2024-08-30 09:58:08 +00:00
package main
import clay "../../clay-odin"
import "core:c"
import "core:fmt"
import "vendor:raylib"
windowWidth : i32 = 1024
windowHeight : i32 = 768
syntaxImage : raylib . Texture2D = { }
checkImage1 : raylib . Texture2D = { }
checkImage2 : raylib . Texture2D = { }
checkImage3 : raylib . Texture2D = { }
checkImage4 : raylib . Texture2D = { }
checkImage5 : raylib . Texture2D = { }
FONT_ID_TITLE_56 : : 0
FONT_ID_TITLE_52 : : 1
FONT_ID_TITLE_48 : : 2
FONT_ID_TITLE_36 : : 3
FONT_ID_TITLE_32 : : 4
FONT_ID_BODY_36 : : 5
FONT_ID_BODY_30 : : 6
FONT_ID_BODY_28 : : 7
FONT_ID_BODY_24 : : 8
FONT_ID_BODY_16 : : 9
COLOR_LIGHT : : clay . Color { 244 , 235 , 230 , 255 }
COLOR_LIGHT_HOVER : : clay . Color { 224 , 215 , 210 , 255 }
COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER : : clay . Color { 238 , 227 , 225 , 255 }
COLOR_BROWN : : clay . Color { 61 , 26 , 5 , 255 }
//COLOR_RED :: clay.Color {252, 67, 27, 255}
COLOR_RED : : clay . Color { 168 , 66 , 28 , 255 }
COLOR_RED_HOVER : : clay . Color { 148 , 46 , 8 , 255 }
COLOR_ORANGE : : clay . Color { 225 , 138 , 50 , 255 }
COLOR_BLUE : : clay . Color { 111 , 173 , 162 , 255 }
COLOR_TEAL : : clay . Color { 111 , 173 , 162 , 255 }
COLOR_BLUE_DARK : : clay . Color { 2 , 32 , 82 , 255 }
// Colors for top stripe
COLOR_TOP_BORDER_1 : : clay . Color { 168 , 66 , 28 , 255 }
COLOR_TOP_BORDER_2 : : clay . Color { 223 , 110 , 44 , 255 }
COLOR_TOP_BORDER_3 : : clay . Color { 225 , 138 , 50 , 255 }
COLOR_TOP_BORDER_4 : : clay . Color { 236 , 189 , 80 , 255 }
COLOR_TOP_BORDER_5 : : clay . Color { 240 , 213 , 137 , 255 }
COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_1 : : clay . Color { 168 , 66 , 28 , 255 }
COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_2 : : clay . Color { 203 , 100 , 44 , 255 }
COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_3 : : clay . Color { 225 , 138 , 50 , 255 }
COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_4 : : clay . Color { 236 , 159 , 70 , 255 }
COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_5 : : clay . Color { 240 , 189 , 100 , 255 }
headerTextConfig := clay . TextElementConfig {
fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_24 ,
fontSize = 24 ,
textColor = { 61 , 26 , 5 , 255 } ,
LandingPageBlob : : proc ( index : u32 , fontSize : u16 , fontId : u16 , color : clay . Color , text : clay . String , image : ^ raylib . Texture2D ) {
if clay . Border (
clay . IDI ( "HeroBlob" , index ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { max = 480 } ) } , padding = clay . Padding { 16 , 16 } , childGap = 16 , childAlignment = clay . ChildAlignment { y = . CENTER } } ) ,
clay . BorderConfigOutsideRadius ( { 2 , color } , 10 ) ,
) {
if clay . Image (
clay . IDI ( "CheckImage" , index ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingFixed ( 32 ) } } ) ,
clay . ImageConfig ( { imageData = image , sourceDimensions = { 128 , 128 } } ) ,
) { }
clay . Text ( clay . IDI ( "HeroBlobText" , index ) , text , clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = fontSize , fontId = fontId , textColor = color } ) )
LandingPageDesktop : : proc ( ) {
if clay . Container (
clay . ID ( "LandingPage1Desktop" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , height = clay . SizingFit ( { min = cast ( f32 ) windowHeight - 70 } ) } , childAlignment = { y = . CENTER } , padding = { x = 50 } } ) ,
) {
if clay . Border (
clay . ID ( "LandingPage1" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } , childAlignment = { y = . CENTER } , padding = { 32 , 32 } , childGap = 32 } ) ,
clay . BorderConfig ( { left = { 2 , COLOR_RED } , right = { 2 , COLOR_RED } } ) ,
) {
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "LeftText" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingPercent ( 0 .55 ) } , layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM , childGap = 8 } ) ) {
clay . Text (
clay . ID ( "LeftTextTitle" ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "Clay is a flex-box style UI auto layout library in C, with declarative syntax and microsecond performance." ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 56 , fontId = FONT_ID_TITLE_56 , textColor = COLOR_RED } ) ,
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "Spacer" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , height = clay . SizingFixed ( 32 ) } } ) ) { }
clay . Text (
clay . ID ( "LeftTextTagline" ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "Clay is laying out this webpage right now!" ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 36 , fontId = FONT_ID_TITLE_36 , textColor = COLOR_ORANGE } ) ,
if clay . Container (
clay . ID ( "HeroImageOuter" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM , sizing = { width = clay . SizingPercent ( 0 .45 ) } , childAlignment = { x = . CENTER } , childGap = 16 } ) ,
) {
LandingPageBlob ( 1 , 30 , FONT_ID_BODY_30 , COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_5 , clay . MakeString ( "High performance" ) , & checkImage5 )
LandingPageBlob ( 2 , 30 , FONT_ID_BODY_30 , COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_4 , clay . MakeString ( "Flexbox-style responsive layout" ) , & checkImage4 )
LandingPageBlob ( 3 , 30 , FONT_ID_BODY_30 , COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_3 , clay . MakeString ( "Declarative syntax" ) , & checkImage3 )
LandingPageBlob ( 4 , 30 , FONT_ID_BODY_30 , COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_2 , clay . MakeString ( "Single .h file for C/C++" ) , & checkImage2 )
LandingPageBlob ( 5 , 30 , FONT_ID_BODY_30 , COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_1 , clay . MakeString ( "Compile to 15kb .wasm" ) , & checkImage1 )
LandingPageMobile : : proc ( ) {
if clay . Container (
clay . ID ( "LandingPage1Mobile" ) ,
clay . Layout (
layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM ,
sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , height = clay . SizingFit ( { min = cast ( f32 ) windowHeight - 70 } ) } ,
childAlignment = { x = . CENTER , y = . CENTER } ,
padding = { 16 , 32 } ,
childGap = 32 ,
} ,
) ,
) {
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "LeftText" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } , layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM , childGap = 8 } ) ) {
clay . Text (
clay . ID ( "LeftTextTitle" ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "Clay is a flex-box style UI auto layout library in C, with declarative syntax and microsecond performance." ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 48 , fontId = FONT_ID_TITLE_48 , textColor = COLOR_RED } ) ,
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "Spacer" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , height = clay . SizingFixed ( 32 ) } } ) ) { }
clay . Text (
clay . ID ( "LeftTextTagline" ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "Clay is laying out this webpage right now!" ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 32 , fontId = FONT_ID_TITLE_32 , textColor = COLOR_ORANGE } ) ,
if clay . Container (
clay . ID ( "HeroImageOuter" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM , sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } , childAlignment = { x = . CENTER } , childGap = 16 } ) ,
) {
LandingPageBlob ( 1 , 24 , FONT_ID_BODY_24 , COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_5 , clay . MakeString ( "High performance" ) , & checkImage5 )
LandingPageBlob ( 2 , 24 , FONT_ID_BODY_24 , COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_4 , clay . MakeString ( "Flexbox-style responsive layout" ) , & checkImage4 )
LandingPageBlob ( 3 , 24 , FONT_ID_BODY_24 , COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_3 , clay . MakeString ( "Declarative syntax" ) , & checkImage3 )
LandingPageBlob ( 4 , 24 , FONT_ID_BODY_24 , COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_2 , clay . MakeString ( "Single .h file for C/C++" ) , & checkImage2 )
LandingPageBlob ( 5 , 24 , FONT_ID_BODY_24 , COLOR_BLOB_BORDER_1 , clay . MakeString ( "Compile to 15kb .wasm" ) , & checkImage1 )
FeatureBlocks : : proc ( widthSizing : clay . SizingAxis , outerPadding : u16 ) {
textConfig := clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 24 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_24 , textColor = COLOR_RED } )
if clay . Container (
clay . ID ( "HFileBoxOuter" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM , sizing = { width = widthSizing } , childAlignment = { y = . CENTER } , padding = { outerPadding , 32 } , childGap = 8 } ) ,
) {
if clay . Rectangle ( clay . ID ( "HFileIncludeOuter" ) , clay . Layout ( { padding = { 8 , 4 } } ) , clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = COLOR_RED , cornerRadius = clay . CornerRadiusAll ( 8 ) } ) ) {
clay . Text ( clay . IDI ( "HFileBoxText" , 2 ) , clay . MakeString ( "#include clay.h" ) , clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 24 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_24 , textColor = COLOR_LIGHT } ) )
clay . Text ( clay . ID ( "HFileSecondLine" ) , clay . MakeString ( "~2000 lines of C99." ) , textConfig )
clay . Text ( clay . IDI ( "HFileBoxText" , 5 ) , clay . MakeString ( "Zero dependencies, including no C standard library." ) , textConfig )
if clay . Container (
clay . ID ( "BringYourOwnRendererOuter" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM , sizing = { width = widthSizing } , childAlignment = { y = . CENTER } , padding = { x = outerPadding , y = 32 } , childGap = 8 } ) ,
) {
clay . Text ( clay . IDI ( "ZeroDependenciesText" , 1 ) , clay . MakeString ( "Renderer agnostic." ) , clay . TextConfig ( { fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_24 , fontSize = 24 , textColor = COLOR_ORANGE } ) )
clay . Text ( clay . IDI ( "ZeroDependenciesText" , 2 ) , clay . MakeString ( "Layout with clay, then render with Raylib, WebGL Canvas or even as HTML." ) , textConfig )
clay . Text ( clay . IDI ( "ZeroDependenciesText" , 3 ) , clay . MakeString ( "Flexible output for easy compositing in your custom engine or environment." ) , textConfig )
FeatureBlocksDesktop : : proc ( ) {
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "FeatureBlocksOuter" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } } ) ) {
if clay . Border (
clay . ID ( "FeatureBlocksInner" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } , childAlignment = { y = . CENTER } } ) ,
clay . BorderConfig ( { betweenChildren = { width = 2 , color = COLOR_RED } } ) ,
) {
FeatureBlocks ( clay . SizingPercent ( 0 .5 ) , 50 )
FeatureBlocksMobile : : proc ( ) {
if clay . Border (
clay . ID ( "FeatureBlocksInner" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM , sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } } ) ,
clay . BorderConfig ( { betweenChildren = { width = 2 , color = COLOR_RED } } ) ,
) {
FeatureBlocks ( clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , 16 )
DeclarativeSyntaxPage : : proc ( titleTextConfig : clay . TextElementConfig , widthSizing : clay . SizingAxis ) {
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "SyntaxPageLeftText" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = widthSizing } , layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM , childGap = 8 } ) ) {
clay . Text ( clay . ID ( "SyntaxPageTextTitle" ) , clay . MakeString ( "Declarative Syntax" ) , clay . TextConfig ( titleTextConfig ) )
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "SyntaxSpacer" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { max = 16 } ) } } ) ) { }
clay . Text (
clay . ID ( "SyntaxPageTextSubTitle1" ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "Flexible and readable declarative syntax with nested UI element hierarchies." ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 28 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_28 , textColor = COLOR_RED } ) ,
clay . Text (
clay . ID ( "SyntaxPageTextSubTitle2" ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "Mix elements with standard C code like loops, conditionals and functions." ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 28 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_28 , textColor = COLOR_RED } ) ,
clay . Text (
clay . ID ( "SyntaxPageTextSubTitle3" ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "Create your own library of re-usable components from UI primitives like text, images and rectangles." ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 28 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_28 , textColor = COLOR_RED } ) ,
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "SyntaxPageRightImage" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = widthSizing } , childAlignment = { x = . CENTER } } ) ) {
if clay . Image (
clay . ID ( "SyntaxPageRightImage" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { max = 568 } ) } } ) ,
clay . ImageConfig ( { imageData = & syntaxImage , sourceDimensions = { 1136 , 1194 } } ) ,
) { }
DeclarativeSyntaxPageDesktop : : proc ( ) {
if clay . Container (
clay . ID ( "SyntaxPageDesktop" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingFit ( { min = cast ( f32 ) windowHeight - 50 } ) } , childAlignment = { y = . CENTER } , padding = { x = 50 } } ) ,
) {
if clay . Border (
clay . ID ( "SyntaxPage" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } , childAlignment = { y = . CENTER } , padding = { 32 , 32 } , childGap = 32 } ) ,
clay . BorderConfig ( { left = { 2 , COLOR_RED } , right = { 2 , COLOR_RED } } ) ,
) {
DeclarativeSyntaxPage ( { fontSize = 48 , fontId = FONT_ID_TITLE_48 , textColor = COLOR_LIGHT } , clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) )
DeclarativeSyntaxPageMobile : : proc ( ) {
if clay . Container (
clay . ID ( "SyntaxPageDesktop" ) ,
clay . Layout (
layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM ,
sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingFit ( { min = cast ( f32 ) windowHeight - 50 } ) } ,
childAlignment = { x = . CENTER , y = . CENTER } ,
padding = { 16 , 32 } ,
childGap = 16 ,
} ,
) ,
) {
DeclarativeSyntaxPage ( { fontSize = 52 , fontId = FONT_ID_TITLE_52 , textColor = COLOR_LIGHT } , clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) )
ColorLerp : : proc ( a : clay . Color , b : clay . Color , amount : f32 ) -> clay . Color {
return clay . Color { a . r + ( b . r - a . r ) * amount , a . g + ( b . g - a . g ) * amount , a . b + ( b . b - a . b ) * amount , a . a + ( b . a - a . a ) * amount }
LOREM_IPSUM_TEXT : clay . String = clay . MakeString ( "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua." )
HighPerformancePage : : proc ( lerpValue : f32 , titleTextConfig : clay . TextElementConfig , widthSizing : clay . SizingAxis ) {
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "PerformanceLeftText" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = widthSizing } , layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM , childGap = 8 } ) ) {
clay . Text ( clay . ID ( "PerformanceTextTitle" ) , clay . MakeString ( "High Performance" ) , clay . TextConfig ( titleTextConfig ) )
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "SyntaxSpacer" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { max = 16 } ) } } ) ) { }
clay . Text (
clay . IDI ( "PerformanceTextSubTitle" , 1 ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "Fast enough to recompute your entire UI every frame." ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 28 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_36 , textColor = COLOR_LIGHT } ) ,
clay . Text (
clay . IDI ( "PerformanceTextSubTitle" , 2 ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "Small memory footprint (3.5mb default) with static allocation & reuse. No malloc / free." ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 28 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_36 , textColor = COLOR_LIGHT } ) ,
clay . Text (
clay . IDI ( "PerformanceTextSubTitle" , 3 ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "Simplify animations and reactive UI design by avoiding the standard performance hacks." ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 28 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_36 , textColor = COLOR_LIGHT } ) ,
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "PerformanceRightImageOuter" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = widthSizing } , childAlignment = { x = . CENTER } } ) ) {
if clay . Border (
clay . ID ( "PerformanceRightBorder" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingFixed ( 400 ) } } ) ,
clay . BorderConfigAll ( { width = 2 , color = COLOR_LIGHT } ) ,
) {
if clay . Rectangle (
clay . ID ( "AnimationDemoContainerLeft" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingPercent ( 0 .35 + 0 .3 * lerpValue ) , clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } , childAlignment = { y = . CENTER } , padding = { 16 , 16 } } ) ,
clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = ColorLerp ( COLOR_RED , COLOR_ORANGE , lerpValue ) } ) ,
) {
clay . Text ( clay . ID ( "AnimationDemoTextLeft" ) , LOREM_IPSUM_TEXT , clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 16 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_16 , textColor = COLOR_LIGHT } ) )
if clay . Rectangle (
clay . ID ( "AnimationDemoContainerRight" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } , childAlignment = { y = . CENTER } , padding = { 16 , 16 } } ) ,
clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = ColorLerp ( COLOR_ORANGE , COLOR_RED , lerpValue ) } ) ,
) {
clay . Text ( clay . ID ( "AnimationDemoTextRight" ) , LOREM_IPSUM_TEXT , clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 16 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_16 , textColor = COLOR_LIGHT } ) )
HighPerformancePageDesktop : : proc ( lerpValue : f32 ) {
if clay . Rectangle (
clay . ID ( "PerformanceDesktop" ) ,
clay . Layout (
{ sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingFit ( { min = cast ( f32 ) windowHeight - 50 } ) } , childAlignment = { y = . CENTER } , padding = { x = 82 , y = 32 } , childGap = 64 } ,
) ,
clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = COLOR_RED } ) ,
) {
HighPerformancePage ( lerpValue , { fontSize = 52 , fontId = FONT_ID_TITLE_52 , textColor = COLOR_LIGHT } , clay . SizingPercent ( 0 .5 ) )
HighPerformancePageMobile : : proc ( lerpValue : f32 ) {
if clay . Rectangle (
clay . ID ( "PerformanceMobile" ) ,
clay . Layout (
layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM ,
sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingFit ( { min = cast ( f32 ) windowHeight - 50 } ) } ,
childAlignment = { x = . CENTER , y = . CENTER } ,
padding = { x = 16 , y = 32 } ,
childGap = 32 ,
} ,
) ,
clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = COLOR_RED } ) ,
) {
HighPerformancePage ( lerpValue , { fontSize = 48 , fontId = FONT_ID_TITLE_48 , textColor = COLOR_LIGHT } , clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) )
RendererButtonActive : : proc ( id : u32 , index : i32 , text : clay . String ) {
if clay . Rectangle (
id ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingFixed ( 300 ) } , padding = { 16 , 16 } } ) ,
clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = clay . PointerOver ( id ) ? COLOR_RED_HOVER : COLOR_RED , cornerRadius = clay . CornerRadiusAll ( 10 ) } ) ,
) {
clay . Text ( clay . ID ( "RendererButtonActiveText" ) , text , clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 28 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_28 , textColor = COLOR_LIGHT } ) )
RendererButtonInactive : : proc ( id : u32 , index : u32 , text : clay . String ) {
if clay . Border ( id , clay . Layout ( { } ) , clay . BorderConfigOutsideRadius ( { 2 , COLOR_RED } , 10 ) ) {
if clay . Rectangle (
clay . IDI ( "RendererButtonInactiveInner" , index ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingFixed ( 300 ) } , padding = { 16 , 16 } } ) ,
clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = clay . PointerOver ( id ) ? COLOR_LIGHT_HOVER : COLOR_LIGHT , cornerRadius = clay . CornerRadiusAll ( 10 ) } ) ,
) {
clay . Text ( clay . IDI ( "RendererButtonInactiveText" , index ) , text , clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 28 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_28 , textColor = COLOR_RED } ) )
RendererPage : : proc ( titleTextConfig : clay . TextElementConfig , widthSizing : clay . SizingAxis ) {
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "RendererLeftText" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = widthSizing } , layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM , childGap = 8 } ) ) {
clay . Text ( clay . ID ( "RendererTextTitle" ) , clay . MakeString ( "Renderer & Platform Agnostic" ) , clay . TextConfig ( titleTextConfig ) )
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "Spacer" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { max = 16 } ) } } ) ) { }
clay . Text (
clay . IDI ( "RendererTextSubTitle" , 1 ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "Clay outputs a sorted array of primitive render commands, such as RECTANGLE, TEXT or IMAGE." ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 28 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_36 , textColor = COLOR_RED } ) ,
clay . Text (
clay . IDI ( "RendererTextSubTitle" , 2 ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "Write your own renderer in a few hundred lines of code, or use the provided examples for Raylib, WebGL canvas and more." ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 28 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_36 , textColor = COLOR_RED } ) ,
clay . Text (
clay . IDI ( "RendererTextSubTitle" , 3 ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "There's even an HTML renderer - you're looking at it right now!" ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 28 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_36 , textColor = COLOR_RED } ) ,
if clay . Container (
clay . ID ( "RendererRightText" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = widthSizing } , childAlignment = { x = . CENTER } , layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM , childGap = 16 } ) ,
) {
clay . Text (
clay . ID ( "RendererTextRightTitle" ) ,
clay . MakeString ( "Try changing renderer!" ) ,
clay . TextConfig ( { fontSize = 36 , fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_36 , textColor = COLOR_ORANGE } ) ,
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "Spacer" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { max = 32 } ) } } ) ) { }
RendererButtonActive ( clay . IDI ( "RendererSelectButtonActive" , 0 ) , 0 , clay . MakeString ( "Raylib Renderer" ) )
RendererPageDesktop : : proc ( ) {
if clay . Container (
clay . ID ( "RendererPageDesktop" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingFit ( { min = cast ( f32 ) windowHeight - 50 } ) } , childAlignment = { y = . CENTER } , padding = { x = 50 } } ) ,
) {
if clay . Border (
clay . ID ( "RendererPage" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } , childAlignment = { y = . CENTER } , padding = { 32 , 32 } , childGap = 32 } ) ,
clay . BorderConfig ( { left = { 2 , COLOR_RED } , right = { 2 , COLOR_RED } } ) ,
) {
RendererPage ( { fontSize = 52 , fontId = FONT_ID_TITLE_52 , textColor = COLOR_RED } , clay . SizingPercent ( 0 .5 ) )
RendererPageMobile : : proc ( ) {
if clay . Rectangle (
clay . ID ( "RendererMobile" ) ,
clay . Layout (
layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM ,
sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingFit ( { min = cast ( f32 ) windowHeight - 50 } ) } ,
childAlignment = { x = . CENTER , y = . CENTER } ,
padding = { x = 16 , y = 32 } ,
childGap = 32 ,
} ,
) ,
clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = COLOR_LIGHT } ) ,
) {
RendererPage ( { fontSize = 48 , fontId = FONT_ID_TITLE_48 , textColor = COLOR_RED } , clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) )
ScrollbarData : : struct {
clickOrigin : clay . Vector2 ,
positionOrigin : clay . Vector2 ,
mouseDown : bool ,
scrollbarData : ScrollbarData = ScrollbarData { }
animationLerpValue : f32 = - 1 .0
createLayout : : proc ( lerpValue : f32 ) -> clay . ClayArray ( clay . RenderCommand ) {
mobileScreen := windowWidth < 750
clay . BeginLayout ( windowWidth , windowHeight )
if clay . Rectangle (
clay . ID ( "OuterContainer" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM , sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } } ) ,
clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = COLOR_LIGHT } ) ,
) {
if clay . Container (
clay . ID ( "Header" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingFixed ( 50 ) } , childAlignment = { y = . CENTER } , childGap = 24 , padding = { x = 32 } } ) ,
) {
clay . Text ( clay . ID ( "Logo" ) , clay . MakeString ( "Clay" ) , & headerTextConfig )
if clay . Container ( clay . ID ( "Spacer" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } } ) ) { }
if ( ! mobileScreen ) {
if clay . Rectangle ( clay . ID ( "LinkExamplesOuter" ) , clay . Layout ( { } ) , clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } } ) ) {
clay . Text ( clay . ID ( "LinkExamplesText" ) , clay . MakeString ( "Examples" ) , clay . TextConfig ( { fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_24 , fontSize = 24 , textColor = { 61 , 26 , 5 , 255 } } ) )
if clay . Rectangle ( clay . ID ( "LinkDocsOuter" ) , clay . Layout ( { } ) , clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } } ) ) {
clay . Text ( clay . ID ( "LinkDocsText" ) , clay . MakeString ( "Docs" ) , clay . TextConfig ( { fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_24 , fontSize = 24 , textColor = { 61 , 26 , 5 , 255 } } ) )
githubButtonId : u32 = clay . ID ( "HeaderButtonGithub" )
if clay . Border ( clay . ID ( "LinkGithubOuter" ) , clay . Layout ( { } ) , clay . BorderConfigOutsideRadius ( { 2 , COLOR_RED } , 10 ) ) {
if clay . Rectangle (
githubButtonId ,
clay . Layout ( { padding = { 16 , 6 } } ) ,
clay . RectangleConfig ( { cornerRadius = clay . CornerRadiusAll ( 10 ) , color = clay . PointerOver ( githubButtonId ) ? COLOR_LIGHT_HOVER : COLOR_LIGHT } ) ,
) {
clay . Text ( clay . ID ( "LinkGithubText" ) , clay . MakeString ( "Github" ) , clay . TextConfig ( { fontId = FONT_ID_BODY_24 , fontSize = 24 , textColor = { 61 , 26 , 5 , 255 } } ) )
if clay . Rectangle ( clay . ID ( "TopBorder1" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingFixed ( 4 ) } } ) , clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = COLOR_TOP_BORDER_5 } ) ) { }
if clay . Rectangle ( clay . ID ( "TopBorder2" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingFixed ( 4 ) } } ) , clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = COLOR_TOP_BORDER_4 } ) ) { }
if clay . Rectangle ( clay . ID ( "TopBorder3" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingFixed ( 4 ) } } ) , clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = COLOR_TOP_BORDER_3 } ) ) { }
if clay . Rectangle ( clay . ID ( "TopBorder4" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingFixed ( 4 ) } } ) , clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = COLOR_TOP_BORDER_2 } ) ) { }
if clay . Rectangle ( clay . ID ( "TopBorder5" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingFixed ( 4 ) } } ) , clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = COLOR_TOP_BORDER_1 } ) ) { }
if clay . Rectangle (
clay . ID ( "ScrollContainerBackgroundRectangle" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } } ) ,
clay . RectangleConfig ( { color = COLOR_LIGHT } ) ,
) {
if clay . Scroll ( clay . ID ( "OuterScrollContainer" ) , clay . Layout ( { sizing = { clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) , clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } } ) , clay . ScrollConfig ( { vertical = true } ) ) {
if clay . Border (
clay . ID ( "ScrollContainerInner" ) ,
clay . Layout ( { layoutDirection = . TOP_TO_BOTTOM , sizing = { width = clay . SizingGrow ( { } ) } } ) ,
clay . BorderConfig ( { betweenChildren = { 2 , COLOR_RED } } ) ,
) {
if ( ! mobileScreen ) {
LandingPageDesktop ( )
FeatureBlocksDesktop ( )
DeclarativeSyntaxPageDesktop ( )
HighPerformancePageDesktop ( lerpValue )
RendererPageDesktop ( )
} else {
LandingPageMobile ( )
FeatureBlocksMobile ( )
DeclarativeSyntaxPageMobile ( )
HighPerformancePageMobile ( lerpValue )
RendererPageMobile ( )
return clay . EndLayout ( windowWidth , windowHeight )
loadFont : : proc ( fontId : u16 , fontSize : u16 , path : cstring ) {
raylibFonts [ fontId ] = RaylibFont {
font = raylib . LoadFontEx ( path , cast ( i32 ) fontSize * 2 , nil , 0 ) ,
fontId = cast ( u16 ) fontId ,
raylib . SetTextureFilter ( raylibFonts [ fontId ] . font . texture , raylib . TextureFilter . TRILINEAR )
main : : proc ( ) {
minMemorySize : c . uint32_t = clay . MinMemorySize ( )
memory := make ( [ ^ ] u8 , minMemorySize )
arena : clay . Arena = clay . CreateArenaWithCapacityAndMemory ( minMemorySize , memory )
clay . SetMeasureTextFunction ( measureText )
clay . Initialize ( arena )
raylib . SetConfigFlags ( { . VSYNC_HINT , . WINDOW_RESIZABLE , . WINDOW_HIGHDPI , . MSAA_4X_HINT } )
raylib . InitWindow ( windowWidth , windowHeight , "Raylib Odin Example" )
raylib . SetTargetFPS ( raylib . GetMonitorRefreshRate ( 0 ) )
loadFont ( FONT_ID_TITLE_56 , 56 , "resources/Calistoga-Regular.ttf" )
loadFont ( FONT_ID_TITLE_52 , 52 , "resources/Calistoga-Regular.ttf" )
loadFont ( FONT_ID_TITLE_48 , 48 , "resources/Calistoga-Regular.ttf" )
loadFont ( FONT_ID_TITLE_36 , 36 , "resources/Calistoga-Regular.ttf" )
loadFont ( FONT_ID_TITLE_32 , 32 , "resources/Calistoga-Regular.ttf" )
loadFont ( FONT_ID_BODY_36 , 36 , "resources/Quicksand-Semibold.ttf" )
loadFont ( FONT_ID_BODY_30 , 30 , "resources/Quicksand-Semibold.ttf" )
loadFont ( FONT_ID_BODY_28 , 28 , "resources/Quicksand-Semibold.ttf" )
loadFont ( FONT_ID_BODY_24 , 24 , "resources/Quicksand-Semibold.ttf" )
loadFont ( FONT_ID_BODY_16 , 16 , "resources/Quicksand-Semibold.ttf" )
syntaxImage = raylib . LoadTextureFromImage ( raylib . LoadImage ( "resources/declarative.png" ) )
checkImage1 = raylib . LoadTextureFromImage ( raylib . LoadImage ( "resources/check_1.png" ) )
checkImage2 = raylib . LoadTextureFromImage ( raylib . LoadImage ( "resources/check_2.png" ) )
checkImage3 = raylib . LoadTextureFromImage ( raylib . LoadImage ( "resources/check_3.png" ) )
checkImage4 = raylib . LoadTextureFromImage ( raylib . LoadImage ( "resources/check_4.png" ) )
checkImage5 = raylib . LoadTextureFromImage ( raylib . LoadImage ( "resources/check_5.png" ) )
for ! raylib . WindowShouldClose ( ) {
2024-08-31 22:23:06 +00:00
defer free_all ( context . temp_allocator )
2024-08-30 09:58:08 +00:00
animationLerpValue += raylib . GetFrameTime ( )
if animationLerpValue > 1 {
animationLerpValue = animationLerpValue - 2
windowWidth = raylib . GetScreenWidth ( )
windowHeight = raylib . GetScreenHeight ( )
clay . SetPointerPosition ( transmute ( clay . Vector2 ) raylib . GetMousePosition ( ) )
clay . UpdateScrollContainers ( false , transmute ( clay . Vector2 ) raylib . GetMouseWheelMoveV ( ) , raylib . GetFrameTime ( ) )
renderCommands : clay . ClayArray ( clay . RenderCommand ) = createLayout ( animationLerpValue < 0 ? ( animationLerpValue + 1 ) : ( 1 - animationLerpValue ) )
raylib . BeginDrawing ( )
clayRaylibRender ( & renderCommands )
raylib . EndDrawing ( )