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synced 2025-02-03 01:55:02 +00:00
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406 lines
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package clay
import "core:c"
import "core:strings"
when ODIN_OS == .Windows {
foreign import Clay "windows/clay.lib"
} else when ODIN_OS == .Linux {
foreign import Clay "linux/clay.a"
} else when ODIN_OS == .Darwin {
when ODIN_ARCH == .arm64 {
foreign import Clay "macos-arm64/clay.a"
} else {
foreign import Clay "macos/clay.a"
} else when ODIN_ARCH == .wasm32 || ODIN_ARCH == .wasm64p32 {
foreign import Clay "wasm/clay.o"
String :: struct {
length: c.int,
chars: [^]c.char,
Vector2 :: [2]c.float
Dimensions :: struct {
width: c.float,
height: c.float,
Arena :: struct {
label: String,
nextAllocation: u64,
capacity: u64,
memory: [^]c.char,
BoundingBox :: struct {
x: c.float,
y: c.float,
width: c.float,
height: c.float,
Color :: [4]c.float
CornerRadius :: struct {
topLeft: c.float,
topRight: c.float,
bottomLeft: c.float,
bottomRight: c.float,
BorderData :: struct {
width: u32,
color: Color,
ElementId :: struct {
id: u32,
offset: u32,
baseId: u32,
stringId: String,
when ODIN_OS == .Windows {
EnumBackingType :: u32
} else {
EnumBackingType :: u8
ElementConfigType :: enum EnumBackingType {
Rectangle = 1,
Border = 2,
Floating = 4,
Scroll = 8,
Image = 16,
Text = 32,
Custom = 64,
// Odin specific enum types
Id = 65,
Layout = 66,
RenderCommandType :: enum EnumBackingType {
RectangleElementConfig :: struct {
color: Color,
cornerRadius: CornerRadius,
TextWrapMode :: enum EnumBackingType {
TextElementConfig :: struct {
textColor: Color,
fontId: u16,
fontSize: u16,
letterSpacing: u16,
lineHeight: u16,
wrapMode: TextWrapMode,
ImageElementConfig :: struct {
imageData: rawptr,
sourceDimensions: Dimensions,
CustomElementConfig :: struct {
customData: rawptr,
BorderElementConfig :: struct {
left: BorderData,
right: BorderData,
top: BorderData,
bottom: BorderData,
betweenChildren: BorderData,
cornerRadius: CornerRadius,
ScrollElementConfig :: struct {
horizontal: bool,
vertical: bool,
FloatingAttachPointType :: enum EnumBackingType {
FloatingAttachPoints :: struct {
element: FloatingAttachPointType,
parent: FloatingAttachPointType,
FloatingElementConfig :: struct {
offset: Vector2,
expand: Dimensions,
zIndex: u16,
parentId: u32,
attachment: FloatingAttachPoints,
ElementConfigUnion :: struct #raw_union {
rectangleElementConfig: ^RectangleElementConfig,
textElementConfig: ^TextElementConfig,
imageElementConfig: ^ImageElementConfig,
customElementConfig: ^CustomElementConfig,
borderElementConfig: ^BorderElementConfig,
RenderCommand :: struct {
boundingBox: BoundingBox,
config: ElementConfigUnion,
text: String,
id: u32,
commandType: RenderCommandType,
ScrollContainerData :: struct {
// Note: This is a pointer to the real internal scroll position, mutating it may cause a change in final layout.
// Intended for use with external functionality that modifies scroll position, such as scroll bars or auto scrolling.
scrollPosition: ^Vector2,
scrollContainerDimensions: Dimensions,
contentDimensions: Dimensions,
config: ScrollElementConfig,
// Indicates whether an actual scroll container matched the provided ID or if the default struct was returned.
found: bool,
SizingType :: enum EnumBackingType {
SizingConstraintsMinMax :: struct {
min: c.float,
max: c.float,
SizingConstraints :: struct #raw_union {
sizeMinMax: SizingConstraintsMinMax,
sizePercent: c.float,
SizingAxis :: struct {
// Note: `min` is used for CLAY_SIZING_PERCENT, slightly different to clay.h due to lack of C anonymous unions
constraints: SizingConstraints,
type: SizingType,
Sizing :: struct {
width: SizingAxis,
height: SizingAxis,
Padding :: struct {
x: u16,
y: u16,
LayoutDirection :: enum EnumBackingType {
LayoutAlignmentX :: enum EnumBackingType {
LayoutAlignmentY :: enum EnumBackingType {
ChildAlignment :: struct {
x: LayoutAlignmentX,
y: LayoutAlignmentY,
LayoutConfig :: struct {
sizing: Sizing,
padding: Padding,
childGap: u16,
childAlignment: ChildAlignment,
layoutDirection: LayoutDirection,
ClayArray :: struct($type: typeid) {
capacity: u32,
length: u32,
internalArray: [^]type,
TypedConfig :: struct {
type: ElementConfigType,
config: rawptr,
id: ElementId,
@(link_prefix = "Clay_", default_calling_convention = "c")
foreign Clay {
MinMemorySize :: proc() -> u32 ---
CreateArenaWithCapacityAndMemory :: proc(capacity: u32, offset: [^]u8) -> Arena ---
SetPointerState :: proc(position: Vector2, pointerDown: bool) ---
Initialize :: proc(arena: Arena, layoutDimensions: Dimensions) ---
UpdateScrollContainers :: proc(enableDragScrolling: bool, scrollDelta: Vector2, deltaTime: c.float) ---
SetLayoutDimensions :: proc(dimensions: Dimensions) ---
BeginLayout :: proc() ---
EndLayout :: proc() -> ClayArray(RenderCommand) ---
PointerOver :: proc(id: ElementId) -> bool ---
GetElementId :: proc(id: String) -> ElementId ---
GetScrollContainerData :: proc(id: ElementId) -> ScrollContainerData ---
SetMeasureTextFunction :: proc(measureTextFunction: proc "c" (text: ^String, config: ^TextElementConfig) -> Dimensions) ---
RenderCommandArray_Get :: proc(array: ^ClayArray(RenderCommand), index: i32) -> ^RenderCommand ---
SetDebugModeEnabled :: proc(enabled: bool) ---
@(link_prefix = "Clay_", default_calling_convention = "c", private)
foreign Clay {
_OpenElement :: proc() ---
_CloseElement :: proc() ---
_ElementPostConfiguration :: proc() ---
_OpenTextElement :: proc(text: String, textConfig: ^TextElementConfig) ---
_AttachId :: proc(id: ElementId) ---
_AttachLayoutConfig :: proc(layoutConfig: ^LayoutConfig) ---
_AttachElementConfig :: proc(config: rawptr, type: ElementConfigType) ---
_StoreLayoutConfig :: proc(config: LayoutConfig) -> ^LayoutConfig ---
_StoreRectangleElementConfig :: proc(config: RectangleElementConfig) -> ^RectangleElementConfig ---
_StoreTextElementConfig :: proc(config: TextElementConfig) -> ^TextElementConfig ---
_StoreImageElementConfig :: proc(config: ImageElementConfig) -> ^ImageElementConfig ---
_StoreFloatingElementConfig :: proc(config: FloatingElementConfig) -> ^FloatingElementConfig ---
_StoreCustomElementConfig :: proc(config: CustomElementConfig) -> ^CustomElementConfig ---
_StoreScrollElementConfig :: proc(config: ScrollElementConfig) -> ^ScrollElementConfig ---
_StoreBorderElementConfig :: proc(config: BorderElementConfig) -> ^BorderElementConfig ---
_HashString :: proc(toHash: String, index: u32, seed: u32) -> ElementId ---
_GetOpenLayoutElementId :: proc() -> u32 ---
@(require_results, deferred_none = _CloseElement)
UI :: proc(configs: ..TypedConfig) -> bool {
for config in configs {
#partial switch (config.type) {
case ElementConfigType.Id:
case ElementConfigType.Layout:
_AttachElementConfig(config.config, config.type)
return true
Layout :: proc(config: LayoutConfig) -> TypedConfig {
return {type = ElementConfigType.Layout, config = _StoreLayoutConfig(config) }
Rectangle :: proc(config: RectangleElementConfig) -> TypedConfig {
return {type = ElementConfigType.Rectangle, config = _StoreRectangleElementConfig(config)}
Text :: proc(text: string, config: ^TextElementConfig) {
_OpenTextElement(MakeString(text), config)
TextConfig :: proc(config: TextElementConfig) -> ^TextElementConfig {
return _StoreTextElementConfig(config)
Image :: proc(config: ImageElementConfig) -> TypedConfig {
return {type = ElementConfigType.Image, config = _StoreImageElementConfig(config)}
Floating :: proc(config: FloatingElementConfig) -> TypedConfig {
return {type = ElementConfigType.Floating, config = _StoreFloatingElementConfig(config)}
Custom :: proc(config: CustomElementConfig) -> TypedConfig {
return {type = ElementConfigType.Custom, config = _StoreCustomElementConfig(config)}
Scroll :: proc(config: ScrollElementConfig) -> TypedConfig {
return {type = ElementConfigType.Scroll, config = _StoreScrollElementConfig(config)}
Border :: proc(config: BorderElementConfig) -> TypedConfig {
return {type = ElementConfigType.Border, config = _StoreBorderElementConfig(config)}
BorderOutside :: proc(outsideBorders: BorderData) -> TypedConfig {
return { type = ElementConfigType.Border, config = _StoreBorderElementConfig((BorderElementConfig){left = outsideBorders, right = outsideBorders, top = outsideBorders, bottom = outsideBorders}) }
BorderOutsideRadius :: proc(outsideBorders: BorderData, radius: f32) -> TypedConfig {
return { type = ElementConfigType.Border, config = _StoreBorderElementConfig(
(BorderElementConfig){left = outsideBorders, right = outsideBorders, top = outsideBorders, bottom = outsideBorders, cornerRadius = {radius, radius, radius, radius}},
) }
BorderAll :: proc(allBorders: BorderData) -> TypedConfig {
return { type = ElementConfigType.Border, config = _StoreBorderElementConfig((BorderElementConfig){left = allBorders, right = allBorders, top = allBorders, bottom = allBorders, betweenChildren = allBorders}) }
BorderAllRadius :: proc(allBorders: BorderData, radius: f32) -> TypedConfig {
return { type = ElementConfigType.Border, config = _StoreBorderElementConfig(
(BorderElementConfig){left = allBorders, right = allBorders, top = allBorders, bottom = allBorders, cornerRadius = {radius, radius, radius, radius}},
) }
CornerRadiusAll :: proc(radius: f32) -> CornerRadius {
return CornerRadius{radius, radius, radius, radius}
SizingFit :: proc(sizeMinMax: SizingConstraintsMinMax) -> SizingAxis {
return SizingAxis{type = SizingType.FIT, constraints = {sizeMinMax = sizeMinMax}}
SizingGrow :: proc(sizeMinMax: SizingConstraintsMinMax) -> SizingAxis {
return SizingAxis{type = SizingType.GROW, constraints = {sizeMinMax = sizeMinMax}}
SizingFixed :: proc(size: c.float) -> SizingAxis {
return SizingAxis{type = SizingType.FIXED, constraints = {sizeMinMax = {size, size}}}
SizingPercent :: proc(sizePercent: c.float) -> SizingAxis {
return SizingAxis{type = SizingType.PERCENT, constraints = {sizePercent = sizePercent}}
MakeString :: proc(label: string) -> String {
return String{chars = raw_data(label), length = cast(c.int)len(label)}
ID :: proc(label: string, index: u32 = 0) -> TypedConfig {
return { type = ElementConfigType.Id, id = _HashString(MakeString(label), index, 0) }