2019-09-13 14:30:17 +00:00
# Developer Portfolios
2019-09-14 00:57:19 +00:00
2019-09-13 14:18:58 +00:00
A list of developer portfolios for your inspiration
2019-09-13 14:30:17 +00:00
2019-12-28 23:37:21 +00:00
Have you built a portfolio? Are you proud of it?! Open a [PR ](./CONTRIBUTING.md ) to this repo and let's showcase your work! Refer to the [CONTRIBUTING ](./CONTRIBUTING.md ) file for direction.
2019-09-13 14:30:17 +00:00
2020-06-03 12:00:06 +00:00
This repo was inspired by [Ali Spittel's ](https://twitter.com/ASpittel ) tweet
2019-09-13 18:50:15 +00:00
[<img width="597" alt="Portfolio" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7671983/64871043-bab42880-d644-11e9-8e87-4a98d06339c9.png"> ](https://twitter.com/ASpittel/status/1171604728951779328 )
2019-09-13 14:38:27 +00:00
Hopefully this repo can serve as a source of inspiration for your portfolio!
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
2019-09-13 14:38:27 +00:00
2020-10-21 12:31:25 +00:00
**Jump to:** [A ](#a ) | [B ](#b ) | [C ](#c ) | [D ](#d ) | [E ](#e ) | [F ](#f ) | [G ](#g ) | [H ](#h ) | [I ](#i ) | [J ](#j ) | [K ](#k ) | [L ](#l ) | [M ](#m ) | [N ](#n ) | [O ](#o ) | [P ](#p ) | [Q ](#q ) | [R ](#r ) | [S ](#s ) | [T ](#t ) | [V ](#v ) | [W ](#w ) | [Y ](#y ) | [Z ](#z )
2020-09-25 15:02:53 +00:00
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## A
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Aashutosh Rathi ](https://aashutosh.dev )
* [Abdelouahed Medjoudja ](https://geekabdelouahed.github.io/flutter-web-portfolio )
2020-10-24 02:03:22 +00:00
* [Abdo elmkadmi ](https://aelmkadmi.com )
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Abdul Rauf ](https://armujahid.me )
* [Abhinav Galodha ](https://www.galodha.com )
* [Abhushan Adhikari Joshi ](https://www.abhushan.live/ )
* [Adam Alston ](https://www.adamalston.com )
* [Adam Conrad ](http://conradadam.com )
* [Aditya Vikram Singh ](https://www.adityavsingh.com/ )
* [Agney Menon ](https://agney.dev )
* [Ahmad Awais ](https://ahmadawais.com/ )
* [Ahsan Khan ](https://ahsankhan.me/ )
* [Akhil Jacob John ](https://akhiljacobjohn.github.io/ )
* [Akshat Gupta ](https://www.akshatvg.com )
* [Alejandro Sobko ](http://alejandrosobko.com )
* [Alestor Aldous ](http://alestor123.github.io/ )
* [Alex Goff ](http://alex-goff.com )
* [Alexander Schmidt ](https://alexanderschmidt.info/ )
* [Alexey Golub ](http://tyrrrz.me )
* [Alfred Dagenais ](https://alfreddagenais.com )
* [Ali Spittel ](http://alispit.tel )
* [Aloys Dillar ](https://trolologuy.github.io/ )
* [Aman Mittal ](http://amanhimself.dev )
* [Amit Gujar ](https://amitgujar.github.io/ )
* [Amruth Pillai ](https://amruthpillai.com )
* [Andrew Woods ](https://andrewwoods.net )
* [Andy Bell ](https://andy-bell.design/ )
* [Anil Khatri ](https://imkaka.github.io )
* [Ankit Kumar ](https://ankitdroidgit.github.io/ )
* [Anshuman Verma ](https://anshumanv.dev/ )
* [Antoni Kepinski ](https://kepinski.me )
* [Anurag Hazra ](https://anuraghazra.github.io )
* [Arjun Ganesan ](https://arjun-g.com )
* [Aromal Anil ](https://aromalanil.me )
* [Ashlee Boyer ](http://ashleemboyer.dev )
* [Atanas Atanasov ](https://atanas.info )
* [Avi Patil ](https://avipatilweb.me )
* [Azhar Zafar ](http://azharr.com )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## B
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Bankole Ahmed ](http://bankoleahmed.netlify.com )
* [Becca Bailey ](http://Becca.is )
* [Bekah Hawrot Weigel ](http://bekahhw.github.io )
* [Benjamin Lannon ](https://lannonbr.com )
* [Berat Bozkurt ](https://beratbozkurt.net/ )
* [Bertil Tandayamo ](https://www.bertiltandayamo.me/ )
* [Bhavani Ravi ](http://bhavaniravi.com )
* [Bilal Tahseen ](https://finalartproduct.com )
* [Bob Matyas ](https://www.bobmatyas.com )
* [Bouwe Westerdijk ](https://bouwe.io )
* [Brad Garropy ](https://bradgarropy.com )
* [Brianna Roby ](http://brianna-roby.com )
* [Brittany Chiang ](https://brittanychiang.com )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## C
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Cade Kynaston ](https://cade.codes )
* [Caitlyn Greffly ](https://caitlyngreffly.com/ )
* [Casper Hauge ](http://csr-design.dk )
* [Casper Iversen ](https://caspertheghost.me )
* [Cecelia Martinez ](http://ceceliacreates.com )
* [Charles C. Pustejovsky III ](https://cpustejovsky.com/ )
* [Chetan Padia ](https://chetbox.com )
* [Chetan Raj ](https://chetanraj.in/ )
* [Chetanya Kandhari ](https://availchet.github.io )
* [Chicago IT Systems ](https://www.chicagoitsystems.com/ )
* [Chris Otto ](https://chrisotto.dev/ )
* [Chris Poole ](https://chrispoole.com )
* [Christian Kaisermann ](https://kaisermann.me )
* [Chuck Smith ](https://chucksmith.dev )
* [Chuckz Okoye ](https://chuckzokoye.com )
* [Cole Emeruche ](https://coleruche.com/works/ )
* [Colin Lord ](https://colinlord.com/ )
* [Collins Koech ](https://collinskoechportfolio.web.app )
* [Conlin Durbin ](https://wuz.fyi )
2020-09-15 17:17:08 +00:00
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## D
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Damian Markowski ](http://damianmarkowski.pl )
* [Daniel Canetti ](https://danielcanetti.com/ )
* [Danstan Onyango ](https://zemuldo.com/ )
* [Davide Santangelo ](https://davidesantangelo.com )
* [Deepraj Rakshit ](http://deeprajrakshit.me/ )
* [Denis Tokarev ](https://devlato.com )
* [Dick Wyn Yong ](https://dickwyn.xyz )
* [Dillion Megida ](http://dillionmegida.com/me )
* [Dimitri Pashutskii ](https://dpashutskii.com/ )
* [Dino Gomez ](https://dinogomez.github.io/ )
* [Drew Bredvick ](https://drew.tech/ )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## E
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Efrén Martínez Rodríguez ](https://www.efrenmartinez.dev/ )
* [Elio Jordan Lopes ](https://develioper.vercel.app )
* [Emily Kondziola ](https://emilykondziola.com/ )
* [Emmanuel ADEKPLOVI ](https://homescriptone.com )
* [Enea Xharja ](https://eneaxharja.com )
* [Ezekiel Ekunola ](https://ezekielekunola.com )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## F
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Faisal Ahmed Khan ](https://FaisalAhmedKhan.github.io/ )
* [Fayaz Bin Salam ](https://p32929.github.io/ )
* [Felix Leupold ](https://xiel.dev )
* [Fidalgo Pedro ](http://fidalgo.dev )
* [Flavia Medici ](https://t.co/iQK1Hbx8xD?amp=1 )
* [Franklin Castellanos ](https://onecastell.github.io )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## G
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Gabriel Romualdo ](https://xtrp.io/ ) ([@xtrp](https://github.com/xtrp))
* [Gabriela Radu ](http://www.gabrielaradu.me/ )
* [Gabriele Corti ](https://borntofrappe.github.io/ )
* [Garv Nanwani ](https://garvnanwani.netlify.app/ )
* [Genesis Gabiola ](https://genesisgabiola.now.sh/ )
* [Georgi Yanev ](https://gyanev.com )
* [Gherciu Gheorghe ](https://gherciu.github.io/portfolio/ )
* [Gianluca Fiore ](http://gianlucafiore.it )
* [Gift Egwuenu ](https://giftegwuenu.com )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## H
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Hassan Ahmed ](https://hassan11196.codes )
* [Hassan Murtaza ](https://hassanmurtaza.com )
* [Herman Starikov ](http://starikov.dev )
* [Hulya Karakaya ](https://hulya.netlify.app/ )
* [Hungry Bear Studio ](https://www.hungrybearstudios.com/ )
* [Huzaifa Mustafa ](https://www.huzaifamustafa.com/ )
* [Houari Zegai ](https://zegai.netlify.com/ )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
2020-07-25 01:14:02 +00:00
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## I
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Ian Trent ](https://iantrent.com )
* [Ibrahim Hizlioglu ](https://www.ibrahimhizlioglu.com )
* [Isitha Subasinghe ](https://isub.dev )
* [Ismail Ghallou aka Smakosh ](https://smakosh.com )
* [Iulian Rotaru ](https://iulian.rotaru.fr )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## J
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Jacob Herper ](https://herper.io )
* [Jahir Fiquitiva ](https://jahir.dev )
* [Jai Kirdatt ](https://JaiK.me )
* [Jainam Desai ](https://th3c0d3br34ker.github.io )
* [Jakub Łukasiewicz ](https://joren.ga )
* [James Mutuku ](https://jim4067.github.io/portfolio/ )
* [James Turner ](http://turnerj.com )
* [Jamie Hammond ](https://jamiehammond.dev/ )
* [Jane Manchun Wong ](http://wongmjane.com )
* [Janessa Tran ](http://janessatran.github.io )
* [Jens van Wijhe ](https://jens.ai )
* [Jeremy Grifski ](https://jeremygrifski.com/ )
* [Jerry Hirsch ](https://jerryhirsch.com/ )
* [Jibin Thomas ](http://jibin.tech )
* [Jim Raptis ](http://www.raptis.wtf )
* [Jo Lienhoop ](https://jolienhoop.com/ )
* [Jordan Liu ](https://jordanxliu.com )
* [Josef Aidt ](https://josefaidt.dev )
* [Joseph Friedman ](http://DecentGradient.com )
* [Julia Johnson ](http://juliacodes.com )
2020-02-26 00:58:49 +00:00
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## K
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Kaleigh Scruggs ](http://kaleighscruggs.com )
* [Kamran Hamid ](https://mkamranhamid.netlify.com )
* [Kapil Gorve ](http://jskap.com )
* [Karen Fletcher ](https://knpfletcher.dev )
* [Karthik Menon ](https://www.karthikmenon.com/ )
* [Katheesh ](https://katheesh.buzz ) [console ](https://katheesh.github.io/console/ )
* [Kenny Tran Co ](https://www.kennytran.co )
* [Kumar Abhirup ](http://kumar.now.sh )
* [Kunal Gaurav ](https://kunalgaurav.me )
* [Kyle Harrison ](http://kyle.teamharrison.ca )
* [Kyle Shook ](http://Kyleshook.com )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## L
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Laurie Barth ](http://laurieontech.dev )
* [Leandro Simões ](https://lesimoes.dev )
* [Lee Warrick ](http://leewarrick.com )
* [Lisa Blunt ](https://lisablunt.github.io )
* [Lisa Savoie ](http://lscodes.com )
* [Liz Lam ](https://lizlam.github.io/ )
* [Long Do ](https://longpdo.github.io/ )
* [Louay Hamada ](https://louayhamada.com )
* [Luca Fluri ](https://www.lucafluri.ch/ )
* [Luca Lischetti ](https://sirlisko.com )
* [Luis Cacho ](https://luiscachog.io )
* [Luisa Rojas García ](https://luisarojas.com )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## M
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Madhan K ](https://madhank93.github.io/ )
* [Mads Hougesen ](https://mhouge.dk/ )
* [Marc Backes ](http://marc.dev )
* [Marcos Aguayo ](https://marcosaguayo.com )
* [Margaret M Barringer ](http://webwabisabi.com )
* [Mario Kandut ](https://www.mariokandut.com )
* [Marouane Rassili ](https://mrassili.com )
* [Mason Slover ](https://github.com/MasonSlover/ProcessingPortfolio )
* [Matt Filer ](http://mattfiler.co.uk )
* [Matteo Lobello ](https://matteolobello.it )
* [Maya Shavin ](https://www.mayashavin.com/ )
* [Md Nabil Ahsan ](https://www.mdnabilahsan.com/ )
2020-10-22 15:52:07 +00:00
* [Mertcan Kose ](https://mertcankose.vercel.app )
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Michelle Brenner ](http://MichelleBrenner.com )
* [Miguel Rodriguez ](https://migu.es )
* [Mike Perry Y Attara ](https://mikeattara.com )
* [Mimi Kim ](https://seeyouspacecow.com )
* [Mitul Savani ](http://mitulsavani.com )
* [Mohamed Abdel Nasser ](https://www.mohdabdelnasser.live/ )
* [Mohammad Darmousa ](https://mdarmousa.github.io/ )
* [Mohammed Boudad ](https://matrixersp.design/ )
* [Moritz Kornher ](https://moritzkornher.de/ )
* [Mostafa Sameti ](https://sameti.dev/ )
* [Mouad ZIANI ](https://mouadziani.github.io/ )
* [Muhammad Muhaddis ](https://muhaddis.info )
* [Muhammad ](http://muhammadraza.me )
* [Muntadhar Haydar ](https://muntadhar.net )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## N
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Nacho Caiafa ](https://nachokai.github.io/rpg-cv )
* [Nam Phan ](https://namtphan.github.io )
* [Nesrine Sghaier ](https://nesrinesghaier.me )
* [Nico van Zyl ](https://nicovanzyl.com )
* [Nicolo Rebughini ](https://nirebu.com/ )
* [Nurhak Altı n ](https://nurhakaltin.com )
2020-08-01 16:07:51 +00:00
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## O
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Olaolu Olawuyi ](https://olaolu.dev )
* [Omar Gastón Chalas ](https://ogaston.com/ )
* [Om Shrivastava ](https://omshrivastava.me/ )
* [OOQQ ](https://ooqq.me )
* [Opeyemi Obembe ](http://obem.be/opeyemi )
* [Oscar Tian ](http://www.bluexguardian.com )
* [Oussama Bouchikhi ](https://oussamabouchikhi.github.io/ )
* [Oussama Bonnor ](https://oussamabonnor1.github.io/portfolio/ )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## P
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Pandiyan Murugan ](https://pandiyancool.github.io/pandiyan.cool/ )
* [Patricia Aas ](https://patricia.no/ )
* [Patrick Hyatt ](https://www.patrickhyatt.com/ )
* [Patrick Lehmann ](https://patlehmann1.github.io/react_portfolio/ )
* [Patrick Obermeier ](https://www.patrickobermeier.dev/ )
* [Patrick Reid ](http://iamreliq.com )
* [Pavel Rahman ](https://pavstar619.github.io/pavel.rahman/ )
* [Praveen Kumar Purushothaman ](https://praveen.science/ )
* [Praveen Saini ](https://praveen-me.github.io )
* [Priyadharshini Rajaram ](https://priya.ws/ )
* [Pushpak Chhajed ](https://pushpak1300.github.io/ )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
2020-08-25 04:34:11 +00:00
## Q
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Qudusayo A ](https://mequdusayo.netlify.app )
2020-08-25 04:34:11 +00:00
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## R
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Rafael Solis Melo ](https://rsmelo92.github.io/portfolio/ )
* [Rahul Mahesh ](https://rahulmahesh.netlify.com )
* [Rahul Sawant ](http://raalzz.com )
* [Rajan Bhattarai ](https://cdrrazan.com )
* [Rick Hanlon ](https://rickhanlonii.github.io/ )
* [Riley J. Shaw ](https://rileyjshaw.com )
* [Rimenes Ribeiro ](https://rimenesribeiro.com )
* [Rohith V ](http://rohithvazhathody.pythonanywhere.com/ )
* [Roland L. Taylor ](http://rolandixor.pro )
* [Roman Smunyov ](https://romanisthere.github.io/ )
* [Ropo John Olatujoye ](http://simplycrownclothing.herokuapp.com )
* [Roshan Kr Soni ](https://roshankrsoni.github.io )
* [Ryan Burgess ](http://ryanburgess.com )
* [Ryan MacLean ](http://ryanmaclean.com )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## S
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Sachin Srinivasan ](https://s8sachin.github.io/ )
* [Sagar Giri ](https://girisagar46.github.io/ )
* [Samir Djelal ](https://samirdjelal.com/ )
* [Santosh Yadav ](http://santoshyadav.dev )
* [Saurabh Daware ](https://www.saurabhdaware.in/ )
* [Saurav M H ](https://sauravmh.com )
* [Scott Spence ](https://scottspence.com )
* [Sedanur Yı ldı z ](https://sedanuryildiz.com )
* [Shaan Khan ](https://www.shaankhan.dev/ )
* [Shahid Shaikh ](http://shahidshaikh.com )
* [Shannon Crabill ](http://shannoncrabill.com )
* [Shuvam Manna ](http://shuvam.xyz )
* [Simon Gilbert ](https://www.simongilbert.net )
* [Simon Knott ](https://simonknott.de )
* [Soham Mondal ](https://sohammondal.com )
* [Sonu kumar kushwaha ](https://flyingsonu122.github.io/ )
* [Sourav Dutta ](http://i-am-souravdutta.firebaseapp.com )
* [Sree Godavarthi ](http://sreegodavarthi.github.io )
* [Stefan Bohacek ](https://fourtonfish.com/ )
* [Stephen Klop ](https://stephenklop.nl )
* [Subhayu Kr Bala ](http://subhayu.me )
* [Sulaiman Kareem ](https://suleiman94.github.io/ )
* [Syeda Aimen Batool ](http://aimen.dev )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## T
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Tejas Kumar ](http://tej.as )
* [Thea Mushambadze ](https://highflyer910.github.io/ )
* [Tom Sherman ](https://tom-sherman.com )
* [Travis Fischer ](https://transitivebullsh.it )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## V
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Vaibhav Singh ](http://vaibhavsingh97.com )
* [Valentine Elum ](https://vahlcode.vercel.app )
* [Varun Dey ](https://varundey.me )
* [Vatsal Shah ](https://vatsalshah.in )
* [Vicente G. Reyes ](https://highcenburg.herokuapp.com/ )
* [Victor Aremu ](http://bit.ly/victoraremu )
* [Vidushan Chooriyakumaran ](https://vidu.sh/an )
* [Vincent Milum Jr ](http://darkain.com )
* [Vishwasa Navada K ](https://vishwas.tech )
* [Vito Sartori ](https://vito.io )
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
2019-12-23 12:18:25 +00:00
## W
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Wajahat Ali Abid ](https://wajahataliabid.github.io/ )
2019-12-23 12:18:25 +00:00
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## Y
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Yash Johri ](https://yash1200.github.io/ )
* [Yechiel Kalmenson ](https://yechiel.me )
* [YiMing Han ](https://yiminghan.com )
* [Yuri Faria ](https://windows87.github.io/ )
2019-09-25 18:44:05 +00:00
2019-12-19 08:33:46 +00:00
## Z
2020-10-22 15:41:02 +00:00
* [Ziyad ](https://ziyadsk.github.io/portfolio-V2/ )
* [Zonayed Ahmed ](https://zonayed.me/ )
* [Zunaid Aslam ](https://zunaidaslam.com )