# Ferx Ferx is a basic game engine written in c++ [![CMake on a single platform](https://github.com/coderloff/ferx/actions/workflows/cmake-single-platform.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/coderloff/ferx/actions/workflows/cmake-single-platform.yml) ![Ferx](https://i.ibb.co/4mDhSpc/Ferx-Cube.png) ## Build To clone repo: ```bash git clone https://github.com/coderloff/ferx ``` After clonning the repo, update the submodules: ```bash git submodule update --init ``` That's it! You can build and run the project with `make` command ### Commands Here is the list of each `make` command: `make` - builds the project and runs it (default: debug)
`make debug` - builds the project as debug
`make release` - builds the project as release
`make run` - runs the executable
`make clean` - cleans the build target
`make clean-all` - deletes build directory
## Dependencies Required dependencies: `git` `cmake` `make` `ninja` ## Libraries * **GLFW** * **GLAD** * **GLM** * **ImGUI**