd }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentToScalar : public C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output value at min distance" float m_flMinOutputValue; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output value at max distance" float m_flMaxOutputValue; // 0x1e8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_EndCapTimedDecay : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "decay time" float m_flDecayTime; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MParticleMaxVersion // MParticleReplacementOp // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_CreateSequentialPath : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" float m_fMaxDistance; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "particles to map from start to end" float m_flNumToAssign; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "restart behavior (0 = bounce, 1 = loop )" bool m_bLoop; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use sequential CP pairs between start and end point" bool m_bCPPairs; // 0x1c9 // MPropertyFriendlyName "save offset" bool m_bSaveOffset; // 0x1ca private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cb[0x5]; // 0x1cb public: CPathParameters m_PathParams; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x320 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DecayOffscreen : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Offscreen Time Before Decay" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOffscreenTime; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x890 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DistanceBetweenTransforms : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "strarting transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformStart; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformEnd; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x298 // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x3f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x548 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x6a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum trace length" float m_flMaxTraceLength; // 0x7f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS Failure Scalar" float m_flLOSScale; // 0x7fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "LOS collision group" char m_CollisionGroupName[128]; // 0x800 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trace Set" ParticleTraceSet_t m_nTraceSet; // 0x880 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ensure line of sight" bool m_bLOS; // 0x884 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0885[0x3]; // 0x885 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "set value method" ParticleSetMethod_t m_nSetMethod; // 0x888 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapScalar : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use old code" bool m_bOldCode; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomTrailLength : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "length min" float m_flMinLength; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "length max" float m_flMaxLength; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "length random exponent" float m_flLengthRandExponent; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xcf0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RingWave : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input transform" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "even distribution count" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flParticlesPerOrbit; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "initial radius" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInitialRadius; // 0x380 // MPropertyFriendlyName "thickness" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flThickness; // 0x4d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "min initial speed" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInitialSpeedMin; // 0x630 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max initial speed" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInitialSpeedMax; // 0x788 // MPropertyFriendlyName "roll" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRoll; // 0x8e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pitch" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flPitch; // 0xa38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "yaw" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flYaw; // 0xb90 // MPropertyFriendlyName "even distribution" bool m_bEvenDistribution; // 0xce8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "XY velocity only" bool m_bXYVelocityOnly; // 0xce9 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xa10 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_SetHitboxToClosest : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "desired hitbox" int32_t m_nDesiredHitbox; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model hitbox scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecHitBoxScale; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char m_HitboxSetName[128]; // 0x820 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x8a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "get closest point on closest hitbox" bool m_bUseClosestPointOnHitbox; // 0x8a1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad08a2[0x2]; // 0x8a2 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "closest point test type" ClosestPointTestType_t m_nTestType; // 0x8a4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hybrid ratio" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flHybridRatio; // 0x8a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set initial position" bool m_bUpdatePosition; // 0xa00 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapVelocityToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor" float m_flScale; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderTonemapController : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "tonemap level scale" float m_flTonemapLevel; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tonemap weight scale" float m_flTonemapWeight; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tonemap level" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nTonemapLevelField; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tonemap weight" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nTonemapWeightField; // 0x20c }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x5f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RepeatedTriggerChildGroup : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d4[0x4]; // 0x1d4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Within-Cluster Refire Time" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flClusterRefireTime; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Within-Cluster Fire Count Before Cooldown" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flClusterSize; // 0x330 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Cluster Cooldown Time" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flClusterCooldown; // 0x488 // MPropertyFriendlyName "limit active children to parent particle count" bool m_bLimitChildCount; // 0x5e0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_FadeInSimple : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "proportional fade in time" float m_flFadeInTime; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_alpha" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_NormalizeVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor" float m_flScale; // 0x1c4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomAlpha : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_alpha" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha min" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 255" int32_t m_nAlphaMin; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha max" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 255" int32_t m_nAlphaMax; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cc[0x8]; // 0x1cc public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha random exponent" float m_flAlphaRandExponent; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xe20 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapAverageHitboxSpeedtoCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point" int32_t m_nInControlPointNumber; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nField; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox data" ParticleHitboxDataSelection_t m_nHitboxDataType; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x490 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "intersection height CP" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nHitboxDataType != PARTICLE_HITBOX_AVERAGE_SPEED" int32_t m_nHeightControlPointNumber; // 0x740 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0744[0x4]; // 0x744 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "comparison velocity" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nHitboxDataType != PARTICLE_HITBOX_AVERAGE_SPEED" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecComparisonVelocity; // 0x748 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char m_HitboxSetName[128]; // 0xda0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x330 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ExternalGameImpulseForce : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "force scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flForceScale; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rope shake" bool m_bRopes; // 0x328 // MPropertyFriendlyName "limit rope impulses to Z" bool m_bRopesZOnly; // 0x329 // MPropertyFriendlyName "explosions" bool m_bExplosions; // 0x32a // MPropertyFriendlyName "particle systems" bool m_bParticles; // 0x32b }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x25f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderModels : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Only Render in effects bloom pass" // MPropertySortPriority "1100" bool m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsBloomPass; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Only Render in effects water pass" // MPropertySortPriority "1050" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != csgo" bool m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsWaterPass; // 0x201 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use Mixed Resolution Rendering" // MPropertySortPriority "1200" bool m_bUseMixedResolutionRendering; // 0x202 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Only Render in effects game overlay pass" // MPropertySortPriority "1210" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != csgo" bool m_bOnlyRenderInEffecsGameOverlay; // 0x203 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0204[0x4]; // 0x204 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "models" // MParticleRequireDefaultArrayEntry // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf // MPropertySortPriority "775" CUtlVector< ModelReference_t > m_ModelList; // 0x208 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0220[0x4]; // 0x220 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "bodygroup field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nBodyGroupField; // 0x224 // MPropertyFriendlyName "submodel field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nSubModelField; // 0x228 // MPropertyStartGroup "Orientation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore normal" // MPropertySortPriority "750" bool m_bIgnoreNormal; // 0x22c // MPropertyFriendlyName "orient model z to normal" // MPropertySortPriority "750" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_bIgnoreNormal" bool m_bOrientZ; // 0x22d // MPropertyFriendlyName "center mesh" // MPropertySortPriority "750" bool m_bCenterOffset; // 0x22e private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad022f[0x1]; // 0x22f public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "model local offset" // MPropertySortPriority "750" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecLocalOffset; // 0x230 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model local rotation (pitch/yaw/roll)" // MPropertySortPriority "750" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecLocalRotation; // 0x888 // MPropertyStartGroup "Model Scale" // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore radius" // MPropertySortPriority "700" bool m_bIgnoreRadius; // 0xee0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0ee1[0x3]; // 0xee1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "model scale CP" // MPropertySortPriority "700" int32_t m_nModelScaleCP; // 0xee4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model component scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecComponentScale; // 0xee8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "apply scales in local model space" // MPropertySortPriority "700" bool m_bLocalScale; // 0x1540 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad1541[0x3]; // 0x1541 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "model size cull bloat" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_size_cull_bloat" int32_t m_nSizeCullBloat; // 0x1544 // MPropertyStartGroup "Animation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "animated" // MPropertySortPriority "500" bool m_bAnimated; // 0x1548 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad1549[0x3]; // 0x1549 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation rate" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bAnimated" float m_flAnimationRate; // 0x154c // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale animation rate" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bAnimated" bool m_bScaleAnimationRate; // 0x1550 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force looping animations" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bAnimated" bool m_bForceLoopingAnimation; // 0x1551 // MPropertyFriendlyName "reset animation frame on stop" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bAnimated" bool m_bResetAnimOnStop; // 0x1552 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set animation frame manually" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bAnimated" bool m_bManualAnimFrame; // 0x1553 // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation rate scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bAnimated" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAnimationScaleField; // 0x1554 // MPropertyStartGroup "Animation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "animation sequence field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "500" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAnimationField; // 0x1558 // MPropertyFriendlyName "manual animation frame field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "500" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!(m_bAnimated && m_bManualAnimFrame)" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nManualFrameField; // 0x155c // MPropertyFriendlyName "activity override" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != dota" // MPropertySortPriority "500" char m_ActivityName[256]; // 0x1560 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence override" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod == dota" // MPropertySortPriority "500" char m_SequenceName[256]; // 0x1660 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Enable Cloth Simulation" bool m_bEnableClothSimulation; // 0x1760 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad1761[0x7]; // 0x1761 public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Material" // MPropertyFriendlyName "material override" // MPropertySortPriority "600" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hOverrideMaterial; // 0x1768 // MPropertyFriendlyName "override translucent materials" // MPropertySortPriority "600" bool m_bOverrideTranslucentMaterials; // 0x1770 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad1771[0x7]; // 0x1771 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "skin number" // MPropertySortPriority "600" CPerParticleFloatInput m_nSkin; // 0x1778 // MPropertyFriendlyName "material variables" // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf // MPropertySortPriority "600" CUtlVector< MaterialVariable_t > m_MaterialVars; // 0x18d0 // MPropertyStartGroup "Model Overrides" // MPropertyFriendlyName "input model" CParticleModelInput m_modelInput; // 0x18e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model LOD" int32_t m_nLOD; // 0x1948 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model override economy loadout slot type" char m_EconSlotName[256]; // 0x194c // MPropertyFriendlyName "model override original model only (ignore shapeshift/hex/etc)" bool m_bOriginalModel; // 0x1a4c // MPropertyFriendlyName "suppress tinting of the model" bool m_bSuppressTint; // 0x1a4d // MPropertyFriendlyName "use raw mesh group (ignore bodygroup field and use submodel field as raw meshgroup)" bool m_bUseRawMeshGroup; // 0x1a4e // MPropertyFriendlyName "disable shadows" bool m_bDisableShadows; // 0x1a4f // MPropertyFriendlyName "accept decals" bool m_bAcceptsDecals; // 0x1a50 // MPropertyFriendlyName "forcedrawinterlevedwithsiblings" bool m_bForceDrawInterlevedWithSiblings; // 0x1a51 // MPropertyFriendlyName "do not draw in particle pass" bool m_bDoNotDrawInParticlePass; // 0x1a52 // MPropertyFriendlyName "render attribute" char m_szRenderAttribute[260]; // 0x1a53 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad1b57[0x1]; // 0x1b57 public: // MPropertyStartGroup "+Renderer Modifiers" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radius Scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRadiusScale; // 0x1b58 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flAlphaScale; // 0x1cb0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation roll scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flRollScale; // 0x1e08 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle alpha scale attribute" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAlpha2Field; // 0x1f60 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad1f64[0x4]; // 0x1f64 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecColorScale; // 0x1f68 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend type" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0x25c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x3d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomModelSequence : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "activity" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != dota" char m_ActivityName[256]; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod == dota" char m_SequenceName[256]; // 0x2c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "model" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel; // 0x3c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x330 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_DecayMaintainCount : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "count to maintain" int32_t m_nParticlesToMaintain; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "decay delay" float m_flDecayDelay; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "snapshot control point for count" int32_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "decay on lifespan" bool m_bLifespanDecay; // 0x1cc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cd[0x3]; // 0x1cd public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "total count scale" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flScale; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "kill newest instead of oldest" bool m_bKillNewest; // 0x328 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x270 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointPositionToTimeOfDayValue : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time-of-day parameter" char m_pszTimeOfDayParameter[128]; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "default value" Vector m_vecDefaultValue; // 0x254 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x3990 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderTrails : public CBaseTrailRenderer { public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Screenspace Fading and culling" // MPropertyFriendlyName "enable fading and clamping" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" bool m_bEnableFadingAndClamping; // 0x2740 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad2741[0x3]; // 0x2741 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade dot product of normal vs view" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flStartFadeDot; // 0x2744 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade dot product of normal vs view" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flEndFadeDot; // 0x2748 // MPropertyStartGroup "+Trail Length" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Anchor point source" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" // MPropertySortPriority "800" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nPrevPntSource; // 0x274c // MPropertyFriendlyName "max length" // MPropertySortPriority "800" float m_flMaxLength; // 0x2750 // MPropertyFriendlyName "min length" // MPropertySortPriority "800" float m_flMinLength; // 0x2754 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore delta time" // MPropertySortPriority "800" bool m_bIgnoreDT; // 0x2758 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad2759[0x3]; // 0x2759 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "constrain radius to no more than this times the length" // MPropertySortPriority "800" float m_flConstrainRadiusToLengthRatio; // 0x275c // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount to scale trail length by" float m_flLengthScale; // 0x2760 // MPropertyFriendlyName "how long before a trail grows to its full length" float m_flLengthFadeInTime; // 0x2764 // MPropertyStartGroup "Trail Head & Tail" // MPropertyFriendlyName "head taper scale" // MPropertySortPriority "800" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadiusHeadTaper; // 0x2768 // MPropertyFriendlyName "head color scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecHeadColorScale; // 0x28c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "head alpha scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flHeadAlphaScale; // 0x2f18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tail taper scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRadiusTaper; // 0x3070 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tail color scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecTailColorScale; // 0x31c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tail alpha scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flTailAlphaScale; // 0x3820 // MPropertyStartGroup "Trail UV Controls" // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture UV horizontal Scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "800" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nHorizCropField; // 0x3978 // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture UV vertical Scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVertCropField; // 0x397c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Trail forward shift (fraction)" float m_flForwardShift; // 0x3980 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Flip U or V texcoords if pitch or yaw go over PI" bool m_bFlipUVBasedOnPitchYaw; // 0x3984 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelMeshGroupScalar : public C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x740 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapDotProductToCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "first input control point" int32_t m_nInputCP1; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "second input control point" int32_t m_nInputCP2; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutputCP; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nOutVectorField; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum (-1 to 1)" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInputMin; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum (-1 to 1)" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flInputMax; // 0x338 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOutputMin; // 0x490 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flOutputMax; // 0x5e8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_OrientTo2dDirection : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation offset" float m_flRotOffset; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spin strength" float m_flSpinStrength; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "rotation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_rotation" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1c0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SpinUpdate : public CSpinUpdateBase { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x2f90 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderSprites : public CBaseRendererSource2 { public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Animation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "sequence id override" // MPropertySortPriority "500" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_nSequenceOverride; // 0x2470 // MPropertyStartGroup "Orientation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation type" // MPropertySortPriority "750" ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t m_nOrientationType; // 0x25c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation control point" // MPropertySortPriority "750" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_ALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL && m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREENALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL" int32_t m_nOrientationControlPoint; // 0x25cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "enable yaw for particles aligned to normals" // MPropertySortPriority "750" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_ALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL && m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREENALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL" bool m_bUseYawWithNormalAligned; // 0x25d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad25d1[0x7]; // 0x25d1 public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Fading and culling" // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum visual screen size" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flMinSize; // 0x25d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum visual screen size" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flMaxSize; // 0x2730 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Factor to map size adjustment to alpha" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flAlphaAdjustWithSizeAdjust; // 0x2888 // MPropertyFriendlyName "screen size to start fading" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flStartFadeSize; // 0x29e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "screen size to fade away" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flEndFadeSize; // 0x2b38 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade dot product of normal vs view" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flStartFadeDot; // 0x2c90 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade dot product of normal vs view" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flEndFadeDot; // 0x2c94 // MPropertyStartGroup "Distance to alpha coding" // MPropertyFriendlyName "distance alpha" // MPropertySortPriority "0" bool m_bDistanceAlpha; // 0x2c98 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use soft edges for distance alpha" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bDistanceAlpha" bool m_bSoftEdges; // 0x2c99 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad2c9a[0x2]; // 0x2c9a public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "start value for soft edges for distance alpha" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bDistanceAlpha" float m_flEdgeSoftnessStart; // 0x2c9c // MPropertyFriendlyName "end value for soft edges for distance alpha" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bDistanceAlpha" float m_flEdgeSoftnessEnd; // 0x2ca0 // MPropertyStartGroup "Outlining" // MPropertyFriendlyName "enable particle outlining" // MPropertySortPriority "0" bool m_bOutline; // 0x2ca4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline color" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bOutline" Color m_OutlineColor; // 0x2ca5 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad2ca9[0x3]; // 0x2ca9 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline alpha" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 255" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bOutline" int32_t m_nOutlineAlpha; // 0x2cac // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline start 0" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bOutline" float m_flOutlineStart0; // 0x2cb0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline start 1" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bOutline" float m_flOutlineStart1; // 0x2cb4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline end 0" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bOutline" float m_flOutlineEnd0; // 0x2cb8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "outline end 1" // MPropertySortPriority "0" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bOutline" float m_flOutlineEnd1; // 0x2cbc // MPropertyStartGroup "Lighting and Shadows" // MPropertyFriendlyName "lighting mode" // MPropertySortPriority "400" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != hlx" ParticleLightingQuality_t m_nLightingMode; // 0x2cc0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad2cc4[0x4]; // 0x2cc4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "vertex lighting tessellation (0-5)" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 5" // MPropertySortPriority "400" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != hlx || m_nLightingMode != PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_VERTEX" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flLightingTessellation; // 0x2cc8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "lighting directionality" // MPropertySortPriority "400" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != hlx" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flLightingDirectionality; // 0x2e20 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Particle Shadows" // MPropertySortPriority "400" // MPropertySuppressExpr "mod != csgo" bool m_bParticleShadows; // 0x2f78 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad2f79[0x3]; // 0x2f79 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Shadow Density" // MPropertySortPriority "400" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bParticleShadows" float m_flShadowDensity; // 0x2f7c }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x840 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapExternalWindToCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point to sample wind" int32_t m_nCP; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nCPOutput; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "wind scale" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecScale; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set magnitude instead of vector" bool m_bSetMagnitude; // 0x830 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0831[0x3]; // 0x831 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "magnitude output component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bSetMagnitude" int32_t m_nOutVectorField; // 0x834 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_TeleportBeam : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Position Control Point" int32_t m_nCPPosition; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Velocity Control Point" int32_t m_nCPVelocity; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Misc Control Point" int32_t m_nCPMisc; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Color Control Point" int32_t m_nCPColor; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "Invalid Color Control Point" int32_t m_nCPInvalidColor; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Extra Arc Data Point" int32_t m_nCPExtraArcData; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Gravity" Vector m_vGravity; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Arc Duration Maximum" float m_flArcMaxDuration; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Segment Break" float m_flSegmentBreak; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Arc Speed" float m_flArcSpeed; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "Alpha" float m_flAlpha; // 0x1f0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_TwistAroundAxis : public CParticleFunctionForce { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of force" float m_fForceAmount; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "twist axis" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_TwistAxis; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "object local space axis 0/1" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0x1e0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01e1[0x3]; // 0x1e1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1e4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x8b0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ModelDampenMovement : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use only bounding box" bool m_bBoundBox; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "dampen outside instead of inside" bool m_bOutside; // 0x1c5 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x1c6 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char m_HitboxSetName[128]; // 0x1c7 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0247[0x1]; // 0x247 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "test position offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecPosOffset; // 0x248 // MPropertyFriendlyName "drag" // MPropertyAttributeRange "-1 1" float m_fDrag; // 0x8a0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1140 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_VelocityRandom : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "random speed min" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fSpeedMin; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "random speed max" CPerParticleFloatInput m_fSpeedMax; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed in local coordinate system min" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMin; // 0x478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "speed in local coordinate system max" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMax; // 0xad0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Ignore delta time (RenderTrails)" bool m_bIgnoreDT; // 0x1128 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad1129[0x3]; // 0x1129 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random number generator controls" CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters m_randomnessParameters; // 0x112c }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_PlaneCull : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point for point on plane" int32_t m_nPlaneControlPoint; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "plane normal" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecPlaneDirection; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use local space" bool m_bLocalSpace; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d1[0x3]; // 0x1d1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull plane offset" float m_flPlaneOffset; // 0x1d4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomNamedModelSequence : public C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement { public: }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapScalarOnceTimed : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap time proportional" bool m_bProportional; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c1[0x3]; // 0x1c1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldInput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "remap time" float m_flRemapTime; // 0x1dc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ParticleChildrenInfo_t { public: // MPropertySuppressField CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_ChildRef; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "delay" float m_flDelay; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end cap effect" bool m_bEndCap; // 0xc // MPropertySuppressField bool m_bDisableChild; // 0xd private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000e[0x2]; // 0xe public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "disable at detail levels below" ParticleDetailLevel_t m_nDetailLevel; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1960 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_InitialVelocityNoise : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "absolute value" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecAbsVal; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "invert abs value" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecAbsValInv; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial coordinate offset" // MVectorIsCoordinate CPerParticleVecInput m_vecOffsetLoc; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time coordinate offset" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flOffset; // 0x830 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecOutputMin; // 0x988 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecOutputMax; // 0xfe0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "time noise coordinate scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flNoiseScale; // 0x1638 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spatial noise coordinate scale" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flNoiseScaleLoc; // 0x1790 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input local space velocity (optional)" // MParticleInputOptional CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x18e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "ignore delta time" bool m_bIgnoreDt; // 0x1950 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RandomVector : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "min" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vecMin; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "max" // MVectorIsSometimesCoordinate "m_nFieldOutput" Vector m_vecMax; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Random number generator controls" CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters m_randomnessParameters; // 0x1dc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x490 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_ConstrainDistance : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum distance" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_fMinDistance; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum distance" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_fMaxDistance; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point number" int32_t m_nControlPointNumber; // 0x470 // MPropertyFriendlyName "offset of center" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_CenterOffset; // 0x474 // MPropertyFriendlyName "global center point" bool m_bGlobalCenter; // 0x480 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x270 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_RtEnvCull : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "test direction" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecTestDir; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull normal" // MVectorIsCoordinate Vector m_vecTestNormal; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "use velocity for test direction" bool m_bUseVelocity; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "cull on miss" bool m_bCullOnMiss; // 0x1d9 // MPropertyFriendlyName "velocity test adjust lifespan" bool m_bLifeAdjust; // 0x1da // MPropertyFriendlyName "ray trace environment name" char m_RtEnvName[128]; // 0x1db private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad025b[0x1]; // 0x25b public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "ray trace environment cp" int32_t m_nRTEnvCP; // 0x25c // MPropertyFriendlyName "rt env control point component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nComponent; // 0x260 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x220 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_StatusEffect : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "D_DETAIL_2" Detail2Combo_t m_nDetail2Combo; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$DETAIL2ROTATION" float m_flDetail2Rotation; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$DETAIL2SCALE" float m_flDetail2Scale; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$DETAIL2BLENDFACTOR" float m_flDetail2BlendFactor; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "$COLORWARPINTENSITY" float m_flColorWarpIntensity; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$DIFFUSEWARPBLENDTOFULL" float m_flDiffuseWarpBlendToFull; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$ENVMAPINTENSITY" float m_flEnvMapIntensity; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$AMBIENTSCALE" float m_flAmbientScale; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SPECULARCOLOR" Color m_specularColor; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SPECULARSCALE" float m_flSpecularScale; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SPECULAREXPONENT" float m_flSpecularExponent; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SPECULAREXPONENTBLENDTOFULL" float m_flSpecularExponentBlendToFull; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SPECULARBLENDTOFULL" float m_flSpecularBlendToFull; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" Color m_rimLightColor; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$RIMLIGHTSCALE" float m_flRimLightScale; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$REFLECTIONSTINTBYBASEBLENDTONONE" float m_flReflectionsTintByBaseBlendToNone; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "$METALNESSBLENDTOFULL" float m_flMetalnessBlendToFull; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SELFILLUMBLENDTOFULL" float m_flSelfIllumBlendToFull; // 0x204 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_OscillateScalarSimple : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation rate" float m_Rate; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation frequency" float m_Frequency; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nField; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation multiplier" float m_flOscMult; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "oscillation start phase" float m_flOscAdd; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct ParticlePreviewBodyGroup_t { public: CUtlString m_bodyGroupName; // 0x0 int32_t m_nValue; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x320 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_PointVectorAtNextParticle : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x1c8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapCPVelocityToVector : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "control point" int32_t m_nControlPoint; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale factor" float m_flScale; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "normalize" bool m_bNormalize; // 0x1cc }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x4b0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapSDFDistanceToVectorAttribute : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVectorFieldOutput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Input field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVectorFieldInput; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Minimum distance" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMinDistance; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Maximum distance" CParticleCollectionFloatInput m_flMaxDistance; // 0x320 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Value for distmax" Vector m_vValueAboveMax; // 0x49c }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SetControlPointsToParticle : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "group ID to affect" int32_t m_nChildGroupID; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first control point to set" int32_t m_nFirstControlPoint; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "# of control points to set" int32_t m_nNumControlPoints; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "first particle to copy" int32_t m_nFirstSourcePoint; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "set orientation" bool m_bSetOrientation; // 0x1d0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d1[0x3]; // 0x1d1 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation style" ParticleOrientationSetMode_t m_nOrientationMode; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "set parent" ParticleParentSetMode_t m_nSetParent; // 0x1d8 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x230 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderTreeShake : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "peak strength" float m_flPeakStrength; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "peak strength field override" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nPeakStrengthFieldOverride; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius" float m_flRadius; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "strength field override" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nRadiusFieldOverride; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "shake duration after end" float m_flShakeDuration; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount of time taken to smooth between different shake parameters" float m_flTransitionTime; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Twist amount (-1..1)" float m_flTwistAmount; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radial Amount (-1..1)" float m_flRadialAmount; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Control Point Orientation Amount (-1..1)" float m_flControlPointOrientationAmount; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Control Point for Orientation Amount" int32_t m_nControlPointForLinearDirection; // 0x224 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x330 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderSound : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "duration scale" float m_flDurationScale; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "decibel level scale" float m_flSndLvlScale; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pitch scale" float m_flPitchScale; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "volume scale" float m_flVolumeScale; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "decibel level field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nSndLvlField; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "duration field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nDurationField; // 0x214 // MPropertyFriendlyName "pitch field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nPitchField; // 0x218 // MPropertyFriendlyName "volume field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVolumeField; // 0x21c // MPropertyFriendlyName "sound channel" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "sound_channel" int32_t m_nChannel; // 0x220 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sound control point number" int32_t m_nCPReference; // 0x224 // MPropertyFriendlyName "sound" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "SoundPicker()" char m_pszSoundName[256]; // 0x228 // MPropertyFriendlyName "suppress stop event" bool m_bSuppressStopSoundEvent; // 0x328 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x210 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_INIT_StatusEffectCitadel : public CParticleFunctionInitializer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXColorWarpAmount" float m_flSFXColorWarpAmount; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXNormalAmount" float m_flSFXNormalAmount; // 0x1c4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXMetalnessAmount" float m_flSFXMetalnessAmount; // 0x1c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXRoughnessAmount" float m_flSFXRoughnessAmount; // 0x1cc // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXSelfIllumAmount" float m_flSFXSelfIllumAmount; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureScale" float m_flSFXSScale; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureScrollX" float m_flSFXSScrollX; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureScrollY" float m_flSFXSScrollY; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureScrollZ" float m_flSFXSScrollZ; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureOffsetX" float m_flSFXSOffsetX; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureOffsetY" float m_flSFXSOffsetY; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXTextureOffsetZ" float m_flSFXSOffsetZ; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "D_DETAIL" DetailCombo_t m_nDetailCombo; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXDetailAmount" float m_flSFXSDetailAmount; // 0x1f4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXDetailTextureScale" float m_flSFXSDetailScale; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXDetailTextureScrollX" float m_flSFXSDetailScrollX; // 0x1fc // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXDetailTextureScrollY" float m_flSFXSDetailScrollY; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXDetailTextureScrollZ" float m_flSFXSDetailScrollZ; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "$SFXUseModelUVs" float m_flSFXSUseModelUVs; // 0x208 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x28e0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderRopes : public CBaseRendererSource2 { public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Screenspace Fading and culling" // MPropertyFriendlyName "enable fading and clamping" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" bool m_bEnableFadingAndClamping; // 0x2470 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad2471[0x3]; // 0x2471 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum visual screen-size" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bEnableFadingAndClamping" float m_flMinSize; // 0x2474 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum visual screen-size" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bEnableFadingAndClamping" float m_flMaxSize; // 0x2478 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade screen-size" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bEnableFadingAndClamping" float m_flStartFadeSize; // 0x247c // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade and cull screen-size" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bEnableFadingAndClamping" float m_flEndFadeSize; // 0x2480 // MPropertyFriendlyName "start fade dot product of normal vs view" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flStartFadeDot; // 0x2484 // MPropertyFriendlyName "end fade dot product of normal vs view" // MPropertySortPriority "1000" float m_flEndFadeDot; // 0x2488 // MPropertyStartGroup "Rope Tesselation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "amount to taper the width of the trail end by" float m_flRadiusTaper; // 0x248c // MPropertyFriendlyName "minium number of quads per render segment" // MPropertySortPriority "850" int32_t m_nMinTesselation; // 0x2490 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum number of quads per render segment" int32_t m_nMaxTesselation; // 0x2494 // MPropertyFriendlyName "tesselation resolution scale factor" float m_flTessScale; // 0x2498 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad249c[0x4]; // 0x249c public: // MPropertyStartGroup "+Rope Global UV Controls" // MPropertyFriendlyName "global texture V World Size" // MPropertySortPriority "800" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flTextureVWorldSize; // 0x24a0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "global texture V Scroll Rate" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flTextureVScrollRate; // 0x25f8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "global texture V Offset" CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput m_flTextureVOffset; // 0x2750 // MPropertyFriendlyName "global texture V Params CP" int32_t m_nTextureVParamsCP; // 0x28a8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Clamp Non-Sheet texture V coords" bool m_bClampV; // 0x28ac private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad28ad[0x3]; // 0x28ad public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Rope Global UV Controls/CP Scaling" // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale CP start" int32_t m_nScaleCP1; // 0x28b0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale CP end" int32_t m_nScaleCP2; // 0x28b4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale V world size by CP distance" float m_flScaleVSizeByControlPointDistance; // 0x28b8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale V scroll rate by CP distance" float m_flScaleVScrollByControlPointDistance; // 0x28bc // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale V offset by CP distance" float m_flScaleVOffsetByControlPointDistance; // 0x28c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad28c4[0x1]; // 0x28c4 public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Rope Global UV Controls" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Use scalar attribute for texture coordinate" bool m_bUseScalarForTextureCoordinate; // 0x28c5 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad28c6[0x2]; // 0x28c6 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "scalar to use for texture coordinate" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseScalarForTextureCoordinate" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nScalarFieldForTextureCoordinate; // 0x28c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "scale value to map attribute to texture coordinate" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseScalarForTextureCoordinate" float m_flScalarAttributeTextureCoordScale; // 0x28cc // MPropertyStartGroup "Rope Order Controls" // MPropertyFriendlyName "reverse point order" // MPropertySortPriority "800" bool m_bReverseOrder; // 0x28d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Closed loop" bool m_bClosedLoop; // 0x28d1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad28d2[0x2]; // 0x28d2 public: // MPropertyStartGroup "Orientation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "orientation_type" // MPropertySortPriority "750" ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t m_nOrientationType; // 0x28d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "attribute to use for normal" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_vector" // MPropertySortPriority "750" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_ALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL && m_nOrientationType != PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREENALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nVectorFieldForOrientation; // 0x28d8 // MPropertyStartGroup "Material" // MPropertyFriendlyName "draw as opaque" bool m_bDrawAsOpaque; // 0x28dc // MPropertyStartGroup "Orientation" // MPropertyFriendlyName "generate normals for cylinder" bool m_bGenerateNormals; // 0x28dd }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xd80 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_SpringToVectorConstraint : public CParticleFunctionConstraint { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "slack" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRestLength; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "minimum segment length %" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flMinDistance; // 0x318 // MPropertyFriendlyName "maximum segment length %" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flMaxDistance; // 0x470 // MPropertyFriendlyName "resting spacing" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flRestingLength; // 0x5c8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "anchor vector" CPerParticleVecInput m_vecAnchorVector; // 0x720 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_FadeOutSimple : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "proportional fade out time" float m_flFadeOutTime; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_alpha" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nFieldOutput; // 0x1c4 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x200 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapModelVolumetoCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "output BBox Type" BBoxVolumeType_t m_nBBoxType; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point" int32_t m_nInControlPointNumber; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output max control point" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nBBoxType != BBOX_MINS_MAXS" int32_t m_nOutControlPointMaxNumber; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "output CP component" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nBBoxType != BBOX_VOLUME" int32_t m_nField; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input volume minimum in cubic units" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nBBoxType != BBOX_VOLUME" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input volume maximum in cubic units" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nBBoxType != BBOX_VOLUME" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nBBoxType != BBOX_VOLUME" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1ec // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_nBBoxType != BBOX_VOLUME" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1f0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x480 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_MoveToHitbox : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "model input" CParticleModelInput m_modelInput; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_transformInput; // 0x220 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0288[0x4]; // 0x288 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime lerp start" float m_flLifeTimeLerpStart; // 0x28c // MPropertyFriendlyName "lifetime lerp end" float m_flLifeTimeLerpEnd; // 0x290 // MPropertyFriendlyName "previous position scale" float m_flPrevPosScale; // 0x294 // MPropertyFriendlyName "hitbox set" char m_HitboxSetName[128]; // 0x298 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use bones instead of hitboxes" bool m_bUseBones; // 0x318 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0319[0x3]; // 0x319 public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "lerp type" HitboxLerpType_t m_nLerpType; // 0x31c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Constant Interpolation" CPerParticleFloatInput m_flInterpolation; // 0x320 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct CollisionGroupContext_t { public: int32_t m_nCollisionGroupNumber; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x230 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapTransformToVelocity : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "transform input" CParticleTransformInput m_TransformInput; // 0x1c0 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1f0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RemapSpeedtoCP : public CParticleFunctionPreEmission { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "input control point" int32_t m_nInControlPointNumber; // 0x1d0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output control point" int32_t m_nOutControlPointNumber; // 0x1d4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Output field 0-2 X/Y/Z" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "vector_component" int32_t m_nField; // 0x1d8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "input minimum" float m_flInputMin; // 0x1dc // MPropertyFriendlyName "input maximum" float m_flInputMax; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output minimum" float m_flOutputMin; // 0x1e4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "output maximum" float m_flOutputMax; // 0x1e8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "use delta of velocity instead of constant speed" bool m_bUseDeltaV; // 0x1ec }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x8a0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_RenderDeferredLight : public CParticleFunctionRenderer { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "projected texture use alpha test window" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseTexture" bool m_bUseAlphaTestWindow; // 0x200 // MPropertyFriendlyName "projected texture light" bool m_bUseTexture; // 0x201 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0202[0x2]; // 0x202 public: // MPropertyStartGroup "+Renderer Modifiers" // MPropertyFriendlyName "radius scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" float m_flRadiusScale; // 0x204 // MPropertyFriendlyName "alpha scale" // MPropertySortPriority "700" float m_flAlphaScale; // 0x208 // MPropertyFriendlyName "per-particle alpha scale attribute" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAlpha2Field; // 0x20c // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend" // MPropertySortPriority "700" CParticleCollectionVecInput m_vecColorScale; // 0x210 // MPropertyFriendlyName "color blend type" // MPropertySortPriority "700" ParticleColorBlendType_t m_nColorBlendType; // 0x868 // MPropertyStartGroup // MPropertyFriendlyName "spotlight distance" float m_flLightDistance; // 0x86c // MPropertyFriendlyName "light start falloff" float m_flStartFalloff; // 0x870 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spotlight distance falloff" float m_flDistanceFalloff; // 0x874 // MPropertyFriendlyName "spotlight FoV" float m_flSpotFoV; // 0x878 // MPropertyFriendlyName "projected texture alpha test point scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseTexture" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAlphaTestPointField; // 0x87c // MPropertyFriendlyName "projected texture alpha test range scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseTexture" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAlphaTestRangeField; // 0x880 // MPropertyFriendlyName "projected texture alpha test sharpness scale field" // MPropertyAttributeChoiceName "particlefield_scalar" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseTexture" ParticleAttributeIndex_t m_nAlphaTestSharpnessField; // 0x884 // MPropertyFriendlyName "texture" // MPropertySuppressExpr "!m_bUseTexture" CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hTexture; // 0x888 // MPropertyFriendlyName "HSV Shift Control Point" int32_t m_nHSVShiftControlPoint; // 0x890 }; // Registered binary: particles.dll (project 'particles') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x1d0 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class C_OP_Decay : public CParticleFunctionOperator { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Reduce rope popping on decay" bool m_bRopeDecay; // 0x1c0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "force preserving particle order" bool m_bForcePreserveParticleOrder; // 0x1c1 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct TrackedStatAggregateData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "The stat to aggregate" CUtlString m_strIndividualStat; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "The aggregate function" ETrackedStatAggregate m_eAggregate; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor struct Relationship_t { public: Disposition_t disposition; // 0x0 int32_t priority; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'navlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class CNavVolume { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x70]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'navlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x98 // Has VTable class CNavVolumeVector : public CNavVolume { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0070[0x8]; // 0x70 public: bool m_bHasBeenPreFiltered; // 0x78 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x28 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MNetworkVarsAtomic class CNetworkVelocityVector { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: // MNetworkBitCount "18" // MNetworkMinValue "-4096.000000" // MNetworkMaxValue "4096.000000" // MNetworkEncodeFlags "4" // MNetworkChangeCallback "CNetworkVelocityVector" CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_vecX; // 0x10 // MNetworkBitCount "18" // MNetworkMinValue "-4096.000000" // MNetworkMaxValue "4096.000000" // MNetworkEncodeFlags "4" // MNetworkChangeCallback "CNetworkVelocityVector" CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_vecY; // 0x18 // MNetworkBitCount "18" // MNetworkMinValue "-4096.000000" // MNetworkMaxValue "4096.000000" // MNetworkEncodeFlags "4" // MNetworkChangeCallback "CNetworkVelocityVector" CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_vecZ; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class CAnimGraphControllerBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor struct hudtextparms_t { public: Color color1; // 0x0 Color color2; // 0x4 uint8_t effect; // 0x8 uint8_t channel; // 0x9 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000a[0x2]; // 0xa public: float x; // 0xc float y; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class IRagdoll { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct ParticleIndex_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("ParticleIndex_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct CavernCrawlRoomID_t { public: uint8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CavernCrawlRoomID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x2 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct attrib_definition_index_t { public: uint16_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("attrib_definition_index_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct TrackedStatExpressionData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "The expression" CUtlString strExpression; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // Has Trivial Destructor class CObstructionObject { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: int32_t m_nObstructionProperties; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x64 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct dynpitchvol_base_t { public: int32_t preset; // 0x0 int32_t pitchrun; // 0x4 int32_t pitchstart; // 0x8 int32_t spinup; // 0xc int32_t spindown; // 0x10 int32_t volrun; // 0x14 int32_t volstart; // 0x18 int32_t fadein; // 0x1c int32_t fadeout; // 0x20 int32_t lfotype; // 0x24 int32_t lforate; // 0x28 int32_t lfomodpitch; // 0x2c int32_t lfomodvol; // 0x30 int32_t cspinup; // 0x34 int32_t cspincount; // 0x38 int32_t pitch; // 0x3c int32_t spinupsav; // 0x40 int32_t spindownsav; // 0x44 int32_t pitchfrac; // 0x48 int32_t vol; // 0x4c int32_t fadeinsav; // 0x50 int32_t fadeoutsav; // 0x54 int32_t volfrac; // 0x58 int32_t lfofrac; // 0x5c int32_t lfomult; // 0x60 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyCraftOperationBucket_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "How many operations should the user get from this bucket" uint16_t m_unOperationCount; // 0x0 CUtlVector< FantasyCraftOperation_t > m_vecOperations; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x98 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class CNavVolumeCalculatedVector : public CNavVolume { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 class CBreakableStageHelper { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: int32_t m_nCurrentStage; // 0x8 int32_t m_nStageCount; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot // MVDataNodeType // MVDataOverlayType // MVDataUseLinkedEntityClasses class CEntitySubclassVDataBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x28]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct ModelConfigHandle_t { public: uint32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("ModelConfigHandle_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x31 // Has Trivial Destructor class ResponseFollowup { public: char* followup_concept; // 0x0 char* followup_contexts; // 0x8 float followup_delay; // 0x10 char* followup_target; // 0x14 char* followup_entityiotarget; // 0x1c char* followup_entityioinput; // 0x24 float followup_entityiodelay; // 0x2c bool bFired; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct GameTick_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("GameTick_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; static GameTick_t &Get_Zero(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("GameTick_t")->m_static_fields[1]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 class CAnimGraphTagRef { public: int32_t m_nTagIndex; // 0x0 CGlobalSymbol m_tagName; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PingWheelMessageID_t { public: uint32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PingWheelMessageID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x2 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct FantasyOperationID_t { public: uint16_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("FantasyOperationID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xb8 // Has VTable class CNavVolumeBreadthFirstSearch : public CNavVolumeCalculatedVector { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0098[0x8]; // 0x98 public: Vector m_vStartPos; // 0xa0 float m_flSearchDist; // 0xac }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x90 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class CGameRules { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: char m_szQuestName[128]; // 0x8 int32_t m_nQuestPhase; // 0x88 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // Has Trivial Destructor class CAnimEventListenerBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct TrophyLevel_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "the score at which this level is unlocked" uint32_t m_nScore; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "points to award for achieving this trophy level" int32_t m_nBadgePoints; // 0x4 // MPropertyDescription "the image used to represent this level" CPanoramaImageName m_sImage; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'navlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2c // Has Trivial Destructor // // MVDataRoot // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CNavHullVData { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Enabled" // MPropertyDescription "Is this agent enabled for generation? ( will result in 0 nav areas for this agent if not )." bool m_bAgentEnabled; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Radius" // MPropertyDescription "Radius of navigating agent capsule." float m_agentRadius; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Height" // MPropertyDescription "Height of navigating agent capsule." float m_agentHeight; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Enable Short Height" // MPropertyDescription "Enable shorter navigating agent capsules ( e.g. crouch ) in addition to regular height capsules." bool m_agentShortHeightEnabled; // 0xc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000d[0x3]; // 0xd public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Short height" // MPropertyDescription "Short Height of navigating agent capsules if enabled." float m_agentShortHeight; // 0x10 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Climb" // MPropertyDescription "Max vertical offset that the agent simply ignores and walks over." float m_agentMaxClimb; // 0x14 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Slope" // MPropertyDescription "Max ground slope to be considered walkable." int32_t m_agentMaxSlope; // 0x18 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Jump Down Distance" // MPropertyDescription "Max vertical offset at which to create a jump connection ( possibly one-way )." float m_agentMaxJumpDownDist; // 0x1c // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Horizontal Jump Distance" // MPropertyDescription "Max horizontal offset over which to create a jump connection ( actually a parameter into the true threshold function )." float m_agentMaxJumpHorizDistBase; // 0x20 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Max Jump Up Distance" // MPropertyDescription "Max vertical offset at which to make a jump connection two-way." float m_agentMaxJumpUpDist; // 0x24 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Border Erosion" // MPropertyDescription "Border erosion in voxel units ( -1 to use default value based on agent radius )." int32_t m_agentBorderErosion; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 class sGlaiveInfo { public: int32_t iAttackIndex; // 0x0 int32_t iBounceCount; // 0x4 CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > hAlreadyHitList; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xe0 class CDOTA_AttackRecord { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hSource; // 0x8 CHandle< CDOTABaseAbility > m_hInflictor; // 0xc CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hTarget; // 0x10 CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hProjectileSource; // 0x14 float m_flDamage; // 0x18 float m_flOriginalDamage; // 0x1c float m_flDamagePhysical; // 0x20 float m_flDamagePhysical_IllusionDisplay; // 0x24 float m_flDamageMagical; // 0x28 float m_flDamageComposite; // 0x2c float m_flDamagePure; // 0x30 int16_t m_iRecord; // 0x34 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0036[0x2]; // 0x36 public: int32_t m_iDamageCategory; // 0x38 int32_t m_iFailType; // 0x3c int32_t m_iDamageType; // 0x40 int32_t m_iFlags; // 0x44 int32_t m_animation; // 0x48 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad004c[0x4]; // 0x4c public: CDOTA_Orb* m_pOrb; // 0x50 CDOTA_Orb* m_pOrb2; // 0x58 struct { uint8_t m_bAttack: 1; uint8_t m_bRangedAttack: 1; uint8_t m_bDirectionalRangedAttack: 1; uint8_t m_bSkipRangeCheck: 1; uint8_t m_bFakeAttack: 1; uint8_t m_bNeverMiss: 1; uint8_t m_bLethalAttack: 1; uint8_t m_bTriggeredAttack: 1; uint8_t m_bNoCooldown: 1; uint8_t m_bProcessProcs: 1; uint8_t m_bUseProjectile: 1; uint8_t m_bUseCastAttackOrb: 1; uint8_t m_bAutoCastAttack: 1; uint8_t m_bIgnoreBaseArmor: 1; uint8_t m_bIgnoreObstructions: 1; uint8_t m_bSuppressAttackSounds: 1; uint8_t m_bSuppressDamageSounds: 1; uint8_t m_bSuppressDamageEffects: 1; uint128_t __pad5: 78; }; // 96 bits int32_t m_nBashSource; // 0x64 float m_flAttackHeight; // 0x68 float m_flCombatLogCreditFactor; // 0x6c float m_flCriticalBonus; // 0x70 float m_flCriticalDamage; // 0x74 float m_flCriticalDisplay; // 0x78 float m_flDeadlyBlowBonus; // 0x7c float m_flDeadlyBlowDamage; // 0x80 float m_flDeadlyBlowDisplay; // 0x84 int32_t m_iProjectileSpeed; // 0x88 Vector m_vForceDirectionOverride; // 0x8c Vector m_vTargetLoc; // 0x98 Vector m_vBlockLoc; // 0xa4 CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszAutoAttackRangedParticle; // 0xb0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00b8[0x8]; // 0xb8 public: ParticleIndex_t m_iCustomFXIndex; // 0xc0 DOTAProjectileAttachment_t m_iCustomProjectileAttachment; // 0xc4 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct FantasyTabletID_t { public: uint8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("FantasyTabletID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x2 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct FantasyCraftDataID_t { public: uint16_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("FantasyCraftDataID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor class CInButtonState { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: uint64_t m_pButtonStates[3]; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct CreatureStateData_t { public: char* pszName; // 0x0 float flAggression; // 0x8 float flAvoidance; // 0xc float flSupport; // 0x10 float flRoamDistance; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor class CDOTA_ReconnectInfo { public: uint64_t m_playerSteamId; // 0x0 int32_t m_iTeam; // 0x8 CEntityIndex m_iUnitControlled; // 0xc bool m_bWantsRandomHero; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable class CTakeDamageSummaryScopeGuard { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< SummaryTakeDamageInfo_t* > m_vecSummaries; // 0x8 // Static fields: static SummaryTakeDamageInfo_t &Get_EmptySummary(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CTakeDamageSummaryScopeGuard")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataOutlinerIconExpr // MVDataAnonymousNode struct BlessingPath_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyAttributeEditor "VDataNodePicker(//m_mapBlessings/*)" CUtlString Node1; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0010[0x8]; // 0x10 public: // MPropertyAttributeEditor "VDataNodePicker(//m_mapBlessings/*)" CUtlString Node2; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0020[0x4]; // 0x20 public: // MPropertyDescription "This edge only allows unlocks in the direction of the arrow." bool bOneWay; // 0x24 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0025[0x3]; // 0x25 public: // MPropertyAttributeRange "-1 1" // MPropertyDescription "0 = line, + = curve to the 'right' from node 1 to node 2, - = curve left" float flCircleInvRadius; // 0x28 // MPropertyDescription "path particle color" Color color; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedFloatType struct GameTime_t { public: float m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_FLOAT(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("GameTime_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; static GameTime_t &Get_Zero(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("GameTime_t")->m_static_fields[1]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor class sGlaiveDef { public: CDOTA_BaseNPC* pGlaive; // 0x0 ParticleIndex_t nGlaiveFXIndex; // 0x8 int32_t nGlaiveState; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct CavernCrawlRoom_t { public: Vector2D m_vecPosition; // 0x0 char* m_pCSSClass; // 0x8 float m_flRoomRadius; // 0x10 bool m_bAlwaysVisible; // 0x14 bool m_bStartingRoom; // 0x15 bool m_bFinalTreasure; // 0x16 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 class sAghsfortWardBounceInfo { public: int32_t iAttackIndex; // 0x0 int32_t iBounceCount; // 0x4 CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > hAlreadyHitList; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable class INextBotEventResponder { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'navlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x80 // Has VTable class CNavVolumeSphere : public CNavVolume { public: Vector m_vCenter; // 0x70 float m_flRadius; // 0x7c }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct style_index_t { public: uint8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("style_index_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable class CAI_Expresser { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x38]; // 0x0 public: GameTime_t m_flStopTalkTime; // 0x38 GameTime_t m_flStopTalkTimeWithoutDelay; // 0x3c GameTime_t m_flBlockedTalkTime; // 0x40 int32_t m_voicePitch; // 0x44 GameTime_t m_flLastTimeAcceptedSpeak; // 0x48 bool m_bAllowSpeakingInterrupts; // 0x4c bool m_bConsiderSceneInvolvementAsSpeech; // 0x4d private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad004e[0x2]; // 0x4e public: int32_t m_nLastSpokenPriority; // 0x50 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0054[0x4]; // 0x54 public: CBaseFlex* m_pOuter; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xb8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyCraftSetupData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "Unique identifier for this set of crafting data" FantasyCraftDataID_t m_unID; // 0x0 CUtlVector< FantasyCraftingTitleData_t > m_vecPrefixes; // 0x8 CUtlVector< FantasyCraftingTitleData_t > m_vecSuffixes; // 0x20 CUtlVector< FantasyCraftingGemData_t > m_vecGems; // 0x38 CUtlVector< FantasyCraftingShapeData_t > m_vecShapes; // 0x50 CUtlVector< FantasyCraftingQualityData_t > m_vecQualities; // 0x68 CUtlVector< FantasyCraftingTabletData_t > m_vecTablets; // 0x80 CUtlVector< FantasyCraftOperationBucket_t > m_vecOperations; // 0x98 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class INextBotComponent : public INextBotEventResponder { public: GameTime_t m_lastUpdateTime; // 0x8 float m_curInterval; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class IEconItemInterface { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct FantasyPeriod_t { public: uint32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("FantasyPeriod_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x20 class sSpiritInfo { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x4]; // 0x0 public: Vector vTargetLoc; // 0x4 CHandle< CBaseEntity > hTarget; // 0x10 bool bHit; // 0x14 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0015[0x3]; // 0x15 public: int32_t iHealAmount; // 0x18 ParticleIndex_t nFXAmbientIndex; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct HeroPersona_t { public: int8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("HeroPersona_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 class sAghsFortGlaiveInfo { public: int32_t iAttackIndex; // 0x0 int32_t iBounceCount; // 0x4 CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > hAlreadyHitList; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'navlib') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor class Extent { public: Vector lo; // 0x0 Vector hi; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x2c // Has Trivial Destructor struct CreatureAbilityData_t { public: CHandle< CBaseEntity > hAbility; // 0x0 bool bIsDamage; // 0x4 bool bIsDebuff; // 0x5 bool bIsStun; // 0x6 bool bIsAOE; // 0x7 bool bIsLinear; // 0x8 bool bUseOnCreeps; // 0x9 bool bIsHeal; // 0xa bool bIsBuff; // 0xb bool bUseSelfishly; // 0xc bool bCanHelpOthersEscape; // 0xd bool bUseOnTrees; // 0xe bool bUseOnStrongestAlly; // 0xf int32_t nUseAtHealthPercent; // 0x10 int32_t nRadius; // 0x14 int32_t nMinimumTargets; // 0x18 int32_t nMaximumTargets; // 0x1c int32_t nMinimumHP; // 0x20 int32_t nMinimumRange; // 0x24 CreatureAbilityType nAbilityType; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor class sRevenantDef { public: CDOTA_BaseNPC* pRevenant; // 0x0 ParticleIndex_t nRevenantFXIndex; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct WeightedSuggestion_t { public: // MNetworkEnable int32_t nSuggestion; // 0x0 // MNetworkEnable float fWeight; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct BlessingID_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("BlessingID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class CDOTAMusicProbabilityEntry { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< float32 > m_flProbabilityElements; // 0x8 float m_flProbability; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has VTable class CDOTA_ArcanaDataEntity_Base { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MNetworkDisable // MNetworkChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct ChatWheelMessageID_t { public: uint32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("ChatWheelMessageID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor class CSimpleSimTimer { public: GameTime_t m_next; // 0x0 WorldGroupId_t m_nWorldGroupId; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct AmmoIndex_t { public: int8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("AmmoIndex_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor class CConstantForceController { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0xc]; // 0x0 public: Vector m_linear; // 0xc RotationVector m_angular; // 0x18 Vector m_linearSave; // 0x24 RotationVector m_angularSave; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct AnimationUpdateListHandle_t { public: uint32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("AnimationUpdateListHandle_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor class ResponseParams { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: int16_t odds; // 0x10 int16_t flags; // 0x12 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0014[0x4]; // 0x14 public: ResponseFollowup* m_pFollowup; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor class CDotaEntityFilterFlags { public: bool m_bInvertFilter; // 0x0 bool m_bEveryUnit; // 0x1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0002[0x2]; // 0x2 public: int32_t m_nTeamNumber; // 0x4 CUtlSymbolLarge m_UnitName; // 0x8 bool m_bIsAncient; // 0x10 bool m_bIsNeutralUnitType; // 0x11 bool m_bIsSummoned; // 0x12 bool m_bIsHero; // 0x13 bool m_bIsRealHero; // 0x14 bool m_bIsTower; // 0x15 bool m_bIsPhantom; // 0x16 bool m_bIsIllusion; // 0x17 bool m_bIsCreep; // 0x18 bool m_bIsLaneCreep; // 0x19 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct TrackedStatCombatQueryData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "the combat query file" CUtlString strCombatQueryPath; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 class sPendingTreeModelChange { public: int32_t nTeam; // 0x0 int32_t nIndex; // 0x4 CUtlString strModel; // 0x8 int32_t nChangeToken; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor class CTakeDamageResult { public: int32_t m_nHealthLost; // 0x0 int32_t m_nDamageTaken; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct CavernCrawlMapVariant_t { public: uint8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CavernCrawlMapVariant_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor class CSimTimer : public CSimpleSimTimer { public: float m_interval; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot class CDOTATrophyDefinition { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyDescription "unique integer ID of this trophy" // MVDataUniqueMonotonicInt "_editor/next_trophy_id" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "locked_int()" uint16_t m_nID; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "is this trophy still obtainable? This way we can have different presentations based on past and current trophies" bool m_bObtainable; // 0xa // MPropertyDescription "should we render a progrss bar of progress towards the next tier" bool m_bShowProgressBar; // 0xb // MPropertyDescription "should we show the popup when you earn the first tier of this trophy" bool m_bShowInitialEarn; // 0xc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000d[0x3]; // 0xd public: // MPropertyDescription "the date this trophy was introduced (YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)" CUtlString m_sCreationDate; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0018[0x4]; // 0x18 public: // MPropertyDescription "how many badge points to grant for each increment" // MPropertyHideField uint32_t m_nBadgePointsPerUnit; // 0x1c // MPropertyDescription "how many units need to be leveled up in order to get the badge point grant" // MPropertyHideField uint32_t m_nUnitsPerBadgePoint; // 0x20 // MPropertyDescription "the cutoff for where badge points stop granting (0 is disable this limit)" // MPropertyHideField uint32_t m_nMaxUnitsForBadgePoints; // 0x24 // MPropertyDescription "higher sort tiers come first in presentation" // MPropertyHideField uint32_t m_nSortTier; // 0x28 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad002c[0x4]; // 0x2c public: // MPropertyDescription "localization string ID to use for the user facing category trophy belongs to" CUtlString m_sLocCategory; // 0x30 // MPropertyDescription "localization string ID to use for the user facing name of this trophy" CUtlString m_sLocName; // 0x38 // MPropertyDescription "localization string ID to use for the user facing descriptiontrophy" CUtlString m_sLocDescription; // 0x40 // MPropertyDescription "pluralizable localization string ID to use for the user facing unit to display on the trophy tooltip (e.g. 1 Challenge Completed / 3 Challenges Completed)" CUtlString m_sLocUnitsPluralizable; // 0x48 // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf CUtlVector< TrophyLevel_t > m_vecLevels; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor class CMotorController { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: float m_speed; // 0x8 float m_maxTorque; // 0xc Vector m_axis; // 0x10 float m_inertiaFactor; // 0x1c }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct FantasyGemShape_t { public: uint8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("FantasyGemShape_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor class sSpiritDef { public: CDOTA_BaseNPC* pSpirit; // 0x0 ParticleIndex_t nSpiritFXIndex; // 0x8 int32_t nSpiritState; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct item_steam_cache_version_t { public: uint8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("item_steam_cache_version_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // Has Trivial Destructor class ISkeletonAnimationController { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0xa // Has Trivial Destructor struct HullFlags_t { public: bool m_bHull_Human; // 0x0 bool m_bHull_SmallCentered; // 0x1 bool m_bHull_WideHuman; // 0x2 bool m_bHull_Tiny; // 0x3 bool m_bHull_Medium; // 0x4 bool m_bHull_TinyCentered; // 0x5 bool m_bHull_Large; // 0x6 bool m_bHull_LargeCentered; // 0x7 bool m_bHull_MediumTall; // 0x8 bool m_bHull_Small; // 0x9 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 struct ragdoll_t { public: CUtlVector< ragdollelement_t > list; // 0x0 CUtlVector< int32 > boneIndex; // 0x18 bool allowStretch; // 0x30 bool unused; // 0x31 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor class sAbilityHistory { public: GameTime_t flAppliedTime; // 0x0 CDOTABaseAbility* pAbility; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // Has Trivial Destructor class IHasAttributes { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x2 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct LeagueNodeID_t { public: uint16_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("LeagueNodeID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor class CSmoothFunc { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: float m_flSmoothAmplitude; // 0x8 float m_flSmoothBias; // 0xc float m_flSmoothDuration; // 0x10 float m_flSmoothRemainingTime; // 0x14 int32_t m_nSmoothDir; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable class CCopyRecipientFilter { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: int32_t m_Flags; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: CUtlVector< CPlayerSlot > m_Recipients; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct CavernCrawlPathID_t { public: uint8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CavernCrawlPathID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct item_definition_index_t { public: uint32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("item_definition_index_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor struct locksound_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlSymbolLarge sLockedSound; // 0x8 CUtlSymbolLarge sUnlockedSound; // 0x10 GameTime_t flwaitSound; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct PurchasedItem_t { public: int32_t nItemID; // 0x0 float flPurchaseTime; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct AbilityID_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("AbilityID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct CavernCrawlRewardType_t { public: uint8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CavernCrawlRewardType_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor class CSoundEnvelope { public: float m_current; // 0x0 float m_target; // 0x4 float m_rate; // 0x8 bool m_forceupdate; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 class sBounceInfo { public: int32_t iAttackIndex; // 0x0 int32_t iBounceCount; // 0x4 CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > hAlreadyHitList; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor class sLoadoutItem { public: CUtlSymbolLarge name; // 0x0 int32_t iFlags; // 0x8 AbilityID_t iAbilityID; // 0xc bool bPurchased; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has Trivial Destructor class CSceneEventInfo { public: int32_t m_iLayer; // 0x0 int32_t m_iPriority; // 0x4 HSequence m_hSequence; // 0x8 float m_flWeight; // 0xc bool m_bIsMoving; // 0x10 bool m_bHasArrived; // 0x11 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0012[0x2]; // 0x12 public: float m_flInitialYaw; // 0x14 float m_flTargetYaw; // 0x18 float m_flFacingYaw; // 0x1c int32_t m_nType; // 0x20 GameTime_t m_flNext; // 0x24 bool m_bIsGesture; // 0x28 bool m_bShouldRemove; // 0x29 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad002a[0x2a]; // 0x2a public: CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hTarget; // 0x54 uint32_t m_nSceneEventId; // 0x58 bool m_bClientSide; // 0x5c bool m_bStarted; // 0x5d }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MPropertyCustomEditor class CSkillFloat { public: float m_pValue[4]; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'navlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MVDataRoot // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CNavHullPresetVData { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Nav Hulls" // MPropertyDescription "List of nav hulls belonging to this preset." // MPropertyAttributeEditor "VDataChoice( scripts/nav_hulls.vdata )" CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_vecNavHulls; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PeriodicResourceID_t { public: uint32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PeriodicResourceID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 class sSharedCooldownInfo { public: CUtlString cooldownName; // 0x0 float cooldownLength; // 0x8 GameTime_t cooldownTime; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor struct thinkfunc_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: HSCRIPT m_hFn; // 0x8 CUtlStringToken m_nContext; // 0x10 GameTick_t m_nNextThinkTick; // 0x14 GameTick_t m_nLastThinkTick; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MPropertyCustomEditor class CSkillInt { public: int32_t m_pValue[4]; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 struct CavernCrawlReward_t { public: uint32_t m_nActionID; // 0x0 CUtlString m_rewardName; // 0x8 CavernCrawlItemType_t m_nItemType; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0011[0x7]; // 0x11 public: CUtlString m_locString; // 0x18 CUtlString m_tooltipString; // 0x20 CUtlString m_image; // 0x28 CavernCrawlRewardType_t m_nStyleUnlockRewardType; // 0x30 uint8_t m_nPriority; // 0x31 style_index_t m_nBundleItemDefStyle; // 0x32 bool m_bImageIsBundleItemDef; // 0x33 bool m_bCannotBeReplacedWithUltraRareReward; // 0x34 bool m_bIsUltraRareReward; // 0x35 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x98 // Has VTable class CSingleplayRules : public CGameRules { public: bool m_bSinglePlayerGameEnding; // 0x90 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor struct magnetted_objects_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CHandle< CBaseEntity > hEntity; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x28 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MNetworkVarsAtomic class CNetworkOriginQuantizedVector { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: // MNetworkBitCount "19" // MNetworkMinValue "-16384.000000" // MNetworkMaxValue "16384.000000" // MNetworkEncodeFlags "4" // MNetworkChangeCallback "CNetworkOriginQuantizedVector" CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_vecX; // 0x10 // MNetworkBitCount "19" // MNetworkMinValue "-16384.000000" // MNetworkMaxValue "16384.000000" // MNetworkEncodeFlags "4" // MNetworkChangeCallback "CNetworkOriginQuantizedVector" CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_vecY; // 0x18 // MNetworkBitCount "19" // MNetworkMinValue "-16384.000000" // MNetworkMaxValue "16384.000000" // MNetworkEncodeFlags "4" // MNetworkChangeCallback "CNetworkOriginQuantizedVector" CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_vecZ; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct TimedTeamStats_t { public: uint32_t m_nTime; // 0x0 uint16_t m_nEnemyTowerStatus; // 0x4 uint16_t m_nEnemyBarracksStatus; // 0x6 uint8_t m_nEnemyTowersKilled; // 0x8 uint8_t m_nEnemyBarracksKilled; // 0x9 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class CDOTA_ActionRunner { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MNetworkDisable CModifierParams* m_pEventContext; // 0x8 // MNetworkDisable CDOTA_BaseNPC* m_pCaster; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 struct DOTALevelingAbilityBonus_t { public: char* m_pszName; // 0x0 CUtlVector< float32 > m_vecValues; // 0x8 EDOTASpecialBonusOperation m_eOperation; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct BlessingTypeID_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("BlessingTypeID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MNetworkVarsAtomic class CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: // MNetworkEnable // MNetworkChangeCallback "OnCellChanged" // MNetworkPriority "31" // MNetworkSerializer "cellx" uint16_t m_cellX; // 0x10 // MNetworkEnable // MNetworkChangeCallback "OnCellChanged" // MNetworkPriority "31" // MNetworkSerializer "celly" uint16_t m_cellY; // 0x12 // MNetworkEnable // MNetworkChangeCallback "OnCellChanged" // MNetworkPriority "31" // MNetworkSerializer "cellz" uint16_t m_cellZ; // 0x14 // MNetworkEnable uint16_t m_nOutsideWorld; // 0x16 // MNetworkBitCount "13" // MNetworkMinValue "0.000000" // MNetworkMaxValue "256.000000" // MNetworkEncodeFlags "1" // MNetworkChangeCallback "OnCellChanged" // MNetworkPriority "31" // MNetworkSerializer "posx" CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_vecX; // 0x18 // MNetworkBitCount "13" // MNetworkMinValue "0.000000" // MNetworkMaxValue "256.000000" // MNetworkEncodeFlags "1" // MNetworkChangeCallback "OnCellChanged" // MNetworkPriority "31" // MNetworkSerializer "posy" CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_vecY; // 0x20 // MNetworkBitCount "13" // MNetworkMinValue "0.000000" // MNetworkMaxValue "256.000000" // MNetworkEncodeFlags "1" // MNetworkChangeCallback "OnCellChanged" // MNetworkPriority "31" // MNetworkSerializer "posz" CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_vecZ; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct FantasyGemQuality_t { public: uint8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("FantasyGemQuality_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct ragdollelement_t { public: Vector originParentSpace; // 0x0 int32_t parentIndex; // 0x20 float m_flRadius; // 0x24 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct CommandToolCommand_t { public: bool m_bEnabled; // 0x0 bool m_bOpened; // 0x1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0002[0x2]; // 0x2 public: uint32_t m_InternalId; // 0x4 CUtlString m_ShortName; // 0x8 CommandExecMode_t m_ExecMode; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0014[0x4]; // 0x14 public: CUtlString m_SpawnGroup; // 0x18 float m_PeriodicExecDelay; // 0x20 CommandEntitySpecType_t m_SpecType; // 0x24 CUtlString m_EntitySpec; // 0x28 CUtlString m_Commands; // 0x30 DebugOverlayBits_t m_SetDebugBits; // 0x38 DebugOverlayBits_t m_ClearDebugBits; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor class CStopwatchBase : public CSimpleSimTimer { public: bool m_fIsRunning; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x90 // Has VTable class CLocomotionBase : public INextBotComponent { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0020[0x50]; // 0x20 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class IChoreoServices { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // Static fields: static uint32_t &Get_ms_uSequenceId(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("IChoreoServices")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x30 // Has Trivial Destructor class sPlayerSnapshot { public: AbilityID_t m_nItemAbilityID[10]; // 0x0 float m_fGameTime; // 0x28 uint8_t unKills; // 0x2c uint8_t unDeaths; // 0x2d uint8_t unAssists; // 0x2e uint8_t unLevel; // 0x2f }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct itemid_t { public: uint64_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("itemid_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1e8 class CRR_Response { public: uint8_t m_Type; // 0x0 char m_szResponseName[192]; // 0x1 char m_szMatchingRule[128]; // 0xc1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0141[0x7]; // 0x141 public: ResponseParams m_Params; // 0x148 float m_fMatchScore; // 0x168 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad016c[0x4]; // 0x16c public: char* m_szSpeakerContext; // 0x170 char* m_szWorldContext; // 0x178 ResponseFollowup m_Followup; // 0x180 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01b1[0x7]; // 0x1b1 public: CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > m_pchCriteriaNames; // 0x1b8 CUtlVector< char* > m_pchCriteriaValues; // 0x1d0 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor class CDOTA_CreepKillInfo { public: GameTime_t m_flTimeOfDeath; // 0x0 float m_flDeathFlightDuration; // 0x4 Vector m_vWsKillDirection; // 0x8 Vector m_vWsKillOrigin; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor class CRandStopwatch : public CStopwatchBase { public: float m_minInterval; // 0xc float m_maxInterval; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 struct ItemDropData_t { public: CUtlVector< CUtlString > sItemNames; // 0x0 float flChance; // 0x18 int32_t nReqLevel; // 0x1c bool bMustBeChampion; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataOutlinerIconExpr struct Blessing_t { public: // MVDataUniqueMonotonicInt "m_nNextBlessingID" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "locked_int()" BlessingID_t nID; // 0x0 // MPropertyAttributeEditor "VDataNodePicker(//m_mapBlessingTypes/*)" CUtlString BlessingType; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0010[0x4]; // 0x10 public: // MPropertyDescription "fragment cost" int32_t nCost; // 0x14 // MPropertyDescription "number of grants of action to give" int32_t nValue; // 0x18 // MPropertyDescription "can you unlock this node without owning any connected nodes?" bool bStartNode; // 0x1c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001d[0xb]; // 0x1d public: Vector2D vecPos; // 0x28 // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 10" float flSize; // 0x30 // MPropertyDescription "node color" Color color; // 0x34 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct attrib_definition_index_db32_t { public: uint32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("attrib_definition_index_db32_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct FantasyTitle_t { public: uint8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("FantasyTitle_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyCraftingTitleData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "Unique integer ID of the title" FantasyTitle_t m_unTitle; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Localization name of the title when used as an aggregate" CUtlString m_sLocName; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "Localization name of the title when used on it's own" CUtlString m_sLocNameIndividual; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "Localization token for explaining what the title does" CUtlString m_sLocExplanation; // 0x18 // MPropertyDescription "Localization token for explaining what the title does in sitations that allow mouseover" CUtlString m_sLocExplanationMouseOver; // 0x20 // MPropertyDescription "Controls how we decide to use the stat vector" EFantasyStatMatchMode m_eMode; // 0x28 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad002c[0x4]; // 0x2c public: // MPropertyDescription "Stats to Track" CUtlVector< FantasyCraftingTrackedStat_t > m_vecStats; // 0x30 // MPropertyDescription "Bonus this title provides" int32_t m_nBonus; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xc0 // Has VTable class CBaseAchievement { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: char* m_pszName; // 0x18 int32_t m_iAchievementID; // 0x20 int32_t m_iFlags; // 0x24 int32_t m_iGoal; // 0x28 int32_t m_iProgressMsgIncrement; // 0x2c int32_t m_iProgressMsgMinimum; // 0x30 int32_t m_iPointValue; // 0x34 bool m_bHideUntilAchieved; // 0x38 bool m_bStoreProgressInSteam; // 0x39 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad003a[0x6]; // 0x3a public: char* m_pInflictorClassNameFilter; // 0x40 char* m_pInflictorEntityNameFilter; // 0x48 char* m_pVictimClassNameFilter; // 0x50 char* m_pAttackerClassNameFilter; // 0x58 char* m_pMapNameFilter; // 0x60 char* m_pGameDirFilter; // 0x68 char** m_pszComponentNames; // 0x70 char** m_pszComponentDisplayNames; // 0x78 int32_t m_iNumComponents; // 0x80 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0084[0x4]; // 0x84 public: char* m_pszComponentPrefix; // 0x88 int32_t m_iComponentPrefixLen; // 0x90 bool m_bAchieved; // 0x94 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0095[0x3]; // 0x95 public: int32_t m_iCount; // 0x98 int32_t m_iProgressShown; // 0x9c uint64_t m_iComponentBits; // 0xa0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00a8[0x8]; // 0xa8 public: int32_t m_nUserSlot; // 0xb0 int32_t m_iDisplayOrder; // 0xb4 bool m_bShowOnHUD; // 0xb8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00b9[0x3]; // 0xb9 public: int32_t m_iAssetAwardID; // 0xbc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'tier2') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MPropertyCustomEditor class CRangeInt { public: int32_t m_pValue[2]; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyCraftingShapeData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "Unique identifier for the Shape" FantasyGemShape_t m_unShapeID; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Maps the shape to it's code behavior." EFantasyShapeBehavior m_eShapeBehavior; // 0x4 // MPropertyDescription "Localization token for the name of the shape" CUtlString m_sLocName; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "Localization token for explaining what the shape does" CUtlString m_sLocExplanation; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct PlayerID_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("PlayerID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor class INextBotReply { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct HeroPickRecord_t { public: HeroPickType eType; // 0x0 int32_t nHeroID; // 0x4 int32_t nTeam; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor struct RagdollCreationParams_t { public: Vector m_vForce; // 0x0 int32_t m_nForceBone; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x248 struct DOTAAbilityDefinition_t { public: char* m_pszAbilityName; // 0x0 char* m_pszTextureName; // 0x8 char* m_pszSharedCooldownName; // 0x10 char* m_pszKeyOverride; // 0x18 char* m_pszItemRecipeName; // 0x20 char* m_pszLinkedAbility; // 0x28 int32_t m_castActivity; // 0x30 DotaGestureSlot_t m_castActivityGestureSlot; // 0x34 KeyValues* m_pKVData; // 0x38 AbilityID_t m_iAbilityID; // 0x40 int32_t m_iAbilityType; // 0x44 uint64_t m_iAbilityBehavior; // 0x48 int32_t m_iAbilityTargetTeam; // 0x50 int32_t m_iAbilityTargetType; // 0x54 int32_t m_iAbilityTargetFlags; // 0x58 int32_t m_iAbilityDamageType; // 0x5c int32_t m_iAbilityImmunityType; // 0x60 int32_t m_iAbilityDispellableType; // 0x64 int32_t m_iFightRecapLevel; // 0x68 int32_t m_iTokenTier; // 0x6c item_definition_index_t m_iAssociatedConsumableItemDef; // 0x70 uint32_t m_nRequiredEffectsMask; // 0x74 int32_t m_iAssociatedEventID; // 0x78 int32_t m_iMaxLevel; // 0x7c int32_t m_iItemBaseLevel; // 0x80 float m_flItemLevelByGameTime; // 0x84 int32_t m_iItemCost; // 0x88 int32_t m_iItemInitialCharges; // 0x8c int32_t m_iItemNeutralTierIndex; // 0x90 int32_t m_iItemStockMax; // 0x94 float m_fItemStockTime; // 0x98 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad009c[0x4]; // 0x9c public: int32* m_pItemShopTagKeys; // 0xa0 AbilityID_t m_nRecipeResultAbilityID; // 0xa8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00ac[0x4]; // 0xac public: CUtlVector< AbilityID_t > m_vecItemCombinesInto; // 0xb0 CUtlVector< ItemRecipe_t > m_vecItemRecipes; // 0xc8 int32_t m_nUpgradeGoal; // 0xe0 ItemQuality_t m_ItemQuality; // 0xe4 float m_flModifierValue; // 0xe8 float m_flModifierValueBonus; // 0xec CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_InvalidHeroes; // 0xf0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0108[0xcc]; // 0x108 public: bool m_bHasScepterUpgrade; // 0x1d4 bool m_bHasShardUpgrade; // 0x1d5 bool m_bSharedWithTeammates; // 0x1d6 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01d7[0x1]; // 0x1d7 public: int32_t m_nCastRangeBuffer; // 0x1d8 int32_t m_nSpecialAbilities; // 0x1dc DOTASpecialAbility_t* m_pSpecialAbilities; // 0x1e0 CUtlVector< DOTAOutgoingBonus_t > m_OutgoingBonuses; // 0x1e8 char* m_pModelName; // 0x200 char* m_pModelAlternateName; // 0x208 char* m_pEffectName; // 0x210 char* m_pPingOverrideText; // 0x218 char* m_pszRequiredCustomShopName; // 0x220 char* m_pszLinkedScepterAbility; // 0x228 char* m_pszLinkedShardAbility; // 0x230 int32_t m_nKillToastOverride; // 0x238 int32_t m_iLevelsBetweenUpgrades; // 0x23c int32_t m_iRequiredLevel; // 0x240 struct { uint8_t m_bIsItem: 1; uint8_t m_bItemIsRecipe: 1; uint8_t m_bItemIsRecipeGenerated: 1; uint8_t m_bItemRecipeConsumesCharges: 1; uint8_t m_bItemAvailableAtSecretShop: 1; uint8_t m_bItemAvailableAtGlobalShop: 1; uint8_t m_bItemAvailableAtSideShop: 1; uint8_t m_bItemAvailableAtCustomShop: 1; uint8_t m_bItemIsPureSupport: 1; uint8_t m_bItemIsPurchasable: 1; uint8_t m_bItemIsUpgradeable: 1; uint8_t m_bItemStackable: 1; uint8_t m_bDisplayAdditionalHeroes: 1; uint8_t m_bItemContributesToNetWorthWhenDropped: 1; uint8_t m_bOnCastbar: 1; uint8_t m_bOnLearnbar: 1; uint8_t m_bIsGrantedByScepter: 1; uint8_t m_bIsGrantedByShard: 1; uint8_t m_bIsCastableWhileHidden: 1; uint8_t m_bAnimationIgnoresModelScale: 1; uint8_t m_bIsPlayerSpecificCooldown: 1; uint8_t m_bIsAllowedInBackpack: 1; uint8_t m_bIsObsolete: 1; uint8_t m_bItemRequiresCustomShop: 1; uint8_t m_bShouldBeSuggested: 1; uint8_t m_bShouldBeInitiallySuggested: 1; uint8_t m_bHasCastAnimation: 1; uint8_t m_bItemHasPassive: 1; uint8_t m_bDisplayOverheadAlertOnReceived: 1; uint8_t __pad6: 5; }; // 34 bits }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has VTable class CDOTA_Orb { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hCaster; // 0x10 CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hAbility; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot class CNavLinkMovementVData { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Is Interpolated" // MPropertyDescription "Indicates that the animation has a segment that's interpolated. In general using this on navlinks that traverse +/- 50% of the recommended distance should look okay." bool m_bIsInterpolated; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Recommended Distance" // MPropertyDescription "Recommended distance this movement traverses" uint32_t m_unRecommendedDistance; // 0x4 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Animgraph Variables" // MPropertyDescription "List of animgraph variables to use when moving through this navlink. Can include multiple, with different amounts of angular slack. The most permissive animgraph variable that exists on the entity's animgraph will be used," // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf CUtlVector< CNavLinkAnimgraphVar > m_vecAnimgraphVars; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1b0 // Has VTable class CNetworkTransmitComponent { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x16c]; // 0x0 public: uint8_t m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter; // 0x16c // Static fields: static int32_t &Get_s_nDebugStateChange(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CNetworkTransmitComponent")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; static int32_t &Get_s_nWatchTransmitEntity(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CNetworkTransmitComponent")->m_static_fields[1]->m_instance);}; static bool &Get_s_bUseNetworkVars(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CNetworkTransmitComponent")->m_static_fields[2]->m_instance);}; static bool &Get_s_bNetworkVarPerFieldTracking(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CNetworkTransmitComponent")->m_static_fields[3]->m_instance);}; static bool &Get_s_bNetworkVarValidate(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CNetworkTransmitComponent")->m_static_fields[4]->m_instance);}; static bool &Get_s_bUsingPVSConvars(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CNetworkTransmitComponent")->m_static_fields[5]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CNavLinkAnimgraphVar { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Animgraph Variable" // MPropertyDescription "Animgraph variable to use for animation for this movement." CUtlString m_strAnimgraphVar; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Alignment Degrees" // MPropertyDescription "Amount of angular slack the animation has when aligning to the navlink. 0 indicates that it must be strictly aligned." uint32_t m_unAlignmentDegrees; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // Has VTable // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct AmmoTypeInfo_t { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: int32_t m_nMaxCarry; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0014[0x8]; // 0x14 public: CRangeInt m_nSplashSize; // 0x1c AmmoFlags_t m_nFlags; // 0x24 float m_flMass; // 0x28 CRangeFloat m_flSpeed; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has VTable class CResponseCriteriaSet { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x28]; // 0x0 public: int32_t m_nNumPrefixedContexts; // 0x28 bool m_bOverrideOnAppend; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor class sMuertaPartingShotSoulDef { public: CHandle< CBaseEntity > hHeroOwner; // 0x0 CHandle< CBaseEntity > hSoulClone; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // Has VTable class CCommentarySystem { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x11]; // 0x0 public: bool m_bCommentaryConvarsChanging; // 0x11 bool m_bCommentaryEnabledMidGame; // 0x12 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0013[0x1]; // 0x13 public: GameTime_t m_flNextTeleportTime; // 0x14 int32_t m_iTeleportStage; // 0x18 bool m_bCheatState; // 0x1c bool m_bIsFirstSpawnGroupToLoad; // 0x1d private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001e[0x1a]; // 0x1e public: CHandle< CPointCommentaryNode > m_hCurrentNode; // 0x38 CHandle< CPointCommentaryNode > m_hActiveCommentaryNode; // 0x3c CHandle< CPointCommentaryNode > m_hLastCommentaryNode; // 0x40 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0044[0x4]; // 0x44 public: CUtlVector< CHandle< CPointCommentaryNode > > m_vecNodes; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct TrackedStatHeroAdjectiveData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "The adjective" CUtlString m_strAdjective; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x2 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct FantasyLeagueID_t { public: uint16_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("FantasyLeagueID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor struct NianDamageTaken_t { public: int32_t nDamage; // 0x0 PlayerID_t nPlayerID; // 0x4 Vector vPos; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyCraftingTrackedStat_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "What Stats are we looking for" CUtlString m_sStatName; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Is the match about the player, the player's team, or the match?" EFantasyStatType m_eStatType; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "Threshold Stat Value required" uint32_t m_unThresholdValue; // 0xc // MPropertyDescription "Is the treshold a min or max?" bool m_bThresholdIsMin; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyRoleData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "What role are these players for" Fantasy_Roles m_eRole; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "List of Pro Players for the role" CUtlVector< FantasyPlayerData_t > m_vecPlayers; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor class CDOTA_BuffParticle { public: ParticleIndex_t m_iIndex; // 0x0 int32_t m_iPriority; // 0x4 bool m_bDestroyImmediatly; // 0x8 bool m_bStatusEffect; // 0x9 bool m_bHeroEffect; // 0xa bool m_bOverheadEffectOffset; // 0xb }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa8 // Has VTable class CTakeDamageInfo { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: Vector m_vecDamageForce; // 0x8 Vector m_vecDamagePosition; // 0x14 Vector m_vecReportedPosition; // 0x20 Vector m_vecDamageDirection; // 0x2c CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hInflictor; // 0x38 CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hAttacker; // 0x3c CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hAbility; // 0x40 float m_flDamage; // 0x44 int32_t m_bitsDamageType; // 0x48 int32_t m_iDamageCustom; // 0x4c AmmoIndex_t m_iAmmoType; // 0x50 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0051[0xf]; // 0x51 public: float m_flOriginalDamage; // 0x60 bool m_bShouldBleed; // 0x64 bool m_bShouldSpark; // 0x65 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0066[0xa]; // 0x66 public: TakeDamageFlags_t m_nDamageFlags; // 0x70 int32_t m_bitsDotaDamageType; // 0x74 int32_t m_nDotaDamageCategory; // 0x78 float m_flCombatLogCreditFactor; // 0x7c int16_t m_iRecord; // 0x80 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0082[0x6]; // 0x82 public: HSCRIPT m_hScriptInstance; // 0x88 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0090[0x14]; // 0x90 public: bool m_bInTakeDamageFlow; // 0xa4 // Static fields: static CTakeDamageInfo &Get_EmptyInfo(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CTakeDamageInfo")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor class VelocitySampler { public: Vector m_prevSample; // 0x0 GameTime_t m_fPrevSampleTime; // 0xc float m_fIdealSampleRate; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 struct NeutralSpawnBoxes_t { public: AABB_t neutralSpawnBoxes; // 0x0 Vector vSpawnBoxOrigin; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0024[0x4]; // 0x24 public: CUtlString strCampName; // 0x28 CEntityIndex iSpawnerEntIndex; // 0x30 int32_t nCampType; // 0x34 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor class CPhysicsShake { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: Vector m_force; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x90 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class CMultiplayRules : public CGameRules { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'navlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x98 // Has VTable class CNavVolumeAll : public CNavVolumeVector { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 class CUnitOrders { public: CUtlVector< CEntityIndex > m_nUnits; // 0x0 Vector m_vPosition; // 0x18 PlayerID_t m_nIssuerPlayerIndex; // 0x24 int32_t m_nOrderSequenceNumber; // 0x28 int32_t m_nOrderType; // 0x2c CEntityIndex m_nTargetIndex; // 0x30 CEntityIndex m_nAbilityIndex; // 0x34 uint32_t m_nFlags; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyPeriodData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "What Fantasy Period this data is for" FantasyPeriod_t m_unPeriod; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "What level are fantasy tablets when this is the active crafting period?" int32_t m_nTabletLevel; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot class CDOTABingoStatDefinition { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyDescription "Name of tracked match stat, used to look up match stat ID" CUtlString m_strMatchStatName; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "Expected value." float m_fStatAverage; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "Statistical standard deviation." float m_fStatStdDev; // 0x14 // MPropertyDescription "Short user-facing string that appears on a bingo square" CUtlString m_sNameLocString; // 0x18 // MPropertyDescription "User-facing tooltip with description" CUtlString m_sTooltipLocString; // 0x20 // MPropertyDescription "Optional value to use in loc string's dialog variable" int32_t m_nLocStringValue; // 0x28 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad002c[0x4]; // 0x2c public: // MPropertyDescription "Optional information to include in a bingo stat tooltip" CUtlString m_strHeroAdjective; // 0x30 // MPropertyDescription "Whether we negate the hero adjective when displaying tooltip" bool m_bNegativeHeroAdjective; // 0x38 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0039[0x3]; // 0x39 public: // MPropertyDescription "At which league phase this stat unlocks" int32_t m_nMinLeaguePhase; // 0x3c // MPropertyDescription "Up to which league phase this stat is usable" int32_t m_nMaxLeaguePhase; // 0x40 // MPropertyDescription "Expected value for League Phase Playoffs game." float m_fPlayoffsStatAverage; // 0x44 // MPropertyDescription "Statistical standard deviation of League Phase Playoffs game." float m_fPlayoffsStatStdDev; // 0x48 // MPropertyDescription "Expected value for League Phase Main Event game." float m_fMainEventStatAverage; // 0x4c // MPropertyDescription "Statistical standard deviation of League Phase Main Event game." float m_fMainEventStatStdDev; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has Trivial Destructor class CHeadLookParams { public: CHeadLookParams::HeadLookPriority_t m_LookPriority; // 0x0 float m_flLookDuration; // 0x4 INextBotReply* m_pReplyWhenAimed; // 0x8 char* m_pReasonStr; // 0x10 bool m_bWaitForSteady; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0019[0x3]; // 0x19 public: float m_flEaseInTime; // 0x1c // Static fields: static CHeadLookParams &Get_ms_Defaults(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CHeadLookParams")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor struct CavernCrawlPath_t { public: CavernCrawlRoomID_t m_nStartingRoomID; // 0x0 CavernCrawlRoomID_t m_nEndingRoomID; // 0x1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0002[0x6]; // 0x2 public: char* m_pCSSClass; // 0x8 bool m_bCannotBeSwapped; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyCraftingQualityData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "Unique Identifier for the Quality" FantasyGemQuality_t m_unQualityID; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Localization token for the name of the quality" CUtlString m_sLocName; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "How much does this quality improve the stat?" int32_t m_nBonus; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "How likely are we to roll this quality?" int32_t m_nRollWeight; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor class CSimpleStopwatch : public CStopwatchBase { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x64 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct dynpitchvol_t : public dynpitchvol_base_t { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x90 // Has VTable class CSoundPatch { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CSoundEnvelope m_pitch; // 0x8 CSoundEnvelope m_volume; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0028[0x8]; // 0x28 public: float m_shutdownTime; // 0x30 float m_flLastTime; // 0x34 CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszSoundScriptName; // 0x38 CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hEnt; // 0x40 CEntityIndex m_soundEntityIndex; // 0x44 Vector m_soundOrigin; // 0x48 int32_t m_isPlaying; // 0x54 CCopyRecipientFilter m_Filter; // 0x58 float m_flCloseCaptionDuration; // 0x80 bool m_bUpdatedSoundOrigin; // 0x84 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0085[0x3]; // 0x85 public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszClassName; // 0x88 // Static fields: static int32_t &Get_g_SoundPatchCount(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CSoundPatch")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 class sLilShredderBounceInfo { public: int32_t iAttackIndex; // 0x0 int32_t iBounceCount; // 0x4 CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > hAlreadyHitList; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 class sAcquireHistory { public: AbilityID_t m_nAbilityID; // 0x0 int32_t m_nLevel; // 0x4 int32_t m_nGold; // 0x8 int32_t m_nNetWorth; // 0xc int32_t m_bCombinedItem; // 0x10 float m_fGameTime; // 0x14 CUtlVector< AbilityID_t > m_vecItemList; // 0x18 CUtlVector< AbilityID_t > m_vecTalentSkilledList; // 0x30 CUtlVector< AbilityID_t > m_vecAvailableNeutralItemList; // 0x48 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct GuildID_t { public: uint32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("GuildID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataOutlinerIconExpr struct BlessingType_t { public: // MVDataUniqueMonotonicInt "m_nNextBlessingTypeID" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "locked_int()" BlessingTypeID_t nID; // 0x0 CPanoramaImageName szIconImage; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct TrackedStatKillEaterData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "the kill eater id" uint32_t unKillEaterEvent; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyCraftingGemMutation_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "What this operation is targeting" EFantasyMutationTarget m_eTarget; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "What we are doing in this operation" EFantasyMutationOperation m_eOperation; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor class SimpleConstraintSoundProfile { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: SimpleConstraintSoundProfile::SimpleConstraintsSoundProfileKeypoints_t eKeypoints; // 0x8 float m_keyPoints[2]; // 0xc float m_reversalSoundThresholds[3]; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor class sPendingTreeRemoval { public: int32_t nTeam; // 0x0 int32_t nIndex; // 0x4 GameTime_t fTimestamp; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xc8 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class CFailableAchievement : public CBaseAchievement { public: bool m_bActivated; // 0xc0 bool m_bFailed; // 0xc1 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 class CLocalNPCObstructionsCache { public: GameTick_t m_nLastUpdatedTick; // 0x0 float m_flRadius; // 0x4 CUtlVector< CHandle< CDOTA_BaseNPC > > m_hCachedNPCs; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 class sGlaiveInfoSilencer { public: int32_t iAttackIndex; // 0x0 int32_t iBounceCount; // 0x4 CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > hAlreadyHitList; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 2 // Size: 0x2 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct LeagueNodeGroupID_t { public: uint16_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("LeagueNodeGroupID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1f0 struct ConceptHistory_t { public: float timeSpoken; // 0x0 CRR_Response m_response; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyCraftingGemData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "Unique Identifier for the Gem Type" Fantasy_Gem_Type m_eType; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Localization name of the gem" CUtlString m_sLocName; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "Which stats can this gem roll" CUtlVector< Fantasy_Scoring > m_eStats; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor class CStopwatch : public CStopwatchBase { public: float m_interval; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 struct WaveData_t { public: Vector m_vStart; // 0x0 CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > m_hAlreadyHitList; // 0x10 int32_t m_hProjectileHandle; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot class CPlayerTrackedStatDefinition { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyDescription "unique integer ID of this stat" // MVDataUniqueMonotonicInt "_editor/next_player_stat_id" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "locked_int()" TrackedStatID_t m_unStatID; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "how this stat is implemented" EPlayerTrackedStatImpl m_eStatImpl; // 0xc // MPropertyDescription "For k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_KillEater, what is the kill eater information." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eStatImpl != k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_KillEater" TrackedStatKillEaterData_t m_killEaterData; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0014[0x4]; // 0x14 public: // MPropertyDescription "For k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_CombatQuery, what is the combat query information." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eStatImpl != k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_CombatQuery" TrackedStatCombatQueryData_t m_combatQueryData; // 0x18 // MPropertyDescription "For k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_Expression, what is the expression information." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eStatImpl != k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_Expression" TrackedStatExpressionData_t m_expressionData; // 0x20 // MPropertyDescription "For k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_HeroAdjective, what is the adjective information." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eStatImpl != k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_HeroAdjective" TrackedStatHeroAdjectiveData_t m_heroAdjectiveData; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable class CGameChoreoServices : public IChoreoServices { public: CHandle< CBaseAnimGraph > m_hOwner; // 0x8 CHandle< CScriptedSequence > m_hScriptedSequence; // 0xc IChoreoServices::ScriptState_t m_scriptState; // 0x10 IChoreoServices::ChoreoState_t m_choreoState; // 0x14 GameTime_t m_flTimeStartedState; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // Has VTable class CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup : public CAI_Expresser { public: ResponseFollowup* m_pPostponedFollowup; // 0x60 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x240 // Has VTable class CResponseQueue::CDeferredResponse { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: CResponseCriteriaSet m_contexts; // 0x10 float m_fDispatchTime; // 0x40 CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hIssuer; // 0x44 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0048[0x8]; // 0x48 public: CRR_Response m_response; // 0x50 bool m_bResponseValid; // 0x238 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xd8 // Has VTable class CNavVolumeMarkupVolume : public CNavVolume { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class CSkeletonAnimationController : public ISkeletonAnimationController { public: // MNetworkDisable CSkeletonInstance* m_pSkeletonInstance; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x60 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CGameScriptedMoveData { public: Vector m_vDest; // 0x0 Vector m_vSrc; // 0xc QAngle m_angSrc; // 0x18 QAngle m_angDst; // 0x24 QAngle m_angCurrent; // 0x30 float m_flAngRate; // 0x3c float m_flDuration; // 0x40 GameTime_t m_flStartTime; // 0x44 MoveType_t m_nPrevMoveType; // 0x48 bool m_bActive; // 0x49 bool m_bTeleportOnEnd; // 0x4a bool m_bEndOnDestinationReached; // 0x4b bool m_bIgnoreRotation; // 0x4c private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad004d[0x3]; // 0x4d public: ScriptedMoveType_t m_nType; // 0x50 bool m_bSuccess; // 0x54 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0055[0x3]; // 0x55 public: ForcedCrouchState_t m_nForcedCrouchState; // 0x58 bool m_bIgnoreCollisions; // 0x5c }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x2 // Has Trivial Destructor struct DOTACavernCrawlMapResult_t { public: CavernCrawlPathID_t m_nCompletedPathID; // 0x0 CavernCrawlRoomID_t m_nClaimedRoomID; // 0x1 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor struct HeroDeathRecord_t { public: PlayerID_t nKillerPlayerID; // 0x0 PlayerID_t nVictimPlayerID; // 0x4 float fTime; // 0x8 float fTimeRespawn; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class CDOTA_Tree : public CObstructionObject { public: bool m_bStanding; // 0x18 bool m_bSpecialConsume; // 0x19 bool m_bSpecialToxic; // 0x1a bool m_bSpecialPathing; // 0x1b uint32_t m_unOccluderID; // 0x1c // Static fields: static int32_t &Get_s_nNextChangeToken(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CDOTA_Tree")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyCraftingTabletData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "Unique ID for the Tablet" FantasyTabletID_t m_unID; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "What role is this tablet for" Fantasy_Roles m_eRole; // 0x4 CUtlVector< FantasyCraftingGemSlotData_t > m_vecGemSlots; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 struct ItemRecipe_t { public: CUtlVector< AbilityID_t > m_vecRecipeComponents; // 0x0 int32_t m_nPrimaryComponentIndex; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has VTable class CPlayerPawnComponent { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MNetworkDisable // MNetworkChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct LeagueID_t { public: uint32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("LeagueID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor struct TimedKillEvent_t { public: int32_t m_nKillTime; // 0x0 float m_flKillValue; // 0x4 PlayerID_t m_nPlayerID; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'navlib') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x88 // Has VTable class CNavVolumeSphericalShell : public CNavVolumeSphere { public: float m_flRadiusInner; // 0x80 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor struct ResponseContext_t { public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszName; // 0x0 CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszValue; // 0x8 GameTime_t m_fExpirationTime; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x198 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot // MVDataSingleton // MVDataPreviewWidget // MCustomFGDMetadata class CDOTALabyrinthBlessingsMap { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlString m_strBlessingEventAction; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0010[0x8]; // 0x10 public: // MPropertyAttributeEditor "locked_int()" BlessingTypeID_t m_nNextBlessingTypeID; // 0x18 // MPropertyAttributeEditor "locked_int()" BlessingID_t m_nNextBlessingID; // 0x1c // MPropertyAttributeEditor "VDataNodePicker(//m_mapBlessingTypes/*)" CUtlString m_UnlockHeroBlessingType; // 0x20 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0028[0x8]; // 0x28 public: CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_vecHeroNames; // 0x30 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0048[0x18]; // 0x48 public: int32_t m_nNumStartingHeroesUnlocked; // 0x60 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0064[0x4]; // 0x64 public: // MPropertyAttributeEditor "VDataNodePicker(//m_mapBlessingTypes/*)" CUtlString m_UnlockLegacyHeroBlessingType; // 0x68 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0070[0x8]; // 0x70 public: CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_vecLegacyHeroNames; // 0x78 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0090[0x18]; // 0x90 public: int32_t m_nNumStartingLegacyHeroesUnlocked; // 0xa8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00ac[0x4]; // 0xac public: // MVDataPromoteField CUtlDict< BlessingType_t, int32, F( size=1 ) > m_mapBlessingTypes; // 0xb0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00d8[0x40]; // 0xd8 public: // MVDataPromoteField CUtlDict< Blessing_t, int32, F( size=1 ) > m_mapBlessings; // 0x118 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0140[0x28]; // 0x140 public: // MVDataPromoteField CUtlVector< BlessingPath_t > m_vecPaths; // 0x168 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot class CMatchTrackedStatDefinition { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyDescription "unique integer ID of this stat" // MVDataUniqueMonotonicInt "_editor/next_match_stat_id" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "locked_int()" TrackedStatID_t m_unStatID; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "how this stat is implemented" EMatchTrackedStatImpl m_eStatImpl; // 0xc // MPropertyDescription "For k_eMatchTrackedStatImpl_Expression, what is the expression information." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eStatImpl != k_eMatchTrackedStatImpl_Expression" TrackedStatExpressionData_t m_expressionData; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "For k_eMatchTrackedStatImpl_PlayerAggregate or k_eMatchTrackedStatImpl_TeamAggregate, what is the aggregate information." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eStatImpl != k_eMatchTrackedStatImpl_PlayerAggregate && m_eStatImpl != k_eMatchTrackedStatImpl_TeamAggregate" TrackedStatAggregateData_t m_aggregateData; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x1d8 // Has Trivial Destructor class CModifierParams { public: CHandle< CDOTABaseAbility > ability; // 0x0 float fDamage; // 0x4 float fOriginalDamage; // 0x8 int32_t nActivity; // 0xc bool bTooltip; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0011[0x3]; // 0x11 public: int32_t nTooltipParam; // 0x14 bool bIgnoreInvis; // 0x18 bool bNoCooldown; // 0x19 bool bIgnoreBaseArmor; // 0x1a bool bReincarnate; // 0x1b bool bDoNotConsume; // 0x1c bool bReportMax; // 0x1d private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001e[0x2]; // 0x1e public: float fDistance; // 0x20 float fGain; // 0x24 float fAttackTimeRemaining; // 0x28 PlayerID_t m_nIssuerPlayerIndex; // 0x2c PlayerID_t m_nVictimPlayerID; // 0x30 int32_t nDamageType; // 0x34 int32_t nDamageflags; // 0x38 int32_t nDamageCategory; // 0x3c int32_t iFailType; // 0x40 int16_t iRecord; // 0x44 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0046[0x2]; // 0x46 public: CDOTA_Orb* pOrb; // 0x48 CDOTA_Orb* pOrb2; // 0x50 int32_t nCost; // 0x58 int32_t nOrdertype; // 0x5c Vector vOldLoc; // 0x60 Vector vNewLoc; // 0x6c Vector vCastLocation; // 0x78 bool bCraniumBasherTested; // 0x84 bool bMKBTested; // 0x85 bool bOctarineTested; // 0x86 bool bHeartRegenApplied; // 0x87 bool bSangeAmpApplied; // 0x88 bool bLocketAmpApplied; // 0x89 bool bPaladinAmpApplied; // 0x8a bool bBlademailApplied; // 0x8b bool bForceFieldApplied; // 0x8c bool bKayaApplied; // 0x8d bool bStoutConsidered; // 0x8e bool bInterrupted; // 0x8f bool bDiffusalApplied; // 0x90 bool bChainLightningConsidered; // 0x91 bool bSuppressDamage; // 0x92 bool bRangedAttack; // 0x93 bool bProcessProcs; // 0x94 bool bProjectileIsFromIllusion; // 0x95 bool bHasMagicComponent; // 0x96 bool bIsSpellLifesteal; // 0x97 CEntityIndex pnMagicStickProcEntityIndices[64]; // 0x98 bool bBloodstoneRegenApplied; // 0x198 bool bShroudManaRestoreApplied; // 0x199 bool bPhylacteryApplied; // 0x19a bool bAllowZeroDamageFromPostReductionBlock; // 0x19b bool bForceMagicStickProc; // 0x19c bool bIgnoreNegativeValuesIfDebuffImmune; // 0x19d bool bIgnorePositiveValuesIfDebuffImmune; // 0x19e bool bIgnoreAllIfDebuffImmune; // 0x19f bool bAlsoIgnoreBuffsIfDebuffImmune; // 0x1a0 bool bIgnoreLowerIfDebuffImmune; // 0x1a1 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01a2[0x2]; // 0x1a2 public: float flIgnoreLowerIfDebuffImmune; // 0x1a4 bool bIgnoreHigherIfDebuffImmune; // 0x1a8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01a9[0x3]; // 0x1a9 public: float flIgnoreHigherIfDebuffImmune; // 0x1ac char* pszAbilitySpecialName; // 0x1b0 int32_t nAbilitySpecialLevel; // 0x1b8 CHandle< CBaseEntity > hattacker; // 0x1bc CHandle< CBaseEntity > htarget; // 0x1c0 CHandle< CBaseEntity > hunit; // 0x1c4 CHandle< CDOTABaseAbility > inflictor; // 0x1c8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01cc[0x4]; // 0x1cc public: CDOTA_Buff* pAddedBuff; // 0x1d0 // Static fields: static CModifierParams &Get_s_Default(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CModifierParams")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable class IBody : public INextBotComponent { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct MatchID_t { public: uint64_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("MatchID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x50 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot class CDOTAFeaturedGamemodeDefinition { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x18]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyDescription "unique integer ID of this weekly featured game mode" // MVDataUniqueMonotonicInt "_editor/next_featured_gamemode_id" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "locked_int()" uint16_t m_nID; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001a[0x2]; // 0x1a public: // MPropertyDescription "Game Mode; use DOTA_GAMEMODE_EVENT for custom games and include custom game name" DOTA_GameMode m_eGameMode; // 0x1c // MPropertyDescription "custom game addon name if any; references event_games.txt" CUtlString m_sCustomGame; // 0x20 // MPropertyDescription "shards per win" int32_t m_nShardsPerWin; // 0x28 // MPropertyDescription "shards per loss" int32_t m_nShardsPerLoss; // 0x2c // MPropertyDescription "the date/time this mode starts (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) UTC" CUtlString m_sStartTime; // 0x30 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0038[0x8]; // 0x38 public: // MPropertyDescription "the date/time this mode ends (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) UTC" CUtlString m_sEndTime; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot class CTeamTrackedStatDefinition { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyDescription "unique integer ID of this stat" // MVDataUniqueMonotonicInt "_editor/next_team_stat_id" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "locked_int()" TrackedStatID_t m_unStatID; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "how this stat is implemented" ETeamTrackedStatImpl m_eStatImpl; // 0xc // MPropertyDescription "For k_eTeamTrackedStatImpl_Expression, what is the expression information." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eStatImpl != k_ePlayerTrackedStatImpl_Expression" TrackedStatExpressionData_t m_expressionData; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "For k_eTeamTrackedStatImpl_PlayerAggregate, what is the aggregate information." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eStatImpl != k_eTeamTrackedStatImpl_PlayerAggregate" TrackedStatAggregateData_t m_aggregateData; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xc0 struct SummaryTakeDamageInfo_t { public: int32_t nSummarisedCount; // 0x0 CTakeDamageInfo info; // 0x8 CTakeDamageResult result; // 0xb0 CHandle< CBaseEntity > hTarget; // 0xb8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x28 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MNetworkVarsAtomic class CNetworkViewOffsetVector { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: // MNetworkBitCount "10" // MNetworkMinValue "-64.000000" // MNetworkMaxValue "64.000000" // MNetworkEncodeFlags "4" // MNetworkChangeCallback "CNetworkViewOffsetVector" CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_vecX; // 0x10 // MNetworkBitCount "10" // MNetworkMinValue "-64.000000" // MNetworkMaxValue "64.000000" // MNetworkEncodeFlags "4" // MNetworkChangeCallback "CNetworkViewOffsetVector" CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_vecY; // 0x18 // MNetworkBitCount "20" // MNetworkMinValue "0.000000" // MNetworkMaxValue "128.000000" // MNetworkEncodeFlags "4" // MNetworkChangeCallback "CNetworkViewOffsetVector" CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_vecZ; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct FantasyGemSlot_t { public: uint8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("FantasyGemSlot_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x78 // Has VTable class CMultiplayer_Expresser : public CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup { public: bool m_bAllowMultipleScenes; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable class IIntention : public INextBotComponent { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor class CAnimEventListener : public CAnimEventListenerBase { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x4 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct BlessingPathID_t { public: int32_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("BlessingPathID_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults class CSkillDamage { public: // MPropertyDescription "Damage Dealt (in the case of NPC vs NPC damage, medium skill is used)" CSkillFloat m_flDamage; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "If specified, the damage used to compute physics forces. Otherwise normal damage is used." float m_flPhysicsForceDamage; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 struct RegionTriggerBoxes_t { public: AABB_t regionBox; // 0x0 Vector vRegionBoxOrigin; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0024[0x4]; // 0x24 public: CUtlString strRegionName; // 0x28 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x128 struct DOTASpecialAbility_t { public: char* m_pszName; // 0x0 char* m_pszValue; // 0x8 char* m_pszLevelKey; // 0x10 char* m_pszSpecialBonusAbility; // 0x18 char* m_pszSpecialBonusField; // 0x20 char* m_pszSpecialBonusADLinkedAbilities; // 0x28 int32_t m_nCount; // 0x30 float m_Values[20]; // 0x34 int32_t m_nBonusesCount; // 0x84 DOTASpecialAbilityBonus_t m_Bonuses[4]; // 0x88 DOTALevelingAbilityBonus_t m_ScepterBonus; // 0xc8 DOTALevelingAbilityBonus_t m_ShardBonus; // 0xf0 int32_t m_nDamageTypeField; // 0x118 bool m_bSpellDamageField; // 0x11c bool m_bScepterField; // 0x11d bool m_bShardField; // 0x11e bool m_bAffectedByAoEIncrease; // 0x11f EDOTASpecialBonusOperation m_eSpecialBonusOperation; // 0x120 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor class CRandSimTimer : public CSimpleSimTimer { public: float m_minInterval; // 0x8 float m_maxInterval; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor struct DamageShareEvent_t { public: float m_flOriginalDamage; // 0x0 float m_flTakenDamage; // 0x4 PlayerID_t m_nPlayerID; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x88 // Has VTable class ConstraintSoundInfo { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: VelocitySampler m_vSampler; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001c[0x4]; // 0x1c public: SimpleConstraintSoundProfile m_soundProfile; // 0x20 Vector m_forwardAxis; // 0x40 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad004c[0x4]; // 0x4c public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszTravelSoundFwd; // 0x50 CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszTravelSoundBack; // 0x58 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0060[0x8]; // 0x60 public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszReversalSounds[3]; // 0x68 bool m_bPlayTravelSound; // 0x80 bool m_bPlayReversalSound; // 0x81 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor struct WeightedAbilitySuggestion_t { public: // MNetworkEnable AbilityID_t nSuggestion; // 0x0 // MNetworkEnable float fWeight; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x40 // Has Trivial Destructor struct lerpdata_t { public: CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hEnt; // 0x0 MoveType_t m_MoveType; // 0x4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0005[0x3]; // 0x5 public: GameTime_t m_flStartTime; // 0x8 Vector m_vecStartOrigin; // 0xc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0018[0x8]; // 0x18 public: Quaternion m_qStartRot; // 0x20 ParticleIndex_t m_nFXIndex; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xa0 // Has VTable class CScriptUniformRandomStream { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: HSCRIPT m_hScriptScope; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0010[0x8c]; // 0x10 public: int32_t m_nInitialSeed; // 0x9c // Static fields: static CUtlVector< CScriptUniformRandomStream* > &Get_sm_UniformStreams(){return *reinterpret_cast*>(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("CScriptUniformRandomStream")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyPlayerData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "Account ID of the Pro Player" uint32_t m_unAccountID; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "What team this player is competing with for the fantasy league" uint32_t m_unTeamID; // 0x4 // MPropertyDescription "What region does this player play for" ELeagueRegion m_eRegion; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: // MPropertyDescription "Name of the pro player" CUtlString m_strPlayerName; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "Is this player still playing in the league?" bool m_bIsValid; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyCraftOperation_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "Unique identifier for this operation" FantasyOperationID_t m_unOperationID; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Weight for when rolling which operations to add to the roll board" int32_t m_nRollWeight; // 0x4 // MPropertyDescription "What extra input is needed for the operation" EFantasyOperationTarget m_eTarget; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: // MPropertyDescription "Localization String describing the operation" CUtlString m_sLocDescription; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "What operations this will perform" CUtlVector< FantasyCraftingGemMutation_t > m_vecOperations; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x68 // Has VTable class CResponseQueue { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x50]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< CAI_Expresser* > m_ExpresserTargets; // 0x50 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x34 // Has Trivial Destructor class CSound { public: CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hOwner; // 0x0 CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hTarget; // 0x4 int32_t m_iVolume; // 0x8 float m_flOcclusionScale; // 0xc int32_t m_iType; // 0x10 int32_t m_iNextAudible; // 0x14 GameTime_t m_flExpireTime; // 0x18 int16_t m_iNext; // 0x1c bool m_bNoExpirationTime; // 0x1e private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001f[0x1]; // 0x1f public: int32_t m_ownerChannelIndex; // 0x20 Vector m_vecOrigin; // 0x24 bool m_bHasOwner; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // Has VTable class CPlayerControllerComponent { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MNetworkDisable // MNetworkChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot class CDOTAFantasyDefinition { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlVector< FantasyCraftSetupData_t > m_vecCraftingSetups; // 0x8 CUtlVector< FantasyLeagueData_t > m_vecLeagues; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // Has Trivial Destructor class CHorizontalMotionController { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x210 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot class SPingWheelMessageDefinition { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0xc]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyDescription "unique integer ID of this ping wheel message" // MVDataUniqueMonotonicInt "_editor/next_ping_wheel_id" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "locked_int()" PingWheelMessageID_t nID; // 0xc // MPropertyDescription "localization string ID for name of ping" CUtlString sLocName; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "Particle system of ping effect" CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > > sParticle; // 0x18 // MPropertyDescription "Particle system of ping effect when targetting an npc (optional)" CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > > sParticleTarget; // 0xf8 // MPropertyDescription "Color of ping effect. Leave default to use pinging player color." // MPropertyColorPlusAlpha Color color; // 0x1d8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01dc[0x4]; // 0x1dc public: // MPropertyDescription "Image shown while customizing ping wheel" CPanoramaImageName sImage; // 0x1e0 // MPropertyDescription "Sound played when pinging" // MPropertyCustomFGDType "sound" CUtlString sSound; // 0x1f0 // MPropertyDescription "localization string ID for chat message when pinging" CUtlString sChat; // 0x1f8 // MPropertyDescription "Multiplier to apply to 3 second base duration (dota_minimap_ping_duration)" float fDurationMultiplier; // 0x200 // MPropertyDescription "Event for tracking expiration. See EEvent enum" EEvent eUnlockEvent; // 0x204 // MPropertyDescription "Action of the unlock event which awards this ping wheel" uint32_t nUnlockEventActionID; // 0x208 // MPropertyDescription "ID of icon to show on minimap. See scripts/minimap_icons.txt" int32_t nMinimapIcon; // 0x20c }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 struct GameChatLogEntry_t { public: int32_t m_nTeam; // 0x0 PlayerID_t m_nPlayerID; // 0x4 CUtlString m_sText; // 0x8 GameTime_t m_flGameTime; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MPropertyCustomFGDType class CFootstepTableHandle { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 class sGlaiveInfoStorm { public: int32_t iAttackIndex; // 0x0 int32_t iBounceCount; // 0x4 CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > hAlreadyHitList; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // Has Trivial Destructor class CVerticalMotionController { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor class dota_minimap_boundary : public CEmptyEntityInstance { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x12c8 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class CDOTA_Buff : public CHorizontalMotionController { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0010[0x18]; // 0x10 public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_name; // 0x28 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0030[0x8]; // 0x30 public: CUtlSymbolLarge m_szModifierAura; // 0x38 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0040[0x8]; // 0x40 public: int32_t m_iSerialNumber; // 0x48 // MFieldVerificationName "m_iStringIndex" int32_t m_iStringIndex; // 0x4c int32_t m_iIndex; // 0x50 GameTime_t m_flCreationTime; // 0x54 int32_t m_iCreationFrame; // 0x58 GameTime_t m_flLastAppliedTime; // 0x5c float m_flDuration; // 0x60 GameTime_t m_flDieTime; // 0x64 CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hCaster; // 0x68 CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hAbility; // 0x6c CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hParent; // 0x70 CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hAuraOwner; // 0x74 int32_t m_iStackCount; // 0x78 int16_t m_iAuraSearchTeam; // 0x7c int16_t m_iAuraSearchType; // 0x7e int32_t m_iAuraSearchFlags; // 0x80 int32_t m_iAuraRadius; // 0x84 int32_t m_iTeam; // 0x88 int32_t m_iAttributes; // 0x8c // MFieldVerificationName "m_iTooltipParity" int16_t m_iPaddingToMakeSchemaHappy2; // 0x90 struct { uint8_t m_bIsAura: 1; uint8_t m_bIsAuraActiveOnDeath: 1; uint8_t m_bMarkedForDeletion: 1; uint8_t m_bAuraIsHeal: 1; uint8_t m_bProvidedByAura: 1; uint32_t __pad7: 19; }; // 24 bits bool m_bPurgedDestroy; // 0x93 GameTime_t m_flPreviousTick; // 0x94 float m_flThinkInterval; // 0x98 float m_flThinkTimeAccumulator; // 0x9c CUtlVector< CDOTA_BuffParticle > m_iParticles; // 0xa0 CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > m_hAuraUnits; // 0xb8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00d0[0x11f0]; // 0xd0 public: HSCRIPT m_hScriptScope; // 0x12c0 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyCraftingGemSlotData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "Gem Slot" FantasyGemSlot_t m_unGemSlot; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Gem Type" Fantasy_Gem_Type m_eGemType; // 0x4 // MPropertyDescription "Minimum tablet level to unlock this type of gem, -1 or 0 for always unlocked" int32_t m_nRequiredTabletLevel; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 struct DOTASpecialAbilityBonus_t { public: char* m_pszName; // 0x0 float m_fValue; // 0x8 EDOTASpecialBonusOperation m_eOperation; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MPropertyCustomEditor class CRemapFloat { public: float m_pValue[4]; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // Has Trivial Destructor struct DOTAOutgoingBonus_t { public: char* m_pszAbilityName; // 0x0 char* m_pszSpecialName; // 0x8 float m_fValue; // 0x10 EDOTASpecialBonusOperation m_eOperation; // 0x14 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor struct RemnantData_t { public: CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_hRemnant; // 0x0 int32_t m_nProjectileHandle; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Destructor struct RelationshipOverride_t : public Relationship_t { public: CHandle< CBaseEntity > entity; // 0x8 Class_T classType; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 1 // Size: 0x1 // Has Trivial Destructor // // MIsBoxedIntegerType struct GCPlayerSlot_t { public: uint8_t m_Value; // 0x0 // Static fields: static bool &Get_IS_TYPESAFE_INTEGER(){return *reinterpret_cast(interfaces::g_schema->FindTypeScopeForModule("!GlobalTypes")->FindDeclaredClass("GCPlayerSlot_t")->m_static_fields[0]->m_instance);}; }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x58 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct FantasyLeagueData_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "Unique identifier for the league" FantasyLeagueID_t m_nFantasyLeagueID; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "What event this data is tied to" EEvent m_eEvent; // 0x4 // MPropertyDescription "What data to use for crafting" FantasyCraftDataID_t m_nCraftingID; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000a[0x6]; // 0xa public: // MPropertyDescription "Which Leagues is this attached to" CUtlVector< LeagueID_t > m_nLeagues; // 0x10 CUtlVector< FantasyRoleData_t > m_vecPlayers; // 0x28 CUtlVector< FantasyPeriodData_t > m_vecPeriods; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: server.dll (project 'server') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x38 // Has VTable class CAnimEventQueueListener : public CAnimEventListenerBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0018[0x8]; // 0x18 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: animationsystem.dll (project 'animationsystem') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyArrayElementNameKey "m_sName" struct MoodAnimationLayer_t { public: // MPropertyFriendlyName "Name" // MPropertyDescription "Name of the layer" CUtlString m_sName; // 0x0 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Active When Listening" // MPropertyDescription "Sets the mood's animation buckets to be active when the character is listening" bool m_bActiveListening; // 0x8 // MPropertyFriendlyName "Active When Talking" // MPropertyDescription "Sets the mood's animation buckets to be active when the character is talking" bool m_bActiveTalking; // 0x9 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000a[0x6]; // 0xa public: // MPropertyDescription "List of animations to choose from" CUtlVector< MoodAnimation_t > m_layerAnimations; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "Intensity of the animation" // MPropertyAttributeRange "0 1" CRangeFloat m_flIntensity; // 0x28 // MPropertyDescription "Multiplier of the animation duration" CRangeFloat m_flDurationScale; // 0x30 // MPropertyDescription "When scaling an animation, grab the scale value as in int. Used for gestures/postures to control number of looping sections" bool m_bScaleWithInts; // 0x38 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0039[0x3]; // 0x39 public: // MPropertyDescription "Time before the next animation can start" CRangeFloat m_flNextStart; // 0x3c // MPropertyDescription "Time from the start of the mood before an animation can start" CRangeFloat m_flStartOffset; // 0x44 // MPropertyDescription "Time from the end of the mood when an animation cannot play" CRangeFloat m_flEndOffset; // 0x4c // MPropertyDescription "Fade in time of the animation" float m_flFadeIn; // 0x54 // MPropertyDescription "Fade out time of the animation" float m_flFadeOut; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct PortraitWorldLightConfig_t { public: CUtlString m_strName; // 0x0 float m_flLatitude; // 0x8 float m_flLongitude; // 0xc float m_flIntensity; // 0x10 float m_flAdditionalRadius; // 0x14 float m_flSpotFov; // 0x18 float m_flAnimatedNoiseFrequency; // 0x1c float m_flAnimatedNoiseMinValue; // 0x20 Color m_color; // 0x24 bool m_bShowGizmos; // 0x28 bool m_bShadows; // 0x29 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct CDOTABattleReportHighlightTier_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "Tier of the Reward" CMsgBattleReport_HighlightTier m_eTier; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Compare Contexts to Achieve Tier" // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf CUtlVector< CDOTABattleReportHighlightCompareContext_t > m_vecCompareContexts; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x1c // Has Trivial Destructor struct NeutralCampStackPullAlarm_t { public: Vector m_vPosition; // 0x0 float m_flPullAlarmTime; // 0xc float m_flStackAlarmTime; // 0x10 int32_t m_nCampIndex; // 0x14 int32_t m_nAlarmTypes; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x3d0 // Has VTable class CLightInfoBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: Vector2D m_origin2D; // 0x10 Color m_Color[2]; // 0x18 float m_LightScale[2]; // 0x20 Color m_AmbientColor[2]; // 0x28 float m_AmbientScale[2]; // 0x30 Color m_ShadowColor[2]; // 0x38 Color m_ShadowSecondaryColor[2]; // 0x40 float m_ShadowScale[2]; // 0x48 float m_ShadowGroundScale[2]; // 0x50 Color m_SpecularColor[2]; // 0x58 float m_flSpecularPower[2]; // 0x60 float m_flSpecularIndependence[2]; // 0x68 Vector m_SpecularDirection[2]; // 0x70 Vector m_InspectorSpecularDirection[2]; // 0x88 Vector m_LightDirection[2]; // 0xa0 Vector m_AmbientDirection[2]; // 0xb8 Color m_FogColor[2]; // 0xd0 float m_FogStart[2]; // 0xd8 float m_FogEnd[2]; // 0xe0 float m_HeightFogValue[2]; // 0xe8 Color m_HeightFogColor[2]; // 0xf0 float m_FoWDarkness[2]; // 0xf8 float m_FoWColorR[2]; // 0x100 float m_FoWColorG[2]; // 0x108 float m_FoWColorB[2]; // 0x110 Color m_InspectorViewFogColor[2]; // 0x118 QAngle m_windAngle; // 0x120 float m_flWindAmount[2]; // 0x12c float m_flMinWind; // 0x134 float m_flMaxWind; // 0x138 float m_flMinGust; // 0x13c float m_flMaxGust; // 0x140 float m_flMinGustDelay; // 0x144 float m_flMaxGustDelay; // 0x148 float m_flGustDuration; // 0x14c float m_flGustDirChange; // 0x150 QAngle m_skyboxAngle[2]; // 0x154 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad016c[0x4]; // 0x16c public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hSkyboxMaterial[2]; // 0x170 Color m_vSkyboxTintColor[2]; // 0x180 uint8_t m_nSkyboxFogType; // 0x188 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0189[0x3]; // 0x189 public: float m_flSkyboxAngularFogMaxEnd; // 0x18c float m_flSkyboxAngularFogMaxStart; // 0x190 float m_flSkyboxAngularFogMinStart; // 0x194 float m_flSkyboxAngularFogMinEnd; // 0x198 Vector4D m_vAngularParams; // 0x19c Color m_vHeightFogColor[2]; // 0x1ac float m_flFogMaxZ; // 0x1b4 float m_flFogDensity[2]; // 0x1b8 float m_flFogFalloff; // 0x1c0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad01c4[0x4]; // 0x1c4 public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hFogTexture0; // 0x1c8 float m_flFogLayer0Rotation; // 0x1d0 float m_flFogLayer0Scale; // 0x1d4 float m_flFoglayer0ScrollU[2]; // 0x1d8 float m_flFoglayer0ScrollV[2]; // 0x1e0 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hFogTexture1; // 0x1e8 float m_flFogLayer1Rotation; // 0x1f0 float m_flFogLayer1Scale; // 0x1f4 float m_flFoglayer1ScrollU[2]; // 0x1f8 float m_flFoglayer1ScrollV[2]; // 0x200 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hFogTextureOpacity; // 0x208 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hWaterFlowMapTexture; // 0x210 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hFogFlowMapTexture; // 0x218 float m_flFogExclusionInnerRadius; // 0x220 float m_flFogExclusionHeightBias; // 0x224 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0228[0x4]; // 0x228 public: float m_flCausticSpeedScale; // 0x22c float m_flCausticAmplitudeScale; // 0x230 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0234[0x4]; // 0x234 public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hColorWarp; // 0x238 float m_flColorWarpBlendToFull; // 0x240 float m_fInnerRadius; // 0x244 float m_fOuterRadius; // 0x248 float m_flLightning_specular_pow_scale_min; // 0x24c float m_flLightning_specular_pow_scale_max; // 0x250 Color m_lightningColor; // 0x254 float m_flLightningIntensityMin; // 0x258 float m_flLightningIntensityMax; // 0x25c float m_flLightningElevation; // 0x260 float m_flLightningSpecularIntensity; // 0x264 float m_flFarZOverride; // 0x268 float m_flAmbientShadowAmount; // 0x26c int32_t m_nWeatherType; // 0x270 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0274[0x4]; // 0x274 public: CUtlString m_WeatherEffect; // 0x278 float m_flLightning_period_min; // 0x280 float m_flLightning_period_max; // 0x284 float m_flLightning_duration_min; // 0x288 float m_flLightning_duration_max; // 0x28c float m_flLightning_fluctuation_min; // 0x290 float m_flLightning_fluctuation_max; // 0x294 char m_pszLightningSound[260]; // 0x298 float m_flNextLightningStartTime; // 0x39c float m_flNextLightningEndTime; // 0x3a0 float m_flLightningFluctuationTimeStart; // 0x3a4 float m_flLightningFluctuationTimeEnd; // 0x3a8 float m_flLightningNumFluctuations; // 0x3ac float m_flNextLightningSoundTime; // 0x3b0 bool m_bPlayLightingSound; // 0x3b4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad03b5[0x3]; // 0x3b5 public: float m_flLightningEventMagnitude; // 0x3b8 float m_flLightningScale; // 0x3bc float m_flLightningFluctuation; // 0x3c0 float m_flLightningAngle; // 0x3c4 float m_flLightningEventPercentage; // 0x3c8 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Is Abstract // Has Trivial Destructor class IClientAlphaProperty { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0x520 // Has VTable class CGlobalLightBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: bool m_bSpotLight; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0011[0x3]; // 0x11 public: Vector m_SpotLightOrigin; // 0x14 QAngle m_SpotLightAngles; // 0x20 Vector m_ShadowDirection; // 0x2c Vector m_AmbientDirection; // 0x38 Vector m_SpecularDirection; // 0x44 Vector m_InspectorSpecularDirection; // 0x50 float m_flSpecularPower; // 0x5c float m_flSpecularIndependence; // 0x60 Color m_SpecularColor; // 0x64 bool m_bStartDisabled; // 0x68 bool m_bEnabled; // 0x69 Color m_LightColor; // 0x6a Color m_AmbientColor1; // 0x6e Color m_AmbientColor2; // 0x72 Color m_AmbientColor3; // 0x76 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad007a[0x2]; // 0x7a public: float m_flSunDistance; // 0x7c float m_flFOV; // 0x80 float m_flNearZ; // 0x84 float m_flFarZ; // 0x88 bool m_bEnableShadows; // 0x8c bool m_bOldEnableShadows; // 0x8d bool m_bBackgroundClearNotRequired; // 0x8e private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad008f[0x1]; // 0x8f public: float m_flCloudScale; // 0x90 float m_flCloud1Speed; // 0x94 float m_flCloud1Direction; // 0x98 float m_flCloud2Speed; // 0x9c float m_flCloud2Direction; // 0xa0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00a4[0xc]; // 0xa4 public: float m_flAmbientScale1; // 0xb0 float m_flAmbientScale2; // 0xb4 float m_flGroundScale; // 0xb8 float m_flLightScale; // 0xbc float m_flFoWDarkness; // 0xc0 bool m_bEnableSeparateSkyboxFog; // 0xc4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00c5[0x3]; // 0xc5 public: Vector m_vFowColor; // 0xc8 Vector m_ViewOrigin; // 0xd4 QAngle m_ViewAngles; // 0xe0 float m_flViewFoV; // 0xec Vector m_WorldPoints[8]; // 0xf0 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0150[0x358]; // 0x150 public: Vector2D m_vFogOffsetLayer0; // 0x4a8 Vector2D m_vFogOffsetLayer1; // 0x4b0 CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hEnvWind; // 0x4b8 CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hEnvSky; // 0x4bc float m_fSmoothedAmount; // 0x4c0 float m_fSlowSmoothedAmount; // 0x4c4 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor class C_HorizontalMotionController { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor class CClientAlphaProperty : public IClientAlphaProperty { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0008[0x8]; // 0x8 public: uint8_t m_nRenderFX; // 0x10 uint8_t m_nRenderMode; // 0x11 struct { uint8_t m_bAlphaOverride: 1; uint8_t m_bShadowAlphaOverride: 1; uint8_t m_nReserved: 6; uint8_t __pad8: 8; }; // 16 bits uint8_t m_nAlpha; // 0x13 uint16_t m_nDesyncOffset; // 0x14 uint16_t m_nReserved2; // 0x16 uint16_t m_nDistFadeStart; // 0x18 uint16_t m_nDistFadeEnd; // 0x1a float m_flFadeScale; // 0x1c GameTime_t m_flRenderFxStartTime; // 0x20 float m_flRenderFxDuration; // 0x24 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot class CComicBook { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyDescription "Cover image to use. Likely starts with file://{images}/comics/..." CPanoramaImageName m_CoverImage; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "Comic book xml file. The xml that defines the layout and flow of the comic book." // MPropertyCustomFGDType "panorama_layout" CUtlString m_XmlFile; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x40 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct CandyShopRewardOption_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "A unique ID for this reward option." CandyShopRewardOptionID_t m_unRewardOptionID; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "A CSS class to assign to rewards of this type" CUtlString m_sRewardClass; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "The maximum number of this reward option to grant. 0 means infinite" uint32_t m_unRewardOptionMaxCount; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "what are the odds that this option will be picked compared to other options" uint32_t m_unWeight; // 0x14 // MPropertyDescription "How many candy does it cost for one of these rewards" uint32_t m_unCandyPrice; // 0x18 // MPropertyDescription "how should rewards for this option be generated?" ECandyShopRewardOptionType m_eOptionType; // 0x1c // MPropertyDescription "For k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_SingleItem, what is the item def." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eOptionType != k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_SingleItem" item_definition_index_t m_unSingleItemDef; // 0x20 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0024[0x4]; // 0x24 public: // MPropertyDescription "For k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_LootList, what is the loot list to get the reward from." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eOptionType != k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_LootList" CUtlString m_sLootList; // 0x28 // MPropertyDescription "For k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_SingleEventAction, what is the event id for the action." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eOptionType != k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_SingleEventAction && m_eOptionType != k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_EventPoints" EEvent m_eEvent; // 0x30 // MPropertyDescription "For k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_SingleEventAction, what is the action id for the action." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eOptionType != k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_SingleEventAction" uint32_t m_unEventActionID; // 0x34 // MPropertyDescription "For k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_EventPoints, what is the amount of event points." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eOptionType != k_eCandyShopRewardOptionType_EventPoints" uint32_t m_unEventPoints; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class C_GameRules { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xc0 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot class CDOTACandyShopDefinition { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyDescription "unique integer ID of this candy shop" CandyShopID_t m_unCandyShopID; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "localization name of the candy shop" CUtlString m_sLocName; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "default inventory size" uint32_t m_unDefaultInventorySize; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001c[0x4]; // 0x1c public: // MPropertyDescription "the image used to display an inventory size upgrade" CPanoramaImageName m_sInventorySizeUpgradeImage; // 0x20 // MPropertyDescription "default reroll charges" uint32_t m_unDefaultRerollCharges; // 0x30 // MPropertyDescription "candy bag item def" item_definition_index_t m_unCandyBagItemDef; // 0x34 // MPropertyDescription "Maximum number of input or output candies for fixed exchange recipes." uint8_t m_unFixedExchangeRecipeMaxCandies; // 0x38 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0039[0x3]; // 0x39 public: // MPropertyDescription "Start date for the fixed exchange recipes." uint32_t m_unFixedExchangeRecipeStartDate; // 0x3c // MPropertyDescription "Frequency of updating fixed exchange recipes in seconds." uint32_t m_unFixedExchangeRecipeUpdateRateInSeconds; // 0x40 // MPropertyDescription "Number of fixed exchange recipes." uint8_t m_unFixedExchangeRecipeCount; // 0x44 // MPropertyDescription "Input candy count for variable exchange recipe" uint8_t m_unVariableExchangeInputCandyCount; // 0x45 // MPropertyDescription "Output candy count for variable exchange recipe" uint8_t m_unVariableExchangeOutputCandyCount; // 0x46 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0047[0x1]; // 0x47 public: // MPropertyDescription "After this event expires, you can no longer interact with this candy shop." EEvent m_eExpireEvent; // 0x48 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad004c[0x4]; // 0x4c public: CUtlVector< CandyShopCandyType_t > m_vecCandyTypes; // 0x50 CUtlVector< CandyShopRewardSlot_t > m_vecRewardSlots; // 0x68 CUtlVector< CandyShopRewardOption_t > m_vecDefaultRewardOptions; // 0x80 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xde0 // Has VTable class CBasePortraitData { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x410]; // 0x0 public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_iModelIndex; // 0x410 CUtlStringToken m_skin; // 0x418 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad041c[0x9a0]; // 0x41c public: bool m_bHasSetupView; // 0xdbc private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0dbd[0x1b]; // 0xdbd public: float m_flRotation; // 0xdd8 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x78 class C_CommandContext { public: bool needsprocessing; // 0x0 int32_t command_number; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x48 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct RoadToTIQuestDefinition_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "unique integer ID of this Road To TI quest within the challenge" RoadToTIQuestID_t m_unID; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Quest type (match or player)" ERoadToTIQuestType m_eQuestType; // 0x4 // MPropertyDescription "Period the quest represents" uint32_t m_unPeriod; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: // MPropertyDescription "Match ID for match quests" MatchID_t m_unMatchID; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "Series ID for match quests" uint32_t m_unSeriesID; // 0x18 // MPropertyDescription "League ID for match quests" uint32_t m_unLeagueID; // 0x1c // MPropertyDescription "Player account ID for player quests" uint32_t m_unPlayerID; // 0x20 // MPropertyDescription "Team ID of the player or match winner" uint32_t m_unTeamID; // 0x24 // MPropertyDescription "Heroes available for the quest" CUtlVector< uint8 > m_vecHeroes; // 0x28 // MPropertyDescription "True if this is a developer quest" bool m_bDeveloper; // 0x40 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable class C_SingleplayRules : public C_GameRules { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 class CGlowSprite { public: Vector m_vColor; // 0x0 float m_flHorzSize; // 0xc float m_flVertSize; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0014[0x4]; // 0x14 public: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hMaterial; // 0x18 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x2e0 // Has VTable class CFlashlightEffect { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: bool m_bIsOn; // 0x10 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0011[0xf]; // 0x11 public: bool m_bMuzzleFlashEnabled; // 0x20 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0021[0x3]; // 0x21 public: float m_flMuzzleFlashBrightness; // 0x24 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0028[0x8]; // 0x28 public: Quaternion m_quatMuzzleFlashOrientation; // 0x30 Vector m_vecMuzzleFlashOrigin; // 0x40 float m_flFov; // 0x4c float m_flFarZ; // 0x50 float m_flLinearAtten; // 0x54 bool m_bCastsShadows; // 0x58 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0059[0x3]; // 0x59 public: float m_flCurrentPullBackDist; // 0x5c CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_FlashlightTexture; // 0x60 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_MuzzleFlashTexture; // 0x68 char m_textureName[64]; // 0x70 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x8 // Has Trivial Destructor class TimedEvent { public: float m_TimeBetweenEvents; // 0x0 float m_fNextEvent; // 0x4 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct SZooSetAnnotation_t { public: CUtlString m_strSetTag; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x14 // Has Trivial Destructor class CInterpolatedValue { public: float m_flStartTime; // 0x0 float m_flEndTime; // 0x4 float m_flStartValue; // 0x8 float m_flEndValue; // 0xc int32_t m_nInterpType; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct SZooSetAnnotations_t { public: CUtlString m_strSetName; // 0x0 CUtlVector< SZooSetAnnotation_t > m_annotations; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xa0 // // MParticleDomainTag // MPulseBindableTarget // MPulseRegisterTypeInfo // MPulseProvideFeatureTag // MPulseLibraryBindings class C_DOTA_LinearProjectileInfo { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x20]; // 0x0 public: CTransform m_transform; // 0x20 int32_t m_iHandle; // 0x40 Vector m_vInitPosition; // 0x44 Vector m_vPosition; // 0x50 Vector m_vOriginalVelocity; // 0x5c Vector m_vVelocity; // 0x68 Vector m_vAcceleration; // 0x74 float m_flMaxSpeed; // 0x80 float m_flFowRadius; // 0x84 bool m_bStickyFoWReveal; // 0x88 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0089[0x3]; // 0x89 public: float m_flDistance; // 0x8c CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hSource; // 0x90 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x18 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults struct SZooSetAnnotationsConfig_t { public: CUtlVector< SZooSetAnnotations_t > m_allAnnotations; // 0x0 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x60 // // MParticleDomainTag // MPulseBindableTarget // MPulseRegisterTypeInfo // MPulseProvideFeatureTag // MPulseLibraryBindings class C_DOTA_TrackingProjectileInfo { public: int32_t m_iHandle; // 0x0 int32_t m_iOriginalMoveSpeed; // 0x4 int32_t m_iMoveSpeed; // 0x8 Vector m_vLocation; // 0xc CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hSource; // 0x18 CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hTarget; // 0x1c CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hAbility; // 0x20 Vector m_vTargetLocation; // 0x24 bool m_bDodgeable; // 0x30 bool m_bIsAttack; // 0x31 bool m_bIsEvaded; // 0x32 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0033[0x1]; // 0x33 public: GameTime_t m_flExpireTime; // 0x34 GameTime_t m_flMaxImpactTime; // 0x38 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0xc // Has Trivial Destructor // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct CDOTABattleReportHighlightCompareContext_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "How to view the baseline data of the player's performance for comparison." CMsgBattleReport_CompareContext m_eCompareContext; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Comparison Type for player score to baseline data or threshold value" EHighlightScoreComparison m_eComparisonType; // 0x4 // MPropertyDescription "Value for comparison using the selected context." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eCompareContext != k_eAbsoluteValue" float m_flCompareValue; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0xd0 // Has VTable class CGlowOverlay { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: Vector m_vPos; // 0x8 bool m_bDirectional; // 0x14 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0015[0x3]; // 0x15 public: Vector m_vDirection; // 0x18 bool m_bInSky; // 0x24 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0025[0x3]; // 0x25 public: float m_skyObstructionScale; // 0x28 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad002c[0x4]; // 0x2c public: CGlowSprite m_Sprites[4]; // 0x30 int32_t m_nSprites; // 0xb0 float m_flProxyRadius; // 0xb4 float m_flHDRColorScale; // 0xb8 float m_flGlowObstructionScale; // 0xbc bool m_bCacheGlowObstruction; // 0xc0 bool m_bCacheSkyObstruction; // 0xc1 int16_t m_bActivated; // 0xc2 uint16_t m_ListIndex; // 0xc4 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad00c6[0x2]; // 0xc6 public: int32_t m_queryHandle; // 0xc8 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x98 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot class CDOTARoadToTIChallengeDefinition { public: // MPropertyDescription "Event ID that the challenge is for" EEvent m_eEvent; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "Total Quest Periods within the challenge" uint32_t m_unTotalQuestPeriods; // 0x4 // MPropertyDescription "Number of hero options expected in each quest." uint32_t m_unHeroesPerQuest; // 0x8 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000c[0x4]; // 0xc public: // MPropertyDescription "A list of quest difficulties. This defines the pattern for each period and total quests per period. Eg [1, 1, 2] would mean every period has 3 quests (two easy, then one medium)." CUtlVector< uint32 > m_vecQuestPattern; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "Item def for Culling Blade item" item_definition_index_t m_unCullingBladeItemDef; // 0x28 // MPropertyDescription "Item def for Reroll Token item" item_definition_index_t m_unRerollItemDef; // 0x2c // MPropertyDescription "The quests in the challenge" CUtlVector< RoadToTIQuestDefinition_t > m_vecQuests; // 0x30 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x30 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class C_DotaTree { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x2c]; // 0x0 public: uint32_t m_unOccluderID; // 0x2c }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x10 // Has Trivial Constructor // Has Trivial Destructor struct PlayerSeatAssignment_t { public: uint32_t unAccountID; // 0x0 uint32_t unSeat; // 0x4 uint32_t unReversedSeat; // 0x8 uint32_t unTeamID; // 0xc }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 16 // Size: 0xe10 // Has VTable class CPortraitData : public CBasePortraitData { public: CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseEntity > > m_RenderList; // 0xde0 CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hHero; // 0xdf8 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has VTable // Has Trivial Destructor class C_VerticalMotionController { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x10]; // 0x0 public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x28 // Has VTable class CAnnouncerDescriptor { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: CUtlString m_strAnnouncerName; // 0x8 CUtlString m_strAnnouncerVoiceFile; // 0x10 itemid_t m_nAnnouncerItemId; // 0x18 bool m_bItemOwnedByLocalPlayer; // 0x20 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct CandyShopRewardSlot_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "A CSS class to assign to this slot" CUtlString m_sSlotClass; // 0x0 CUtlVector< CandyShopRewardOption_t > m_vecSlotRewardOptions; // 0x8 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x98 class CDecalInfo { public: float m_flAnimationScale; // 0x0 float m_flAnimationLifeSpan; // 0x4 float m_flPlaceTime; // 0x8 float m_flFadeStartTime; // 0xc float m_flFadeDuration; // 0x10 int32_t m_nVBSlot; // 0x14 int32_t m_nBoneIndex; // 0x18 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad001c[0xc]; // 0x1c public: CDecalInfo* m_pNext; // 0x28 CDecalInfo* m_pPrev; // 0x30 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0038[0x58]; // 0x38 public: int32_t m_nDecalMaterialIndex; // 0x90 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x20 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf struct CandyShopCandyType_t { public: // MPropertyDescription "unique integer ID of this candy type" CandyShopCandyTypeID_t m_unCandyTypeID; // 0x0 // MPropertyDescription "localization name of the candy type" CUtlString m_sLocName; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "the image used for this candy type" CPanoramaImageName m_sImage; // 0x10 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 4 // Size: 0x318 // Has Trivial Destructor class sControlGroupElem { public: char m_UnitName[260]; // 0x0 char m_UnitLabel[260]; // 0x104 uint8_t m_unUnitLabelIndex; // 0x208 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0209[0x3]; // 0x209 public: CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hEntity; // 0x20c bool m_bIsIllusion; // 0x210 char m_IllusionLabel[260]; // 0x211 }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x8 // Has VTable class C_MultiplayRules : public C_GameRules { public: // No schema binary for binding }; // Registered binary: client.dll (project 'client') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x70 // // MGetKV3ClassDefaults // MVDataRoot class CDOTABattleReportHighlight { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: // MPropertyDescription "Battle Report Highlight ID" // MVDataUniqueMonotonicInt "_editor/next_battle_report_highlight_id" // MPropertyAttributeEditor "locked_int()" uint16_t m_nID; // 0x8 // MPropertyDescription "Enabled" bool m_bEnabled; // 0xa private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad000b[0x1]; // 0xb public: // MPropertyDescription "Battle Report Highlight Type" // MPropertyFriendlyName "Gameplay Outcome to Highlight" CMsgBattleReport_HighlightType m_eHighlightType; // 0xc // MPropertyDescription "Battle Report Highlight Category" CMsgBattleReport_HighlightCategory m_eHighlightCategory; // 0x10 // MPropertyDescription "Battle Report Highlight Rarity" CMsgBattleReport_HighlightRarity m_eHighlightRarity; // 0x14 // MPropertyDescription "Localized name for this highlight" CUtlString m_sNameToken; // 0x18 // MPropertyDescription "Localized name for this highlight" CUtlString m_sFlavorToken; // 0x20 // MPropertyDescription "Helper Tooltip Available" bool m_bTooltip; // 0x28 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0029[0x7]; // 0x29 public: // MPropertyDescription "Helper Tooltip Loc String" // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_bTooltip == false" CUtlString m_sTooltipLocString; // 0x30 // MPropertyDescription "Number formatting for player score" EHighlightNumberFormat m_eFormat; // 0x38 private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad003c[0x4]; // 0x3c public: // MPropertyDescription "Roles for the Highlight. If none selected, use all roles." // MPropertySuppressExpr "m_eHighlightCategory != k_eHighlightRole" CUtlVector< CMsgBattleReport_Role > m_vecRoles; // 0x40 // MPropertyDescription "Possible Tiers for the Highlight" // MPropertyAutoExpandSelf CUtlVector< CDOTABattleReportHighlightTier_t > m_vecTiers; // 0x58 }; // Registered binary: host.dll (project 'host') // Alignment: 8 // Size: 0x10 // Has VTable // Is Abstract class CAnimScriptBase { private: [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t __pad0000[0x8]; // 0x0 public: bool m_bIsValid; // 0x8 };