diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index baed217..5c6e125 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,11 +1,41 @@
-# Ferx - A basic game engine written in c++
+# Ferx
+Ferx is a basic game engine written in c++
[![CMake on a single platform](https://github.com/coderloff/ferx/actions/workflows/cmake-single-platform.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/coderloff/ferx/actions/workflows/cmake-single-platform.yml)
-## 🛠️ Build
-For building, type `make` and enter the directory `build`. After that, just type `./editor` to run the build
+## Build
+To clone repo:
+git clone https://github.com/coderloff/learnopengl
+After clonning the repo, update the submodules:
+git submodule update --init
+That's it! You can build and run the project with `make` command
+### Commands
+Here is the list of each `make` command:
+`make` - builds the project and runs it (default: debug)
+`make debug` - builds the project as debug
+`make release` - builds the project as release
+`make run` - runs the executable
+`make clean` - cleans the build target
+`make clean-all` - deletes build directory
+## Dependencies
+Required dependencies: git cmake make ninja
+## Libraries
-## 📦 Dependencies
-* **GLAD**
* **GLFW**
-* **ImGUI**
+* **GLAD**
+* **GLM**
+* **ImGUI*