**_Clay_** (short for **C Layout**) is a high performance 2D UI layout library.
### Major Features
- Microsecond layout performance
- Flex-box like layout model for complex, responsive layouts including text wrapping, scrolling containers and aspect ratio scaling
- Single ~2k LOC **clay.h** file with **zero** dependencies (including no standard library)
- Wasm support: compile with clang to a 15kb uncompressed **.wasm** file for use in the browser
- Static arena based memory use with no malloc / free, and low total memory overhead (e.g. ~3.5mb for 8192 layout elements).
- React-like nested declarative syntax
- Renderer agnostic: outputs a sorted list of rendering primitives that can be easily composited in any 3D engine, and even compiled to HTML (examples provided)
Take a look at the [clay website](https://nicbarker.com/clay) for an example of clay compiled to wasm and running in the browser, or others in the [examples directory](https://github.com/nicbarker/clay/tree/main/examples).
<imgwidth="1394"alt="A screenshot of a code IDE with lots of visual and textual elements"src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/9986149a-ee0f-449a-a83e-64a392267e3d">
_An example GUI application built with clay_
## Quick Start
1. Download or clone clay.h and include it.
#include "clay.h"
2. Ask clay for how much static memory it needs using [Clay_MinMemorySize()](#clay_minmemorysize), create an Arena for it to use with [Clay_CreateArenaWithCapacityAndMemory(size, void *memory)](#clay_createarenawithcapacityandmemory), and initialize it with [Clay_Initialize(arena)](#clay_initialize).
// Note: malloc is only used here as an example, any allocator that provides
// a pointer to addressable memory of at least totalMemorySize will work
3. Provide a `MeasureText(text, config)` function pointer with [Clay_SetMeasureTextFunction(function)](#clay_setmeasuretextfunction) so that clay can measure and wrap text.
6. Call [Clay_EndLayout(screenWidth, screenHeight)](#clay_endlayout) and process the resulting [Clay_RenderCommandArray](#clay_rendercommandarray) in your choice of renderer.
6. Render the results using the outputted [Clay_RenderCommandArray](#clay_rendercommandarray)
## High Level Documentation
### Building UI Hierarchies
Clay UI hierarchies are built using C macros that allow _nested_ declarations, similar to other declarative UI systems like HTML.
This means that child elements are declared _inside_ their parent elements. The common way to do this with clay element macros is to pass a block: `{}` as the `children` argument, and define child components inside the braces.
// Parent element
CLAY_CONTAINER(id, layout, {
// Child element 1
CLAY_TEXT(id, text, config);
// Child element 2
CLAY_RECTANGLE(id, layout, config, {
// etc
However, unlike HTML and other declarative DSLs, these macros are just C. As a result, you can use arbitrary C code such as loops, functions and conditions inside your layout declaration code:
// Re-usable "components" are just functions that declare more UI
void ButtonComponent(Clay_String buttonText) {
CLAY_RECTANGLE(id, layout, config, {
CLAY_TEXT(id, buttonText, config);
// Parent element
CLAY_CONTAINER(id, layout, {
// Render a bunch of text elements
for (int i = 0; i <textArray.length;i++){
CLAY_TEXT(id, textArray.elements[i], config);
// Only render this element if we're on a mobile screen
if (isMobileScreen) {
CLAY_CONTAINER(id, layout, {
// etc
// Re-usable components
ButtonComponent(CLAY_STRING("Click me!"));
ButtonComponent(CLAY_STRING("No, click me!"));
### Configuring Layout and Styling UI Elements
Many of the element macros in Clay take a `Clay_LayoutConfig` as the second argument. Clay provides a convenience macro, [CLAY_LAYOUT()](#clay_layout) for easy construction of element styles.
This macro isn't magic - all it's doing is wrapping the standard designated initializer syntax and adding the result to an internal array. e.g. `(Clay_LayoutConfig) { .padding = { .x = 8, .y = 8 } ...`.
See the [Clay_LayoutConfig](#clay_layout) API for the full list of options.
A `Clay_LayoutConfig` struct can be defined in file scope or elsewhere, as long as the lifetime ends after `EndLayout` is called.
Some of the other element macros, such as [CLAY_TEXT()](#clay_text) and [CLAY_RECTANGLE()](#clay_rectangle) take an element-specific config object as their 3rd argument. These config objects also have convenience macros for constructing them, generally of the form [CLAY_TEXT_CONFIG()](#clay_text_config) or [CLAY_RECTANGLE_CONFIG()](#clay_rectangle_config):
All element macros take a `Clay_ElementId` ID as their first argument. Clay provides the [CLAY_ID()](#clay_id) macro to generate these IDs as string hashes:
To avoid having to construct dynamic strings at runtime to differentiate ids, clay provides the [CLAY_IDI(string, index)](#clay_idi) macro to generate different ids from a single input string. Think of IDI as "**ID** + **I**ndex"
// This is the equivalent of calling CLAY_ID("Item0"), CLAY_ID("Item1") etc
**_Generally, you should try to keep IDs unique if possible._**
This ID is used for querying mouse / pointer events, and will be forwarded to the final `Clay_RenderCommandArray` for use in retained mode UIs. Using duplicate IDs may cause some functionality to misbehave (i.e. if you're trying to attach a floating container to a specific element with ID that is duplicated, it may not attach to the one you expect)
### Mouse, Touch and Pointer Interactions
Clay provides a very simple unified API for handling mouse and pointer interactions, with specific handling left to user code.
All pointer interactions depend on the function `void Clay_SetPointerPosition(Clay_Vector2 position)` being called after each mouse position update and before any other clay functions.
The function `bool Clay_PointerOver(Clay_ElementId id)` takes an element id that was used during layout creation and returns a bool representing whether the current pointer position is within its bounding box.
Note that the bounding box queried by `Clay_PointerOver` is from the last frame. This shouldn't make a difference except in the case of animations that move at high speed.
If this is an issue for you, performing layout twice per frame with the same data will give you the correct interaction the second time.
### Scrolling Containers
Scrolling containers are defined with the `CLAY_SCROLL_CONTAINER` element macro and function just like normal containers, however to make scroll containers respond to mouse wheel and scroll events, two functions need to be called:
// Reminder: Clay_SetPointerPosition must be called before Clay_UpdateScrollContainers otherwise it will have no effect
Clay_Vector2 mousePosition = { x, y };
// Clay_UpdateScrollContainers needs to be called before Clay_BeginLayout for the position to avoid a 1 frame delay
true, // Did the mouse click or touch occur this frame?
scrollDelta, // Clay_Vector2 scrollwheel / trackpad scroll x and y delta this frame
float deltaTime, // Time since last frame in seconds as a float e.g. 8ms is 0.008f
// ...
More specific details can be found in the full [Scroll Container API](#clay_scroll_container).
### Floating Containers ("Absolute" Positioning)
All standard elements in clay are laid out on top of, and _within_ their parent, positioned according to their parent's layout rules, and affect the positioning and sizing of siblings.
**"Floating"** elements are defined with the `CLAY_FLOATING_CONTAINER` element macro and don't affect the parent they are defined in, or the position of their siblings.
They also have a **z-index**, and as a result can intersect and render over the top of other elements.
Aside from positioning, `CLAY_FLOATING_CONTAINER` elements function like standard `CLAY_CONTAINER` elements.
A classic example use case for floating elements is tooltips and modals.
// The two text elements will be laid out top to bottom, and the floating container
More specific details can be found in the full [Floating Container API](#clay_floating_container).
### Laying Out Your Own Custom Elements
Clay only supports a simple set of UI element primitives, such as rectangles, text and images. Clay provides a simple, singular API for layout out custom elements:
// Extend CLAY_CUSTOM_ELEMENT_CONFIG with your custom data
More specific details can be found in the full [Custom Container API](#clay_custom_element).
### Retained Mode Rendering
Clay was originally designed for [Immediate Mode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1qyvQsjK5Y) rendering - where the entire UI is redrawn every frame. This may not be possible with your platform, renderer design or performance constraints.
There are some general techniques that can be used to integrate clay into a retained mode rendering system:
-`Clay_RenderCommand` includes the `uint32_t id` that was used to declare the element. If unique ids are used, these can be mapped to persistent graphics objects across multiple frames / layouts.
- Render commands are culled automatically to only currently visible elements, and `Clay_RenderCommand` is a small enough struct that you can simply compare the memory of two render commands with matching IDs to determine if the element is "dirty" and needs to be re-rendered or updated.
For a worked example, see the provided [HTML renderer](https://github.com/nicbarker/clay/blob/main/renderers/web/html/clay-html-renderer.html). This renderer converts clay layouts into persistent HTML documents with minimal changes per frame.
Clay provides a built-in visibility-culling mechanism that is **enabled by default**. It will only output render commands for elements that are visible - that is, **at least one pixel of their bounding box is inside the viewport.**
This culling mechanism can be disabled via the use of the `#define CLAY_DISABLE_CULLING` directive. See [Preprocessor Directives](#preprocessor-directives) for more information.
### Preprocessor Directives
Clay supports C preprocessor directives to modulate functionality at compile time. These can be set either in code using `#define CLAY_DISABLE_CULLING` or on the command line when compiling using the appropriate compiler specific arguments, e.g. `clang -DCLAY_DISABLE_CULLING main.c ...`
The supported directives are:
-`CLAY_MAX_ELEMENT_COUNT` - Controls the maximum number of clay elements that memory is pre-allocated for. Defaults to **8192**, which should be more than enough for the majority of use cases. Napkin math is ~450 bytes of memory overhead per element (8192 elements is ~3.5mb of memory)
-`CLAY_DISABLE_CULLING` - Disables [Visibility Culling](#visibility-culling) of render commands.
-`CLAY_WASM` - Required when targeting Web Assembly.
-`CLAY_OVERFLOW_TRAP` - By default, clay will continue to allow function calls without crashing even when it exhausts all its available pre-allocated memory. This can produce erroneous layout results that are difficult to interpret. If `CLAY_OVERFLOW_TRAP` is defined, clay will raise a `SIGTRAP` signal that will be caught by your debugger. Relies on `signal.h` being available in your environment.
-`CLAY_DEBUG` - Used for debugging clay's internal implementation. Useful if you want to modify or debug clay, or learn how things work. It enables a number of debug features such as preserving source strings for hash IDs to make debugging easier.
-`CLAY_EXTEND_CONFIG_RECTANGLE` - Provide additional struct members to `CLAY_RECTANGLE_CONFIG` that will be passed through with output render commands.
-`CLAY_EXTEND_CONFIG_TEXT` - Provide additional struct members to `CLAY_TEXT_CONFIG` that will be passed through with output render commands.
-`CLAY_EXTEND_CONFIG_IMAGE` - Provide additional struct members to `CLAY_IMAGE_CONFIG` that will be passed through with output render commands.
-`CLAY_EXTEND_CONFIG_CUSTOM` - Provide additional struct members to `CLAY_IMAGE_CONFIG` that will be passed through with output render commands.
Clay includes built-in UI debugging tools, similar to the "inspector" in browsers such as Chrome or Firefox. These tools are included in `clay.h`, and work by injecting additional render commands into the output [Clay_RenderCommandArray](#clay_rendercommandarray).
As long as the renderer that you're using works correctly, no additional setup or configuration is required to use the debug tools.
To enable the debug tools, use the function `Clay_SetDebugModeEnabled(bool enabled)`. This boolean is persistent and does not need to be set every frame.
The debug tooling by default will render as a panel to the right side of the screen, compressing your layout by its width. The default width is 400 and is currently configurable via the direct mutation of the internal variable `Clay__debugViewWidth`, however this is an internal API and is potentially subject to change.
<imgwidth="1506"alt="Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 12 54 03 PM"src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/2d122658-3305-4e27-88d6-44f08c0cb4e6">
_The official Clay website with debug tooling visible_
Takes a pointer to a function that can be used to measure the `width, height` dimensions of a string. Used by clay during layout to determine [CLAY_TEXT](#clay_text) element sizing and wrapping.
**Note 1: This string is not guaranteed to be null terminated.** Clay saves significant performance overhead by using slices when wrapping text instead of having to clone new null terminated strings. If your renderer does not support **ptr, length** style strings (e.g. Raylib), you will need to clone this to a new C string before rendering.
**Note 2: It is essential that this function is as fast as possible.** For text heavy use-cases this function is called many times, and despite the fact that clay caches text measurements internally, it can easily become the dominant overall layout cost if the provided function is slow. **This is on the hot path!**
Sets the internal pointer position (i.e. current mouse / touch position) and recalculates overlap info, which is used for mouseover / click calculation (via [Clay_PointerOver](#clay_pointerover) and updating scroll containers with [Clay_UpdateScrollContainers](#clay_updatescrollcontainers)
This function handles scrolling of containers. It responds to both `scrollDelta`, which represents mouse wheel or trackpad scrolling this frame, as well as "touch scrolling" on mobile devices.
Touch scrolling only occurs if the `isPointerActive` parameter is `true`, **and** [Clay_SetPointerPosition](#clay_setpointerposition) has been called this frame. As a result, you can simply always call it with `false` as the first argument if you want to disable touch scrolling.
`deltaTime` is the time **in seconds** since the last frame (e.g. 0.016 is **16 milliseconds**), and is used to normalize & smooth scrolling across different refresh rates.
### Clay_BeginLayout
`void Clay_BeginLayout(int screenWidth, int screenHeight)`
Prepares clay to calculate a new layout. Called each frame / layout **before** any of the [Element Macros](#element-macros). `screenWidth` and `screenHeight` don't neccessarily have to be the screen or window height - you can use clay to lay out an arbitrary sub-section of a window.
### Clay_EndLayout
`Clay_RenderCommandArray Clay_EndLayout(int screenWidth, int screenHeight)`
Ends declaration of element macros and calculates the results of the currrent layout. Renders a [Clay_RenderCommandArray](#clay_rendercommandarrray) containing the results of the layout calculation.
Returns `true` if the pointer position previously set with `Clay_SetPointerPosition` is inside the bounding box of the layout element with the provided `id`. Note: this is based on the element's position from the **last** frame. If frame-accurate pointer overlap detection is required, perhaps in the case of significant change in UI layout between frames, you can simply run your layout code twice that frame. The second call to `Clay_PointerOver` will be frame-accurate.
Returns [Clay_ScrollContainerData](#clay_scrollcontainerdata) for the scroll container matching the provided ID. This function allows imperative manipulation of scroll position, allowing you to build things such as scroll bars, buttons that "jump" to somewhere in a scroll container, etc.
Font fontToUse = LoadedFonts[renderCommand->elementConfig.textElementConfig->fontId];
Element is subject to [culling](#visibility-culling). Otherwise, multiple `Clay_RenderCommand`s with `commandType = CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_TEXT` may be created, one for each wrapped line of text.
`Clay_RenderCommand.textContent` will be populated with a `Clay_String`_slice_ of the original string passed in (i.e. wrapping doesn't reallocate, it just returns a `Clay_String` pointing to the start of the new line with a `length`)
**IMAGE_CONTAINER** is a used to layout images, and can optionally have children. It uses [Clay_LayoutConfig](#clay_layout) for styling and layout, and [Clay_ImageElementConfig](#clay_image_config) to configure image specific options.
Element is subject to [culling](#visibility-culling). Otherwise, a single `Clay_RenderCommand`s with `commandType = CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_IMAGE` will be created. The user will need to access `renderCommand->elementConfig.imageElementConfig->imageData` to retrieve image data referenced during layout creation. It's also up to the user to decide how / if they wish to blend `renderCommand->color` with the image.
**SCROLL_CONTAINER** creates a masked container that allows layout of children to extend beyond its boundaries. It uses [Clay_LayoutConfig](#clay_layout) for styling and layout, and [Clay_ScrollElementConfig](#clay_scroll_config) to configure scroll specific options.
Note: In order to process scrolling based on pointer position and mouse wheel or touch interactions, you must call `Clay_SetPointerPosition()` and `Clay_UpdateScrollContainers()`_before_ calling `BeginLayout`.
Scroll containers will result in two render commands:
-`commandType = CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_SCISSOR_START`, which should create a rectangle mask with its `boundingBox` and is **not** subject to [culling](#visibility-culling)
-`commandType = CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_SCISSOR_END`, which disables the previous rectangle mask and is **not** subject to [culling](#visibility-culling)
**BORDER_CONTAINER** is functionally identical to **CONTAINER** but also allows configuration of a border around the element. It uses [Clay_LayoutConfig](#clay_layout) for styling and layout, and [Clay_BorderElementConfig](#clay_border_config) to configure border specific options.
Element is subject to [culling](#visibility-culling). Otherwise, a single `Clay_RenderCommand` with `commandType = CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_BORDER` representing the container will be created.
Rendering of borders and rounded corners is left up to the user. See the provided [Raylib Renderer](https://github.com/nicbarker/clay/tree/main/renderers/raylib) for examples of how to draw borders using line and curve primitives.
- Don't affect the width and height of their parent
- Don't affect the positioning of sibling elements
- Depending on their z-index can appear above or below other elements, partially or completely occluding them
- Apart from positioning, function just like standard `CLAY_CONTAINER` elements - including expanding to fit their children, etc.
The easiest mental model to use when thinking about floating containers is that they are a completely separate UI hierarchy, attached to a specific x,y point on their "parent".
Floating elements use [Clay_LayoutConfig](#clay_layout) for styling and layout, and [Clay_FloatingElementConfig](#clay_floating_config) to configure specific options.
When using `.parentId`, the floating container can be declared anywhere after `BeginLayout` and before `EndLayout`. The target element matching the `.parentId` doesn't need to exist when `CLAY_FLOATING_CONTAINER` is called.
`CLAY_FLOATING_CONTAINER` elements will not generate any render commands.
Element is subject to [culling](#visibility-culling). Otherwise, a single `Clay_RenderCommand` with `commandType = CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM` will be created.
Controls the axis / direction in which child elements are laid out. Available options are `CLAY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT` (default) and `CLAY_TOP_TO_BOTTOM`.
_Did you know that "left to right" and "top to bottom" both have 13 letters?_
<imgwidth="580"alt="Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 11 10 27 AM"src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/7008aa47-8826-4338-9257-8bc83f7813ce">
**`.padding`** - `Clay_Padding`
`CLAY_LAYOUT(.padding = { .x = 16, .y = 16 })`
Controls horizontal and vertical white-space "padding" around the **outside** of child elements.
<imgwidth="486"alt="Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 10 50 49 AM"src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/9311cf10-b8aa-40fe-922a-5dee3663f1a0">
**`.childGap`** - `uint16_t`
`CLAY_LAYOUT(.childGap = 16)`
Controls the white-space **between** child elements as they are laid out. When `.layoutDirection` is `CLAY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT` (default), this will be horizontal space, whereas for `CLAY_TOP_TO_BOTTOM` it will be vertical space.
<imgwidth="600"alt="Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 11 05 15 AM"src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/fa0dae1f-1936-47f6-a299-634bd7d40d58">
Controls how final width and height of element are calculated. The same configurations are available for both the `.width` and `.height` axis. There are several options:
-`CLAY_SIZING_FIT(float min, float max) (default)` - The element will be sized to fit its children (plus padding and gaps), up to `max`. If `max` is left unspecified, it will default to `FLOAT_MAX`. When elements are compressed to fit into a smaller parent, this element will not shrink below `min`.
-`CLAY_SIZING_GROW(float min, float max)` - The element will grow to fill available space in its parent, up to `max`. If `max` is left unspecified, it will default to `FLOAT_MAX`. When elements are compressed to fit into a smaller parent, this element will not shrink below `min`.
-`CLAY_SIZING_FIXED(float fixed)` - The final size will always be exactly the provided `fixed` value. Shorthand for `CLAY_SIZING_FIT(fixed, fixed)`
-`CLAY_SIZING_PERCENT(float percent)` - Final size will be a percentage of parent size, minus padding and child gaps. `percent` is assumed to be a float between `0` and `1`.
<imgwidth="1056"alt="Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 2 10 33 PM"src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/1236efb1-77dc-44cd-a207-7944e0f5e500">
<imgwidth="1141"alt="Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 2 19 04 PM"src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/a26074ff-f155-4d35-9ca4-9278a64aac00">
**CLAY_RECTANGLE_CONFIG()** is used for configuring rendering for [CLAY_RECTANGLE()](#clay_rectangle) elements. The config will be passed through to render commands as `Clay_RenderCommand.config.rectangleElementConfig`
// CLAY_RECTANGLE_CONFIG(.member = value) supports these options
Clay_RectangleConfig {
Clay_Color color {
float r; float g; float b; float a;
float cornerRadius;
// Contents of CLAY_EXTEND_CONFIG_RECTANGLE will be pasted here
As with all config macros, `CLAY_RECTANGLE_CONFIG()` accepts designated initializer syntax and provides default values for any unspecified struct members.
The underlying `Clay_RectangleElementConfig` can be extended with new members by using:
Conventionally accepts `rgba` float values between 0 and 255, but interpretation is left up to the renderer and does not affect layout.
**`.cornerRadius`** - `float`
`CLAY_RECTANGLE_CONFIG(.cornerRadius = 16)`
Defines the radius in pixels for the arc of rectangle corners (`0` is square, `rectangle.width / 2` is circular).
Note that the `CLAY_CORNER_RADIUS(radius)` function-like macro is available to provide short hand for setting all four corner radii to the same value. e.g. `CLAY_BORDER_CONFIG(.cornerRadius = CLAY_CORNER_RADIUS(10))`
**CLAY_TEXT_CONFIG()** is a macro used to create and store `Clay_TextElementConfig` structs, which are for configuring [CLAY_TEXT](#clay_text) elements. The config used in declaration will be passed both as an argument to the user-provided `Clay_MeasureText(Clay_String *text, Clay_TextElementConfig *config)` function as well as the in the final output as `Clay_RenderCommand.config.textElementConfig`.
Conventionally accepts `rgba` float values between 0 and 255, but interpretation is left up to the renderer and does not affect layout.
It's up to the user to load fonts and create a mapping from `fontId` to a font that can be measured and rendered.
`CLAY_TEXT_CONFIG(.fontSize = 16)`
Font size is generally thought of as `x pixels tall`, but interpretation is left up to the user & renderer.
`CLAY_TEXT_CONFIG(.letterSpacing = 1)`
`.letterSpacing` results in **horizontal** white space between individual rendered characters.
`CLAY_TEXT_CONFIG(.lineSpacing = 1)`
`.lineSpacing` results in **vertical** white space between lines of text (from both `\n` characters and text wrapping) and will affect layout of parents and siblings.
**Example Usage**
// A 24px, red text element that says "John Smith"
**CLAY_IMAGE_CONFIG()** is a macro used to create and store `Clay_ImageElementConfig` structs, which are for configuring [CLAY_IMAGE](#clay_image) elements. The config will be passed through to render commands as `Clay_RenderCommand.config.imageElementConfig`
Used to perform **aspect ratio scaling** on the image element. As of this version of clay, aspect ratio scaling only applies to the `height` of an image (i.e. image height will scale with width growth and limitations, but width will not scale with height growth and limitations)
`.imageData` is a generic void pointer that can be used to pass through image data to the renderer. **Note:** this field is generally not recommended for usage due to the lack of type safety, see `#define CLAY_EXTEND_CONFIG_IMAGE` in [Preprocessor Directives](#preprocessor-directives) for an alternative.
**CLAY_FLOATING_CONFIG()** is a macro used to create and store `Clay_FloatingElementConfig` structs, which are for configuring [CLAY_FLOATING_CONTAINER](#clay_floating_container) elements.
As with all config macros, `CLAY_FLOATING_CONFIG()` accepts designated initializer syntax and provides default values for any unspecified struct members.
**`.offset`** - `Clay_Vector2`
`CLAY_FLOATING_CONFIG(.offset = { -24, -24 })`
Used to apply a position offset to the floating container _after_ all other layout has been calculated.
**`.expand`** - `Clay_Dimensions`
`CLAY_FLOATING_CONFIG(.expand = { 16, 16 })`
Used to expand the width and height of the floating container _before_ laying out child elements.
**`.zIndex`** - `float`
All floating elements (as well as their entire child hierarchies) will be sorted by `.zIndex` order before being converted to render commands. If render commands are drawn in order, elements with higher `.zIndex` values will be drawn on top.
By default, floating containers will "attach" to the parent element that they are declared inside. However, there are cases where this limitation could cause significant performance or ergonomics problems. `.parentId` allows you to specify a `CLAY_ID().id` to attach the floating container to. The parent element with the matching id can be declared anywhere in the hierarchy, it doesn't need to be declared before or after the floating container in particular.
The definition of the above UI is significantly polluted by the need to conditionally render floating tooltips as a child of many possible elements. The alternative, using `parentId`, looks like this:
In terms of positioning the floating container, `.attachment` specifies
- The point on the floating container (`.element`)
- The point on the parent element that it "attaches" to (`.parent`)
![Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 11 47 21 AM](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b8c6dfaa-c1b1-41a4-be55-013473e4a6ce)
You can mentally visualise this as finding a point on the floating container, then finding a point on the parent, and lining them up over the top of one another.
For example:
"Attach the LEFT_CENTER of the floating container to the RIGHT_TOP of the parent"
**CLAY_SCROLL_CONFIG()** is a macro used to create and store `Clay_ScrollElementConfig` structs, which are for configuring [CLAY_SCROLL_CONTAINER](#clay_scroll_container) elements.
As with all config macros, `CLAY_SCROLL_CONFIG()` accepts designated initializer syntax and provides default values for any unspecified struct members.
**`.horizontal`** - `bool`
`CLAY_SCROLL_CONFIG(.horizontal = true)`
Enables or disables horizontal scrolling for this container element.
**`.vertical`** - `bool`
`CLAY_SCROLL_CONFIG(.vertical = true)`
Enables or disables vertical scrolling for this container element.
**CLAY_BORDER_CONFIG()** is a macro used to create and store `Clay_BorderElementConfig` structs, which are for configuring [CLAY_BORDER_CONTAINER](#clay_border_container) elements.
As with all config macros, `CLAY_BORDER_CONFIG()` accepts designated initializer syntax and provides default values for any unspecified struct members.
Indicates to the renderer that a border of `.color` should be draw at the specified edges of the bounding box, **overlapping the box contents by `.width`**.
This means that border configuration does not affect layout, as the width of the border doesn't contribute to the total container width or layout position. Border containers with zero padding will be drawn over the top of child elements.
Configures the width and color of borders to be drawn between children. These borders will be vertical lines if the parent uses `.layoutDirection = CLAY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT` and horizontal lines if the parent uses `CLAY_TOP_TO_BOTTOM`. Unlike `.left, .top` etc, this option **will generate additional rectangle render commands representing the borders between children.** As a result, the renderer does not need to specifically implement rendering for these border elements.
**`.cornerRadius`** - `float`
`CLAY_BORDER_CONFIG(.cornerRadius = 16)`
Defines the radius in pixels for the arc of border corners (`0` is square, `rectangle.width / 2` is circular). It is up to the renderer to decide how to interpolate between differing border widths and colors across shared corners.
Note that the `CLAY_CORNER_RADIUS(radius)` function-like macro is available to provide short hand for setting all four corner radii to the same value. e.g. `CLAY_BORDER_CONFIG(.cornerRadius = CLAY_CORNER_RADIUS(10))`
**Convenience Macros**
There are some common cases for border configuration that are repetitive, i.e. specifying the same border around all four edges. Some convenience macros are provided for these cases:
-`CLAY_BORDER_CONFIG_OUTSIDE(.width = 2, .color = COLOR_RED)` - Shorthand for configuring all 4 outside borders at once.`
-`CLAY_BORDER_CONFIG_OUTSIDE_RADIUS(width, color, radius)` - Shorthand for configuring all 4 outside borders at once, with the provided `.cornerRadius`. Note this is a function-like macro and does not take `.member = value` syntax.
-`CLAY_BORDER_CONFIG_ALL(.width = 2, .color = COLOR_RED)` - Shorthand for configuring all 4 outside borders and `.betweenChildren` at once.
-`CLAY_BORDER_CONFIG_ALL_RADIUS(width, color, radius)` - Shorthand for configuring all 4 outside borders and `.betweenChildren` at once, with the provided `cornerRadius`. Note this is a function-like macro and does not take `.member = value` syntax.
**CLAY_CUSTOM_ELEMENT_CONFIG()** is a macro used to create and store `Clay_CustomElementConfig` structs, which are for configuring [CLAY_CUSTOM_ELEMENT]() elements.
**Struct Definition (Pseudocode)**
typedef struct
void * customData; // Note: This field will be replaced if #define CLAY_EXTEND_CONFIG_CUSTOM is specified
// Contents of CLAY_EXTEND_CONFIG_CUSTOM will be pasted here
} Clay_CustomElementConfig;
As with all config macros, `CLAY_CUSTOM_ELEMENT_CONFIG()` accepts designated initializer syntax and provides default values for any unspecified struct members.
The underlying `Clay_ImageCustomConfig` can be extended with new members by using:
#define CLAY_EXTEND_CONFIG_CUSTOM float newField;
#include "clay.h" // Define your extension before including clay.h
`.customData` - `void *`
`CLAY_CUSTOM_CONFIG(.customData = &myCustomData)`
`.customData` is a generic void pointer that can be used to pass through custom data to the renderer. **Note:** this field is generally not recommended for usage due to the lack of type safety, see `#define CLAY_EXTEND_CONFIG_CUSTOM` in [Preprocessor Directives]() for an alternative.
// Extend CLAY_CUSTOM_ELEMENT_CONFIG with your custom data
Generates a [Clay_ElementId](#clay_elementid) from the provided `char *label`. Used both to generate ids when defining element macros, as well as for referencing ids later when using utility functions such as [Clay_PointerOver](#clay-pointerover)
Generates a [Clay_ElementId](#clay_elementid) string id from the provided `char *label`, combined with the `int index`. Used for generating ids for sequential elements (such as in a `for` loop) without having to construct dynamic strings at runtime.
An array of [Clay_RenderCommand](#clay_rendercommand)s representing the calculated layout. If there was at least one render command, this array will contain elements from `.internalArray[0]` to `.internalArray[.length - 1]`.
An enum indicating how this render command should be handled. Possible values include:
-`CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_NONE` - Should be ignored by the renderer, and never emitted by clay under normal conditions.
-`CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_RECTANGLE` - A rectangle should be drawn, configured with `.config.rectangleElementConfig`
-`CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_BORDER` - A border should be drawn, configured with `.config.borderElementConfig`
-`CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_TEXT` - Text should be drawn, configured with `.config.textElementConfig`
-`CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_IMAGE` - An image should be drawn, configured with `.config.imageElementConfig`
-`CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_SCISSOR_START` - Named after [glScissor](https://registry.khronos.org/OpenGL-Refpages/gl4/html/glScissor.xhtml), this indicates that the renderer should begin culling any subsequent pixels that are drawn outside the `.boundingBox` of this render command.
-`CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_SCISSOR_END` - Only ever appears after a matching `CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_SCISSOR_START` command, and indicates that the scissor has ended.
-`CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM` - A custom render command controlled by the user, configured with `.config.customElementConfig`
A C union containing various pointers to config data, with the type dependent on `.commandType`. Possible values include:
-`config.rectangleElementConfig` - Used when `.commandType == CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_RECTANGLE`. See [CLAY_RECTANGLE_CONFIG](#clay_rectangle_config) for details.
-`config.textElementConfig` - Used when `.commandType == CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_TEXT`. See [CLAY_TEXT_CONFIG](#clay_text_config) for details.
-`config.imageElementConfig` - Used when `.commandType == CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_IMAGE`. See [CLAY_IMAGE_CONFIG](#clay_image_config) for details.
-`config.borderElementConfig` - Used when `.commandType == CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_BORDER`. See [CLAY_BORDER_CONFIG](#clay_border_config) for details.
-`config.customElementConfig` - Used when `.commandType == CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_CUSTOM`. See [CLAY_CUSTOM_CONFIG](#clay_custom_config) for details.
-`config.floatingElementConfig` - Not used and will always be NULL.
-`config.scrollElementConfig` - Not used and will always be NULL.
Only used if `.commandType == CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_TEXT`. A `Clay_String` containing a string slice (char *chars, int length) representing text to be rendered. **Note: This string is not guaranteed to be null terminated.** Clay saves significant performance overhead by using slices when wrapping text instead of having to clone new null terminated strings. If your renderer does not support **ptr, length** style strings (e.g. Raylib), you will need to clone this to a new C string before rendering.
A pointer to the internal scroll position of this scroll container. Mutating it will result in elements inside the scroll container shifting up / down (`.y`) or left / right (`.x`).
Dimensions representing the outer width and height of the scroll container itself.
**`.contentDimensions`** - `Clay_Dimensions`
typedef struct {
float width, height;
} Clay_Dimensions;
Dimensions representing the inner width and height of the content _inside_ the scroll container. Scrolling is only possible when the `contentDimensions` are larger in at least one dimension than the `scrollContainerDimensions`.